Secret Santa and Question Time pins are up to date!
it was his time, cstar. sometimes ya just gotta scoot on out of there
Thanks Amaury, merry Christmas to you too!
Whiteboard Corkboard Cologne Work Clothes Lightning Charger PS4 Pro And other TBD things ATM Doesn't really count, but I bought myself the Star Wars Blu-ray and the Korra Book 4 art book during employee appreciation at work (got a 45% discount on everything in the bookstore for two weeks) All in all I'm really happy with everything, especially the work clothes lmao
Pins for the User Awards should be completely up to date! Working on Secret Santa ones next.
Hey all! I decided I'd post this up early to give everyone a chance to hand in their gift in case they wind up busy tomorrow. Remember, you have until January 1st to hand in your gift! If you need an extension, please get in touch with me ASAP! Happy holidays, y'all!
I'm not super surprised given how she shared the trailer & Nomura made her album art, but it's really awesome to see this confirmed, and I can't wait to hear the opening when it's time to boot up the game.
Why settle just for next year when it can be every year?
There used to be a writing group here that Chev, Star, Claw, and I ran for a while, but it kinda died off due to difficulty in keeping up with it & it using the old Social Groups add-on (which is unmaintained by the developer) It is something that I would like to bring back at some point though, and something I've been tossing around some ideas how to bring back. There's nothing concrete yet, but I'm just gonna mark this as "Working On," and I'll try to get a more fleshed out idea in the upcoming months to get some feedback on from other staff and especially y'all, so it's not too ambitious & fits within the scope of what you guys can/want to do :]
Oh u sweet summer child Pins will be awarded beginning this week, and should all be distributed by the new year. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot a PM my way, and thanks for another year of user awards!
Thanks everyone!! I had to work but I am approximately 15 minutes out from stuffing my face with cake, so not too bad. why are we never online at the same time </333
Thought I'd throw my two cents on the game here: Spoiler: Entire Game Spoilers I love GSC/HGSS the most, but Sun and Moon have come to a really close second. Alola has so much personality, from the characters, the setting, the Pokemon -- it feels much more alive in a way that Kalos and remake!Hoenn in the 6th gen didn't to me. The trial captains reminded me of the Black/White Gym Leaders in how involved they were, but it feels like they were even more present and really cared about your journey through the island challenge. Progressing through it felt less like an obligation and more like a rite of passage, and gave off a sense of maturation I haven't really felt from a mainline Pokemon game before. Plot wise, IT WAS LITERALLY KILL LA KILL LMAO, I LOVE IT. The family angle between Lusamine and Gladion/Lillie (Satsuki/Ryuko tbh) was much more grounded than the usual "legendary pokemon threaten the world" plot we've had since Gen. 3 (with certain exceptions). Having Lillie, and Gladion to an extent, be with us from the beginning of the journey ave you a personal stake in them trying to overcome and save their mother, and Lillie is honestly one of the, if not the, best character Pokemon's done to date so far. The final fight in the Pokemon League made me smile so much. It really hammered home the significance of your victory in the League and what that meant for both you as a player (finishing your rite) and what it meant for Kukui -- we helped him achieve a dream he's been vying after since his trial days. Honestly my absolute favorite part of the Leaue has to be the angle it's taken -- you're the standing Champion, and you have to defend your title against a series of challengers. I also love how alien the Ultra Beasts are. The stat distributions on these things is nuts, haha. I'm curious as to whether Necrozma is a UB like the standard ones we've seen, or one in the vein of Solgaleo/Lunala. Overall, I'm really pleased with Sun/Moon and I'm real excited to see what they're gonna do next.
Aaaaaaand sign-ups are closed! PMs are being sent out today.
Hey all you kingdom hearts kids! Welcome to another year of our Secret Santa event! I am your Host Elf, Plums, and will be laying down how it all works. So kick back, relax, and make sure ou rev up those cookies for Santa. Or me. I'm not picky. ❄ WHAT IS SECRET SANTA Secret Santa is an event we host every year, in which you guys sign up and get to make presents for each other for the holiday season! Previous Secret Santa threads may be found by clicking the following hyperlinks: YEAR ONE - YEAR TWO - YEAR THREE - YEAR FOUR ❄ PRESENTS Presents are anything that you can make online and send to the person. Examples include, but are not limited to: Artwork AMVs Signatures/Avatars Writing (Poems, Stories) Pictures Other things of this nature You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. On Christmas Day (December 25th), I will make a thread in which you can post your gifts for the person you're paired with. If for some reason you are unable to do it this day, you can send it in a message to your assigned member early, or, alternatively, have until New Year's Day (January 1st) to post it. ❄ RULES Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online gift cards, web orders, etc. RATINGS ARE NOT A GIFT. Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me. Signups will go from today until Saturday, December 3rd. If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting). Gifts will be given on Christmas Day, but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be ahead of time. In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa. Have fun! ❄ SIGN ME UP To sign up, please follow this link to our sign up thread within the SpamZone: This thread is for general comments/questions/concerns only. Sign-ups are, as stated above, in the following thread: If you wish to toss out your question in private, please feel free to send me a message! Really looking forward to this, and hope you guys will be too!
View attachment 45815 Welcome to the seventh annual Secret Santa! My name is Plums, and I shall be your Supreme Santa for this year's processions. You all probably read the General Thread in the Community & News Section, but just to make sure they're clear, here are some rules for y'all. ❄ RULES Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online gift cards, orders, etc. RATINGS ARE NOT A GIFT. Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me. Signups will go from today until Friday, December 3rd. If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting). Gifts will be given and due between Christmas Day and New Year's Day (12/25/16 - 01/01/2017), but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be ahead of time. Typically this would be on Christmas Day specifically, but since this thread was posted late, and I am anticipating a lot of us will be busy over the holidays, I thought an extension couldn't hurt. :b In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa. Have fun! Now then, for presents, there are a few guidelines as well: ❄ PRESENTS Presents are anything that you can make online and send to the person. Examples include, but are not limited to: Artwork AMVs Signatures/Avatars Writing (Poems, Stories) Pictures Other things of this nature You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. On Christmas Day (December 25th), I will make a thread in which you can post your gifts for the person you're paired with. If for some reason you are unable to do it this day, you can send it in a message to your assigned member early, or, alternatively, have until New Year's Day (January 1st) to post it. ❄ SIGN UP PROCESS For those who sign up, be sure to post both the username you commonly go by, as well as a list of at least 3-5 of your favorite things. These can be bands, songs, TV shows -- you name it (as long as it's within the Rules of the Forum)! To give a brief example: Name: Plums Anmoose TV Shows Webcomics Video Games Music Movies My Battleships Akira (Kaneda) Gurren Lagann (Simon, Nia Teppelin) Steins;Gate (Suzuha Amane, Okabe Rintarou) Naruto (Naruto Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki, Konan, Hinata Hyuga, Tsunade) Kill la Kill (Ryuko Matoi, Mako Mankanshoku, Satsuki Kiriyun) Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Madoka Kaname) Code Geass (Lelouch Lamperouge/Zero) Pokemon (Pikachu) One Piece (Luffy) Shingeki no Kyojin (Sasha Braus, Ymir) Avatar: the Last Airbender (Aang, Katara, Toph, Yangchen, Roku) Avatar: Legend of Korra (Korra, Asami, Jinora, Tenzin, Red Lotus, Kuvira) Adventure Time (Finn/Fiona, Jake/Cake, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum) Young Justice (Dick Grayson, Artemis) BBC Sherlock (Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler) Homestuck (John Egbert, Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker, Jade Harely) Cucumber Quest (Cucumber) Questionable Content (Hannerlore) Persona 3 (Minato, Aigis) Persona 4 (Yu/Souji, Chie Satonaka, Rise Kujikawa, Yukiko Amagi) The World Ends with You (Neku Sakuraba, Shiki Misaki, Sho Minamimoto, Hanekoma) Kingdom Hearts (Sora, Aqua) Final Fantasy XII (Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, Fran, Reddas) Tales of the Abyss (Luke fon Fabre, Tear Grants, Jade Curtiss) Transistor (Red, Royce Brackett) Fallout 4 (Piper Wright) Remember Me (Nilin) Mass Effect (Kelly Chambers, Shepard, Miranda Lawson, Samantha Traynor, Garrus Vakarian, Mordin Solus) Absofacto Emmy the Great Los Campesinos! Emancipator Nujabes Regina Spektor Bonobo Tune-Yards Gogol Bordello Of Montreal Everything is Illuminated (Johnathan, ALEX) 500 Days of Summer Scott Pilgrim vs the World (Scott, Ramona) Harry Potter (Harry, Hermione, Luna Lovegood, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonnagal) How to Train Your Dragon (Hiccup, Astrid) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Cap, Black Widow, Falcon, Bucky, Sharon Carter) Korra/Asami Aang/Katara Naruto/Hinata Mako/Prince Wu Ymir/Historia Okabe Rintarou/Makise Kurisu Fem!Shep/Kelly Chambers Samantha Traynor/Kasumi Goto Cap/Falcon/Bucky/Maria Hill ❄ TABS BBCODE For those of you who want to use tabs, simply use the BBCode posted below: Code: [tabs] [tab=This is a tab] This is within the tab![/tab] [/tabs] If you have any further questions, feel free to shoot me a message!
[tabs] [tab=This is a tab] This is within the tab![/tab] [/tabs]