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  1. Krowley

    Aux's blend had taken root as well and traded his plaid pruple shirt for a festive santa coat. He also gained a santa hat to top off his head. He honestly hadn't taken much notice since he was so accustomed to having a hat before... He looked at Karina almost dismissively as he got a quick look at her new form. He still didn't know where he fully stood for her, so his attention instead went to the matter at hand. In the snow, they found frozen blobs of inkling footprints welded into the snow. The footprints seemed to be going into the local town below. Whoever this mystery rat-man was he was apparently going to cause trouble. "Sooner we find the guy, sooner we go back to spookytown..." Aux replied. He began walking on ahead, not paying attention if Karina followed or not.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 25, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley

    Objective: Blend into Christmastown or Halloweentown
    Information: Find Oogie or Blotimer!
    Reward: 20,000 EXP​

    Halloweentown Storyline - Quill, AJ, Luna, Kel, Kaida
    Christmastown Storyline - Karina, Aux, Faust, Beuce

    Aux wasn't sure what this guy did that ticked off Karina at this point, but he had given up questioning her train of thought. He assumed it was an ex-boyfriend or other abusive family. He looked back to AJ as the blonde boy again questioned the lack of difficulty in their quest to find Oogie. "It's better not to ask," he quickly remarked as he inspected the Christmastown tree further.

    Quill had already yelled to the group as he raced off."I don't that guy has anyone's contact info..." Aux shrugged before offering to exchange his phone info with Kel. "Good luck on your half."

    Kel and Aux have exchanged numbers.

    Aux peered into the snowy abyss of the inside of the tree as he descended through a blizzard-like portal, hopping out the other side into a more colder terrain. Everything was snow covered and the city nearby was brimming with lights and festivity. It was a very jolly scene to behold, making Aux very out of his element. "I changed my mind. I liked the spooky place better..."
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 22, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley

    "Why Oogie Boogie of course!" The devil boy spoke out. "And we're his loyal assistants! Lock!"
    "Shock!" The witch girl added.
    "And Barrel!" The skeleton boy spoke out.

    The three of them hopped back into their walking bathtub and giggled as their bathtub carried them away. The group was now left with 2 choices... on the road to Halloweentown awaited Oogie Boogie. And on the road to Christmas town was a horrible inkling from their past.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 19, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley
    Buying - Hummingbird, Zantetsuken,

    Spent: 2,700 Munny.

    Claiming +10 HP from hitting 210 Achievement points.
    Equipping Moogle Badge, Titan Chain and White Gloves

    (+6 HP) (+5 HP)
    (+1 MP)
    (+5 AP) (+3 AP)
    (+5 DEF)
    (+5 RES)
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 17, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Krowley
    Claiming the reward for Updating NEQUA Wiki Page
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 17, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  6. Krowley

    Aux was confused by the holiday comment by AJ. None of these were holidays he had ever heard of. Christmas tree did remind him of home though. Plenty of pine trees back on his homeworld. He was even more confused at the oversized rat comment from Karina.

    She means an actual rat, doesn't she?" He asked bluntly to Beuce.

    As they continued to investigate, a young high pitched voice interrupted them.
    "What kind of costumes are those!?"

    Behind them were three children in Halloween costumes. A girl in a witch costume, a boy with a devil costume and another boy with a skeleton costume. They all wore creepy masks as they hopped out of their walking bathtub.

    "They don't even look scary!" The skeleton boy added.
    "We should tell the pumpkin king and have them punished the devil snickered.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley

    Aux stepped into the dark forest, looking around at all the dead tress surrounding him. He looked to each of the trees with a symbol painted on them. Each one of them had a very old a rustic doorknob that was roughly the size of an egg. He tried to open the one with the turkey o it but it was locked. "This one's locked," he called back. He turned to find Karina inspecting the Christmas Tree.

    The doorknob on the Christmas door had been jimmied and forced open as a thick lay of black ink corroded Karina's fingers as she ran her hand over the door. Wet paint, maybe? Either way it looked to be an open door. "Anything on that door?" he asked Karina.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 12, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    Completed the Princesses of Heart Wiki Page
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 11, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  9. Krowley
    The Gummi Ship they left on was set to Auto-pilot by DJ since no one really knew how to properly fly the ship.
    The nine of them boarded and flew off to the next world where they departed onto a very dark and spooky night...


    Everyone found themselves in a barren forest where the trees cast shadows that looked disturbed and haunting. They found themselves in a clearing surrounded by several trees, each with interesting symbols on them. A colorful egg, a turkey, a Christmas tree and a few others.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 5, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    Spending my hoarded crowns.

    +4 to Strength (120 Crowns)
    +37 to Speed (400 Crowns)
    +7 to Defense (210 Crowns)
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 29, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. Krowley
    Luna and Aux arrived at Shiro's training session just as Everyone else was wrapping things up.

    Shiro nodded his head as he turned off the simulator.The water around the raft had settled as the storm immediately ceased producing electricity and water. The raft sunk down to the floor, as everyone was now stable and able to climb off. Karina, Kel, Faust and Ven had finished the storm course.

    Shiro clapped his hands. "MARVELOUS! PLENTY TO WORK ON, BUT WE'LL GET THERE!" he enthusiastically stated with a thumbs up. He approached
    "Master Karina, you have the will of fire within you! You are persistent, but the pursuit of that drive could get you burned...
    Master Kelford, you are a solid warrior with a level head... but you lack the determination to solidify your resolve.
    "Master Faustules! You lack direction. Lightning is nothing without a current to follow."
    He went up to Ven finally and patted his head. "Good job, kid."

    Yen Sid arrived in time as everyone had assembled. "Master Yen Sid! How did your pupils fair."
    "Well enough for their first dive. There is much they need to discover. But they should be able to attain their goal given enough practice. Soul searching is never a simple task."

    DJ had caught up with the group as he looked around, doing a head count in silence. "Good, you're all here...Council Room in 10 minutes..."



    Everyone reconvened in the main Council Room, as DJ took command of the room.He activated the center panel of the tabel, entering in the profiles he gathered from Alex. "After talking to Alex, I found some legitimate intel on our elusive Hellfire Club."
    "Sure the intel is legitimate?" Shiro asked.
    "Yeah, I'm sure." He said confidently.
    Ten pictures were scattered in holographic profiles.


    "As far as we're aware, these 10 people are responsible for hunting the Princesses of Heart.
    MALEFICENT. Mistress of Evil. She's the second in command for the group. Powerful magic user.
    MIZRABEL. Mistress of Illusion. From what I recall you guys managed to wipe her out when you fell into the realm of darkness in the Castle of Illusion.
    CAPTAIN HOOK. From what I can tell, mostly joined up for his vessel use. You guys took him out in Neverland.
    HADES. God of the dead. You guys ran into him on Olympus, but from what Alex told me, he severed ties with the group for "Creative Differences."
    OOGIE BOOGIE. A bag of bugs..."
    DJ paused briefly. "That's all I know about him..."
    He continued on.

    "JAFAR. Powerful sorcerer from Agrabah. Apparently he may have the ability of mind control...
    THE HORSEMAN. Herald of the group. Has no head but you've ran into him the longest. Spotted in Beast's Castle, Wonderland, and Native Grounds. Very Deadly.
    URSULA. Sea Witch. impressive magic but you guys also destroyed her in Atlantica.
    DR. FACILIER. Voodoo user. Got a lot of shadow spies and is a master manipulator."

    Faust's shadow gave a sinister smirk.

    "And finally. THE HORNED KING. Leader of the group. He doesn't have much on his profile, but he has vast connections. He's looking for something called the Black Cauldron. We don't know what it's for yet, " He zoomed in on Oogie's profile.

    "Far as I know, they have 6 active members. Least threatening one looks to be Oogie Boogie.I don't wanna risk fracturing all of you since you just reunited again. Shiro and I will investigate the Enchanted Dominion to hunt down Maleficent. Yen Sid, Eraqus and Ventus will hold down the fort. That means the 9 of you will be going to Halloween Town." he informed the group.

    "I also updated your Gummi phones with DATA MISSIONS. to help keep everyone up to date with the phone's almanac," DJ nodded.
    "Take what you all can. You leave for Halloweentown tomorrow..."

    AJ leveled up! (72) (73) (74)
    Aux leveled up! (72) (73) (74)
    Beuce leveled up! (71) (72) (73)
    Faust leveled up! (71) (72) (73) (74)
    Kaida leveled up! (70) (71) (72)
    Karina leveled up! (72) (73) (74)
    Kel leveled up! (72) (73) (74)
    Luna leveled up! (72) (73) (74)
    Quill leveled up! (66) (67) (69)
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 28, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley

    Aux was sitting at the edge of the belltower overlooking Central haven
    Fiddling around with his phone, he heard Luna approach. "You couldn't do it either?"
    Luna walked over to Aux as he was fiddling with the gummi-phone. He looked over to her to ask about the phone. She shook her head as she took out her phone. "Koa and I figured out a bit before we went to bed last night." She scrolled through her phone a bit before putting it in her pocket.
    "I know its important to do our part. But I don't want to lose the part of myself that means the most..." He looked over to her. "What'd you figure out exactly?"

    "Oh. That..." Luna was a little confused on what she couldn't do. Once she realized, she shook her head. "No....To do what needs to be done...I can't sacrifice the very lives I want to protect." Luna scratched her head. "For a moment there, I had thought you were referring to these phones. I can see that's not the case at the moment." She paused. "My apologies."

    "Yeah... i had to get used to them when I moved here..." Aux chuckled. "I never liked how the buttons were too small for my hands... still are." He sighed heavily as he leaned onto his back with his legs dangling over the ledge. "Even when I think i beat my darkness.. it still wants more from me. And you... your entire life you've been this princess of life. And still light demands more from you. I always thought you being a princess was this giant rare blessing... turns out its the same burden."

    Luna nodded her head to show she was listening. After a few moments, Luna shook her head. “I may have been a princess since birth, but not a princess of light.” She paused. “I was in the dark about that just as everyone else was. I have doubts that my parents even had a inkling about it, much less kept it hidden from me all this time.” The princess sighed as she looked over at the belltower. She brought herself back to her Mark of Mastery exam and the moment the four names were revealed to her group. She rubbed her temple slightly before shaking her head. “A princess is more than just some pretty face that waves to the crowd or dances at a ball. She is to look out for her people, fight for people, and to make sure they are happy and well. That is what a princess is.” She continued to stare at the belltower. “There are times where I have wished I wasn’t a royal because of how taxing it is but then I immediately take it back because I would not trade it for anything else.” Luna took the crown off her head as she stared at each individual piece of it. For such a small object, it carried a huge weight for her and reminded her of what was important. “In these times, it’s especially important to remind myself of that.” She paused. “And to remember I have a support system I can turn to when I feel low.” She turned to Aux. “A burden that darkness may be, but no one said you have to bear that all on your own. You have friends that care for you and support you. That’s why I can’t go through with this training. There’s too many people I can’t forget and abandon when all is said and done. I won’t do it.”

    Aux looked down at her phone and took it from her hands. He entered in his number. "Well that support goes both ways," he replied, handing it back to her. "And if its any consolation, I never look at you as a princess. I mean the crown's a giveaway, but I'm always gonna know you as the mermaid who slapped me," Aux smirked.

    Luna looked on as Aux entered in his own number. She took back her phone once Aux gave it back. With a smirk, he recalled some prior events that had happened before their arrival. She sighed before scratching her head. "I've apologized for that incident. Though it seems you are still upset over that. Again, my apologies! I just couldn't leave them while the situation was still tense. I apologize for my behavior back then." Luna bowed her head slightly as she gave her apologies

    Aux felt awkward being bowed to and looked around to make sure no one was watching.
    "I mean you don't have to do all that... besides, you should never apologize for being you..." he didn't really know how to respond to the bowing so he lightly patted her on the head to comfort her.

    Luna stood back up before a chuckle left her mouth. "I appreciate your words." She put a hand on her head before crossing her arms. "However, if I am to be me, those apologies will come included. No if's, and's, or buts's." Luna fixed her crown a bit before looking out at the belltower again.

    With an arched eyebrow, Aux faced the same direction as Luna. The sun was starting to go down a bit as the day had went on. He thought to himself for a moment as he tried not to stare directly at the sun. "What if we don't have to sacrifice as much as we think... maybe... maybe somewhere out there is a source of light strong enough to get you to that final level." He turned to back to face her. "Know anything like that?"

    Luna put her hand under her chin as she pondered Aux's questions. After a few moments, Luna shook her head. "Unfortunately, there is no other source. At the current moment, Artemis and Apollo are, from what I've been told, keeping what's left of my home stable. It's at the very brink of near disappearance. If one of them were to stop, I don't think any of my people will ever see home again." She sighed as she recalled the conversation she had with her brother aboard the Sanctuary. The princess crossed her arms as she closed her eyes. "Even if my brother and I are able to restore it, there's still the power struggle to contend to. The only people I can think of that might have any sort of clue about that subject..." She paused before opening her eyes. "Luci did had me an astral-sphere should I need to reach him....Perhaps she can assist me or he can for that matter as well." Luna put her thumb under her chin as the rest of her hand covered her mouth.

    "So why don't you call them?" Aux asked

    Luna looked at the sphere before sighing. "I would but it's a little complicated at the moment. I'm not sure my brother will answer." She scratched her head as she pondered for another moment. "On one hand, there could be the chance he isn't preoccupied with anything." She paused. "On the other hand, he could be in a meeting or in a place where it could be inconvenient." Luna crossed her arms as she thought on the possibilities.

    Aux shrugged. "Couldn't hurt to try... I'm sure he'd at least make time for his sister." He pondered to himself before looking down at the orb. "Whatve you got to lose?"

    Luna nodded her head as she kept her eyes on the sphere. She knew her brother would definitely for her, however, she didn't want to add on any more burdens than he was already dealing with. "Like I've stated, our situation has gotten...complicated. We currently have a lot at stake right now. I just don't want to let my call be the domino that brings loss." The princess sighed before taking a deep breath. Even with everything that was going on, she shook her head and steeled her nerves. "Maybe, Lucien can put those two on the line...." She moved her hand to hover over the sphere. Her sphere started to glow as Luna took in another deep breath. "Star of Apollo..." A streak of light rose up from the sphere. The streak expanded as it took shape. A figure of a man was soon formed from the light. Luna looked up at the figure before calling out to it. "Luci?" The figure then responded. "Luna?"
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    Central Haven Detention Centre

    DJ sat across from Alex on the other side of the holding cell. Th two of them sat silently as DJ tried to speak but nothing come out of his mouth.
    "Man, you suck at interrogation..." Alex scoffed.
    DJ looked down at his tablet. "Well I'm not exactly in love with the idea of this either. Besides, not like you'd ever give up willingly."
    "You don't know what I'd do," he replied in offense.
    "Once upon a time, I could've... Now? You're just gonna keep defying me regardless of what I think is best for everyone!"
    "It's always about what you think, right? Look where that got you..."
    "ME?! You're the one in prison?!"
    "Yeah, not one on one though. You against me, I'd win every time..."
    "YES! Happy?! You win Alex! You're stronger than me! You're the better wielder! You always were! Does that satisfy you? You can stop being such a prick now?!"
    Alex remained quiet for a moment. "You weren't even trying..."
    DJ clenched his fists. "I don't know what it is you want, but THIS. Stops now. Whatever problems you have with me stop now. Tell me what you want from me. Ever since I joined the order, all you've done is badger me for it. What did you want a seat at the table? Take it! There's literally 3 slots open now, you get to be the big hotshot if that's what you want."
    Alex stayed quiet, glaring at his former friend.

    "What do you want?!" DJ barked at him.
    Another few seconds passed before Alex spoke again. "I don't know anymore... I joined this group because I thought, If I could keep up, then I could join your rank. Not feel like I was left behind again."
    "What do you mean 'again,' I never went anywhere!"
    "Yes you did. All your time was to that stupid order... Your dad worked for them, and so you did to. Then you joined them. Then we hung out less, then whenever I tried to confront you, you were working on some stupid project." DJ settled down after hearing this confession. "Beating you didn't make me feel better, and those red society dorks are way too intense.. So I gave up. Plain and simple." Alex scoffed for a brief moment. "It's sad that this is the longest we've talked in years... Well go ahead... let the lecture continue," he shrugged.

    DJ stood for a moment before stepping into the other room and pulling out a guitar.
    "You... still have that?" Alex asked in shock.
    He handed the guitar to Alex as he accepted it. "I adjusted the watt outage to match your thunder aura... One of those dumb projects I was working on."
    Alex began to strum some of the strongs as a light green hue emanated from the axe guitar.
    "After my Dad died, I wanted to make sure his life's work wasn't in vein. I just got lost between life and work, I guess... I know we still have a lotta stuff to hash out, but everyone needs your help. I need your help.. I know of the Red Society, but I need to know the names of anyone from the Hellfire Club... "
    Alex looked down at his axe where he carved their makeshift band name 'Lockdown.'

    "You're a smart guy. Who says I cant just keep the guitar and let you figure it it 'Dwayne."
    "Because I know your not that big a *kupo* 'Alester'..."
    "Well I ain't helpin, so tough."
    "Yes you are."
    "Piss off."
    "Alphabetical, if you could. Oh and their homeworld co-ordinates would be major," He said, jotting down on his pad.
    "Stop that!"
    "Stop what?"
    "You KNOW What!"

    Post by: Krowley, Nov 2, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    Some time had passed as Shiro gave them a very generous amount of cooldown time. "Very impressive thus far. This 3 part course has been known make and break powerful wielders, but I'm glad to see you all persevering and honing to your strengths... the final test is quite simple. Stay on the raft for 10 minutes." Shiro led the four of them to a long and thick board of wood in the middle of the simulation room. The raft was a very plain 10x10 foot square piece of wood. Thick enough to hold their combined. The four wielders each picked a side of the board to stand on as the room started filling up with water. Shiro left the room and watched behind a wall of glass.

    The water begin filling in more rapidly as the wielders began to shift in balance. You've shown endurance and strength.. lets see your adaptability...." the water quickly rose higher and higher as the waves were beginning to push and pull the raft, causing the four of them to constantly be moving their feet. "This storm will test your resolve to stay in control!" He yelled passed the window. "If one of you falls everyone fails! Keyblades can't be used. Neither can magic. Straight up roughing it!"

    A large crack of thunder was heard as clouds began to form overhead. "There will also be thunder! Good luck!" He said giving a thumbs up. A ten minute timer was set as the crashing waves were already making things difficult...
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 21, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    Shiro gave a few hardy claps before looking at his watch. "Well i say thats a good time to rest up..." he turned his head to find Ventus slowly pulling into view. "Hello young Ventus! How goes your own training? Care to partake in the next course?" Hr smiled.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 5, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    Orion looked back to Beuce as he began to pace. "Provided you're lower level, it could benefit Beuce if he fought you as you leveled... Gaining better blade experience as you do. And given your speed, he'd be able to learn at a rapid rate than most others." He stopped to look to Ventus. "Provided your fast enough of course. If young Ventus here can overwhelm you in multiple training sessions, there's a chance you'll be able to gain the stamina required. That would tackle the physical portion. The mental and spiritual however are two entirely different things... And perhaps with enough sparring young Ventus will be able to unlock an aura of his own. How does that sound to both of you?"
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley
    "Good," Orion exclaimed, stopping his pocketwatch, "And with 11 seconds to spare..." He looked down to Ventus. "You've promising skill, which allows young Beucefilous here to benefit from the experience." He turned to Beuce with dead set eyes. "Now kill him," he responded casually.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley

    "What do you need help with?" he repeated.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 15, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley

    AJ's clone appeared behind him and shoved him to the ground. He had a very hurt expression on his face as if he was trying to get his attention for some time.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 15, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    After giving them some brief resting time, Shiro clapped as all three finished the course. "Well done everyone! Here, have some water." He tossed a few snowballs in their direction. "You may have to wait a bit, but that will be water soon..." he deactivated the snowstorm and turned up the heat. It began to feel more like a scolding desert now. "Its wonderful to see you all having endured the cold, but let us see what happens when the heat weighs you down... literally." He turned a dial as karina, kel and faust all felt themselves being pulled down by a powerful force.

    "Good news is you only have to do the course once now. Bad news is I've increased the gravity to account for your performance. Karina and Kels weight has been tripled while Faust's weight has been doubled. You only completed the course once you've all crossed the finish line." The heat started to grow more intense as sweat was starting to show on their faces. "I've seen how you all perform in harsh environments. But let's see what happens when the pressure is on.." he began a stopwatch. You have 10 minutes for all 3 of you to complete the course. If one doesn't pass, you all fail." He held the stopwatch as he clicked it down. "Go!"
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 12, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena