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  1. Beucefilous
    Beuce, reeling back after the massive shocking blow, decided it was probably best to get up some defenses. Summoning another golem, this one appeared to be made of earth, and unlike the others, wrapped itself around Beuce like armor.

    Beuce summoned minegolem
    Aerogolem aero'd him
    The other two golems attacked with their respective spells ​
    Post by: Beucefilous, Feb 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Beucefilous

    "Hey, I don't even have to toss my own projectiles." He said, placing his hands on the ground and summoning a third, firey golem. "I've got people for that. "

    Beuce summoned Firagolem
    Firagolem used Firaga
    Blizzagolem use Blizzaga
    Aerogolem used Aero on Beuce ​
    Post by: Beucefilous, Feb 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Beucefilous
    Adalric waited silently with his fellow apprentice for Master Aster to come and retrieve them. Apparently, they would be receiving guests shortly and the two of them were to accompany his master to greet them. He bit his thumb in anticipation, and didn't pay Qamar much mind when she let out one of her usual rude comments. That was the way she was, and he'd grown accustomed to it.

    Finally, the blonde woman who had trained him for several years now came to fetch them. Silently, he followed her to the gate. Nearly as soon as they'd arrived, a blonde girl collapsed, seemingly weak from exhaustion. Adalric's eyes widened as he watched her lay there. Everyone else made small note of it, but otherwise simply carried on. He looked to each individual and then back to her with a concerned and confused look on his face, as though to confirm no one else was going to do anything about it.

    He rushed forward after a moment, checking to see if she was breathing. Upon closer inspection, the girl was barely conscious. He looked around once more before steeling himself and muttering several apologies under his breath as he tried to determine the least intrusive way to pick her up.

    Meanwhile, and argument had begun to break out between Qamar and one of the newcomers. He stood up, Tinarah in his arms. "Qamar, please. I understand his words are harsh but they've clearly come from unknown circumstances. At least try to be civil." He turned on his heel to face the man she argued with and bowed his head slightly "Please, do forgive her. I'm terribly sorry." He said in a meek tone as though he'd been asking forgiveness for one of his own transgressions. "Master, where should I bring her?" He asked, almost in a cry for help. ​
    Post by: Beucefilous, Feb 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Beucefilous
    Adalric starts 32 because git gud

    HP: 20 -> 145
    AP 8 -> 20

    Dodge Roll
    Second Chance
    Fire Screen
    Blizzard Screen
    Thunder Screen

    Post by: Beucefilous, Feb 6, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Beucefilous
    Beuce breathed a heavy exhale. These golems were powerful certainly, but they really took it out of his Mana reserves. Thankfully he got the feeling most people were internally cheering for him, so he felt like he could keep them out at least six longer. Putting his hands to the ground once again, a massive golem of ice and snow rose up from the ground and fired a projectile at the storm rider, while the wind golem went over and lightly touched Ignis’ head. ​

    Beuce summoned Blizzagolem

    Blizzagolem used Blizzaga on the storm rider

    Aerogolem uses aero on Ignis
    Post by: Beucefilous, Feb 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Beucefilous
    Name: Adalric Hohenheim
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Here
    Keyblade: This
    Homeworld: Shalvira
    Master: Aster
    Personality: Very unsocial. Not really so much because they dislike socializing, but because they don't really know how. They say sorry a lot as somewhat of a defense mechanism. They're fairly nice, if a bit hard to talk to.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Feb 6, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  7. Beucefilous
    Beuce didn't know how bad it was for the birds in this world, but he was pretty sure that he'd gone through something fairly similar. He glanced down to his arm, and thought about what he'd do. He'd fight back, of course. He sympathized with the bird, but right now, they had something important to do.

    He'd begun to consider helping the bird, until he shot steel with a dart that was supposed to rewrite his genetic code. He didn't quite understand what that meant, but it could be nothing but bad news. Beuce readied his keyblade, and would've gone after the bird, but a shadow loomed overhead. He looked up, and saw what was likely their target. Based on stratos’ comment, he likely agreed.

    A light enveloped Beuce as his outfit changed to a more flowing outfit. He now held two seemingly autonomous strands of red and blue ribbon which fluttered around him. Placing both palms against the ground, symbols and runes of magic began to arc outward from him, until finally a gust of wind surrounded him and began to form itself into visibility, and then a creature made from it. It looked down at it's Creator and touched him, blessing him with a barrier of wind before heading out to do the rest to his companions

    Beuce used Aerogolem

    Aerogolem cast aero on Beuce
    Post by: Beucefilous, Feb 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Beucefilous

    Beuce panted, his breath growing heavier with each swing. This created devastating hits, but it was unimaginably exhausting to fight this way, not to.mention it wasn't terribly efficient against a crowd. Some of the more injured penguins seemed to be noticing that his stamina was taking it's toll on the man. They seemed to be looking to triple team him and make use of his weakened state. Beuce however, wasn't about to just take it lying down. For the first time, he tried using a command with his weapon.

    Three swings, each leaving a burning Arc of energy, were brought down onto the healthiest of the penguins, instantly knocking it over and leaving it literally with stars circling above it's head. That was a little odd, but the keyblade wielder didn't have time to be stuck on it. Using commands certainly took a chunk from his stamina, as sweat was no covering his face, but instead of stopping and giving his body time to cool down, he planted the blade upright into the ground and ran a step up it before kicking of backwards to tackle the most injured one.

    One punch was all it took to bring it down, and he wasted no time beginning to engage in fisticuffs with the remaining penguin. Two quick jabs, one to the stomach and one to the face, and it was down. Looking around, he saw everyone else was mopping the floor with these things as well. In fact, one particular move that he saw Stratos do gave him an idea. Giving a quick whistle to get the boy's attention, he gave a gesture to make his way over to him.

    “Give me a lift, will you?” He called out, ripping his weapon up from the ground. As it's weight seemed to disappear entirely, as well as his own, he knew that Stratos had understood his meaning. Beuce lifted higher into the air, hovering over an unsuspecting and unlucky penguin. It threw several shuriken at him to try and halt his advance, but once he began his descent, it didn't matter. The massive weapon cut effortlessly through them. No, cut wasn't the right word. It was more like smashed through them. As the penguin watched Beuce baring down on him, it dropped it's sword and put it's flippers together, uttering a silent prayer.

    The impact from this strike didn't just bury the sword in the ground, it managed to create a crater in the street where the penguin had been. Once again, it simply fell over onto it's backside with stars circling it's head. Now that he wasn't being immediately attacked, Beuce walked over and waved his hand through the stars. They weren't corporeal, and appeared to be just an image. How bizzare…

    Shaking the thought aside, he turned his attention back to the battle at hand. As powerful as soldier was, it couldn't be used for long due to the massive strain it was putting on his stamina. So instead, he reverted to his base form, and decided that if Kel and Ignis had the same job, he'd join Stratos. A red and blue light enveloped him, and was shortly joined by a yellow one. His outfit was largely similar, except now it had more of a western vibe to it, and now instead of toting a massive sword, he held a double barrel shotgun. He breathed a sigh of relief holding it in one hand, and took aim to fire rounds of magic at some of the penguins his two Ninjas companions were dealing with. First, he nailed one in the side which was about to take a swing at kel, and then fired a judgement shot which ricocheted around the penguins Ignis battled.

    625 words

    60 exp

    120 total


    8 left

    5 at 14/15
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Beucefilous

    Beuce was largely silent during the interrogations. This was due in no small part that he had no idea what they were actually supposed to be interrogating the sheep about. He breathed a sigh of relief when Stratos and Ignis managed to scrape their way through it by playing good cop with the lion who had been jailed there. He was thankful this wasn't a solo exam, or he might've failed right then and there. In any case, thanks to them, they'd found out about some kind of turf war brewing, as well as someone to interrogate about it.

    The trio made their way over to tundratown, where they met up with the other gang of keyblade wielders taking this test, who seemed to have gained a +1. Beuce gave a friendly wave to them, accompanied by a
    “Yo.” it seemed their travels had led them here as well. That all but proved they were on the right track. The “reapers” as they called themselves seemed to have orchestrated these tests. At the very least, they knew what was going to happen. The objective in the first test made that evident enough. If both groups had been led to this person, it's likely they were supposed to be here. It was easy to forget their circumstances and just view this as another world, but Beuce had been taking pains to remind himself that it was a test in the mark of mastery, and the reaper’s game.

    Beuce snapped out of his inner thoughts by the sound of a voice. It blared through the area and all the citizens disappeared. It was so obvious a fight was going to break out it almost hurt. Only, what they were fighting left him confused. Penguin Ninjas...He heard Stratos muse about what a penguin was, and shared his friend’s sentiment. Suddenly, masked black and white birds surrounded them. Surprisingly enough, they mostly seemed to be armed with short, very straight and angular swords with square guards, and only one each. From the few people he'd seen assume the role of 'ninja’, he assumed that dual wielding was part of the gig.

    With the sentiment that he'd learned something new, he summoned his keyblade and enveloped himself in a bright red and blue light, in which the red began to overwhelm the blue until there was none left. He came out wearing black clothing, outlined with similarly colored fur. He went to charge at their opposition, but nearly knocked himself over doing so as one of his arms seemed to be entirely anchored in place. Looking back, he discovered that his keyblade had become a monstrous double ended greatsword. Each of the blades was nearly as tall as him, to say nothing about them combined. Yet even their absurd size yet betrayed their weight. The most accurate feature about it was the fact that it had partially buried itself in the ground from simply making contact with it, as though even the earth couldn't support such monstrous weight. He recalled his great feats of strength during the thousand heartless battle when in soldier form, and he's gotten exponentially stronger since, but even then using this to any degree of effectiveness would be quite the daunting task.

    One of the birds lunged at him, and with little time to react, he kicked the thing aside. His physical strength seemed to extend into his legs. Suddenly, an epiphany struck him. He put both hands on the weapon and groaned with effort. Momentarily, the ground gave way and loosed the absurd blade from it. There was no way he'd be able to carry this thing. In the same motion he'd used to pull it from the ground, he heaved it toward his rebounding attacker. There was nearly no resistance under the force of the blow. The force which was necessary to move the sword. As his horizontal pseudo-swing reached its completion, it arced downward toward the ground, it's blade once again slicing into the ground, though this time it left more of a curved scar.

    Several more similar acts happened as he was approached. Each time he swing the blade, one motion was all he could manage before it buried itself into the ground once again. He however, found that the blade’s weight was such that it could easily support his own in such a state. Throwing it forward into a downward stab at one of the penguins, he had it standing upward. Wasting no time, he used the weight of the sword to give him something to propel himself against, lunging into an unarmed strike at the foe who had, fortunately for them, avoided the first attack.

    He wasn't so much wielding the sword as it was wielding him. And not in a “the sword chooses its owner” kind of way. Normally one adjusts a sword’s position after each strike to prepare for the next, but this was backwards. The sword remained motionless outside of the static swings that were brought from wresting it out of the ground. Beuce had to adjust his own position in relation to the sword in order to get it to swing in the way he wanted. In a very literal sense, the role of sword and owner had been reversed.

    Total words: 880

    Exp this post: 60

    Total exp: 60

    26 out of 30 penguins

    Two penguins at 12/15 bp
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Beucefilous
    Beuce followed mok back to the Police station. He honestly wondered why they were going along with this whole "pretending to be police officers" thing. Weren't there repercussions for this? Well, it wasn't exactly like they could just put them in jail for impersonation. Cages didn't exactly work well on people who could unlock anything in the universe with a flick of a wrist. Whatever, they had a sheep to interrogate. He had a pretty good idea of where the penitentiary was. He'd seen in passing as they were putting the tickets on the cars. "Alright, lets head out." He barked to Stratos and Ignis before walking out the door.

    Once they were outside, he turned to the two. "So, this good samaritan police work is all well and good, helps the common folk and keeps the order of the city, but do we actually have any indication as to what we're supposed to be doing? Both times previously, we had some kind of clue as to our mission. In the first world, Stratos and I had 'Defeat the Monster, Save the Man'. I'm not sure what you had, but I'd imagine you also had something. The second time, we had to collect the password that turned out to be the princesses of heart. What this time?" He continued walking toward their destination, pondering over their lack of direction. "What did you have in your world, Ignis? Maybe it'll help us get a common theme together to at least venture a guess."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Dec 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Beucefilous
    Beuce fumbled around with the ticket machine. His new claws were proving hard to worth, however it seemed that his glass arm was entirely unaffected by the transformation. He didn't quite grasp why, but it seemed to be the only part that hadn't been affected by the world they were in. In any case, he managed to grasp how to push the buttons on it a bit after the others did, eventually printing out a ticket. He gathered from their conversation that they weren't supposed to just stick it to everything they saw, but instead were supposed to put it on "parking violations"...?

    An idea struck him, and a brilliant one at that. Stratos seemed to grasp what he was doing. Putting them on cars that appeared to be breaking the law. He followed closely behind the boy, and every time he put a ticket onto a vehicle, Beuce would paste one right next to it. This way, he'd be sure to be putting it on the right things. Beuce gave a satisfied thumbs up to his partner for the exam. Case solved. Junior Detectives, out.

    Post by: Beucefilous, Nov 29, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Beucefilous
  13. Beucefilous
    Luther produced a white cloth and began to wipe the blood from his dagger, cleaning it to a proper sheen. He sighed, thankfully, that was over. He regretted losing his cool momentarily there. It, combined with the fact she'd been able to control him, no doubt made him seem rather weak willed to the rest of the group. While appearances were important, it wasn't the only detriment to this. A large portion of them were hot-blooded and prone to rash action. If given the opportunity to try and talk some sense into them in a desperate situation, his sway would be lessened if they thought of him as weak. It was food for thought. Walking over toward Melus, he stopped about ten feet away from her, crouched to the ground, and picked up his glove.

    As while he did this that he heard her voice call to him, referring to him as "meatbag". Did that imply she wasn't...? Standing up to his full height, he looked at the girl.
    "I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not." He said coyly as he donned the black glove once more. Shortly after, his face shifted to a slightly more serious expression. "Hold it against me or not, I sincerely apologize. It was uncharacteristic of me to fall under control so easily. I nearly cost you your life in doing so." He approached her. "So, I will guard you with mine. I swear, I will let no harm come to you."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Nov 19, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Beucefilous
    Beuce showed a small grin as his partner was revealed. This was the best pair he could've gotten. He looked over at Stratos as he spoke to him. "Hell, when we're done with our test, lets go and pass everyone else's for them. We'll have the downtime." Shortly after, it was revealed Ignis would be joining them for a trio. So he was with her again. While it wasn't quite the pleasant surprise Stratos was, he was fairly confident that the woman was strong and reliable. It seemed like this time, they were going to a world with a party of six. Their trio, and one other. "Lets do this." Beuce said as he stepped through the portal and into the test.

    Beuce immediately felt incredibly different. His face was...longer somehow. He opened his mouth several times, trying to adjust to his new jaw shape. It took some getting used to, to say the least. Looking around, he saw everyone else was comprised of anthropomorphic animals. Nearby was a small bunny who, from the voice and what she said, he surmised was Luna. He approached behind her, to get a look at what he looked like. It was odd to see his hair ontop of other hair. The new fur around his neck was incredibly fluffy, and made him look rather fat. In response to his appearance, there was only one thing he could say. "Wow."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Nov 18, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Beucefilous
    The events that transpired were odd ones, to say the least. It was as though he was simply a spectator through his own eyes. Halfway through his fight with Melus, he realized he wasn't the one fighting, and that his mind had been clouded into picking the fight in the first place. Now he could only stare on as someone used his body and his skills to beat Melus nearly to death. He was only vaguely aware of what was happening. Only coherent enough to know who he was fighting, but not why, or who was controlling him. Thankfully, his body ceased to be able to move. At least now he wouldn't have to do anything against his will. He'd have closed his eyes if he could move any part of him. His consciousness began to blur, but returned to him almost all at once some time later. It was difficult to tell exactly how long he was in that state.

    The second he regained control of himself, rage washed over him. He knew exactly what had happened, what he'd been made to do, and who was controlling him. The second the cage dropped, he saw Vallus had already inflicted quite the large wound in her chest. It wasn't fatal, but his would be. He stood, and composed himself. Closing his eyes and brandishing his sword, an deathly calm air fell over him. When he opened his eyes, everyone in the room could feel it. He dashed toward Krista. While in reality it only lasted a moment, it seemed to drag on for ages. Normally Luther's movements were darting and blindingly quick, trying to keep in his opponent's peripheral vision, so as to make it all the harder to detect when exactly he swapped out for an illusion, and harder to discern what his true movement was. This, however, was different. The bloodlust behind this one thrust was palatable. No natural attack could produce this kind of intensity behind its killing intent, and no illusion could possibly recreate it. There was no question this was the real Luther, using his power to draw all focus to him and amplify his own presence by a thousand fold.

    And there was murder in his eyes.

    She would feel fear before she died, and he made sure of it. The blade finally approached her throat. It was impossible to look away from through the amplified killing intent behind the attack. The attack would register as the most immediate threat to one's life no matter what, and set off their instincts to defend against it. The more honed one's skills were, the more their mind screamed at them to negate it somehow, some way, but that was the trap it laid. At the eleventh hour of the attack, right before it connected, his fingers loosened, and the blade fell from his hands. In the mere fraction of a second before it registered what happened, while their eyes still followed the blade downward on its journey to the ground, a loud, resounding sound tore through the unbelievable tension. A clap. Loud and boisterous, right in front of Krista's face. To be in such an extreme state of your survival instincts screaming at your body to move, only to be all at once forcefully ripped out of it put incredible strain on the concentration. The more skilled they were, the farther into the trap the fell, and the more effective the attack proved to be. It was a laughably simple conclusion to an attack with such an overwhelming build up, but it served its purpose. Never had a warrior lived who could keep his guard up with his concentration sundered so badly. It was all but guaranteed to create an opening for a split second. He didn't waste it. Before her mind had fully registered being torn out of her fight or flight instinct, he produced his second weapon. He'd always had it brandished, but as he never used it in his attacks, it was incredibly easy to forget about, or miss altogether. In one swift, upward motion, he brought it to where her throat met the bottom of her jaw and plunged it deep inside of her head.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Nov 6, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Beucefilous
    Beuce glared at the man with the megaphone as he spouted seemingly random mathematical terms at them. From the voice, he could tell that this was their new "game master" who had put them through the new set of worlds. Before he could say anything, Glen beat him to the punch, only to be dematerialized and vanish from the room. Beuce wasted no time and threw out his arm to summon his keyblade, but was paralyzed. Unable to close his fingers around the weapon, it simply fell out of the air and clamored onto the ground before fading once more. Beuce was powerless to do anything but watch the events unfold. The hooded man who'd been AJ's partner turned out to be Aux, albeit without his memories. He had told AJ not to trust him, but he didn't realize the gravity of it. Not to mention AJ had never met Aux before, and likely didn't exactly grasp why he shouldn't trust him. After the events with Megumi and Sho, Beuce was finally unfrozen. He gritted his teeth angrily. He was tired of being powerless, but that was why he was here. Once they were masters, they'd finally be able to take the fight to the doorstep of the enemy.

    It was only then that he found himself baffled by Ananta's claims that Aux "had a reason for what he did". He couldn't believe it. Aux was the entire reason that they were thrown into darkness and forced to battle for their lives. It was his fault Karina went through what she did. Before he was able to say anything, the one with probably the most personal involvement in the whole matter stepped up. He watched their confrontation, but didn't interfere. He sided with Kaida entirely, but ganging up on Ananta wouldn't help a thing. He couldn't believe that after everything they'd done, anyone could just dismiss their actions so easily. What "reasons" could possibly excuse the evil they'd committed? Aux was the reason they were in the mess in the first place. He'd broken them down and cast them into darkness to leave them to die, and that was just what he'd done to their group specifically.

    Not to mention his allies. Would they be excused as well? Beuce clenched his fists, making a slight hum come from his glass hand. No heart was the one behind all of this. He probably only saw them as pieces in a game. Either that or just part of a plan. It depended on whether he thought games were for children. No heart was the worst criminal of them all, and no reason could possibly excuse it. When they met, Beuce was going to bring him down, no matter what happened. Looking back up from his internal rant, Beuce saw that several others had gone through the teleporter already. Making his way in, he joined the others in Shibuya soon enough to hear Ananta speak about why Karina hated her, but he decided it was still best not to get involved. ​
    Post by: Beucefilous, Nov 5, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Beucefilous

    Hell's Rebels

    The city of Kintargo has a new lord-mayor, but he's not someone interested in maintaining that city's free spirit. Paracount Barzillai Thrune has placed the city under martial law, and his cruel proclamations and sinister plans for the city bode ill. Can a small group of heroes and would-be rebels stand against the might of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune and the Church of Asmodeus and save their home town from being crushed under the boot of an infernal tyrant? Will one of Cheliax's most powerful inquisitors make the city his playground, or can the rebels known as the Silver Ravens rise up to bring a new era of freedom to the so called Silver City of Kintargo? Join the rebellion! Save Kintargo! DOWN WITH THRUNE!
    Hell's rebels is an adventure path for the Pathfinder system. In it, the players are swept into a rebellion which they must run in order to successfully liberate the city of Kintargo.

    Rebellion Sheet management here
    For more information, refer to the player's guide here

    General Guidelines:
    • This will be run in the pathfinder system, if you aren't familiar with pathfinder then I will be willing to teach you. However, it will require a lot of reading. If you are okay with this, feel free to apply. If not, this isn't the RP for you.
    • You do not need to post a character sheet in order to apply. Simply post stating interest, and I'll mark you down as a participant.
    • This will be in a play-by-post format on KHV. You don't need to set aside any specific time for a session in person.
    • Discuss things with your party. Once you know who the other participants are, discuss things like party composition to avoid six sorcerers who get mowed down in the first encounter. Potential things like backstory involving another PC. A character is always more fun to play if they have character to them.
    • This follows the general forum rules.
    Character Creation:
    • A character sheet template can be found here
    • Please do not edit the document directly. Simply copy and paste the information into your own character sheet and edit it from there. Once you've completed it, either post a link to it in this thread or send it to me privately. It doesn't matter which one, as long as I can see it. If you need help filling out your character sheet, just message me and I'll help you to the best of my abilities.
    • Nearly all first party content is allowed in this. A compilation of this information can be found here
    • That is however not to say that I am disallowing third party content altogether. It is however, not allowed by default. This content will be considered on a case by case basis.
    • You will begin at level 1
    • When determining ability scores, you will be allowed a choice of a 20 point buy or 4d6 and drop the lowest.
    • For any other questions, feel free to ask either in the thread or in a private message.
    Thread by: Beucefilous, Oct 20, 2017, 17 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Beucefilous
    Melus' counter did in fact stop him from getting in a good hit, if only because it happened to catch him as well as the illusion in the gust. He wasn't even certain she meant to do it, it just happened to work out like that. Regaining his balance from being blown back, it seemed she went on the defensive to evade what she thought was him resisting the gust. He didn't answer her question of why. He didn't need to. He quickly kept up his assault, sparing no time to allow her to regain her bearings. He broke off during his charge, leaving an illusion to continue it whilst he went around to the right side of her. As he gained distance towards her, the first illusion he created flickered out, and simultaneously, he created a second one to her left to strike at her in an attempt to get her to dodge toward the real blade. If successful, he'd keep up the assault with a barrage of illusions, only slipping into the real frame of vision to strike momentarily and confuse. His goal was to overwhelm her and push her far enough out of her comfort zone to lose her balance entirely, at which point he'd all but already won.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Oct 9, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Beucefilous
    Luther put two of his fingers on his temple. He couldn't believe these two idiots had begun to break out into a fight. He knew Kiara was failing them as a leader, and he could certainly see Arctus' point of view but...Actually, why did there have to be a but? He had no loyalty to Kiara. There wasn't any reason to support her in the fight. One look at Melus though, and he could tell a different story was playing out in her head. He likely wouldn't have been able to beat either of them regardless, as their elements seemed...a bit of a bad match up for him. He could, however, at least get Melus out of the way. She seemed to need a bit of breathing room to be able to do what she wanted, what with having a bow and all, and he excelled at not giving his opponents that.

    Luther walked up to Melus, blocking her view of the other two fighting. "I'm sorry to do this, but..." He removed one of his gloves and threw it on the ground in front of her. A clear indication that a challenge had been issued. "Get yourself ready. Here i come." Luther immediately brought his body low to the ground and dashed forward toward her, attempting a stab from below, or at least, that's what it looked like he did. In reality, it was a momentary image to replace his real form. In actuality, he lunged a second after the duplicate, striking downward from above. The illusion might've been seen through, but anyone, no matter how seasoned and experienced they were in a fight, would draw their reflexes toward a weapon aimed to pierce their abdomen. In fact, the more honed ones skills were, the more effective Luther's fighting style was against them. And if they weren't skilled...Well, then he didn't need illusions to beat them.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Oct 9, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Beucefilous
    Luther sighed at Kiara's explanation. It told Lea almost nothing. At least Arctus followed up with a bit more useful of an explanation. "We arrived to find her being bullied in an almost playground style. Evidently he was trying to find something she supposedly knew the location of, and so the first thing our leader did was charge in like an angry bull. After being thoroughly outmaneuvered, he revealed himself to have some kind of connection to her past, but that seems to have been mostly coincidental. After that, this girl told us about some sort of culling from a larger group, out of which she remained due to the sacrifice of her lover." He said that part cautiously, bearing in mind the fact she might have been telling the truth. "In any case, I have my doubts about her. Whoever that was, he made Arctus and Kiara look like they were nothing. While he might've been simply respecting our numbers that could've increased if it broke out any further, it seemed more like he was letting us take her. The only reason I can think of for that to happen.." He paused, giving an accusatory glance at Juliet. He gave an attempt to read her expression, to see if it were more nervous or fearful. "..would be that she was in on it, and their scuffle was staged." Turning his head back to Lea, he sighed. "We decided you might have better judgement than we do, so brought her here."
    Post by: Beucefilous, Oct 6, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena