They WOULD be too broken to be acceptable in the real game yes. But I think they're acceptable for the arena.
[DOUBLEPOST=1424383772][/DOUBLEPOST]Imgur images don't wanna show up for me any more for some reason. Looks like we're gonna need to postpone our Duel.
I did put you, Fred and Brooklyn in charge of judging customs yes. But I also have that authority here as I do with everything else since it's my Arena.
Because it's MY arena that why I overrule everyone here...But I have decided to put you in charge as part of the staff though.
Very nice. Avenger's Assemble, Hawkeye and Black Widow are perfect. The rest are quite broken but since their effects can only be used during your turn and they can't attack the turn you use their effects that balances them to where I can accept them. EDIT: I don't really get how it makes sense for Nick Fury to be a Fusion Monster but I like the way you made him.
Yes that will help me to read them. The maker uses a different design now so if you simply remake them without changing anything on there now I should be able to read them.
Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man and Thor are disapproved. And I can't read the text of the Toon ones. But the rest are approved.
I can't see them.
Before we start though you may want to post your customs so Fred and Yakumo can judge them.
Looks like I'll be needing my Evil Heroes. EDIT: Also you didn't change your terms yet.
Latias wants to face me soon and I need to train for my Duel with her so...Wanna face me again? EDIT: Oh but no Exclusives please. I would prefer to have a real Duel. But Customs are fine this time since Latias is planning to Duel me with Customs. DOUBLE EDIT: I would also prefer to play without Pendulums and with old school rules if you don't mind please. I still don't know how Pendulums work or even how you summon them.
I went through the exact same thing awhile back.
Ah I see. Missed that part cuz I wasn't paying attention to the Duel.
Did MST get bounced back to your hand or something?
What was the point of Reload?
I'm thinking he'd have some Machine support in there. And since The Supreme King's whole deck was never revealed either in the anime I figured he would have stuff like Fiend and Rock support in there. And at least 2 Monarchs. Caius and Granmarg.
Yup. Very nice.
*looks at the current Duel* Wow...Was SmokeBomb holding back against me?
It's rulings are unclear to me. But If it allows someone to declare their Battle Phase twice then by all means it should be banned.