The two adults exchanged another look. Binjiro rubbed the back of his neck tiredly. "I think we can work something out... as long as you work on your temper. I cannot abide you lashing out at your mother and brother." he looked to his wife. "What do you think of making this a warning?" he suggested, his easy going nature showing in the easy way out punishment. Yuzuha had a feeling this wasn't going to help but she nodded and looked at her sons. "And I want you two to come home immidiatly after your club from now on. If you want your friend to come over, let me know before you drive home. I'm glad you two want to help her but I do not want you two out so late for a while." she knew that wasn't really a punishment, but she didn't know what else to say.
Yuzuha listened to the boys explain. As they spoke, minute changes in her stance showed that she was calming down as well: relaxing shoulders, longer breath, gentler hold on Hikaru's shoulder, softer expression. She met her husband's eye and exchanged a silent understanding. Binjiro nodded to his wife and looked again at the boys. "Alright, I think we can work these problems out. Thank you for explaining." his eyes again flicked to his wife before he continued. She seemed calmer which was a good sign that the boys were behaving much better. "Hikaru, your reactions are obviously over the top tonight. But what do you think of them? Do you think you've earned back your freedom from being grounded?" although he didn't know the full details, he could see where things had run since the boys returned from school and what Yuzuha had been attempting to do, even if it hadn't worked very well. (sorry for the color change, this one is easier to read though so i'll stick to it.)
sure, i'd love to see them. and i'll be sure to comment and rate!
Binjiro (whatcha'll think of that name?) swiftly nodded to the maid, who bowed out of the room, before turning to his family. Yuzuha's expression spoke of the problem with the boys and Kaoru following behind told him Hikaru had done something wrong esspically. His expression remained stern and neutral but inside he was exasperated. He'd had a very long day, what had the boys done this time? Yuzuha held onto Hikaru's shoulders still. She kept silent, wanting Hikaru to take hold of the situation for once. "And what is it I think, Hikaru?" Binjiro asked after Hikaru spoke. "All I know so far is that there has been a lot of commotion in this house and that your mother looks very upset. Why don't you tell me what's happened so i don't have to guess." Binjiro didn't like punishing or being angry with his sons, so he hoped the twins hadn't done anything seriously wrong.
sweet, i can't wait to see it :)
"Maybe if you speak to him like he's another human being and your father, he will. Hikaru, you think the world is against you but it's not. You make yourself against us." Yuzuha replied, forcing him to look her in the eye again. She the turned him by the shoulders and lead him out to the main hall and his father. OOC: so i'm all for writing their father but does anyone know his name? i've been trying to find it but it eludes me. help??
aloha. i'm doing pretty awesomely. thanks for the link, i've been looking for new music. :) way to take a challenge, that's great ^^
Pantalimon wandered down a mountain, towards Numenor, although she wasn't aware. She lightly sung a few lines of an old song an old woman had taught her the week before; she wasn’t sure what it meant or which language it was but the melody was so beatuiful. With her thoughts wandering though the notes she almost missed the voice that whispered the next line to her song. After about ten mintues of expertly maneuvering the mountain she halted her step but continued to sing into the empty path. The small voice whispered back her next lyric and she spun around. “Who’s there?†her steady voice demanded, body tense but ready to move. Of course no one was there. The echo of a voice evaporated with the wind and she stood tapping her foot alone. “Someone was singing…†she told herself, not bothering to keep her voice down. With a deep breath and a toss of her head, Pan continued down the mountain, resuming her song but now listening for the whisper. Naturely, this time her voice was alone.
oh yeah and i love pandas! haha. i can't wait to start!
Username- Princessofhearts Character name- Pantalimon Age-20 Gender- female Race- human\necromancer Powers (if any)- dark magic (undiscovered) Background (details, please)- Pan was born in Numenor, her mother's home but her father was a necromancer. The towns people declared her birth a 'dark omen' and her parents to be 'evil demons' for spawning a mixed child. Whatever reasons the two had for having a child were washed away after the couple was hung. the baby Pan was taken and abondoned in Armania. Although no one inparticular brought her up, different groups and travling loners raised her as a child for a few weeks at a time each. by the time she was a young teenager she had been trained in various trades, fighting styles, and living skills by her passing companions. She has no specific mastery over anything but has dabbled in nearly everything. The necromancer blood in her has remained hidden even to her knowledge, with no body to teach her, but lately she has been noticing small whispers on the wind answering her voice when she speaks to herself. Apearance- View attachment 2687
"Hikaru let go of him this instant." Yuzuha followed the boy and pulled him bodilly away from his brother. "Now, I am not going to tell your father about your problems. But you are." she looked him dead in the eyes, turning him so he was forced to see her. Her anger matched his, now, but it was colder, cleaner, and less explosive. She was angry that he had threatened his brother and angry that he would not hear her. "And you are going to stop accusing others of this nonsense. I am not your enemy, I am your mother. Remember that." she stood straighter. "Now, do you understand me?" Despite being only slightly taller than her sons, she seemed to tower over the room.
Taking Kaoru's words into account, Yuzuha didn't respond immediatly to Hikaru's words or actions. She stood by the door still, watchiing him and waiting for him to continue. Somehow he's going to talk to me... maybe. oOC: This is your birthday song! it isn't very long! this is the second verse! it's shorter than the- :D
Shaking her head, Yuzuha held her younger son for a breif last moment, smiled fondly at him and let go. "Kaoru, I think I should talk with Hikaru for a moment. I'll hand him back over to you in a moment." she knew, now that he had the gender worry out of the way, that Kaoru would understand. Despite his being the younger of the two, he was by far more mature when he wasn't with his brother. She walked out of the room, following Hikaru. "Hikaru..." she announced her presense with his name. "I know you don't want to talk, at the moment, but I need you to tell me what is going on in your mind." she spoke up before he could snap at her. "I only want a moment of your time, then you can go back to your brother and planning whatever it is you two want to do over this break." she waited by the door after closing it behind her.
Yuzuha smiled softly, seeing Hikaru comfort his brother. She put her hands on her knees and took in a slow breath. "Kaoru, being a mother, yes I always wished for a girl... but I also always knew you were going to be a boy. Do you think that with all the technology available I only knew about one of my twins or would take a chance and guess?" she stood up and joined them on the couch, patting his hand when she sat down next to Kaoru. "As soon as I could find out I was pregnant, I had the doctors tell me everything about both of you. Your father and me talked for a very long time about both of your names. You should never think you are any kind of afterthought. If I wanted a girl so badly, I could have adopted or had more kids; but I love my boys and some day I'll, hopefully, have a daughter in law or two. That's by far enough." she took brushed his hair back from him forehead fondly.
OOC: no worries. i know the feeling... if i didn't have a laptop i don't think i'd ever be on lol. don't stress and text me whenever if you need a mental break ^^
In the middle of a math assignment, Haruhi sneezed. "Who's talking about me?" she asked the empty house, sniffing alittle before getting back to work. "You two may bring over a friend any time you want." Yuzuha said, hiding her exicitment that they actually had a friend the wanted to visit. Even the boys from their club never got mentioned to her unless it was to complain about them. "But no you cannot adopt her..." a small smile graced her lips, showing the twins that she was not as upset anymore. "I assume she has a family?" she nodded to her own question, knowing full well that she would have. "But have her over if you'd like, just call me before hand." She turned alittle to her desk and moved a paper over to check a date. "As for what we were talking about before... Kaoru," she turned to the younger twin slowly so that she was sure who she was talking to and did not set off another argument, "Tell me what is on your mind."
Yuzuha sat at her desk with her back to the door. She could hear the twins' murmuring voices,faintly, from her office. When they entered, it was no surprise to her they immediatly tried to act...again. "you two don't have to pretend on my account." she informed them, agrivated that her own sons acted like her underlings from work at times. "but thank you for trying." she turned around, laying her hands in her lap to keep from figiting and showing her unease. "Come on, sit down." she motioned to a small couch near her desk. "Are you ready to talk like a real family?" she asked. As she spoke, the last statement of their unison speaking caught up on and her expression changed to one of confusion. "And would you mind explaining that bit about the family member?"
Yuzuha listened to them silently, watching them grab each other and play up the pitiful, deserted children act. But she didn't flinch; this was what she expected. "Are you finished?" she asked, druming her fingers on the sketches. "Yes, it isn't fair." she agreed, now that they were quiet. "But, you know what?" she leaned foward alittle. "It isn't fair for me either. I don't want to ground you, but this tantrum has shown me it really must be done. Like i said before, when you feel you want to talk to your parents, we will be happy to talk. But your behavior does not merit freedom." she paused, turning to leave the room. "I will be in my study all night, if you want to talk." she left feeling horrible. I wish I could fix this without upsetting them... but I take that easy road too much. Maybe their friend will make them see that... as she walked up a narrorow staircase to her private study she wondered what kind of girl could have broken through the twin's walls enough to make them vollenteer a ride home. OOC: haha no kidding!
Yuzuha closed her eyes and remained silent, deciding how to proceed. As she reopened her eyes, she stood up and gathered the sketches off the table. Holding them in her arms and leaving her plate untouched despite not eating much during the day, she met her sons' eyes. "I am quite through with this behavior." she stated. "You two seem unable to have a real disccusion with me. I will, as you seem to prefer, leave it at that. But, because we really do need to talk, serioulsy and like adults, and because your attitudes are not acceptable, you two are grounded until you decide speaking to your parents is not so beneath you." yuzuha knew this new approch (in other words disipline) would only set the brothers more against her for the time being. But she hoped desperatly it would pay off in the future.
Yuzuha opened her mouth to fix her mistake but Kaoru was already gone. While the boys talked outside, she smacked the table with her palm down, trying to vent any of her emotions. A passing maid turned to her, slightly surprised. Yuzuha graced her with a smile, which seemed to fix any worry the young woman had. When the girl was gone the smile disappeared. Somewhere outside the kitchen she could hear the boys talking. "Why? Why can't you two cut me any slack?' she asked, staring at the sketch Kaoru had been messing with. She restlessly rubbed her forehead, waiting for them to return or for their voices to stop. They soon did the former and she looked up at them, "Hikaru, Kaoru, this is not good. I will not allow our family to behave like this any longer. Let's by pass me trying to explain anything; please tell me, honestly, what you are thinking." she met each boy's eye and hoped they cooperate. OOC: haha even writing them is confusing, it's pretty perfect hm? =]