I'm guessing the last ending part may connect DDD and Chi together to give a set-up for KH3. But whatevs, yaay. (Hopefully Square won't be showing the same trailer though when it is actually E3 lmao.)
Um, dat trailer ending. :0
TAG UR SPOILERS JAYSUS KRIST but in any case yaaaaaay
Hehe, it does sound like he was one of the best grandads ever c: I give you my condolences
They need to have an HD channel D:
Running on five hours of sleep, just drank double shot espresso... my body was never ready for this DDD:
I got this And then the name I actually use... Welp.
Pix or didn't happen c:
Also had some recent family issues, so sending some good vibes our ways c:
lmao To be fair tho, I was on Easy Mode so enemies didn't really kill me... just Dolan and Gooby like every battle :x Also final time clocked in at 9 hours... three of those hours spent in End of the World cuz I'm severely underleveled DDD:
Whoa, even saying EB Games evokes teh nostalgia D: But yeah, those were the days of Melee and Sonic Adventure 2 and Mario Party and Mario Kart...
Speed running KH FM and omg 6 hours in and I'm at Hollow Bastion I skipped so much and I have 4 potions and no munny and omg I've never felt this naked in a KH playthrough before DDD:
;asdkfjas;lfjasfl Frick frack paddy wack I forgot it was tonight. D: But anyway, thanks for the comments everyone~ And I'm sure everyone did a swell job :3 Also thank god people didn't notice I was still sick and sounded like a man more than usual D:
How I browse KH-Vids.net.... Spoiler with skepticism o-o;
Seeing it Mondayyyy : o
Sorry I'm pescetarian.
Yeah, I see it too, it's definitely more glossy looking...
I once said to myself I could fly with the eagles I once said to myself I could fight with wolves And then I tried And died Knowing the importance of limitation In this seemingly unlimited world
Finishing up and debuting a huge cosplay project I'm working on with friends (hint: starts with "D" and ends in "issidia" c; ) Auditioning, auditioning, auditioning (both for stage and voice demos) Get a job I like (coincides with the above) Brush up on Japanese speaking skills (looking into a Study Abroad program) Maybe sneak into E3 Go to DISNEYLAND ???? Profit... sorta.
CNN Article Here Truly a sad day today as one of the most well known literary authors has departed us. Especially in the light of other recent events, this is quite tragic. Her poems may have not have specifically spoken to me as it did to others, but her experiences are captured so well through her beautiful poetry. Rest in peace.