Hey guys wassup?
so...woah, that's pretty messed up. But seriously he's eating parts of this guy..and people are just watching. And you think that everyone would try to stop him as he starts to stab him I mean common..am I missing something here?
lol..sweet youtube name ^^...no pun intended and yess..she is quite a unique dancer lol
"N-No..I'm fine now" He muttered as he quitely twiddled his fingers. "It's for the best..." He thought to himself with a sigh.
"I-I..uh..." He muttered softly. "I should tell her the truth but..no..she would never talk to me again if she knew what i've done.." He though to himself worridley as he quickly came up with a lie. "..I-It..was just a seizure" He lied to her as he slowly glanced away afraid of making direct eye contact with her.
ooc:Hmm..the only thing I can think of is to bring back LOTO here
Well..if he was..then that would mean there would be 15 people in organization 13 lol. The # seems to get larger and larget
Hmm juicy ^^ And just a geuss..but the 14 memeber is probably Kairi's grandma since it was said we had met the 14th member before. And they said that the 14th member looked like Kairi. Butt...there is the time difference problem. Since she's a grandma When Kairi was a kid..and she was pretty old. But in the 358/2 days she should look older..unless turning into a nobody made her somehow look younger...
Oh god I know. It's like people write one little sentence and that's it. I mean yah i'll admit I do that sometimes..but I still try to add a little detail..well..I gtg i'll seeha tommorow Good luck falling asleep lol
If you say soo lol..maannn I am soo bored nowadays..it seems like all the good Rp's have gone away,not to much kh info, and pretty much everyone is taking small breaks from the forum
To lazy to go to sleep, huh lol? and you know you type alot like firekeyblade lol
Why don't you just go to bed if your tired then. It's not like anythings really happening on the forum and i'm, probably gonna get of..pretty soon. Oh and on a random note....Yessshhh i'm totally gonna cream this guy in a AMV beta battle...^^
Hopefully it will live up to all it's expectations..or it will fail miserabley..annddd....I fail(z) @ conversatin staetrrs ftw
Well I've heard alot about it and one of my friends read it. And pretty much everyone says it's awesome. Soo everytime I go to the library the first book is always chceked out..And I really want to see the movie when it comes out..but I would rather read the book first, then watch the movie
Seeha later(z) Have fun ^^
gooddd what is up with Twilight??? Whenever I go to the library it's always check out..
*Fayte slowly glanced down at the ground and let out a sigh.* "...I-I..I'll be fine" He lied as he softly bit his lip.
yesss 358/2 days comes out first :D
*Slowly he could feel himself start to feel a little more relaxed as he felt Abexecca's hands wrap around him* "T-Thanks.." He muttered silently as he weakly raised his arms and hugged her back.
*Bit by bit the fast flow of memories slowly faded away untill all he could see and hear was Abexecca worridley standing over him calling out his name. But even though the painfull experiance was over he could still could feel the after effects of the pain causing all forms of sickness to bubble to the surface* "I-I.." He began to say but suddenly stopped as tears started to flow down his face.