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  1. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Izuna Uchiha
    Description: A kind and devoted person working under Yagura. He acts as the go-between for Yagura and those that run the school.
    Occupation: Company employee
    Series Character is from: Naruto
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13
    Tobi's Alter Dimension:


    "This is going to get messy. I don't think I want to be involved..." Zetsu moved to stand beside Rin. Tobi knew better than to fall for Madara's ploy. Yes...letting Rin know whho he was angered him...but he hadn't wanted to keep it a secret forever from her. But this wasn't the Rin who would be there now if she hadn't been killed. This...was a Rin from before. A Rin from maybe days after his death. "I'm not a child anymore, Madara, I don't answer to that name anymore. Or else you've forgotten everything you told me before you died? Such a shame that would be...for you to conveniently lose your memory when everything isn't riding on me acting under your name." Turning to face Rin fully, his heart swelled with old pain. "I am not Obito. I am no one. If you wish to see're better off looking in your memories....where he lies dead."

    Lowee: Kakuzu and Hidan~


    Kakuzu's eyes followed the briefcase as he knelt down to it, flipped it open and began to count the money he was owed. Hidan scratched his head, shaking it once or twice, but still the voice was there. What the f**k? The hell is this sh*t? Are you my conscience? I thought I killed you when I left that pathetic village of mine! Hidan didn't need to be bright, not when he couldn't die. You listen to me you little b*tch! I don't need some voice telling me what to do, ya got that?! Though...what she said about the Goddess' being alive interested him. Where are they? TELL ME! Kakuzu glanced over to his partner, he was halfway done counting his money but Hidan's silence was a bad omen. It wasn't a bother now...but when he was would be.



    Sasori turned his head an entire 180 degrees to see Maka. He'd noticed her before...but now she wasn't just some girl standing around, she was actually bothering him. "And who are you to give orders to me? I'm not known to treat women with kindness." Despite his cold words, he hadn't moved an inch.
    Obito started to sweat, "Oh man..oh man...oh man...did you see that? His head turned all the way around! It's like he's not REAL!" Since none of the participating party knew much about Sasori...they strove to ignore the freaky incident and moved on to Hal's frantic cries while Vert/Belle took the disks from Merlin and changed out of her HDD form.
    Sai knelt and examined Hal, "Ugliest turtle I've ever seen." Neji shoved Sai aside and bent at the waist to explain, "We're Shinobi...mostly from the Hidden Leaf Village. My name is Neji Hyuga. That is Sai," he gestured to the pale skinned artist who was still trying to figure out what he'd said wrong now. Genma and Hayate peered down at Hal, "Name's Genma Shiranui. Are you really a turtle? You don't look like any I've ever seen." "Not all turtles look the same. I'm Hayate Gekko....nice to meet you," Hayate managed the full two sentences before a wave of coughing hit him and he turned away. Minato smiled, having regained most of his chakra back, he stood on his own, "My name is Minato Namikaze. These two are Asuma Sarutobi and Kakashi Hatake," he waved to Asuma and Kakashi, "Though the last time I saw them...they were just young boys." Before Minato could go off on a tangent into his memories Temari shoved her way through. "I'm Temari. Where were you before you fell? Did you see a man with red hair? He has a large gourd on his back." "I don't think this little guy would've seen the Kazekage, Temari. I'm Raido Namiashi, the Hokage's Guard." Raido said bluntly as if he expected Hal to attack his Lord Hokage. Soushi, who was attending to Shisui looked up with his multicolored eyes and smiled gently, "Miketsukami your service." Mei let Shisui breath from her hug and knelt in front of Hal, she ran her finger tip under his chin and smiled, "My name is Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage. A pleasure to meet you." she flicked her finger behind her at Shisui, "The handsome man there is Shisui Uchiha and the little one is Obito Uchiha, okay?" Shisui wasn't stomaching Itachi's joining of the Akatsuki very well. Though he hadn't been expecting Itachi to do nothing after he cleansed the clan....he wasn't expecting this. "Itachi..." Mummy Maker stepped up behind Jeff, the little Goomba beside Hal, "Who is this one? Lord Sasori hasn't given me an order to kill him...I don't know...what to do..." Mummy Maker seemed lost even though she stood surrounded by friendly faces and the one she answered to at the moment. Kakashi loomed behind Mei, staring down at Hal and Jeff, "Now that you know who we are...why don't you tell us who you are."
    Lowee Basilicom: Mizukage VS. White Devil~


    Impressed, Yagura hopped away from Casshern and the forming crater, "You're quick on you're good...I'll give you that, but we'll see how good you really are." With the distance gained the Mizukage held two fingers in front of his face and shut his eyes, "This is for the win..." A tornado of water wrapped around him....


    When the water dispersed, left in the place of Yagura was a giant turtle-like creature with three tails. Every inch of it's skin was covered in a thick, impenetrable shell. It's head opened enough for one yellow eye to swivel around and find Casshern. The Three-Tails was larger than the Basilicom and larger than even a large village. The Tailed Beast was mountainous in height as well as heavy. It gave a loud, echoing cry that shook the Basilicom and the very earth as it swept a large, armored tail around to knock Casshern back.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13
    Fine...then disregard it. But edit your last post because I stated two of my own posts ago that Sasori had retracted his puppets.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13
    That's unfair. You killed him. Murdering your own character is like saying you don't want him.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    I asked Bushy Brow and DT.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13
    Reserving Izuna Uchiha
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13

    Tobi's Alter-Dimension:


    Tobi didn't appreciate being followed around by Madara. "It has nothing to do with you. I'd have thought that all those years that you've already lived would've taught you not to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong, old man." Zetsu shuffled over to the girls and checked to make sure all of them were alive and well. His yellow eyes peered at Rin, "Don't worry....Tobi's a good boy. We wouldn't harm you without a reason. Your deaths wouldn't bring us very much right now." Still un-used to being in the presence of Rin, Tobi sighed and touched the half of his old mask that covered the Rinnegan he possessed. "I don't need you around right now, Madara. You're just a hiderance in your position."

    Lowee: Hidan's Unwitting Depression:


    Kakuzu did his math in his head and settled his cloak back over his shoulders, "Agreed. Now...the money." He held out his hand seemingly for a briefcase. Kakuzu didn't do jobs that only paid as much as he could fit in his palm. Hidan narrowed his gaze, furious with his partner and the witch. "Fine...but I won't pray to Jashin for forgiveness for you." Unable to help it, Kakuzu chuckled, "Religion has nothing to do with money, ninjutsu or tactics...and I'm better with them all."

    Lowee: Intent:


    "I'm on my own side. I employed Mummy Maker a while back when I first got here. She's been of great help." Minato cautiously pried the bandages off Shisui's hands and helped him remove them from his eyes, "You follow your own path...that's not like what I've seen of the Akatsuki before. Of course...I don't know everyone's stories, but...I find it odd how easily you would turn your back on those you've fought beside for so long." Sasori laughed, "You think it's easy? I never liked Deidara and I never knew the others much and I liked it that way. It's not's ridiculously easy. As I've not seen a hair of Itachi Uchiha or Kisame Hoshigaki...I couldn't care less what happens to them." Kakashi frowned but it was Shisui who spoke, "Itachi....Uchiha? You mean... No...I..." Mei hugged the confused Uchiha and Soushi produced a cup of tea from somewhere, "I'm sure your friend meant well." To was the first he'd heard of any news about his best friend. Kakashi had kept it a secret on purpose for the sake of protecting the devoted Uchiha.
    Vert tapped her chin, "If the other me could do it, I can too. You know...We're practically the same person...we just act a little different."

    Lowee Basilicom: Mizukage VS. White Devil:


    Sliding his foot back, Yagura twirled his staff in front of him, "Water Style: Water Mirror Jutsu!" A circular mirror made of water formed in front of him, reflecting Casshern in it's watery depths. Hooking the side of it with the large hook on the end of his staff, Yagura tilted the mirror ninety degrees and the image of Casshern emerged from the mirror. Each of Casshern's punches met with a water duplicate with equal force, repelling Casshern and dispelling the jutsu. "Is that the best you can do? Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!" With only a few hand signs,Yagura used the snow as his source of water and a massive dragon made of water soared up from the snow and towards Casshern. "As the Mizukage of the Bloody Mist Village...I am your worst nightmare."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lowee: Cash in


    Kakuzu groaned, he didn't like Madara interfering with his business. His skin hardened, darkening, and he didn't even bother trying to dodge or counter Blanc and Vert. Their weapons bounced off his hardened skin and he launched his hand connected to the gray tendrils that ran through his body out and wrapped around Noire. The gray tendrils shooting out and warpping around Ram, Rom and the rest of the Goddess' and yanking them out of harms way and close to Kakuzu and Hidan. "This is my I'm not going to sacrifice." "Sounds like you found trouble...old man." Out of a temporal rift, Tobi and Zetsu stepped out into the snow. Tobi's goofy persona lost in the fact that he was generally irritated. "You've stepped into something you shouldn't have, old man." Zetsu shifted his footing, "Don't push it." Tobi raised his hand out towards the Goddess' and sucked them into his alternate dimension. "There's something very important these girls need to do and if they would be bad for my plans in this world." His Sharingan glowered at Madara, "This world isn't like ours...I have no interest in these pathetic beings." With the Goddess' safe from harm, Tobi turned to the witch he'd been following around for the past few days, "Your Goddess', Lady Witch," half turning to see Madara, "Try not to cause any more trouble...old geezer." With that he vanished with Zetsu back into the shift in space and time. Hidan growled under his breath,"TOBI! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE--" "Screaming about it won't bring him back. Meanwhile...I've delivered your Goddess' and six extra women that look an awful lot like them. For the extra women I total the amount due to be...thirty million yen." Hidan whipped around to Madara and glared at him, "This is your fault." He spun on his heels and stepped in the witch's face, "Where did he take them? Where is that runt, Tobi!?"
    Lowee: Outside Basilicom: Mizukage VS. White Devil


    Casshern's feet came crashing down and Yagura melted into a puddle of water. "Figure it out yet? That was a water clone. Flashy moves like those are going to get you killed." Yagura stood atop the Basilicom. When Casshern had flipped, turning his gaze away from Yagura for that brief second, the Mizukage had jumped from his position, created the clone and landed on the Basilicom with ease from years of practice. "I've been through far more bloody battles than you have. Give up now...and I'll kill you quickly." He slapped his palm against the rooftop and coral erupt from beneath his palm, traveling fast towards Casshern.

    Lowee: Sasori's Assult:

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] VS. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Puppet Sakura's fist smashed into the ground, creating the large hole. With Shisui bound up, the others pulled shuriken and kunai out of their bags and threw them at Sasori only to be deflected away by a ring of black moving sand. "Did you think I would be without my favorite puppet? You're sadly mistaken. Now...let's END THIS!" Everyone braced for Sasori's full strength.....when nothing happened they relaxed and opened their eyes to see Sasori covering his mouth, his shoulders shaking. "That...was the most fun I've had all day." He yanked backwards on his chakra strings and the Puppet Sakura and the Third Kazekage flew backwards into two separate scrolls. "Never once did I say I was your enemy. But I'm not your ally either."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lowee: Leaving Hidden Cave: Six Extra Goddess'


    Outnumbered and pissed, Kakuzu scowled, keeping his calm. "Your Four Goddess'...and six extra. I didn't expect extra baggage when we took the one." Reaching for the buttons on his cloak, he snapped the off one by one, revealing his stitched up shoulders. "I don't have time for those that get in my way...but a hefty bounty has been placed on four of your heads by this woman and I intend to collect." Though Kakuzu's new Bingo book was just being created for the new world he was in, he didn't intend to let four large prices slip through his fingers. "Hidan..." he slid green eyes towards his partner, "You can help or get out of my way. Either way, I need you to move out of my way." Hidan grit his teeth and glanced to Blanc. "Thanks for the consideration, sweet cheeks, but I don't need it." he listened to Neptune's undead comment and laughed, "You hear that, Kakuzu!? She thinks you're already dead and up walking around! HA! Haven't we been down that road before! Sorry girly, wrong deduction!" With that Kakuzu rolled his right shoulder and out from his back emerged a black form wearing a red and white mask. "Fire Style: Searing Migrane!" The mask wearing creature spewed out three large fireballs heading straight for the girls.

    Outside the Basilicom: Fourth Mizukage Yagura


    Yagura grabbed an X-Naut by his throat and glowered at him, "So you don't take orders from me, huh? That's too bad...on behalf of you and your friends who refuse me...I'll just have to make you see the error of your ways." He half turned when Casshern spoke and lifted the X-Naut up to take the blow aimed for his face while simultaneously reaching for his staff on his back. "Not bad...but you're far from reaching a level in which you can defeat me. You must be the White Devil I've heard so much about. You could give Naruto a run for his money on how fast you recovered from that last blow you sustained. I wonder how you'll do against a Jinchuriki." Tossing aside the X-Naut, Yagura twirled his staff and adopted a fighting stance much like the Hyuga style except one hand holding onto his staff. "Come on me what you've got."

    Lowee: Sasori's Assult:


    Jumping out of the way of the obviously aimed laser beams and frozen stuff, Sasori, his puppet and Mummy Maker landed a safe distance away. Sasori examined the party of Shinobi and odd beings, "Where's Kankuro?" His tone was disappointed and Temari stepped forwards, "He's not here...but...I think he's in this world." Frowning, Sasori pulled back his puppet, "Strange... Now that I'm alive again...I'd thought Kankuro's words were indeed false from that time. But I can see in your eyes that they were true..." He hesitated and Mummy Maker stepped in front of him, "You will not harm Lord Sasori while he is thinking. I won't let you." Minato stepped forwards with Kakashi beside him, "Sasori...of the Red Sand. Your parents died in the war against the Hidden Leaf. You...have had a change of heart since their deaths and again since you were brought back to life by...uh, Madara's Reanimation Jutsu." Sasori waved them off, "I trusted Kankuro with my puppets...and my has nothing to do with my parents' deaths." Seeming to snap out of his memories, Sasori's hands twitched, fingers moving in a rapid pace of accurate movements and the Puppet Sakura flew towards the group. "Cherry Blossom Clash!" The Shinobi scattered, snatching up those that couldn't move fast enough to get out of the way. Though just a puppet, the Puppet Sakura created just as large of a hole in the ground as the real Sakura would've. Mummy Maker wasted no time in locating Shisui and wrapping his eyes and hands in her bandages. "I won't let you cast your genjutsu again."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lowee: Lord Crump:


    Sakumo looked at Zack and folded his arms, "I'm afraid the party is over, my young friend. As for you..." he turned to Crump, "It's not up to me about your future...but as the girls have gone and I've yet to meet another're free to go." He frowned and sheathed his white light blade, "Cause any more trouble and I'll be back to finish the job." With that said, he patted Zack on the shoulder and dashed off after the girls.

    Basilicom: Yagura of the Bloody Mist:


    With everyone running and asking the same question, the shinobi looked to Mei. "Wh-what?! You don't know?! Before I was named Mizukage, Yagura was the Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village. I've worked tirelessly to change the reputation of the Hidden Mist. Yagura implimented the tradition that the students that graduate from the ninja acadamy must slaughter each other and the last standing shinobi graduate fully. Lord Yagura firmly believed that those who betrayed the Hidden Mist should be killed!" "That's terrible..." Soushi glanced behind them to see Yagura picking up the genjutsu unconscious Mummy Maker and tap her forehead. "Yes...Lord Yagura may have been a tyrant but not long afterwards we found he was under the control of Madara Uchiha." "Then isn't his reign of tyranny all due to Madara?" "You'd think...but Ao told me he wasn't under Madara's control when he started the traditions. I'm afraid...all of it was Lord Yagura himself." Almost everyone frowned. "Um...wasn't Sakura-chan with us?" They skidded to a halt and looked around. "She's gone!" "You shouldn't talk about people behind their backs." Slowly...everyone turned around and their eyes landed on what they originally thought was Sakura. "Sakura?" "Sorry to burst your bubble..."


    "I wanted to play the game a little longer...but I don't like to keep people waiting." Sasori lifted his hand, blue chakra threads connected to the Puppet Sakura's body and with a few flicks and twitches of his fingers, her hands became covered in chakra as per the real Sakura's technique. Kakashi pushed the younger shinobi and non-shinobi back behind Jonin and Kage classed Shinobi, "Not Sakura, but the same technique. Don't let it touch you or you're a goner. Let me take care of Sasori." Sasori smiled, "You? I don't think so." He snapped his fingers and Mummy Maker floated down to stand beside him, "Forgive me, Lord Sasori. I have never encountered this...genjutsu before."

    Lowee: Outside Basilicom:


    Yagura watched them flee, "You are so joking...those are the shinobi that killed you, Grodus? Pathetic." He turned his pupil-less pink gaze to the X-Nauts scrambling around, "Get yourselves in order and make it snappy! I don't have all day and I want all the information on those disks that you have. The rest of you get that idiot up and find that fool Crump. I want them to answer for their mistakes....Kiri-style." he smiled and it wasn't a pleasant smile.

    Lowee: Leaving Hidden Cave and really annoying emo kid: Quarrel of the Immortals


    With the appearance of Ienzo and Kakuzu's employer. Kakuzu couldn't be happier...somewhat. "'re here. This child is of no consequence. Ignore him. The Goddess is yours. Hidan...hand her over." He held out his hand for the Goddess and after a few minutes of waiting, looked over at Hidan to find him holding Blanc securely to his shoulder. "Eh...y'know, she's not so bad for a non-believer..." "No no...." "She hasn't tried to run away or kill us yet..." "No no no...." "And I kinda..." "Say it and I'll kill you." "Like her." Kakuzu's fist hardened and smashed into Hidan's quickly drawn scythe. "There's nothing wrong with liking someone, Kakuzu! Why do you have to be such a prick!" "I'm going to kill you! Give me the Goddess." Hidan plucked her off his shoulder and set her down behind him, "I think not." Standing in front of Blanc, Hidan glowered at Kakuzu until his partner turned to his employer, "I've delivered the Goddess. Give me the money and I'll remove my partner and myself from the equation."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13


    Mokona's ears lifted and he bounced in Fai's arms, "Mokona is not that white creature. Mokona is a Mokona." Smiling, Fai watched the students head off to their next class, "Hm, doesn't seem like these children have any wishes that need granting." His smile faded and he lifted a hand to touch his left eye, "One of the better pieces of news that can be given to them today." Mokona's gem ceased to glow and Yuuko vanished.

    Art Class: Art VS. Shop!?


    "I already told you, if you piss me off, I'm going to kill you!" "Yeah well nobody cares!" The sound of things being destroyed followed the irritated shouting. "If you want it this way, Sasori my man, I promise no mercy!" "And you think I'm going to allow you to spread such nonsense around the school? You're insane." "Look who's calling who insane, hmm! You made yourself into a puppet! You're not a real boy anymore, Sasori my man." The crash of glass echoed down the hall, "And you didn't make yourself a human weapon?! At least I'm not trying to make everything explode, you psychopath!" "PSYCHOPATH!? I'll kill you!" "Try it!"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lowee: VS. Crump


    Dropping down with Crump, Sakumo frowned, "Library? Basilicom? X-Nauts? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about but I'd like to help." He patted the girls' heads again and twirled his blade in his hand, pointing it at Crump, "This Grodus man...does he have any more associates?" Leaving the question to Crump, he half turned to the girls, "Any more surprises from this guy and it'll just slow us down. We'll need to move quickly. I have a bad feeling about this Grodus fellow."

    Lowee: Leaving Cave


    Hidan laughed, nearly falling as he did so. "Your friends ain't comin'. And who the f-" "We're still in the middle of cashing in this bounty. Rin is not in the bingo book and my completion of one for the people of this world is far from complete." Kakuzu was the only one of the trio traveling that knew who Madara even was, but even so...he was skeptical. A man wearing a mask had come to him calling himself Madara....but was completely different than this man. Of course, Kakuzu knew who the real Madara was from his extended lifespan. "If we come across the girl...we'll hold her. Let's go, Hidan." Shoving Hidan out into the snow, he swept his hand across the snow to cover their tracks. He did so again and again every few feet as they walked. "We'll turn her over to the witch, retrieve my money...and go for the other Goddess'."

    Lowee: VS. Grodus:

    Shisui caught the falling Mummy Maker and tucked her close to his body, "This girl will remain under my genjutsu for a while. She's dangerous. We should be on the look out for--" "For others that may be following the man you beheaded?" "Look out!" Behind Temari stood a short young man with a long staff with a large green flower on it. HIs pink pupil-less eyes were focused down on the decapitated Grodus as he swung the staff hard and hit Temari in the back, knocking her off the top of the Basilicom. "Maybe you should've been a little more cautious."


    "The Bloody Mist Mizukage...Yagura?" "We're screwed..." "Yagura!?" Those that knew the legend of the Bloody Mist Village, knew of Yagura, it's Fourth Mizukage. Mei knew him quite well. "Run....RUN!" she screamed.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13
    Updating Lists:

    Gaara of the Desert
    Erza Scarlet
    Shikamaru Nara
    Kakashi Hatake
    Might Guy
    Kratos Aurion
    Goddess Martel
    Sheena Fujibayashi
    Mummy Maker
    Obito Uchiha
    Minato Namikaze
    Asuma Sarutobi
    Genma Shiranui
    Hayate Gekko
    Tobirama Senju
    Neji Hyuga
    Soushi Miketsukami
    Shisui Uchiha
    Raido Namiashi
    Mei Terumi (Fifth Mizukage)
    Vert (Hyperdimension Neptunia V)
    Fourth Mizukage Yagura (Three Tails)
    Sakura Haruno? (not exactly)


    Yuri Lowell
    Estellise Sidos Heurassien
    Karol Capel
    Rita Mordio
    Lloyd Irving
    Colette Brunel
    Genis Sage
    Raine Sage
    Zelos Wilder
    Regal Bryant
    Yuan Ka-Fai
    Fear Cubrik
    Kirika Ueno
    Soverenty-Perfection Doll
    Kaim Argonar
    Seth Balmore
    Sarah Sisulart
    Ming Numara
    Janson Friedh
    Kiba Inozuka & Akamaru
    Karui and Omoi of the Cloud
    Queen of Faries
    Kotake and Koume
    Hashirama Senju
    Kagerou Shokiin
    Jun (Noble Three)
    Emile (Noble Four)
    Noble Six
    Kisame Hoshigaki
    Fourth Kazekage
    Hinata Hyuga (Road to Ninja)
    Sasuke Uchiha (Road to Ninja)
    Red, Green, Purple, Blue (Legend of Zelda Four Swords Parody)
    Sasori of the Red Sand
    Ameyuri Ringo
    Dr. Marco the Crystal Alchemist
    Gust (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Yagura
    Description: A child genius that runs a successful company that greatly supports Nintendo High. Though what that business actually does to gain it's money is a secret.
    Occupation: Company Head
    Series character is from: Naruto Shippuden
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13

    VS. Lord Crump:


    Patting Compa's head and giving her a fatherly smile, the elderly man stood up and drew a shining blade from his back. The blade glowed and emitted a white chakra that simply looked like light. "Let's do it then." The man hopped lithely (for an old man) up the mecha's arm, leaping into the air and brought down his White Light Blade on the glowing shoulder. With his force and added chakra to sharpen the blade, the man's sword cut rather cleanly through the outer covering. He hopped up further and over to the cockpit and stabbed his blade through the windshield. Only because the sword was rather short did it stop a few inches from Crump's face. "Hi in there...mind coming out?"


    Lowee Cave: Moving on:


    Because they were awake now and the storm was over, Kakuzu aimed a kick at Hidan and his partner sat up, avoiding the shoe to his face. "Not a very nice way to wake up your partner, Kakuzu. You should be a little more gracious that I didn't slaughter your precious bounty in her sleep." Uncaring or rather unconvinced, Kakuzu grabbed Blanc's shoulder, "We're leaving. If you have the energy to fight've lost your window of opportunity." Hidan plucked his coat off from around the short Goddess and pulled it on. "Ah, she wouldn't leave. I kinda like her. She'd be perfect if she just wouldn't die from a prayer session." Pointedly ignoring Hidan's comment, Kakuzu snuffed out their dying campfire and glanced further into the cave for their uninvited guest. He didn't want him following them. On their side or not, it was his bounty and he wasn't about to split the money for two different purposes. "Let's go. We've wasted enough time here. We need to get back to that witch to collect my payment." Hidan picked up Blanc and set her on his shoulder, letting her ride like a Queen. "I never liked the wrinkled old b*tch. Waaaay too yappy. Like a little dog." And off they set with Blanc treated more or less like an honored guest to the Zombie Combo, riding high atop Hidan's shoulder.

    VS. Grodus & Mummy Maker:
    [​IMG] VS.

    Mummy Maker jumped into the air, floating there as she dodged Neptune's bullets. Several more strips of bandages shot out from under her cloak and wrapped around various shinobi and CPU body parts. She bandaged the shinobi's hands together to prevent them from forming hand signs, wrapped Soushi's katan wielding arm so tight he couldn't move it and bound Vert's legs, making her wobbly where she stood. "I can't let you interfere." Sighing, Shisui's Sharingan swirled into hisi Mangekyo Sharingan, "I'm afraid we'd have to say the same about you." Reality slipped out of Mummy Maker's grasp and the world turned into a red, black and white world. The moon was unnaturally close and a blood red color. She turned in place and found herself standing in a shallow bit of water that was black as night and reflected the black sky and its blood red moon. "Where am I?" "It's called genjutsu. With my Mangekyo Sharingan I can make you experience anything inside this world and it will feel just as real. For I can't let you get in the way of our female friends' battle." Chains wrapped around her slim body and dozens upon dozens of crows landed on and around her. On on her shoulder pecked and pulled at the bandages covering her left eye. "No...don't!" The crows persisted, pecking and tugging until she started to bleed from her once damaged eye and the crows began pecking, clawing and pulling on everything else. Her hair, her skin, her clothes. It was a living nightmare. In reality all that had happened was Shisui making eye contact with the floating girl before her purple eyes went blank and he turned his Mangekyo Sharingan gaze towards Grodus, "Naturally I have other tricks up my sleeve. You're alone now can't win."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13

    "Are we done now?" Sephiroth grumbled. "You're done if you want to's not like I have a job to do or anything...and everyone's not standing in the hall blocking my way." Nero poked his head out from behind Sephiroth as if he were a leech that had latched onto the silver haired SOLDIER when the fighting began. Fai smiled at him, "Oh, we're sorry, Mr. Security Guard. Just one moment, please. Ah, Mokona...could you have the Dimensional Witch tell us what those things were?" Mokona bounced, "Sure!" The red gem on Mokona's forehead glowed and projected a beam of light three feet in front of him, showing a slender woman with long black hair piling her hair up on her head and pinning it there with a series of jewels and beads. She turned towards the projection and smiled, "Oh, hello Mokona." "Is Yuuko going somewhere?" "No, not in particular. Watanuki is preparing something special for a friend of his and I'm simply meeting that person for the first time." "Yuuko looks pretty." "Why thank you, Mokona, but I don't think that's the only reason you called. Are you wondering about the two creatures you swallowed?" "Uh-huh. Some of Mokona's new friends were wondering what they are. Mokona's never seen a monster like that before....and Mokona's gone to many, many different worlds with Syaoran and Sakura and Fai and Kuro-puu." "Yes well...these creatures came from a dimension that you were not able to access before. They are called S-Types...creatures of destruction. The two you swallowed were created by someone else. They are called Water Galboros-S and Dubior-S." Yuuko paused to take a drag off her pipe and exhaled the exotic smoke gracefully, "I'm afraid I can't tell you any more than that without asking for a price for the information." Mokona nodded, "Okay! Thank you, Yuuko!" She turned her red eyes to the background, "You have an interesting group of friends there." Fai waved, still smiling, "Hello Miss Yuuko. It's been a long time since I've seen you." "Yes, it has. I see you're doing well without Kurogane." "Oh, Kuro-tan said he didn't want to leave Syaoran on his journey all alone." "I see."

    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13

    Lowee Basilicom: VS. Grodus:


    Shisui's Sharingan eyes widened and before the girls could charge in, he flickered in front of Neptune, grabbing her around her waist and teleporting her back a few feet. With his recovered chakra so far, Minato did the same, grabbing Noire. Thin, magickly enhanced graying strips of linen shot out from above Grodus and wrapped around the remaining CPU's weapons, effectively blunting them and negating the damage received. Floating down to stand in front of Grodus was a small young woman covered in bandages and a dark blue cloak.


    "I am not too I, Master?" Genma and Raido glared at the small girl for a moment, "The hell? She's just a child!" The girls purple eye narrowed and more strips of the same cloth wrapped around the CPU's weapons and her body shot out and smacked Genma backwards into a tree. "I am an Auxiliary, not a child. I am no longer human...only a tool." Minato grit his teeth when motion above their heads caught his eye. Swinging wildly above their heads were the teams of shinobi all wrapped up in her bandages like little mummies. "Kakashi! Obito!" The girl lowered her head, "You can't help them." The girl held zero emotion in her voice. There was no malice, no distrust, no fear, not even a trace of anxiety. "LIKE HELL WE CAN'T! WIND SCYTHE JUTSU!"


    Violent gusts of wind sliced through the bandages holding the shinobi in the air. The second the links were severed, the shinobi dropped to the ground or ceiling of the Basilicom. Catching the female members at least, Soushi set them gently down and flicked his katana towards the CPU's that had gotten their weapons wrapped up. A stream of cherry blossoms ran around each weapon and the bandages, seemingly sliced off, fell to to the ground. "That's enough now, Miss. I'd rather not hurt you." Temari stood on the top of the Basilicom, "Give up and we'll go easy on you." Landing on the ground beside Soushi, Vert and Neji cast incredulous looks up at her, "She's joking...she can go easy on someone? I never would've pegged her for that." Stomping her foot, Temari growled, "That's enough from the peanut gallery!" Sighing, Neji slid into his fighting stance, "There are some things that are worth fighting over...and I don't think this is one of them." Despite freeing the shinobi, the girl didn't seem fazed, "So you freed them....I'll just have to wrap you up along with them." Temari, Neji, Soushi and Vert snarled, "It didn't even faze her." "Not a single beat skipped." "Not a moment wasted with this one." "She's defending Grodus. Neptune, have you seen this girl before? Why is she protecting him?"

    Lowee: VS Lord Crump:

    "Anything can be destroyed. It's only a matter of figuring out which part is the weakest." From behind the girls crept an elderly silver haired man that looked shockingly like Kakashi. "Are you girls ready to strike that thing wherever you can hit with enough force to shatter a mountain?" He smiled at them as he crawled up beside them on his belly.

    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight_Nobody13
    I'm afraid, due to personal reasons, I'm going to have to leave this rp. Sorry Monochrome dear, heartless_angel, I enjoyed rping with you lovely ladies again.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Twilight_Nobody13
    I'm afraid due to personal reasons I'm going to have to leave this rp. So see ya.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Twilight_Nobody13
    Shiina sullenly followed him, "You wanna ask a bunch of NPC's? Are they even able to answer questions like that? I think it goes against their programming or something like that." She twirled her finger in the air as she spoke. Still, she gave a hopeful look over at the wait-staff and puppy dog eyes to Kuroi. The way he moved suddenly reminded her of her older brother and although endearing, had a horrible backlash of homesickness and the urge to latch onto him and call him nii-san over and over.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home