I'm okay. On a lot of pain medications but okay.
It's only awkward when you make it awkward...or you make me cry and you can't see that so...that's less awkward.
I apologize for my sudden disappearance and hastily written departure. Do I really have to make an introduction thread? I could just stay in my hole and slowly say hi to people again.
I joined this site mostly because I wanted to connect with people who also enjoyed the Kingdom Hearts series...I found a bunch of self absorbed jerks instead. Funny that. No one's interested in original ideas anymore and apparently everyone's started hating my guts since the day I voiced an opinion that didn't match everyone else's. Anywhooo...since I do stuff that happens in the Roleplaying Arena for a living, I don't really need to stick around and inflict more upon my already blackened heart. So may you all rot in hell...or rather don't bother coming to hell, I won't be receiving guests. For those that I actually enjoyed rping with and generally talking to. I think you know who you are, I've told you dozens of times. Thanks for sharing your creative mind with me. For the rest...piss off.
Lake Islet: Dirge the Colossus~ VS. "Mrs. Uzumaki, keep your distance for as long as possible. Samui..." "Wait." "What..." The Colossus dropped from the sky...but not without flinging its tail towards the fleeing Blanc and Crow and forcefully smacking them from the air. Dirge fell from the sky and into the lake with a splash that put tsunamis to shame. Albedo, who'd recently been eaten, broke through the Colossi's jaws, laughing all the way like a Christmas song. "Hoooohohohoho...I live and breathe for this sound! Scream for me, cry for me, yell it to the whole world!" Drawing the tanto strapped to her lower back, Samui hopped down into the water after the Colossus and Albedo. "Cee, we need to blind it. With eyes like those this thing barely has to turn it's head! What do you know about it, Cee?" Cee gave her a baffled look, "You really think I have information on something not from our world? This isn't a jutsu, Samui, I can't just analyze it and tell you how it works. That's why I told you it was better to seal it away than fight it right away." Mito watched Albedo's arm be snapped backwards as the Colossus bit down harder on its captured victim. "The seal is broken and cannot be re-done. We need a way to halt it's movements. Samui and I will try to stop it...keep looking for a way to put it down, Cee." Cee nodded, although reluctantly as Mito and Samui landed on top of the water, watching as the Colossus writhed under the water. "I'll draw it up from the water." Slapping her palm against the water's surface, chakra chains glowing blue shot into the water from her palm and surrounded the Colossus...at least, a portion of it. Albedo grabbed one of the chains, swinging Dirge's head slightly to the left. The strain of Albedo clinging to one of her chains and the rest embedding themselves into the Colossi's back weighed heavy on Mito. Her arm slipped through the water. Cee's eyes calmly swept across the Colossus several times before catching on the glowing runes on it's back. "What are those? A weakness? It's worth a shot. Samui! Try stabbing the runes on it's back!" "Right." Ceasing to supply chakra to her feet to keep her above the water, Samui dropped into the water and began to swim after the Colossus. Her fingers grazed the edge of it's body and that massive head swung around, staring at her with those giant yellow eyes. Samui froze in place, her eyes wide. Samui panicked like she'd never panicked before. Jerking its entire body downward, Dirge drew Mito under the water also. Dirge's eyes never blinked...he didn't have eyelids, thus never ending Samui's strain of fear that prickled through her body. Lowee: Yashamaru pulled the last of the poison from Yagura's tissues...despite the young Mizukage's efforts to make him stop. "Done...I suggest rest before you start moving around a lot." Shoving the tired shinobi away from him, Yagura sat up and exhaled shakily, "I don't need your pity. I'm leaving...I need to find that man...the one who made me not myself. Have any of you seen Madara Uchiha?" Everyone froze and Yagura growled, "So you have seen him. Doesn't matter if you won't tell me...I'll find him." Yagura stood, wobbled and grabbed onto what was closest to him...which happened to be Mei. "Little Mei...you became Mizukage after I died, didn't you. If you are still loyal to Kirigakure then you should know why I'm going after that man." Mei steadied him and frowned, "I won't let you do this alone. You and I are both Mizukage's...we serve Kirigakure and it's people. I'm coming with you." Yagura didn't argue as the pair headed away from the group. Soushi, who'd remained silent for a while turned his gaze towards the Vert they'd met that in order not to cause confusing was called Belle. "And you?" She frowned down at the white disks she held. "I...don't believe I'm saying this but...there are others...from my universe....I have to find them...tell them what's happening. I'm sorry everyone...I can't go with you all to Lastation." Soushi's gold and silver eyes filled with tears, "Then I shall go at your side, Vert-sama. I wouldn't leave a gentle lady alone in a world like this." She smiled, blushed and handed back the disks to her duplicate. "Take care of yourself...me. Neptune...please don't get into anything dangerous, okay? I worry about you, you know. Okay, sweetie, bye-bye." Vert transformed into Green Heart, picked up Soushi and flew away. "Oh...and Kakashi..." The Leanbox Goddess blew a kiss towards the silver haired Copy Ninja, earning her an embarrassed and confused chuckle. Sasori shook his head, "I never meant to stay this long either. If none of you know where Kankuro is or Deidara is then I have no use in staying with you." He took a few steps away from the group and found Mummy Maker trailing after him. "I follow Lord Sasori. It is as I was instructed. The Auxillary must remain beside her charge." Half smiling, Sasori waved her after him, "If you must." Yamato sighed, "Actually..." "Leaving already, Tenzo?" "Kakashi-sempai...I told you to stop calling me that. My new name is Yamato. And yes..I'm leaving already. I have to get back to my other companions." Nodding, Kakashi quietly let him go. Asuma, however, grabbed his shoulder, "I"m coming with you. I'm curious about your other companions...and these guys have enough trouble as is without me around. It...was nice to see you again, Lord Fourth, but really...I should think about others besides myself, right? Gotta protect the "King"." Minato smiled at the grown Asuma. He always knew the boy would grow up strong and determined...just like his father. That left...Minato, Kakashi, Sakumo, Genma, Hayate, Raido, Yashamaru, Temari, Neji, Sai, Shisui, Obito and their newest friend, Vincent.
Reserving Croire (HDN V) Falcom (HDN mk2) Tekken (HDN V) Pirachu (HDN mk2) Underling (Linda) (HDN mk2) Abnes (HDN V) CFW Judge (HDN mk2) CFW Magic (HDN mk2)
Lake Islet: Chikara Crow struggled in Blanc's grip, "What?! No, wait! Mrs. Uzumaki! Blanc, you can't let her fight that thing alone! We're friends, Mito, you can't...I can't just let you die!" Mito smiled to herself, "I can't protect you as well as fight. Blanc...whatever battles come your way won't possibly be as difficult as this will be. Crow...you don't understand the severity of the situation. I do this...because I trust you to go on in this world and make new friends. I'm very glad you called me by my name for once...but in this battle, I will need all of my chikara." Staring, Crow echoed, "All of your...power?" Turning slightly to see Crow be carried off, Mito gave him a small smile, one filled not with sorrow but the promise of tomorrow and drew a kunai across her palm. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Pressing her bleeding palm to the ground pain spread through her arm but a cloud of white smoke appeared and out of it...stepped a man wearing white. Spoiler: ENTER "Ah....ma belle peche....after I went through all that trouble to save you from such a horrifying moment...you'd still ask for more?" Mito ignored his taunts and pulled out two small scrolls from the inside of her kimono, "Again...Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" It took significantly less energy than summoning Albedo and Mito stood with a blonde haired man and a blonde haired woman at her sides. "Eh...where is this place? Are we still here? Not cool..." "It's better than being cramped in that scroll. Please, Mrs. Uzumaki...don't do that again. Hiding or not, it wasn't very fun." "My apologies, Cee, Samui. I needed to keep you two out of sight for a while." Spoiler: ENTER "Now...shall we begin?" Mito performed several handsigns slowly and exhaled slowly, "Release!" The ground shook and the lake rippled out around the islet. Cee pulled Mito's hand into his own and a green light shone from his palms, slowly sealing the cut shut. "Ready for anything, Mrs. Uzumaki." "Here it comes!" The three shinobi braced for impact with their stances and not long after Cee had spoken something rammed into the bottom of the islet. Cee was already sweating, "It's going to break right through the ground! Get back, Mrs. Uzumaki! Up, onto the ruins!" Cee grabbed Mito around the waist and fled to the broken stone remains of the ruins around the islet along with Samui, leaving Albedo to stand there grinning at the ground. "Let me see those soul piercing eyes once more! Let me....see....them.... NOW!" The ground cracked and Albedo violently punched straight into the cracking ground underneath him as the entire islet broke apart and upwards with a long skeletal body rising up out of the water with Albedo clamped tightly in giant pincer like jaws. Spoiler: BOSS Spoiler Crow stared wide-eyed at the Colossi that burst up through the islet. Was this what Mito was going to fight against? What she wanted to save him from? Cee and Samui swallowed nervously and looked to Mito. "He will be fine. Albedo cannot be killed. If he is eaten...all the better. He will save us the trouble of a drawn out fight. Samui...Cee...I trust you both remember what I told you about fighting this creature of old?" They nodded and she patted their heads, "Good. Now...for Konoha and Kumo!" Lowee: With a majority of the shinobi struggling to ignore the Fourth Mizukage's screams of pain as Yashamaru drew out the poison from his tissues, they turned their unnerved gazes on Yamato and Vincent. "Who's this guy? And Yamato, when did you get here?" "Idiot...Yamato came with the girls." Minato looked up from his job of holding down Yagura's right arm, which took considerable strength, and smiled at Vincent. "Nice to meet you...we'll all get to introductions later..." Within the Mind of a Jinchuriki: "Yagura! They know my name, they know our jutsu, they know your legacy! How much longer are you going to let them live?" "Nani~? Sorry, Isobu...can't quite hear you when you're barking in my ear like that." "Yagura...you test my patience." "And you don't? Don't worry, Isobu...I...haven't forgotten anything. You should know how I feel now. It's not as simple as killing them anymore. I just...need to take the disks. With those...I can find HIM...and we'll have our revenge." "You would risk still chasing that man...simply because of what he did all those years ago? You never could let things go and be at peace." "You're right...I can't. He has to pay. By-the-way...have you sensed her around? Is she even coming?" "You're asking the wrong Tailed Beast about that. I don't enjoy talking to the others like that yappy Hachibi. So willing to be friends with his Jinchuriki...almost made me sick in the old days." "Hm... First things first....knocking that smug Suna ninja on his rear! Poisoning me like it's nothing...I should just rip his throat out." "Wouldn't do you any good....if you hadn't noticed...the man is a puppet. There's no blood in his body for you to bathe us in. He feels no pain...so why should you go through the effort of doing something futile?" Yagura turned his head for once to look at his Tailed Beast. Within his mind...Isobu truly was a hulking beast....but one of reason and solidarity.
Japan's Military Command Center: A loud clatter and several voices yelling sounded the start of the never ending interruptions of Roy Mustang and his underlings. "What is all the racket for?!" Suddenly, the door slammed open and Brigadier General Madara Uchiha entered, leaning on the door for support. Blood ran down his chin, "Damn b*stards... Roy, send for reinforcements!" Madara swung around, drawing his scythe as he moved, and clashed against a heavy blade. He was shoved onto his rear into the room and a black haired woman as well as a white haired man with tanned skin and pointed ears entered the room, leaving the doorway unblocked. "I'd stay down if I were you, Brigadier General Madara Uchiha." "I'd much prefer not to look at his sorry face." "That's not our call, Fenris. It's hers..." Both of them turned their heads to see the woman that walked into the room. Her dark brown hair was short and sectioned off in places by dark little hair ties. Her pale face was smooth with an intricate tattoo running across her forehead down the sides of her face, over her cheeks and even across her chin. Dark green eyes swept over the four in the room. There were two blades on her back and she wore blue chainmail with a silver metal chest protector and shoulder protectors. Thick leather boots ran up to her knees and reinforced padding covered her legs underneath the heavy chainmail. She wore the armor of a Gray Warden...this much Madara knew. This woman with Dalish tattoos...pale pink lips and piercing green eyes...was a Gray Warden. "I didn't want any of this to go like this...but you left me no choice, Madara. We, the Gray Wardens are taking command of this base and further pushing the security of Japan. Do not argue...there is no point." Roy gaped at the woman. Beautiful as she was...she must've been insane to talk to Madara like that. But...Madara made no move to defy her, just silently glared up at her. Blue's sapphire eyes widened as she caught sight of the Gray Warden's pointed ears. "You Dalish are all the same! Pushing until you're driven out by force!" This caught her attention, "You believe I am the same as my clansmen? You are mistaken...I am no longer a member of my clan and I'm not like the Dalish anymore," her attention moved to Tsume and Blue, "You two are wolves, correct? Is that...the curse of someone?" Tsume snorted, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Curse? How stupid. We're not cursed. We are wolves. We're only forced to take this form so we don't scare the piss out of you humans." The black haired woman took a step forwards, holding her heavy sword out with ease, "Don't insult the Hero of Ferelden. She-" "It's fine, Hawke...really. This isn't Ferelden. My name means little here. I...never fought the werewolves in Ferelden... I wanted to help... My name is Lethellan, Hero of Ferelden, Last of the Gray Wardens, Ender of the Fifth Blight. I am a Dalish elf, as you can see. This is Kirin Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall and Fenris, her husband. Please...I'm not here to relieve you of your jobs. I...sensed unrest within this country...so I came." Frowning, Roy set a finger to his chin, "I thought the Hero of Ferelden died when she slayed the Archdemon. What? Was that a lie?" Lethellan smiled, "No, that is true. I did die. Slaying the Archdemon as a Gray Warden means I accept the taint within it...and I died that day. To be honest...I've no idea how I survived. I remember the light...Alistair, Wynne and my mahbari hound...the burn of the taint. Yet I stand here before you...as if none of it happened...and yet...Alistair sits on the throne and Ferelden's Fifth Blight is over, though the darkspawn are far from gone. Explaining what it was like to die and come back...would be too hard so you'll just have to take my word for it." Blue relaxed next to Tsume, she liked the air around Lethellan. Calming yet fierce. As for Hawke and Fenris...they frightened her. Hawke's sharp blue gaze and Fenris' scalding golden glare set her fur on end. Spoiler: ENTER
Lake Islet: Mito glanced up at Blanc and stepped out onto the water, chakra covering her feet so she wouldn't fall in, and retrieved Crow from the water. "Blanc...take Crow with you. I cannot have him stay here. He will be in more danger with me...than with you." Crow's eyes opened and focused on Mito. He'd heard only half of what she said, but he knew what she meant. "You can't send me off with her! Mrs. Uzumaki! I have to stay with you...if...if I don't then...then..." "Stop blubbering, Crow... You knew this day would come since the moment we arrived." "No I didn't! I didn't know anything when I stole that stupid pendant! We're...friends now...aren't we? You're just gonna leave? Just like that?" "There's no 'just like that' about it, Crow. I am the Hokage's wife...the first Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. My duty is to balance the power of the Five Great Nations. Without that...I'm just another kunoichi willing to defend her friends. You're like a son to me, Crow. Which is why I won't let you be caught up in a battle that does not concern you." Silently fuming as she set him on his feet, Crow narrowed his green feline eyes at her, "It doesn't concern you either! None of this does. Those people...they're...not even human. And that creature...nothing you did before could stand against it. Why should I believe you can kill it now?!" She shut her eyes and turned away from him. "Go now...while you still have time. The seal on the barrier will not last much longer and the battle will begin. For Konoha...I will prevail." For Hashirama...I will survive. Lowee Forest: Crouching Coward, Hidden Fighter? I think not~ "Wh-what the hell does that even mean?! I'm no fighter! I just want to find my friends and get out of here..." Vincent whined and Yamato sighed. He really didn't have a choice here...but he was going to make every step difficult. Yamato stood, letting Vincent stand up, and turned his gaze about the forest around them. Vincent was not what he'd seen before, but where could something that big hide in a forest of white? Squashing down his paranoia, Yamato led the girls and their new friend...apparently...further towards their friends. Savannah: Separation Anxiety~ Recovering from the initial shock, Gaara slid his gaze sideways to Naruto and Lee and then to the rest of his party he'd been travelling with. They certainly were capable by themselves...and Naruto didn't need the Fifth Kazekage breathing down his neck now of all times. "Gaara-kun..." Martel's voice caught his attention, bringing his turquoise eyes front and center on the green haired Goddess. "Let's go meet your father." Memories of the war rose to the surface. He really did want to ask more about Mother... "Alright. Naruto...stay safe. Let's go everyone." Martel followed Gaara with a serene smile on her face and Kratos followed his Goddess without a word to the hyper shinobi he'd just met. Naturally, Erza followed with a reserved sigh. She'd really wanted to have a fight with the one they kept calling Naruto. He seemed strong and it would be a good test of her own strength to fight him. Stopping, Erza swung around and pointed an armor covered finger at Naruto, "One day we will fight. You had better be ready, Naruto Uzumaki. I won't forget." Shikamaru slapped his palm to his forehead, "Geez...it never ends with her. Troublesome woman... Well...if we're all leaving... Naruto...keep your nose out of trouble for once. It'd be a real drag if you went and died somewhere on this weird world. Heh...like you'd listen to me. See you later." Waving behind him, Shikamaru trailed after their companions. Thick rivers of tears streamed down Guy's cheeks even as he tried to wipe them away. "Lee...I know it's difficult to say goodbye...so we'll not make this a goodbye but a see you soon! Oh, LEE~!" Guy lept into the air for a tackling hug of his student when Kratos grabbed the back of his flack jacket. "We don't have time for that, let's go." Guy vainly reached towards Lee as he was dragged away. Wiping off his sorrowful face, Guy winked, gave a thumbs up and grinned complete with his and Lee's trademark sparkle to his student. Confused and a bit amused by his fellow shinobi's antics, Hashirama gave Naruto a final once over, This boy is...the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi....he seems.... Unwilling or...not needing to finish the thought, Hashirama nodded to the young Jinchuriki and left, leading Gaara's group towards Lowee. Haven City: Capital Tower~ "What?!" Kankuro pulled back his puppet, seeing his attacks hit without fail and yet do no damage. Events happened in a blur leaving the shinobi standing there dumbfounded. "What...just happened?" Sheena's eyes followed the others as they left and Tobirama shrugged, "We had aid. We lack shinobi to do full tactical operations against foes like that... We were lucky that man came as he did. Let's go. We're going to be left behind." He followed Torn and the others, silently examining the change in the Medic and the Heavy. Sighing heavily, Kankuro put his puppet back into the scroll he carried and followed the Second Hokage. "Sheena...we have to follow them or we'll be left behind!" Corrine hopped back onto Sheena's shoulder and the baffled summoner left the tower. "The hell was that anyway?! We're supposed to believe these guys just changed sides just like that? C'mon...there's gotta be a catch. And how the hell are you so strong? Do you have an Exsphere? I don't see one...so where is it?"
Lunchroom: Zetsu's Wrath~ Zetsu's fists slammed down onto the counter where he served the food, his yellow eyes narrowed in displeasure. "The hell do you think you're yelling about in my jurisdiction!? Sit your @sses down and shut up!" "And no sharing. It's gross...how you humans can just...lick one spoon and let someone else lick it too." Zetsu's rage was one of the uncommon things in the school as if he didn't speak much...he didn't yell ever. The students present, at least the ones who weren't stupid, cowered or stood in shock at Zetsu's anger. OOC: Short post is short...
Reserving Fenris (Dragon Age II)
Name: Fenris Description: Once a slave of the Tevinter Magister Danarius, Fenris won his freedom with his friend Hawke beside him. Fenris, as a boy, had Lyrium branded into his skin in the form of an intricate tattoo. He has a long standing hate for mages that is well reasoned. Occupation: Gray Order warrior Series character is from: Dragon Age II Other: (I killed everybody that he told me to....simple as that) Name: (Female Warrior) (Kirin) Hawke Description: The Champion of Kirkwall and friend to many in high places. Hawke fled Lothering during the fifth Blight and took refuge in Kirkwall with her Uncle Gamlin even as the Hero of Ferelden ended the Blight. Occupation: Gray Order warrior Series character is from: Dragon Age II Other: (The character I created.) Name: (Female Dalish Elf Warrior) Lethellan Description: The Hero of Ferelden and Ender of the Fifth Blight. Going only by the title of Gray Warden along with the other last Gray Warden left in Ferelden, Alistair, she slayed the Archdemon and ended her life to save everyone else and made Alistair King of Ferelden with her sacrifice. Occupation: Gray Warden/ Gray Order warrior Series characer is from: Dragon Age: Origins Other: (the character I created.)
Courtyard: Departure from the S-Type. A Plan in Motion. Vanitas had learned quite early on exactly what the security around the school looked like. He gave a sideways glance at the passing metal security robot. "You're not a popular one around these grounds, S-Type." he spoke rather rudely towards the S-Type, despite their alliance. Sai pasted on a fake smile, "We don't even know your name, Mr. S-Type." Larxene slapped him on the back of his head, earning Sai a famous Larxene snarl and a jolt of electricity down his spine. "Who the **** cares what his name is! Idiot...the less we know, the better. It would be better to leave names just to Vanitas and this...guy. If one of us were caught, we all know Tobi would crack like a peanut. Xion can't keep her mouth shut around that idiot brother of Repliku's and the rest of us...I'm sure they'd stop at nothing to get information involving an S-Type. Weren't those the things that attacked earlier? Principal on our side or not...there have to be teachers and other staff here or outside the school that don't like them." Vanitas smiled, "Well done, Larxene. I'm glad you decided to figure all that out on your own in such a short time. You're finally learning," he turned his yellow gaze back to the S-Type, "If any of us do get caught...which is unlikely....I don't expect you to bail us out. We're students...but capable students." Turning his back on the S-Type, Vanitas looked to his gang, "Sai, it's your job to gather information. I want to know where the Professor is going today and where he'll be during and after lunch and after school. Don't let him see you. The last thing we need is a suspicious teacher letting his fears known to the rest of the staff. Larxene and Hidan...return to the hideout...prepare it for our upcoming event. We should make the Professor feel at home in our...cozy meeting place. The rest of us need to attend class like good little boys and girls before they get antsy about us. Tobi since you're a third year and basically useless...well, I'll have need of your skills later. For now...keep out of sight. Now...scatter." Larxene and Hidan jumped the fence of the courtyard almost immediately and Sai had vanished the second he'd taken his eyes off the slippery artist. Gym Class: Crow cartwheeled out of the way of the beam that Broly had shot at him and vanished into the darkness of the rafters. He'd seen what he wanted to and now he wanted to find what he really wanted. Theory of Combat Class: Sora grumbled as Kairi ruffled his hair. Smoothing it back into it's perfect points, Sora set a finger on his chin, tilting his head to the side as he thought aloud about their otherwise preoccupied and previously late professor. "Hmm...you think? Poofy, white wings... Maybe he'll sprout them if we bug him." A grin overcame Sora's face and Roxas groaned. He was going to do something stupid...again. Rolling a piece of paper into a ball and chewing on it for a good two seconds, Sora stuck it inside an empty pen and shot the spitball towards Kratos' bent head. The ball of paper and saliva rocketed towards the stone-faced teacher until he moved at the last second without removing his eyes from the page in the book he was reading. "You're cleaning that up, Sora. And I don't have poofy, white wings...nor is it a secret that I'm a Cruxis Angel. It's no longer a secret from my son...why should it be from my students?" He spoke matter-of-factly and Hige perked up, "No longer a secret anymore? You mean it was?" Kratos lifted his head to look at his students, "It had to be.... If Lloyd had known he would not have trusted me. I kept a lot of things secret that are no longer secrets. Would you like to know them too?" Something in Kratos' tone of voice had changed from simply speaking facts to threatening and the young wolf cowered into his seat, "Uh, no thanks..." The bell rang and Kratos glanced at the clock, "Time already...alright...you're dismissed. Take home the text book and at least read the first chapter. We'll go over it tomorrow." Lunch Room: Zetsu listened to the bell and half his face smiled. Of course both halves of Zetsu were pleased it was lunch time...but Black Zetsu never smiled at anything... "Now that it's lunch time...the nice little pony that brings us apples will get to try our new Apple Crumble. Doesn't it taste good?" "At least this one is edible." Pleased, Zetsu went back to maintaining the heat of the fire to keep lunch warm.
Lake Islet: Crow shrugged, "I'm Crow. So...this thing's important, huh? Doesn't look it." Focused on the disk, Crow took a step backwards...and slipped. "Whoa!" Tossing the disk like a frisbee towards Blanc, he fell far and hard down into the lake. Opening the door of the house, the woman from earlier stepped out and glared at her two new guests. "You two are not permitted to fight on this islet. I'd rather keep the violence to a minimum here....for Crow's sake. Speaking of which..." she flicked out her arm and three brightly glowing chakra chains shot out from it, diving into the water and fishing Crow out. "Crow is not fond of water...the boy is absolutely hopeless when it comes to getting his feathers wet. Ms...Blanc, you said your name was, you and your friends are going to have to leave this place soon. I suggest you get yourself some rest before leaving." She cast a look down at the unmoving Crow and frowned. He should be up and moving by now... Lowee: Forest: Shocking Surprise! Yamato frowned as he looked over at the girls asking so many questions. "I...no...I don't know... It won't stop moving...damn thing's too fast." Yamato gasped and jerked back a bit, "There goes my wood clone... Huh, look there..." Directing the girls' gazes downwards towards a still rustling bush and soon following...a quick black blur darted past. Yamato leaned up onto his toes and held his palm in front of him, a thick piece of wood forming out of his palm into a sharp point. Rocking slightly, he guessed at his timing and leapt down and tackled the blur onto the snow, earning a man's shriek of terror. "AHHHHHHH! Wh-what do you want from me?!" Leaning back, his wooden spear moving away from the throat of the dark, nearly black skinned, man wearing a red outfit. "Oh god don't kill me..." "This...isn't what I saw. Who are you?" "M-My name is Vincent Law...I...I'm just an immigrant." "Immigrant?" Yamato leaned back and waved up to the girls, signing it was alright for them to jump down from the trees. "Immigrant huh? Well, Vincent Law, where did you come from?" Vincent's golden eyes glittered with fear brought tears as he dropped his head back against the snow, "I'm from the Domed City of Mosk...at least...I was...I immigrated from there to the city of Romdaeu. I...I just want to find someone. I'm....lost. I'm just lost." Yamato sighed and Vincent continued, "I...I'm looking for a woman named Re-l Mayer. W-We were separated when we got here. I need to find her... Have you seen a little Companion type AutoReiv? She goes by the name Pino." He didn't stop asking the same two questions and Yamato pulled up his mask as the man lying under him turned back to a normal skin color. "S...Stop talking, please. I haven't seen either of the people you've mentioned nor have I heard of the places you've mentioned. Mr. Law...if you like you are free to come with us to find your friends." Vincent's golden eyes slid shut and he sighed. Spoiler: ENTER
Name: Vincent Law/Ergo Proxy Description: An immigrant originally from the Domed city of Mosk. He fell in love with Re-l Mayer when he first set eyes on her in the immigration building. He currently lives with Re-l and the AutoReiv Pino. Vince works as a local mechanic and frequently is called to work on various things at Nintendo High. His alter half, Ergo Proxy, is the Agent of Death, created to destroy all the other Proxies. Occupation: Mechanic/Agent of Death Series character is from: Ergo Proxy Other: Voiced by Liam O'Brien...and I didn't realize it until I saw the credits. Name: Re-l Mayer Description: The granddaughter of the Regent and a high end member in the JIA. Living with Vincent to keep an eye on him as a Proxy. Occupation: JIA member Series character is from: Ergo Proxy Other: As a normal female woman...she's got a good head on her for the strange....with a shotgun in hand. Name: Pino Description: A high-end companion model AutoReiv that was infected by the Cogito virus when she came into contact with the Monad Proxy and gained a soul. Pino holds the mind of a child plus the capacity for boundless knowledge. She lives with the Scary Lady (Re-l) and Vince, who she adores. Occupation: N/A Series character is from: Ergo Proxy Other: suuuuper cutie and mostly wears a pink cat suit in which the ears actually move.
Lake Islet: Crow stopped for a moment, confused and a bit worried the pair might just stab him with that sword...but seeing as they hardly were paying attention, he lept far over their heads and onto the broken down ruins of a building half submerged in the lake. "Ha, how stupid. You two are so stupid I bet you can't even catch a cold. Why not just give up? It's not like this thing's worth anything. It's just a piece of junk. Scrap metal." He flipped and did a one-handed hand-stand, spreading his legs in the air. The woman from earlier watched curiously from the window of her home, yet there was caution in her dark brown eyes. "Crow..." Does the game remind you of the friend you spoke of? Is that why you tease this girl like you teased me when we met? Calling her names...being unkind...and stealing something of hers....is it...habit? Or...the only way you know how to... Her thoughts ended there as Crow righted himself and peered closely at the disk he was holding. Not much hid from Crow's eyes. Lowee: Forest~ Yamato turned to look back at Uni and the girls saw he'd donned a white and red mask. Lifting a finger to the masks' lips, he pointed further into the woods at seemingly nothing. "Shhhh....there's no need for us to reveal ourselves. We'll wait for them to pass by." Yamato waited with the girls as a blur of black whizzed past their hiding place. His eyes grew wide behind his mask, "It can't be..." Determined now not to be seen, Yamato crouched lower, setting a hand atop Neptune's obvious purple head. "It must be looking for you girls. Everyone take it easy for a moment...I'll send out a wood clone to do some scouting." Yamato formed several handsigns and pressed his hand to a tree. Though they wouldn't see it, Yamato shut his eyes to share what his clone infused with the trees would see.
Reserving: Vincent Law/Proxy (Ergo Proxy) Pino (Ergo Proxy) Re-l Mayer (Ergo Proxy)
Lake Islet: Swiping a finger under his nose, Crow backed for the window. The woman who had given Crow orders sat quietly in a chair beside the bed where Blanc had been placed. "She's awake... Crow...the object you took." Crow gave her a pitiful expression, "I was just messing around, Mrs. Uzumaki... Plus...who is this girl to start screaming and demanding things of us, hm? I think you should give your name before demanding absurd things of us." The woman sighed and Crow hopped up onto the window sill. "Your thing...that shiny disk...sure, I'll give it back.... If you can catch me first. TALLYHO!" Leaping out the window, Crow bolted away with incredible speed unlike that of any human. The woman chuckled, "He's a vibrant spirit. I suggest you keep on your toes when chasing him...he's not like the humans you've met so far." Lowee: Forest~ Yamato strove to ignore the odd girls, "Right...well we're coming up on your friends pretty soon. Hopefully Hashirama-sama has located Gaara by now. I really don't want to spend another day in that house with Kazekage-sama while he's grumpy like that." Stopping suddenly, Yamato frowned and a look of absolute seriousness and skill dominated his face. "Get down, girls. We've got company..." Lowee: Wooden House~ Yondaime-sama stood in the middle of the house with his arms folded, staring down at the young girl who'd entered the wooden house minutes only after the others had left. "Can I help you? Or are you going to stand there like a dimwit deer caught in a flash bomb?" He glowered and resented his tone but what's done was done.
Lowee: Forest~ Yamato sighed as he ran through the forest, "I do have a name..." Despite the Goddess' blatant habit for ignoring whoever they were traveling with, Yamato did miss his fellow shinobi. Traveling around with the man you were genetically changed to have the same chakra and a formerly dead Kazekage got a little awkward after a while. Lowee Basilicom: Spoiler Obito fell over along with Vert. While Yashamaru extracted the toxin from Yagura, Sasori poked his nose into the other section of the groups' business. "You really think whoever's following you...whoever ordered Kakuzu and Hidan to kidnap your friend...is gonna let you just leave so easily? You're really stupid if you believe that."Kakashi was still having an out of body experience as he stared at his father, "Father...you're alive..." Sakumo shrugged, setting a hand around his son's shoulders, "I suppose so. If you can call being torn from the world you were born in and reconstructed here in this one... Quite painful really. Kakashi...I know I already told you everything I needed to when we met during Pain's Invasion. But...maybe some more time together would do us both some good." Kakashi nodded. Lake Islet: The Fox and the Crow~ Spoiler Hovering over the unconscious Blanc stood a red haired woman wearing a traditional kimono and a raven haired boy. "So...." "We bring her with us. It's been a while since we've had a guest. Come Crow...bring our guest inside before she catches chill." "You betcha!" Crow picked up the limp Blanc and hauled her after the woman he'd lived with since they'd arrived. "Y'know...you're lucky to meet a lady like Mrs. Uzumaki. She's nice... Hm? What's this thing? Shiny..." Removing the shiny object from Blanc's person, Crow tucked it into a pouch at his hip and happily carried her into the small house located in the middle of the tiny islet.
Reserving: Toshiro Hitsugaya Who I believe I reserved a long time ago but I never put him on my list...