whhatteevveerrr lol, whatever you want
Nooo I will not listen to your rude statements on a pm lol
Yes him and all of his pixily self Tempting..but i'll pass lol umm..by?
True lol ^^
It's all one giant conspiricy lol
..What is a ginta lol?
Yah shooting is a little..unneccassary lol
W..T..F...anyways why wouldn't you be jelous, I am lol ^^
"Yah i'm fine..Just a little tired.." He told her softly as he turn his gaze to her and faked a smile.
...What are you talking about?
uh huh... Fillaz
*Fayte smiled back cheerfully but then slowly turned his gaze to the passenger windshield and let out a sigh* "It's for the best..right?" He thought to himself nervesly.
It's okay, i'm only kidding with ya lol and ...I think i'll pass on the chainsaw..for now ^^
"H-Hey!" Sora said in surprise as he suddenly leaned forward about to jump but quickly tried to lean back in hoped of not falling. After a few seconds he slowly regained his balance and let out a sigh of relief. "O-Okay, i'm ready now" He told her grinning.
I-I..can't believe you forgot me :cold:
What are we talking about lol?
ooc: xDD ooh I have much more in store ^^ bic: *As He reached Abexecca's car he silently stood by the passenger's seat door* "I-I know I shouldn't but..if I don't leave..everything could happen again.I-I can't..let that happen" He thought to himself as he emotionlessly glanced down at the ground.
"...Y-Yah..i'm fine.." He replied silently as he walked through the school's main door. "I don't have much time left..after this dinner..I-I'll..have to leave her..it's for the best" He thought to himself with a sigh.
"C-Common..we better get there before it closes.." He told her with a sigh as he headed towards the front door.
ooc: Hmm I just came up with an evil idea ^^ bic:"S-See..i'm fine now" He told her a moment later as he swloly stood up on his own two feet