Anyway I thought I could play with Rarity at first but then I realized that I'm not comfortable enough with Gem Knights...
Is this from Shin Megami Tensei? I should try those games. I heard they're gonna cross over with Fire Emblem.
You just seemed to imply that you were.
I'm always here if you wanna talk. =)
But are you seriously going to compare inverting colors to putting literally no image at all in the card and just leaving it a blank white sqaure?
Of course I remember you. =) Sorry, I stopped using Facebook cuz it was too dangerous. ^^;
Well you were obviously trying to piss me off or you wouldn't have said what you said.
Well at least I do SOMETHING...It's still better than nothing...
Fair enough. But cards shouldn't be approved unless they have an image if you ask me.
........You're not even gonna give them images? God I hate it when people are that lazy................
I didn't lol. She must be confused.
My terms are as follows. LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: No Manga Exclusives: No Video Game Exclusives: No God Cards: No Illegal Cards: No First Player: I don't know. Number of Cards per Deck: 80 Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Old School Rules. Luck Based Cards and Pendulums are not allowed.
Oh isn't this place just lovely! I could get my mane done here! Could one of you be a dear and bring me a cup of tea?
It's ok darling take your time!
I want to have a test Duel as Rarity.
Wow the partner AI is really stupid in this game... Kaiba has 2 Blue-Eyes White Dragons on the field. Kaiba tributes them both to bring out another Blue-Eyes White Dragon........................[DOUBLEPOST=1422321387][/DOUBLEPOST] Good but would be even better then. And that way Dueling Network wouldn't even be needed.
Tag Force really needs to come to the PS3 and/or PS4. And that way they could make a version of it that would never become outdated. Whenever a new banlist and more cards came out you could just hit Update and buy the new cards as DLC.[DOUBLEPOST=1422320145][/DOUBLEPOST] I too am curious about this.
All of them. Crazy huh? Is that sweet or what?
Yeah I think you are. Yeah that's the reason why I don't think they're the same.[DOUBLEPOST=1422301604][/DOUBLEPOST]*Looks up the new Tag Force game* OMG NO WAY IS THIS FOR REAL!?!?!? THEY HAVE ALL THOSE CHARACTERS IN THIS ONE!?!?!? THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!!!