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  1. Princess_of_hearts
    Yuzuha's smile faltered alittle at the twin's words. She knew that look and tone, something she would not like was happening. Her gaze fell on Haruhi, not quite disapproving or piting, as she wasn't sure which was appropriate.

    Haruhi sighed, having guessed it would fall on her to explain things. "The twins have kindly offered that I stay at your house with them to pay off the debt I've brought upon myself by letting Kaoru get hurt. As I obvious," she glanced at the twins, wondering if they'd like this at all as she was trying to put them in a good light. "cannot pay for any of the hospital bills, I'm hoping that you will approve of their idea. It would help my father and I a lot to use this method of repayment instead of... paying what we can't afford."

    Yuzuha closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. As she guessed, she didn't like this one bit. Haruhi didn't sound happy either, her tone expressed a mixture of sincerity and aggrivation. Yuzuha opened her eyes and looked at her sons. "That is very... kind of you two to offer." she said, treding carefully with her words. "But have you spoken to Haruhi's father? I beleive that is the next step here. I... would like to think of a better way of going about this but if he approves and you three can set up a time frame and you all think it is a fair trade, I don't see a problem." She pulled a near by chair behind her and sat down, needing to rest.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess_of_hearts
  3. Princess_of_hearts
  4. Princess_of_hearts
    Profile Post

    you should!

    you should!
    Profile Post by Princess_of_hearts for #8-Axel, Jun 21, 2010
  5. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi, after staring at the phone waiting for it to ring, jumped a little when it actually went off. She scrabbled for the reciever and breathlessly answered "Haruhi speaking!" she winced at her tone, which sounded desperate instead of professional. Please be a job offer! She prayed, puting her hands together in a prayer fashion and holding the phone to her ear on her shoulder.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess_of_hearts
  7. Princess_of_hearts
    Profile Post

    totally great so far!

    totally great so far!
    Profile Post by Princess_of_hearts for Dman23, Jun 20, 2010
  8. Princess_of_hearts
    Profile Post

    thanks dude!

    thanks dude!
    Profile Post by Princess_of_hearts for Nova, Jun 20, 2010
  9. Princess_of_hearts
  10. Princess_of_hearts
  11. Princess_of_hearts
  12. Princess_of_hearts
  13. Princess_of_hearts
    Profile Post

    yo mon, wazzup? =)

    yo mon, wazzup? =)
    Profile Post by Princess_of_hearts for #8-Axel, Jun 17, 2010
  14. Princess_of_hearts
    Pantalimon shrugged cheerfully, not very concerned with not seeing the creature. It had ridden so fast she wasn't expecting to see it for quite some time. But slowly her smile was fading as she watched Alice. Soon she was blatently not looking at the road but staring at Alice. Pan could go anywhere, she had no destination execpt to explore. But Alice had been crying not a moment ago over the girl she was trying to find. If the friend of Alice's was in such grave danger, why was she following the travler?Not that it's my buisness... she added to herself.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess_of_hearts
    Pantalimon blinked at Alice. "It was quiet." she stated, looking to her companion with a sort of off kilter smile. Her gaze turned past Alice for a moment, towards the city she didn't like and a possible answer to her constant problem. Suddenly Alice's words clicked in her mind and she realized the girl wasn't as happy with whatever passed them as Pan was. Without explaining further, she walked up to tag along with Alice back to the noisy city.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi closed her eyes for a slow moment, keeping her thoughts from showing on her face. "I'm ready whenever you two are. I'll go get her. Do you want Tamaki to be here while we all talk?" she asked sweetly, opening the door to retreive the twin's mother. She left the twins to get rid of Tamaki or leave him in the room.

    Yuzuha had finished leaving a message for her husband and headed back to her son's room. She paused outside the room to regain her thoughts. Just then the door opened and Haruhi walked out, bowing slightly to the mother.

    "Hello." Haruhi was startled to see Yuzuha meant to enter anyways, but was glad she didn't have to explain things alone. She held the door open for yuzuha, who walked through with a small smile for Haruhi. Immediatly yuzuha's eyes fell on her sons and her smile brightened for them.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess_of_hearts
    Pantaimon realized how fast the travler was coming almost too late. Her eyes widened and she grabbed Alice's arm without a second thought, throwing the girl off the road and following nearly too late. Alice would probably have protected herself, but she wasn't thinking of that when hooves nearly ran them over. The horse, which she only caught a glance off as it sped off, gave her a shiver down her spine. If she didn't know better she would say it wasn't actually alive. But what really caught her and made her head spin was the silence that followed the travler's passing. For the breif span of nearly being run over, no voices yelled in her ears. Because of this, even after they were safe, Pan didn't let go of Alice's arm; instead she stared after the disapearing figure, listening to the voices slowly return.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess_of_hearts
    Slightly shrugged. "I don't know, look she's already off the ground!" he pointed to the space between the cliff and Rebecca's feet. She was practically jumping up and down just to go already.

    OOC: now my siggy is SEXY like hannah
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess_of_hearts
    Pantalimon continued humming but was starting to get annoyed. The voices wouldn't stop! and she was humming pretty darn loud now... So, her brilliant solution was to start singing instead. The song wasn't in the common tounge and she had never been told the translation but it sounded angry (like German!) She hoped it would get across the point and get her some quiet. As she sang she glanced back at Alice, who seemed lost in her own world. I wonder what she's thinking. she thought between verses, her eyes traveling back to the street in front of them. Somewhere down the flat road she saw some sort of dust cloud, a traveler maybe? It was still too far away to see clearly.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca giggled as she and David were covered in pixie dust. She finally let go of him to skip off alittle from the cliff. "David come on! If you stand that close you can't get a good running start!" Depsite her plans to run and jump off the cliff and then fly, her happy thoughts and pixie dust covered self were already lifting her a few inches off the ground.

    Slightly lightly punched whoever was standing next to him as he laughed at the three. "You think she'll ever come down?"
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jun 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home