First off, this is NOT about April fools (well, maybe) BUT BUT BUT BUT BUTT BUT BUT BUT AND GO TO HOMESTARRUNNER.COM OMGOMGOMG
april fools bring may gruels
Like everyone else posting here, I'm also on the side of there not being actual news for KH3 development. More likely than none, KH 2.5 will be the spotlight for E3 this year. But yeah, I hope this doesn't become the next FFvXIII development hell period lol.
That's like... the most peaceful gif I've ever seen in a while. c:
Well, I felt that the only way that FFX's ending would have been like "oh that was pointless" Spoiler would be if Tidus didn't disappear. I felt that that was the sacrifice. Of course, FFX-2's ending ruined that, but eh. I mean, if people are lead to expect a certain ending happen from the beginning and it does happen, it's like "oh, well, why did I sit through this if I knew what was going to happen?" (I suppose this doesn't count for historical dramas like Lincoln or something like that lol, so that expectation going in would be a different situation). But at the end of the day, it's the execution and how it's told. If we know a character's gonna die at the end, then it better be a damn good and entertaining story to follow.
I would say that I am a fan of "mockumentaries," as long as they are along the lines of a comedy. Satire and social commentary done in this style I think helps enlighten mundane things, as well as some touchy subjects. I think I would personally even consider the interviews done on The Daily Show to be included in this category. One of my favorites has to be Waiting for Guffman (which I also highly recommend if you are interested in theater or show biz.) I think though as time goes on, some of them become outdated. Like the aforementioned Blair Witch Project, which I guess sort of started off the chain of shaky-cam horror flicks. For its time it was good to give a different perspective on the horror genre, but after watching it again, it's just sort of lost the scare factor. But as an actor, it does provide for a lot of improvisation, which I guess is a lost art nowadays in the film industry. It is definitely a unique medium of sending a message across of which I hope to be a part of someday.
Took a four hour nap with 3 exams to study for Monday/Tuesday. #noshame Well, everything's better now, just basically a metal spike the size of a pencil went straight through my tire. D: It was like watching someone get surgery when they pulled it out... but I got it replaced with a spiffy new tire. but thanks for asking c:
I just hate though how it just makes you sync with your Youtube account. Like, I have different aliases that I need to keep separate between internet and real life. :x
Nothing says a great day than having a flat tire in the middle of a snowstorm and then figuring out that one of your toes has no circulation at all. D: Where's the sunshine? ;c
Okay, I've finally decided to want to reserve for April 12th. : D
the time you realize you are a small part of this damn world you already seem better off than swimming in a pool of a big, big world
I thought he fainted because he got tired...
Because only small, white teenage girls can save the world. :x
Yeah, I have friends and acquaintances who preach that like all the time. It's quality over quantity, man. I also get the feeling that it's due to that "screw big-name/mainstream games indie games all de way" mentality or something like that. But maybe I'm generalizing. D:
Just saw 20 or so people of Jehovah's witnesses walking down my street ringing a lot of doorbells simultaneously. They're okay people, but, it seems a little intimidating when they do that ._. Anyway, as for reading pretty much anything whether in silence or with music/noise on, it's also a difficult thing for me since I have trained all these years to have keen hearing. Like, I'm a really light sleeper anyway because almost anything can wake me up in an instant from deep sleep. But if I just have my laptop/computer whurring, I would need to have it whurring the whole time I'm reading something. Same with silence, if I decide to read in silence, it needs to be silent the entire time, or else even the slightest bit of noise breaks my concentration. Playing a song needs to be the same song looped for a while, so that it eventually tones out. I dunno, I'm just weird like that. D:
Question! If the lyrics in the songs have expletives, is that okay to air? Or do we have to censor them? I don't think the amount of cursing is excessive, but I'd rather not play it at all than censor it, but just wondering if that's allowed... :x
Even for a video from the 90's, the awkwardness is quite strong. but dat jingle ♫
It's okay sometimes I don't even know who I am when I log on here.