Season 4 will very much be worth your time though I assure you.
You stopped just when it was about to become awesome lol. Seriously you have GOT to see Season 4.
Seriously? How is that even possible? Did you watch all the seasons?
Awesome! =D My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I seem to recall you being a brony. So am I! ^_^
Well those things are all true yes. @Yakumo I tried adding bullet holes for multiple effects but the maker wouldn't let me. So I guess I'll just have to make do with numbers.
Do you like to RP? If so I was wondering if maybe we could sometime?
Good. Just RPing and chatting with friends and playing my PS3. :)
Ah I see.
Wait, wait, wait, What the fuϲk? How the hell are you guys using customs in a Random Draw Duel? O.о Or even Japanese cards for that matter?
Thanks! =)
This should be interesting. Maybe I'll finally get to see what Pendulums can do.
The problem with me is I'm not gonna be lucky enough to always have those said cards when I need them though because I can't draw them. And Elemental Heroes cannot recover from hard hits well at all. Especially the old ones. If you use Polymerization and bring out a beefy Fusion only for it to get Raigekied, Dark Holed, or Mirror Forced etc. that's an instant -3 from the hand so next turn your chances of recovering are pretty slim. If I used Blackwings it would be easier because they actually ARE pretty good at recovering from hard hits. But there's no way I could recover from being hit by a Raigeki and 2 Dark Holes and/or 3 Mirror Forces. Also I don't like how Konami literally FORCES you to change your deck and/or try new cards like every six months. It's probably just my Severe Asperger's but I hate change with a passion...
I don't understand why anybody even still plays this game. You can't even get out a good monster anymore without it getting Raigekied, Dark Holed, or Mirror Forced etc...What fun is that?
I'm sorry that I don't message you much. I'm just pretty reserved and not very social. I don't usually message people unless they message me...
Yeah that makes me wonder if maybe this is a sign that you were meant to be my friend in his place.
At first I wondered if maybe I would be the only one to not understand becauseof my Asperger's.
I dunno what I did but thanks. =) And it's funny you should show up when you did. I feel like maybe it's a sign or something. Cuz I just lost a...