Shapur narrowed his eyes at the Trickmaster. Its end was near. It didn't even provide a challenge. He gripped his keyblade with with both hands. It was now dripping with a black substance. Poison. Without saying a word, Shapur charged at the Trickmaster, jumped up in the air, and slashed down on the enemy's head with his poisoned blade.
Shapur grinned to himself. This thing didn't stand a chance. And it knew it. He ran at it once more, unleashing a flurry of quick strikes, then jumping back to see what good it did.
Shapur shook his head as he was struck. "Is that all you've got!?" He charged once again and struck at the Trickmaster's legs, then jumped up and struck downward on top of the Trickmaster's head.
Shapur roared and struck the Trickmaster a total of three times. He was pumped. The spirit of the Hall was flowing through him. He felt truly invincible.
I know. >< Gonna need to get all sorts of grants and loans.
Yes indeed. I want to get this stage of my life done and over with so I can head off to college. I HATE grunt work, but oh well. Gotta start...
I'm trying to find a regular job.
Yeah, but it's not regular. She pretty much calls me in when she needs me.
Not much really. Just going through the motions of life. xD I have to tear down a house tomorrow and i'm being underpaid for it. Fun.
Ohhhhh, sounds rough. D: I hope you get through it alright.
Oh, that guy wanting to join my REALLY f'ing old role-play? xD Well, he's relatively new. So I won't tear into him. I've been alright. preordered...
What cstar said. And you're also breaking the rules by posting in a thread this old. :/ I recommend you give the rules a reread.
Shapur let out a battle cry and dashed forward, striking at the Trickmaster. "Now die!"
Shapur gazed in amazement as the elephant flew. "Thorin's beard..." He mumbled, following Dumbo with his eyes. He couldn't believe it. This elephant was actually flying. He simply stood by and watched. "Heh... who'd have thought?"
Shapur backed away from Dumbo and looked on as the others pitched in and tried to help Dumbo fly. Why are they working so hard on a hopeless goal...? He narrowed his eyes and approached Dumbo once more. Why, he didn't know. But somewhere in the deep recesses of his heart, he felt a pull. He felt like he needed to help. He growled and put his hands on Dumbo, pushing as hard as he could. He grunted and growled as he pushed with all of his strength. The veins in his muscles were popping out. "Why... am I... doing this...?" He wondered under his breath.
Shapur sighed. "Well, at least after all this is done, I get to say that I helped an elephant fly. Let's get this done." He moved, about to do something, when he realized he hadn't the faintest idea how to make Dumbo fly. Other than the obvious 'jump off the high wire and see what happens' idea.
Shapur was about to answer the new fellow, telling him that he hasn't come across a girl like that before, but then Timothy and Jim mentioned flying. He narrowed his eyes. An elephant? Flying? That's impossible. Shapur moved away from Dumbo and stood next to Krowley. He mumbled to him, just under his breath, "A flying elephant? Do you think it's possible?" Shapur had seen many things in his lifetime, but never something like a flying elephant. Although, he wanted to laugh at his skepticism. He could do magic, he had a mystical weapon that seemed to have a mind of its own, he has fought creatures that only appear in your darkest nightmares. A flying elephant was well within the realm of possibility.
Shapur landed back on the high wire next to Dumbo. He looked over at the newcomer. Great, stuck with another one. Shapur turned to Krowley, who addressed the new arrival. He then turned back to the newcomer. "Yes, I am quite interested in that myself." Shapur leaned on Dumbo and stared at this new ally. Shapur hated change, and everything seemed to be changing a lot lately.
Shapur turned his glider around and went after the heartless he struck before. He swung at it again, catching it right in the jaw. It then dematerialized.Shapur nodded to himself and went to take out another one.