I don't like popcorn. Haha. Thanks though.
Hey its almost new years so have a happy one. <3
Welcome to KHV! You'll have a fun time here, I promise. Stick around and make some friends, yes?
Do what? My game design team has a YouTube now: http://www.youtube.com/user/EkIchiGames I'm going to be doing updates via that as well.
Hello. I'm going to give those here the opportunity to enter my contest as well. We've had quite a bit of entries in the Logo Competition for the game design team, so expect some serious competitors out there, yes. This competition is Star ocean: Fallen Angels specific. For those of you who do not know what SOFA is, you may check out our thread on the SOU forums RIGHT HERE. It may be better that you do so before entering. Competition 1: The Character Design So you're thinking...'I'm no artist!' Not a problem, this competition is for artists and writers. You may provide an image you draw, or a lengthy description of the character. Here are the requirements. 1. The character is male. 2. The character is NOT human or Nedian, but a race you may make up yourself. 3. The character wears a headband adorned with wings (you may design any type of headband you like, just make sure it has wings) * The concept may be - A full body sketch - A fully body line-art - A full-body finished art with colours - A lengthy description describing the look, clothing, face, hair, headband, alien features (tails, ears, etc) If you do not provide colours, we'll take the liberty to make them up ourselves. The writing should be descriptive as possible so we make sure your design in mind is translated correctly through art. The more detail we have, the better..and the better your chance at winning. The character already has a name and personality. We just need the design, graphics wise. Deadline: January 13th Winner Announced: January 15th Prizes: * Your character design will be featured in-game. * You will receive a soundtrack from SOFA free, after it is produced. ----- Good luck to all participants. May the best design win.
The Chilly Academic says 'Experiment away!'. I think it is ethical...may not be a popular practice when in the opinion of others, but I personally see nothing wrong with using it to probe the corners of someone's innermost thoughts. I find it interesting, and rather informative.
You'd better come back after you're ungrounded (Heck, sneak on every time you get a chance during your grounding). You are very much loved. <3 If you try to stay away for more than what you said you would, I will come hunt your azz down. For serious. Knowledge is power.
A very real moment hit me as I looked up the Star Ocean Second Evolution website. You can call me a freak or over-passionate SO2 Rabid Fan, but I don't care. There's something about this that touches where other games cannot. Here is part of a conversation where emotions were going out of control and I reminisce about the game that changed my life. My passion:
Hardly. You would beat me in a contest any day probably. I mostly sing rock or j-rock/pop. It's fun!
I also have a deep voice! I don't like the way i sing either, but I love to sing.
I doubt it! You should record yourself sometime.
Oh That sucks you don't have an IM. Do you sing?
Pretty much. Because my mic can only hook to one messenger at a time, so I do my rounds. Haha.
Yeah. It gets annoying. Haha. I sing for people all day while trying to work.
Yeah, I'm usually the master of it but my boyfriend keeps buzzing me on IM and distracting me. Haha. And now he wants me to sing for him...
Ugh...Roleplaying is fun. I just commented on my own profile because I accidentally hit the back button on my browser...I swear sometimes...
Forum roleplay is indeed fun! I used to DM some awhile back, but gave it up to make PC and console rpgs. I should get back into it.
Working on games, as is the usual. Haha. What about you?
I'm definately a mostly cheerful person! Optimism is key to a good,long life!
It doesn't bother me that guys are in here. I'm more comfortable around guys because I have more guy friends than girl friends. I play N64 from time to time. Legend of Zelda: Mask of Majula for the win!