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  1. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: kay this thread needs some life! hehe

    BIC: Rebecca turned to the cliff again cracking her knuckles and preparing herself with happy thoughts. Mermaids, pirates, treasure, Slightly getting caught by an Indian, flying... she was already grinning as she broke into a sprint and propelled herself off the cliff again. As her foot left the edge she felt a surge of adrenilne (don't yell at me for that spelling) and was lifted into the air. Her heart was thumping in her chest as she looked down at her new friends and David. "HA! Easy!" she swooped down and plucked at David's shoulder, "Come on, show him how it's done." she encouraged her friend.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess_of_hearts
    Pantalimon heard voices arguing from the direction Atreyu and Keiren had gone. She looked around once more, hoping to catch the princess or the man. When they didn't appear she walked back towards the direction of the training grounds. A few steps down the way, though, she heard other voices arguing and waited to see if it was more guards or, knock on wood, the guy she was stalking.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Oct 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: that looks all about right. i'd add something but i beleive you've covered it all. woohoo! oh, yeah and this post is kinda pointless. i don't have anything to post haha, just thought the encouragment on ur recap would be nice ^^
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Oct 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC; aw poor 'thread master' that's so much work! waahh, we should all do a recap ^^ that way nothing's left out and it's not all on her
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Oct 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: yeaah, i agree. this is annoying. so should we pick up where we left off, by memory?
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca seemed not to hear all the boys' remarks about it being impossibe. "You're on!" she declared, punching the air. "Come on David! By the end of the day Slighty's gonna be chasing and Indian!"

    Slightly crossed his arms and stuck out his chin. "Fat chance, you'll be on the spit tonight, caught by the Cheif." he retorted. "So go on, show us how to fall again." he grinned, sure that he wouldn't be the one to lose the bet. Peter was sure to love this game.

    OOC: woaho, way to go on the work day! i'm glad you got a job ^^ to make you feel better, guess where i got a job? (i hope it makes you laugh)
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess_of_hearts
    Yuzuha tapped a finger on her forehead, closing her eyes to think over everything. "I'm going to call home and inform the maids about what's happening. Koaru, you rest. Hikaru, don't excite your brother." she instructed, kissing her injured son on the forehead and tapping the end of Hikaru's nose in a motherly fashion, before walking out of the room and back to the hospital phone.

    Haruhi and her father packed Haruhi's things.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess_of_hearts
    Pantalimon shook her head. "Alice, he's going to the castle. We'll lose him and get thrown out again." she said, already turning to follow him. She knew Alice would catch up soon so she set herself at a light jog through the crowd. As she began to catch up, she realized she had nothing to say to this guy she was tailing. Too busy thinking over exactly how to phrase "you made my voices go away" into a regular conversation, she ran into his back.

    OOC: =p there ya go, posted mrs.baggins
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Aug 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: huh? where!? *checks subscribed threads* :P not my turn silly... but i'll post so it doesn't die! =D
    and don't worry if she doesn't reply right away. she's a busy chickadee ^^
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Aug 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: ooh yay! someone new ^^ don't worry, this thread isn't dead. we're just kinda slow at posting. i suggest sending garxena a PM just to make sure she see's someone wants to join ASAP
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: that sounds really fun. can't wait to see pics

    BIC:Haruhi stood up to leave with her dad. She had a feeling the faster she left, the less chance of Tamaki jumping on her and freaking out there was. He was probably in shock and that would only last so long. She gave Yuzuha a respectful bow, gently hugged Kaoru so she wouldn't hurt any of his bruises or broken bones, and waved to Hikaru and Tamaki.

    Yuzuha bowed her head slighty to Haruhi and Ranka, "We will see you this evening and I'll have our maids make up a room for you before you arrive. If you need any help transporting your things, don't hesitate to call." she handed Ranka a business card with her home number, cell, and work numbers neatly printed under an elegant designer's logo.

    Ranka grasped Haruhi's hand as soon as she'd finished her good byes and nearly hauled her out of the room, tucking the card into his purse with a quick 'thank you'. "Haruhi... oh this is so worrying." she moaned once they were walking out of the hospital. "You must call me everyday!"
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 28, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca pouted while standing up. "You can't be happy when you think someone's hurt. David don't you dare ever fall like that again!" she proded his chest and spoke in a surprisingly maternal tone.

    Slightly nudged the twins in the ribs. "She sounds like Wendy." he observed, remembering vaguely a mother figure in their life some time in the past. He cackled again, "ooooh she's a mother too! Maybe girls really can't be lost boys. Only mooothers!" he teased her.

    Rebecca, instanty distracted, stuck out her tounge at Slightly. "Just you wait and I'll show you!" she yelled, already running up to the cliff again. Soon she was face to face with the boy, a side ways grin lighty her face. "I bet you both me and David fly on the next try." she wagered.

    "yeah? And if you fall again?" Slightly's eyes lit up. This was fun! He was sure to win! "What should the losers do?" he asked the rest of the Lost Boys, David, and Fawn.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess_of_hearts
    "David!" Rebecca nearly shrieked, her hands flying to her mouth to stifle the fightened sound. The cliff wasn't too high but from where she stood, or hovered, but it was enough to make her think he'd broken something. Unfortunetly this was not a happy thought and the previously hovering happy girl plumeted, landing with a thud next to her friend. "oops..." she mumbled, rubbing her shoulder and sitting up.

    Slightly ran with the other Lost Boys to the edge of the cliff and looked over as they two fell one after the other. He snorted at them, grinning broadly. "Wooohoo, you two flew like a falling turtle!" he teased, laughing anew at his own wit, or at least what he thought was wit.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess_of_hearts
    Pantalimon walked right past the alley Alice disapeared down before realizing she was alone. She walked backwards to the alley and raised an eyebrow at her travling companion. "Um, what are you doing?" she asked.
    "Necromancer... in our town... should kill him." a man's voice growled in her right ear. Pan, already knowing there would be no one there, flicked her eyes to the right and was greeted with empty space and aggrivation before her eyes fell on Alice again.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebbecca didn't waste a second: she took a running start, shut her eyes, bit her lip hard, and thought of pirates, mermaids, fairies, indians, games, and soaring in the clouds. She was so caught up in 'happy thoughts' she forgot to jump and simply ran off the cliff, getting an extra lift when her foot caught the edge of the cliff and propelled her foward into the air. Her arms shot out and she opened her eyes as she fell nearlly head first. Instead of screaming, she let out a woop of delight and made a clumsy u turn just before hitting the ground. "Come on David!" she called, hovering awkwardly next to the cliff much like a tight rope walker losing her balance.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: aw! u need a muse deary

    BIC: Ranka stiffened ever so slightly at Hikaru's attitude as he felt Haruhi do the same. He looked down at his daughter, who he so adored, and sighed. "Haruhi, it's up to you. I don't want to let you go, esspically for a year and to these... boys... but I trust you'll be safe. And..." tears whelled in his eyes dramaticly, "And I can't take care of my baby with such a debt!" he flung his arms around his daughter and squeezed tightly.

    Haruhi didn't fight her father, for once, and patted his back. "O,okay Dad. It's okay, I'll just, I'll be fine. What's one more debt?" she prodded his back, trying to get a smile or a loosened hold (she was beginning to have a hard time breathing from his hug) "Besides, maybe I can help Ms.Yuzuha with modeling or as an assistent to help pay off the debts?" she suggested, looking over her father's arm to the twins questioningly.

    Ranka sniffed back tears and nodded, letting go. He did like the idea of a female influence on his daughter: she acted like a boy so often. "Alright, I will take Haruhi home to pack and bring her over to your estate this evening." he agreed, turning to Yuzuha with a bow and then the twins for a shorter one. "I am quite sorry for the whole experience but I'm sure this nice hospita will have Kaoru better in no time. And Haruhi is a wonderful nurse when the occassion calls."
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess_of_hearts
  18. Princess_of_hearts
  19. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi nearly dropped the phone again as well as a dish of soup she'd been pulling out of the refridgerator. Over the phone there was the sound of glass and plastic clanging around as she caught them along with a barely covered curse. "Ah! Tamaki! yes, of course I remember all of you!" she quickly tried to calm him down. "I'm so glad you'll all be coming over, I've missed you all." she continued while balancing the dish, phone, and closing the fridge door. "Eh, since you're all coming over would you mind bringing a cake or dessert of some kind? I know Honey loves them but I don't really have anything sweet." she explained.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess_of_hearts
    Ranka raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at Hikaru's explaination. He wasn't sure he'd exactly call it an apology but it didn't seem to matter at the moment. "Yeeees, so I see." he replied, eyeing Kaoru. "I'm terribly sorry to see someone was badly hurt but... still I don't see what you want from Haruhi exactly. How long do you want her at your house and what kind of work will she be doing? As you should know, I cannot pay this kind of hospital bill and keep a living place for my daughter and me but I can't allow Haruhi to put her school work at risk because she's working all the time." Ranka spoke while gently pushing haruhi into the chair Yuzuha offered him. He rested his hands on haruhi's shoulders protectivly.

    Yuzuha nodded. "those are execellent questions. Hikaru, Kaoru, did you two have a time frame in mind?" she asked her boys. She knew the twins were intellegent enough to have some kind of real plan in mind; and if they didn't, she and Ranka would step in to help.

    Haruhi sat down from her father's pressuring and looked up at him. Her father's expression was friendly and polite, he seemed to be willing to work out whatever was needed. But she knew him better than anyone did; she could tell by the calm voice, which he never used, and by the grip on her shoulders that he was very upset and worried. She smiled when he looked down at her and patted his hand. "Dad, it'll be fine. It's just a job like the club or those summer jobs I get." she assured him quietly.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jul 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home