Jay Lavera She heard a car pull up to the house and swept Herself out the couch to see who was there. Jay's husband to be? Her lips tightened as the young man came into sight. He seemed fairly excited, which surprised Her; She didn't exepct the man to be happy to be pushed into this. But then agian, it was a sort of freedom and maybe that's why he was happy. She certainly was at least a little pleased to be free of Jay's parents and controling brother... Her eyes drifted down to Jay's torn cuticles--that stupid habid Jay had annoyed Her-- and in an instant Jay could see her own fingers again. Her soft sigh of surprise and the softening of her features allowed her brother to breathe easy again: Jay was back in control. Her eyes flipped back to the window and the young man near his car. "Is that him?" she asked, picking at her fingers nervously. "When did we get here?" she added under her breathe, angry that she lost control at such an important moment. A sick feeling of dread swept through her: how long could she hide them from him? Already she didn't want to dissapoint or upset the excited man outside.
OOC: where is my husband?? haha BIC: Jay Lavera Jay shakily took the pen from her brother and the contract from the lawyer. Her eyes quickly flitted over the lawer: a squat, awkward man who would not meet her eyes. She frowned at him before looking down at the contract. At the bottom of the page was space for her name and for her "husband-to-be". Exhaling once to calm her nerves, Jay signed away her single-hood. All she needed now as her husband's signature and they would be legally bound together for life. Her eyes closed for a moment, taking it all in. When they opened, Jay was not the one looking out at the contract. A slight variation in her expression told her brother--who was esspcially talented at telling when Jay's "friends" came out to play-- that She had appeared. He subtely took hold of Her shoulder as he slipped the contract and pen out of her grasp and handed them to the lawyer. "There. Now we can go to Jay's new home and wait for her husband to arrive and sign these." He tightened his grip on Her shoulder, a silent message that he wasn't going to stand for her pranks today. She was the strongest personality, aside from Jay herself. She was michevious and did not like sharing a body with other people. She was the other female personality. She was much less mature than the other personalities and seemed to be no more than a child, possibly pre-teens at the oldest. He was the first of male personalities, a calmer person than the rest.He and Jay were the first to make some kind of understanding via notes and experience. Finally He had a nasty temper and was probably the most confused by the whole situation. She sighed loudly and rolled her eyes--eyes which seemed to grow wider and less innocent as soon as She appeared. "Is that what we'll do, dearest brother?" She questioned, pouting Her lips. "Let's not wait a moment then." Although Jay was no longer with them, the family and lawyer made the trip to the new house in general peace. Jay's brother did not allow Her out of his grasp until they were inside the house with all of Jay's belongings (packed firmly in boxes) inside. "And now we wait." She piped up, sitting on and lightly stroking the couch in Jay's new living room. "I do hope he just adooores me."She added, in a soft croon. The lawyer and parents looked away, all equaly uncomfortable.
Jay rolled his eyes at her. "Yes mother." he teased her, lifting his chin off her shoulder and toying with an imperfection in the table. "Don't worry, I won't make you miss class. But be warned, lovely lady Al: I'll find you tonight and kidnap you from homework." he passed her a laugh. "And don't try and hide in the girl's dorms again. Who knows what mischief I might get up to if you're not there to supervise me! I might blow up the common room--by accident of course-- or perhaps some cute lil' first year will fall into my evil paws." he laced his fingers under his lips in an attempt to look evil. Of course it failed miserably and he just looked goofy. Leaving her with the threat of being kidnapped later he stood, grabbed his bag and taped her nose with one long finger. "See you later Alley. Go be a genius." He waved breifly and walked off with a little hop in his step, mission accomplished. Now for Care of Magical Creatures!
"Aw, you work too hard." Jay complained, resting his chin on her shoulder and looking up with a big pout on his lips. "You'll get it if you take a break from all the work and worry. come on, take a walk around with me and chill a bit tonight. Well roam the halls like hoolagins and give you a break." he was still looking up at her from her shoulder but now with a charming smile. He like Al, but all the hard thinking and constant work already was no good and he made it his personal mission to give her breaks whether she wanted them or not.
For a moment Jay looked a little worried as he thought about the first years. "They're fine. Just doing some research. I'm going to check in on them every so often though, they seem a bit freaked out. You might want to just make sure you know their faces too, in case they need any help." he explained without his usual humor. But soon enough that grin was back on his face and his flirtatious eyes were sparkling at his head of house. "And what are you up to, m'lady?"
Jay Lavera Jay drummed her fingers on the kitchen counter. Thump, thump, thump, thump, pause, thump, thump, thump, thump. And repeat. Her parents and older brother stood in the other room, speaking in low voices to that lawyer. Was she invited in to talk about her future with them? Was she even consulted on the matter? No. She bit her lip, wishing the proceedings would hurry up so she could sign whatever contract they'd cooked up for her. She wanted to be the one to sign it. That is to say, Jay Lavera wanted to sign it. But if they took too long she didn't know who might pop up and make a mess of everything. Jay had a special problem, which was the main reason for this arranged marrige nonsense. Namely, she wasn't the only one inside her body. There were others... just a few. They weren't bad people, persay. But they weren't Jay Lavera either. So her parents called in specialists, locked her up, and finally resorted to this: marrying her off. She had stopped thumping her fingers rhythmicly on the counter by now and had started fidgiting with her cuticles, a habit her mother despised. They had stopped talking now and she could tell they were coming into the dining room. They would ask her to sign it and give herself to some other person. Would he be a freedom or another prison? And would he accpet her and her "friends"? She'd gotten the idea that they were being paired up because they both had mental issues. What would his be? Her eyes darted upwards to meet her brother's; he was the one person in the family who wasn't afraid of her but he didn't like her either. Their parents relied on him to explain everything to her when they were too ashamed or scared to admit their plans. "Are you ready, Jay?" he asked, obviously not very upset by the idea of getting his sister out of the house. "We want you to sign this contract. It's a marrige contract to a man we think will suit you. You'll have your own house with him and you can live happily like an adult." his tight lipped smile attempted to show excitment for her. Jay continued to play with her cuticals, shredding them slowly in that habitual way she knew she needed to work on. For a moment she thought of refusing. But someone else was starting to think with her. Panic set in as she felt the eruption of another personality and all rebellion flew out the window. "yes!" she blurted out, afraid of losing any chance she had of leaving this house and the fear within it.
hey =] i was about to write out my character (i'm apprently paired up with Lilbueno instead of Garxena). but there are 12 "sick" characters and only 10 powers\diseases. should the two of us find our own powers\diseases? ooor am i reading it wrong? (this is highly possible too XD)
Jay made his way past groups of students inbetween the library and the great hall. He was still smiling at his little joke to the first years but his eyes showed worry. Upon entering the great hall his eyes scanned the Hufflepuff table for Al; finding her, he made his steathy way to stand behind her. "Hey pretty lady, is this seat taken?" he asked, putting on his best rouge smile while he swung his long legs around the bench to sit before she could answer no.
Jay breathed out loudly through his mouth. "That's some heavy stuff guys. I'll see what I can gleen from the professors." he suggested, knowing he'd have better luck than the new kids getting the teachers to let any important information out. A glance at this watch told him he didn't have time for his experiment today, but this Chamber of Secrets buisness seemed much more important anyways. "Also, I suggest the restricted section for your research. These books," a long sweep of his arm indicated the majority of the library which was open to anyone, "might give you a glimpse of information, but I doubt anything important will come from a government installed textbook." The old Jay smile poped back on his lips. "I can get you a pass there if you have any trouble. Fly safe." he saluted them, laughing at his usual muggle joke, and walked off to find Al. He wouldn't get the first years in trouble, but he respected Al and he wanted to know what she knew so far.
Jay cocked his head to the side. "Yeah? Interesting venture for you guys. You're eleven right?" he didn't mean to sound rude, but the question did come off a bit condesending. "Did you ever think to ask a professer or older student for help." his expression melted from a teasing grin to serious worry. "I don't know much about the chamber, but I don't think you should play with this alone." he dropped his book on the table and picked up one of the Ben's to flip through it. "I'll help if you want." lifting his eyes to Ben and Layla's he waited before adding. "If you don't want help, I'll still keep an eye on you, but I will leave you be so long as you don't cause any harm."
Jack laughed at Al after she left. "No worries guys, Al's a nice lady, esspically if you're cute like me." he winked at Layla. "So what are you guys researching?" His eyes flicked to the girl who entered the library loudly. "Geeze the library is popular." he commented, for the first time frowning. Again his focus lightly landed on Layla and Ben. "Anything interesting?"
Jay chuckled at the kids. "I sense secrets and scandal." he teased them with a cocky wink, enjoying their nervous reactions. First years always cracked him up. These ones merited some more teasing later. As for Al, he threw her an innocent smile, confident that she wouldn't really get him in trouble. "Aw, Al, don't be such a hard arse. It was just a sammich and look," he held up the empty hand not occupied with a book. "It's like it wasn't even there." The now free hand flung itself around her shoulders, pulling Al in for a one armed hug, despite her frown and stiffened boddy. "Come on, why don't you go get yourself something to eat and I'll keep an eye on these hoolagans." he suggested sweetly.
Jay had grabbed a ham sandwich from the great hall for lunch and wandered into the library, expecting it to be empty so he could flip through some potions books to explore how magic trasfered to potions. He wanted to experiement a bit with the idea of making a "potion" without magic. While biting into his lunch, keeping an eye out for the librarian and her lack of empathy for hungry readers, and running a long finger over the titles of potions books he noticed various students doing their own research. Standing still and chewing, that long finger resting on a random book, he eyed the group. He grabbed a book labled "chicken soup for the poitions master"--an attempt to paradoy a muggle series--and walked over to see what they were doing. "'ey kiddos, what's shakin'?" he asked the group at large, taking another large bite.
yay! glad to join you my bestie! and i'm glad to add some male AND hufflepuff interaction to this thread =] i'll start a post on the rp!
haha i'm excited too ms.fluer! chocho away!!! and no worries, although i'm always a ravenclaw fan, hufflepuff deserves some lovin too! here's my character, let me know if it needs any adjustments =] Username: Princess_of_hearts Name: Jay Mecka Age:16 Year: sixth Gender: male House:hufflepuffs Wand type: willow, veela hair, 12inch Biography/Personality: Jay entered Hogwarts at age 11 as a normal muggle born lad and is now verging on wizarding adulthood. He’s known around his house and even the school for being a joker, charmer, and general goof ball. Less well known is his obsession with HOW magic works. The explosions and odd bits of magic that are often traced back to Jay are the products of experiments, not pranks. But he doesn’t mind credit for the pranks either. Appearance: Class schedule: (ms. Maren O’bryne, i hope you don’t mind me pretty much using your schedule as our characters are in the same year =]) *breakfast for everyone* 7-8:50 Free period 9-10 Transfiguration 10:05-11:05 Potions 11:10-12:10 *lunch* 12:10-1:10 Care of magical creatures 1:15-2:15 Arithamacy 2:20-3:20 *Dinner*
hey miss, your cool sister sent me the link to this and i have to say this looks awesome. mind me joining up? i don't have time juuuust now to make a character and start posting but i should be able to by tomorrow morning =]
soooo, look what i found =] my password!!! so tell me, lovely lady, where do i begin again? =D
haha no worries. i know the feeling. i've also done that before ^^ u should try it, it's entertaining and gets convo's started =] i'm doing...
hello to you too? =]
OOC: arg, stupid hacker >.< what a useless thing for them to do BIC: Yuzuha closed the door after Hikaru's remark. She stood outside the door staring at the wall. Hikaru's tone told her exactly what he was thinking and it was another knife in her heart today, not that that would ever enter her precious sons' minds. They cut her off as always, nevermind the fact that Kaour was her baby, her beautiful baby who was hurt. nevermind that their father was hours away and she was alone to figure out their friend, Haruhi, living with them for whatever reason they'd thought up. Yuzuha walked down the hall a bit to a bench and took out her cell phone to call home. As the phone rang in her ear, waiting for a maid to pick up she took in shaky breaths and blinked back the desire to cry. Haruhi and her father soon had two suitcases filled with everything she'd need for the moment, leaving home her personal memrobila she didn't want the twins to touch. Ranka told her to call if she needed anything else and hugged her tightly. They took the walk to the twin's house in silence, each carrying a suitcase. Haruhi also had the picture from her mother's tribute, she slipped it out of the frame just before leaving, in her pocket.