Search Results

  1. Plums
    I'll look into the bot's functions in the next couple of days to see about disabling the multi-character spam limit and also stopping the auto-moderation message for now, and potentially talk with the rest of the staff on the Dyno bot in general (what we need it for that Modbots doesn't provide, etc). Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
    Post by: Plums, Nov 26, 2016 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. Plums
    Starting the first trial on the 3rd island.
    Post by: Plums, Nov 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Plums
    Yeah I'm just now going towards the very first trial in my game ;c
    Post by: Plums, Nov 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Plums
    Post by: Plums, Nov 19, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Plums
    View attachment 45771 View attachment 45772

    Hey everyone! With the release of Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue in little over two months, Famitsu released two new screenshots featuring Aqua in the Realm of Darkness, and Mickey in what appears to be Yen Sid's Tower.

    What info are you hoping gets dropped in this issue?

    This next installment in the Kingdom Hearts series will be featured in the next issue of Famitsu, coming on November 17th. Keep your eyes peeled for more info!
    Thread by: Plums, Nov 15, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Plums
    Ive been having these weird thoughts lately. like, is any of this for real, or not?
    Post by: Plums, Nov 14, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Plums
    Bit of a bump, but I will try and distribute pins to the winners this afternoon. :] Congrats everyone!
    Post by: Plums, Nov 12, 2016 in forum: Unchained Costume Spooktacular
  8. Plums
    this is a p5 girl bro (she's also my bae)
    Profile Post Comment by Plums, Nov 10, 2016
  9. Plums

    Hey there all you Kingdom Hearts kids! Sorry for the wait, but have no fear, the staff is here to give you the complete, fully official 100% results now, so let's see who our lucky members of the Kingdom Hearts Videos User Awards of 2016 are!

    Most Adorable
    Last Year's Winner: Maka Albarn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Ghost

    Once every hundred thousand years, the Kawaiivatar, Master of All Four Sugary Goodies, graces KHV with their presence, and declares one whom embodies the sugar, the spice, and everything nice as the Most Adorable, Cutest, Most Precious Blueberry Spicehead to ever exist. Ghost, you are the kawaiiest. Marushi is also a precious twinkle star child.

    Most Ambitious
    Last Year's Winner: Boy Wonder
    Last Year's Runner-up: Misty, cstar, Amaury

    These folks are go-getters. Motivated and goal-oriented. They're gonna pick up the biggest, nailiest hammer they can find and crash through the glass ceiling (and the moon). KHV thinks Boy Wonder and Calxiyn overflows with ambition. Captain Arch is also pretty aspiring.

    Most Changed
    Last Year's Winner: Aelin FireHeart
    Last Year's Runner-up: Chad Thundercucc

    Changes happen on KH-Vids and life in general. Some are good, some are okay, and some just plain old suck. KH-Vids has voted and Makaze comes out as the most changed! Special mention goes to our runner-up, Calxiyn!

    Most Committed
    Last Year's Winner: Roxam, Misty
    Last Year's Runner-up: Krowley

    KHV has it's ups and downs. Sometimes, it's difficult balancing everything out between the forums, our physical lives, our secret chihuahua business, and everything else. But through it all, Krowley takes it on the cheek and carries forth. The dedication of Plums and libregkd is nothing to sneeze at either.

    Most Creative
    Last Year's Winner: hyuge
    Last Year's Runner-up: cstar

    Creativity is difficult to achieve; even some of the most popular artists haven't an ounce of it! KHV would like to acknowledge cstar as the person they wish to siphon the creativity from most. Krowley and Jiku Neon should remember to walk around with a friend at night, too.

    Most Down to Earth
    Last Year's Winner: Skyheart
    Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn

    Taking a page from Guru Chillima, these people are so down to earth, they've achieved degrees of levelheadedness not seen in thousands of years -- a weapon to rival global warming. KHV believes Stardust never loses her chill (unless Megaman gets involved). libregkd, Explode, and Skyheart are pretty grounded as well.

    Most Egotistical
    Last Year's Winner: Beucefilous
    Last Year's Runner-up: Makaze

    KHV thinks Blaine gives Beyonce a run for the money in belting out the ego, with Calxiyn as runner up.

    Most Helpful
    Last Year's Winner: Calxiyn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Misty

    Is there a member that always seems to be able to give you a helping hand? Are they the Mercy to your Reindhart? KH-Vids has decided that Plums has enough hands to help out a thousand times over, with Cat~ as our runner-up.

    Most Heroic
    Last Year's Winner: Glen
    Last Year's Runner-up: Boy Wonder, Hero of Time

    Wait! What's that? Is it a bird? A plane? It's the entire union of competitive fighters approaching on the horizon! The Lost Hero of Time and X-10 DigitalAtlas are here to save the day! Their sidekicks, the Capital C, the Boy One and Dunder, and Skyheart follow suit. You don't wanna mess with either of them, unless you want your sexiness drained away and a FATALITY right where it used to be!

    Most Hypocritical
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    One minute they tell you not to eat the Easter candy, next minute, they have the baskets of millions of children around the world pouring into their mouths. KH-Vids thinks Blaine is Lord of the Hypocrites, though that Calxiyn kid is pretty sketchy too.

    Most Insane
    Last Year's Winner: Beucefilous
    Last Year's Runner-up: jackdaniel0

    Sometimes, there's a member that you could probably see running around downtown in a duck costume covered with ice cream and magazine clippings of Taylor Swift making awkward faces screaming about Einstein's Theory of Relativity as it relates to Jabbawockees. KH-Vids thinks Jiku Neon fits the bill, though that Beucefilous kid could be down for it too.

    Most Inspiring Member
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Ienzo

    These are the people we look up to; the ones that motivate us and push us to exceed our limitations and achieve all we can be. KHV thinks Jayn and is a high quality role model, and Plums is pretty inspiring as well.

    Most Intelligent
    Last Year's Winner: Skyheart
    Last Year's Runner-up: libregkd, Styx

    “I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” Sometimes we wonder if even What? knows what he says, but he's still a ball of genius and hopefully no Bill Cipher. libregkd is pretty intelligent, as well.

    Most Interesting
    Last Year's Winner: Ienzo
    Last Year's Runner-up: Princess

    Let's face it: every now and then, a member comes along that, by comparison, just makes us all look downright dull! According to you, KHV, Maka Albarn makes us all curiouser and curiouser about her life. Karuta, Hayabusa, and Jiku Neon are pretty interesting folk, too.

    Most Intimidating
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: DigitalAtlas

    Is there one member that you are truly terrified of? One that makes you scared that if you even slightly enrage them, they'll only look at you and your pants will be a soiled mess of fear and shame? Makaze makes lots of people want to pop out the diapers before they approach, though I've heard DigitalAtlas sins one too many times in the Church of Dank Sonic Memes.

    Most Knowledgeable about Kingdom Hearts
    Last Year's Winner: Krowley
    Last Year's Runner-up: Misty, libregkd

    Playing some KH trivia and lost on who's a Nort and how many people are renting out Sora's heart? When you've got tale on your team, you've no need to fear the dark! Krowley knows his stuff pretty well too.

    Most Knowledgeable about Video Games
    Last Year's Winner: libregkd
    Last Year's Runner-up: Captain Arch, Krowley

    Need help beating that one boss? Can't find that secret item or unlock that alternative end? Want the latest on the gaming industry? libregkd is the man with the plan (like, the original game schematics). DigitalAtlas has quite the know how too.

    Most Likely to be Banned
    Last Year's Winner: Jiku Neon
    Last Year's Runner-up: Ars Nova, jackdaniel0

    KH-Vids has voted, and you all think the banhammer would come down pretty swift on Makaze. Jinx also rings suspect to your ears (eyes?)

    Most Villianous
    Last Year's Winner: Glen
    Last Year's Runner-up: DigitalAtlas, Beucefilous

    WARNING: Tonight marks this 37th crime in KH-Vids' neighbordhood. The DUEDLY DUO Calxiyn and Krowley have sunken their malicious claws into yet another of our comrades. Do not approach this man at any cost! Furthermore, we have word that the DEATH KING HELLSATAN Ars Nova has been spotted near SpamZone Lane. Do not -- I repeat -- DO NOT, engage with them, lest ye wish to spend the next millenia in the deepest, most vile parts of the nightmares yet to come.

    Most Likely to be Famous
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Mike

    This is the member who's autographs you want to collect to sell on the web in 30 years and make a fortune. KH-Vids thinks Jayn will go far, though we think Calxiyn has shot at the stars as well.

    Most Likely to be on KH-Vids Forever
    Last Year's Winner: Misty
    Last Year's Runner-up: Amaury

    When it comes time to introduce your future family to your friends, you'll always find yourself logging in here to introduce your loved ones to these people! KH-Vids finds Amaury a constant in KH-Vids future, though he'll always have libregkd by his side.

    Most Likely to be on Staff
    Last Year's Winner: Boy Wonder
    Last Year's Runner-up: Aelin FireHeart

    If all of the staff mysteriously simultaneously vanished one day, these members would be the most likely elected to take over. KH-Vids finds they'd be fine with Hero of Time, Kitty, Heart, and Boy Wonder, but they find Aelin FireHeart and Makaze to be pretty capable, too.

    Most Likely to End up in Prison
    Last Year's Winner: Amaury
    Last Year's Runner-up: Dr. Lux

    These are the people in the squad you gotta watch out for from those police shenanigans. KH-Vids thinks that GhettoXemnas would be put to trial first in the totally probably least racist trial ever. Yep. KH-Vids thinks Blaine, C, and Amaury would be good cellmates to him.

    Most Likely to Never Hit Premium
    Last Year's Winner: Beucefilous
    Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn

    These are the people who, if they ever get a pink username, you'll tell them all about that crazy dream on Skype while laughing hysterically. KH-Vids is convinced Fearless will never become a pinky, though Plums is pretty set on staying where he is (he really is).

    Most Likely to be President
    Last Year's Winner: al215
    Last Year's Runner-up: Plums

    When you need something shot at, you ask a Republican. When you need something talked to death, you ask a Democrat. If you want something to be argued for eons, ask an Independent. And if you want your rent to go down, ask them why the rent's too damn high! But if you want something done, you ask Boy Wonder. Don't forget Kitty for 2020, though!

    Most Missed
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Ars Nova

    "H I IENZO WE LOVE YOU PLEASE COME BACK????" KH-Vids misses Jayn too!

    Most Nostalgic
    Last Year's Winner: Ienzo, Marushi
    Last year's Runner-up: Kites

    These are the members who want to build a time machine and travel back to the good ole days, where KHV was white and blue, where the TV wasn't awful, and everyone was smackdab in the middle of their cringeworthy phases of middle school! KH-Vids thinks Sara is prime to steal that time machine CERN's cooking up. Plums wants a blast from the past too.

    Most Obscure Tastes
    Last Year's Winner: Myst
    Last Year's Runner-up: Amaury

    When you talk to these people, you're pretty sure they have to be making at least some of these interests up. KH-Vids finds Jiku Neon and her interests to be quite out of this world, though Amaury gives her a run for the money.

    Most Overrated
    Last Year's Winner: Hero of Time
    Last Year's Runner-up: Misty

    An overrated member is more than one that always goes noticed -- they're one that gets the spotlight to the point where you can barely stand to see them post! In their years here they've built up quite a rep, but KH-Vids feels they don't quite live up to it! Makaze was voted most overrated. Runner-up is Ars Nova.

    Most Passionate
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    I REALLY CARE ABOUT EVERYTHING LET ME READ YOU MY 100 PAGE PAPER ON THIS VERY TOPIC INTRODUCTION. KHV thinks Ars Nova has the passion 10 million KH1 fueled suns! Cat~ gets pretty fired up, too.

    Most Proactive
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    These folk take destiny by the reigns, and dare to never leave it to chance. Makaze and Plums take what they want when they want it. Cat~ is aiming to claim her goals, too.

    Most Serious
    Last Year's Winner: Amaury
    Last Year's Runner-up: libregkd, 61

    These guys need a hug. Or some booze. KHV thinks Amaury should lighten up! libregkd and Makaze need to chillaxizzle too.

    Most Shocking Moment
    Last Year's Winner: Kingdom Hearts III's Gameplay and Presence @ E3
    Last Year's Runner-up: When Aelin FireHeart Finally Hit Premium

    There are always quite a few startling moments that arise over the years spent on KHV. This year, the Mass Resignation of Staff is the winner! Misty Retiring comes in second.

    Most Underrated
    Last Year's Winner: Aelin FireHeart, Yuto
    Last Year's Runner-up: Amethyst, tale

    An underrated member is more than one that goes unnoticed -- they're one that deserves to be noticed, but if they were noticed it would take the charm out of noticing that they're unnoticed. I'm also noticing that this might be the first paragraph to abuse that word so much. Moving on, Judge Sunrose was voted our most underrated member, followed by Aelin FireHeart.

    Most Verbose
    Last Year's Winner: StardustXtreme, What?
    Last Year's Runner-up: Makaze

    These guys talk a lot. Makaze and sometimes Dr. Lux, StardustXtreme, and Ghost need to calm down with all those words, man.
    Thread by: Plums, Nov 6, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: 2016
  10. Plums
    I haven't made surveys for web design, but something that's been helpful in surveys I have made (for psych projects and for this site), have been thinking of main topic areas I want to address. Usually the questions are pretty easy to come up with from there after I've nailed down a good 3-4 core areas I want to focus on.

    From the sounds of the website you're doing it for, maybe you could focus on stuff like navigation (how easy is it to navigate this site? can you usually find everything you're looking for? are there details that should be made more easily accessible? etc.), design (is it easy to read the content of the site? are the site colors appealing? what colors do you think best reflect the department/school? what font choice would you recommend? etc.), and content (what do you primarily use this site for? are there details that aren't on there that you think should be, like course info, contact information, etc.) as a jumping off point?
    Post by: Plums, Nov 6, 2016 in forum: Technology
  11. Plums

    PS3 is still a good choice. I would still backup the PS4 slim recommendation, if only for the fact the entire KH series is going to be on there now and you have streaming capabilities built into it (instead of having to buy stuff to record, tho you are still free to do that).
    Post by: Plums, Nov 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Plums
    Profile Post Comment

    Welcome back!

    Welcome back!
    Profile Post Comment by Plums, Oct 26, 2016
  13. Plums
    I can already see your recommendation for me:

    "Alex sux, pls don't hire him 0/10"
    Post by: Plums, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Plums
    Things are as they should be.
    Post by: Plums, Oct 10, 2016 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  15. Plums
    happy indigenous people day
    Post by: Plums, Oct 10, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Plums
    ENZYYYYYYYYYYY :D good to see you! how's it been going?
    Post by: Plums, Oct 6, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Plums
    tell him 2 log on and he should get it
    Profile Post Comment by Plums, Oct 6, 2016
  18. Plums
  19. Plums
    The Awards should all be closed by the end of today! Winners will be announced within the next week, and pins handed out shortly after that!
    Post by: Plums, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: 2016
  20. Plums
    heyo hyumongasaur
    Post by: Plums, Sep 28, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone