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  1. Twilight_Nobody13
    Weasley House:


    Ion frowned, "I see... So...everyone you know has found a way to make magic a benefit to the world." He fell deep in thought and his phone buzzed again. Numbly pulling it out, he stared at the text blankly. "Sync..." Sighing, Ion stared at his hand for a moment. "I'm so glad, Ron. I'm happy you haven't experienced anything horrible with magic. I...erm, my brother and I haven't had the best of experiences with magic. I'm not sure what to feel about it entirely. I have a magic a good thing? If it didn't exist..." he trailed off, keeping the end of his sentence to himself. 'Would I even exist?'

    Tokyo Streets:


    Neji blanched, he really didn't want to respond. "Shizuo Heiwajima. He used to live in Ikebukuro until just recently. Apparently...the inhibitors in his brain don't function like ours so he has near super-human strength all the time. It's a real drag...but I've found a lot of information about him." Neji's eyes focused on a darkened alley they were going to pass by as Shikamaru continued, "He used to break a lot of bones doing this kind of crap and now...nothing. He drank a whole lot of milk when he was younger so his bones are reinforced. I don't trust that kind of logic...or his temper...but Neji says he's a nice guy. Right, Neji?" Pausing by the alley, Neji glared into the darkness, "Yes...Shizuo Heiwajima is a good man. He has morals and is a worthy opponent." Shikamaru frowned as Neji slowly moved away from the alley. "Somethin' up, Neji?" He shook his head, "It's nothing." Neji's cell started to ring, which he promptly pulled out, opened and hit ignore and slid back into his pocket. Shikamaru gave him a curious look but kept walking, moving Peach along towards her home.

    Orihara Apartment:


    Mairu and Kururi tuned out slightly as the fight started. "Take it easy, guys... Niisan probably gave you're not really getting any caffeine." She sipped her coffee and nodded, "Decaf... Huh? Mai-nee? Don't touch that, Niisan will be upset if you mess up his funky game." Mairu winked at her sister and picked up a black Knight chess piece, "Why do you think he uses this one? He's got the White King...the Black Queen...and a bunch of Othello and Shoji why this one? Do you think he'd notice if I took it?" Kururi sighed, "Most likely. Where do you think he went?" "Probably to mess with somebody."

    Shinjuku District:


    "Evening...Izaya. I didn't think you'd actually come." Sasori pushed off of a lamp post and tightened his fingers around his cell phone. "Eh~? You didn't believe me when I said I'd come? That hurts, Sasori. You wound me." Sasori's hazel eyes narrowed dangerously, "Would you like me to? I can certainly inflict something fatal." Izaya smirked and mock cringed, "How scary~ So? Did you receive the information like I said you would?" "Tch...I did. You owe me an explanation, Izaya! You're lying to me. It's not possible." "Is it? Do you really believe I'd lie...just to mess with you? It would be so much funner to watch you squirm with this knowledge." Izaya danced backwards as Sasori swung his fist towards his face. "That's not very nice, Sasori-kun~" Sasori grit his teeth, "Your plan is insane. I honestly hope you fail. Do not call me again." Izaya chuckled as his ginger friend turned and left. His chuckles turned to hysterical laughter and he spun around in place, throwing his arms over his head, "This is why I love humans!"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, May 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13
    Weasley House:


    Ion nodded at Ron's request. He was glad he could be of use. Standing near the door as he watched Ron begin to work, Ion thought hard about Ron's magic, his own and the other kinds of magic Sync had mentioned. "I wonder if...the information I received was wrong. Ron...your friends...and you, I guess, have been tied to magic for a long time, yes? Do you believe your magic is the strongest kind?"

    Shirogane Estate:


    Naoto had finally gotten off the phone with the local police. She let her hand drop to her lap with a disappointed sigh. "There's just something... Huh?" Her phone started to ring again....that ringtone was familiar. Glancing at the Caller I.D, Naoto smiled and quickly lifted it to her ear as she answered the call, "I figured you'd call sooner or later. It's been a long time since I've heard anything from you. I guess you've heard about the recent events, huh? I bet I can guess exactly what you're thinking." Crossing her legs, Naoto shut her eyes and waited for Narukami to say what he was going to say anyway. He always did.
    Orihara's Apartment:


    Izaya returned to the living room balancing five cups of coffee in his hands. He kept a casual smile on his face as he set four of them in front of his sisters and their guests and kept the last for himself. He spent a half a minute watching the program, listening to people call in to the show and practically scream adoring things at Yuuhei and other fans of the WVBA shout rather foolish things for their favorite side to win. Regarding Ram and Rom's request for popcorn and soda, Izaya's smile dropped from his face. "Excuse me~? But...who's house are you in? If you want something sickeningly sweet that will rot your teeth...I suggest going to your own home for that." He turned on his heel and padded away towards a table off to the right hand side of his desk that held a Chinese Go board with chess, Shoji and Othello pieces on it. It looked like a messed up game. Izaya stared at it happily for a few moments, sipping his coffee before he picked up an Othello piece and set it down somewhere else. The reason completely unknown except to Izaya himself. "Ignore him...we do." "Niisan doesn't keep sweets in his house because he doesn't like them. We're just going to have to make due without it until dinner." Kururi and Mairu made no attempt to apologize for their brother's actions or words. They hardly looked at him as he chuckled to himself and set down his cup of coffee and reached for his jacket. He simply waved to his sisters' turned heads as he walked out the door. 'Time for a very interesting appointment. Heh...I haven't been this excited in a while.'
    Nintendo High:


    Neji and Shikamaru followed Peach around and it was getting boring. Shikamaru nudged Neji, "Have you heard?" Frowning instantly, Neji reluctantly responded to Shikamaru's bait, "Heard what?" "There's a guy that came up from Ikebukuro looking for Izaya Orihara." Neji's white eyes narrowed and slid in Shikamaru's direction, "Isn't that the guy you've been playing Shoji with every week?" "Yeah, that's him alright. Though it's kinda a drag...we always end in a tie." "How the hell do you end a game of Shoji in a tie?" Shikamaru shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck, "It's either him or online with Anya. I'd rather have the challenge. Anyway..." he continued, "This guy's been tearing apart the city...throwing guys twice his size clear across city blocks and chucking vending machines at anyone who pisses him off."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, May 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Margaret
    Description: An elegant lady and resident of the Velvet Room. She is the new assistant to Igor. Despite being generally quiet around those she doesn't know well, Margaret is very open around Yu Narukami and very loyal to her master Igor.
    Occupation: Igor's Assistant
    Series character is from: Persona 4
    Other: Margaret handles the Persona Compendium and has access to every Persona Yu has unlocked and fused.

    Name: Koji Minamoto
    Description: A Digidestined chosen to wield the Spirit of Light. He has an attitude and a reluctance to allow debts to go unpaid. Koji spends a majority of his time with Neji Hyuuga at his dojo after school. Koji currently attends the Junior High that is joined with Nintendo Elementary.
    Occupation: Student
    Series character is from: Digimon Frontier
    Other: (kawaii~)


    Ryo Akiyama (Digimon Tamers)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, May 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13
    Weasley House:


    Ion followed closely behind Ron, curiously watching him use the bit of magic he'd mentioned. "Yes...very different." No flux in the energy around surge within Ion's own fonic energy. Perhaps Ron's version of magic would prove good for his health. A smile spread across his face and a second wind of energy washed through him.

    Orihara Apartment:


    Izaya lifted his head from his computer when Yuuhei appeared on screen. A smirk crossing his lips the longer he watched.
    "We have our first caller! Awesome! Alright, you're on ---"
    "Hello? Yuuhei...this is Rom, my sister is a huge fan of yours, also I wanted to say....BOO! SANDMAN SUCKS!" "HI!" Yuuhei was taken aback in surprise by the difference in his callers, but immediately began smiling again. "Hello Rom, I'm so happy we're on the same side," Yuuhei shot a wink, wide smile and a thumbs up to the camera for his fans, "It would make a great twist if our rising new hero became the new champion, wouldn't it? Thank you for calling, Rom, and a big shout out for your sister." Mairu and Kururi grinned at the screen, happy, until Izaya's cell started ringing. "Nii-san~!" "Yes, yes... Hm? I didn't expect you to call me. I must say I'm very pleased." Izaya left the room, chattering away on his cell and Kururi's eyes followed him curiously. "He's been getting a lot of those kind of calls. You think it's..." Mairu pressed a finger to her sisters' lips, "We'll find out later." Turning back to the tv, the pair watched Yuuhei receive, answer, and repeat several requests and questions.

    Residential District: Kakuzu's House~


    The door burst open and a painfully familiar green haired woman flew in. Four large bug wings fluttered as the woman hovered above the floor. The wings had sprouted from her lower back...where her shirt cut off. "Fuu is in the house! Kakuzuuuuuuuu~ I thought you said no more bothersome creeps would come here. It's bad enough I have to live with that freakin' sadistic idiot." Hidan jumped up from the couch snarling, "Who the hell are you calling an idiot, you freaky bug-girl!" Fuu set her hands on her hips and dropped to the ground, the wings disappearing, "Ooooh, nice racial slur. I'm no 'freaky bug-girl'. My name is Fuu, stupid." Tobi waved and she waved back, leading Zetsu to mimic Tobi's action. Kisame folded his arms, gnashing serrated teeth together, "This is the Jinchuriki of the Hidden Waterfall Village....someone Kakuzu knows well, right?" "Wrong. We moved here together...doesn't mean I had any interest in her when we were in the village." Kakuzu spoke bluntly and Fuu frowned. Her orange eyes moved to the TV and she squealed, rushing to sit on the floor in front of Tobi's legs, "Oh wow, Yuuhei, Hanejima! Fuu likes him. Isn't he sexy?" Sighing, Kakuzu reached for the scotch, pouring himself a glass. "Hm? Why are there no girls here? Nonette say she wasn't coming?" Her mention of Nonette drew everyone's attention to Kakuzu. "She called earlier. It wasn't important to the bet so...I didn't feel the need to tell you all."

    Residential District: Gray Order Group Home~

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Pulling herself out of her gloomy funk, Lethellan lifted her green eyes to the dozens of young adults and students around her. "How is everyone? Did you all go to school this morning?" Everyone quieted down as she spoke and looked towards those that were students. Cee frowned, "Ichiru? The Warden asked you about school." Ichiru lifted one silvery eyebrow, "Why are you asking me? I was on recon all day. Maybe you'd be better off asking the younger kids." He turned sly light gray eyes on Lloyd and Yuri. "You are such a pain..." "We didn't go, Miss Warden. And after learning about this invasion, I'm glad we didn't." Yuri shrugged as he answered Lethellan's question and received a slap across the back of his head from two hands. "Ow!" "Please, don't say that, Yuri! Miss Lethellan was only trying to ensure you get the proper education." "That's right. You should be a little more thankful." Estelle and Judith huffed. Erza set her hands on her hips, "I won't put Anri in danger by attending a school with zero protection against invaders. We should've stayed in Ferelden." Lethellan flinched visibly, "I'm sorry..." Emil's green eyes widened, "Please...don't blame Miss Lethellan. It's not her fault she had to leave." "No...please, Emil, it's fine. I left against my King's wishes. For all he knows...I'm dead." Cullen opened his mouth and Raido and Hayate slapped their hands over his mouth. "It's better we stay out of this one." "Don't say anything that could potentially upset her. We're already walking on thin ice here." Fenris shifted in his seat, "I was told you're a Templar and a Reaver..." Everyone froze. "A little strange that you would receive training in hunting mages and blood magic." "Is there something wrong with that?" she said coldly. "Wrong? If you must know, yes. I've never met a blood mage that wanted to hunt its own kind." "I'm not a mage, Fenris... I learned how to dispel magic from Alistair during our travels. And when I retrieved the Ashes I made a deal with that foolish Cult of Andraste." Fenris gave her a skeptical look and she continued, "I killed them after making them believe I poured that filthy blood into the Ashes. I made no deal with any demon. You can rest assured, Fenris, I stick to the teachings of my clan." The entire room relaxed, letting out relieved breaths as Fenris nodded.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    Weasly House:


    Ion stared in wonder at the stone before he stood and nodded, "Well then...shall we complete the request you were given? I'd hate to think that just because I'm here, you can't start working. Maybe I can help in some ways." He doubted there was a Sephiroth seal on the stone...and even if there was, Haruto wouldn't have been able to simply give it to Ron...but he didn't want to be a burden on his new friend. Plus...he had heard from his twin brother that there were students in Nintendo High that could use magic much different from his. He would stop at nothing to confirm this. Gripping his staff tightly, Ion pressed when he'd promised himself he wouldn't press. " didn't hesitate when I mentioned I use magic. Is that...because you use it too?"

    Orihara Apartment:


    Mairu giggled at the antics of the twins and glanced behind them. Her smile didn't fade as she jumped up and leapt over the back of the couch onto someone. "Told you they couldn't hear you...but you really should keep it down." "Big Bro!" " that hu~rts, Mai-chan. You're getting a bit too big for that. I'm sorry, Kuru-chan...I'll try to be a little quieter next time. But this is my place..and-- Oh...who are these two lovely young ladies?" Izaya Orihara, a man with short black hair wearing all black and a black coat lined with fur, stood behind the couch, clutching Mairu to him as she hung from around his neck and a hand on Kururi's head. "I already told you...this is Ram and Rom...twins that go to our school too. You know that." "Yeah, don't act dumb, Nii-san." He smiled, his brown eyes going soft for a moment as he set Mairu down. "Of course~ You're the little sisters of Blanc...the flat-chested girl with the temper problem. two look just like her." Izaya's comment was barbed and obviously aimed to make the twins angry. "Onii-san!" Mairu and Kururi glared at their brother and he shrugged, chuckling as he swept his arm out in front of him and bowed, "Izaya Orihara, at your service. If you girls ever need something...give me a call." Izaya produced a card with his name and cell number written on it. On the card it said...Izaya OriharaInformation Broker

    and then his number.


    Mairu and Kururi rolled their eyes and took the card from him, setting it on the table beside Ram and Rom's bags before shooing him away towards his desk. "You can either go back to work, make us some tea or sit quietly and watch with us. Your choice, Onii-san."
    It was obvious what Izaya's choice was as he smirked and fled back towards the kitchen was, singing..."Guests~ guests~""Total pervert response...I knew it." Kururi sat down and ended up with Mairu sitting beside her as their show started.


    "Allllllll-right~! Ladies and Gentlemen...cats and dogs...amphibians and reptiles! Welcome to.... The WVBA Pre-Fight Exclusive! With me, Yuuhei Hanejima, as your host! Today we'll be taking calls all through the night for questions, comments and shout outs. During the fight we'll provide detailed reports about our competitor and our defending champion. So put your children to sleep early and sit yourself down...we'll be here all NIGHT~!"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13

    Karui of the Cloud (Naruto Shippuden)
    Omoi of the Cloud (Naruto Shippuden)
    Darui of the Cloud (Naruto Shippuden)
    Fuu the Seven Tails (Naruto Shippuden)
    Anko (Naruto)
    Hei (Darker than Black)
    Kurotsuchi (Naruto Shippuden)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13
    Weasley House:


    Ion glanced up at the stone Ron was holding and blinked curiously at it, "What an interesting ring. It appears to have...some sort of power. At least...I get that feeling from it. Where did you get it?" Mildly concerned for his new friend, Ion focused his green gaze on the stone.

    Orihara Building:


    As the elevator dinged and opened it's steel doors, Mairu ushered in her sister and the twins. Kururi pulled off her cat hood and sighed, "Nii-san owns the building...not all the apartments. He just lives in one of the larger apartments." Mairu flicked off her dog hood and pushed her braid so it would fall down her back. "Ahhh, enough about big bro! I can't WAIT to see Yuuhei! I wish he'd come to Tokyo again. I can't believe we missed him in Ikebukuro before. Damn that Shizuo..." Both the girls sighed, letting their chins drop to their chests. Kururi lifted her head as the doors opened again and the pair ushered the young twins off the elevator and towards a door. Pulling it open without so much as a knock, Mairu swung inside the large apartment. The floor was covered in gray carpet and a large black couch in the shape of an L sat off to the side behind a wall with the large HD TV against the far wall. Kururi and Mairu entered the apartment as casually as if you entered your own home and kicked off their shoes. A few feet inside and past the couch was a large desk littered with papers and a several computers. Behind the desk was a huge glass window that doubled as the wall. A spiral staircase stood off to the right of the room and led upwards towards another floor with several closed rooms. To the left of the entrance was a hallway that led into an expansive kitchen. From the kitchen came the sound of a male voice talking to someone. Kururi placed a finger to her lips to keep the twins silent and Mairu led them towards the black, leather couch. Plopping down, Mairu flicked through the channels until she reached the one Yuuhei's show would be on. Kururi quietly padded into the kitchen and stood silently off to the side with her fingers in her ears.

    Tokyo Streets:


    Naoto blushed and tugged her hat lower over her face, "Oh, no...that's not necessary, my Grandfather is waiting." She waved and a black limo came around the corner and stopped beside Naoto. "Right...if you see, just let me know. I haven't seen him in quite a long time." Bowing goodbye to them, Naoto slid into the car and relaxed back against the seats. So...people still couldn't tell she was female. " least this time I'm fine with it."



    Among the hustling and bustling, a sandy brown haired male doctor briefly checked patients as other doctors wheeled them away. He stopped at Phil's stretcher, checked the chart and motioned for another doctor to take care of him. His blue eyes landed on Peppy and Shepard, "Well you two look more or less alright. If you two would like to wait with your friend before being examined, that would be fine. I'm Yashamaru, I work here as a doctor. Another doctor will be along to see your friend here... I can't wait with you, but once your friend is taken care of, I'd like you two to come to exam room 3. Just tell the nurses Doctor Yashamaru sent you and they'll point you in the right direction. I do want to see you though." Yashamaru held a gentle smile for the pair as he dodged and hurried away past other doctors, nurses and patients to tend to his own share.

    Residential District: Kakuzu's House~


    Sighing, Kakuzu glowered at Hidan and Tobi goofing off on his sofa. He was glad he's sprung for something durable the way those two where going at it. "Idiots...wait until the fight actually starts to start your own fighting. I won't have a repeat of last time." Zetsu melded out of the corner and was about to merge with his sofa when Kakuzu shoved the sofa all the way to the other side of the room, "I also won't have you merging with my sofa anymore. Last time the damn thing was warped so badly I had to throw it out. That's good money down the drain." Zetsu pouted but didn't object. Inching the sofa back where it was, Hidan grinned, "This is it! The big one! Tobi, your guy is goin' down!" "Ahhhhh, don't say that~! You'll make even me believe it. Little Mac won't lose, I just know it. We've got good money on this one, right Kakuzu?" Gin, Kisame and Zetsu turned their gazes on Kakuzu who stood straighter and poured a bag of chips into a bowl, "If I can't hunt bounties during the school year...I have to make my money elsewhere." Laughing, Kisame patted Shark Skin, "You're taking a big risk with matches like these. You never know when someone will get injured beyond repair." Kakuzu would've been a bit more worried if Kisame hadn't been smiling like a blood-crazed idiot. "Oh,'re so fond of blood, Kisame. I can see why your swim team is in the championships each year. How scary." Kakuzu couldn't understand why Gin had to smile with everything he said...was he serious? or kidding?

    Residential District: Gray Order Group Home~

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    The Gray Order's Group Home existed solely for those involved in the Gray Order with no real place to live or those with little money. Each member lived either with a loved one, companion or relative in a separate, small house of their own and gathered in the main home for events they all wanted to be involved in. Hayate and Genma gently prodded Re-l. She'd been moody since returning from an investigation. "Something on your mind?" "Yeah, c'mon, Re-l, you can tell good 'ol Genma." She gave them a blank stare until Cee sat down beside her, "Where's Vincent? I didn't see him come in with you...and Pino's gone too? Did you two have another fight?" She glared at him, "None of that happened! Vincent....just doesn't like the WVBA. I don't either...but I wanted to hear about Lady Lethellan's visit to the military base." Lethellan, who'd returned with Fenris and Hawke earlier, sat quietly lost in thought beside Samui and the rest of the girls. Marta, Colette and Estelle seemed lost in their own conversation about or another. Judith and Erza sat around a small table playing Chinese checkers with Sheena...who seemed to be winning. Emil, Lloyd, Yuri, Raven and Fai had formed a circle on the floor with Mokona in the middle and took turns questioning the little cream puff. Anri and Kain, the quietest of the bunch, simply hung around Raido as he made sure Fenris and Hawke were alright. Knight-Captain Cullen was the odd one out... He stared at the TV anxiously waiting for the WVBA to start.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13

    Lloyd Asplund (Code Geass)
    Cecile Croomy (Code Geass)
    Chester Burklight (Tales of Phantasia)
    Claus F. Lester (Tales of Phantasia)
    Ensign Ledo (Gargantia on the Verurous Planet)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13

    Bismark Waldstein (Code Geass)
    Anya Alstreim (Code Geass)
    Nonette Enneagram (Code Geass)
    Nunnally Lamperouge (Code Geass)
    V.V. (Vee-Two) (Code Geass)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13

    Whoo, Evanescence!
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13

    Sam had quietly claimed a top bunk before Pierce had entered the cabin. He spared her a few minutes worth of a glance, just long enough to figure out who she was. The girl that cried...yeah...she probably hated all the scary stuff during the scavenger hunt. She was cute enough. He enjoyed girls that had a touch of fear in them. And then Quentin entered. This one was a bit harder to read. He didn't think he remembered him. He would've remembered a face like that.

    "Phew! I thought the room would be filled before I'd get here. Sorry for being a little late, guys!"

    Sam thought his heart would stop beating when the door burst open and the bundle of excitement in the form of a man flew into the cabin. Was he dreaming? Not...a dream... Hazel eyes widened and his breath came in short, quiet pants the longer he stared at Tucker trying to figure out if it was an illusion.

    "So hey Sam, Pierce and Quentin! I'm Tucker, twenty one but pretty much with the mental age of a 13 year old. I'm going to be your counselor and you guys are going to be my troopers."

    Sam ceased to breathe. He knew his was expected of him and he figured Tucker would know their names...but...his name dropped out of Tucker's mouth followed by the others' and it was just a wave of happiness for Sam's deprived, twisted mind. Exhaling, Sam blew the breath of air up to stir the air around his forehead and shift his bangs. Troopers, huh? Lame name but...if it's Tucker...who the hell cares. Dragging himself back to what Tucker was saying....

    "I'm your Super Trooper or your leader but this is your journey and I'm just here to guide you. Now, we're going to be a really fun cabin, okay? In fact, guys and girl, let's make us the BEST Cabin, I mean we are Cabin B after all! But first let's all get settled in, wait for the others and uh, just chill out for a while. Dinner will be served in a half hour so just keep cool and if you have any questions, do ask."

    A fun cabin....he'd have to work on his attitude around Tucker then. Chilling out was totally his thing. Reigning his rapidly beating heart back under his control, Sam slid down from his bunk. A brief laugh came from Pierce and he shot a glare towards the girl. Quentin spoke up and Sam almost had the urge to smack that guy. Now was his chance to speak up was his time to actually speak to Tucker for once! Now...!

    "More importantly...when can I get my hands on that grand piano?" Oh how he did miss the piano at camp. He made sure since the first day he came last year, that it was well taken care of and tuned. Tucker wasn't the only one that held Sam's affection. That piano was the prettiest thing he had seen. A little music with dinner would be nice too...if they'd let him roll it into the dining hall.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13

    Did my mind? I just started watching Code Geass again. I wasn't gonna reserve any characters...I just thought it was kinda...eerie that I start watching and then...those reserves.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13

    Sam reveled in the mass chaos around him as the students gathered for Camp Circle. The screaming, shouting, shoving, confusion and bundle of walking nerves that were the newbies...they all gave him a rush of pleasure. His hazel eyes followed a brightly colored girl's t-shirt for a while until his eyes lit upon Tucker, the center of his latest fantasies. As if his daydreams weren't rated R already, he watched Tucker wipe sweat from his temples and already he could imagine seven ways he could make Tucker sweat just like that without any heat at all.

    Closing his hanging mouth, Sam brushed his hand through his bright red hair, and took up a cross legged sitting position next to...who else? Bill-from-accounting. Slapping a hand on Chad's back, he gave the visibly shaking boy half a smile and struggled to keep his gaze away from Tucker. It was a treat to be able to see him so soon today and he wasn't about to start spoiling himself by staring.

    His eyes flicked, again, towards Tucker talking to who he hoped was just another counselor. The last year he'd come, Sam hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Tucker...this year, he was sure it would be different. This year..he'd make a point of it. Removing his gaze from Tucker as deafening music came from the speakers, Sam let go of his warm smile and sunk into his natural: '****'s given = none' attitude.


    Oh yeah...time of his life trying to get a guy to change his preference...

    Well you've come to the RIGHT PLACE!

    He sure as hell hoped so.

    Sam's interest peaked when marshmallows were thrown into the crowd. Hopping up, he snatched one out of the air in his mouth. It was going to be a damn good day. His right hand flicked out and grabbed another of the white, fluffy treats soaring past his head. Stuffing the first into his cheek with his tongue, Sam closed his hand around the marshmallow and made a show of blowing into the side of his hand and bubbles came out from the ring he created with his index finger and thumb.

    A few NPC girls sitting around him clapped. Winking at them, Sam took the box moving around and drew out a card. Suppressing the urge to suddenly do a card trick, Sam glanced at it and shrugged. Cabin B. Was that B for Bad@ss? Probably not. Picking up his things, Sam waved bye to Chad-from-accounting and tramped off towards the cabin. How much he wanted to lay down and sleep~.

    ooc: (That's not a real magic trick. I made it up. If you could figure out how to do it...that'd be cool. Later I'll pull out the real magic tricks)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13
    Weasley House:


    Ion flopped himself down and exhaled heavily, "Oh, I'm fine. I've never been in great health...and I've used a bit of magic earlier today. I guess it wasn't a great idea...but it was worth it. You've no idea how difficult it is to escape from my Guardian." Ion didn't want to even think about Arietta's sobbing back home. She was glued to him enough and living with Sync was becoming a headache. "I'm just glad to be somewhere without my brother."

    Shinjuku District: Orihara's Building~


    Mairu and Kururi came to a halt in front of their brother's building. "He's not bad...just a little weird." "That's it up there...the top floor...biggest apartment in the building. Nii-san has a high-def TV and a really comfy couch. But he mostly spends his time on the phone or on the computer." "Talking to himself...or playing his funny game." Nodding, Mairu flung open the door and the four entered the building. Kururi pressed the call button for the elevator. The lobby was basically empty. The entire building was empty. Izaya Orihara...loved humans but he liked his home to be all to himself. "Hopefully that b!tch Namie isn't there...she's always hogging the TV."

    Tokyo Streets:


    Naoto led the girls out of the school and down the street. It was like she knew exactly where they lived....which...she did. "Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Naoto Shirogane. I live with my grandfather on the edge of town. I guess you're wondering how I know you girls live on this street. Simple...I'm a detective. I know where everyone in our school lives and their history. In my last school, I helped the police out with a murder investigation. I'm not proud of it...but I'm glad we could catch the killer. I, uh...heard one of my friends from my old school transferred here. Yu Narukami. Have you met him?" She was talking too much...and yet...she hadn't mentioned the only thing that was vaguely important. "Ah...before I forget....I'm actually a female. Not like it matters any, I just thought I should tell you."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13
    Ron Weasley's House:


    As awkward as Ion normally was, he didn't flinch at Ron's house. "That's okay. I'm used to big manors and such. I was raised in a palace of sorts... ...ugh..." Touching a hand to his forehead, Ion wobbled as he slid off his shoes and followed Ron inside. He managed a weak smile for Ron's mother and bowed formally, "It's...a pleasure to meet you ma'am." Waiting for his dizzy spell to pass, Ion slowly took in Ron's place. He liked the humble feel to it.

    Nintendo Elementary: Lobby~


    Sasori glared down at the children. They were annoying...but most of all were the Orihara twins. "And how are you getting there? Four girls walking home during an alien invasion that only abduct females...seems a bit to your disadvantage." Mairu promptly placed herself in front of her sister and the twins, "Just do as you're told, Sasori." "Mairu...if you want him to're going to have to talk differently." "Huh?" "Like this..." Kururi shoved Mairu out of the way and blankly stared up at Sasori, "We'll be fine, Sasori-kun. Nii-san wouldn't let aliens abduct us.'s not that far." Sasori wasn't convinced...Shinjuku was pretty far to walk to from the school...but he didn't really want to spend more time with the Orihara twins...just in case he was suddenly framed for something... It seemed to be the trend when getting involved with Izaya. "At least you won't be alone. Kururi...Mairu...I'll see you two when you get into high school." "That's creepy." Sasori chuckled as he turned and waved goodbye to them, "Not to me. I'll make your lives living hell in that school." Shrugging, Mairu waited until Sasori had left and driven away to stand Rom and Ram up and head for the door with Kururi beside her.

    Nintendo High: Lobby~

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Edward and Alphonse paused by Vert and her group of friends in the lobby. Ed frowned as they mentioned ages, "Who the heck are they talkin' about?" "That doesn't really concern us, brother." The pair sighed as they turned and Ed blushed profusely, "I-If you girls need...a ride h-home we can...." "Would you young ladies like an escort home?" Ed's jaw dropped to the floor as a boy wearing a blue hat had intercepted the group of girls before he could finish his offer to take them home. "It's quite dangerous out there at this time. I'd be happy to take you all to one of your houses. I'll not suggest mine since it's quite far away and walking there would most likely put us in the path of the invaders."

    Nintendo High: Locking Up~


    Kakuzu held Hidan by the collar of his jacket and was generally ticked off. "Lemme go! I didn't do anything, it was all Tobi's idea! It's not like we hurt was just a prank! You damn well know I'm going to kill that b@stard, so just let me do it now!" Sai chuckled from his place of being held aloft, also by his collar, by Yamato. "You changed your story three times, Hidan." Squirming much more violently now, Hidan reached for the laughing Sai, "I'll kill you, you little nark! Get over here so I can strangle you!" A long stream of curses followed, which Sai simple smiled at. It wasn't like he cared about Hidan...or even Vanitas...or the S-Type that had told them to kidnap Peppy. But now...Vanitas was gone, the plan was ruined...and Tobi still wanted to go through with it. He knew it...they all knew it. Tobi was by far the more dangerous of the group. Always laughing...acting was his game. Tobi, who was being treated like a nusance, bounced around Zetsu as he slowly made his way down the hall towards the other teachers. "Keep yapping and I'm going to kill you. But you could apologize for what you did ealier." Gin and Kisame looked like they were deep in a discussion about...apparently Kisame's sword as he lugged it out of his office and locked the door. Sui-Feng had taken up the proud and superior position of standing next to Jushiro as he locked up classrooms that the teachers had left unlocked. " know...about at lunch. I didn't mean my comment like you couldn't handle yourself...I just didn't want--" "Easy, Uchiha, I know what you meant. I don't have the same abilities as you. Taming a beast like that...I wouldn't have been able to do it. I'm made of sterner stuff than that, Uchiha. Plus...I've never seen Yugito lose control like that." Shisui frowned and Minato patted their shoulders, smiling, "She didn't lose control. She gave it up. I don't think Miss Ni'i has had many times when she's been able to have a lot of fun. I think she just wanted to let loose for a few minutes. I'm glad you were there to help, Shisui." Shisui and Shuhei stared at Minato. "Minato-sensei..." [COLOR=#993366]"Why is it that you always know what the hell this guy needs to hear? It's like you're in his head...uh, of course, no disrespect, Namikaze...I admire that about you. But when you do kinda freaks me out." [/COLOR][COLOR=#ffffff]Minato's smile lessened slightly, [COLOR=#ffff00]"It's not a big deal. I don't have much experience with Uchiha's...and Shisui seemed like he needed a friend. I know it's been rough with you and Itachi. You should let it go now, Shisui..." [/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13
    A ferry ride to an isolated island where camp with several students and other people that were vaguely interesting would be staying and a bus ride filled with annoyances. It should've sounded like a total snooze fest but to one red-headed boy it became the location of his wildest fantasies. A few nights surrounded by adorable girls and dreamy was a fantasy. One he hoped would end with someone screaming.

    Sam tapped dark teal painted fingernails on the black, leather case of his personal guitar. He didn't like the heat, but like humans with no had to live with it even if you didn't like it. Mild excitement buzzed through his veins. Sam had made absolutely sure the one he'd been watching was attending this camp.
    Absolutely Sure.
    Crushes didn't come lightly to him. Girls didn't like it that he held an interest in guys. Guys didn't like it that he enjoyed torturing them as foreplay. He couldn't catch a break no matter which side he chose...and choosing both was a matter to be secretive about on occasion. Sam had made a point not to date those who came to camp before...but this...this was special.

    Stepping off the bus after that long, noisy ride, Sam yawned and lifted his face to the sky. Not a cloud in sight... "Rain, damn you." Sure, cursing at a blue sky wasn't going to get him his thunderstorm...but it made him feel better. Slinging his heavy army green backpack over his shoulder, he followed the procession into the woods. An amused smile lifted the corners of his mouth as he walked and naturally he gained a walking companion. Shifting his hazel gaze to the happily, still-singing, blond on his right, Sam squished down the urge to nudge him off the path and do something horrible to him...just to get his kicks for the day. "How long are you going to sing and walk beside me?" Despite the warm smile on his face, his hazel eyes were cold and his question barbed.

    "Uh...oh, hi. You're that guy from the bus that was napping for most of the ride."

    How dull... This boy was going to be just a regular happy-go-lucky son-of-a-- Now Sam...don't judge by the first two sentences out of his mouth. Shifting his bag to sit higher on his shoulder, Sam wriggled his hand out from under the straps and offered it to him. "Sam Burns. I had a window and a patch of sunlight...what else do I need for a nap, right?" Idle chit-chat was going to melt his brains. The boy laughed, it wasn't a bad laugh...something like a cute, child-like giggle, and shook Sam's hand. His grip was incredibly weak...obviously not a string instrument player. He was probably only a singer.

    "You know, they say trips like these are usually when students hook up and find someone they'll spend the rest of their life with."

    Sam knew...but that wasn't what he was hoping for. Tightening his grip on the handle of his guitar case, his nails dug into the hard leather as he recalled Tucker's preference. A tightly wound guy, but maybe that's what had caught his eye in the first place.

    Walking across a wooden bridge, Sam itched to shove the annoying boy over the side and be rid of him. He really didn't like the way the boy's boring brown eyes looked at him. Like he was expecting something. "I never did get your name." Not like he really wanted to know...but knowing it would help him in steering clear of the future 'Chad-from-accounting'. "It's Chad. Nevermind the last name bit. I's my first year coming here, but I've seen you at school before." Oh actual bore in the making and a stalker. Resisting the urge to laugh, Sam desperately tried to find the silver lining he knew existed. Where was Tucker when he wanted to see him?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13
    Nintendo High: Hallway~


    Ion's green eyes lit up and he hugged his short staff to his chest, "Sounds like fun. I've never been to another boy's house before." His innocent joy faded as his phone buzzed in his pocket. Pulling out the dark green flip cellphone, Ion frowned at the simple text he'd received. 'More problems...' " shall we go?" Flipping the phone shut, Ion ignored it and stuffed it back into a pocket in his robes.



    Leading Blanc to the lobby after accepting her request wasn't Sasori's first mistake of the day...


    Staring into the phone, Sasori knew the girl on the other side couldn't see the expression on his face...but it was one of complete bewilderment. The girl was insane...more so than he was and that was something. "You want me to...what?" "Make a robotic Mommy. You make stuff like that...don't you?" "And what the hell gave you that idea... More so...where did you get this number? It's becoming so not funny, this little prank of yours." "Izaya Orihara told me you could make my Mommy come back to life with your jutsu." "Iz-- No...that's not possible... Anyway...I'm hanging up now. I don't make robots...I make puppets...and like hell I'd make anything for a whiny brat like you." Hanging up the phone, Sasori suppressed the urge to throw his phone across the room and then put it to the ban saw. "Izaya Orihara..."
    Sasori patted Blanc on the head and left her with the other girls in the lobby...and Bowser. Yanking out his phone again, he filed through the list of contacts until he landed on one name in particular and hit call. "Something I can do for you?" "Yeah... I'd like to meet you...say tomorrow at six. I have some information for you." "Any place specific in mind? Or just a casual encounter in the bathroom of some bar?" The laughter that followed the crude words spread a smile on Sasori's face...but not the kind of smile you'd want to see on a man's face in a dark ally. Hopping into his car and pulling out into the rush of traffic, Sasori held the phone with his shoulder and the side of his face, "Funny...I was thinking more of the parking lot of the airport. Isolated...quiet...away of the annoying people...a nice place if you ask me." Sasori grinned as the man on the other end of his call agreed and hung up. "Touch a nerve did I, Izaya Orihara?" Pulling up to the front doors of Nintendo Elementary, Sasori jumped out and prayed the twins would be just right there for him to pick up.

    Nintendo Elementary:


    Mairu grinned happily, "Great! Kuru-nee and I will need to give Iz-nii a call. We don't usually live with him...but mother and father are out of town for a while so we're staying at our big brother's place." "I just texted him... He said he'd be thrilled to meet them.. I dunno if he said it in a pervy way or not, but it sounds like he's gonna be a perv." Mairu and Kururi shrugged. "Oh...with all these weird aliens kidnapping think we'll need him to come pick us up? Nii-san isn't much for being responsible, y'know." Mairu wrapped her arms around her twin sister, "No way. I can handle a few aliens for you, Kuru-nee. Anyway~we can make this a sleep-over! Since with all the aliens and stuff...I'm positive Yuuhei-san will be doing a lot more than just this call-in show."
    Mairu and Kururi clammed up when a red-headed man entered their school and was soon standing over Ram and Rom, "Your sister, Blanc, asked me to pick you two up. Are you Ram and Rom? You look like how she described... I'm one of your sister's teachers." "Pervert..." "He sounds like our Nii-san, do you think there's a family connection?" "I hope not. He's probably a big hentai addict." Turning his hazel gaze towards the Orihara twins, Sasori recognized them immediately and scowled at them.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight_Nobody13

    Arietta the Wild (Tales of the Abyss)
    Sync the Tempest (Tales of the Abyss)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Twilight_Nobody13
    Nintendo High: Hallway~


    Taking hold of Ron's hand, Ion was pulled to his feet. Brushing dust off the seat of his robes and flicking out his left hand for the short staff to return to his hand, Ion smiled and bowed formally, "My name is Ion. I'm going to be attending school here...I think. You must go to this school. I'm honored to meet you, Mr. Weasley." Ion gazed around a bit lost for a moment, "I actually have no idea where I am right now. This school is so large. I wanted to meet and observe the students so I came in the middle of the day." Knocking himself on the head with his staff, Ion inhaled and donned his best "leader face", "You seemed to be in a daze. I can only imagine if something were wrong."

    Shop Room:


    Sasori chuckled, feeling a shiver run down his spine, "Much better. Now...what are their names? I'll pick them up." Removing his finger from Blanc's chin, Sasori wandered away from the student and gathered a few things into a bag, flicked his coat off a rack behind his desk and checked his cell before shoving it into a pocket in his bag. Walking past Blanc and out the Shop room's door, he hooked an arm around Blanc and shuffled her out the door as he shut and locked it. "I'm curious as to why you would ask me?" laughing, Sasori juggled his bag around so he could throw on his coat, "I'm not exactly known to be good with children...or other people in general."


    Neji spun Shikamaru around after hearing Peach's call for someone to escort her. "Miss...we'll take you home, right Shikamaru?" Shikamaru opened his mouth to object, "Right? Shikamaru?" Seeing the clear worry for Hinata being taken out on Peach, Shikamaru shrugged and nodded, "Yeah, okay. Man this is such a drag."

    Nintendo Elementary School: Orihara Twins~


    Shutting the door closed, Mairu and Kururi opened their lockers and retrieved their shoes before noticing Ram and Rom. "Waiting for big sis to come pick you up?" Mairu asked gently to the younger girls. Mairu and Kururi were older than Ram and Rom but not yet old enough to be in high school. "Huh...oh, hi guys." Kururi slipped on her shoes and pulled out her cellphone, checking a series of blogs and entertainment websites and tv channels for news on Yuuhei Hanejima. "Oh...Mairu...lookit..." Kururi held the phone out to her sister and watched as Mairu's glasses slid down her nose as she smiled and giggled, "Yuuhei's going to appear on a call-in show tomorrow at five." Pulling back the phone, Kururi snapped it shut and stared down at the young twins, "You guys know who Yuuhei Hanejima is, don't you? Since school's going to be cancelled for a you wanna come over and watch with us?" "That's genius! You two should totally come! We're going to call in and get to talk to Yuuhei!"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Twilight_Nobody13

    Shizuo Heiwajima
    Kasuka Heiwajima
    Mairu Orihara
    Kururi Orihara
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home