OOC: remember to talk if you need to, angelina. we're all here for you and yeah, this is quite a dramatic thread already haha. BIC: Haruhi shut the door behind her and stood infront of Hikaru, her hands set heavily on her hips. "Hikaru, I am going to accept your demands and pay off my debt by staying with you two and doing whatever ridiculous chores I'm sure you have in mind for me. I'll do whatever it is I can to help Kaoru recuperate as quickly as possible and keep him happy, to the best of my ablities. But I want you to know that while i'm doing it for my father and for Kaoru, I'm losing alot of respect for you two. Blackmailing me is a low blow...you should know I want to help out without threats." she took in a deep breath and shrugged, knowing she probably didn't do more than give Hikaru something to laugh over with Kaoru later.
Haruhi's eyes narrowed at the two boys. A moment before she had felt true sorrow for Kaoru and honestly wanted to help him. But now she saw they only wanted to manipulate her. Another girl would have been crying with the emotions Haruhi felt well up, but she meerly straightened her shoulders and pushed Tamaki away without a word. She backed up and pressed her back to the door, letting the twins give some ridiculous plan to the excitable blonde. "Hikaru, can I talk to you out in the hall?" she asked after he'd finished speaking. She had made her desicion about what to do. Of course she would give into their demands, but first she would tell him exactly what she felt; he'd said it himself, she was honest.
In Japan:Haruhi sat on the worn floor of her father's apartment pooring over a worn out text book required by her cheap online class. Unable to attend formal law school, even at the top of her class, she resorted to online classes while she searched for a job. A job, as it turned out, that didn't seem to exisit. After ten straight minutes of reading the same page without retaining an ounce of information, Haruhi dropped the book and buried her face in her hands. Everything seemed hopeless. She couldn't be a lawer, the host club members stopped checking in on her or even calling from time to time (because they were so busy she assumed) and her father couldn't support her like this for much longer. Elsewhere in the Gummi ship: Sora snored peacefully in the pilot's seat of the Gummie ship. He had the ship set to auto-pilot so he could get in a few hours of sleep. Although things around him were growing in turmoil, at least for a little, he could sleep and dream of sand and sun.
Haruhi watched them whisper with some trepidation. At moments in their queit conversation she saw genuine brother's love but at other moments she saw emotions flash across their faces that boded ill for someone. "Someone" probably was her, she imagined. As Hikaru approched her, she crossed her arms over her chest. Somehow she was afraid of him now and when his hand reached up to her face she was sure he'd slap her. Her eyes widened and then shut, bracing herself for the pain. Instead she felt his hand on her neck, causing her to shudder. "I... I didn't mean to hurt him, Hikaru. You should know that." her eyes opened sharply and met his. "I only held onto his sleeve. I didn't even touch his arm." her tone was almost angry but softened in the end. She felt awful for being angry now. For once her eyes cast downwards to her feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound angry. I just... Hikaru don't take out everything on me!" again her eyes raised to his. "I'm here for Kaoru but if you two don't want me here, I'll leave. I don't want Kaoru getting excited and hurting himself more."
OOC; ooh we haven't freed them yet. okey, that makes more sense. PS: did you get an A cuz ur mona lisa? BIC: Gemini walked next to Sameire, her cat-like steps silent next to her human companion. She could tell the princess was angry and dead set in their mission so, for once, she kept quiet and didn't intrude. But it's so quiet... she silently complained. Gemini was used to being alone but lately, being around people, she'd remembered how much she loved to talk with others.
Pantalimon put her hands on Alice's shoulders and touched her forehead to Alice's. It was an old calming act a man she'd traveled a few days with had shown her when she got very worked up over a dead deer body. "I'm sure you'll find her. And when you do, you must find me some day to introduce us. I would love to tell her exactly how lucky she is." with the last statment, Pan let go of Alice's shoulders and was pleased to see that her tears had disapeared. Little tricks like that always came in handly.
Yuzuha shook Kyouya's hand in return after recalling who the young man was: a friend of the twins and the son of the the owner of the hospital. "Thank you very much, that is most kind of you." she replied politely but alittle distractedly. "Where is a phone?" she added, hoping to avoid small talk and get ahold of her husband so she could return to her sons.
Haruhi rocked on her heels for a moment, debating joining them or staying where she stood. She compromised by leaning on the wall next to the door. "Yes, I tried to get here as fast as I could. Are you okay Kaoru?" she asked, worry layered in her voice despite her attempt to sound calm. "You look tired... maybe i should wait outside so you two can rest." she suggested suddenly feeling like she was intruding.
Pantalimon looked, for a breif moment as though she was disapointed. She opened her mouth to say something, shut it again, thought about Alice's words, and shrugged. Her smile returned to her face as if nothing had ever been wrong. "I hope you find her. You're a very dedicated friend. I'm not entirely sure why, but I respect that."
Haruhi entered the hospital and tried to locate Kaoru's room. It took her some time because people kept sending her in the wrong direction. Finally, when she reached the right room, she was told she couldn't go in because she was family. Tired from jogging to the hospital, walking up and down stairs, and across the hospital, she pulled herself to her full height and stared down the nurse. "Fine, I'll just wait here." she replied, sitting down hard in a chair near the door. Of course it was normal procedure to only allow in family, but they wouldn't even tell her if he was alright. Yuzuha was about to repremand her son for his actions but thought better of her words and simply shook her head. Looking at the ceiling after a silent minute she bit her lip. "Hikaru... you and Kaoru... you need to think before open your mouths... things happen and I don't think it's really anyone's fault. But..." she closed her eyes. "We'll talk about it when Kaoru is healed. You both need to rest." she glanced at the boys and offered a motherly smile. "I'm going to call your father, he should be arriving to the airport in an hour or so." standing up, she looked them both over once more, concern all over her face, before leaving the room to find a phone. Closing the door, she noticed a small figure seated in a near by chair, stairing at the floor. "What are you doing here?" she asked, surprised. Haruhi's eyes snapped up, as did she when the speaker turned out to be the twin's mother. "I-school is nearly over and Kaoru asked me to stay with Hikaru... and I'm worried." she explained, awkwardly. A different smile graced Yuzuha's lips. "I'm glad they have a friend like you. Even if you did send my son to the hospital." her tone was slightly mocking but came off as kind. "Go ahead in and see them. You look as tired as Hikaru, you didn't walk did you?" she frowned again, continuing down the hall to find a phone. Haruhi nearly ran into the room, not even glancing at the nurse who stood guard. Once in the room, though, she stopped.
Yuzuha watched her sons talk and comfort each other as they took off in the helecopter. Having gotten the full story from the doctors and watching him being able to talk, she sighed softly to herself. When she'd gotten the call at work she was terrified but now, having Hikaru and Kaoru talking next to her, she could think straight. Broken ribs, a little internal bleeding, broken leg... let that be all. she silently prayed, knowing he may be hurt further but his ability to talk indicated he wasn't. Haruhi saw a helecopter fly over her head towards the hospital and sped up. Normally this show of doing something the expensive way instead of the normal way (helecopter verus driving) would annoy her, but for once she was glad they could afford a faster ride.
Pantalimon moved aside from the crowd to talk with Alice after giving the passing people an exasperated look. She knew she liked people but was starting to think she only liked them in small quantities. No don't think that way, these people are probably just stressed. she scolded herself. After Alice giggled, Pan tilted her head to the side. "On impulse? I thought you were going after your friend, to bring her back to your clan?" she reminded Alice, a hint of suspision in her voice.
Yuzuha hugged her son tightly. "of course you're going with him, darling." she assured Hikaru before letting him get in with his brother. "Kaoru we're taking you to the hospital, you'll be alright." she gently stroked her younger son's cheek while he was wheeled down to the helicopter. Haruhi stood in the door way watching the family leave. She felt alittle lost as the room emptied. Naturally it wasn't her place to leave with them, but she felt she had to be there anyways. So after a moment in thought and glancing at the clock, she made a judgment call on the time (school would be over soon anyways) and hurried out of the building to find her way to the hospital by foot. It wasn't all that far, she reasoned, and Kaoru told her to help his brother.
Haruhi gasped as Hikaru fell foward. She made a move to pull him back up but her hands stopped to hover right over his shoulders as she noticed he was crying and looking at his brother. Biting her lower lip she let her hands fall to his back but didn't move him. Haruhi didn't notice it, but her hands shook slightly on Hikaru's back and her whole body was tensed, as though she was ready to jump at the slightest sound. Yuzuha rushed into the nurses office clutching her cell phone in her hand. "Where are my sons?" she demanded of the doctor. Her husband was on a buisness trip across the ocean in California but he had been called and was on his way back on a plane even as she entered the school. Yuzuha saw a glimpse of her boy's through the neighboring door and pushed passed the nurses in front of her. "Hikaru, Kaoru?" she was immediatly at their sides. "Oh, who are you?" she asked, not exactly kindly to Haruhi. Haruhi's hands snapped to her side and she nearly fell backwards away from the twin's mother. "I'm Haruhi." she answered quickly, her hands coming together and bowing respectfully to the woman. "Excuse me, Kaoru asked me to stay with Hikaru." she explained. "Ah... yes you are their friend." Yuzuha frowned slightly, looking over the girl in boy's clothing. She was sure the twins had mentioned their friend to be a girl but... she threw off the thought, not caring enough at the moment to worry about it. "Stay if you wish." she added, unusually curt as she already was turned to the doctor. "I want my son at the hospital." she informed the man.
Haruhi rubbed her forehead, trying to think of a way to help Hikaru, who was way overly stressed by this. She turned away from him breifly to look at the nurses. "Just let him be, he's not going to hurt anything." she informed them, standing straight and crossing her arms defensivly. Although Haruhi was, admittedly, the shortest in the room, her aura was one of power. The nurses and doctors exchanged looks but let the three alone to wait for the twin's parents. As soon as the adults backed off, she turned back to Hikaru and leaned on the edge of the bed, watching both his worried eyes and his brother's unconcious face. "Hikaru, sit down, okay?" she gently asked, pulling a chair over to be right next to Kaoru. "If we're going to be here, you can't go tiring yourself out too much." she added, trying to smile at him.
OOC: oh, i'm not really sure... i'll check with garxena to see if she recalls next time she gets online
OOC: whoo hoo, good to see this back ^-^ BIC: Gemini watched as the few slave children who had not run off after their escape fall asleep near each other. They were obviously exhausted, and no blame to them. She crouched near the small group, watching as their breath deepened into a true sleep. Her eyes moved to the princess. "We did well." she whispered, smiling brightly. "I'll keep watch if you want to sleep." Straightening up she stretched her flexible spin backwards until something popped, releaving some tension. Mh, much better... I hope everyone else's thing goes well. I'm so glad we saved the kids. she happily mused to herself, leaping lightly to a tree branch over the kids.
Haruhi ran in after the twins. A nurse told her she had to leave but she stood her ground and coldly informed the woman that she was staying. Without waiting for a responce she went to Hikaru and Kaoru's side. "Hikaru, he's going to be okay..." she said sofly, touching his shoulder. "He may have broken something, but I promise he's okay." she immediatly pulled her hand back, though, realizing he was probably still furious at her.
Pantalimon nodded, still smiling. "Yes. I didn't plan to stay anyways; actually I don't entirely know where I am." she laughed at her own oblivion to the country right next door to her mountains. "But this place feels bad to me anyways, like I should get out while I can." shrugging, she laughed again, "And what are you planning to do?"
Pantalimon turned, hearing Alice's voice. "Just for awhile. I'm glad you found me, I didn't want to leave without saying hello again." she smiled at the girl. Alice now looked rested, fed, and less likely to fall over, all things that made Pan happy to see.