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  1. Twilight_Nobody13

    ^ This person has asked that I play Sora.

    (why are all the pictures I have involving Kingdom Hearts...of Axel?)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13

    Sorry to see you go.

    Taking Axel and Roxas.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Fai (Fay) D. Flourite
    Description: An always smiling, happy all around and mysterious wizard from the world of Celes. He holds a tragic past that often gets in the way of him getting close to people. Fai is very protective of a boy named Syaouran and a princess named Sakura. Traveling between worlds, Fai ran away from someone in his home world during his journey with Syaouran and Sakura along with a ninja named Kurogane. He has a habit of giving funny nicknames to everyone he meets and never fights seriously, even when his own life is at stake.
    Occupation: Cafe owner/ ????????
    Series character is from: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
    Other: (Vic Mignogna is my new obsession. [He voices Fai, Edward Elric and Tamaki Suoh along with a ton of others])

    Name: Mokona Modoki
    Description: A white ball of fluff with a red gem on it's forehead and a red earring. Mokona was given to Syaouran, Sakura, Kurogane and Fai when they visited the Dimensional Witch, Yuuko. It's not clear what he is, but he has 108 secret skills. Some of them useless and others handy....but he'll never tell what they all are. Mokona serves as a transportation device to travel to different dimensions and times. He has an incredible sense for strong power/energy. When he senses strong power/energy, his eyes open. Mokona refers to himself in the third person and loves to be given attention, such as hugs and praise.
    Occupation: ??????????????
    Series Character is from: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle/xxxHolicxxx
    Other: (I want one) There is also a Black Mokona Modoki that remains with Yuuko at her shop.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13

    Minato, Nagato, Yahiko, Konan, Tobi and Neji coated their feet in chakra to avoid any more hazards like slipping on the wet floor again. "Neji, the water!" Nodding once, the Jonin level Shinobi dashed in front of the Kamen Riders and Power Rangers, his hands already blazing with chakra. "Rotation!" Spinning, Neji created a barrier of chakra, deflecting the pressurized water that would've either way sent the Riders and Rangers flying. Whistling, Tobi picked up Larxene, helping her regain her balance, "Wow...these guys seem like real bad guys. Do you think we'll be okay?" The light-hearted tone of Tobi's voice irked Larxene, "Shut the HELL UP! You're really starting to piss me off, Tobi. It's bad enough I've been called such a stupid name today...and now, I'm in a REALLY foul mood! I'll murder that fat meatball!" Nagato and Yahiko frowned back at her, "What does that have to do with these guys?" "For real, Larxene, you're really starting to lose me when you open your mouth." Seeing his chance, Minato touched his hands to Nagato, Yahiko, Konan and instead of hitting Tobi, his hand slipped through him and caught Larxene. Immediately his formula marked on their clothes glowed in response to his jutsu. "It's going to get crowded in here with everyone fighting. I'm not going to let any of you get hurt." "Sensei....I've brought what you asked for." Shisui appeared beside him, with eight of Minato's special kunai's hooked on his fingers, leaving his thumbs free. Taking one, Minato transported the four he'd marked outside of the school and out of harms way. Instead of relaxing even a tiny bit, Minato took the rest of the kunai and turned back towards the S-Types. "Something told me there would be a fight today." Shisui looked back, behind Minato, at everyone else. The odd girls with the weird planetary names, the quite frightening girls named Stern and Levi, the strange groups of men and a girl dressed in odd suits and the non-combatants at the moment. He huffed, "This hallway is far too small for us all to fight...why don't some of you give us some peace of mind and...oh, I don't know...flee from the school?"
    Watching from his place by the doorway, Vanitas chuckled, "Oh, this is rich! A fight in an over-crowded hallway. Yeah..." he lifted his hands and shrugged, "Let's give them an even bigger target to hit." A fist came down on his head and Riku glowered down at him, "Shut up. Nobody needs your sarcasm right now. you think you can restrain them?" Frowning, his usual expression, Gaara shook his head, "Water from that one would make my sand too heavy to form properly...and I'm afraid electricity would just cut right through it. I don't advise getting to close to those things either. Hand to hand combat and melee skills wouldn't be very wise, either." Riku's hands tightened around empty air, "So my Keyblade wouldn't be a good move here." Vanitas laughed a bit harder, his hand in his pocket, rubbing his thumb across the black stone he'd picked up.

    "How quaint....a group of children fighting against an opponent that outmatches them."
    The words came a few seconds before several dozen flashes of light sprang up around them, carving deep gouges into the walls, ceiling and floor. As if made by a rather large sword.


    Sephiroth stood a few feet down the hall behind the group, holding Masamune straight and pointing the tip towards the S-Types. "Why don't we test your mettle against someone of more experience."
    "'re quite hard to get along with...aren't you, Sephy?" Behind the SOLDIER warrior stood a serenely smiling blonde haired man. He held a joking and happy-go-lucky aura. "I can see why you'd want to fight them, but you should really learn to control where you're aiming." He laughed, still smiling with that same 'I'm not completely serious' smile. "I think you missed." Sephiroth smirked, "Lucky them." "Lucky, lucky!" chirped a little ball of white fur resting in the blonde's hands.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    Somewhere outside the Laughing Coffin Guild Headquarters, Masamune lay flat on his back, staring at the ceiling. Several dozens of swords were impaled in his body, but due to the frequent healing crystals XaXa dangled around, he remained alive. If he could cough up blood, he was sure he'd be doing so. "Understood...Masamune the Kin-Slayer?" That voice...horribly familiar. Dulled from the pain, Masamune's red-brown eyes shifted from their fixed spot on the ceiling and to the left, resting on the maliciously smiling face of his co-founding partner, PoH. He nodded and received a hard kick to the side of his face. Hard enough that his head snapped to the side and banged harshly against the ground. "Let me hear you say it." Licking his lips, Masamune brokenly voiced the words he wanted to hear. "I understand." Satisfied, PoH leaned back and motioned for XaXa to release him. Laying where he was as each sword was extracted, Masamune slowly blinked, "You went easy on me the first time, didn't you." It wasn't a question, but XaXa nodded instead. Otherwise uninterested in his pet for now, PoH ignored him, or so it seemed. "I shouldn't have. It made you go soft faster." A civilized nice. If only they would last... His mind was foggy, filled with the things PoH drilled into him. Stories he didn't know before. Stories he could've done without knowing. But that was the price he paid for wanting to know more. The price of a foggy head filled only with a list of names: Masaru the Singer's Knight, Star the Idol, Ittoki and Kuroi, Shiina the Wolf Tamer, Meerna the Merchant, Scarlet of the Moonlit Swords, and Mya the Tailor. The names of those involved with the first few days of the game plus the guild leader that opposed PKs. The names of those he would have to kill.

    Minato sat quietly in the inn Star had pointed out for him. Though far too early for booking a room for sleep only, he did so anyway and sat reading the bulletin board...on an article about Star, the blacksmith he'd met earlier. His blue eyes narrowed as he read. Anger shifted his natural kind-heart away from any sort of optimistic thoughts he would've repeated to himself in this situation. "Idol and blacksmith...and a Beater." Gritting his teeth, he stood and quietly left the inn.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13


    Yuan rolled his eyes, obviously trying to talk strategy with a kid was going to be futile. Turning his attention to Van, he repeated his proposition. "We're not going to get anywhere with a bunch of children leading us around in circles. You will need the help of someone of my skills and I'll have need of yours, I'm sure. Come with me...and we'll move on from this city and locate Chronos." What better way to help mankind than to return their years to them. After all...he had nothing to lose by going backwards or forwards in time. "Whatever magic he obviously does not affect me as it does you. This is in your best interest." His mind rattled through all the ways Chronos could've done this...Summon Spirit? No...there weren't any that controlled time. An Ex Sphere? Doubtful...a new world had no way of manufacturing them so soon and he'd destroyed all those in his home world. Perhaps some kind of magic unique to this world. It was the only reason left.



    Echoing Sheena and Zelos' words, Kain attached his lance to his back, "My name is Kain. I am a Dragoon of Baron. Though none of that matters now." Besides the fact that he would uphold his honor as a Dragoon and return these people to their original age. "Can you locate this Chronos for me? I'll be dealing with him shortly."

    Castle Baron:


    Pushing herself, Martel reached forwards, shutting her eyes and feeling the flow of mana. She sighed, but the sound was a strained one. "The Great Tree in this world is much older than the one I left behind. Entrusting Ratatosk to protect it...I followed the cry of loneliness and pain to this tree. Changes to the Tree are not healthy for this world." Her soft voice echoed in the empty halls of the Castle, "I fear this world is yet to feel a great amount of pain. I fear for the Tree."



    Kratos shook his head at Zack's confidence. "If you get any more over confident, you'll be the first to perish in this world. We should start searching for this Chronos." Scanning the area around them, Kratos mentally searched the city, reaching out with any sort of warrior instinct he had. "I don't sense him here. We should move on to another city." Without further ado, he started off down the street in a random direction. Of course, Kratos had no idea where he was headed, but that didn't matter as long as he could keep walking forwards.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13

    Kimblee (FMAB), Fay (Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle)
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13
    Stiffening as someone called out to her, Shiina cautiously turned and sighed when she saw Kuroi. ", hi there, Kuroi. I...I thought you had gone home or something... M-Minato-sensei has gone somewhere....a-and I'm no good at fighting." Obviously, they shy young woman assumed Kuroi wanted more training. Why else would he talk to her. "S-Sorry...I...I have to find Masamune." She stood, brushing off her pants, when a thought dawned on her, "U-Um...h-how long...have you been standing there?"
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13


    Kain cautiously watched the pair, the red-head seemed to have some sort of relationship with the woman. He felt a wave of energy wash over him and out of fear that it was Golbez again trying to take control of his mind, he lashed out with his lance. Ageing five years backwards, Kain barely felt any change in his physical self. He'd been training his entire life as a Dragoon and thus his younger body wasn't much different than his current one. Bracing a hand on the rooftop, he grit his teeth. The experience his body had gained from five years would've helped in taking out any form of malicious beings. "This...isn't Golbez' work." Dropping from the roof, he landed hard on the ground and slowly approached the pair, "What is this place?"



    Feeling the wave of energy, Kratos blinked as five years were taken from his incredibly long life. "This god has reversed time on us. We should hurry and find where this God resides before anything else." Kratos himself hadn't changed. Five years was a blink of an eye to this former angel. Even without Origin's pact, having ingested that stone when he met Mithos, he wasn't going to age.

    Castle Baron:


    Martel's green eyes widened as the wave of energy brushed over her and her new little friend. She spun around and clutched at her chest as the image of the Great Tree shrank. "No..."



    Five years taken off Sephiroth, like Kratos, was nothing. He watched the energy roll across his skin. " that all?" Venturing across the continent after exploring Zaude and familiarizing himself with it, was proving to be far more exciting than taking his own world.



    Yuri and Repede raced down mountains of rubble, heading towards the flash of pink he'd seen when both man and dog aged backwards. Yuri panicked, lifting the suddenly lighter Repede up. "Repede? Are you...okay? Five years is a long time for a dog." Carrying the smaller dog, he came upon the larger group than he'd expected and a pink haired woman that was definately not Estelle.



    Yuan frowned at the guys before him as they shrank a few inches and he didn't change. "Seems like we're going to run into more trouble than just you guys turning into babies." Sighing, Yuan stepped up directly in front of the boy calling himself Luke. "Come with me. I doubt I could handle this problem on my own and you're in no shape to be taking on a so-called God by yourself, or even with your bodyguard." He spread his cloak to fold over his shoulders and leave his arms free, "My name is Yuan Ka-Fai. I am a Cruxis Angel."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13
    Shiina had watched Minato and Kuroi head off in different directions after their match and now..."Wh-What do I do? M-Minato... K-Kuroi..." Shiina and her wolves hung their heads and wandered down the streets. "What do we do now, Mina...Kuro? Masamune is gone...Minato-sensei is probably heading back to the front-lines...and we've made zero friends." Mina barked at her side and she formed an O with her hands, "A big, fat, zero. Don't argue with me, Mina." The girl knelt and patted her familiars' heads. "We should begin looking for Masamune again. Let's try to find some hints."

    Minato's own impatience snapped when Star suggested five more years in this lonely hell and proceeded to leave him alone with his thoughts. Just wed... Reminds me of my own wedding day... "Five years...." He sat down on the steps of Star's shop and gripped his kunai tightly in his fist, "Is death our only release from this place? Five more years...and my boy will be..." he didn't want to count the years as they passed, knowing each day left a larger and larger gap between him and his son. "Anna will raise him well...but I'm not going to sit back and let my family suffer." Jumping up, he scowled at the dagger, "That foolish girl is wrong. If five years is too long...then I'll shorten it considerably."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13
    Yup, sure.

    I'm glad you're back. I know I missed you.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13
    Government Class:

    Minato was in the middle of an old joke when the fire alarm sounded. "Now no one panic. It's only a drill..." But he was usually informed before hand of drills. Caution and suspicion entered his blue eyes as he herded his class out of the room and into the hall. "Everyone just make your way outside." Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, Neji, Tobi, and Larxene shuffled into the hall and slipped. Each of the students slid, falling into one another, creating a domino effect. Except for Tobi, who slid along the floor gleefully. "How fun! I didn't know a fire drill would mean a slip and slide!" Keeping his balance, Minato's eyes slid down the hallway to Peppy and their uninvited guests. "Peppy!?" "Wh-what the hell is that thing?!" Yahiko stared at the S-Types.

    History Class:

    Riku, Xion, Vanitas, and Gaara fled the classroom at the sound of the fire alarm. Not particularly fearful of fire, but worried about the mass amounts of water, Gaara stuck closer to Riku than normal and as a result dragged him down with him as he slipped on the wet floor. They heard Minato and Yahiko's surprised and fearful exclamations and turned their gazes towards them. Turquoise, blue and yellow eyes caught on the odd water dragon thing and the creepy UFO thing. "That's...a disadvantage for me. But the other one's not." Pulling open his bag, he revealed tons of sand piled inside. Vanitas chuckled, "You're joking, right? You think you can take those things? C'mon Gaara, don't kid yourself." Xion, who'd been kneeling on the slippy floor, held onto Vanitas' hand, "Vanitas...wh-what is that thing? W-we have to escape."

    Music Class:

    Repliku and Sai made it a point to leave the class in a hurry. With Repliku dragging the young artist shinobi down the hall and around the corner, he slipped and landed hard on his back. "Son of a... Sai...?" Sai's onyx eyes were fixed on the Astrology teacher and the pair of freaks. "I'm going out on a limb here by saying that maybe those guys aren't here selling cookies..." Repliku punched the boy's thigh, "Ya think!?" Utau left with the rest and stopped at the corner before her fancy black wedge shoes could touch the slippy section of the floor. "What is going on in this school?"

    Teacher after teacher herded dozens of students outside taking head count before they gathered together and looked over the lists of students attending. "Some of them are missing...along with Minato Namikaze and Shisui Uchiha and even Peppy. Stay here....I'll go get them." No one argued with the Astronomy professor, Sephiroth, as he drew Masamune from it's sheath and re-entered the school.

    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13
    Minato's happy-go-lucky expression died on his face the more Star spoke of helping the youths in the game. His heart gave a painful pulse as he retrieved the daggers and handed over the col required. "It's the least I can do...if not for keep myself from going crazy." Again, his hand wandered to his pocket. "How many years will it take for us to escape? Ten...twenty? It's been too long already." How far along would his son have grown by the time he got back? "I'm missing too take any of this lightly." he mumbled to himself.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lowee East Residential District: Team Kakashi


    "Sai, above us. Take them out." Nodding, Sai drew out a large hawk, "Understood. Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!" Hopping onto his bird, he cut through the series of air units. Bursting into the nearest house, Kakashi, Sakura and Obito commenced to clear the area. "Kakashi-sensei, this house is clear!" "Right. Ah, there, down the street. Obito, take them out." Giving a thumbs up to his friend, Obito formed the normal tiger hand sign, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A large fireball roared down the street, burning the X-Nauts to a crisp. "H-How was that?! Not too shabby, huh, Kakashi. Ready to admit I'm better than you yet?" Kakashi laughed and patted his head, " are better than me, Obito."

    Lowee West Residential District: Team Asuma:


    "Fire Style: Burning Ash!" Scorching a group of X-Nauts, Asuma waved the rest of his team forwards. Further along, laughing as she walked, Mei Terumi created a boiling mist that covered the area. "These beings...are so not handsome. I'm afraid I don't feel any pity for you at all." "Uh...I don't think you're supposed to feel pity for them, Mizukage." Neji frowned at the Mizukage's words and started to sweat as the surrounding area covered in her mist started to melt. "Then they have no place in this world. I'll watch them melt into tiny puddles." Sighing, Neji nearly fell over. The Mizukage's Boil kekkei genkai was deadly indeed. "Leaf Style: Cresent Moon Dance!" Slicing through the X-Nauts and whatever creatures on the rooftops, Hayate coughed, "There's not too many....but how long are we going to have to do this?"

    Lowee Central District: Team Temari

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hurling two X-Nauts over her shoulders, Vert slammed them into the ground and dusted off her hands, "Two less pests." "Wind Scythe Jutsu!" A gust of wind tore past Vert and she whistled. "Going a little over board, aren't you?" Temari huffed, touching her fan down onto the ground, "If I went easy on them, it wouldn't be a very successful operation, now would it?" Sighing, Vert lifted and dropped her shoulders, "You're such a psychopath."

    Lowee Campground: Team Hokage:

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Shisui sighed, "Might as well get going. would be a lot easier if I could just use Kotoamastsukami on this Grodus fellow." Standing, Minato smiled, "But...if we came across a stronger opponent. One who we had no idea of how to defeat, we'd be out one sure way to win. Don't worry yourself, Shisui. I'm sure these young ladies will handle everything." He didn't look convinced as Raido and Genma gathered around the Goddess'. "Either way...let's just get this part done with so we can take a break." Shisui's Sharingan activated, despite not needing it for his ability. "I got it. I'll be done in a second so don't hesitate." With those words, he vanished in a white puff of smoke. Shisui's Body Flicker jutsu wasn't like Minato's Flying Thunder God jutsu. By disguising his movement with the smoke or leaves, he used his chakra to enhance his speed to quickly move from place to place. Every Shinobi could do it, but Shisui was the master. Reappearing behind Grodus, he slapped his hand onto his back, placing the temporary transportation formula on Godus before jumping back a ways. "All that remains...Is you unfortunate demise." Back at the camp, the Hokage Guard and Minato shut their eyes, focusing their chakra and the five Goddess' and the shinobi disappeared and reappeared out of a yellow flash right behind Grodus. "That was a lot easier with Lord Fourth with us." The two immediately took up a defensive position with Minato behind them and Genma in front of the Goddess'. "We'll distract him. You girls do what you need to do." "Temari's team will be along shortly to provide backup. We need you girls to move quickly or else this guy will just take us out!" Shisui stood with Raido in front of Minato, "Take it easy, Hokage. We're not about to let this guy get his hands on you or our jutsus."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Tamaki Suoh
    Description: An over the top, filthy rich, half French, pretty boy who has way too much time on his hands. He established the Host Club and has a major crush on Haruhi. He refers to himself as Daddy or King.
    Occupation: Student/Host Club King
    Series character is from: Ouran Highschool Host Club
    Other: The insanity level is off the charts with this one.

    Name: Kyoya Ootori
    Description: The third son of the Ootori family. They employ a large private military force and run most of the hospitals in Japan. As Tamaki's friend, he is the director of the Host Club. He's refered to by Tamaki as Mommy. He has an interest in Haruhi.
    Occupation: Student/Host Club Director
    Series character is from: Ouran Highschool Host Club
    Other: He may seem normal out of them all, but he's not...

    Name: Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
    Description: Twin sons of their mother, a famous designer, the twins believe there to be two different groups of people. Them and everybody else. They enjoy playing tricks on everybody else. As part of the Host Club, they were given the Brotherly Love role and act that way now out of habit. Hikaru has a massive crush on Haruhi.
    Occupation: Student/Host Club Members
    Series character is from: Ouran Highschool Host Club
    Other: Every girl dreams about having not one love but two~

    Name: Haruhi Fujioka
    Description: Haruhi is an honor student living with a transvestite father after their mother passed away. Always calm and ready to brush off Tamaki's absurd comments, Haruhi works as a member of the Host Club to pay off an 8 million debt.
    Occupation: Student/Host Club Member
    Series character is from: Ouran Highschool Host Club
    Other: Tamaki refers to himself as Haruhi's daddy. It isn't clear which of the Host club Haruhi has an interest in.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Greed
    Description: A Humonculus with the ability to enhance and harden the carbon in his body to become the Ultimate Shield. Greed is an artificial human that desires everything from women to power. Currently he's the head of the city wide yakuza and may have ties to the Crystal Order...but he's not telling. He's also a certain extent.
    Occupation: Yakuza leader
    Series character is from: Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood
    Other: The first Greed. The one...the only!

    Name: Envy
    Description: A Humonculus with the ability to shape shift into anyone and anything. Envy, like Greed is an artificial human with a twisted sense of humor. He reluctantly follows after Greed in the yakuza simply because he has nothing better to do.
    Occupation: Yakuza member
    Series Character is from: Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood
    Other: Envy the Jealous is what Greed calls him. He's also immortal.

    Name: Lust
    Description: A Humonculus with the ability to lengthen and harden her fingers to become the Ultimate Spear. Lust is an artificial human created as the embodiment of Lust. Despite her siblings, she has a much more well controlled personality.
    Occupation: Yakuza member
    Series character is from: Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood
    Other: Lust has a low tolerance level for morons and thus doesn't get along well with Greed. She, like her siblings, is immortal to an extent.

    Name: Roy Mustang
    Description: Colonel in the Japanese military. He uses Alchemy to alter air molecules and a spark from his ignition gloves to create blasts of flames earning him the State Alchemist name Flame Alchemist. His goal is to one day rise through the ranks and control the entire order to make all the female soldiers wear tiny miniskirts.
    Occupation: Colonel
    Series character is from: Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood
    Other: "I LOVE dogs! Deep fried, they're delicious."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13

    There is still Shiina... If you can stomach blind obsession for revenge, she's a good girl.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight_Nobody13
    Human kind cannot gain anything without giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.​
    It was a dark and stormy night the night the Elric Brothers committed Alchemy's one and only taboo.​
    Human Transmutation.​
    The human body consists of several different elements that all can be bought on a child's allowance; but the human soul consists of nothing known to man. What could possibly equal the value of a human soul?​
    Eight years after the events of Fullmetal Alchemist:

    After the revolt of Ishval, a small city to the east, and the settling of it's people back into camps where they could live peacefully, came the war with Drachma, the country to the north. The non-aggression pact had dissolved with the discovery of a tunnel leading underneath the mountains. Able to completely avoid the harsh climate of the snowy mountains, Drachma immediately moved into action. Mobilizing their forces they brought a rain of fire down on Amestris.

    The new Fuherer Roy Mustang, in retaliation, deployed the military along with the State Alchemists to end the war quickly. The rest followed protocol...until it came to harboring survivors in a city north of North City. Once found, the city was promptly wiped off the map of Amestris. But each war is not without fatalities.

    North City:

    "Survivors have holed up in our northern most city. Drive them out. No matter the cost, we must defend Amestris. I'm not taking no for an answer. Those are your orders, as State Alchemists."
    The orders were absolute. From the Fuherer Mustang himself. No Alchemist to this day understood exactly why he looked so pained while he said those words as they all barked off: "Sir, yes, Sir!"

    Storming the city, civilian after civilian died. Mistaken for Drachmans or simply because they were in the way, people died none-the-less. Before the war an epidemic swept through the northern most city. It came fast and hit hard, killing dozens and leaving the rest weak. Stationed in that city at the time of the disease was one State Alchemists' husband. His name was Eli Rayleigh, First Lieutenant in the military. Despair rolled through the Alchemist and once more in the history of Alchemy, she committed the one and only taboo...

    Seven Years Earlier:

    Born to a common baker, twins were born and raised traveling to Central and back to North City. The Twins grew reading the books of Central's expansive library, learning and practicing Alchemy from the Alchemists they met during their stay. Their parents and the children, having survived the epidemic and less than half the war, thought they were safe from harm with the Alchemists coming to take care of the remaining portion of the war with ease. Alchemy tore apart the city. Alchemists who snapped under the pressure and sights of countless deaths returned to North City and soon...became mass murderers themselves. The Alchemists who returned murdered innocents of North City and soon it became known as the Northern Incident. Among the dead were the Twins' parents and one of the children. Left alone, the remaining child, having heard the stories of the Fullmetal Alchemist bonding his brother's soul to a suit of armor attempted the same and failed. For his failure the boy had everything inside him lower than his lungs and an entire arm stolen by the Gate. For the human soul was worth more than what he had offered.

    Ten Years Later:

    Dragging his heels the black haired young Alchemist wandered down the road towards Rush Valley, automail city. Reaching over to his left arm, he clutched at the shattered gears and frame of his automail arm. Ryuutaro Makaro, aspiring Alchemist, had nothing to his name and nothing in his pockets for a train ticket or food. "Ahhhhh....this is ridiculous. Wandering like this...I need some food." Cracking his eyes open at the sound of the bustling town ahead of him, he could barely manage the smile for his joy at making it all the way from Central. "Hey, it's Ryu, our very own little Alchemist!" Nerves shot, Ryu spun on his heels towards the automail shopkeeper and snagged his shirt collar with his automail arm, "Who're you calling a crazy hack who's the size of a microscopic bean!?" The shopkeeper only laughed, "If it wasn't thirty years too late, I'd say you were the Fullmetal Alchemist himself." Releasing him, Ryu huffed, "And why would I want to be that guy? Wait...did you say the Fullmetal Alchemist?" "You certainly have the same short temper." Twitching, Ryu fought to ignore the short comment. "But I heard that guy and his brother took up just being ordinary people. Though I wouldn't know much about that. Any information about them that used to come here just doesn't anymore." Frowning, Ryu flexed his mechanical fingers, "Oh yeah? And why's that?" He grinned,"The guy's automail mechanic moved back to where she came from. Haven't seen her since." "That so?" Shuffling away, he sighed. There wasn't much information on the Fullmetal Alchemist anymore and it was true...Ryu did everything in hopes of being at best like him but praying he could surpass Edward Elric's level.


    "Miss...ah...oh, it's just you." Looking up over the stack of papers, a blue eyed soldier with the ranking of Colonel half smiled at the woman standing before him. "Did you need something today, Renee?" Renee Rayleigh, code named the Dead Alchemist, gave Colonel Samuel Havoc a chill down his spine each time she came to give a report or just check in. Even if he called her....he dreaded seeing her deadened eyes. Everyone at Central knew about the Dead Alchemist and what she had done to get her license as a State Alchemist. The first and only successful Human Transmutation was done by her at the cost of what she explained was giving up her own soul for that of another. "I left my report with the Second Lieutenant. Do not call me for a useless mission again." Turning on her heel, she left the building and Sam shuddered, "So cold..."

    1) Follow the general Roleplaying Arena's rules
    2) No Power-playing,God-modding, auto-hitting, etc.
    3) No killing another person's character without their permission
    4) Despite being a Fullmetal Alchemist rp NONE of the canon characters will be playable
    5) Knowledge of the Fullmetal Alchemist series is not required as this is an original story
    (Roy Mustang is made Fuherer because I wanted him to be. It's not included in the anime/manga)
    6) Some knowledge on how transmutation works is required for Alchemists. (If you can't explain it logically it can't happen. Alchemy is science after all.)
    7) I will add more rules once I think of them. If I see it and make it a rule, I don't want to hear complaining.
    State Alchemist OC Sheet:
    Bio: (Include how you obtained your State license)
    Alchemy Type: (each Alchemist is known for a certain kind of Alchemy. The Flame Alchemist most commonly manipulated the air and fire)
    Code Name: (Each State Alchemist is given a code name by the Fuherer based on their Alchemy type)
    My State Alchemist OC:

    Name: Renee Rayleigh
    Age: 38
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cold and deadened, uncaring and difficult to read
    Bio: Renee learned Alchemy from a lost book she found floating in the river and sought more after memorizing what the book contained. Before the Northern war, her husband was dying from the disease covering all of the Northern Area. Desperate to hold onto her love, she took her knowledge of equivalent exchange and attempted a human transmutation to restore what was being broken down by the disease. Backfiring, the Gate stole his body, mind and soul. Filled with despair, Renee attempted human transmutation once more half a year later and was stripped of her soul and rewarded with something less than what she'd bargained for. In order to gain the hidden knowledge of the Philosopher's Stone, she took the State Alchemist test and showed them what she'd created. Her creation, being called a successful human transmutation, earned Renee her license and the title of the Dead Alchemist. Since then, she's lived alone in a house in Central with her creation.
    Alchemy Type: Renee is adept at normal transmutations, but her specialty lies in temporarily reanimating the dead by transmuting a focused amount of life energy into their corpses.

    Code Name: The Dead Alchemist

    Military Solider OC Sheet:


    My Military Solider OCs:

    Name: Samuel Havoc

    Age: 23

    Personality: Light-hearted and dedicated. Easily frightened
    Bio: Samuel Havoc is Jean Havoc's son and pride and joy of Jean's life. Sam earned the rank of Colonel from his efforts in the Northern War. He holds a high respect for his father for being able to put up with Fuherer Mustang when he was only a Colonel himself. Sam holds an odd relationship with Renee Rayleigh due to her inability to show emotion.
    Rank: Colonel

    Alchemist Outside the Military OC Sheet:
    My Alchemist Outside the Military OC:

    Name: Ryuutaro Makaro
    Age: 17
    Appearance: black hair, green eyes, roughly 4'11
    Personality: short tempered, overly sensitive about his height and fractured mind
    Bio: Ryu is the son of a baker and a twin. His family was wiped out after the war by a rouge Alchemist. Trying to re-create the circumstances Edward Elric used to bind his brother's soul to a suit of armor, Ryu lost his left arm as well as the internal organs below his lungs.
    Thread by: Twilight_Nobody13, Feb 6, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home