Hello everyone. :) Family is going through a tough time, but I know God will work something out.
Sprites from Fallen Angels. I'm animating them now.
Just a few fanarts of the game my team is making.
More art from me. And I am learning some 3D!
Just some newbish things.
Lost the interent so...won't be on. Struggling to even get food to eat now. yeah. I'm stillw orkingon my games though. Hows teh sketches coming Sai? I'll try to make sprites as well when I gather the sketches up.
Vexen's laugh, english or japanese, is the sex. I like when he laughs so it makes me happy and I laugh right along with him.
Hmmm, Vexen fans are a rare breed, or so I have concluded by trekking over the interwebs trying to find kin blood for my Vexen fandom (and from the reactions of individuals within this thread). Oh well, guess this means I can have him to myself. Not complaining. Not complaining at all.
I don't like Vexen at all! He's creepy, ugly, and I'm glad Axel got rid of him! [/sarcasm] Vexen is not only the best Org member....he is GOD! <3
Your resident Chilly Academic has arrived.
What is the differences between City Folk and the original exactly?
I really love Majula/Majora. He is my favourite LoZ character. <33333333333 Hehe.
Ohhh well that makes sense....if it would let me watch the videos. My internet is fail right now. So random pics of Vexen and her boyfriend now! He's ******ed...I did the Vexen eye pop in one pic to live up to my name!!!! Dun dun da. Also, those lines under my eyes....natural. I know...I have an uncanny resemblance to Itachi from Naruto. I guess he's my anime twin. I even have the eye-lines. Ugh.
What's a spinzakuuuuuuuu? Haha. Also, this is so awesome. They have a social group for Christians now here on KHV! <3
Awesome. A group for us Christians <3 I've had many miracles happen in my life right before my eyes because of God. I used to be very skeptical as a child, even though I was raised in church (my parents are ministers, though I hate to say they are far from Godly), but some life changing things set me straight. I'm not perfect now...but I'm a far cry better than what I was back then. Thanks to God.
I usually don't....but my friend Jess corrupted me a little...and now if I hear Vexen or see/hear Shigeo. Well it can get that way sometimes. Shigeo is such a great guy! + This pose is....yum: :luv:
I freaking adore this design. Very brilliant and really grabs my attention. Another game designer, huh? Good luck with that. Can't wait to play your game when its done. <3
I has requestie Sai.... After you do Indalecio, can you do Shigeo next? He's my favourite of alllllllllllll!!!1 I love your art style so seeing him in it will just be heavenly. ...Saying to 'do' them sounds wrong....but you get what I mean. Yeah.
3D modeling is oh emm gee F.U.N.! I'm having a blast learning in my spare time. On to modeling an anime-style face already, so wish me lick. I'll post my semi-finished product here once I get done. I'm doing okay...a bit n00bish but who isn't when they first start out. Modeling it with loop mesh so it can be easier for face rigging for the animations and things that I will be moving onto once I master head and body modeling. Also learned more dreamweaver for the SOU website I'm building. That's fun too. I love working on this stuff, man. I've also been sick lately with my ovary problems...ugh. But i still live and work hard so I'm not complaining too much. I had to lay down alot yesterday which almost killed me because I can't STAND being bed-ridden and wanting to work or be my hyper self as normal...
See you later Farseli Nash/Zexion! <3 Studies are important. I'm glad you see that and take some time to really crack down before you graduate. Make sure to have fun as well.