xD It'll be fun, I promise. I got my sheet for that rp filled out too, so we'll be RPing together before too long. I'm posting the IC as we speak...
AAAAAAAnd that's the one I was looking for. Both are accepted. I'll be posting the IC in just a moment.[DOUBLEPOST=1439256963][/DOUBLEPOST]Here it is, everyone. http://kh-vids.net/threads/the-finale-return-of-the-dark-days.151112/
Awesomesauce. :3 I'm filling out my sheet for that rp, finally. >< I tried filling it out the day you told me about it, but I lost it, so I gave...
I'll fill out a sheet too if that's alright. I think this is a pretty creative idea and i'd love to get involved. I'll edit this post later with my sheet. I've got stuff going on right now, unfortunately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Here's my sheet. ^^ Name: Darias Falcomar Age: 27 years old Appearance: Spoiler Race: Elezen/Hume (Predominately Elezen) House: Valefor Occupation: Summoner Gear: Oaken staff, boot dagger Sign: Diablos Bio: Darias was born in the woods on a warm Spring evening to an Elezen mother named Ulia and a Hume father named Talion. Darias was raised primarily by his father, a higher ranking member of House Valefor. His mother and father once raised him together, but a month after he turned two, his mother and father split up and he hasn't seen her since. Of course, since he was so young, he has no clear memory of her; just a few vague sights and smells. His father doesn't like to talk about her, so Darias knows very little about his own mother. All his father told him was that his mother is a peasant girl that he met when he once traveled across Ivalice. Other than that, he knows nothing about her. Darias's entire childhood was spent sheltered in a castle. He was never even allowed to go into the city. His only window to the outside world was his books and maps. So, as one could imagine, he read a lot. And it was through this reading that he learned about the summoning arts. After reading about some famous summoners, he decided that was what he wanted to be. Throughout his teens, he was trained by a hired summoner in the arts. Now, he is into his 20's and a man in his own right. Now, he has decided to go out and see the world and find the answers he has been looking for. Other:
Here's the thread for my rp btw. :3 http://kh-vids.net/threads/the-finale-return-of-the-dark-days.151096/#post-4259293
Alright, looks good. ^^ You're in. This is moving a lot faster than I thought it would. Just need one more application and we'll get this show on the road.
Looks awesome, cstar. You're in. ^^ I'd like at least two more people before we start. I already have one more interested applicant.
Looks good so far. ^^ Once you get your history in and it all checks out, i'll add ya to the roster.
This RP is a redux of the very first rp I ever ran. It is Kingdom Hearts based and takes place many many years after the events of the series. In fact, the events of that time are shrouded in mystery and most details are twisted as the legend evolves. This RP will center around a small band of peacekeepers in the village of Roland's Ford. Thanks to the efforts of these peacekeepers, the village has remained safe for the past two years. Things will soon change, however. The encroaching darkness spares few, and Roland's Ford is in its sights next. ------------------------------------------------------ Long ago, our World was once a seperated thing. The worlds were all scattered and divided, each one not knowing the existence of the other. Darkness reigned in the places between the worlds, ever-malevolent and all-consuming. Then, when all hope was lost, the light came and pushed away the darkness. It made our World whole, as it is now. Now, do not be fooled. The darkness is still a threat. There are those who would see the Dark Days return, when light was a dying thing in the World. It is important to remain vigilant, else the Dark Days come again and all fall into darkness. Look around you. It's happening already. Sightings of strange creatures, cities come under siege, men killing men. I fear the World is in great peril. There are those who remain vigilant, however. Neoph and his band have kept the small village of Roland's Ford safe for the past two years. Even while the rest of the world lets the darkness in, we in Roland's Ford endure in our own little corner of the light. But for how long? ------------------------------------------------------- Rules All basic RP rules should already be known, but I do have a few regulations; 1. I would like this rp to be decently fast-paced, so I would like everyone to try to aim for four posts every 7 days. This isn't rigid, but I don't want the rp to become bogged down while people wait for others to post. 2. I will make a "GM Post" where I move the plot along once a week on Sunday night or as needed. 3. Posting standards are at least 3 lines with decent detail and good grammar. 4. No Keyblades. At least not yet. If you want your character to wield a Keyblade in the future, PM me. 5. Combat and ability checks will be handled by GM call. This means that you call your attack or your action and I decide whether it succeeds or fails based on a variety of factors. You don't have to wait for me to tell you whether or not you succeed walking across the room, however. Generally, if there is a chance of failure, that is when a GM call is neccessary. -------------------------------------------------------- Character Sheet Name: Alias: (if any) Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Weapon: Talents: (Can be literally almost anything. Max 3) Goals: History: [You can PM this to me if you'd prefer to keep it a secret] Other: -------------------------------------------------------- PvP Statblock If you plan to partake in Player vs Player combat, you will need to fill out a PvP Statblock and have it approved. This is to make sure that combat between players remains impartial, fair, and fun. How to fill out the statblock: You have six points to spend between Strength, Defense, Agility, Magic, and Magic Resist. You cannot raise a stat higher than 3 at start. Your Hit Points are equal to 20 + your Defense. Hit Points: Strength: 0 Defense: 0 Agility: 0 Magic: 0 Magic Resist: 0 Magical Bonuses: (If any) Spells: (If any) -------------------------------------------------------- PvP Rules (v1.0) There will come a time when negotiations break down or conflict between player characters spills over into all-out combat. When that time comes, we need to make sure that combat is fair. Therefore, I have devised some simple rules so that we can focus on the fun. First of all, who goes first in combat? To determine this, we look at each participant's Agility score. In the event of a tie, the GM will randomly determine who goes first. So, it is now your first turn in combat and now you want to attack your opponent. How do you do that? First, unless you have a ranged weapon such as a bow or throwing weapon, you must approach your opponent and get within five feet of them. Then, you must declare your attack. As you write out your attack, take a look at the opponent's Agility. If your Agility is higher than your opponent's, they take a direct hit. This means that you get to inflict the full amount of damage on your opponent. If your Agility is lower, you inflict a grazing hit. This means that you only inflict half damage. Your opponent will then write out the reply to your attack. They will look at your Strength score (adding any magical bonuses) and subtract it from their hit points if it is a direct hit or subtract half of it (rounding up) if it is a grazing hit. For offensive magic, you do the same thing, except you compare your Magic score to your opponent's Agility and the damage is based on your Magic score, but you subtract your Magic Resistance. There are no grazing hits for magic. -------------------------------------------------------- Roland's Ford Roland's Ford is a small fishing village on the coast of the Lamian Sea. It is home to only about 50 people, but thanks to smart trade and Neoph's band protecting the village and its goods, it is growing quickly. The mayor is a man by the name of Gald. He isn't very popular and rumor has it the only reason he was put in charge of the village was because he was in good with the Duke. Either way, if things continue the way they have been for Roland's Ford, they have a bright future indeed. Durlag The capital of the Duchy of Sparrowhold, located only a couple hours' ride away from Roland's Ford. It is home to one of the greatest markets for miles around. It is also called "The City of Shadows" for its famously underhanded political intrigue. Accepted Characters Spoiler: Vladimir Makarov - Neoph Name: Neoph Rampart Age: 21 years old Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: Neoph is always among friends, even if they do not know it yet. He is not a very good leader, despite him leading the band that protects Roland's Ford. He's also very trusting. Too trusting. He is the kind of guy that likes to think the best of people. He most always takes people on their word. He's very kind and extremely passionate about the things he loves. Weapon: Fenrir's Fang (Sword) Talents: Swordsmanship, athletics, history Statblock Hit Points: 21 Strength: 4 Defense: 1 Agility: 2 Magic: 0 Magic Resist: 0 Spoiler: Aelin Fireheart - Aedion Name: Aedion Whitethorn Alias: N/A Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: Bloop Personality: Aedion has a rather wild and free spirit that is constantly kept bottled up. Most don't see it. Usually he seems cool and collected if not a little spaced out at times. He takes his work very seriously. He will also seem rather full of himself at times. Weapon: This sword right here Talents: Swordplay, good politician (speeches and winning people over, that kind of stuff), good leader Goals: Win favour of the people in his families name so they can boost there already high status in society and when he takes over his fathers place he will be well respected and can hopefully rise in rank among the people and in the political system (Whatever that is) History: Aedion was born to a wealthy high ranking family. He has been raised in the politics. When Neoph started the group to keep their town safe, Aedion's father gave him the family sword, and sent him to help and hopefully rise in rank and respect in the group and city. His father always thought about the political gain of such things for himself, despite the times that the world was falling into. However Aedion is just thankful for the little bit of freedom it allows him, though he keeps that a secret. Aedion plays the part of the rich kid doing this for political gain, while still fighting his hardest. However deep down in a hidden part of his heart he wanted to be out of the obligations that came with his heritage. Aedion will often wear a mask when outside of his fathers preying eyes, so that he wouldn't be recognized and stopped by too many people, if would just hinder him from his job. However the mask serves another more personal purpose too for him. To him it is a symbol of the mask he wears everyday in doing the politics of his father over what he wants to do. For that reason he keeps it close to him. He doesn't let anyone know any of this however. To everyone else he in just some snobby rich kid trying to do something for the world cause he has nothing better to do. Other: The two headed snake on the pommel of his sword symbolizes strength and cunning in his family. With the two things together in one body it creates a sharp double edged sword. Something that is needed in their line of work. Spoiler: Cstar - Aello Name: Aello Hummel Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: here Personality: Aello is very shut in and lacks a lot of visible emotion, she doesn't talk much but she is very supportive to her team. She doesn't like to open up too much but when she does it's usually not something extremely important. Weapon: Last Rites [The Axe] Talents: Blunt Combat, Good at being a meat shield. Goals: To get as strong as possible. History: [messaged] Other: N/A Spoiler: Glen - Stefano Name: Stefano Macellazione Alias: Hunter Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Here Personality: Extremely aggressive and heavily prone to violence, enjoys insulting others. Almost never does something to help others unless he can see it working out for him in some way. Exceptionally fluent in sarcasm and smartassery. Weapon: The blade seen in his picture, as well as several throwing knives kept on a belt. Talents: Swordsmanship, Hand to hand combat, marksmanship Goals: Simply to survive by any means necessary. History: I'll PM it to you when I've figured it out. Should take a day or two. Other: Haven't used this specific OC since about 2007, this should be interesting. Spoiler: Hexin - Higure Name: Higure Yu Alias: Black Wind Age: 15 Gender: Male Height: 5'4 Appearance: A young lad with long red ochre hair tide in a tail. Bangs flow freely over forehead, but barely cover sapphire irises. A simple track suit and belt buckled boots dress him. Accessories are dawned to better express the inner-self. A sky light blue bandanna cowl wrapped around the neck, a large beige hatresting itself atop of head, a brown string-edged cape placed over right shoulder to cover the right arm and holster, and Rowel Spurs decorating the back side of boots are what give a gunner like impression. Personality: Analytical, perceptive, and sharp minded. A hat that is never taken off in public, and a bandanna that never leaves its master's face. Hat is always titled forward so that no one may see the child's sapphire eyes. Higure keeps to himself, never really one to talk much except when trading information. To new eyes, he's A child forged in Enigma. To those that know him, they know the kindness that can be generated from the boy. Compassionate to the unfortunate, kind to everyone and all who have even a sliver of light in their heart, a guardian to those closest to him, and innocent to all who remove the layer(s) that mask his identity. Higure is nothing more than a fifteen year old adolescent. Weapon: A Gold Magun Kiddy version (Triple Barreled - Sawed Shotgun) Talents: Gifted Magical user, Sharpshooter, Nimble Goals: To one day be capable of wielding the True Magun in order to fight the awakening darkness.He searches endlessly, hoping to find the weapon. History: A traveler among a family of merchants. Higure was the son of a loving couple; Marla and Faron, whom made their living off of being traveling merchants. They ventured all over the world making a name for themselves. It was the best way to see new horizons, attain new knowledge, acquire rare goods, and most all create new connections with other people. It was through the journeys that the young lad found himself drawn to the magic arts. At age eleven it was when mana was finally able to manifest itself in physical form. It further fueled the boy's desire to continue learning. With proud parents, the practice continued. Being the son of traveling merchants had its perks, and one of them was being able to get your hands on rare books. Studying from there on was a matter of time well spent. It was a simple, yet effective life style. One might say, "Why learn magic? What use would it have for you?" Although most would be right, Higure had his plans. The Legendary Magun, supposedly a gun with powers that could change destinies. If he could wield this weapon, perhaps he could help fend off the darkness that had been slowly creeping its way back into the world. Heck, with the resources at his disposal, there was a high chance he could one day do it. So like any child, he began to practice using a gun. Parent's were not to happy at first, but they eventually softened up as they saw Higure become more proficient at it. Why stop a child's interest from becoming a career, right? It was for the best... A crucial turning point in Higure's life unfolded one evening as the family was en-route to a city. They were to hit the hay at an inn first thing when they reached the city. Yet, the such comfort and luxury was denied when the family reached a point in the path where the city was to be a beauty in the evening horizon. However, what they saw was horror. A dome of darkness had engulfed the city, and the cries of innocence lost to darkness echoed in the night. They had heard rumors, stories of what the darkness could do, but... Faron quickly looked to his son with concern and back at the city. Without a second thought, the caravan had turned around incredibly fast. They would be taking an alternate route to a village nearby. When they had arrived to the village, the family taken regufe at an inn. Faron quickly spread word of the fallen city, making sure the information had reached the law enforcement of the city. Higure spent the evening in his mother's arms while Faron sat in deep contemplation at a desk. Marla had fallen asleep, but Higure was wide awake, still in disbelief at what he had witnessed. A while passed before Higure had fallen asleep with his Father's reassurance. It would be the last day he'd see his mother, and father. Dawn had yet to give rise when the village was attacked. The creatures of the dark spawned, taking no prisoners except for their hearts. The screams, the cries. The sliver of hope that everything would be alright if he just stayed in the inn. He could have helped somehow. Had he just disobeyed, and taken courage perhaps... perhaps he could have become the critical turning point in the village's survival. Faron went missing after trying to lure creatures away from Marla and Higure. Marla gave her life defending him while he watched frozen in fear as the yellow eyes stole what was not theirs. The village had been consumed by the darkness, along with Higure. It was a nightmare. He was forced to stare into an abyss of blackness that seemed never ending. Yellow and red eyes surrounded him, no matter where he looked. All he could do to escape their soulless stare was to merely shut his eyes, to which it was in sleep where he found peace. He would later wake up on a beach, lost, confused, but aware of what had just happened. Somehow, he had survived. Filled with resentment towards the darkness and himself, he pushed on. For three years and onward he'd venture on his own as some vagabond, grabbing work wherever he could. Years of traveling with merchant parents gave him the necessary knowledge to learn how to accrue, and invest munny. Years of practice with magic and guns gave him the physical skills needed to defend himself, as well as utilize said skills for work. The nimbleness came later, from necessity. Throughout the travels, he had come to hear more stories of the darkness. It had become more and more common now. Cities, villages, and towns were falling prey to something so ancient. One day, it just sunk in and he realized SOMETHING had to be done. Their world was in danger, something or someone had to do something about it. But how? The Legendary Magun. A weapon with powers that could change destinies. If he could get his hands on the weapon, then vengeance....no... Vindication. Vindication would then be everyone's. All that had fallen, all that had been hurt by the darkness. They could all be Vindicated. The light would push back the darkness. With Determination fueling those young sapphire eyes, his path was set. Other: Gun does not require ammunition to fire. It is a gun fueled by the boy's mana which fires spells (Like a wand). The only exception is when a summon spell is used, which then special ammunition must be forged with the boy's mana. -------------------------------------------------------- PvP Statblock How to fill out the statblock: You have six points to spend between Strength, Defense, Agility, Magic, and Magic Resist. You cannot raise a stat higher than 3 at start. Your Hit Points are equal to 20 + your Defense. Hit Points: 20 Strength: 0 Defense: 0 Agility: 3 Magic: 3 Magic Resist: 0 Magical Bonuses: Gun lessens mana usage, and increases rate of spell dispersal. Spells: (Starting) Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Cure, Summon Terk & Tantor, Summon Moogle Mog Spoiler: Myst - Richard Name: Richard Lancelot Alias: Lance Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Richard also means Dick Personality: Egotistical, prideful, will snap if someone makes fun of him and he cant retort it. Weapon: Frozen Sunlight Talents: Extremely brilliant, Extremely strong, being an ass hole, its a talent! Goals: To find someone who shares his feeling in watching the world burn. History: Ah, History, a subject of the past. Well it all began when a pair of people decided to get married and have a baby. After some explicit content later and 9 months of back pain, tears, and horrifying craving and mood swings, a little girl was born. The only thing was that she had a- OH it was a boy! The doctors that delivered weren't too bright. Childhood was a fun one. The young boy grew up like a normal baby. He cried, he pooped, he killed his parents. Just a normal baby. Accidents happen, that's what everyone told him when he grew up. As he aged, he became much more well aware of the world and how ignorant and stupid people were. Of course this lead to him thinking he was greater than everyone else. This was until he met a girl named Keiko who changed his life and made him realize he was a complete ******* to everyone around him. It was a good relationship. It lasted for a good two years. He made some friends, had some adventures, and things just looked great! However, things took a turn for the worse where they left the safety of town, got trapped by several strange beings and Lance got to watch all his friends be slaughtered, including his love, Keiko. Her last words continue to haunt him. Now that the event happened, Lance finally knew what was holding him back. The feeling of sadness was a handicap. He took that emotion and just shot it. Shot it and made sure it never happened again. Now, he just tries to find a good time by making other's cry and himself enjoy their misery, drinking the tears they form by the gallon. Other: He has a scarf... Glen knows what that means. Spoiler: Magick - Teliana Name: Teliana Alias: Ana Age: 20 Gender: Female, obviously. Appearance: Because I'm oldschool and I like to make life difficult for myself; Medium height, brown hair that is sunstreaked and hangs around her shoulders in a loose braid with brown, doe colored eyes. Pale skin with freckles across the bridge of her nose. Missing the ring finger of her left hand, scars covering the skin of her palms. Personality: Claustrophobic of large groups of people, prefers small towns and villages to the populations of larger cities. She has a sense of humor, and uses sarcasm often, but she truly cares for those she calls friends. She doesn't go out of her way to help others, but she doesn't mind giving a hand when it's on the way. Very paranoid. Weapon: (Are you ready for this?) A scythe that stands as tall as she does, with the blade of equal weight of the staff. The staff itself is made of black lacquer wood, and the blade is made of iron. It curves in a sickle shape and has phrases carved into the blade. The blade itself is about three feet long. Talents: She is a fast reader retaining most of what she reads very quickly, and a lovely voice with good sense of tone (good singer). Goals: She would like to one day escape the paranoia that follows her, and find true peace. History: Teliana was named for her mother's mother. Her father and mother loved her very much, and when she was three, they had a second little girl, Mela. They grew up in a small house on the edge of town, using a large plot of land to provide for themselves and give a little income. They bought their father a scythe for his birthday, an expensive piece made of iron. He treasured the gift so much he wouldn't use it, and hung it above the fireplace instead. When Teliana turned eight, their father went into town and never returned. Their mother tried to support her two daughters by doing the cooking and cleaning for the middle class of the town. When Teliana turned fifteen she took a job at the local tavern in order to help her mother and sister. Mela attended school while her sister and mother worked, and the peaceful events went on until Teliana turned eighteen. A stranger came to the tavern and took particular interest in Mela, who was visiting her sister. Teliana insisted on walking her sister home before returning to the tavern to help the owner close up. When she returned home, she found her mother and sister murdered by the strange man. Using the scythe she had bought her father, which still conveniently hung above the fireplace, she killed the man, buried her mother and sister, burned the house and left. Plagued by a deep sense of paranoia, she miraculously survived along by herself, scavenging for food on the roadside and fending off bandits until she was taken captive. She only recently escaped her prison when the bandits were raided, using the confusion to break herself out. Now she's alone, left with the memories of her failures and her trauma. Other: She might be a little f*cked up. And she stole a book from the bandits. Hit Points: 21 Strength: 0 Defense: 1 Agility: 2 Magic: 1 Magic Resist: 2
Ah, I see. I read the thread. It seems pretty cool. It's not my thing, unfortunately. ><
That's about where I am too. Can't really complain. ^^ And yeah, I think i'd be up for that. I'd better stop after I join SOS, though. xD I've...
Yeah dude. I'm going to be around for awhile, so I figured i'd reconnect with old friends. How've you been?
'Ey yo.
Ah, life out of high school. Really not all its cracked up to be. xD I remember when I couldn't wait to get out of high school... don't get me...
I've been better. Last couple of days have been pretty good though. Restarting Children of Organization XIII (Heh, remember that?), so i'm pretty...
My very first rp experience was actually here, way back in an era of darkness that I refer to as simply; "2009." I took part in an RP run by one "Smackdoodle McGiggles" named "The Elite Organization." Man, just thinking about it gives me nostalgia. When I read it, I cringe at my posts though. So much bad grammar... so many one-liners... CURSE YOU PAST ME GIVE ME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Ahem... I look back on those days fondly, however. Even when I read through my posts, I take comfort in the fact that i'm far better than I once was.
Hey there. ^^ How've you been lately?
Hey Fearless. Long time no see. :3
Yeah, I'll join. It seems like it'll be fun. ^^
xD I'm sorry I reminded you. I understand trying to repress the memory. I decided to embrace it. Figured it would make me stronger. But it only...