aw, well why are you so stressed out?
why so much stress? =[ ur not allowed to get stressed out! stop it immeidately! =)
OOC: yay! glad to see u back ^^ i'm sorry u had illness and family problems, those are no fun. (sorry for the non-post\'ooc spam'. no real post that's worth writing atm, but i wanted to say hi! to random angel)
OOC: Random Angel seems to be busy or unable to post so i'm going to continue without her. hopefully she'll jump back in soon ^^ BIC: After walking back along the path for quite awhile, the sun had begun to set. Pantalimon looked up and judged the time as well as the land around them, gauging where would be a good place to stop for the night. They weren't going to make it back to the city by night fall and she knew how dangerous unknown lands could be at night. As her eyes fell back on the path she saw the creature who'd nearly run them over running ahead. It must have slowed down a bit for us to catch up! she thought, perking up slightly. She tugged at Alice's sleeve, hoping she'd follow, before taking off at a run to catch up to the creature.
well that is always a good thing to know. always gotta check! =P how goes life, the universe, and everything?
ciao bella, what's up?
"That's fine, defenitely, yes. I'll make us something to eat and I should shower too. Two hours should be perfect! Is it just you two?" Haruhi added the last question because she knew how the host club was. While the twins were very independent of others, it was just like the club to all show up on her without notice. Better to check than to be startled. As she waited for an answer, she was already in the kitchen trying to figure out what she could actually make to eat. They didn't have alot in the refrigerator but maybe a soup?
Haruhi's lips had parted slightly in shock at how Hikaru spoke to her father. He wasn't just rude anymore, he'd right out threatened her father. I'll keep queit now but I'm done with that boy. I don't need a friend who treats my family with so little respect. she mentally ranted to herself, storing away her anger until later when she could deal with it privatly. Ranka, luckily, didn't hear the last comment as he was already hanging up and heading out the door. He grabbed a cab quickly thanks to his feminine apperance, and was at the hosipital in about ten minutes. A few more minutes passed as he found the room and, as was his wont, he burst into the room with the usual flowery entrenace. "Haruhi! What is going on!? Oh my daughter!" he swept her up into a big bear hug. "AH! Dad put me down! You can't do that in a hospital!" she chastized her skirt clad father. A small mischevious part of her hoped the twins got a good shock out of her father's apperence but the more level headed and promenent portion of her personality hoped Kaoru didn't get too startled and hurt more. Yuzuha leapt to her feet as the man burst through the door. At first she thought the woman was in the wrong room but as haruhi called 'her' Dad, she put the peices together. "Sir, please do not make such a fuss in front of my son, he's under alot of stress from the injuries." she kindly warned Ranka. "Please sit down, we have alot to discuss it appears." at this she sent her son's a sharp glance before offering Ranka the seat next to her's.
A thud sounded on the other end of the phone and then the sound of the phone being picked up again. Hearing Hikaru and Kaoru's voices surprised Haruhi isn't dropping the phone. "Hikaru! Kaoru! Hi!" she exclaimed. Of course she was completely happy to hear her old friend's voices. On the other hand, she still had no job; but she pushed that thought off for now, focusing on the postive of seeing her dear friends again. "Yes, that sounds great. I was just thinking of you guys. When are you coming over?" she asked, trying not to sound to excited. Unfortunetly, it was hard to hide as she was smiling brightly for the first time in a long time.
OOC: i'm glad you're feeing better! =] i'll take over writing Ranka for a few posts and then hope someone will have taken him next time he comes up in the story lol BIC: Ranka listened, his eyes widening as Hikaru explained. "Where are all of you? I'll be there as quickly as possible. I'm not giving you permission over the phone." he replied, fingers tapping on the back of the phone. Already he was going to find his boss and explain leaving early. His hand went over the mouth peice of the phone and a muttered conversation could be heard. Luckily for Ranka, he was a valued employee and his boss knew how much he loved his daughter; he was given the rest of the day off, although, without pay. Haruhi watched Hikaru, shaking her head. Her gaze moved to Kaoru who seemed better. The fact that he could sit up and stand a little actually let her relax slightly. Despite Hikaru's idea that she was only guilty, she wanted Kaoru to be okay and didn't want this whole 'debt' obsession to get him too worked up or upset. She knew excitement was not good for recovering patients.
OOC: aw, i hope she's better soon. that's terrible :( BIC: Haruhi tensed up at Hikaru's cold words. She didn't understand why he had to be so cruel in his statements. She was playing along, doing what they said, why couldn't he at least be civil? Something inside her cursed him for being a rich spoiled boy who didn't understand what 'cost him everything he has' really meant to someone who didn't have alot. But she shook that part of her off and took the phone from Hikaru, "I'll call his work, he doesn't have a cell phone and won't be home until quite late." she expained neurtrally. She turned alittle from the group, a worried expression taking place over the aggrivated one. Yuzuha flashed Hikaru a warning look. She wasn't happy with this plan either and didn't want him thinking for a moment she was doing more than agreeing it was 'accceptable'. But she'd discuss that with her son's later, for now she kept quiet and let Haruhi contact her father. Haruhi waited two rings until someone picked up and, in the usual bubbly way, greeted her with the name of her father's work place and bar. "Hi, it's me, Haruhi. Is my dad there?" "Oh haruhi! Yes your daddy's right here! Hold ooon." a sing song, high pitched, male voice answered her. For a moment there was only a soft music in the background and people's muted laughter; then her father picked up, asking immediatly if something was wrong and was she alright and does she need daddy to pick her up. You and Tamaki have way too much in common. "Dad, dad, i'm fine! no, it's okay, listen. Somethings aren't going well at school with my friends. No, listen. I'm fine, but I've done something alittle stupid. Hikaru wants to talk to you." she explained between his outbursts of worry. She handed the phone back to hikaru, her expression showing the worry she wouldn't admit to anyone about her father.
teach basic ideals of the faith, activities and community stuff. get veiw points of different kids from different places and backgrounds. it's...
naw, i just like the sound of the camp. no one tries to convert anyone there according to my friend. and anyways i love learning about other...
a youth camp my friend invited me to. baha'i's a religion so, my parents are like hm.... are they trying to convert you??? haha
atm, trying to convince my parents quickly to let me go to a baha'i youth camp lol
ah, gottcha. well i hope something 'new' happens soon. ^^
aw come on, something has to be new =) u just said it's ony 4 hours and what about weekends? =P
odd jobs and enjoying free time mostly. hbu?
true but this school year drained me. i wanna chill haha i'm glad ur positive about it though, nice!
that's good. summer school always seems like an easy A... still, i'd hate to go.