Bad news everyone...We're screwed...
@SmokeBomb I don't really recommend trying to make your customs acceptable by Yakumo. It's not worth your time. I was most likely not even gonna use my customs anyway. They were just for fun.
It seems the only way Yakumo will accept customs is if they suck... And I don't get it, How would Robin be helpful with Exodia?
This is bullshit. How is Nightwing any different than Pitchblack Warwolf? And so what if my deck has good OTK combos? Blackwings and Shaddolls etc. do too. As do many meta and non-meta decks... Am I not allowed to make a good deck archetype? One that would actually do well in the meta? Is that it?
New Vigilante Hero:
Please no...One Maleficent was enough. And that was the one we really needed. Not this new messed up one.
What are you talking about? I showed you my customs a long time ago and you only complained about one of them at first.
So I guess my customs are at the very least acceptable in non-random right?
Now it makes sense...It seems my Joker is pretty much another Magical Scientist...
Why is Chain Material a big deal? That card seems pretty useless.
Remade The Joker again:
Examples please?[DOUBLEPOST=1424635778][/DOUBLEPOST] Never heard of Seventh one.
My point is even some of the very weakest decks in the game can OTK but they still aren't competitive. It would just be a rare occurrence but any deck archetype is capable of OTKing. But anyway regarding my customs I can see why you would disapprove them for random but there is no reason at all why they should not be accepted for non-random.
They probably can. I'm just too lazy to look up how. But any deck can OTK. Even Crystal Beasts can. Temple of The Kings lets you play Trap Cards from your hand an unlimited number of times per turn...My Joker card only lets you use one Trap from your hand per turn...That's a big difference...
Exactly how is he abusable?
Why is it a bad thing if they can OTK though? Any deck can OTK.
Indeed. I am seriously getting sick of all his rudeness. If he's going to criticize us and our customs he could at least be polite about it...[DOUBLEPOST=1424556338][/DOUBLEPOST] Why are we not allowed to make customs just as good as cards Konami makes though? If anything my Vigilante Heroes are not any more broken than Blackwings are...
It seems like the way Yakumo sees it we aren't allowed to make GOOD customs though...I don't see what the big deal is...It's not like Konami has never made any broken cards before...If they can do it then why can't we have that right? And I'm trying to design Vigilante Heroes to be a GOOD archetype not a sucky one.
Remade: I tried to put them next to each other by the way.