"Oh good, it really helps sometimes." Pantalimon expained, although what it helped she planned not to explain. For awhile she stayed quiet, hoping the droning voices would shut up by themselves. But as long as that city stayed in veiw, it was like being in it's street. So she began huming to herself, rasing and lowering the volume to match the voice's volume. It was an old tune, very much like the one she'd been singing before meeting Alice. She liked it because it was upbeat and she could play it on two instruments.
Pan looked back at Alice and shrugged. "I don't even know what we're looking for." she admitted, laughing. "Next time we pass people we can ask." she continued after being silent for a few moments. She didn't mention it aloud but after leaving the city, Pan noticed she was still hearing the same drone of voices as inside the city; granted it was quieter. Sighing to herself, she shook her head and glanced to Alice again. "You don't mind if I hum or sing do you?" she asked, remembering a time she'd tried to drown out an annoying voice while in the company of a young man who'd calmly informed her that if she didn't stop singing he would sew her mouth shut. He was a little off. she thought while waiting for an answer.
Haruhi smiled just alittle at Tamaki's comment. She wanted to point out that a churro was actually from Mexico, but he looked so pleased with himself she just smiled and nodded her agreement. "That sounds fun Tamaki."
Pantalimon nodded, having a good list in her head for things to look out for. "i know what you mean. Sometimes you're just caught without anything. That's what other people are for, to help you out when you are just out of luck." she shrugged. "You know I'm really-..." Pan stopped talking, forgetting her thought as a voice caught her attention. At first she thought someone had called her name so she turned around, only to run into Alice. "oh sorry!" she laughed it off, moving to the side to look for the person who'd called. Instead of seeing anyone someone laughed over her shoulder. "Oh drat." she swated a hand behind her and turned around once more in the direction of their travel, and picked up pace in an attempt to outrun the voice. Not a few hours in this town and i've heard enough voices for a week! there's something bad about this place for me... or maybe I'm just going crazier than before. she pulled out her container of water and took a sip, hoping it would cool her brain off alittle.
Pantalimon took hold of Alice's hand to calm her and gently led her down the main road. "Sh.. sh... I'm sure she's fine. If she's a nomad, she's a tough girl. And if they just took her recently, they're probably still traveling. We'll catch up in no time compared to city people's travel time." she felt awful for the girl who was clearly on her last nerve worrying over her friend. This further proved Pan's conviction not to get too attached to people, but also strengthened her admiration for Alice's dedication. Once down the road alittle she let go of Alice's hand and started rifling through her things, taking mental stalk of what to gather once out of the city.
The guard gave her an odd look and pulled his hand away from both the girls. "Now why do you two girls want to go there? Where are you from? you don't look like you're from here." he looked both in the eyes, looking for suspsicious actions or words. "We're just traveling and looking for a friend." Pantalimon spoke up. "We're both travelers. I'm from Armania and Alice is a nomad." The guard snorted his disbeleif. "Yeah? A neutral nomad and a neutral Amanian? Of course... but you just happen to be going to Moraning and you had to come ask our princess? Hmph." the man felt like he was being tricked but he wasn't sure how. In the unstable times, this sort of thing felt like a set up and he didn't trust the girls. "Follow the main road south and continue that way straight until you start feeling the soul get taxed out of you. That's Moraning." he laughed sadly at his bad joke. "Don't know why anyone would want to go there..." he muttered, turning back to the castle. Pantalimon watched the man walk away and shrugged. "Well that's good, we're traveling in the same direction. Why do you want to go to Moraning first anyways? He didn't seem to think much of it."
Pantalimon followed Alice in, a light smile continuely on her lips. "Let's see... hello, sir!" she caught site of a guard walking down the hall way and ran to catch him. "Yes, hello, I'm looking for the lady of this castle." she informed the startled man. "The Princess Godwin or the Queen?" The guard faltered, not expecting to see two travelers in the castle without any escort. Pantalimon thought back on the argument she'd watched, trying to place the name. "I believe Lady Godwin, unless I misheard." The guard suddenly straightened up. "Well I'll inform the Lady that she has visitors if you'll wait here with your friend." he stiffly took hold of Pan's arm and lead her back to Alice. "What are your names and buisness?" no longer off blance, he was all buisness. This wasn't a good time for the country and they couldn't have random travelers trapsing in like this. It could turn out to be assains. Pantalimon allowed him to take her arm as she didn't want to cause too much of a fuss. "I'm Pan and this is Alice. We need directions is all. She won't know our names, I don't think, but I met her in the forest just about an hour ago." The gaurd stared at the two girls, one eye brow raised. "You need... directions? And you can't ask someone else? This is the princess! she has other things to do, you silly twit." he shook his head, pushing the two out the door. "I'll give you directions, where do you need to go?"
Pantalimon threw Alice a grin over her shoulder. "Because you need it, chickadee." she teased Alice airly. Looking foward again, she led her companion down the crowded roads to the castle. "Oh, impressive." she whistled, using her hand to sheild her eyes as they gave the building a once over. "I hope you don't need an invitation to get it."
Haruhi tapped her fingers, exhausted, on her counter. She'd finally finished all her homework and picked up the house; the only thing left to do was wait for her dad to get home or for someone she'd applied to call back. Whistfully she thought about the host club to pass time. Although she'd been paying off a huge debt her whole time with them, it was definetly better then than her life now. "Maybe I should call them up... see how things are?" she mused aloud. "then again... using the phone again will just add to our bill. I should probably just let it be. They're busy people now."
Haruhi sighed softly and crossed her arms, keeping eye contact with Hikaru. "As if I'd do anything underhanded." she repsponded tiredly. "Really you should know I would never. But if you want to be there when I talk to her, that's understandable. Obviously I'm not trustworthy to you." her eyes seemed to glint with disapointment, but it was gone so fast it was possible to brush it off as an illuision. "I'm going back to Kaoru's room now. He needs you, so will you come along too?" Knowing he would follow, Haruhi walked past him to Kaoru's room, opening the door quietly in case Kaoru had managed to fall asleep while she was gone. Seeing that he hadn't she smiled at him and held the door open for Hikaru.
Pantalimon looked around waryly, rubbing the back of her neck. She personally woud rather have just headed south like she'd planned and hoped to eventually hit the country Alice wanted to go to. But Alice said she had a friend to rescue so 'hoping' to hit the target wasn't really good enough. "Oh... alright." she reluctantly agreed, suddenly turning around and heading up the street towards the castle. "the lady who lives there seemed sensible enough and not totally miserable." she explained over her shoulder. "Let's ask her for directions."
Haruhi stiffened slighty at Hikaru's touch. She didn't particularly mind people touching her (obviously she delt with Tamaki's glomping on a daily basis) but Hikaru always seemed to have some cold underlying message in his fingertips and it made her shiver. "Kaoru needs you." she stated simply. "I'm just getting you so he won't try and stand up again. But I don't mind speaking to your mother too, if you'd like. If you want some time alone with Kaoru we can get Tamaki out of the room and I'll go find your mother." she smiled at him, but there was no light in her smile: it was all buisness.
Pantaimon clicked her tounge in thought. "And that is where?" she asked. There had been a few people she'd met over her life who'd mentioned that country but they'd away seemed to find another topic of conversation quickly. and Pan, not really caring about politics of the world, was usually more interested in whatever else they had to say than in asking about Moraning. "If it's south I'll travel with you." she added, more for Alice's sake than her own. She liked Alice but also got the feeling she wasn't used to being alone; it seemed dangerous to leave her traveling by herself.
OOC; i'm cool with giving up honey :)
Gemini nodded, her usual smile no where to be found due to Sameire's tone. Her footsteps, already queiter than a humans, were now silent. Her body arched into a feline position which seemed to attract shadows to her in the way which cats melt themselves into darkness, ready to spring on any unsuspecting soul. She twitched her fingers, getting a feel for the air around her as well as scenting the air for the children.
Haruhi smiled warmly at Tamaki for finally saying something that completely helped the situation. "I'll go get Hikaru. If you need him then he should be here." she told Kaoru, turning her smile to him. Only when her back was turned the smile faded. Although she was trying to be understanding to the twins and esspically Hikaru, it was straining at her and standing outside a bathroom convincing him to come out was not going to be fun. Then again, if Kaoru needs him he'll probably sprint out. she thought to herself, honestly. She stood outside the male bathroom and knocked sharply. "Hikaru?" Hunny sat at a table back at school trying to entertain their daily guests with Mori. He'd been jumpy ever since hearing about Kaoru and was obviously distracted.
yo mon. just chilling out enjoying the end of the year and spending time with my senior buds. how bout yourself?
"You too of course." Pantalimon off handedly replied, glancing up at the sky. "Well I want to travel on in..." she turned in a circle, gauging which direction was which, "That way." she finished, pointing south out of the city. "Which way are you headed?"
Haruhi watched Hikaru stalk off after yelling at her. She tilted her head to the side, not so much in confusion as to almost get another perspective on the boy. He seemed to want too many different things and Haruhi couldn't keep up. But she couldn't blame him either, which made the whole situation more complicated. She left the room and walked into Kaoru's room as while he tried defending his brother. "It's alright Kaoru," she assured him, standing next to his bed. "Hikaru is just being..." she didn't know whether to finish her sentence with 'afraid', 'himself', or some other descriptor; so she shrugged it off. "He'll be alright." she finished instead. "How are you? Do you need anything?"
Haruhi was left standing above him in a state of shock. She took in all of his words and actions, concluded he needed to be dealt with gently, and lowered herself to sit on her knees and look him in the eye. "Hikaru, I think we're all just stressed and tired and scared. No one knows how to handle what's happened, not me or you or Kaoru. But our issues, whatever we two are feeling against each other, doesn't matter right now, does it? Kaoru matters. I know you're angry and afraid, so am I, but it doesn't honestly matter right now. I'll pay off my debt in the way you two want; for now though, I'm going back to Kaoru's room and see what I can do to help." she rose to her feet again and offered Hikaru a hand.