Beuce looked to the girl standing before him as she threw away her keychains in the ground. The mementos of what she'd gathered during her time with them. She was essentially throwing away her past and her life with them. Beuce looked down at them, and resolved himself to not let her do this. He'd be damned if he was just going to let her walk away again like that. "Hey, Karina." He called out to her, before she left. "That's Master Beuce." He corrected. At first it seemed a bit out of place to demand to be called by his title in this particular scenario. "I just remembered, we're masters now. And as such, we've got a few rights that only we have." He summoned his keyblade into his glass arm and walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, practically turning her around.
Beuce gave Aux a puzzled look as he referred to him as "Bruce". He assumed that it must just be that he wasn't used to his name yet. After the interaction between him and Karina, she seemed to be starting to calm down finally. Beuce gave a sigh of relief and began to let her go.Then Ananta walked up and opened her mouth. He immediately tightened his grip on her as he simply stared at Ananta dumbfounded. Why? Why would she do that? For what purpose? There was no reason at all to anantagonize her, but she decided "oh hey what's the best thing to do the first thing you see her? Tell her she's worthless and hasn't made any progress whatsoever". In what way, under any circumstance, would that be helpful to the situation. Especially given that the whole situation with Aux was still going on. Beuce struggled to keep her in place and from going to turn Ananta's face into the next dimension. "Alright, look. I know you're mad. Hell that ticked me off a bit," He shot a glare at Ananta. That had been really unnecessary. "but I really, reaaally need you to calm down. You want to show her? Prove her wrong and calm do- Ohh that was my wrist." He said, as she hadn't stopped squirming yet and twisted his arm a bit. He managed to remain strong but it was getting more difficult. "Listen, I just got this arm, and I know I have five gods living inside me and all but i don't know if they keep these things in stock, so I'd prefer to keep the ones I've got intact. Please, calm down." She, at this point, seemed to calm down a bit. He let her go, and walked in front of her, so as to have more of an actual conversation with her. "I'm not really sure why she said that, but she doesn't speak for everyone. I don't know what you've been up to on your end, we're in a moment of respite finally. We might have a chance to catch up." He said, hoping to keep her stable. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the blonde kid who'd joined them recently collapse on the ground. Walking over, he knelt down and shook him a bit. "You alright bud?" Beuce remembered his first large scale battle back at Central Haven. He felt like passing out too, so he couldn't blame him. Grabbing him off the ground, he threw the kid over his shoulder and went to go put him somewhere more comfortable than face down in the sand. He turned back to Karina. "We can chat if you like."
Beuce sighed, dismissing his keyblade. Stratos was right. This was no time to break out into another fight. They were all exhausted. Beuce glared at Ignis as she berated them for even considering the possibility that Aux was still a danger, and immediately freed him. "Well, It's not like I'm saying 'I hate him and can't forgive him'. I'm just trying to be on the cautious side. What if he turns on us in the middle of our fight with No Heart and we end up having to face both of them at once? I know we've gotten a lot stronger, but that means we can fight back. It doesn't mean we can throw caution to the wind." Beuce said, obviously a little upset with her. Nevertheless, regardless of what they did, it wasn't worth fighting each other over. That was when Kaida said something about him having a remnant of darkness within him, which honestly seemed to further both sides. He most likely did actually want to help them, but he was dangerous to keep around. "I see. So he-" And then some guy walked up, wiped his sword against Kaida's jacket, and immediately he and Karina ran to attack Aux. Beuce was a little dumbfounded to see this unfold so...Randomly. It seemed a little out of place with what they were talking about. Kaida managed to stop both of them before the attacked him any further. "Nice thinking." He noted to Kaida, then turned to Aux. "You uh...Might want to take a few steps back. Like when you think you're far enough away back up a little further." He rolled his shoulders and stretched a little bit, before walking behind Karina and locking his arms under hers and over her shoulders. He whistled and braced himself. When the stop spell eventually wore off, he groaned at the effort of keeping the girl in check. "Oh hey Karina, nice to see you too." He said, waiting for her to realize what happened and stop struggling. "Good to see you're doing well, even made some new buddies, but we need to catch you up on a few things. We're deciding what to do with him now, and you're more than welcome to your opinion. If you could tone down your temper for a while until we're done, that'd be great."
Beuce watched in awe as Shiro brought forth the third tier of his Aura. They'd only managed to achieve the first layer of what appeared to be an incredible gap in power. Honestly, it seemed like an unreachable height that was infinitely far off. Then again, he thought back to the way he'd been on his homeworld, and where he stood now would've looked just as imposing. He'd come so far from where he started it was unbelievable. He was confident that all of them would be able to reach their third tier of their auras in time. He ran over to where Mizu and Shiro where as the bulky man collapsed onto the ground, changing back to his regular attire and dropping out of his light aura. He couldn't imagine that forcing that kind of power out of your body all at once was easy. There was a reason their bodies put natural inhibitions on their powers and gave them time to "cool down". Overdoing it was dangerous. He gave a slight sigh of relief as Shiro rose from his apparently death-like sleep. "You had us worried for a second there. Can't go kicking the bucket before you teach us how to do that." Beuce chided sarcastically. He listened to Mizu. The last time he'd seen her, Nequa had captured her after defeating them in Camelot. "We could use a little bit of a catching up. We've been in the realm of darkness for who knows how long." It was then that Aux walked up and, by simply stating his name, seemed to start a confrontation. Beuce summoned Lofty Grasp almost instinctually at the impending signs of combat. He wasn't even sure who he was ready to fight at first, though that seemed an obvious conclusion. He pointed the red end of his keyblade at Aux in Sprinkles' grip. He might have helped them in this fight, but he was the reason that they went through all this in the first place. "Ananta, I don't think we should be quite so hasty to trust him. He's still the same guy who threw us into darkness in the first place, and he may have only been helping us at all because he lost his memories. If he's turned over a new leaf and wants to help us fight against No Heart and Krowley, great. But I'm not convinced yet. Until we can be sure of anything, we should keep our guard up. We're finally getting somewhere, and I don't particularly feel like throwing it away because we got stabbed in the back." Beuce said, thinking back on Hughes' words. He'd said something about a traitor. While that was certainly ominous, it was nothing to tear themselves apart over.
"This is it! The last blow!" Beuce said, channeling both the dark power from his job and the aura of light into his strikes as he flew toward the storm bringer's face and delivered one final strike with Synchronous Gale, splitting the head in half. Beuce used a combo
Beuce activated the light aura and used a combo
I got straight spooked
Honestly same.
Beuce used regular Blizzaga
Beuce used Dark Blizzaga
"Thanks Kaida. You the homie!" Beuce called out to Kaida as she healed him. He'd been planning on draining, but now it seemed like he didn't quite need to. Instead, he took up a stance with his keyblade and cherry blossoms began to fall. With one quick slash, he cut across the darkside's face. Beuce used Zantetsuken
Beuce stepped forward, still in his Dark Knight form, and looked up at Hughes, the one who had summoned this massive horde. It seemed like they'd finally fought their way through the thousands of heartless and made their way to him. This was the last step, and they were ready to end it and win their way back to the realm of light. Hughes called out and summoned forth one of the biggest heartless he'd ever seen. A darkside with glowing runes around it, crackling with a white lightning all around its body. At first, it seemed so dauntingly enormous that it came into question how you'd even go about attacking something like that. Beuce however, looked to both sides. The three next to him were Kaida, Stratos, and Hikaru. If they couldn't stop it...Well, there wasn't much point in thinking about something that wouldn't come to pass. He chuckled at Stratos. "Arma would probably eat this thing for breakfast. And I don't mean that in a figurative sense either." He said with a laugh. With that, he returned the fistbump Stratos offered him. It was a simple gesture, but there was a lot of meaning behind it. Beuce had realized it a bit ago, but Stratos wasn't someone trying to catch up with him anymore. They were neck and neck, and it was the beginning of a friendly rivalry. Beuce smiled, not reacting to the black and green energy that seemed to collapse inward on itself, leaving Synchronous Gale in his hand. The moment he took hold of it, a world of possibilities opened up in his mind. Links he'd never thought of before began to connect and form. Grinning, he readied himself for Stratos' plan. "Let's do this!" He said, propping his foot against the keyblade and kicking off it. As he flew through the air to The Stormbringer, he spread wings of solid light, and called forth its power. Normally, he would fire it out as something of an energy projectile, but this time he gathered it around the keyblade, coalescing it into a massive blade of light that he slashed across the heartless' face. Thunder couldn't beat faith either, and you can certainly bet he was going to preach it. Beuce used Faith
Swapping out Oblivion for Synchronous Gale Changed Stats 6 (+1) MP 51 Strength 11 Speed Swapping out Drain for Seeker Mine Final Command Loadout Dark aura Splattercombo Seeker Mine Zantetsuken Faith Blizzaga
Beuce attacked with a combo
Beuce activated the light aura and used faith
Beuce looked up at the massive creature looming over them. They were divided from about half of their group, while Karina and her new gang were handling what seemed to be a spiraling vortex of shadows. He wasn't sure exactly how that worked, or what you'd even call it. A shadownado? Shadnado? No those both sounded dumb. Besides, there was a far more pressing threat. He looked to the rest of the group that would be fighting the darkside before them and charged forward to join them. Pouring his lifeblood into the darkness, it gave him strength in return. He floated up into the air and propelled forward, stabbing and slashing at the dark side before performing one last downward thrust that released a burst of energy. Beuce used Dark Aura
GEARING UP FOR BATTLE BEUCE: Going to assume we can spend crowns before the battle. If we can't, I'll edit accordingly. Spending 50 Crowns on 5 AP 58 crowns remaining Spending 30 on 1 strength 28 crowns remaining Equipping The Dark Knight Job (AP 10/34) Equipping Skill Commands Dark aura Splattercombo Drain Zantetsuken Faith Thundaga Gear: Equipping Oblivion Equipping Moogle Badge Abilities High Jump (AP 11/34) Combo (AP 13/34) Aerial Sweep (AP 15/34) Combo Plus (AP 16/34) Air Combo Plus (AP 17/34) Finishing Leap (AP 23/34) Equipping Blitz (AP 25/34) Equipping Second Chance (AP 29/34) Limits: Equipping Trip around the Sun (AP 34/34) STEEL: Posting his stuff for him because the dude's on a tight schedule Crowns: I dunno i'm going to assume nothing Equipping the Ninja Job Skill Commands: Ninja Vanish Barrier Surge Fire Strike Vorpal Blitz Reluctancy Break time April Showers Keyblades: Artisan Shard and Starseeker Abilities: High Jump Combo Combo Plus Aerial Sweep Air Combo Plus Finishing Leap Blitz Dodge Roll Second Chance Item Boost Limits: Tempered Fate
Stratos was directing his Golem into the swathe of heartless before them, and it seemed to be doing well. However, three Invisibles seemed to recognize that the boy was the one controlling it, and judging from their clearly hostility toward him, it seemed like they figured if they got rid of him, the Golem would go too. They were right, too. So Beuce stood in their path, making sure they wouldn't be able to accomplish their task. They acknowledged his desire to protect his friend, and honored it by dealing with him first. The trio all rushed forward at once, assaulting him with a barrage of greatswords from every side. Thanks to the enhanced awareness that was granted to him by his aura, he managed to keep up with them, but only barely. He spun his keyblade around and caused a burst of dark fire to spin around him, damaging and forcing back all three of them. One invisible seemed to throw his sword into the ground and combust into a ring of black flames and encircle him. Beuce ran to try and avoid the ring, but it simply traveled with him at the same speed. It was also made difficult by the fact that the other two were still slashing at him without mercy. Finally, the circle enclosed on him and the heartless stabbed downward along his back, having rematerialized above him. Beuce gasped as the blade tore across his skin. He'd only just managed to avoid a fatal blow, and that was only thanks to the innate damage resistance given to him by his Dark Knight Job. He panted, realizing that this was going to be tough. "Alright. You wanna play it that way? We can do that." Beuce concentrated on the darkness within him, and summoned it forth in incredible spades. This attack was stronger still than even Zantetsuken or Faith. A white aura began to glow around him as his form grew darker, creating a massive contrast. He rose slowly into the air, while the invisibles prepared themselves for whatever assault was about to come their way. Yet, even knowing it was coming, they weren't able to defend against it. All at once he rushed forward through the air and delivered a powerful slash to the arm of one of the heartless, immediately severing it and causing it to fall to the ground and vanish. They turned to him in an attempt to catch him, but it was for naught as he opened a portal of darkness to carry him elsewhere. He emerged behind one of them stabbing through it and throwing it to the ground before once again vanishing through a portal only to arrive elsewhere. The third invisible was a little bit more prepared, knowing he would be next, and attempted to slash at Beuce as he came through the portal, but the master spun below the blade and cleaved the heartless in half. Circling back around, he once again came for the first one whose arm he had severed and planted his blade directly into its face, instantly killing it. This time instead of going through a portal he hovered over to the one laying flat against the ground and plunging downward. When he impacted and impaled his keyblade through the neck of the heartless, he sent forth a surge of energy into it and through the ground, causing a massive explosion Total Words: 608 Exp: 60 Total Exp: 1020 Blessed Thief: 30 Total Munny: 510 Heartless Defeated: 3 Invisibles 5 darkballs heartless Injured: neoshadow 14/15 Enemies Remaining: 879 Neoshadows 885 Darkballs 6 Invisibles
Beuce looked on as yet another massive horde of heartless pressed forward at them. The waves seemed to be ever increasing in difficulty, and while they weren't at the point of being overwhelmed yet, he could sense that they wouldn't last too much longer. Not to mention, this wave didn't contain a single regular shadow. A sure sign that things were picking up. Then, he heard a loud shout from a familiar voice. Looking over, he saw Karina, Mizu, and what seemed like the team Lea had taken her to put her on. A smile broke out on his face. She certainly seemed to be doing well for herself since she'd left them. Not only that, Mizu was with them. He hadn't the faintest idea what had happened to her since she was taken by Nequa, but she was alright now. Given the size of "sprinkles" the golem, better than alright. He'd managed to learn the spell for summoning Golems, but he had clearly far from mastered it. The air grew even colder as he looked over to see a second golem, this one made by Stratos. With a Zantetsuken through a few neoshadows, he made his way over to the boy. He'd apparently sent his golem off to charge into the horde directly, so he'd need someone to watch his back as that job didn't leave much in the way of personal combat. As soon as he reached him though, he dropped out of his data form. Evidently, unlike jobs, those came with time restrictions. It made sense, given that they didn't even seem to come with any inherent drawbacks like jobs did. Nevertheless, he didn't waste much time thinking on it and directed his attention to Stratos."Yo. What do you say after we get back to the realm of light, we hit her up and have her teach us how to do that?" He said, motioning his head to Sprinkles the Blizzagolem. "Though, first we need to actually get out of here. You keep doing what you do. I'll watch your back." He said, readying his blade. Normally, when he transformed into a job, he was enveloped in a red and blue light, and whichever attribute the job resonated with the most then engulfed the other. If the job was focused on duality such as ranger, the both grew bright. This time however, there was no light. Instead, a geyser of darkness erupted from the ground beneath him, leaving only a silhouette as his clothing shifted to armor. When the geyser of darkness subsided, Beuce was now far more well armored, and his clothing's color scheme had changed almost entirely to black. An air of darkness radiated from around him, but as an Invisible neared, he had yet another power to unlock. "Blade" He said, reawakening his aura of swordsmanship. He hadn't ever actually fought one of these before, but he'd seen other struggle with them, so he assumed they were they strongest of the bunch outside of the enormous ones. The invisible slashed downward but Beuce managed to parry it with peerless bladework and jumped forward, kicking off the face of the muscular heartless with angel-like features. He threw he keyblade in the same Javelin style he had been to defeat the other heartless, but the invisible simply caught it in its hand by the blade. There was a slight stream of smoke and inky darkness coming from its hand, indicating that it had been injured by it, but it was on the whole still fine. Beuce launched a blast of dark thunder, traveling through the keyblade and destroying the invisible. He'd managed to beat it, but that was certainly concerning. Total Words: 632 Exp: 60 Total Exp: 960 Blessed Thief: 30 Total Munny: 480 Heartless Defeated: 1 Invisible 9 neoshadows 1 darkball Heartless Injured 1 neoshadow 12/15 Heartless remaining: Defeat 952 Neoshadows Defeat 963 Darkballs Defeat 21 Invisibles