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  1. Krowley
    Aux performed a combo (im so sorry, no one told me it was my turn)
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 18, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    The large cyclops titan fell backwards, causing the entire earth to shake vigorously.
    The cyclops was knocked flat onto its back and looked down for the count, however the grunting noise it made after was the indicator that things were far from over.
    The dust began to settle as the cyclops was barely catching it's breath.

    Fang and the other tournament contenders they had made ran into view.

    "Everyone alright?" Fang asked, before her eyes turned to the giant titan. "Whoa.. and I thought that thing was ugly from a distance."
    "That thing's not gonna stay down for long,' Vincent added.
    Fang took out her weapon and took her battle stance. "Not for long, we've got numbers on our side..."

    As she said this, Oogie began sneaking around buildings, hiding from Castur. He noticed all the heroes gathered around the titan. He gave a grimaced expression at the sight of their keyblade. ""Gotta keep those brats busy... HEARTLESS!" He called out, watching several heartless become summoned several satyr heartless to charge at them. "No one makes a fool outta me... NO ONE!" he yelled, before covering his mouth and running from the scene.

    As the heartless began to charge in their direction. "I wouldn't be too sure about that..." Shadow pointed out as his dog barked at the incoming heartless.
    "Don't suppose you're gonna lend us a hand with those?" Fang asked.
    "Not unless someone's paying..." Shadow shrugged. His dog charged towards the heartless, causing the mercenary to grab his weapon. "Hey! Hands off the dog!" He yelled charging into battle to protect his canine friend.

    "Where did this Titan come from?" Vincent asked.

    "Hades o' course!" A small, pudgy satyr yelled out. HE waddled on his tiny goat legs as he approached the party. He spoke in a gruff new york accent. "He's the yahoo that went and took over my tournament. Lord of the dead don't play around kiddos..."

    Laguna was walking behind him with Pain and Panic tied up and being dragged behind him. "After things went south I went looking for the tournament leaders. Turns out Hades set this whole thing up as a distraction. And that there's Philoctetes. He's the true tournament holder. He was tied up in the closet in the announcer booth.

    He looked up at the heroes and raised a seductive eyebrow at Fang, "Call me Phil. Well hello there legs... Y'know not many people know this about me, but uhh... I like em tall," he winked.

    Fang glared as she pointed her weapon at him. "Back to the story, short man."
    Disappointed, Phil continued. "Look it's like this. I was getting the tournament ready and these two bozos jumped me." He waddled over to Pain and Panic and kicked them both in the stomach. "Two words! NEVER. MESS. WITH SATYRS!" He kicked the small demons after each word.
    More heartless were coming as Vincent grabbed his guns. "We're short on time. More or coming." He loaded his weapon as he took a breath. "The suffering ends here," he stated, before rushing off.

    Phil looked around after he was satisfied kicking them. "Where's Herc? He shoulda beat the snot outta all these titans by now?"
    Aux dispersed his dark wings and landed to at the mention of the demi-god.
    "Hercules is in the underworld. He said he needed to do something. But he said his father Zeus would-" Aux stopped as he turned to the satyr, "What do you mean.... ALL the titans?"

    "The five Titans that Zeus caged eons ago. Hades let em loose and is their on a rampage to Mt. Olympus. There were 5 Titans. That slab of meat is Cyclops. Then there's the hard hitters..." He pointed behind them as far in the distance, a rock titan, ice titan, lava titan, and cyclone titan were climbing the mountain. "Without Herc, I don't know how the heck we're gonna beat those things..."

    Fang at this point left to go and help the others.

    Laguna pointed his gun at panic. "Okay, now why did Hades do all this? How did he co-ordinate all this?"
    Pain spoke heavily under his breath. "Not a word, or the you-know-who is gonna get mad."
    Pain sweated profusely and blurted out everything. "... Hnnnnngg.... It wasn't just him. He had the help of the hellfire club. A bunch of powerful villains from other worlds. He only joined up with them to keep the keybladers busy. We were supposed to keep everyone busy until Hades finally took down Zeus with the power of the titans..."

    Pain plopped his head on the ground out of shame.
    Laguna took out his gun and began firing at the heartless. "You guys get the big fish... We'll keep things under control down here..." He left to go join the others.

    "Hoo boy... Mr. Lightning bolt barely took em out last time." Phil said, looking at the mountain. "With Hades backin' em up... That's gonna be a problem."

    Aux sighed before he turned to Beuce.
    "This is gonna be our problem now isn't it?"
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 16, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    January - February 2019
    This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!

    Post by: Krowley, Feb 14, 2020 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. Krowley
    Cracking his neck from the punch, "Funny thing about dying... You have nothing left to lose..." A crimson aura began radiating from him as smoking tendrils of darkness took form. "I don't care if Zeus himself interrupted this tournament. I'm getting my prize no matter what." His voice was getting more intense as he grew more in power.

    Before he could finish, The cyclops' large, unkempt fingernails, flicked him like a spider half way across the city towards the grasslands of the world.
    "HA HA! PUNY BUG MAN GO BYE!!!!" The Cyclops laughed.

    After seeing how far Jecht was launched, Aux turned to Beuce after the man's explained plan.
    "Long as I don't end up like that guy, I'm game... Man, did he go far..." He took a deep breath, recalling the messy events that happened last time, he went full darkness. "Darkest Fears...." A glowing aura began to surround him, before he looked up at the Neanderthal titan. "Dark Impuple," he followed, causing the aura to create dark wings. He flew into the air, causing the Titan to wave his hands around angrily. "RRRAAHHH! NO LIKE FLYING BUGS!"

    The rest of the crew was still down below, waiting to put a plan into action.

    Post by: Krowley, Jan 31, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley

    "Hades has the soul of some one very important to me," Hercules responded to Luna.
    "He had a list of things for me to do in order for me to get her back. Losing my god-like strength was one of them. For 24 hours he said I'd be mortal and she would be returned to me. But I can't wait that long.... I know Hades is planning something rotten. That's why I'm here. To fetch her soul from the river of souls myself.... I'd risk my life for Meg." he lamented.

    Hercules then reached back into his pocket, and took the Olympus Medallion that his father gave him. "Here, catch," he said as he tossed it to Aux. Aux caught it with his left hand and looked at it. "Simply say where you want to go and it will take you there... It only has one use left, so don't waste it..."
    Aux looked up at the hero as he wandered deeper into the hall.
    "How will you get back?"
    "A hero always finds a way," he grinned.
    Aux watched as he ran further into the Underworld, he recalled their whole reason for coming down there.
    "Wait! How do we beat Hades when we find him?"
    Hercules scoffed. "You want to know the weakness of the god of the underworld?"
    "Did I stutter?" Aux replied, offended.
    Hercules shook his head. "Only a god can beat a god. My father Zeus will take care of him if he tries to start trouble. And if He can't, then I will..."

    Several large stomping sounds were made as if it were coming above them.
    "That can't be good... You guys better get out of here quick. I'll try and join you as soon as I can!" Hercules raced off as Aux saw bits of debris falling onto the floor. It sound like a house was being lifted up and down. Whatever was up there sounded dangerous.

    Aux looked at the medallion and held it up, making sure everyone was close enough to be transported with him. "THE COLISEUM!" he yelled, a large beam of light, transporting He, Luna, Ananta and Marx.


    Ananta, Aux, Luna and Marx all appeared in a beam of light in front of Kel, Karina, Beuce, Faust and AJ.
    The Medallion in Aux's hand turned black, slowly turning to ash. Hercules did say there was only one use after all.

    More large stomps were heard as Jecht and Stratos paused their fight for a moment. The people in the coliseum began to scatter in fear as a giant, pudgy cyclops looked into the arena and began laughing, as he was smashing the coliseum. The cyclops was huge, standing over a couple hundred feet.

    Jecht seemed unphased by it, still wanting to finish the fight. "Hey, I didn't hear a bell, kid...."


    Hades stood on his chariot, on the outskirts of town, smirking as his attack on the city had begun.
    From behind him, Maleficent was shaking her head. "I simply don't understand why you don't allow the heartless to help scatter the city.
    "Look babe, the town is just small potatoe kay? It's to keep those goody key brats away from my big prize. Ol' Zeusy on Mt Olympus is expecting me," he prepared his demonic flying horses. "Now do you actually have something to say or can I continue with my plans to conquer over here?"

    "We can keep the keyblade holders occupied, but you mustn't underestimate them.. Pride was Ursula's undoing after all..."
    "Whadya want from me, huh? I took the help, I took the lecture, I took every teeny piece of meandering you threw at me, but now you but out! Stay out of this... This is my show! I'm a god, not a lousy sac of bugs or a sea witch!" Hades was getting more enraged, but still kept himself composed.

    Maleficent smirked. "You've chosen your fate then." She disappeared through a portal of darkness as Hades flew on his deadly chariot towards Mt. Olympus.
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 22, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley

    "Not sure, but I we definitely don't want to stay here anymore... Sooner we find something we can use against Hades, sooner we can leave." Aux looked around at the sight of any signs of an exit. "Still doesn't look good. Shouldn't something convenient for us shown up by now. Usually how that works with this group." He was trying to move on from whatever the heck just happened and get back to the mission.

    A large ray of golden light flashed in front of them, as a strong, muscular hero stepped through.
    "Thank's dad!" he said, waving to something on the other side of the portal before it closed. The Hero turned to Aux, Luna, and Ananta before turning serious.
    "Nice try Hades," he called to the empty air. "But your civilian illusions don't fool me!" He drew his sword and pointed it at the three. "So what is Hades sending to fight me this time?... Sirens? Nymphs?"

    "What did you just call me?" Aux glared at him and summoned his keyblade to his his own surprise. It seems after conquering their demons, keyblade privileges were granted back to them.
    The Hero looked at the keyblade and withdrew his weapon. "Sorry.. didn't know you were with the tournament contestants. They have a weapon similar to yours."
    Aux looked at his key and quickly dispersed it.

    "Sorry about the rude greeting. But you never know what to expect from the god of the Underworld... My name is Hercules. Hero of Thebes and son of Zeus."
    Aux nodded as if he knew what those were.
    "Cool... I'm Aux, this is Ananta and Luna."
    "Ladies," Herc greeted them with a friendly and heroic salute.
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 8, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley

    "She's been a bit off... But on the whole she's still Kaida. Sucks I can't really do anything to fix that... I wonder if this is how HE felt," Aux sighed.
    "He who?" Seiza asked.
    Aux was about to speak a name, but more fuzzy memories came to now.
    "It doesn't matter," he said, as he tried to hide how he forgot. As the fog began to clear more, he notice Seiza was slowly starting to fade away.
    "What's happening?"
    "You faced your demons head on... no need for a spirit guide anymore. Guess I have nothing left to teach."
    Aux nodded solemnly. It was sad to see him go, but there was nothing he could really do to stop it.
    "Is there anything you want me to tell Kaida?"
    "Tell her to keep moving forward. I know her, she'll stop completely if she doesn't... and goodbye."
    Aux nodded again.
    "I will."
    He gave his arms one last good stretch. "On the bright side, finally gonna get some peace and quiet." Seiza smiled as he faded away fully.

    The fog cleared long enough for him to catch sight of Ananta. He walked up to her and scanned around for Luna.

    "You okay?" he asked her.
    Post by: Krowley, Jan 5, 2020 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    Aux summoned Bambi
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley

    "Alright, we get it; everyone hates everyone..." Alex walked back into the waiting room hoping to de-escalate things.
    "Luther, we got what we came here for, let's bail already...." He looked at the others still in the room and glared intensely at AJ. "And you! If some one offers to surrender without a fight- TAKE THE FRIGGIN DEAL!" He yelled at him before flinging a guitar pick at his head. He looked at the other semi=finalists in the room and tried to keep his cool. His eyes eventually locked onto Karina. "As for you... you're an idiot if you think you can rely on anyone but yourself."


    "This is it folks! The final match. David vs Goliath! Achilles vs the heel! The Final Match! Jecht vs Stratos!"

    1) Jecht


    10) Stratos

    Post by: Krowley, Dec 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    Aux used Aeroga on Karina,
    Aux covered Karina.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 18, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Guild Hall Update 3.11

    + Counterattack no longers gives CG during the counter

    + All Aura combo finishers now add +100% damage as well as 1 hit.

    + Ranger - Mage Gunner increases projectile by 100% (From 200%)
    + Ranger - Sniper now has a 50% chance of dealing a critical hit to aerial targets.
    + Red Mage - Red Slash now combines the MAG and STR stat for a FLAT damage cross slash.

    + Strike raid cooldown increased to 3 turns (From 2)
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 15, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. Krowley
    Faust, AJ, Kel, and Beuce vanished in a puff of black smok as they were transported to the waiting room overseeing the arena.

    "And with that folks, we're down to our final four contenders!" Pain yelled into his microphone. His announcement was followed by uproarious applause. The Several of the walls separating each arena was lowered until the arena was shown to be cut on half by a giant wall.


    "In AREA ONE, it's the one sided slayers of the season; LUTHER vs JECHT!"

    1) Jecht


    14) Luther

    "In AREA TWO, it's the lady with the hot temper KARINA, vs the man with all the luck right now; STRATOS!"

    8) Karina


    10) Stratos



    "Alright alright, enough with the guilt trip already..." a tired voice sighed.
    From out of the fog, a lean man with his hands in his pockets came into the clearing. Clayton turned to him, with his gun ready to fire. "And who exactly, are you?"
    "Friend of a friend you could say...." The strawberry blonde man looked down to Aux. "How yah doing, kid?"

    Aux looked up in confusion at the man. It was Kaida's guardian and librarian from Central Haven.
    "Seiza?" he asked.
    "You were expecting some one else?" he chuckled.

    "Yeah... how'd you get here?" Aux asked.
    Seiza looked around. "Well... same way all these other guys got here I suppose."

    "But... you're not..." Aux tried to struggle for an explanation. He was left behind in Central Haven, but No Heart would have needed him for something.
    "If I'm appearing to you with these guys, I'm afraid so.
    "HEY! We demand you leave him to suffer! He is to be punished for his beastly crimes!" Gaston announced.

    Seiza looked down at Aux for a moment. "He's some bad choice yeah, but... I wouldn't out him as a criminal."
    "His actions are enough to warrant his demise. He used both our desires against us into darkness. And in the end, we paid the price. He should be punished the same way..."
    Seiza looked to Aux. "You do that? Use darkness to get what you wanted? What do you even want with it?"

    Aux thought back to when he was a child about to depart with his grandfather



    6 years ago...

    A young, thirteen year old Aux pushed down on his suitcase, making sure he had everything packed. He had a wide grin on his face as he couldn't wait to get going.
    His mom and dad showed up into the room with his mother holding her own arms in sadness. "Oh, my little man... Are you sure I can't pack you some more food?"
    "Mom, I'll be fine," Aux whined.
    His dad stepped forward, while comforting his mother. "Oh I'm not worried about you pal... It's that grandpa or yours..."
    "Kai, you promised you'd be supportive," his mother replied.
    "Izo, he only takes interest in him because of that key he has... Your dad's been obsessed with it. It's been running his life since before you were born. I mean why do you think he left your..."
    He stopped once he saw tears starting to stream down his wife's face. "Honey, I didn't..."
    "It's fine," she abruptly replied. She seemed very bothered by it, but wiped her tear as she turned to her son. "Look. My dad was never there for me when I was younger. But he's traveled many worlds. Learned so much that he could teach you. And I only want the best for you." She wrapped her arms around her son and hugged him tight. "Whatever you decide to be. I love you so much." She kissed his forehead and backed away. "I'm gonna see if your grandfather is ready..." she covered her mouth and left the room, not wanting to cry anymore in front of her family.

    His dad looked back to him ."You sure you want this. You know I'm no 'world traveler,' but I could tell you're getting better over at the auto shop-"
    "Dad..." Aux interrupted. "If I stay here, nothing's gonna change. I'm still just gonna be a dumb kid from a small town."
    "Look whatever those mean kids at your school said, it doesn't mean-"
    "But dad, they're right! I'm never gonna be anything here. I mean... I love you and mom and all, but I don't even know what I want to be. I'm bad at school, I'm bad at sports- I can barely keep up with you t the shop. Maybe... maybe this is what I'm meant to do."
    His dad crossed his arms and looked at his empty room. "But for five years Aux? That's the rest of your childhood. I mean, next time we'll see you you'll be a man."
    "A man that makes you proud," Aux replied. "Some one who's strong... and smart... and will never settle for less than what I am right now."

    His dad walked forward and hugged him. "Whatever happens, you can always come home. And regardless of how it turns out, we will always support you. So long as you keep doing what you want to do."
    His grandfather; Kurt appeared into the room. "Auxillius," he spoke in his harsh voice.
    His dad let go of him as they both turned to see the old man. "It's time."


    "I wanted to be stronger... Well, better, I think" Aux replied. "And for the first time in a long time... I think I am."
    The ropes vanished from around his wrists as he stood onto his feet. "And I've made bad choices. Horrible even. And I know I'll be accountable for it. But not by you." He glared at Gaston, causing him to vanish. He turned his head then to Clayton. "Everyday I think about what other choices I could've done. I thought power could've made those choices easier. But it didn't. They were just made harder."
    Clayton lowered his weapon.
    "You don't control me. I'll made up for what I've done. And if I can't... then I'l be receive my punishment. I'm not gonna let you or anything else consume me ever again..."
    Clayton vanished in smoke.

    Aux turned to Seiza.
    "Did No Heart do this to you?"
    "Couldn't tell you," Seiza shrugged. "This hall uses the memories of the deceased. I only know what your memory of the living me knew."
    Aux gripped his fist.
    "I'm sorry. If I didn't help him take Central Haven, maybe you would've escaped."
    Seiza looked at him and gave a weak grin. "How's Kaida doing?"
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley

    Aux stared at Gaston as he tried to dart his eyes around to see if he could spot anyone or anything else in the room.
    "Don't bother boy... There's no one here but us." Clayton smirked
    Without sound or warning, Aux was tackled from behind and knocked to the ground. His hounds bound up behind his back. The figure that tackled him stood up with his boot on Aux's back. "No one escapes from Gaston!: the man flipped back his hair and pointed a crossbow at Aux.

    "Gaston?" Aux asked, tugging at his roped hands.
    Gaston propped up Aux onto his knees as Clayton lifted his chin with his shotgun. "Well, no one him but us. And him."

    Aux kept his intense glare.
    "Haunt me all you want, I didn't kill you. You let the darkness in your hearts get the better of you."
    Clayton scoffed. "Yes, I forgot that you were oh so holy and noble."
    "Naturally. Your allegiance with No Heart and the dark remnant was enough to ensure your pure heart remain in tact!" Gaston pontificated.

    "Hey, I never said I was perfect!" Aux yelled back.
    "Young man, we are not here to judge you... That trial is saved for someone else." Clayton said, holding his gun firmly. "We were driven by greed and pride in our life, but you were driven by your own darkness. While it didn't overtake you. Your decisions have cost lives... You've endangered those your travel with. Through them into darkness without anything to defend themselves."
    "And what about the deer from the forest?" Gaston asked as a silhouette of a female deer ran through the fog. "You think you're much better than us... But have the heart of the hunter. Hunting the weak for sport. I know I felt stronger when I hunted the Beast. I'm sure you felt the same..."
    Aux hung his head at his guilt. The darkness he carried felt like an unsatisfied hunger. Always wanting more strength.

    "You didn't pull the trigger... but you might as well have. Influence is just as responsible as action," Clayton replied. "I doubt you even remember the boy in the armor... what was his name again?" Clayton asked.
    Aux tried to remember but felt like any memory was all a forgotten dream.
    "Oh well, it doesn't matter now..." He held his gun and cocked it as Gaston lifted his head up. "Any last words? Maybe a regret or two?"

    Aux stayed silent as he thought of all his faults and bad choices. He replayed the moment of pushing Kaida and the others into darkness. What was he even doing with them? What kept him there? What made him think any of this was making a difference in their eyes? He's already done so much wrong. Much as he tried to do the right thing, they were still the choices that HE made. No amount of darkness could take the blame for his choices.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    November - December 2019
    This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!


    Happy 8 years of SOS!
    The rewards have been granted to their respective players!

    Stratos leveled up! (64) (65)​
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 29, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. Krowley
    Aux wasn't necessarily set on freeing Marx anyways, but his willingness to play teddy bear to the giant three headed dog was still appreciated. "Okay... If that's what you want..." he whispering, moving towards the door. He cracked his knuckles and crabbed the door's jagged edges, attempting to open the door with brute force. As he grunted to try and proy open the door, he stopped once he noticed the skull shaped keyhole. He muscled his way through most of his enemies, he forgot he could actually use the keyblade for practical uses. "Oh, right..." He stopped pulling and summoned his keyblade, gently tapping on the door to unlock it. A magical seal was unlocked, opening the door a whole meter wide while making a brief, but abrupt sound.

    The ears of one of the dogs lifted, causing absolute silence in the room. The moment passed as the dog simply squeezed Marx tighter. "We'll be right back... 'Stay.'" he whispered to Marx as he, Ananta and Luna walked into the eerie fog of the next room. As the fog got thicker, Aux tried to make sure he stayed close to the other two so they wouldn't get lost in the fog. They had only walked into the fog for a couple of seconds but something was... strange. There was no sound. Light only coming from the lit flames of the underworld floating near the ceiling. The only sound heard was their own footsteps. He looked behind them as the doors were now closed. But how? There was no sound. No one closed it... Things were getting more unsettling by the minute.

    A cascade of flames engraved a message onto the door on their side of the closed door. "HALL OF THE DEAD."
    "Great..." He used his keyblade and tapped the door. No response. The keyhole was gone.

    As the three of them faced the door, a black tentacle was slithering it's way behind Luna. Without warning it wrapped around her mouth and dragged her into the fog. Hearing a struggle, Aux turned around in time to see her vanish. "Luna!" he called out, reaching out to nothing. It was dead silent again. He turned to Ananta. "Stay by the door..." he instructed. He pointed his keyblade above and tried to ignite a fire spell. Nothing. Blizzard? Thunder? Both nothing. Magic was dead down here. He felt the fog thicken around him an Ananta as she faded behind the thick fog. "Ananta?" he pushed his hand forward, and tried to touch her shoulder, but instead his hand landed on the door. "Ananta?" he repeated louder. The door was gone too. It's as if the fog was mysteriously seperating them. He swung his arm about, but she was already gone.


    "What's the matter boy? Feeling a little lonely without your friends?" a deep british voice asked. Coming into view, the figure cocked his shotgun loudly. He came into view in his yellow hunter's shirt and pencil thin moustache. He pointed his gun at Aux. "Frightening to be alone with your thoughts. But then again.. thought is what seperates us from the animals."
    Aux glared at him as he uttered his name. "Clayton..."



    Having been seperated by Luna and Aux, she was all alone. While she didn't move, Ananta heard a light clapping sound as a figure moved towards her. "Y'know I didn't peg you for much of a killer, but you sure proved me wrong, huh?" Standing in his wife beater and miliary gear, Rourke lit up a cigar as he continued. "So tell my bright eyes... scale of 1 to 10.... how big a mess you think you're about to be in?"



    Luna was thrown onto the ground by the tentacle as she heard a baritone cackle from the figure who took her. Pushing past the fog, Ursula twiddled her thick nails as she smiled at the princess. "Hello my dear... My don't you look pretty with your legs? I'm oh so going to enjoy removing them from you though... hmmm hmmm hmmm," she chuckled. A deeper man's voice came into earshot, as a lean, brittle old man walked into view.
    "Patience is a virtue sea witch... Besides, this girl still has much to answer or her crimes." Frollo stood tall over her as she was still on the ground. "We meet again sinner.... Allow me to graciously pass onto you... your JUDGEMENT."

    Post by: Krowley, Nov 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    In the sixth bracket, Sok nodded to Stratos as he covered up his face with his cloak. "Right right, man you guys keep busy" he chuckled.
    He waved his hand up and yelled; "I FORFEIT!"
    A puff of black smoke absolved around the short beast boy as he waved to Stratos. "Good luck best buddy!"
    He disappeared in the smoke that carried him away as the winner Stratos was jeered with booing for lack of a good match.

    In the fourth bracket, Hercules nodded to Faust. "She's very important to me. If I had only been stronger...." he lamented as he clenched his fist. "Even if I had my strength back... She doesn't have much time. Her soul is in the Underworld. I thought by competing in this tournament I could win her soul back the honourable way." He looked to the crowd that was cheering Herc to fight back. "But this... this isn't honour. This is glory." He put his sword back into his sheath. "Even if I won the tournament in time. Hades probably would make another backslide andmake things worse. I'm gonna find my own way to get her back." Hercules beat his chest to Faust. "Thanks for a good fight. I'm sorry I don't have the time to give you a worthy one..." He held up both his hands. "I yield." The black smoke enveloped him as he was taken out of the tournaments. Fans crying out that they had lost their betting money.

    In the seventh bracket, Fang smirked as she lifted her hands up. "Fair enough... G'luck tiny..." She disappeared in the puff of black smoke.

    In bracket eight, Vincent fell hard on his back from Kel's final uppercut. It was a clean knockout as he clawed glove twitch, trying to pick himself up. He sighed as he spoke. "Even though this doesn't hurt that much, I still feel the sting of failure..." He dropped his guns and lifted a hand up. "I'm out," he replied, black smoke enveloping him.


    In the loser's waiting room, Alex looked to all the contestants that lost. He could feel the electrical surge that was running through his body from AJ's attack. Thankfully he got ringed out before unleashed the fury of his sound and thunder auras. In the room he found Laguna, Vincent, Fang, the hooded boy, Shadow, Nessus' near dead body, and Hercules. Hercules ran out of the room, murmuring to himself in trying to find Hades. The rest of the contestants left the room to find good seats to watch the other fights.

    Alex looked at the scoreboard, watching the active names still in the tournament. Along with Luther and Jecht, six of the SOS party members were still in the tournament.
    The name he was looking for caught his eye as he sighed in disappointment. "Dammit... He's here..." Alex didn't want to do more than he had to. Hopefully Luther wouldn't run into their target in the next round.


    "Despite a lackluster first round, the horse guy at least bled a lot!" Pain yelled.
    The columns lowered into FOUR Sections. The players poofing into their respective areas.
    "L-lets get those health bars to normal!" Panic added, pulling a lever. As he did this, a large green wave covered the arena, healing all players.


    "In ARENA ONE, It's AJ the electrocutioner VS the deadly JECHT!"

    1) Jecht


    11) AJ

    "In AREA TWO, it's the handicapable BEUCE vs the merciless LUTHER!"

    9) Beuce


    14) Luther

    In AREA THREE, it's the powerful KEL vs the mighty KARINA!

    8) Karina


    13) Kel

    In AREA FOUR, it's magic man FAUST vs buddy STRATOS!

    10) Stratos


    12) Faust



    Meanwhile, In the underworld, the party was slowly making their way past the dark, three headed dog until the dog yawned and grabbed Marx, pulling him in like a teddy bear.
    Aux held his breath as the dog held a tighter grip on the boy.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley
    "In bracket five, Alex dug his face into his hand. "I really... REALLY don't have time to deal with your little act of ignorance right now. I'm trying to HELP you! I know you have a keyblade and you came with the others, so just cut me a break already and tell me who you're with..."
    11) AJ
    15) Alex

    "In bracket Six, the boy was eager to answer his question but quickly covered his mouth, "Umm.... I can't tell you that. He gave me strict orders not to." The boy covered his mouth again quickly. "You didn't here that! Man I shouldn't have said that. Look, I wanna talk about all the cool stuff you guys did, but I can't tell you until he finds you..." He covered his mouth again shaking his head back, knocking some sense into himself. "Sok, you had one job!"He leaned his head back and stepped back on his clook, accidentally revealing his face and appearance. He looked to be some sort of anthropomorphic lion-boy. "AHH! Don't look at me!" He quickly rushed to get his clock back, but tripped over his own untied laces, falling flat on his face. An empathetic sight, but the crowd was just hardily laughing at him.
    10) Stratos
    16) The short guy in the hood with the tail

    In brack seven, Fang shrugged her arms. "Oh well, guess we can take the mental fight outta the occasion. Brute instinct it is then!" She leapt into the air by polevaulting high up and prepared to crash land right on top of Karina.

    3) Fang
    8) Karina

    Vincent wraithed out of the way and reloaded his guns and continued supressing fire against his opponent.
    4) Vincent
    13) Kel
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 21, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena