home..work..*dies* lol j/k seeha l8er
*A moment later Fayte slowly returned his hands to his side as he slowly staggered upright* "I don't know about you but i'm starved" He told her grinning as he leaned against the wall just to catch his breath
hmm..well forcing yourself to eat probably isn't good at all..and even if you don't like it. You probably should go to a doctor. Just go and get it over with. It would be alot better then having yourself feel horrible just because you can't get over your fear of going to see the doctor..trust me..i've been there before
Yah like Last said you really should see a doctor especially if you think it's getting worse. And how long has this been going on? and yah i'm fine, thanks for asking
*Fayte could feel his face turn bright red in surprise as he felt her lips brush against his but slowly he could feel his built up nerveosy slowly fade away* "T-Thanks..that really..M-Means alot to me" He addmitted softly as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her in an embrace.
Sorry I randomy left..
meh i'll see. I'll probably just wait till it's check in at the lirbary lol
*Fayte bit his softly as he felt her let go of his hand* Maybe I shouldn't have told he-..no..I had to" He thought to himself with a sigh as he slowly gazed up at her. "..I-It's over isn't it?" He asked her softly.
I reeaally got to get the first book soon ^^ How far are you in it so far anyways lol?
I'm okay. What about you, have you started the new twilight book yet?
"A few years ago...in high school...some-thing..starting to randomly control what I do..at first it only happened when I was really angry..but slowly it started to happen more and more. For some reason though it stopped for awhile..but when Summer started it took over again..A-And.." He said as he voice suddeny softened. "It made m-me.." He said stopping as he softly clenched his fists afraid of going on. But deep inside he knew he had to tell her what had happened. "I-It..made me kill people.." He finished silently
That;s okay, I had to leave for a bit too lol
I love how the whole time this guy is filming everything and she doesn't even notice lol
...one million..and one..I win..^^
..Told ya lol ^^
"I-If I tell you..will you promise..you won't be afraid..of me?" He asked silently as he returned his gaze to the floor.
...^^..I see you I'mm fine did you enjoy the twilight book thing you whent to?
<in> b4 :bangbang:
I am...pretty hungry ^^
"I-I..." He began but slowly stopped as he he felt more tears start to form at the edge of his eyes. "P-Please...just forget this ever happened...p-please..i'll do whatever you want just..forget.." He told her as he felt more tears slowly flow down his face.