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  1. Knightshade


    Man, you scared me for a sec. I thought you were leaving for good when you said Thursday will be your last day...:sweatdrop:
    But anyways I hope you have fun, excavating sounds pretty sweet ^^
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Knightshade
    I think I want to cry...
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Knightshade
    "C-Carefull..remember it's only water" He told her with a sigh as he waited for her to couch up the rest of the water.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Knightshade
    Yah that could also work
    and is the music on your ipod from itunes or another source?
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Technology
  5. Knightshade

    New Start

    *Fayte quickly moved the pillow out of his face and let it drop to the flooor revealing a smile on his face*
    "N-No o-" He began but suddenly stopped as he suddenly leaned forward and couched painfullly.
    " throat" He muttered with a sigh as he leaned back unto the bed. A few seconds later he quickly put the pillow over his ears as he heard knocking at the door.
    "..can you get that" He asked Mirysa quitely in hopes of not hurting his throat.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Knightshade
    "Here, just like this" He told her with a sigh as he walked over to her side and lightly grabbed unto her wrists.
    "Just move your arms like this" He told her calmly as he slowly moved her hands the same way he had done only moments before.
    "Got it?" He asked her a moment later.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Knightshade
    "Kay the one big thing about swimmin is moving your arms the right way." He told her simply.
    "Just like this" He told her as he floated on the surface of the water and reached his hand out and pulled back pushing him forward and continued on with his other hand. After a few seconds of this he swam back up to Abexecca and stopped.
    "Easy enough right, now you try" He told her smiling.

    ooc: I gtg, seeha later
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Knightshade
    *Fayte smiled happily as he let his hand slowly return to his side*
    " we are in the shallow end, so no worries" He promised her as he walked to the center of teh shallow area and waited for her to follow.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Knightshade
    "Don't worry..I promise everything will be all right" He told her softly as he swam over to her side.
    "I promise" He told her again as he lightly placed his hand over hers
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Knightshade


    Aww man, I'll miss ya. But I suppose it's always good to have a break from here
    I'll seeha when you get back then ^^
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  11. Knightshade
    *Nero glanced down at Nero with a look of anger but quickly wiped it away and showed his usuall emotion less face*
    "Don't worry, it's been fixed for all obvious things such as that" He replied simply as he turned around and walked away

    "Man..I wonder if anyone would notice if I didn't put it they would find out pretty quickly" He thought to himself as he walked over to one of the tables and grabbed one of the bracelets out of the tub.
    "Uh goes" He muttered as he placed the bracelet on his wrist causing it to sudddenly tighten making it impossible to take back off.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Knightshade
    "Now, common. Dontcha trust me?" He asked her smiling as he held his hand outward towards her
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Knightshade
    Meh, i'm fine. You?
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Knightshade
    "...It's okay. I just worry about ya" He told her as he slowly glanced up at her and smiled.
    "Now common, I need to teach you how to swim" He told her grinning.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Knightshade
    *Fayte bit his lip softly as he slowly glanced away afraid of looking directly at her eyes*
    "It's just've been keeping alot of things from me.." He muttered quitely and he gazed down at the water,.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Knightshade
    that's sounds exciting lol...
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Knightshade
    *After a waiting a few more moments Nero slowly brought a microphone up to his mouth and let out a sigh*
    "I'm sure you are all wondering why I have called you here. Well because of a few incidents of...emotions rising in a few certain people" He said stopping for a moment as he slolwy glanced through the crowd and continued on.
    "Well, because of this new problem I have had these created" He said as he walked over to one of the tables and grabbed out a bracelet out of one of the baskets.
    "When people who wear this of the opposite gender are close together it will cause the bracelet to send out a spark of enegry causing a slight amount of pain to the wearer. But the more this happens the more the spark will increase..untill it goes to the final charge..that will kill the person" He said as he momentarily letting this new information slolwy seep into there minds.
    "...Once everyone takes one they are immpossible to take off without a special key that there is only one of. And I shall have it with me at all times..." He explained calmly as he glanced around the room.
    "Once everyone takes one you may go back to your normal activities..that is all" He finished as he turned and walked out of the room.

    "Aww man...just what I need" Fayte thought to himself with a sigh as he watched all the other kids in the room piling around the table to get there bracelet.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Knightshade
    Hey guys, what's up?
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Knightshade
    "B-But.." He began to say but stopped with a sigh as he slowly glanced down at the water again.
    "If you want..I could teach you how to swim" He suggested a moment later.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Knightshade

    New Start

    "Thanks..." He muttered silently as he slolwy brought up a pillow and put it over his head and let out a sigh.
    Post by: Knightshade, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home