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  1. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur's eye twitched. This worm DARED question his ability? Shapur dashed forward and slashed left and right, taking out four elephants before stabbing the fifth one. His strategy was to take out the smaller ones so they can focus one the larger ones without worrying about getting swarmed.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 26, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur scoffed. As if numbers would make a bit of difference. Base then took out five of the enemies. Shapur took a moment to analyze his targets. While he didn't perceive these elephants as a threat, it would be foolish to write them off without proper study. After a few moments, he had no doubt in his mind that he could defeat them. "Let's get started." He leaped and struck down one of the elephants. "Next?" He then turned and slashed at the same time, dealing with another.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur looked up at the pink elephant, narrowing his eyes. He almost wanted to laugh. This was his target? A pink elephant? "This is ridiculous. Let's get this over with!" Shapur called his keyblade. "Come on!"
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur waved off Base repeating his name. He liked Lucy much better, anyway. He sat there, listening to the conversation going on around him. Not really listening, though. Just allowing it to go in one ear and out the other. That was when Base started asking questions. "No one is calling you a... fairy?" He paused, then continued on. "Secondly, Krowley and occasionally find ourselves in Yen Sid's company." Base stating that he had no clue where he was and what he was doing elicited a laugh from the warrior. "Neither do I. Neither... do... I. I'm simply fighting because it's all i'm good at. I honestly have no clue beyond that. Krowley." He flicked his eyes over to the other keyblade wielder. "Why do we do what we do? Why do we fight?" This was more of a personal question than Shapur just bouncing Base's question back to Krowley.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 19, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur nodded at what Base had to say. In this girl, he saw himself at her age; a young boy, an aspiring warrior. "That man... Lucy... is right." Shapur stood up. "If you have a dream, pursue it with courage and honor. Should naysayers smite you upon one cheek, smash them upon the other!" He sat back down again. "So says the Warrior's Mantra."
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur dusted himself off and glanced back at Base, the guy that helped them out. Before he could speak, the little girl began talking to them. Well, she wasn't exactly little when compared to him. Shapur looked up at her. "Of course we can speak." He sat down, still staring up at the girl. "My name is Shapur, proud member of the warrior class."
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Vladimir Makarov
    "Good enough." Shapur said under his breath as he took up a position about ten feet away from the elephant. He would tail Dumbo, slashing away any heartless that got too close. All the while, he kept his eyes on Krowley to make sure he would be alright.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 10, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    Hello. Pleasure to meet you.

    Hello. Pleasure to meet you.
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Mar 10, 2013
  9. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur would like to equip Combo and Poison Edge.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 6, 2013 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur will buy two potions, spend 5 crowns for a strength boost, and spend two points on power.
    Shapur will buy and equip Brave Warrior.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 6, 2013 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur called on his keyblade and narrowed his eyes at the enemies. "You honor me with this battle. Now I shall send you to oblivion." He held his blade with both hands and glared at the enemies. "Krowley. I have your back, can I trust you to have mine?" He said in a stern, almost commanding voice. Once Krowley responded, he would strike the nearest heartless with his blade, wanting to end the battle before it even began.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    There we go, fixed it.

    There we go, fixed it.
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Mar 1, 2013
  13. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    I'm sorry. >< Totally missed that.

    I'm sorry. >< Totally missed that.
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Mar 1, 2013
  14. Vladimir Makarov
    ((I apologize for not posting. My Alerts didn't tell me there were new posts.))
    They had finally found their target; Dumbo. What now? From what the mouse was saying, they didn't have much time to get him ready. Shapur wasn't very good at cheering people up; he wasn't expected to back home. The only type of love he had was tough love, kicking someone in the pants for their own good. He wasn't very sure how effective that would be here.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Feb 25, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur looked at Krowley. "Should we split up? We could cover more ground that way." He suggested, looking around to see if this... "Dumbo" was anywhere in sight. Shapur mumbled something under his breath and turned his gaze on Krowley once more. "Or, if you prefer, we could stick together. Your choice."
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur was listening to the elephants when a circus mouse spoke from behind them. He turned around. "The little guy?" He crossed his arms. "And who exactly is the little guy?" Shapur asked. He figured that "the little guy" was the one the elephants were talking about.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur got out of the way as quickly as he could. When Krowley spoke, Shapur shook his head. "I don't know. Should we... ask them?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the talking elephants. He wasn't really sure why this was surprising to him, considering all the things he has seen since he left his world. He turned to Krowley, curious about his thoughts.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur had picked a nice spot on the wall for some quiet meditation. His mind was weak. For him to be overtaken so easily... Shapur took a deep breath, not pushing the anger down, but allowing it to be released out of every pore of his body as he exhaled. His mind drifted to his former comrades. The ones he left behind when they needed him most. He swore, on his honor, that he would never let someone down like that again. Shapur was so focused, he didn't notice what was going on until it was too late.

    Shapur's eyes opened. "What..." He didn't know where he was, but he did see that Krowley was there. "Hey." He said firmly, just loud enough for Krowley to hear. Shapur approached him. "A familiar face. This is most welcome. Do you have any clue where we are?"
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Vladimir Makarov
    Shapur will be heading to Pachyderm Parade.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: OOC Lounge
  20. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post Comment

    Been alright. How have you been?

    Been alright. How have you been?
    Profile Post Comment by Vladimir Makarov, Feb 5, 2013