Alexandria: Kratos hadn't wanted to waste energy on a mini boss but now...seeing himself revert into a ten year old, was infuriating. Adjusting his clothes, his weapons and finally settling into a rather irritated and cold expression, he set his hands on Zack and Basch's shoulders, "We're leaving... The sooner we kill this guy, the faster things go back to normal. I'd rather not stand around here until we turn into infants and are forced to kill some god with blades we can't hold properly." To anyone else...Kratos' expression spelt their end. To his companions...he was just one angry ten year old. Castle Baron: Martel's body didn't age. As she watched Zidane change, she frowned as her own body stayed the same. It helped that her body wasn't even human. Having a body that was created as an adult was a great benefit to her now... "Zidane...are you alright?" Meltokio: Using what strength his ten year old body possessed, Kain struggled to stay upright. His armor and his lance were heavy to a ten year old's inexperienced muscles. It was around this age that he had only started training...if he had to go through it all again...his body would not keep up with his mind. "This can only spell trouble..." Nautilus: Yuan poked his head out of cover and suddenly tilted backwards. Falling onto his back, he wiggled and struggled to stand again...but the weight of his large double-sided blade on his back was far too heavy for him to lift. "Uh-oh... Uh...a little help here! Luke? Cloud? Anybody?" Now he knew what it felt like to be a turtle... Field: Sephiroth had dazed out for a bit....a long bit and blinking back to where he wasn't stabbing Cloud a thousand times and ruling the universe...he found his body far too small for his task. " Chronos has another trick up his sleeve." A smile curved the edges of his lips and he continued on, dragging his now oversized clothes with him. Zanarken: Practically tearing out his hair, Yuri dodged, avoided and hid from everyone's attacks. Being shrunk down to a ten year old didn't help traversing the mess of ruins. Poking his head up and spotting Rita Mordio, a former companion, he practically yelled, "What the hell!?"
Hi guys~ I'm back again. I spoke to Myst about it and have returned with the full force of: Yuri Lowell, Sephiroth, Kain Highwind, Kratos Aurion, Yuan Ka-Fai and Martel.
Tokyo Streets: Staring, dumbfounded, Gaara shook his head slowly as he watched the two Metal Sonic's fight. "What's...going on? Kratos...shouldn't we help out?" Kratos leaned back against a lamp post, "Sure...if you can figure out which one we're supposed to help. If they're not fighting's none of our business." Still, Gaara frowned at the fight. He wanted to help... Shutting his eyes, Gaara inhaled and exhaled slowly, recalling Naruto's face in the darkness of his mind and tried to imagine what his friend would do. "We don't have time to be fighting with each other," he said finally and a thick stream of sand shot out from the swirling haze around him, bumping and wrapping around the two Metal Sonic's and holding their limbs securely to their bodies and holding them up off the ground. "Please...if you two still want to fight after we evacuate the city...then you may do so." Kratos suppressed a smile. The boy certainly was his mother's son. Despite Karura being deceased since Gaara was born, he took after her more than he did his own father. "Very well said, Gaara. What about this one," he jerked his chin towards Buu and Gaara folded his arms over his chest, "We'll let that one up there take him out of the city." Following Gaara's turquoise gaze up to a rooftop to land on Garrus, Kratos allowed a small smile to cross his lips, "Very observant. I'm impressed Gaara, honest." Gaara unfolded his arms and lifted one hand out towards Garrus, creating a thin stream of sand to slither through the air and hover over Garrus' head, twisting and writhing over itself before gently curling around his body and lifting him into the air to bring him down to the street. "You're pretty talented with that sand." "Not really...the sand moves on its own depending on the nature of my will... It's just second nature now." Taking the young man's words into consideration, Kratos tucked the information away. 'Second nature, huh?' Setting Garrus down, Gaara tapped a finger on Garrus' sniper rifle, "If you would take our pink friend here to the Shinjuku district. There's a white building there called Kazekage Bank & Accounting. My father and Pakura will take care of you two." Utau stared with wide eyes at Cranky Kong, "Are...Are you serious right now?! We SOOOO do not have time for a senile old monkey! Nero, just grab him and we'll get outta here." Without even needing Utau to say so, Nero tapped his foot and darkness bubbled underneath Cranky Kong, black tendrils of darkness stretching up and wrapping around the gorilla. "As much as I would love for you to disappear...I think Utau-chan would be rather upset if I devoured you. If you still want to see an alien...I could arrange that." Nero's red eyes glowed as Cranky Kong was slowly pulled down into the darkness. Chouu Building Lobby: Lounging on a plush red couch in the middle of the lobby, the blond haired, casino owning, Nobody shuffled his deck of cards for the twentieth time. "Just to make myself absolutely clear... I don't approve of this job of yours." he slowly drawled to the black deadlock haired man leaning against the empty front desk. "And I never asked for your opinion...for the twenty-first time." Listening to the slap of cards and the occasional fwip of a card being drawn out from the deck filled the empty silence of the lobby. "Shouldn't there be someone here? No one mans the front desk...the main entrance...nothing." A shrug came from the blond on the couch. "Maybe they're all out getting coffee....but hey, I never approved of this job from the second you mentioned that guy's name." It couldn't be helped...nobody in Tokyo trusted the name Izaya Orihara. "Xaldin...tell me again what he told you to do." The sound of the laugh in the blond's voice sent irritable tremors down Xaldin's spine. "I'm to stay here and meet with one Yagura Mizukage. He said he'd call with more instructions before I met this man." Xaldin didn't like the sound of the instructions from the beginning...but Orihara was paying handsomely just for him to do these simple things. "It's not normal...I know that. should've stayed home." Luxord chuckled, "Stay home and miss out on the fun? No thanks. Plus..look out those fancy glass doors for once and you'll see a nice dozen or so suspicious ships. Now...if I stayed home without my trusty bodyguard...I might just be murdered in my sleep by freaky green guys. Now I'm not a betting man," Xaldin snorted, to which Luxord ignored promptly, "But I'm willing to bet that there's going to be a large commotion involving those ships and they'll probably break my house." Xaldin groaned and dinged the little silver bell on the desk three times, still searching for some nice young lady to come and answer some of his questions when his phone started to ring. Flicking open the thin, black flip phone and holding it to his ear, he heard that familiar voice echo through the receiver. "Hello~ I'm very pleased with your progress.'s not needed any longer as this invasion of scary aliens is doing your job for you. Your payment will be transferred to your account immediately. Bye-bye~!" Xaldin couldn't get in a single word edgewise and was left listening to the dial tone as his employer hung up. "So..?" "We're done here. Let's go, Luxord."
I sure do. It's twilight_nobody13 Creative, I know...
Tokyo Streets: Nero slid his red eyes to the left to land on the elderly gorilla. His eyes followed the path of the rock and a huff of a laugh escaped his lips. "Hey...don't you think we should issue an evacuation? But...I'm okay with allowing a mass slaughter. It's not like I'm clearing it." Utau landed beside the gorilla, "What is this? Of course we should help, Nero! C'mon, old geezer, we gotta go." Utau reached out to the gorilla and Nero rolled his eyes, turning his head towards the hovering Kratos and Gaara. "You two go on...apparently we're staying here... Someone has to make sure little Utau doesn't get kidnapped." Gaara opened his mouth to object when Kratos' hand wrapped around the back of Gaara's shirt, "Time to get going, kid. C'mon." Flapping his glowing blue wings, Kratos pulled Gaara through the sky towards Tokyo Tower. Observing as they flew, Gaara's black rimmed eyes widened as he noticed a figure flying through the if he'd been punched. "W-wait! There...Kratos, there's someone there!" Following Gaara's gaze, Kratos flew towards where the young man was pointing. Landing a few feet away from the pink fellow, Kratos cautiously drew his sword. "What are you doing?" "You're not one to be acting foolish, Gaara. I'm just being cautious." Gaara frowned and Kratos stepped closer, "Sir...? I'm going to have to ask you to come with us. You're in danger here." Chouu Skyscraper 34th Floor: Senju Kiri Company Meeting: Among the yelling and heated gesturing, Chojuro frowned as he stared out the window. "Wh...what is that? Um...L-Lady Mizukage...Lord Mizukage...I think we have a problem." Shifting their gazes from the glaring Hashirama and Tobirama, Yagura and Mei caught sight of the ships stealing women. "What are those?" Yagura balled up his fists on the table, "That aside...Mr. Senju! You cannot stand here and tell me everything I've done until now have been fruitless!" Izuna listened as he watched the ships out the window with Mei and Chojuro. "I'm sorry to disillusion you, Yagura, but your efforts to place an active and armed guard within the school have been dismissed. You are putting weight on something that has not affected that part of the city for years." Yagura growled at Hashirama's words, "You would not ignore the threat right before your eyes, Mr. Senju. You must understand my need for caution. I have been following these men for years! You will not take this from me, Hashirama!" Tobirama stood alongside his brother, "Calm yourself, Lord Mizukage. We're not here to take anything from you. My brother and I understand you've followed the actions of the Yakuza for these many years since the arrival of your company. But the things you speak of doing are...insane." Hashirama set a hand on his silver haired brother, "Yagura...the answer is no. I will not allow you to continue on this path. It's destroying you." Yagura grit his teeth, "The only thing destroying me is your inability to see the bigger picture here. Mei..Izuna, we're leaving. I'm done with this meeting." Turning on his heel, Yagura was met with Izuna's calm Sharingan eyes, "What are you doing? You're in my way, Izuna." Mei waved for Chojuro to come to her side as they stood and froze at the sight of Izuna's Sharingan. "Izuna?" "I am sorry, Lord Mizukage, Lady Mizukage, Chojuro....Mr. Senju, Tobirama and Lady Uzumaki...but I cannot allow any of you to leave." "Izuna, what's wrong?" "Those ships...are abducting women and I cannot allow Lady Mizukage or Lady Uzumaki to be taken. We will stay here until they pass. I have also received a text about suspicious men awaiting you, Lord Mizukage, in the lobby. I suspect them to be Yakuza or their hired men. It's my job...well, make sure of your safety, Yagura." Yagura pursed his lips, obviously not happy, but turned a look towards Hashirama that clearly said "I told you so".
Reserving: Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy IV)
Name: Lulu Description: The older sister figure in Yuna's life before she became a Gullwing. Lulu married Wakka, the brother of her late boyfriend and gave birth to a son. Currently, Lulu works as Izaya Orihara's secretary and assistant. She's good at handling his eccentric personality. Occupation: Secretary/Assistant Series character is from: Final Fantasy X/X-2 Name: Albedo/ White Testament Description: The very meaning of insanity. Albedo is a slave to the desire to be close to his brother. Albedo is one of Izaya's many known contacts and is the go-between for several people and the Yakuza. He relishes pain, both inflicted upon himself and others, and as a result from being too close to a god-like entity, has impressive regenerative abilities. Occupation: Go-between Series character is from: Xenosaga series Name: Happy Mask Salesman Description: Searching for the long lost Majora's Mask after it was stolen, the Happy Mask Salesman sent a young boy to retrieve it. Upon returning the mask, he's never been happier. The Happy Mask Salesman has a bit of a tempermental problem...just a bit...and an obsession for masks. Occupation: Mask Salesman Series character is from: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Name: Twilight Princess Midna Description: Midna is the sole ruler of the Twilight Realm. With her people banished by the Goddess' she and her people live in the shadows and cannot fully withstand the daylight. With her unruly disposition and brilliant mind, she often doesn't attend class and hides from the light. Occupation: Student Series character is from: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Masamune touched a hand over his heart in a mocking gesture, "You know of me, I'm honored. It's a shame really...not sharing your little trick with me." He flicked his gaze towards Inferna. He really didn't like how she so blatantly called him cute. If she was going to call him some worthless affectionate term, he preferred "Handsome". "Scared? Why should I fear something as pointless as burning buildings?" It fascinated him. The ability to destroy what was classified in the system as an Immortal Object. As Alpha and Inferna warped away, he was left grinning to himself. "Gave me the run around, didn't you. gave me some good information. PoH a member of the Blood Council. How stupid. Being apart of two different guilds. It's insulting really. But...I don't make enemies among my friends." Scratching the back of his head as he stared at the burning building, Masamune was left with the dilemma of what to do about Mya's shop. He didn't like the things the woman within those walls could make him believe or feel....but those same annoying emotions tied his hands when it came to allowing her death to happen or killing her himself. Tightening his grip on his sword he held loosely in one hand, his attention diverted to the sound of approaching footsteps. By now...he had no doubt Mya had probably gotten curious and...well...even a glance out her window would've shown him standing there... Whether she knew or not...he'd come every day when the sun started to set just to make sure she was safe in her shop. An irritating habit. Not wishing to be caught at the scene of Alpha's game just yet, Masamune drew his blade. Despite the minor details, once a part of the code had been hacked to become damaged as such as the burning houses...they were no longer immortal objects. That part of their code had changed. Which meant...he could freely damage them as he pleased. "I'd leave it to those kids...but who knows what kind of damage could be done to her before they get here. I'd rather make sure she's safe before taking off." It took Masamune a minute to demolish the first building between the flames and Mya's shop. With no place to go, the fire would remain burning the building's it had touched and end there, without reaching Mya's shop. Turning to the second building on the other side of her shop, he noted the lick of flame too close to hopping over than he liked. "Black Wolf Bane!" A series of 34 strikes made the building between the other edge of fire and Mya's shop into rubble which vanished in a flurry of particles, creating an empty lot. Using his unique skill was faster than regular skills...but the repercussion... Struggling against the activated slow ailment, Masamune slid his sword into it's sheath and started down the a seriously slow run.
Observing Alpha and his antics and surprisingly a well pulled off PK in the middle of a safe zone...the latter intrigued him so much that a smile curved his lips and red brown eyes glittered and danced as he watched players flee. "Heheh...I didn't really expect something favorable to happen in the middle of town..." Clapping for this self proclaimed leader of a guild with no icon, Masamune, notorious PKer himself of the Laughing Coffin guild, pushed away from the building he'd been leaning on. It had been a year since he started coming to floor would say he was stalking the shop keeper of Tailored Dreams....but that one wouldn't be him. He bore Laughing Coffin's icon proudly but since it was located just below his wasn't something he could just show everyone. But the looks on their faces was worth it. Stepping lightly, Masamune continued to clap until he was sure he had Alpha's attention, "That was some fancy hack you did there. So...Mr. Blood Council wanna tell me how you did that? Just for kicks, y'know? I've got some people I'd like to kill...and your little trick would come in handy. Killing without entering a duel...this is new...this is...." he shot Alpha a devious smile, "Interesting." Sure...Masamune himself didn't like showy acts...but Alpha sure knew how to get people's attention. If what he wanted was attention for a war though....he'd have to go bigger.
Changing Sam's picture:
Username: Twilight_Nobody13 In Game Name: Masamune Real World Name: Ryu Shokiin Age: 23 Appearance: Personality: Cool and detatched, Masamune views the real world and the virtual world as nothing more than a test of skill. With a dark, almost sadistic craving for a good fight, Masamune relishes moments when he's struck as he claims he allowed them to hit him just to see the look on their face. Bio: Ryu purchased SAO to escape from the reality that haunted him. He found being trapped within a game wasn't so bad and found it even better when he could murder and not be convicted for it. Job: PK Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) 70 Weapon: one-handed pure black katana Special Skill: Black Wolf Bane: A series of 34 slashes that leave the after-image of a black wolf's head. When struck by even one of the slashes the rest become unavoidable. Cooldown rate of 10 minutes with the negative effect of slow inflicted upon the user. Guild: (Could be a made up one or an existing one) Laughing Coffin Other: The ability Black Wolf Bane is equipped to the sword Masamune wields. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 In Game Name: Minato Real World Name: Minato Himejima Age: 22 Appearance: Personality: Warm, quick tempered, easily becomes emotional, very intelligent Bio: Minato is a program coder with a teenage parent's life. Impulsively married to his high school sweet heart, he was graced with a son not long into senior year. Interested in virtual reality's binary code, Minato claimed his copy of SAO soon after it's release and unfortunately was trapped inside. Minato has devoted his time to finding a way out. Job: Information Broker/Hacker (though not very often) Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) 69 Weapon: daggers like in the picture Special Skill: Senbonzakura Senko (Cherry Blossom Senbon Flash): Using bursts of speed and agility to rain down thousands of senbon-like daggers throughout a wide range. The wider the range, the less accurate. 50% accuracy: 30 meters Guild: N/A
As suggested by Nilin (who I thank for the website) a new picture for Sam:
Reserving: Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)[DOUBLEPOST=1365262465][/DOUBLEPOST]Name: Izaya Orihara Description: An information broker from Shinjiku with a proclaimed love of humans. He enjoys seeing their daily struggle through life and though he loves them, he takes great delight in seeing them suffer and putting them through mental and emotional torment. Izaya has several sources for information and holds no loyalty to Yakuza or local gangs but they steer clear from him. He holds exceptional skill with a flick blade. Occupation: Information broker Series character is from: Durarara!! Other: Izaya's the only one known to have ever cut Shizuo Hiwajima.
Well that was unexpected. And...can you read my mind?!
Spoiler Big enough?
Aw...alright. His picture is original though. That's not Sasori from Naruto.
Lunchroom: "Heh, speak for yourself. It'll end up being the other way with me protecting you bunch, so just drop the tough guy act already." Ririchiyo haughtily said before hanging her head as a sudden depression washed over her, 'I did it again...and on the first day of school...' Smiling fondly at her, Soushi pulled his charge closer to his body, "I will protect Ririchiyo-sama, please don't worry." With Mario and Bowser acting less like they were the ones in danger and more like they should be out protecting everyone, Jushiro sighed, exhausted, "Shuhei," he called and Shuhei Hisagi paused in his yelling at several annoying students to stand at perfect attention, "Captain Ukitake, Sir!" "Make sure Sui-Feng doesn't leave the building." Sui-Feng stared at her fellow Captain and quickly glowered at him, "You're joking! I can stand and fight against these things just as well as you can, Jushiro!" "I have no doubt about that,'s just...just this once I'd like to make sure no one gets hurt. Gin and I will take positions near the doors. You and Shuhei are the last line of defense within the cafeteria." As much as Jushiro wanted to keep Sui-Feng out of harms way...he was more concerned about the women within the city. How long had it been since he'd last seen Ichigo and his friends? "Gin...let's go." "Right behind you." Ikuto yawned, all the panic really wasn't his style. Raising a defiant fist into the air, Yahiko pulled Konan into his side, "I'll protect Konan with my life!" "You've already said that, Yahiko. Shouldn't you be a little more concerned about those outside?" "Well of course I'm concerned about them. But defending the school comes first." "There's no point defending the school if our homes are destroyed." Nagato's calm and efficient words ran circles around Yahiko's brain. He stuttered for a good long minute before Konan sealed a piece of paper over his mouth. "Just remain quiet, Yahiko. The others will handle outside." Thoroughly worried, Alphonse hovered beside a window, his gaze traveling the sky until a familiar voice cut through his thoughts, "AL!" "Brother? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out there, fighting?" "What? How could I leave my little brother behind?! Anyway...did you get this text? Man, Mustang must really be lazing on the job for this to happen." Taking a good long look at Ed's phone, Alphonse's frown only deepened, "It says the branch of the military stationed closest to the city can't respond...because they're...being rerouted? Brother, doesn't this mean the military isn't coming at all? Then who's preventing the aliens from coming to the school!?" Edward's grin faded and his eyes bugged out of his head, "'re right, Al! Ah, that stupid Colonel, what the hell is he thinking?!" "Please don't panic, brother. All the students are staring at you." Tamaki and Kyoya were having a similar argument, "But Kyoya...if your family's private military force can't make it... Then I'LL just have to protect my little Haruhi!" Rolling his eyes, Kyoya adjusted his glasses and snapped shut his cell phone, "Don't make such a big deal about it. Our school has more than capable enough teachers and senior students to defend the school should any of these invaders attack us directly. Though this is starting to sound like one of Tamaki's rather ridiculous fantasies...I wonder if I'm not still asleep?" Twin hands reached over and pinched Kyoya's cheeks, "Nope..." "You look rather awake, Senpai." "Thanks..." Though Kyoya was hardly grateful for the Hitachiin twins' aid in reassuring him this was reality. Haruhi, having the most difficult time comprehending alien invasion and all the odd words being thrown around by her other classmates, flopped down on a chair. 'Can you see this mom? These guys are nuts.' she thought to her deceased mother. Suprised, Martel smiled at Yoshi, "How kind of you." A crowd of students lifted their voices in agreement that they should also aid in the fight. Shisui, unfortunately, obeying Minato's orders to keep the rest of the student body within the school, blanched as they all glared at him for standing in the way. "I'm not paid enough for this..." "Sit down." Shisui didn't want to look behind him as he knew the commanding voice that resonated behind him. The students quieted down and grumbled as they went back to their seats and Kakuzu stepped around Shisui, "It's bad enough we're allowing students to go to the basement to help... This is going to cost us a lot of money." Shikamaru exhaled in relief, 'Is that all he cares about? The amount it's going to cost us for repairs to the city?' He didn't even want to think about all the possibilities for when it ended...who would be gone forever? Who would be severely hurt? Tokyo: Preliminary Battle Kratos shook his head, Utau was tired and Gaara was already sweating from moving civilians out of the path of the ships. He'd used a large amount of...what did he call it...chakra? on keeping the young children and families from being swept away. Holding up his sword to the sky, Kratos flitted quickly through the beginning of the spell and skipped to the end. "This'll end it... Indign--uh!" Sand wrapped around his sword, canceling the spell, "What are you doing, Gaara?!" "I should be asking you that question. You plan on killing all those innocent women inside that ship already? Can you control where your spell strikes? I won't risk their lives to stop a few ships." Gaara's righteous nature was starting to irritate Kratos, "Tch...then you have a plan?" "He doesn't...but our friends at the school do. If you won't let me just shoot it from the sky...why don't we fall back?" Nero drawled, he didn't like the idea...but it was something other than wasting energy. "L-let's do that. I'm exhausted and I can't maintain a Character Transformation for much longer." That was also something that irritated Nero...but it wasn't like he could put a bullet through her skull.
Ash was dumbfounded. was a name he'd effortlessly managed to slip into his sentences and make it sound like a name he knew all his life. Since Ash had no face to put with the name, it danced in his head and a confused and worried expression slid over his features. "W-wait a minute...I don't...I don't know who Rosalie is. Why did you even mention me to her?!" His worry vanished in the blink of an eye and slowly he slid out of the car, holding the door open as he stood there, "You said...these Red Flag people know we're different..." Slowly...very slowly, Ash removed his hand from around Sandy's thin trunk and curled it into a fist, "If you don't like it then why not take care of them! You should've taken them out of the picture the second you knew that they know we're different!" Ash's anger came to boiling the more he thought about these mysterious people who apparently had visited each of the names Nick had rattled off. If those names were people like him...weren't they Nick's friends? His blue eyes narrowed into sharp slits of blue ice and he slammed the passenger door shut harder than needed. Heading off towards the park, Ash's anger turned to murderous intent. "I'll find those people..whoever they are...they won't know a thing when I'm through with them." But how? He couldn't just walk down the street and ask every single person he passed if they were apart of Red would make him look insane...and suspicious. Anger gave way to numb irritation and he found a sunny spot to plant Sandy. Kneeling on the grass, Ash let go of the remaining anger and sighed, "This'll be your new home, Sandy. Cindy's going to miss you...and me too... But I'll come visit you every day." Setting aside the small lemon tree, he shoved his fingers into the earth and carved out a decent sized hole and gently plopped Sandy's roots inside. Surrounding her with the extra dirt, Ash sniffed, "Damn...I don't like goodbyes." Feeling a pressing thirst he knew far too well, Ash reached off to his right for the jug of milk he carried with him.... His hand closed on empty air three times before he glanced over and found his dairy product gone. 'Uh-oh...' he thought with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. This was why he didn't like cars.... He must've left it on the floor of Nick's car. And Ash was willing to bet that same jug that Nick wouldn't notice it until he was long gone. Resigning himself to his sorrow over Sandy, he pulled out the pack of 36 individually wrapped slices of cheddar cheese from his back pocket and started to unwrap each and devour the yellow dairy goodness before his pressing craving for dairy could drive him over the edge.
Just the name, I promise.
❥Full Name: Samuel "Sam" Burns ❥Appearance: ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: Sunbathing, piano, thunderstorms, napping, S&M, rock music, electric guitar, teasing ❥Dislikes: Waiting, Individuals who keep him waiting, being ordered around, People who underestimate him ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Dying without leaving something behind, burning out, creepy children. ❥Strengths/Talents: piano, electric guitar, S&M, wood carving, magic tricks ❥Personality: Aloof and generally lazy. Hidden behind a warm smile is a chilly darkness. Sasori takes great pride in his art and thoroughly enjoys the subtle dark moments when he can tie someone up. ❥Sexuality: Bisexual ❥Favorite Color: Red ❥Instrument(s): Piano, electric guitar ❥Crush?: ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: EST, normally on every day almost all the time (I have no where to go) ❥Other: N/A