I hope to change that soon though.
It's just that my position in life has no upward mobility. xD
I know. It was just funny the way you said it. ^^ And that's okay. At least nothing bad is going on.
Nothing new with me. xD Kinda stuck in a rut, actually.
"Other life things" xD Meh, nothing really new. Trying to move forward, mostly. I'm kind of stuck in a rut right now.
I'm doing okay. ^^ Could be better. What's new?
I've been alright. ^^ Could be better. But I guess that's how life goes. Anything new going on?
How are you doing, gurl?
Hi there. ^^
Good evening, love. :3 Keeping well? And happy birthday the other day.
The latter is correct. After the second visit to Hollow Bastion, head to the Castle Chapel. There should be a dark portal there similar to the one you had to go through to get to the Dragon Maleficent fight. Go through that and there he is.
Hello Krowley, everyone. I apologize for dropping out like that. I lost internet some time ago (it was just one of those things I had to let go). But now i've found a semi-steady source of interwebs and i'm wondering if I can join back in.
Pretty good. I've been incredibly bored though. My life seems like its come to a freakin' standstill. But I can't really complain. Just dropped in...
Yo. Mist-ay. How you doin'
Hey. Would you mind controlling Shapur for this battle? I'm not going to have a lot of time for awhile.
Shapur was completely in the zone, his eyes fixed on his opponent. He ran up and struck the Coach once more.
Shapur roared and lashed out once more in the same spot as before. He was rather disappointed in this enemy's ability thus far.
Shapur grunted and held his blade out to the side, poison forming all around it. "Let's see how you like this!" Shapur swung his blade with all of his brute strength, striking the Coach directly in the middle. ((Sorry that my role-playing is lacking. I am short on time, but I figured I had enough time for a quick battle post))
Shapur had dismissed his weapon when he heard Beuce's remark. He rolled his eyes. "Stop speaking nonsense." All he really cared about was the fact they had defeated their enemy. Shapur looked at his hands. He could feel himself getting stronger with each passing trial. Wiser too. This must be what the elder meant when he told Shapur that if he embarked on this journey, he might not be the same once it was over. To be honest, Shapur wasn't sure how he felt at the prospect of changing. Shedding this skin he had become so comfortable in. Shapur simply shook his head. He had to keep his mind clear for now.
Shapur will equip EXP Writer. Shapur will spend one point on Stamina.