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  1. Beucefilous
    Beuce kind of looked back and forth between Ignis and Luna. To be honest, he thought both of them were overracting a bit. "So i take it your parents were murdered by either a window or a chair. Damn them, but they're only puppets for the real villains; Doors." He muttered under his breath, deciding it was best not to approach her. "I uh...I'll be honest, I don't have a clue what's going on with her. Our world was a breeze. We also barely interacted with the big bad evil guy of it. It's probably best to leave her alone for now. Heal her hand up when she's not committing genocide on furniture." He said to Stratos. The air, however, was still tense after the outburst. "So uh...Learn any cool new techniques?" He said, attempting to lighten the mood, if only a little bit.​
    Post by: Beucefilous, Oct 6, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Beucefilous
    As they finally exited the digital world, Beuce found himself once in the train station like area. That world had been a bit easier than he'd expected. The villain there was weaker than they usually were. Beuce looked at his glass hand for a moment. Was it that it was weak? Or had he just gotten stronger? His thoughts drifted back to his homeworld, and his first battle against Sorenia as opposed to his second. It was incredible how much power he'd gained in just the short time he'd been with this group. He knew he'd have to face her again one day, and if he could get stronger, so could she. But he wouldn't run scared anymore. He now had the power to face her head on, no matter what. Looking over, he saw another group exit their tunnel out into the hub, presumably successful. Raising his hand, he called out to them "Hey, Stratos, Hikaru, Kel! I take it you tore it up on your end too? I heard you guys were on the other end of the whole Tron shenanigans." The man walked over to trade information with them about what had happened in the worlds while they waited for the final group to finish.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Oct 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Beucefilous
    A light red light enveloped Beuce's body before dispersing away from him and fading into the air, leaving him in his regular attire. Reaching way deeper into his pocket than seemed possible, he pulled a notepad and a pen. He wrote down each name as it came, until they got to Luna. His head shot over to the girl, who seemed distraught at the revelation that she was a princess of heart. Kaida attempted to comfort her, but it didn't really seem to be doing much good. Beuce walked over and placed his glass hand on her shoulder. It was much warmer than what a normal hand would be; hot almost. "Sorry, I know this is a lot to take in, but we've gotta keep onward. We're still in the realm of darkness. If we fail this exam, it's probably the end of everything. We need to figure out what to do with this password, and what to do next." Beuce said calmly, trying not to upset the girl any more than she already was.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Oct 2, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Beucefilous
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Beucefilous, Sep 30, 2017
  5. Beucefilous
    Beuce looked dumbfounded at Kaida as she went on about him sucking out that thing's soul. "I...I don't have that kind of power. At least, i don't think so? Probably not? Do you these things even have souls? We're in the program too. Do WE have souls? What is a soul?" Beuce continued to mumble a bunch of philosophical questions to himself under his breath whilst the fight was taking place. One of the black guards sought to take advantage of this and attack him from behind while his guard was down, only to step on a mine he hadn't realized was there and be blown away. Beuce gave a sensible chuckle as he turned around. "Sorry bud, I'm not actually that dumb."

    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 27, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Beucefilous
    "Well that was a bust. Glad to know the first thing we do is the exact opposite of what we were told." Luther said unamused to himself after the whole situation had passed. He was hardly a stickler for the rules but he understood the basic principal of "if ever just goes off and does their own thing and there's no one directing them, they end up clashing and everything crumbles to the ground." He disregarded the argument between Arctus and the hot tempered lady with an ambiguous real name. Instead he chose to turn his attention to the young blonde girl who was obviously distraught with grief. "That's quite the sad story if it's true. I'm afraid we can't exactly trust you just yet, though. At least not fully. Though that doesn't mean we can't take you with us." Luther turned on his heel to speak to Kiara, interrupting whatever moody drama she was likely to be having after Arctus' prodding. "So, dear leader of ours, what do you say we take her back to grandpa and let him decide what to do with her. If her story is true, then she's got nothing to worry about. She's exactly the type we're supposed to be helping. If it isn't, I imagine he'll have a way to find out, and we've got an enemy prisoner. Either way, I don't see a downside to this unless she's monstrously powerful and capable of wiping us out by herself. But if that were the case i doubt she'd need to resort to a trick."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 24, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Beucefilous
    Beuce smirked as their combination attack worked. Once again, his masterful strategic mind had produced unheard of results. They definitely didn't just hit it until it died at all. No sir, it was the result of great planning and well executed strategies that won them that fight. Shortly after the mines had knocked Rinzler into the air, he began saying the names of their comrades, and that he fought for the users. Beuce wasn't really sure what a user was, or that he wasn't pulling some kind of trick on them. Whatever the case, they had new arrivals to fight. "Look buddy, I dunno if you just saw what happened there, but we just kind of wiped the floor with your best guy no sweat. I don't think your lower tier mooks are going to be able to touch us." Beuce said as he extended his hand toward one of the black guards. They stopped in their tracks and reared their head back as energy burst from their chest and toward Beuce. Once it reached him, it traveled into the palm of his hand and revitalized his supply of magic. "Unless you've got some serious guns hidden from us, you may as well quit now and give us the password, or we're going to take it." Beuce threatened to Clu
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 23, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Beucefilous
    Beuce used Seeker Mine on Rinzler. And it was magnified! And also earth!
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 16, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Beucefilous
    Beuce used Magnify
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 16, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Beucefilous
    Beuce passes
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 14, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Beucefilous
    Beuce used Seeker Mine on Rinzler!
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 14, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Beucefilous
    Beuce used thunder bell on cannon 1
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 13, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Beucefilous
    Beuce cast Seeker Mine
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 13, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Beucefilous

    To say Beuce's fight against Anora was going poorly would be a dire understatement. He'd managed to catch her off guard with that combo, but outside of that, she was the better combatant. Well, that's not entirely true. Beuce outshone her in raw offensive capabilities, but his complete and utter ineptitude in the area of blocking was what gave her the edge. In any case, it was clear she was winning. They tossed their discs at one another twice, but both times, Anora had deflected his while Beuce had gotten hit. This put her in the lead. As if that weren't bad enough, Rinzler kept throwing his disc in to interfere in the fight. That was hardly fair, but then again he hadn't expected this to be fair from the start. He'd managed to deflect Rinzler's attacks with barrier surge, but he could only do that so often, and the they were coordinated enough that their discs were never thrown at the same time, meaning he never had it up to be able to deal with Anora.

    At this rate, Beuce was clearly going to lose unless he did something. He wracked his brain to try and find a solution, meanwhile Anora threw her disc at him once again, this time, he barely managed to dodge out of the way. He watched the disc sail back to her as she raised her hand up in the air to catch it when it dawned on him. He pushed himself out of his prone position and dusted himself off. Giving a slight chuckle, he readied his disc to be thrown. "Well, if i can't block anything you do, then the answer is simple, isn't it? I just need to score more than you do." Beuce's eyes gained a slight sheen to them. An unnatural one, as his gaze turned far more analytical than before. Anora took a step back. She'd seen him pull something out of his sleeve before, and was wary of what else he could do. Not wasting any time, she threw her disc at him, but Beuce mirrored her timing exactly and threw his own disc. Anora realized what was happening when she didn't have her disc in hand to deflect his. The disc sailed through her chest, bounced off the wall behind her, and returned through for a second point. Beuce had gotten hit as well, but it was only once. The play worked, it put him in the lead above her. The disc hadn't been back in his hand for more than a second before it was in the air again, sailing toward Anora. Not having time to get her bearings, she was unable to block it.

    This continued back and forth for a while, both of them relentlessly attacking the other one for fear of falling behind. It was incredible how many points could be scored, yet the score remain stagnant, but Beuce was in the lead from his magnify, and at this rate he'd stay there.

    Beuce: - 2, +2, -1, -8, +8
    Anora, +2, -2, +1, +8. -8

    Beuce: 2
    Anora: 1

    Posts: 9/10
    Post by: Beucefilous, Sep 4, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Beucefilous
    Beuce had stayed out of the direct fighting for the beginning. He hadn't met most of these people, so he was attempting to size them up while the others fought. This worked for a minute until the current reigning lead tossed her disc at him. It was a perfectly aimed shot, aimed right at the man's chest. Beuce made an attempt to deflect the oncoming projectile, but managed to fail spectacularly at doing so. He disc went straight past his defenses, slammed into his chest, and deflected back to its owner. She was now at four points, but that gave him an idea. It would only work once, and might actually end up making things harder for them, but it was a pretty good chance to close the gap. Beuce tossed the disc up in the air as if to test its weight, and found it surprisingly aerodynamic. Though, that didn't really matter right this second.

    Beuce threw his disc at cat to attempt to get her off of Kaida for the moment, but the second the identity disc left his hands, he bolted across the field. No disc in hand, and running in a straight line, he made himself an incredibly easy target. Anora, Eon, and Etrius all threw their discs at him nearly simultaneously, hoping to gain a huge advantage. However, just before the discs made contact, Beuce kicked forward off the ground, performing a spin in mid air. There were two reasons for this. One was so that he could catch the disc that had come returning to him. The second, was to avoid being hit. With such a linear movement, all three of them had the aim to hit him, but light radiated from the man, and spiraled out. As it reached about a meter from him, it hardened and spun around him once, knocking aside all three discs in one fell swoop. The hard light wasn't sturdy enough to deflect a solid melee hit, but it batted aside most projectiles with ease.

    Caught off guard by the unexpected block, Anora failed to catch her disc, fumbling it to the ground. Beuce hadn't quite planned for that to happen, but it was a welcome surprise. Beuce was now right on top of the girl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). There was no rule saying that they had to throw the disc. As long as they got a hit in, it counted. Beuce raised his disc and brought it down straight through Anora's shoulder. On the way back up, he raked it across her chest. She quickly bent down to pick up her disc to defend. She thrust it forward at him directly from the ground, but he was no longer there. Only pink cherry blossoms to contrast the neon blue atmosphere floated in the air, and a third hit across her stomach. Beuce leaped back and gave one final toss of the disc at the girl's back before she realized he'd gone behind her. That was about all he was going to be able to get out of that play. He was only able to hit her so easily because she'd lost her bearings from him engaging in melee. Plus, Any longer in that situation and not only would she be able to fight back, but the others on her team would back her up, and he'd have to devote too much attention to his fight to be able to defend against them. Nevertheless, he'd managed to bash down Anora's entire lead she'd built up, and gain one himself. Now he just needed to work on keeping it.

    Beuce -1, +1, +4
    Anora +1, -4
    Cat -1


    Beuce: 4
    Luna: 0
    Ignis: 1
    Kaida: 0

    Etrius: 0
    Anora: 0
    Cat: -3
    Eon: -2

    EXP total: 60
    Post 7/10

    Post by: Beucefilous, Aug 13, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Beucefilous


    Dragons Name: Rovagug The Undying
    Dragons Age: 1,445
    Dragons Gender: Male
    Dragons Appearance: ~
    Dragons Size: 390 feet long
    Dragon Strength to Magic: 10 - 10
    Dragons Personality: Said to be the ultimate dragon, Rovagug rests within a mountain at the top of the world. Seemingly the only dragon in the world with no interest in the stone, he only wants one thing. A pact partner worthy of his power. Yet...What is considered "worthy" is arbitrary at best, impossible at worst. No one has even come close to meeting his conditions, which he refuses to divulge. He states that if they need to be told what it is, then they've already failed. After over a millennia of trying, people have all but given up, yet he still refuses to lower his unreasonable standards.
    Pact Price: None
    Anything else: None
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jul 21, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Beucefilous
    Beuce looked around at the city. It was an odd thing to see. It was clearly nighttime. In fact, there didn't really seem to be a sky. Yet, the entire city before them was brilliant lit up with neon lights, making something of an ambient blue glow around the entire place. In addition, this seemed to be one of the worlds where their attire changed simply from entering. Beuce's outfit was fairly similar, but had a darker color scheme, rimmed with similar neon blue lights that were found around the city. "I can't honestly say. It looks like some kind of techno city...If we're going to find the password, i guess we can't do much but explore."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 25, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Beucefilous
    Luther chuckled at this man's speech. They'd been assembled here to play the background role. One that was just as important as those in the spotlight, but were never seen for it. It might be able to rid him of this godforsaken boredom. Besides, he'd never been afraid to get his hands dirty before, and he wasn't about to start now. In a fight, you only had one goal, and that was to kill your opponent. If you died because you were unwilling to let go of some kind of sense of honor you had, then people might remember you well. Though, he'd much prefer the second option. Letting go of that and walking away to remember it yourself. "If things are really in such a shoddy state as you say, then I suppose we don't really have much choice but to help. If we don't, it'll reach us eventually anyway." He said with a slight nonchalance in his voice. "Besides, it might be interesting to find out what the people who made it this bad are like."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jun 21, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Beucefilous
    Beuce breathed a sigh of relief when they were transported away from their world. They'd passed the first part of the test. Though, he noticed two things were amiss. One, they weren't back in Shibuya, where they'd arrived the first time. Second, they were missing people. Their group seemed to be down a few people. Before he had time to really take things into account more, an unfamiliar voice began to blare over the PA. When they were called yoctagrams, Beuce made a self conscious face and looked down, pulling out the front of his pants slightly as if to reaffirm something to himself. "Yoctagram is a bit of an exaggeration..." He muttered. As the announcement continued, it was revealed that whoever was speaking was their new game master. It was at this point Beuce realized something was gravely wrong. One of the conditions was that the girl from the order was to be the one giving them the test. If someone else had stepped in and removed her, then it could only spell bad news. "I think this might be a bit harder than the last time. She wanted us to win. This guy clearly doesn't." Beuce said to the rest of the group.

    When the numbers started, Beuce began to keep track of them in his head. He rolled around a few different possible meanings for them ,and eventually came to the conclusion that the simplest answer was probably right. About halfway through, he figured out what they meant and began to piece together number strings to names for a bit. As it turned out, he wasn't the only one who figured it out as AJ announced the answer to the rest of the group. As people began to go and find their partners, it became apparent what was going on. Most people had nearly never spoken to their partner more than once or twice. They were being paired with the person they had the least experience working with. Ignis approached him, announcing they would be a team for now. He nodded in acknowledgement. "Looks that way. It'll be good working with you." Seeming to have something rather urgent to say, he ended the conversation there and approached AJ. "You ought to hope that's the case. There's thirteen of us right now. That leads to an odd number, but 'X' seems a little ominous given the circumstances. One of Yue's conditions was that we were the only ones allowed to enter the test, but she's not our game master anymore either. If one rule was broken...Who's to say another one couldn't? If there's someone else among us, put here by him, it can only be bad. If you get a partner, don't trust them. Treat them every second like they'll tab you in the back, because if you don't, they might." The man said, concluding his warning. "Now that the heavy stuff is out of the way...." He walked over to Base and wrapped his glass arm around his shoulder and put him in something of a headlock. "You son of a *****. When did you get back? I haven't seen you since wasteland." He said, clearly happy to see the man.
    Post by: Beucefilous, May 30, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Beucefilous
    spending 20 crowns on strength and 20 crowns on mahou making 50 each
    Post by: Beucefilous, May 27, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge