I've been told that I sound like a cross between Laura Bailey (in her lower register) and Stephanie Naldony as lil' Goku from Dragonball. D:?
Haha, is that what happened? 'Cause it totally caught me off guard when I realized I had 666 posts. .______.;
Mainly games that are in first-person perspective (with a few exceptions), just 'cause it somehow makes my hand-eye coordination worse. So, FPS' were almost never a thing for me to get into. MMORPG's are also genres that I don't get excited for. I guess because of my previous experience being shot down by higher level people and never really progressing anywhere. It's also very time consuming, per my brothers' constant playing and deprivation of a social life lol. But other than that, I'm pretty open-minded to whatever I play. The lack of funds for my collection is always limited, so I just happen to buy games that are JRPG's/FF/KH. But if I go to a friend's house or someone let's me borrow their game, I'm willing to give most things a try.
*how to read well . (srry couldn't resist)
I read that tweet in his voice, lmao. But yaaay, any news is good news at this point. Thanks for the update!~
Ah man, hope you are safe for the rest of the tornado season :c But yeah, I also like summer, especially when it thunderstorms, just the sort of feeling in the air makes it thrilling.
I wish I could run into some money... But yeah, Bravely Default is a definite recommendation, the Ocarina of Time remake, and Dissidia: Theatrhythm.
Ah, okay, I was looking at UK/EU release date trailer. (Titles of these embedded videos should really emphasize which region release they are showing, it's always damn confusing lolol)
Aww it looks so cute. :3 Anyway, can't wait until this comes out, I'm surprised though that they pushed back the release date until next year D: Also, finally we have a Japanese main character, in terms of Marvel and Pixar properties (and hopefully voiced by an Asian actor, too).
The Hobbit: There and Guess Who's Back, Back, Back Again
It's a close tie between David Kaye and Peter Cullen for me. D: But just to nitpick, Peter Cullen sounds a bit more "robotic" (in the good way, if that makes sense .-. ) and has that rasp in his voice that makes his performance more memorable. Also, voice of the old Toonami announcer ftw : D
I'm jelly. :c But I hope you have fun with his class. Get his autograph
Very nice~! From what I can tell, I really like the blue fabric, satin (?) is a b*tch to manage for me. ;c
I watched a good chuck of a marathon of Adventure Time while I was on one of them treadmills with TV's. The most exercise I've gotten to this day.
Ready Steady Go! for me pls c:
hhhhnnnnnngggggg there's a giant mosquito in my house somewhere... currently locked myself in my room. and i need access to the toilet TT___TT
lol I ain't got steam but probably should soon since people here tend to give away games occasionally :x
Looks cool and all, really glad the menus aren't as distracting as it was like five years ago (what with character profiles moving around and all), but I really want to see gameplay footage showing you control the other characters and not just Noctis. Again, I think the style is just fine (aside from the lack of color in the outfits but whatevs, that's just preference), but switching between characters mid-battle would definitely be a plus. Also, I dunno if it might be too late in development, but still wishing for at least ONE playable female character that's not a supposed antagonist D:
I like how they specifically mention not to mention Kingdom Hearts 3. Which definitely and unfortunately indicates no KH3 at E3. :c But I just submitted my question a while ago, so I'm hoping that they'll pick them out by whoever submitted first. And hopefully people will be serious this time around and we can get some good questions~
onegaishimasu c: .