Will you ever get over that, Chaser obviously had some big things going on in his life. And you obviously didn't make anything better for him
"Soo...you wanna go get some food or something?" He asked her as he tiredley layed down on the floor and lightly closed his eyes. ooc: Well..not too much. Abexecca and Fayte are going out..Andrew might like Anna/other way around too annd..that's pretty much it. Everyones at the school now in random places
Wazz happenin...o.0
"Common, I think it's time for a break" He told her softly as he lifted himself over the side of the pool and stepped unto the slick floor.
Yah I know what ya mean
"Remember you have to move your hands fluidly. Be one with the water" He told her grinning as he swam off to the side of the pool demonstating what he ment.
I'm fine, just being drowned by my constant AMV's i'm making for these new groups I just joined
....I know lol
Yesshhhh your back :glomp:
maybe later lol, I gtg for now. Seeha
You..giving compliments? It must be a sighn of the apacolypse lol And coommmonn how am I an ass. I'm only kidding around with ya ^^
Yah pretty much xD
*Fayte glanced up in surprise as he heard his name called out* "O-Oh..tha-Achoo!" He suddenly blurted out as he coughed sickly. "N-Never mind.." He muttered miserabley as he slowly glanced down at his soup and took another sip of it.
riiighhttt lol well I gtg, i'll seeha later
uhh..I'll pass xD
umm...I don't lol?
...You have an invisible watch..that doesn't work o.0? What is wrong with you lol
Thanks xD Soo...I wonder when everyone else will get on