NEOPH Neoph stood by to help Ana get up, but she managed to do it herself. She was tough. That was a good quality. Attaching his waterskin to his belt, Neoph looked in the direction of Roland's Ford. "We go there." He pointed in that direction. You couldn't see the village due to the hills, but it was that way. "My home is over there. We can get you tended to." He chuckled. "It doesn't look like much, but I wouldn't live anywhere else." He stepped forward a bit. "Do you need some help? It's a good hour or so back to the village." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? As Kala passed the threshold between the village and the plains, she came across a tall man in a black suit. He wore a wide-brimmed black hat which covered the top half of his face in shadow. "Good day, miss." He stepped towards her. "Keeping well on this fine day?" It wasn't what most people would call a fine day. It was turning autumn around Roland's Ford, so it was starting to get cold. The sky was overcast with dark clouds. It wouldn't be surprising if it rained soon.
Neoph took a quick look around while Ana was trying to gather herself. It appeared they hadn't been followed by anything dangerous. Neoph still didn't let his guard down, however. Even in a quiet, peaceful, serene field like this, danger could emerge at any time. The Nobodies were becoming a real threat lately. And it was they that you had to worry about the most. Their cunning put them a cut above any Heartless. When Ana spoke to him, Neoph turned and smiled. "You looked like you needed help. That's all." He reached for his belt and grabbed his waterskin. He detached it from his belt and offered it to Ana. "Here. Drink this. You look like you need it. The name's Neoph, by the way. Neoph Rampart of Roland's Ford. Pleasure to meet you."
Oh, just realized that didn't answer your question. The meeting is mandatory.
Neoph grit his teeth in frustration. This girl wasn't making things easy for him. When she pointed out the "bad people", Neoph nodded. "Yes, I know. Bandits. We got the Durlag city guard on that. They should all be dead now." He sighed. "Forgive me." With that, he sheathed his sword and grabbed Ana by her waist, lifting her with relative ease and hoisting her onto his shoulder, holding her by her legs so she wouldn't fall. "Sorry, but this isn't really the place for an argument!" With that Neoph, ran as fast as he could, weaving through trees and over boulders. Once they were a safe distance away from the fighting, Neoph gently set Ana down.
Yup. At the town hall. :)
It doesn't really bother me as long as it doesn't get out of control. ^^
((Realized Neoph came off as kind of condescending in my last post. xD Wasn't intended, but there ya go.)) Neoph tried to catch Ana as she fell, but failed. "Oh. Well, you're obviously not okay. Come on. I don't live far from here. Maybe we can get you something for those scrapes and get you a bath." He fanned under his nose. She smelled a little rank. He kept a close eye on the Heartless. They seemed preoccupied with Stefano. He did kill half their number after all. Still, Neoph didn't know how long that would last. He gave Ana a comforting smile. "You do realize i'm honor-bound to help you whether you want me to or not." It was true. The whole reason he started this band was because he made an oath to always help those in need. And while sometimes it caused him a lot of trouble, he was happy with himself and in the end, that's what was really important.
Neoph was in the middle of his walk when he heard it; the sounds of battle. "Duty calls." He mumbled and ran as fast as he could in the direction of the noise. He came out at a small clearing. There was Stefano, someone he recognized, as well as a woman who appeared to be in pretty bad shape. He didn't recognize her, however. He drew his sword and ran to Stefano's side. He thought about engaging the Heartless, but there were only two of them. Stefano would be more than a match for them. He looked back at the woman. She REALLY didn't look good. The sooner he could get her out of harm's way and maybe get her some medical attention, the better. "Hey." Neoph looked back at Stefano. "I'll bring our friend here back home. Think you can handle these two?" The question was rhetorical of course. With a sly smile to Stefano, he answered his own question. "Of course you can." He pat him on the shoulder and approached Ana. "Can you walk?"
Nah, is cool. :3 Bounties are one of the things Neoph's group does.
No prob. :3 I've only got one of those things. ;w; Well, two if you count Hulu. (F**k Hulu) Oh, also, can you PM me? I can't PM you and i'd like...
I posted a clarification. ^^ Just to kinda spell it out. But yeah, i'm just in a really crappy mood today. >< So that kinda affected the rest of...
Yeah. In this time, all the worlds are connected in the sense that they're basically one big world. Like, you can walk from Deep Jungle to Neverland. It'll take awhile, but you can do it.
I'm on my PS3, so I can't do it now, but I should have access to a PC soon. ^^ So, how's your day going?
Accepted. ^^ Welcome aboard.
xD Oh, that I can do. I read your post, and I can edit in Neoph going outside in my post and you can have her stumble into him?
;w; Don't be mad. If I shine your shoes, will that make it better?
Here it is;
Neoph stood at a table in the town hall, feverishly shuffling through job orders and signing them, placing them in half-assed piles by order of priority. Ever since he and his band saved the village from that incursion of Nobodies, all the village's problems fell on the shoulders of him and his. One job caught his attention though. So much so that he stopped and read it through twice. It was a bounty for a specific person. That was odd. He had never received a bounty for a person before. Sure, mankind committing crimes against each other has been more common as of late, but around here, it didn't happen very often and certainly not on the scale to where he would receive a bounty for them. He read through it once more. "Suspicious character spotted at King's Island, five miles off the coast. This character is suspected as the source of the rapid increase in Heartless and Nobody activity. He must be taken alive for questioning. Beware, he is extremely dangerous. Bounty: 7000 munny" "Hey, mayor!" Neoph called out towards the mayor's office. Mayor Gald, a short, pudgy, balding man of 55, entered the room. He looked exhausted. Roland's Ford faced many problems lately and it seemed to be taking a toll on him. Neoph could understand that. It had been taking a toll on him too. "Yes, Neoph?" Gald replied, pulling up a chair at the table and sitting down. "Tell me more about this bounty." Neoph slid the paper over to him. Gald read the paper and let out a sigh. "We have several witnesses saying that a mysterious figure in a black cloak has been summoning these monsters. The Durlag city guard was dispatched to deal with him and tracked him to King's Island, according to the survivor." "The... survivor?" Neoph asked, eyeing the mayor. "Yes, yes. A tragedy. Poor boy was badly shaken when they found him. He said that this mysterious figure decimated his entire squad with ease. The only reason he survived was because the man told him to return and tell everyone what happened." Gald began fidgeting nervously. "That's strange. Doesn't seem like the ordinary brand of crazy." Neoph took the bounty back and looked it over, almost as if he was concentrating on it. "Indeed. When your group meets this evening, I would recommend discussing it. If what that guard said is true, this man has some frightening power indeed." Neoph stood up. "I'll make this a top priority, mayor. You have my word." Neoph gave Gald a salute. "I'm sure, son. And again, thank you." Gald saluted back. After his meeting with the mayor, Neoph decided to take a walk in the woods. It was a common stress-relieving activity of his. He would take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the wild and just forget about his problems for awhile. He wasn't too far out; only about an hour's walk from the village.
D'aw, you're too kind. ^w^ *Takes a bow* Almost finished. May take a bit longer than I said.
Sweetness. ^^ It should be up in the next five or ten minutes, so it shouldn't be long. Hey, HIGH FIVE! o/