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  1. Beucefilous
    Beuce too charged in with the rest of them. He wasn't honestly sure why they needed Hikaru's power to do this, but he wasn't about to complain

    Beuce contributed to Get 'em
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 29, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Beucefilous
    Excuse me good sir. I'd like to join your fine union
    My username is Rienzel and my player ID is 2354658
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 28, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  3. Beucefilous
    Beuce, having already completed his training, smacked a witch.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 28, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Beucefilous
    Beuce freed D'daear
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 25, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Beucefilous
    Beuce was going to heal stratos. and so he did.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 23, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Beucefilous
    Beuce attacked for 58 damage, but made note of the fact it was raining cats and how odd it was.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 21, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Beucefilous
    Beuce attacked for 29 damage
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 20, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Beucefilous
    "Hikaru, you're not looking so hot. Hang in there." With that, Beuce spun his fingers to will his keyblade onto the magic casting side before grabbing it and giving it a slight wave to heal the downed wielder. Once he was up, he could heal others.

    Beuce used Cura on Hikaru
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 18, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Beucefilous
    They were starting to get somewhere now that most people were up and out of their chest once again. It seemed like everyone else was going pretty well on the offensive, and most people were getting healed, so he decided to mend his wounds so that he could join in the assault shortly after. He wasn't sure he could take another hit otherwise.

    Beuce cast Cura on himself!
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 18, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Beucefilous
    Beuce hit mizrabel with the metal stick

    Beuce attacked
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 16, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Beucefilous
    Beuce winced as he was hit by the magical ring. He could see why those things took Stratos out so quickly. He wasn't sure he could take another one himself. They needed to take her out as quickly as they could. So, with that, he ran up to the witch and let loose a flurry of blow. but with a weapon. not like the monk ability.

    Beuce dealt 29 damage
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 14, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Beucefilous
    Beuce scowled at the witch as she brought Stratos down. The others didn't seem to be able to use their magics, only the ones who hadn't been locked up with them. One of the two new girls had gone over to heal him, so he figured he should just focus on his task at hand. Beuce spun around his keyblade, seemingly to wield the magic end of it, but instead brought it up toward his shoulder. The physical end of it was still aimed at her, albeit backhanded. With one massive thrust, he threw the weapon at her like a javelin, before summoning it back to his grip.

    Beuce dealt 29 damage
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 14, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Beucefilous
    Beuce burst free from the chest, threw his arms up, and began to yell. "HALLELUJAH I WAS GETTING SO CRAMPED IN THERE I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE YOU SIR ARE A CREDIT TO YOUR PEOPLE ALRIGHT NOW WHERE IS THIS WITCH WE NEED TO BE KILLING" He said, with precisely no pause between his statements. He stretched his muscles out, after having been cramped into a tight space for so long, and summoned his double-ended keyblade. "There she is." With that, Beuce twirled his keyblade around his fingers, the blade responding to his will and turning in the direction he desired. Running up to the witch, Beuce swung his keyblade at her.

    Beuce attacked Mizrabel
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 13, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Beucefilous
    "No no wait my keyblade is in my pock- Ohhh dammit." Beuce cried as he was crammed into a chest. He was contorted in a very uncomfortable manner, but outside he could hear chests being opened left and right. The new people weren't affected! Of course! He saw one of them right next to him before he was crammed into the chest. He'd be out of there in no time and then he could join the fight against that witch. Any second now. Any second. There was no way that guy would just leave him in here. He looked like a nice guy. He had the perfect appearance. He'd be out of there any minu- he wasn't getting out of there. He then heard a familiar voice outside. Kaida said that she couldn't let him out. Great. So it was only the one guy who could let him out. "No no it's fine i'll here. Go on. Fight the boss. Don't mind me. I'm only bent backwards and sideways and i don't really fit in here. I'm fine." He then began cough because of how dry his mouth was getting from all the salt.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 13, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Beucefilous
    Username: Beucefilous
    Name: Frode Hafrita
    Age: 24
    Magic type: Physikai
    Power 1: Information Cloning - The user is able to seperate themselves into a variety of forms by splitting their consiousness and knowledge into seperate parts, and duplicating their body entirely. While they essentially create another version of themselves and are able to exist in two places at once, they are in essence dividing their intelligence in half whilst they do so, as each copy retains equality to the others. While this can be done a theoretically infinite number of times, it is extremely inefficient and coutnerproductive to have more than four incarnations at a time, as the intelligence at five or more becomes so far below that of a normal person it becomes difficult to function normally, let alone perform complex tasks. Any information one incarnation gathers during its time apart will be fully retained upon rejoining. If an incarnation is killed while seperate from the others, the information they were carrying is lost, though the consciousness will gradually restore itself to its full state over time.
    Power 2: Clone Stamp - The user creates a pattern or design in their mind as a preliminary step, then places their hand onto a surface, which will then produce ink that then takes on the design. This would generally be an extensive process depending on the complexity of what they want to create, though as the time is simply limited to how quickly they can visualize the image accurately, it depends on the mental prowess of the individual using it.
    Power 3 (if applicable): Focus Preservation and Intensification - The user has a supernaturally sharp focus. In its full force, they are well beyond that of a normal person and could step in the realm of superhuman feats otherwise bordering impossible. However, its power splits with the user, and as such is not normally in this state. Otherwise, it provides a slightly heightened state, and helps retain focus despite things that would deter it such as emotions or sleep deprivation.
    Occupation: Scholar
    Weapon: Crossbow, and a longsword. Optimally, has two of each within the relative vicinity of him, or they are divided among the versions of himself in varying amounts.
    Bio: Frode Hafrita was born in a lesser known family, allied with the Vegh Family. They were far from poor, but could hardly be considered nobility. His power is inherited from his father, who married into the line. While his family as a whole is small, his father's side in particular is miniscule, having only five members, barring Frode himself. It is from this tiny family which the scholar takes his powers. Frode has always wondered why he'd inherited his father's power, though it was more so on the scientific level than the spiritual one. Generally powers were taken from the mother, so why did certain children, seemingly arbitrarily, gain it from the father? It was this question that set him on his path of learning.

    For years, he studied under the tutelage of the Vegh clan. He began to study not only the passing on of magic, but the very nature of it altogether. How did it work? Where did it come from? How were powers determined? Was it possible to alter the powers one had, or even unlock fourth levels and beyond? All of these were things he'd sought to answer. With his power to be in multiple places, gathering different information simultaneously as well has his inherent focus and ability to quickly transcribe that which he wanted to write down, Frode seemed destined for the life of a scholar. Though, upon hearing of an expedition to track down the missing family, he could hardly pass up such an opportunity to see magic being used in practical situations. His high intellect and focus let him learn the basic techniques behind weapons quickly. Enough so that he wouldn't be a complete novice in combat. And so, he left the quiet life of turning pages in libraries day in and day out to join an expedition.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 4, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Beucefilous
    Profile Post

    Edgy status

    Edgy status
    Status Update by Beucefilous, Jan 2, 2017
  17. Beucefilous
    Beuce was walking back after finishing his conversation with Kaida, and he noticed several things going wrong. Karina looked like she was fighting back tears while speaking to a certain green-haired fuck up. Nothing new there. Stratos was trying to fix the damage from said fuck. Again, nothing new there. Though, one thing that was new was an arrival. Someone who had finished their trial and rejoined the group. Glen, the alcoholic. He'd always liked that guy. Though, one thing seemed to be a little odd about him. He was talking to Ignis, but he wasn't exactly making eye contact. Following his line of sight, he realized what it was the Glen was looking at. Karina's less than modest attire.

    Walking up, Beuce put a glassy hand on the back of Glen's head and tilted his gaze back up toward Ignis. "Eyes forward buddy. Even I didn't check her out, so you don't get to either." A bit of a groan came from Glen in response to his gaze being forcibly shifted.

    "But if not that, what am i supposed to look at then?" He complained. In response to this, Beuce simply tilted his head down to stare at Ignis' newly reacquired...assets. There was a pause that seemed to last an eternity. The silence between them could be cut with a knife, until finally Glen spoke up once again. "Beuce that would be inappropriate! I can't just stare at someone's rack while I'm talking to them! That would be very rude!" He finally said, not moving his head from the position Beuce had put it in as he did so, despite the fact Beuce had already let go of his head.

    "Uh huh. Terribly. I'm sorry for forcing you to breaking your gentleman's code." Beuce said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
    Post by: Beucefilous, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena