ooc: seriously I would think someone would laugh if there boyfriend/girlfriend said that lol bic:"Oh sweetness" He said as he tore open theplastic and took a large bite of his sandwich. "Hmm..oh you like mah shades?" He asked her as he pointed his his new sunglasses all the while still chewingon the sanwhich
ooc: xDD this is too much fun ^^ bic: *After a moment of glancing around the scene he nodded aprovingly and confidenlt walked back out of the bathroom and sat down on the chair opposite Abexecca* "Was happening baby?" He asked her grinning as he let one hand lay on the table while his other one lay under the table ready to pull out his knewly found pocket knife.
*Falls to ground and dies* ..Look what you have done..tch..tch..lol
*As soon as he entered the bathroom all of the pain he had been holding back suddenly emerged within him and he collapsed against the wall* "C-Crap no..not now..I-I..have..to..st-.." He muttered as he clenched his fists trying to overcome the pain but slowly it overwhelmed him and e collapsed to the floor unscience. A moment later his eyes slowly changed there hues into a midnight black and a wide grin slowly appeared on Faytes face. "Heh, it's so pathetic how he tries soo hard.." The new Fayte muttered to himself cheerfully as he slowly stood back up and glanced towards te door. "Now all I need is to wa-" He began to say but suddenly stopped as a middle aged man entered the bathroom wearing black sunglasses and a regular attire. "Goodbye" He said simply to the confused man as he suddenly lept forward and tightly wrapped his hands around him slowly causing him to lose all attempts at breathing. Only seconds after he collapsed to the floor unscience. "I could kill him..but I think i'm feeling generous today" He thought to himself as he slowly knelt down and picked up the shades of off the man and put them on. "And lets see..what else do you have?" He asked softly as he placed his hands in the mans pocket and a moment later broughht out a swiss pocket knife. "Perfect" Fayte muttered to himself grinning as he slowly stod back up and wiped the dirt off his pants.
uhh..sure lol ^^ *revives*
I would answer you in a reasonble but cheerfull manner..but..i'm dead..
...*dies* dead fillerz
*Faintz* fillaz ^^
It was like..5 years ago lol and anyways who cares if you messed up a little just go with it and laugh it off. Anyways people are gonna vote for the people who probably seem more happy and aren't exactly perfect
*Insert sarcasm here*Where would you get that idea*Insert sarcasm here*
Oh I ran for treasurer once..I think I lost though lol I'm sure you'll get alot more votes then I did though ^^
Don't tempt me lol ^^ And ooh elections for what?
Hey guys, what's up?
Yah..I have to agrree with ya. Even if he was psycho and out of his mind I still liked him...Although if I could I would rather have that one guy at the end (The one who stabs himself witht he pencil lol) to live over Light. He had the sweetest pencil swishing action ever lol
*As Fayte began walking towards Subways entrance he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head but quickly bit his lip tightly and didn't make a noise* "N-No it shouldn't be happening this quickly..N-No.." He thought to himself as he quickly glanced around in search of something to stop the pain but suddenly looked up when he heard Abexecca's voice. "O-Oh..can you just get me a turkey sub with everything..I-I..have to go the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute.." He told her as he quickly ran off towards the bathrrom
Also in the Coded picture you can see in the book at the very right it says their torment has been lessened(?).
*Fayte slowly brought his hand down to the handle and pulled it letting the car door open* "Maybe I hsould say something..tell her who I feel..I owe her that.." He thought to himself with a sigh as he slowly glanced over and watched Abexecca get out of the car as well.
"Don't worry, i'll be fine..." He promised her even though he knew it was a lie.
I'm just a random person who used to talk to her..that's about it