'great to see this up again. i can't wait to start again ^^ and that recap was pure epicness, no more words needed :)
Jinx didn't think before acting: she hauled Van Helsing to his feet without letting him waste time moving himself. Her eyes flicked to D, off in the distance, and narrowed. What the hell is he going to do? OOC: haha i'm game to play. no clue where we're headed but this shall be 'sexy' as u say!
Pantalimon's eyes narrowed as the argument went on. Everyone's body language was tense and even the dragon looked ready to blow. She couldn't quite figure out who was in the wrong; the boy and dragon for not listening and blowing fire at people? Or the lady in charge and her followers for frightening the creature. Pan looked again from the dragon to the lady. She leaned on the tree next to her, trying to figure out who would be the victor. Kill the dragon! a voice piped in her ear, making her sigh. She wished if she had to hear voices they would say less stupid things.
After her shower Haruhi felt much more awake and ready for school. She went about her daily routine before heading out the door to school: change into uniform, pack school bag, pack a lunch, make Dad a lunch, check on Dad again, tidy up the apartment. As she walked down the street towards school she checked her watch. It was a cheap one but something she'd picked out to be a little more masculine than her old watch. Right on time. she thought to herself.
While walking on the outskirts of the town with Alice, Pantalimon heard an out of place bunch of voices alittle farther on. "You get something to eat and drink, I want to see what that is." she said, pointing in the direction of the sounds just as a fire ball lit up the area a ways away. "Oh, that is definetly interesting." she smiled at the far off area, gave Alice a small wave over her shoulder, and headed in the direction. She thought Alice may follow her later but for the moment she only wanted to see the comotion. After a few minutes of walking, Pan came across a small group and a dragon, something she did not see often as they were hunted and stayed away from her mountain homes. She stayed off to the side, watching and listening.
OOC: is it dead or not??? (by that i mean should i post, hannah, or are you giving it up too?) lol
OOC: don't worry :) we all understand, take care of life out there and we shall wait for you here ^^
Rebecca, still leaning over David's shoulder in a very unsafe manner next to the cliff, licked her finger and held it to the wind. "that way!" she said, pointing in the direction of the wind. she didn't know which direction it was either so decided pointing was a safer bet than a actual named direction
Haruhi woke up to a very faint, but quite grating, beeping. She bleerily opened her eyes and tried to stand up but her limbs and neck were all sore from sleeping on the couch in a bad position. Slowly moving each leg and arm before cracking her neck, she got up and shook everything out. Her father must have come home because a blanket fell off her body to the floor. "Oh Dad..." she sighed, folding the blanket up and grogily going to the bathroom for her morning shower. On the way she peeked into her father's room to find him snoring away, obviously out like a light. Hunny woke up promptly without an alarm; his internal clock was more accurate and woke him up every day at the same time. "hm..." he yawned, stretching his arms over his head with Usa-chan dangling above him from a hand. As usual he was quite well rested and happy to be awake (as no one had made the mistake of waking him in the night) so he hopped out of bed and ran down the hall for his sugary breakfast.
Pantalimon looked around her, despite the voices. She could tell most were the citizens and soon she was used to the amount of people. "Hm, it does not smell good here." she commented after passing a series of make shift houses. "I'm glad I don't live here...." she trailed off as they passed the town square and a strange structure. It seemed to a kind of stage under a wooden beem, rotting as if it's purprose had become obsolete. Something about it made Pan pause. But after staring for alittle too long and being bumped into by a few towns people she shook off her curiosity and ran to catch up with Alice.
By the time the twins came inside Yuzuha had joined her husband in bed and both were fast asleep after an exahasuting day. Yuzuha fell asleep hoping the boy's new friend could knock some sense into them as well as wondering why they never brought any of their host club friends over. Haruhi stretched after a full night of studying and homework. She felt very confident about her school work, as usual, but tired. Glancing at the clock she frowned; it was getting late and her father was still out. He'd probably come back the next morning but as usual she wanted to wait up. So she packed up her school books and work, changed into pjs, made a midnight snack, and crawled onto the couch to wait. It didn't take long for her eyes to shut, the plate she held to slip from her fingers to the floor with a dull thud, and her mind to fall into dreams.
Pantalimon nodded. "I hope you find her. Good friends are nice." she commented with more sympathy than empathy. Pan liked people, but she'd never had and didn't need 'close friends'. On the other hand, she'd traveled with people who were very close to each other and they always made her happy to be around. As they neared civilization Pan's attention veered around from building to building, person to person. At first she was intreged, but slowly small voices piped up in a nearly inaudible way in her ears, distracting her from the new sites.
Pantalimon considered the offer for a moment but shook her head. "No, I ate this morning and I'll find something later." she declined the offer. "So you never answered what I asked. Are you going to this," her arm swept a gesture meaning the whole populated area before them, "for anything but food and water?"
"Well they should have food." Pantalimon smiled even as Alice blushed. She could tell the young woman was self concious; it was something she didn't see much of so she found Alice to be endearing. "Do you need a hand or can you walk?" she added as they slowly made their way into town.
Rebbeca ran after David. When she got to the top of the cliff she looked straight down over David's shoulder, using his shoulders for balance. "oooh, you're gonna fall down there." she teased him, pointing down and nearly throwing him off balance. Her gaze fell on fawn and she grinned widely. "Let's sore!" Slightly laughed at Rebbeca's teasings. He could see why Peter had decided to take her to neverland, aside from the obvious being related to Wendy and her child. Watching her and David talk and have fun was more fun then the lost boys had had for along time, it was new and exciting. He only wondered if they would leave like the others did... but this sad thought left his head almost as soon as it came. Thank goodness for goldfish-like attention spans
"That is a lovely name-." Pantalimon's eyes flitted around and she stopped talking half way through the thought. Soft, slippery voices whispered the name Alice at her before silently fading away. She looked back at Alice, wondering if she'd heard anything; but the young woman's expression didn't speak of any oddity so she kept her question to herself. "You can call me Pan. You're headed to town right? Any reason besides water? I'll walk with you there, in case you fall over again."
Pantilimon frowned slightly as Alice spoke, replacing the flask on her belt. "Robbed hm?" she mused, tapping her lower lip thoughtfully. "I dislike theives in this area. They attack at random, which is ridiculous. Most people living here have targets or a reason... robbers only want money." a tone of disgust reached her voice at the word 'money'. She wasn't very well informed of politics but money always left a bitter taste in her mouth no matter how it was brought up. Which was why she had none, life was simpler that way. Shaking off her musings, pan stood up, offering Alice a hand. "Don't worry about the debt thing.If no stranger helped me, I would have been dead a long time ago; consider it my repaying you for someone else's kindness." she winked at the girl. "Pass it on someday."
Pantalimon continued her way singing for about an hour before she actually saw some another person. She also saw country boundries. "Hm, I haven't been this far in..." she paused her steps to mentally calculate, "five years? Yes that's right." shrugging and continuing to move she realized that person she saw had fallen down, gotten up, and looked ready to pass out. Without missing a beat Pan veered her path and took hold of the girl's arm just before she fell again. "whoops, watch yourself." she warned, "You look ready to die, need some water?" pulling a small flask from her belt, she offered the girl a draft. "You must not travel much, but a good rule of thumb is to never travel without water. At least you knew to travel towards civilization. But you know there is a fresh stream back up the hill a ways?"
OOC: i think i fall into the kaoru category. idk, garexna what cha think? BIC: The twins parents watched them run off. Yuzuha sat down at the table first and shook her head. "I don't know what we'll do with them. Maybe this Haruhi will be a help though. I've never heard them talk about a friend before, esspically not a girl." she smiled softly, knowing that the two were getting to the point in their lives where they share everything. Binjiro patted his wife's shoulder. "Yes, this is going to be interesting. I'm going to bed." he kissed her cheek and headed up stairs, leaving her to her thoughts and sketches.