Nintendo High: Shop Room~ A red head covered in sawdust lifted up from behind a complicated machine when Blanc spoke. Teal painted fingers paused on their way to grab a screwdriver and he peeked up over the machine, pulling a white sheet over what he was working on, "You want fetch your sisters for you?" Perfectly pale lips parted over white teeth into a smile as hazel eyes landed on Blanc standing in his doorway. Standing, he brushed the sawdust from his hair and moved to stand in front of the short brunette. "Alright...but you'll have to ask properly." It wasn't very well known...but Sasori had a thing for students calling him by a certain version of his name. For a puppet brought back to life, Sasori enjoyed the moments when he could pull any form of joy from any given moment. Leaning down, he tipped Blanc's chin up with one teal painted finger, "Ask me...again." Cafeteria: War Orphans~ Spoiler Yahiko glared out the window at the Ginyu Force. He never did like them much. "Konan...Nagato...let's go home. We don't need their kind of support." Frowning, Konan watched Yahiko head for the exit, "Yahiko..." Smiling down at the Ginyu Force, Nagato firmly kept his good mood in place. He wasn't going to let Yahiko's odd grudge against those stronger than him or the aliens bring down his optimistic mood today. "Konan? Is something wrong?" She looked worried to him, but you could never truly tell what Konan felt from behind that cold, paper mask she wore. "If you're worried about'll be fine. We'll go home and I'll make us some dinner, sound good?" "Nagato..." blinking away her worried expression, she smiled, "That sounds great, Nagato, thank you." A brief relief washed over Nagato as she smiled. It was her smile that kept his and Yahiko's spirits strong. Following behind her as they headed for the doors, Nagato remembered the war for a moment. He couldn't erase what had happened...if he could, he would've done it sooner. Cafeteria: Host Club Closed~ Spoiler Wearing a prominent and one of the most obvious pouts in the entire school, Tamaki slumped in a corner. "Does that mean..." "The Host Club will be closed until school resumes as normal." Sighing, a majority of the members looked and felt relieved. Tears streamed from Tamaki's eyes as he looked over at the members of his Host club, "Y-you guys...don't want to be here...? I get it...I'm just a bother...." Neji and Shikamaru exchanged guilty looks. This guy was worse than Naruto and Lee put together. "Tamaki-sempai you can't just assume no one wants to be in the Host club just because they sighed." Gnawing on a chocolate Pocky stick, Senri slid his blue gaze towards their sulking King and sympathetic Natural type, "Actually, that is why we sighed. Being in a club is bothersome. I'd rather just go home everyday." Flinching inwardly at Senri's cold and casually thrown words, Shikamaru thought to himself, 'Way to throw him to the wolves, Shiki...' Hikaru and Kaoru hummed, "So then..." "Does that mean we won't get to see Haruhi until school resumes?" "But the Boss won't get to see him either." The pair smirked deviously as their words sunk into Tamaki's mind and he turned, half standing, half kneeling, and grabbed hold of Haruhi's hands, "That can't be! No! I won't let my little girl go! You pervy Twins can't have her either!" "Does he even realize what he's saying?" "Probably not..." Ikuto stood behind Neji and yawned. "Where have you been all day? With all the insanity that's happened, I'd like to think you were at least doing something productive." Poking his pinkie into his ear, Ikuto sleepily stared at him, "Nope." Scowling, Neji sucked in a breath to scold the lazy second year when he caught sight of Raven lurking outside the window. "That damn pervert again... What does he think this is, a school for pretty girls?!" Swooping down beside him, Tamaki slung an arm around Neji's shoulders and touched three delicate fingers to his forehead, shutting his eyes and giving off that superior sparkle, "Well actually--" "Hakke Kusho!" (Eight Trigrams Air Palm) Thrusting his palm towards Tamaki's stomach, the compressed air of his technique sent Tamaki flying backwards and into a wall, "I don't want to hear it." Whistling, Shikamaru avoided standing too near to Neji in his current mood, "This school is supposed to be a private academy for those of any species, gender and intellect to gather and learn different things from across the world. At least that's what the pamphlet said about the school. Not to mention if you ask any of the teachers...they'll say the same." Shrugging, Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed Haruhi under the arms and hauled her off and into a black limo waiting outside. Kyoya pulled a still dazed Tamaki into a black limo of his own, "Until next time." Cafeteria: Sand Siblings Minus One~ Spoiler Rushing through the cafeteria, Temari, followed by the oddly face painted Kankuro, shoved several students out of the way in her frantic search, "Gaara! Where's Gaara!" Her green eyes swept through the cafeteria and without finding the familiar red spikes she was looking for, her shoulders dropped, "He's not here..." Patting his sister's shoulder, Kankuro reigned in his own panic over his little brother, "We'll find him, Temari. Gaara can take care of himself...but that doesn't mean I'm not worried too. But really...he doesn't look like a girl so he's not in danger of being abducted. Give it a rest, sis." She shot him a scalding glare, "Don't you dare tell me to give it a rest! He's our little brother!" Sighing, Kankuro gave up trying to control his sister's temper. If she was going to freak out...she'll freak out. Nothin' he could do about it. Shuffling his ill tempered older sister towards the exit, Kankuro made sure she couldn't reach her fan without hitting his arm, "Maybe Gaara already went home. You know how he is when he gets an idea about somethin'. Let's just go home and see if he's there." Cafeteria: Teacher Student Relationship~ Spoiler Martel waited patiently as her friends left. "Martel~!" Smiling at the familiar voice, Martel stood and turned, opening her arms for the expected unexpected hug. "Yuan, where's Kratos?" Yuan wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground as he hugged her tightly, "Kratos? He left a while ago with a student. I think he was worried about the invasion..." She lightly hugged the blue haired Cruxis Angel back as he set her feet back on the floor, "Why? Did you...want to go home with him?" Shaking her head, Martel smiled up at him, "Just curious. I'm sure you can protect me on the way home." Puffing out his chest, Yuan's cheeks turned pink, "Of course I can! I'll protect you with my very life, Martel." She giggled softly and led the way out of the building. Cafeteria: Day End~ Spoiler Soushi and Ririchiyo bowed to her classmates and teachers as they left. Ririchiyo really didn't want to open her mouth to say goodbye in case she said something hurtful again. Reaching towards the ceiling, Hige yawned, "Oh man today's classes were BORING! The best thing to happen is school letting out early." Toboe frowned, the young wolf liked being around other people and having his classes cut short was a bummer. "U-Um...Kiba, don't you think this is all kinda sudden? I mean we just got here and..." "Uh, pup? He's kinda gone." "Huh?! Ah...Kiba!" He lowered his head as the two wolves watched Kiba run out the door. "Stupid idiot probably thinks Cheza's in danger. Sure she's a girl but...she's also a plant. Do you think aliens would kidnap a flower maiden?" "What's a...flower maiden?" Yugito and Sakura came up behind the pair with Crow in tow, "Anyway...we need someone to escort us home. We are girls after all and I can't find Sasuke-kun around." Yugito rolled her eyes at Sakura's comment. She could've found him if she wanted...she was just afraid of the rejection she knew she'd get. Toboe's tail started to wag as he happily edged closer to the girls. Scratching the back of his head, Hige shrugged, "Why not...I think it's on the way anyways."
Nintendo High Hallway: Spoiler Reeling, a green haired boy fell backwards and stared up at Ron with a baffled expression. "Oh...goodness, I wasn't expecting that." He lifted a hand and rubbed his chest, "So...all boys must have a physical characteristic that makes them generally stronger than... Oh...sorry." His unusually pale face lit up in a smile the longer he sat on the ground staring up at Ron.
Name: Senri Shiki Description: A third year student, Vampire aristocrat, model and the illegitimate son of Rido Kuran. Senri, like all aristocrats, has a power to use his blood as a weapon and like all Vampires is immensely beautiful. Because his father is a Pureblood but his mother is an Aristocrat, he is not considered a Pureblood but is above most aristocrats, earning him a great deal more respect than other aristocrats. Occupation: Student / model Series character is from: Vampire Knight/ Vampire Knight Guilty Name: Kaname Kuran Description: A Pureblood vampire and head of the Kuran family, one of the seven remaining Pureblood families. He is also one of the progenitors of the vampires and the first Kuran, making his estimated age over 10,000 years old. Occupation: Student / ???? Series character is from: Vampire Knight/ Vampire Knight Guilty Name: Haruka Kuran Description: A Pureblood vampire and past head of the Kuran family before he turned it over to Kaname. Haruka is Juri's brother and husband and Yuki and Kaname's father as well as Rido's brother. Haruka is a quiet and kind man, like Yuki, who holds a pacifist ideology. Occupation: ???? Series character is from: Vampire Knight/ Vampire Knight Guilty Name: Shizuka Hio Description: A Pureblood vampire who was kept in a cage for most of her life when she fell in love with a human who was brought to be her food. By changing him into a vampire, he fell to Level E and was killed by the Kiryu family. Since then, Shizuka swore her revenge and turned Zero into a vampire and stole Ichiru away after slaughtering the twin boys' parents. Occupation: ???? Series character is from: Vampire Knight Name: Maria Kurenai Description: A frail vampire who enjoys games and adores lonely and sad boys and kind girls. She transfered to Nintendo High only recently for one sole purpose... Occupation: Student Series character is from: Vampire Knight Name: Ichiru Kiryu Description: The younger twin brother of Zero. Ichiru has latched onto Shizuka from the day he saw her and desires only to protect her. He once held his brother in high admiration and kept close to him. Ichiru has always been ill since he was young. With Shizuka's blood in him, he is able to live a more active life. Occupation: ????? / Student Series Character is from: Vampire Knight/ Vampire Knight Guilty
Kazekage Bank& Accounting: Pakura tensed at the mention of Gaara's name, "Gaara-sama?!'re going to disobey one of Gaara-sama's direct orders?! I--" "Let it go, Pakura." "Ah...Lord Fourth!" "My son's not in the habit of giving orders like that. If you must go...then go, leave Buu here with us. Pakura's more than capable of defending this building." Yondaime Kazekage, Gaara's father, leaned on the ledge from the second floor, gazing down at Pakura and his guests. He didn't seem all that particularly worried about his son or any of his children. "If you're planning on bringing this woman back with my guest. Just try not to bring any of these aliens back with you. I don't have time to waste on idle things like that." Pakura frowned at her Lord's ease at the idea of an invasion and again at he leaving Garrius. "Ah...if you're leaving...please, look out for Gaara-sama. If I'm not there for him...I fear he'll get himself hurt." Yondaime flashed a disapproving glare down at Pakura, 'He's not a child, Pakura... Why do you insist on treating him so?' Tokyo Streets: Gaara watched Metal Sonic speed away. He was happy he could help the little robot, but...part of him wished he could do more. "C'mon...let's head back to the school before something else happens. I'm not dealing with your father if something happens to you...or around you." The mention of his father made Gaara clench his teeth hard in frustration. "I can handle myself if something happens, Mr. Aurion." His comment earned him a curious glance, "I've no doubt about that... Ah...look, Gaara, I'm not saying you're an incompetent child, I just mean-" "Saying my father has anything to do with me is basically saying you still see me as a child." Kratos sighed, the boy had a point... "Why is it always such a hassle to deal with your family... It was easier when Karura was mean..." But the damage was done. Gaara lowered his gaze to the ground, "My mother...gave her life when I was I don't know anything about what she was like...or what father was like before she died. All I know is the here and now. So please don't bring it up again." Turning his back on Kratos, Gaara walked down the street back towards the school, leaving Kratos to stand there feeling regretful of his words. "Yes, I know it was insensitive of me, Anna...but what am I supposed to say? That, maybe, his father's less of a prick than he was before? That man's never cared about his children..." Sighing, Kratos looked up to the sky and for once in a rare while, smiled, "I'm not much better, huh, Anna..." It was then that an explosion from the military's base control building disturbed his thoughts of his deceased love. "What the...?" Japanese Military Control Base: Tokyo Faction: Thirty Minutes Earlier~ Spoiler Being forced into a corner, Madara Uchiha didn't respond well to the Gray Order's take over. "You're absolutely joking! I won't let you!" Blue and Tsume snarled, despite feeling more inclined to follow the Hero of Ferelden's orders. Roy slid on his gloves, "We don't need any trouble so just back off." Lethellan sighed, folding her arms under her chest and Kirin stepped forwards, glowering at Roy, "We're not afraid of your threats, Colonel Mustang. I suggest you not threaten Lady Lethellan again." Lifting a hand to keep Kirin and Fenris at bay, Lethellan spread her hands as she explained again, "I'm not joking. Our orders come directly from the First Warden in Weisshaupt Fortress." Madara glared at the brunette hero, "Never heard of it or your order." "Weisshaupt Fortress is located in the Anderfels, it's highly unlikely that you would've ever heard of it. Being heavily guarded and purposefully invisible to those who don't need to know...I'm not surprised you don't know anything." "Well your Order of non-existent people has no jurisdiction here." "Is that so...?" ", give our unwelcome guests a royal send off." "My pleasure." Lifting his gloved hand, Roy snapped his fingers and a spark exploded, sending Lethellan, Hawke and Fenris hurtling back into the hallway. Shielding Hawke from hitting the wall too hard, Fenris took the full brunt of his body smacking against the wall. Lethellan, being much more agile than either of the warriors, braced her foot back against the wall to absorb the shock and used her hand to stop herself from hitting her head against the wall. "Now you're dead!" Fenris' markings glowed the vibrant blue of lyrium as he and Hawke launched themselves at Roy, Madara and the the two wolves with their broadswords drawn. Tsume clashed against Fenris' blade with a small dagger of his own. Blue ducking under Hawke's swing and slashing against a weak point in her armor with her claws. It simply looked like she'd punched the warrior, but four perfect lines bloomed crimson on Hawke's skin, just like a wolf's claws had cut into her. Moving around and through the pair of warriors, Roy ducked under the drawn twin blades from Lethellan. 'She's fast!' Landing by the windows, Lethellan swept her hand out in front of her, a dull blue glow shone from her hand and Blue dashed in front of Madara, pushing him back as well as scraping her claws across Lethellan's armor, "Templar!" Lethellan glared at her, narrowing green eyes, "Wrong...Reaver." The glow turned into a blood red pulsating flare and Blue cowered, tucking her tail between her shaking legs. Tsume was knocked back, "Tch...hey!" Touching Blue's shoulder a wave of pure terror rushed through him and he froze. "Blue, Tsume!" Two branches of wood reached out, wrapping around the wolves' bodies and pulled them to Madara's side. Fenris and Hawke rushed to stand in front of Lethellan once the angry red glow had faded from the woman. "Now get out!" Snapping his fingers, Roy lit an explosion on a high enough caliber to knock the three sturdy warriors out the window and exploded the wall behind them, sending the three out into the street.
Castle Baron: Martel's attention split as she felt a pull of a life trying to gain her attention and Agrias' question. "This is Castle Baron....we're all here to start new life in this world. At least that's what the man calling himself a god told us." She smiled sadly and focused inward. It wasn't the World Tree calling her...nor the tree on Derris who? 'You who call for the knowledge of a Summon Spirit...what is your name, little one?' Communicating with another tree...she was certain the World Tree would be overjoyed at the presence of another of it's kind. old memory filled her heart and unfortunately spilled over into her words to the young tree of Castle Hein. Sorrow at the death of the Giant Kharlan Tree....sympathy for it's previous Guardian Spirit....and the young half-elves' anger towards mankind. Pain crossed her face and she shut her eyes on the people before her and clasped her hands under her chin, banishing the painful emotions of Martel the Half-Elf and all the half-elves sacrificed. Martel summoned the memory of Lloyd's promise to her... Spoiler "..In it's current state, the tree will wither and die." Spoiler "Well do we protect it?" "You must provide the tree with love and adoration. As long as those conditions are met, I shall always protect the seedling." "Then I promise if the tree ever starts to wither...I'll make sure...we won't let it die!" "Then, Lloyd, on behalf of all living things I want you to give this tree a new proof of the pact." "What?" "The Giant Kharlan Tree was planted here by the elves when they first came as a guardian to watch over and protect all of them. This newly reborn tree protects elves, humans, and the lives of all those who are caught in between. Therefore, this tree requires a new name." The day had made her smile and have faith in the new world. Even now...even if she was without Lloyd or the Chosen...she would find new friends to love and adore the World Tree. Opening her eyes just a crack, she slid her gaze from Asbel to Zidane and to Agrias. They were kind people who understood the horrors of war and the need for love in the world.
Shinjuku District: Kazekage Bank & Accounting~ Seeing someone walk into his building via security camera, Yondaime chuckled, "Not the slightest bit wealthy and they waltz in here like their presence is worth something to me. Pakura...take care of them." Nodding, the young woman who stood with an aura of murderous intent left the room and lept off the second floor to land in front of the pair in the lobby. Kazekage Bank & Accounting's building from the outside was circular in shape, a sandy white, and several stories tall. Though the first story held no windows, it took nothing away from the charm of the building. The boldly engraved kanji for Wind placed near the roof spoke novels of Yondaime's history outside of Japan. In interior was much more classy than the exterior. Soft cream carpet covered the floor of the lobby and dark mahogany chairs, desks and couches filled the space. Directly across from the main doors stood the thick, silver elevator doors. The remaining floors of the building held several rooms used for storage for the possessions, money and stock that Yondaime's guests entrusted to him. Everything on his storage floor was securely locked up tight and backed up in another building on the other side of Japan and then again in a special security building in America. Pakura landed on the carpet with a soft thump and remained kneeling for a moment as she dialed down the murderous intent as she looked up at Garrius and Buu. "Something we can help you with? And...I'm Pakura. Scorch Style User Pakura of the Sand. You stand in Lord Yondaime Kazekage's building, I trust you know that much. I'll ask again...who are you and what is your business here?" Tokyo Streets: Staring at 3.0 as he rambled on, Kratos had the sudden vision of Mithos yammering on about something crazy again. "Things like this never end well... Next thing you know...children are involved and are spouting more sense than the adults." While Kratos continued to mumble to himself, Gaara turned to look where Metal Sonic was pointing, "You're right...we should let the police handle this guy. I'm sure the information he has could be useful to them. Uh...Kratos...Mr. Aurion? We're leaving now..." Sighing, Gaara set a hand on his professor's shoulder and guided him as they walked towards the nearest law enforcement building.
Castle Baron: Martel simply smiled as she listened to Lambda, however wrong his assumption was. Martel was and would always be not like the humans she cared for. As a Summon Spirit, she would live on for centuries and even further to see generations far into the future. As long as the World Tree was alive, she had purpose...but she could never die. The thought saddened her slightly, but as long as she had the World the Giant Kharlan Tree....she was happy. Lloyd and Colette weren't in this world...that much she could tell and the power of mana waned and fluxed with the power of the ones who came to judge them. "Well, shall we go?" Briefly, Martel wondered if any of her young friends were summoners. It wouldn't hurt to ask, right? "Might any of you be summoners? I'm not sure how much help I'd be in a battle...but I can do healing magic." She didn't mention how many partial angel souls she held within her empty was enough that they had been sacrificed for the planet.
Fields outside Zanarkand: Irritation filled Yuri as Rita ignored him and he chased after her, clomping clumsily in his oversized boots. "Rita! Where do you think you're going?! You intend to just walk all the way to the Island of Thor? I didn't know you learned how to walk on water when we parted! HEY!" It was annoying...the idea of traveling to an island without a ship. How he wished they still had Judith with them...Ba'ul could've come in handy right about now. Catching up to Rita, Yuri panted, " I'm not Estelle...I'm not your best friend...but what the hell, Rita? Don't you recognize me?" Castle Baron: Shocked at Asbel's arrival and then the arrival of another young child, Martel seemed to be the only one left as an adult. She frowned but immediately pasted on a gentle smile as she approached the new pair, "Hello Asbel...and to our other new friend. My name is Martel, Guardian of the World Tree." She knelt in front of Asbel and smoothed her palm over his hair. She didn't bother mention feeling the presence within he probably already knew about it. "You're troubled...but you do not need to be. Your body may indeed be smaller...but your experience...your power...the skills you have learned that and the bonds you've made that have made you strong are still very much there and as strong as they were the last time you were truly happy." Nautilus: Yuan, unfortunately, rolled onto his side and found his balance even with the great blade on his back and sighed as he saw Cid Raines and his ship. "Doesn't this go against every single warning I gave them? Oh well...who really wants to listen to an angel ramble on and on. Heh...instead...this might just prove interesting. But first to rid myself of this tiny body. The Island of Thor, hm? Not a problem." Spreading glittering, blue wings, Yuan took flight, "Now...the Island..." Field: Kratos: Kratos didn't enjoy walking and taking so much time to reach the island...but he doubted he could take on Chronos in his current state. No..he'd definitely need Zack and Basch to help him. Working as a team would prove better than alone. "This isn't my home world...I wouldn't suggest the possibility that I know where I'm going." At least that much he could admit...however slightly embarrassing it was.
"Ready or not, here I come..." Hobbling down the stairs of a house that reeked of mothballs and something rotting, Luce slipped on her third step and tumbled down the stairs. A broken step pinching her back and tearing her shirt as she fell. Knocking her head against the floor as she rolled to a stop on the landing, Luce stared at the ceiling in a daze. "Lu...? Are you okay?'re bleeding..." She heard cloth tear and cold air hit the exposed skin of her back. "Hmm...I'll fix you up nice and good. Recovery times two with my blood, okay?" She was about to ask how he intended to fix her up when a cold jolt went through her body. Gaara drew a wet tongue across the cut on her shoulder blade and hummed, "Your blood tastes exceptionally good. I wonder if that's cause it's mixed with Azazel's..." Silver eyes went wide and a shiver rolled through her with another draw of his tongue. "Stop it..." Images long forgotten rose to the surface of her mind again. All of the faces of the men in town from when she was young flashed across her vision. "Don't..." Gaara settled her up against the wall and wormed his way into her lap, "It's time for dinner, Lu. After that...I'll show you something special." Special...the word didn't seem like it would hold much value to a demon, but his turquoise eyes lit up as he said it. He pulled out a kitchen knife, "Your friends...they have demon-killing knives...don't they? It really isn't fair that they keep such a power from you, Lu....but...I like being able to see you without worrying you're going to stab me. Oh...but you wouldn't do that, would you?" Her eyes watched the blade glide across his skin, "Why wouldn't I?" "Because this body...still has a soul of it's own inside. I'm just a guest...for now anyways." Pulling her eyes away from the blooming scarlet line, Luce focused on the child before her, "What do you mean? The boy is still in there? Didn't you--" "I lied." Anger and hope warred in her heart. "What does he have to say about all this? Kidnapping me...letting me drink the blood of his body that you taint. What about your fixation on me? What about him?" Gaara avoided her gaze for a while, "I told him you would look out for'd be like his mother, sister, wife and daughter all in one. I didn't hear an objection." "You didn't want to hear one. Let me talk to him. I want to hear his voice!" A pout settled on Gaara's lips, eyes narrowed and shoulders tense. "If that's what you want..." She waited and for a solid five minutes neither of them moved until Gaara's eyes lifted to hers with a different emotion than adoration filling them. "Help me, Mommy. I'm scared." Wrapping her arms around the child, Luce held him as close to her body as she could get him. "Don't be frightened... I'll keep you safe." Warmth filled her at the five simple words. "Thanks, Lu." Again...too soon was the innocent, trapped boy gone. "What else did you lie to me about? Where is this? Who are you? How the hell do you know me?" She could tell her questions irritated him, "This is our home. My name is Gaara, I am the demon who's been looking out for you since Azazel gave you those powers. He bound you to me, Lu...can't you see that? We're a lot and I. Your momma died and I never had one. Your daddy's a jerk....and thus rightfully dead and my Father...well some would call him a jerk but I love him even if he won't love me, specifically, back. Your life is filled with trials and torments and so is mine." "Enough! I don't know who you think you are...but you have no right to talk about my parents like that!" A much too adult expression settled on his face and he pulled the golden framed picture out from behind him, "This is the picture I took from your room. I saw you staring at it night after just looked so I removed it from your life. See? Your dad's face is scratched out... Isn't that because he was mean to you? You hate him, don't you?" Hate...yes, she hated her father for the things he did...what he made her do to herself, but she would always cherish and love the father that smiled and was cheerful in her memories. "My father did a lot of stupid things...they are not for you to decide whether or not were mean, Gaara." Taking the picture from his hands, she scowled down at it. 'Father...' "Doesn't matter now. Drink," he pressed his bleeding arm to her lips, which she opened without hesitation, "And we'll decide your punishment for yelling at me." 'Punishment?'
Name: Erza Scarlet Description: Erza is a Class S Mage of the guild Fairy Tail and a member of Team Natsu with her Requip Magic. Currently attending Nintendo High as a way to escape the ever bossy Hawke, Erza is also a member of the Gray Order. Occupation: Student/Gray Order member Series character is from: Fairy Tail Name: Anri Sonohara Description: Possessing the deadly blade Saika, Anri cannot feel love for others and depends on Saika to love others for her. The emotions she lacks she gains by latching onto those around her. Because she lacks these emotions she's able to control and wield the ancient blade Saika. Those Saika cuts are forever possessed by the "love" of the blade and are her children, promptly calling Anri "Mother" and if not controlled correctly by Anri, give into their desire to make the love they feel for someone physical and will attempt to cut them to pieces. Occupation: Student/Mother Series Character is from: Durarara!! Other: Saika is a demonic blade imbued with the unrequited love of millenia of humans. Those that touch it can hear the many cries of those who only wanted to love.
Tokyo Streets: Being oblivious to any form of danger, Nero looked up to where Peppy had yelled down to them and shrugged, "What in Wiess' name was that? You'd think he enjoyed ordering me around..." Shrugging, Utau struggled to muster the energy to fly. It wasn't working so well. "Ugh...I might be grounded for a while. Nero-san...go on without me." Spreading mechanical wings, Nero wrapped an arm around her waist. "That's obviously not a choice. I protect the school...and the students within. Do not make me repeat myself again." Flying her up to Tokyo Tower, the pair bore witness to Devil May Dine's destruction and Utau changed back to her normal clothes with Il falling to rest on in her hands. "Il..." Hearing one of Gaara's captures mention the Crystal Order, Kratos glared at him, "Shut up, if you're a member of the Crystal Order and you so proudly announce have a death wish. Plus, Gaara isn't a staff member of the school...he's just a kid. You're what...sixteen?" Gaara frowned, "Seventeen." "Right...I knew that. Gaara, you can release the one not spouting death threats." Rather uncomfortable, Gaara set down Metal Sonic and retracted the sand from around him, using it only to reinforce his hold on 3.0 and squeezed tighter making the metal creature's body creak and groan from the pressure, "What is the Crystal Order?"
Unnerved by Mya's question, Masamune hesitated to answer and suddenly found Star shrieking at him like an old cat who'd gotten her tail stepped on. Masamune let them talk amongst themselves for a while, listening to Masaru for a moment before adopting a malicious grin, "I'm so glad you know all that, Mr. Knight. And it's very nice to see you too, Ms. Beater. Oh, I'm sorry...MRS. Beater." Laughing a bit as he fixed his address of Star. "I haven't seen you two in such a long time...I'm very happy to know you both missed me so much that you'd actually come out and accuse me of such damage." A not so cheery idea popped into his head and he took a threatening step towards the pair, "IF it were me who did this...which unfortunately it isn't...I'd have chosen a much bigger town to burn. Like maybe...the Town of Beginnings." Flicking his blade out of it's sheath and catching it in his right hand, Masamune tucked his left hand behind his back and pulled out a warp crystal out of his inventory. "You miss one little thing, Mr. Knight... I....can't tell you." Shifting his stance, he laughed and hopped back and cradled Mya's chin in his hand along with the warp crystal, whispering down to her, "You know the answer to your own question. ...I'll see you soon....Mya." With that, he squeezed the crystal and warped away from the floor and back to the Laughing Coffin's guild headquarters.
Well I didn't take everyone from the series. There are plenty left from Tales of Symphonia, Vesperia and the Abyss that I haven't taken and don't plan to take.
Um..I'm sorry.
As much as he disliked everything about his current situation... "Huh? Oh, no, I'd rather still leave it in your care." Gazing fondly at the dagger, he couldn't help but smile, "That was given to someone very important. I'd tell you his name...but I think I've forgotten it...along with his face. He was the very first person to actually try to kill me." His smile didn't fit his words, but to Masamune the memory was a good one. "I couldn't bring myself to actually kill our duel consisted of if he won...I'd let him kill me and if I won...I'd get his dagger." Remembering it now...he should've just killed him and saved him the trouble of this entire game. But then...the fantasy of seeing him again would disappear. "Well, how've you been, M..." Again, her name stuck in his throat. Exhaling, he gave up the notion of being able to say her name fully for a while, "I bet working the shop has been difficult. After all your materials aren't exactly common. You've probably got a lot of guys trailing after you like dogs too. I'm almost tempted just to show up one day and scare the coding right out of them." Laughing to himself, Masamune actually felt good for once. 'I have to do this more often....'
Reserving: Ion (Tales of the Abyss) Yuri Lowell & Repede (Tales of Vesperia) Estelle (Tales of Vesperia) Judith (Tales of Vesperia) Raven (Tales of Vesperia) Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia) Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia) Sheena Fujibayashi (Tales of Symphonia) Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World) Marta Lualdi (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World) Alice (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World) Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Easing into a smile, Masamune leaned on his left leg and set a hand on his hip, "Hmph...and here I thought I was hiding it so well." On the note of PoH, Masamune groaned inwardly and flicked open a new message and typed out a reply for his so-called important leader. "PoH isn't into flashy clothes. But he is into the weapons dealer that sets up shop behind yours. Fortunately, by putting out the fire around your shop...I kill two birds with one stone." He took a step towards Mya, feeling the slow ailment finally release him and the tax of using his skill let up. "Listen...since you're friends with Ms. Beater and Mr. Super-Annoying-Knight, I think it's better if you didn't mention my involvement in this. I'd rather not have more players on my tail. Unless..." grinning, Masamune danced around Mya, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leaning down to whisper in her ear, "You'd like to chase me?" "Masamune!" He was utterly annoying. "I'm joking of course," releasing her, his smile faded as quickly as it came. "You...still have it right? That thing I gave you? I'd hate to think you pawned something like that. Though it was rather valuable..."
So many was just like Mya. The familiarity of it made him smile. "Would you even believe me if I told you it was a little of both?" Tossing his one rule not to look at her out the window, Masamune slowly turned on his heel and set red-brown eyes on the woman he'd been following around in secret since the day he vanished. "I told wouldn't see me for a long while. I'm back now..." Saying things that he knew she wanted to hear weren't natural for him. " you remember that name, huh? Good...I was worried you wouldn't remember." pfft...he wanted her to forget everything that had ever happened. His fingers twitched and he lifted his hand to comb through his hair, "I'm sorry, M..." her name caught in his throat, "I'm just sorry.... For disappearing...for the insanity before I disappeared. For everything. I shouldn't have come here today but...if I hadn't...I...I just couldn't see something you've worked hard for be burned down by some hack." A hack he wanted for himself. Sighing heavily, Masamune lifted his face to the sky, "These are PoH's orders..."
Ash curled his hand closed and opened it again, frowning at the slowly healing puncture wounds from Sandy's thorns. They were small but so sharp. How he hadn't noticed it before completely flew over his head. Pushing himself up from the ground, he waved to Sandy and turned to leave. "I'll see you soon, Sandy. I'll even bring Cindy with next time." He had only taken a few steps away from her when he heard that heartbreaking, short snap from behind him and an annoyed male voice following the sound that would ruin his life. "Oh, annoying. What idiot shoves a twig into the ground in the middle of the park?" The following may and will be horribly cruel, graphic and rightfully deserved... Ash also heard another snap...but this one sounded more like a rubber band snapping inside his mind. He spun around on his heel, gouging a hole in the soft dirt, and promptly tackled a middle-aged man wearing a pin-striped suit with a blackberry hanging loosely in his hand. With Ash's added bulk, the poor, clueless businessman went down with a loud thump. Wrapping his fist in the man's shirt collar, piercing sapphire eyes glowered into his prisoner's dull brown eyes. "You...are so...DEAD!" Pulling back his fist, Ash had a moment of numbness that spread from the pit of his stomach and spread through his body. All that filled his mind was the sight of a broken and smashed Sandy as he pummeled the face of some businessman to a bloody pulp. Panting as he sat up from the unmoving man and swallowed. His hands shook as he released him. Sliding off him and scooting away, Ash whimpered, his eyes watering. Sparing a glance at his bloody knuckles and back towards his victim, he squished down a sob. Of course, it was then that people had to notice what he'd done. "Oh man's not moving! Call the cops! An ambulance! Somebody!" Shaking his head rapidly, Ash pushed himself up from the ground and ran away from the park...from the screaming woman...from the man lying on the ground. He caught the four words that would haunt him for the rest of his life even as he ran away. "This man is dead..." The sound of sirens hit his ears and Ash repeatedly mumbled to himself, "I didn't mean to...I didn't mean to..."
It was could he not obey the call of the woman he'd been stalking and flitting around with for the duration of this dangerous game. I'm supposed to be running...I shouldn't let her control me like this... He chuckled at the thought. Her control him? It seemed more like he should've stopped poking his nose into her life from the day after the tournament. He'd butted in enough that now he wanted her to chase him. Stopping, suddenly, Masamune listened to her call his name. Even if he couldn't resist the urge to stop as she bid...he could resist the urge to turn and look at her. If he looked at her, he'd lose his nerve.... PoH had made it clear the last time about his thoughts on their relationship. Forcing Masamune to disappear from her life. "You should stay in the's dangerous out here. What with all the PKers walking around...taking advantage of the mess Alpha created. It would be a nuisance if you got hurt..." Why was he jabbering like this? A nuisance? He'd go insane if she so much as got a scratch.