"I-I'll be fine..it should go away in a second.." He muttered with a sigh as he weakly closed his eyes
weell..I gtg seeha later guy(z)
Okay, you seriously need to stop doing that...
..Your not supposed to give away rep or talk about it
Yah but how many American's are there, Meaning your chances of having that are incredibley unlikely. You need to stop worrying so much, i'm sure you'll be fine
"Cool, lets get going then" He told her cheerfully as he took a step towards the door but stopped as he felt a sudden pain in his head as he fell back against the wall. "Gooddd" He muttered as he pressed his hand against his head in hopes of somehow stopping the pain.
*Falls to ground* And nooo Neva ^^
...*eats gintasthebest*
Ditto lol. Anyways it'll be nice to hang out with my friends and hopefully a certain someone I couldn't talk to at all last year...
"Hmm..what about something quick like Subway?" He asked her curiously as he slowly pushed away from the wall so he could stand up on his own two feet.
What class/es are you taking it for?
*Sora quitely glanced up at the movie theatre and let out a sigh. But as the movie progressed he slowly lost interest in it as all he could think about where Breanna's words* "M-Maybe I should hold her hand..b-but..what if she doesn't want that..and Breanna's right t-there.." He thought nervesly to himself as he slowly glanced down at the arm rest beside him.
"Mann..I feel horrible.." He thought to himself with a sigh as he slowly placed his half finished bowl of soup on the table beside him and tiredley leaned back on the couch.
Is there anything really different about Summer school then real school?
Hmm..I wonder if the 14th member is Kairi's grandma since Tetsuya said we had seen the 14th member before..and they said the 14th member looked like Kairi. And since Kairi's grandma is related to her they should look similar... But there is the obvious age and time difference..unless Kairi's grandma somehow died and created a nobody that looks like her, only younger
I'm actually kinda looking forward for school to start...kinda lol
Well..the voice actor for Pikachu is a girl..
well I hate it when i'm sleeping. But if it's during the day I don't mind
Awww man your lucky, I love thunder storms ^^ And i'm glad your feeling better I hope it stays that way too
"Y-Yeah..i'll be fine" He told her with a sighas he slowly ran his hand through his hair. "So is there anywhere you want to eat?" He asked glad at the chance to change the subject.