Cyril's Theme is up in Art family thread as well as winner for the logo competition.
I liked coasters until one broke and injured me enough so I couldn't walk for a few weeks. Haha. Ijust got through laughing SO hard I hurt all over now, have tears streaming down my face, and can barely breathe. Hahahaha. The winner for the logo competition was announced. Check the EkIchi forums for details. Arsonist won with his logo, Sai/Razzu was 2nd place, and I came lagging in at 3rd. Haha. I'll be posting up the scores at the EkIchi family thread later on today. I'm just so busy doing everything else... I'll kind of be on and off until January 1st finishing things for Grenzenlos and sofa. Then I'll have more time freed up to do other things. Also, Cyril's theme: The Morning Star, is complete. Enjoy it well. <3
Forums stay there, the main website will just display the active games, games in progress, have perhaps a members sign up area, and will eventually have a section like a 'gaia online', where it will be a full interactive website. Each game will also have its own page with downloads and whatnot. Things like that. Turns out I had one extra judge. Based on this: 1 2 3 4 5a 5b 6 7 8 9 10 -This is what 3 of the 4 judges have said so far - Judge 1 Scores Out of 20: Overall: Place Number Points ------------------------------------- 1 4 18 / 20 1 10 18 / 20 3 2 17 / 20 3 7 17 / 20 5 5b 16 / 20 5 6 16 / 20 7 3 15 / 20 7 8 15 / 20 9 1 14 / 20 9 5a 12 / 20 11 9 10 / 20 Judge 2: Overall: Place Number Points ------------------------------------- 1 8 15 / 20 2 4 14 / 20 3 6 10 / 20 4 3 09 / 20 5 1 08 / 20 6 9 07 / 20 6 2 07 / 20 7 7 05 / 20 7 5a 05 / 20 7 5b 05 / 20 11 10 03 / 20 Judge 3: Overall: Place Number Points ------------------------------------- 1 4 19 / 20 2 6 18 / 20 2 8 18 / 20 4 7 17 / 20 4 10 17 / 20 6 1 15 / 20 6 3 15 / 20 8 5a 13 / 20 9 2 12 / 20 10 5b 12 / 20 11 9 11 / 20 ------------ Waiting on the last judge and then it will be determined. <3 Yours is pretty far up there in each list.
I know I just come in here and spout random rants. Haha. Judging is under way and winner will be posted up tommorrow by 5-6 p.m.-ish. I have a few judges sending in their votes on things and those will be posted on the actual logos in the EkIchi forums so you can see whos had what votes/points and by what judge. I think there is me and two other judges...Tissue, our web designer, has sent in his votes, but I'm waiting on results from Matsu. If I get them early I will post them sooner. If not, I'll w aituntil around 5 p.m. and post anyway with just mine and Tissue's.
Somehow I go from questioning love to Silver and I being a couple.... How do these fricked up kinds of things happen? Le sigh....
I don't knwo how to explain it well...but I did write a poem to rant. Maybe you can understand it from that...not sure. Silver did come back to stay the night with me even though I kind of wish he never would have seen me ever again. I know what's going to happen and when I look at him it makes it worse. He's such a nice guy, too, possibly the nicest I had ever met some oh 10 years ago. I recently found him again after such a long time. Haha. He stayed with me a night and then had to go off early yesterday and attempted to kiss me as thanks for dinner and the room to sleep in, but as he kissed me I pushed him off. Haha. ...Meh. I like him much, but its unbearable. I don't know how to tell him or what to say or whatever.
No. ..People still go there but not many people chats.................................i go there in minute.......
yes sorry dont remember his name well so thats why he has me cal him silver
I know I'm supposed to be posting up next chapter to TwiLit Between but....dude, seriously...I just can't. I'm so heavy... I never want to love again or be loved again...I want to cast all of these emotions away. This is for Silver and for an epiphony. *and forgive spell just rushed out and crying and stuff sorry* Cerulean eyes I will fall for you The hair of the moon A shadow bemoans this stacked earth Heart of gold encased in your mortal shrine You are mortal correct? Today was a feather upon my mouth Your lips that I so hastily pushed away Will not be there tommorrow Just as your sanity flees from your impassioned spirit You can still feel these words, correct? Just so as the days change this destiny will come to pass Just so you know, I know but you do not Dramatic irony Pass your hand through the silver mane of yours once more Figure it idle talk I know what is sore....sometimes the ends cannot be made clean You will fall prey No matter how much I try and stop this Let the rain fall rain fall let it fall on me No matter how much I hide it from my knowlege Let the truth fall let it fill me My angel with one wing Isn't love careless? I think so too You didn't seem afraid at all this past afternoon Your lips creased in a smile, correct? I know I saw it When the dawn turns to blood There is a secret of my realization Yes you will be there to protect me angel yes Standing by my side Yet when the day turns to night for your cerulean eyes I cannot be there to cleanse I cannot be there to erase No matter how much I try and stop this Let therain fall down let it fall let it When a dove screams its last breath and is replaced by a silence Let the blood gall down let it fall let it wash my hands Ah my lovely angel with one wing Where did the light go Let the blood fall down and cover my face Broken emotions appear on my sleeve I will wipe it away with your strands of silver Then this rain of dispair can wash it all away Let the rain fall down let it fall let it fall Epiphony
I give up I never want to love ever again. Love sucks. Caring about people sucks. It ALL SUCKS. I give up having any kind of good emotions whatsoever. Cause it doesn't make a darn difference what i do, it just makes it worse and worse than what reality could deal out to them. I give up....I give up. Hope you guys had a merry christmas.
It doesn't matter the accents for me. I can use all types of voices. Even if I custom a character in the game just to fit the voice. Haha.
Give me some time. I still have to finish up art for this game my boyfriend and I are entering into a competition. <3 Then I'll get to work on it.
Did a quick one just now. If you don't like it I'll try another one later on.
I'll have it done by saturday at the latest, probably earlier.
Sure thing Zexion. Also, that keyblade ref would work fine.
Let me think up some lines to test and I'll send just those lines.
No. Haha. You don't have to pay.
Was at other family's house for christmas eve. Haha. but I'll be here all day tommorrow.
Can you give me examples of keyblades (you want me to hand draw a custom one right?) because I'm not familiar with those. I'll give this my best shot!
I love this actually. Very emotional and true to the situation; captures the moment very well. It has a sense of foreboding to it at first and then the last part is a bit of releaf after the heavy parts. 10/10 <3