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  1. Meilin Lee
    While 'Kingdom Hearts III' was released in Japan today (let that sink in...), Square-Enix released a promotional video focusing on the gameplay elements of the highly anticipated title. Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 24, 2019, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Meilin Lee

    The third orchestra tour in the 'Kingdom Hearts Orchestra' series has been announced today, named 'KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World of Tres-', with a world tour scheduled for this year in celebration of the release of 'Kingdom Hearts III'! Tickets for select cities will be available for pre-sale purchase from here starting January 30, 2019 at 8pm local time of each city, while the public sale of tickets will start on February 12, 2019. Check out the list of cities where the tour will stop by this year (and let us know if you'll be going to any of the ones listed):

    Tokyo (Japan) – April 27-28, 2019 – International Forum A
    Pre-sales here starting January 29, 2019 (from 12pm local time)
    Then available starting February 26, 2019 here (from 12pm local time)

    Singapore – May 18, 2019 – Esplanade Concert Hall
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here here

    Chicago (USA) – June 1, 2019 – Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Los Angeles (USA) – June 8, 2019 – Dolby Theatre
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Orlando (USA) – June 22, 2019 – Walt Disney Theater
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    New York (USA) – June 28-29, 2019 – United Palace
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Toronto (Canada) – July 13, 2019 – Sony Centre
    Available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Köln (Germany) – August 24, 2019 – Kölner Philharmonie
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Atlanta (USA) – September 14, 2019 – Fox Theatre
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Paris (France) – September 28, 2019 – Palais des Congrès
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Milan (Italy) – October 5, 2019 – Teatro Arcimboldi
    Available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Sydney (Australia) – October 19, 2019 – Sydney Town Hall Centennial Hall
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Dallas (USA) – October 26, 2019 - Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Also available starting February 12, 2019 here

    São Paulo (Brazil) – November 2, 2019 –Espaçodas Americas
    Available starting February 12, 2019 here

    London (United Kingdom) – November 17, 2019 –Eventim Apollo
    Pre-sales here starting January 30, 2019 (from 8pm local time)
    Then available starting February 12, 2019 here

    Mexico D.F. (Mexico) – November 23, 2019 – Auditorium Blackberry
    Available starting February 12, 2019 at here

    Osaka (Japan) – November 30, 2019 – Grand Cube
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 22, 2019, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Meilin Lee
    Been a while since I posted here. Anyway, updated OP with reserves. Also, time for some reserves of my own...

    Description: A former soldier in the Greek army who survived the Great Purge, and has been on the run ever since. Kassandra eventually found her way into Brazil, where she now leads the Rebels there.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed

    Name: Alexios
    Description: Kassandra's younger brother who, like Kassandra, was raised in a Greek orphanage, until the two were split up between different foster parents. Alexios's current whereabouts are unknown, and Kassandra has long given up trying to track her brother to reunite with him.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): ???
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed

    Name: Peni Kimiko
    Description: A student at Nintendo High School who is extremely smart and good with tech. Peni looks up to Spider-Gwen, hoping to meet her one day.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Donnie Gill
    Description: A young man who, before the Great Purge, was an intern at the J.I.A. until a freak accident gave him powers, after which was under constant monitoring by the J.I.A. until it was disintegrated after the Great Purge. Now, Donnie is hiding in San Diego, not wanting anything to do with the Rebel Alliance nor the New World Order.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Marvel/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    That's it for my reserves. Next up, I'd like to make an announcement...

    As you all may be aware, Kingdom Hearts III will be releasing soon. Understandably, with the release comes massive spoilers for the game. Because of this, I will be implementing a KH3 spoiler ban in the RP until March 5th. Until that time, there will be absolutely no mention of any spoilers of the game when discussing the RP, reserving characters, or when posting in the RP.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 20, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. Meilin Lee
    ~The Capital - Police HQ (Shooting Range)~


    Anyway, that pretty much sums up all the Police Ranger info I can give you today,” Vanitas told Kiriko and Looker, “Keep practicing using all the tech I gave you guys. However, for the time being, you should ONLY use this tech for practice. Starting sometime next week, I’ll be joining you guys on duty, during which you’ll be allowed to start using the Police Ranger tech for official crime fighting business. Understood?” “Understood,” Looker replied. “Alright then… any questions?” Vanitas asked. “None from me, sir,” Looker responded.


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Secured Room)~


    As the battle outside the secured room commenced, Saphir and the others heard something, wondering what was going on. “What was that?” Saphir wondered out loud. “Not sure,” Loki replied as he and Aveline got their blasters ready in case something came through the door. “Don't worry, we'll protect you,” Aveline assured Elsa, Anna, Saphir, and Olaf. As for Olaf, who was still sitting on top of the furniture he placed in front of the door, he said, “Guess it was probably a good thing I put all this furniture in front of the door. See, told ya guys that you can never be too safe.” “I'll admit, that was some clever thinking,” Loki replied to Olaf, “Nice work.”




    Once Tsukasa disappeared, one of the Cybermen tried to search for the Rider by searching for his heat signature. "There is no sign of the Rider anywhere," the Cyberman informed Larxene. "Grrrr.... search the area! I want that Rider found!" Larxene angrily ordered the Stormtroopers and Cybermen, who simply nodded in response as they began searching even though Tsukasa had long left the area.


    ~English Countryside~


    Lily… Lily Potter… come out, come out!” Bellatrix called out Lily with a creepy tone to her voice, “You know, I had little word with your sister… Petunia I believe her name was. Rather rude, if you ask me. Same goes for her family. Had to use a truth serum to make her tell me what I needed to know. Such a shame I had to burn down her house while she and her family were locked inside. Oh well.


    ~Helicarrier - Sky Above the Kalahari Desert - South Africa~


    Watching from Grand Moff Tarkin’s personal Helicarrier as it was flying high at a safe distance, Orson Krennic and the others watched the destruction Lavos caused to Upington and its surroundings continue to unfold. “Oh, it’s beautiful,” Krennic said in awe of the destruction below, amazed by the power of Lavos.


    ~Outside Militia Base - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~


    Rushing outside, Jyn and the others watched the slowly incoming blast wave’s obliteration caused by Lavos. Watching militia members run for their lives, Prompto cried, “What do we do?!” Eventually, the group watched as Cassian’s U-Wing, currently set to auto-pilot, came flying towards them, landing close to their location. “Come on! Let’s get out of here!” Cassian ordered the others as the U-Wing opened to allow the group to enter it. The others simply nodded as they all got into Cassian’s U-Wing, with Cassian rushing towards the cockpit, pulling a lever that caused the U-Wing to zip away from the area towards safety.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Abandoned Construction Zone~


    Sneaking into the abandoned construction zone where Contanze’s airship was, Amanda told Akira and the others, “You can’t see it right now, but this whole space is occupied by Constanze’s airship. Reason you can’t see it is because cloaking is enabled to ensure it doesn’t attract any attention. So, careful not to bump your head. We may need to spend the night here. Hopefully the New World Order will stop looking for us by tomorrow morning.” “In the meantime, I’ll set up a campfire,” Coulson added, “Anyone hungry?” As Akko’s stomach growled, causing her to sweatdrop, Sucy grinned as she replied to Coulson, “Looks like it.


    ~The Capital - Hospital (Rooftop)~


    Ugh, my head,” Jenny said as she slowly walked with Foggy, still hurt from the headbutt Frank Castle gave her. “Osha…” Foggy concurred, feeling just as hurt as she was. Eventually, the two heard Matt crying in pain, and rushed towards him, gasping as they found the demon lying on the ground while bleeding in his arm…


    Oh no… Matt!” Officer Jenny cried as she knelt next to Matt while a worried Foggy tried to help Matt get up, “Can you get up?” “I… I think so,” Matt replied as Jenny put Matt’s non-wounded arm around her shoulder, helping him as they heard sirens in the distance. “Lucky for you, we’re in the rooftop of a hospital. Let’s get you to a doctor,” Jenny said as she helped Murdock walk towards the stairs while they were followed by Foggy.


    ~Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area: Empty Office Space~


    It’s alright,” Shining Armor responded to Billy. “So, were you able to build the device that you were sent schematics of?” May asked Billy. “He sure did,” Mace answered on Billy’s behalf as he entered the empty office space where the others were gathered, carrying a small device...


    Gotta say, Billy… I’m impressed you were able to build this thing in such a short amount of time,” Mace told Billy. “So… how does it work?” Lance questioned. “Simple,” Mace replied, “Just stab Creel with this, and his absorption powers should be halted.” “Sounds easy enough,” May commented. “Uh, guys… speaking of Creel… I just got word from Skye,” Shining Armor told the others, “Raina sent a signal. He’s somewhere near our location.” Looking out the window with her binoculars, May looked for any sign of Creel, until she eventually found the Inquisitor walking towards a bench and sitting down while carrying a metallic suitcase. “I see him,” May told the others, “Looks like he has the Obelisk inside a suitcase, and it seems he’s waiting for someone. Sir, what do we do?” “Let’s see how things go first. Don’t wanna do anything rash,” Jeffery replied, “When I give the signal, we move in. But discreetly… don’t wanna attract attention from nearby Stormtroopers and Cybermen.” “Understood,” Shining Armor said.


    ~Flashback: Three Weeks Ago - New Mexico Desert~


    As Finn kept walking through the desert, waiting for help after sending a signal to one of the few people he trusted right now, he noticed the Millennium Falcon flying towards his area. ‘He actually came…’ Finn thought to himself as he waved his arms, hoping Cid would notice him. “HEY, OVER HERE!” Finn yelled. The Millennium Falcon then landed near Finn's location, with its ramp opening up moments later. Finn then noticed Cid and BB-8 go down the ramp to meet him…


    Gotta say, didn’ expec’ ta get an SOS signal from ya, especially since yer a Stormtrooper an’ all,” Cid told Finn, “What’s goin’ on? Where's Kanan?” “He's dead Cid… Kanan's dead…” Finn tearfully replied as he began to cry over the death of his friend. Stunned by what he heard, Cid approached Finn, giving him a hug and a pat on the back to try to comfort him, while BB-8 gave a sad electronic beep after hearing the news. “Come on, let's get ya inside,” Cid told Finn, walking with him and BB-8 back into the Millennium Falcon.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Some time had passed since the battle outside the base. Connor and other Rebels were preparing a funeral for Rue. As for Darien, he approached Lt. Surge, wanting to know how Connor was after what had happened. “How is he?” Darien asked. Sighing, Surge replied, “Still cryin’... Rue's death hit ‘im pretty hard. Not surprised… Rue was a good friend of his at school. This is gonna be a pretty hard one to get ovah.” “Hmm… yeah, I can imagine,” Darien concurred, “Best to leave him alone for now. Still, how did those Stormtroopers and Cybermen get here?” “We interrogated one of da Stormtroopers… he says dat they was followin’ footsteps, an’ dats how they gots here,” Surge replied, “An’ when I looked outside, I found the footprints he mentioned. It looked like there were two guys followin’ a dog. Whoever’s responsible is here in da base right now. Clemont's analyzin’ the footprints as we speak. Hopefully he'll let us know who’s responsible for dis mess. I’m pretty sure Connor's gonna want ta have a word with ‘em.” Just then, Darien and Lt. Surge saw Clemont rushing towards them…


    Lt. Surge… I know whose footprints those were,” Clemont told Lt. Surge as he panted. Grinning, Surge replied, “Show me.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 19, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Meilin Lee
    In preparation for the release of 'Kingdom Hearts III' in Japan next Friday (we're so close!!!), Square-Enix released a 2 minute commercial for the game, focusing first on the fans of the series, and then giving us a look at more cutscenes and gameplay (with a new Drive Form revealed called Rage Form, which appears to be an Anti Form variant). Check out the commercial below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 17, 2019, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Meilin Lee
    Disney has announced that the Disney Ambassador Hotel at Tokyo Disney Resort will have Kingdom Hearts themed rooms from March 26th to June 30th to celebrate the release of 'Kingdom Hearts III'! Check out images of what the hotel rooms will look like below (as well as the Keyblade-shaped room key):

    Reservations can be made starting January 30th, and will cost ¥46,100 per night (roughly $425). Each room will be 41 square meters, and will contain two regular sized beds and one trundle bed. Rooms will include two sets of original postcards in two different designs (total of four postcards). In addition to the hotel rooms, a Kingdom Hearts themed menu will also be served at the hotel lounge and cafe from March 26th to June 13th.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 15, 2019, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Meilin Lee
    Earlier today, the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account tweeted what players can expect as far as patches go during the first few days of KH3's launch:
    On January 29, update 1.01 will provide some data fixes as well as adding the Memory Archive option in the main menu (which recaps the story of the series up to 'Kingdom Hearts III'). Later, the game's epilogue will be included with an update on January 30th, while a secret ending will be included on the 31st.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 11, 2019, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Meilin Lee

    Newsweek got a chance recently to sit down and talk with Tai Yasue, the co-director of 'Kingdom Hearts III', where he discusses certain aspects of the highly anticipated game, such as why certain worlds were chosen, how it feels working with Tetsuya Nomura, and what part of KH3 is his favorite. Check out the interview below:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 2, 2019, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Meilin Lee
    ~The Capital - Police HQ (Shooting Range)~


    Hmm, this seems pretty easy,” Looker commented as he was done shooting his targets with his device. “You say that now, but once you're out on the street, things might actually start to get difficult,” Vanitas replied as a Stormtrooper handed him two similar looking devices that look like megaphones. “Here you go,” Vanitas told Looker and Kiriko as he handed them both a megaphone, “When shooting isn't an option, and you need to rely on hand-to-hand combat, use this device. I know it looks like a megaphone, but actually, it’s more than that. Simply press the button on the side, and you’ll activate the device’s Baton mode. Go ahead, try it.” Doing as Vanitas said, Looker watched as a rod extended from the top of the megaphone (like this). “Ooh, nice…” Looker commented.


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Secured Room)~


    As Saphir and the others continued waiting, they noticed Olaf moving pieces of furniture, placing them in front of the door. “Olaf, what are you doing?” Saphir asked the snowman. “Just adding a little more protection,” Olaf replied as he climbed up one of the tables he placed in front of the door, sitting on top of it. “You realize that the doors are already pretty secure, right?” Loki asked Olaf. “Oh, I know,” Olaf replied, “Still, you can never be too safe.” Looking at each other, Loki, Aveline, and Saphir all shrugged, deciding to let Olaf do what he wanted to. Meanwhile, as Elsa created small snowflakes to pass the time, Aveline held out her hand so that a snowflake would land on the palm of her hand. Once a snowflake did land, Aveline looked at it closely, smiling as she commended Elsa, “This is really amazing. I wish I was born with powers like yours.




    Hmph, none of your business, Rider!” Larxene replied as she made sure to avoid using lightning-based attacks on Tsukasa to prevent him from absorbing such attacks. Instead, Larxene focused on physical attacks. “Vanish!” Larxene cried as she rushed towards Tsukasa while continuing to teleport, kicking and slashing at him with her Foudre knives, while also constantly throwing her Foudre knives at Tsuakasa, with the knives automatically rematerializing in her hands after throwing them at him.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Park~


    As Akko, Lotte, and Sucy descended back to the ground where everyone else was, Akko noticed the Shiny Rod in her hand revert back to its original form. Approaching the three, Amanda asked, “Hey, Akko… how did you do that?” “I don’t know really… I just remembered the same words Shiny Chariot recited when she used the Shiny Rod in her shows long ago,” Akko replied. “Do you think any one of us can do the same thing?” Sucy asked. “It’s not that simple,” Ursula replied, “The Shiny Rod chooses its master. When the rod’s seven orbs began to glow while Akko carried it, it chose Akko as its new master.” “WHAAA-?!” Akko cried, “Me?!?!” “You know, I’d love to discuss this further, but maybe we should get out of here before the New World Order sends more troops,” Coulson commented. “He’s right,” Amanda concurred, “Let’s all go back to Constanze’s ship.” Nodding, the others followed Amanda’s lead, except for Diana, who remained standing still, at a loss for what to do. “Hey… you comin’?” Lotte asked Diana. “Hmph… I suppose… it’s not like I have anywhere else to go now that the New World Order’s targeting me as well,” Diana responded as she followed the group.


    ~Militia Base in a Cave - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~


    Jyn!” Cassian cried as he ran throughout the base, trying to locate Jyn while the entire place was shaking violently due to the incoming blast wave caused by Lavos. Eventually, he found Jyn standing silently with Saw Gerrera with her…


    Seeing Saw get into a defensive position upon noticing him, Cassian slowly approached Jyn, telling her, “Hey. We gotta go. I know where your father is.” Hearing what Cassian said, Saw told Jyn, “Go with him, Jyn. You must go.” “Come with us,” Jyn replied to Saw. “I will run no longer,” Saw told Jyn. “Come on,” Cassian said, trying to get Jyn to run with him before the whole place gets demolished by the blast wave. “But you must save yourself,” Saw continued, imploring Jyn to get out, “Now go!” Nodding, Jyn turned and ran away with Cassian. “Save the Rebellion! Save the dream!” Saw beseeched as he watched Jyn and Cassian run away.


    ~The Capital - Hospital (Rooftop)~


    Heading towards a door to walk back downstairs, Frank Castle was kicked on the left by Murdock, surprising him…


    ‘This guy doesn’t know when to quit,’ Castle thought to himself as he and Murdock began trading blows. After body slamming the demon, Castle thought he finally had the upper hand. However, Murdock surprised Castle by quickly going for the attack, continuously punching and kicking Castle while masterfully blocking incoming attacks. And as Murdock slammed Castle into a wall and forced him into the ground, he felt like he finally had Frank right where he wanted him. But to Murdock’s surprise, Castle pulled out a pistol from his lower pocket, pointing it right at Murdock’s face. Grinning as his nose was bleeding, Frank said, “Bang…” Castle then aimed for Murdock’s arm, pulling the trigger as he wounded the demon, who had collapsed while crying in pain. As for Castle, he quickly got up and left the scene.


    ~Island in the Pacific Ocean~


    So, this… Xehanort boy… stole the Piece of Eden from here after conquering Destiny Islands,” Tui commented as he and Maui were talking in private after learning what Xehanort had taken from the island earlier. “And with the Piece of Eden, he now has the location of Sauron's tomb,” Maui replied. “Are you sure he is the descendant of Sauron?” Tui asked. “He said so himself,” Maui replied, “Also, I have a feeling those creatures he summoned are one of the creatures Sauron himself was able to summon as well.” “This is all very concerning…” Tui commented. “What do you think we should do?” Maui asked. “Evacuate,” Tui responded, “Remain in the sea for now. And of course, contact Master Luke Skywalker and let him know what's going on.” Nodding, Maui said, “No objections from me. Let's go.


    ~English Countryside~


    After getting punched by James and falling from of her broomstick, Bellatrix noticed her nose bleeding, angering her immensely. “You’ll pay for that!” Bellatrix yelled as she aimed her wand towards the tank and bikes, “Glacius!” The spell from Bellatrix’s wand then froze the tanks and bikes to the ground. Grinning, Bellatrix noticed Cybermen arrive from the sky, landing next to her…


    Bellatrix and the Cybermen then slowly began walking towards the tank and bikes.


    ~Flashback: Three Weeks Ago - New Mexico Desert~


    Ever since their battle with Kylo Ren the day earlier, Finn had been carrying his best friend, Kanan, through the desert, trying to get him somewhere where he could be treated for his wound, despite there being no sign of any town nearby. But as time passed, Kanan’s condition was getting worse and worse. Finn didn’t want to accept it, but Kanan knew deep down that it was too late for him. “Finn, could you stop for a bit?” Kanan asked his friend, “I’d like to sit on the sand.” “No, we gotta keep moving,” Finn retorted, not wanting to give up on Kanan. “Finn… please,” Kanan asked once more, “There’s something I wanna tell you.” Looking at Kanan, Finn sighed as he stopped and slowly placed Kanan on the sand while kneeling down to face him.

    Smiling at Finn, Kanan weakly said, “Finn… we had a good run… you and I. From the moment we first met at school… to our mission in Nibelheim… I will treasure every moment I shared with you… brother.” “Don’t say that, don’t you dare say that!” Finn cried, “We’re gonna get you some help. You’ll be okay soon.” “Finn… it’s too late for me,” Kanan retorted, “But you… you’re gonna… you’re gonna… live. You’ll be… my living legacy.” As Finn tried to fight back his tears, he watched as Kanan summoned his Keyblade. “Everything about me… my honor… my dreams… they’re yours now,” Kanan told Finn as he handed him his Keyblade. “I’m your… living legacy?” Finn asked as he observed the Keyblade Kanan gave him. Nodding in response, Kanan smiled as he peacefully closed his eyes and laid on the sand, no longer breathing. “Kanan… Kanan?!” Finn cried as he tried waking his friend, realizing that his best friend was gone for good. “No… NOOOOOOOOOO!!” Finn screamed in disbelief as he was crying over Kanan’s deceased body.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown: Outside~


    As Connor and the others battled the small group of Stormtroopers and Cybermen, Mewtwo and Discord appeared over some Stormtroopers, ready to help out…


    Mewtwo used his psychic energy to levitate three Stormtroopers and send them flying into a large trash bag that Discord summoned with a snap of his fingers. “Three pointer!” Discord announced as the large trash bag tied itself up with the three Stormtroopers inside it. “Heh, nice work guys!” Sailor Mini Moon commended Discord and Mewtwo. But as the last of the Cybermen and Stormtroopers were defeated, Connor heard someone crying for help. “Trouble?” Tuxedo Mask asked him. “I will go check it out,” Connor responded. Running to the direction of the voice, Connor came across the sight of Clemont struggling as a Stormtrooper tried restraining him…


    Clemont!” Connor cried upon noticing what was happening. Seeing Connor, the Stormtrooper immediately grabbed his blaster, but quickly dropped it after his hand was hit by a Thunderbolt attack by Ritchie’s Pikachu, Sparky…


    Pikachu!” Sparky cried after hitting the Stormtrooper with a Thunderbolt attack. Once Clemont was able to break free from the Stormtrooper, Connor grabbed his tomahawk, and threw it towards the Stormtrooper, piercing through his helmet and killing him. Walking over to the dead Stormtrooper and pulling out his tomahawk from the dead Stormtrooper’s helmet, Connor watched as Ritchie tried to comfort Clemont. “Hey, you okay?” Ritchie asked Clemont. Panting, Clemont responded, “I’m fine… but Bonnie, my sister… their leader kidnapped her. I tried to save her… but that Stormtrooper stopped me.” “You wait here,” Connor ordered Clemont and Ritchie, “I will find Bonnie.” Connor then left to find Bonnie and this leader that Clemont mentioned.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown: Outside (Again)~


    Running towards what he assumed were Bonnie’s cries for help, Connor came face to face with Romulus Thread, who was holding Bonnie at gunpoint while placing his foot on Bonnie’s Dedenne, preventing it from doing anything to help Bonnie…


    Connor!” Bonnie cried upon noticing Connor arrive. “Quiet you,” Romulus ordered Bonnie before shifting his attention back to Connor, “Well, well, well… Ratonhnhaké:ton… we finally meet.” “Let her go,” Connor ordered Romulus. “Hmph… let her go and give up my chance of capturing, or even killing, the leader of the Rebel Alliance himself? I don’t think so,” Romulus replied. “Fine,” Connor said as he slowly stepped forward, holding his arms up and making it seem like he was surrendering, “Go ahead, shoot me.” “What?” a surprised Romulus wondered out loud. “Go ahead, take the shot!” Connor ordered Romulus, “Just let Bonnie go.” Unsure of whether Connor was bluffing or not (and whether this was really a trap), Romulus struggled on what to do. “Shoot me!” Connor yelled, with Romulus finally pointing his blaster at Connor and letting go of Bonnie and her Dedenne. But before Romulus could pull the trigger, an arrow hit his shoulder, trapping him in a peach-shaped sphere before being assaulted by multiple arrows being fired in a row. Once Romulus collapsed from the impact of the attack, Connor turned around and saw Katniss (in her Rider form) arrive with her Pikachu, Haymitch…


    I was wondering when you would show up,” Connor told Katniss as he approached her, smiling as she detransformed while Clemont arrived with Ritchie and Sparky…


    Bonnie!” Clemont cried as he rushed towards his sister, hugging her. “Clemont!” Bonnie replied as she too hugged her brother in return, while Bonnie’s Dedenne climbed up to her shoulder trying to comfort Bonnie by rubbing itself against her cheek. “So, how did these guys find us?” Ritchie wondered aloud. “Not sure,” Katniss replied. “Hopefully one of the Stormtroopers we have apprehended will talk,” Connor added. Unbeknownst to Connor or the others, Romulus slowly opened his eyes, hurt but still alive from the earlier attack. Noticing Connor, Romulus reached for his blaster, and slowly got up, pointing his weapon at the Rebel leader. “Connor, watch out!” Rue cried as she rushed towards Romulus in order to stop him…


    Rue, don’t!” Katniss cried as Rue and Romulus were grappling with each other. Rushing towards the two, Connor, Katniss, and Ritchie (along with Haymitch and Sparky) hoped to help Rue out and deal with Romulus. But it was too late, as during the struggle, Romulus shot Rue below her chest, wounding her badly. “NOOOO!!!” Connor cried upon reaching the two, kicking Romulus to the side, and swinging his tomahawk to his neck, killing Romulus.

    As for Rue, Katniss held her as she lowered her to the ground, while Ritchie knelt next to her. Arriving to the scene after hearing all the commotion, Darien and Rini gasped as they were stunned by what they saw, standing silently (which was the same reaction shared by Clemont, Bonnie, and her Dedenne)...


    No… Rue, please… don’t… please don’t die…” Katniss tearfully pleaded. Rue didn’t say a word in response, simply smiling upon noticing Connor, Katniss, and Ritchie all looking down at her with worried looks on their faces, happy to know that she was with her close friends in her final moments. And as Rue’s eyes closed, what Katniss, Connor, and Ritchie all feared had come true. Rue was dead. “Rue? Rue? No…” Katniss said as she began to cry, "I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect you." Kneeling next to Rue, Connor, distraught from what just happened, began to mourn for his friend as well, crying as he and Katniss shared a hug. As for Ritchie, he too was crying over the death of his friend along with Haymitch and Sparky.


    ~Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area~


    Having arrived in Chicago, Lance Hunter and Shining Armor had regrouped with May, and were conducting a stakeout from an empty office space, looking out the window to see of there was any sign of Carl Creel. “Anything yet?” Hunter asked Shining Armor. “Sorry,” the pony responded as he tried listening to Skye talking with him on his earpiece, “Skye says Raina still hasn’t sent a signal.” “Not to mention, we’re still waiting on Billy and Mace to arrive with the device that Fitz designed.” “Right…” Hunter replied, nodding as he was getting a bit impatient.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 1, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Meilin Lee
    Face My Fears - Utada & Skrillex
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 31, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  11. Meilin Lee
    Earlier today, a trailer promoting the appearance of Sora in the mobile game 'Final Fantasy Brave Exvius' revealed a couple new seconds of footage from 'Kingdom Hearts III', showing Sora with Master Eraqus's Keyblade. Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 26, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix has released three new Japanese commercials for 'Kingdom Hearts III', titled Friend, Battle, and Story. Check them out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 21, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    ~The Capital - Police HQ (Shooting Range)~


    Once Vanitas arrived to the shooting range with Looker and Kiriko, he told the two, “Use the devices that you picked up earlier to transform into Police Rangers by simply pulling the trigger of the Trigger Machine attached to the gun. Make sure you detach the Trigger Machine once you detransform. Now then, practice shooting at the targets over there.” “Alright… here goes nothing,” Looker commented as he grabbed his device, doing exactly as Vanitas instructed, causing him to transform to a Police Ranger…


    Oh my,” Looker commented as examined himself having transformed to a Police Ranger, “I think I look good as a Ranger!” “Alright, now that you’ve transformed, focus on the targets,” Vanitas told Looker. “Oh, right!” Looker responded as he pointed his device at the targets, and began using it just like a regular gun, shooting the targets masterfully.




    Everyone, get to shelter!” Hans ordered the frightened citizens after Tsukasa began attacking, running away from the scene. “Oh, you did not just call me blondie!” Larxene angrily yelled as she got ready to battle…

    Boss Battle: Larxene
    ~The Savage Nymph~

    View attachment 50137

    As Stormtroopers and Cybermen continued firing at Tsukasa and his Ghosts, Larxene teleported right behind the Rider, yelling, “Lightning!” Larxene then pointed her Foudre Knives at the Rider, electrocuting him with bolts of electricity and sending him crashing into the ground. But Larxene wasn’t quite done, as she began using her Teleport Rush attack on Tsukasa, repeatedly teleporting extremely fast around the Rider while delivering a different attack after every teleport, ranging from a kick, to a punch, and even slashing him with her Foudre knives while yelling, “No escape!


    ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Secured Room)~


    There we go,” one of the two Stormtroopers accompanying Saphir, Olaf, Elsa, and Anna said as she and the other Stormtrooper locked the doors. “We should be safe here,” the other Stormtrooper told Saphir and the others, bowing to them. “Thank you for your service,” Saphir thanked the Stormtroopers as he took a seat. “So, I guess we just sit here and wait?” Olaf asked. “I guess so,” Saphir replied. Meanwhile, the two Stormtroopers removed their helmets to get some fresh air, as it was getting stuffy keeping their helmets on…


    Ugh, would it hurt to include air conditioning inside these things?” Aveline complained after removing her Stormtrooper helmet. “I agree,” Loki concurred with his fellow Stormtrooper, “I'm just relieved we get some off time like this so that we can get a breath of fresh air.” As Loki sat next to Saphir, he asked Saphir, “So how has your day been, sir?” “Oh, pretty normal… until all this happened,” Saphir replied. “I see,” Loki said, lowering his voice so that only Saphir would hear what he was about to say, “So, pardon me for asking this, but, umm… when Aveline and I came to get you to safety, I noticed you and Elsa were holding hands… is there… is there something going on between you and Elsa?” “I’d prefer not to answer personal questions, Stormtrooper. And I hope you can respect that,” Saphir replied. “Oh yes, of course,” Loki said, “I do apologize for asking that.” “Don't worry. It's no big deal,” Saphir responded.


    ~Island in the Pacific Ocean~


    The New World Order?!” Moana wondered out loud after she and Maui had to hear what her parents told her. “They made it to Destiny Islands?!” Maui added. As Tui and Sina both nodded in response, Sina commented, “It was terrible. We had to evacuate quickly.” “I’m relieved almost all of us were able to make it out alive,” Tui added, “Those Stormtroopers… they were no match for us. But the Cybermen, they were too powerful. But the most dangerous was a lone individual.” “And who was this individual?” Moana asked. “A silver-haired boy wearing a black cloak,” Tui answered, “And get this… he’s a Keyblade wielder! Can you believe it? A Keyblade wielder leading New World Order forces as they invaded our home.” “A silver-haired… boy?” Moana wondered aloud. “Wielding a Keyblade?” Maui wondered out loud as well. It was then that both Maui and Moana gasped, realizing that Tui was in fact referring to Xehanort, who had arrived to the island earlier and sent Shadows to attack Moana and Maui. “The cave!” both Moana and Maui cried as they looked at each other, and left in a hurry. “Moana? Maui?” Sina called out to the two as she and Tui watched them rush towards the cave in the island. Once Maui and Moana arrived to the cave, they noticed the boulder that Xehanort opened up earlier, and the pathway leading to a room containing a pedestal, where a golden orb used to be. “Oh no… he took it…” Maui said with a concerned tone to his voice.


    ~African Savannah - Xehanort’s Fortress~


    Looking at the golden orb in his hand that he had retrieved from the remote Pacific island he was in not too long ago, Master Xehanort wondered if he was going to get more clues or an actual answer this time. “Is that it?” a figure in a black cloak asked Xehanort as he approached him…


    It is,” the Grand Inquisitor replied, “Located in a temple protected by a Keyblade Master and his apprentice. I was able to send a horde of Heartless towards them to buy me enough time to snatch this orb.” “Hmm, then I suppose it’s time to find out what it will tell us,” the cloaked figure responded. Nodding, Xehanort placed the orb on a table, asking it, “Where is Sauron’s tomb?” In response, the orb began to glow as Master Xehanort and the cloaked figure began to hear inaudible voices, with the orb eventually projecting a hologram of Earth. Observing the projection, Xehanort and the cloaked figure noticed one particular spot blinking. “There,” Xehanort said, pointing to the blinking spot on the holographic globe, “This must be where the tomb is.” “Hmm, that points to… Shalour City, France,” the cloaked figure commented. The holographic projection of Earth then changed to display an image of the Tower of Mastery. “The Tower of Mastery,” Xehanort commented as he recognized the building, “It was said that a temple was built over Sauron’s tomb.” “In that case…” the cloaked figure replied as he removed his hood, revealing his face…


    ... the person in charge of the Tower of Mastery must be a Keyblade Master,” Ansem continued. “Indeed,” Master Xehanort replied as he summoned his Keyblade, “Nothing I can’t handle…


    ~Flashback: Three Weeks Ago - Nibelheim, New Mexico~


    As the dust settled, and all that was left of the town of Nibelheim were ashes and burnt down buildings, Stormtroopers and Cybermen had arrived town the area, detaining one of two survivors they found… Han Solo. The other survivor the Stormtroopers found was Kylo Ren, who was brought in for questioning on what had happened…


    Towns don’t just erupt in flames like this, Solo!” Alexander Pierce, who was one of the Grand Moffs and had rushed to Nibelheim after hearing what happened, scolded Kylo Ren, “It’s a simple question… did you see who was responsible?” Kylo, however, remained silent, not saying a word. “Look, I don’t have time for the silent treatment,” Pierce continued, “And if you’re not going to answer to me, then I may as well bring you to the Supreme Leaders themselves. Maybe then you’ll start talking.” “Leave him alone, Pierce,” a voice told the Grand Moff. Turning around to see who it was, Alexander was surprised to see it was none other than the Grand Inquisitor himself…


    Xehanort?” a surprised Pierce wondered out loud, “What are you doing here?” “I’ve come to vouch for Kylo Ren over here,” Master Xehanort replied as he walked towards him, “I saw everything transpire myself. Rebels appeared out of nowhere, led by the sheriff, burning the entire town to send a message to the New World Order. Kylo Ren and his fellow Stormtroopers tried hard to protect the town. But unfortunately, his comrades were killed during the battle. And the town was lost, reduced to ashes. If anything, Kylo Ren should honored for his efforts to try and thwart the Rebels.” After hearing what Xehanort said, Pierce asked Kylo Ren, “Is this true?” Looking at both Pierce and Xehanort, Kylo nodded, replying, “Yes.” “Alright then,” Alexander Pierce said as turned to face Xehanort, “He’s all yours.” As the Grand Moff walked away while accompanied by a few Stormtroopers and Cybermen, Xehanort approached Kylo Ren. “Thank you,” Kylo thanked Xehanort. “Don’t thank me yet,” Xehanort responded, “You still have much more to learn about the Keyblade and temples like the one outside of this town. And I am willing to teach you more than what we had discussed the past few days. But first, you have a task that you need to complete.” “A task?” Kylo asked. “You know exactly what we do with Rebel scum,” Xehanort responded. Understanding what Xehanort meant, Kylo Ren sighed as he nodded, saying, “Understood.” Turning around, Kylo saw his father in the distance, currently detained by Stormtroopers, with tight shackles on his hands…


    As Xehanort and Kylo Ren walked towards Han, Xehanort ordered the Stormtroopers next to Han, “On his knees.” Nodding, the Stormtroopers forced Han to kneel on the ground. Looking up, Han saw his son, looking down on him with an emotionless face. Han then noticed Kylo summon his Keyblade, knowing exactly what was going to happen next. Without saying a word, Han looked at his son with a face indicating that he loved him dearly, regardless of what had just happened. Kylo Ren, however, wasn’t moved by the way his father was looking at him. So, Kylo quickly swung his Keyblade at his father’s head, decapitating and ending his life. As the Stormtroopers removed Han Solo’s bloody head and body away from the scene, Xehanort patted Kylo Ren on his shoulder, telling him, “You have done well. Congratulations. You are now an Inquisitor.” “Thank you… Master Xehanort,” Kylo Ren replied.


    ~English Countryside~


    Oh no you don’t,” Bellatrix said as she flew near the tank, pointing her wand at the tank's cannon, yelling, “Glacius!” The spell from Bellatrix's wand froze the cannon with very thick ice. The Inquisitor then flicked her wand as she pointed it towards Riolu, casting a Knockback Jinx at the Pokemon, knocking it out.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Serena… you know as well as I do I can’t do that,” Darien replied to Serena, “Regardless of who’s with her, we can’t let Rini go alone on a journey like this.” “Then how ‘bout this…” Rini suggested, “Both of you come along as well.” Darien was about to say something to Rini, but stopped, sighing instead, not knowing what to tell her exactly. However, just then, an alarm sounded throughout the base, startling everyone. “H-hey, what’s going on?” Darien questioned Finnick as he was running past Darien and the others…


    Stormtroopers and Cybermen were sighted outside,” Finnick responded, “We’re gonna need all hands on deck if we’re gonna deal with them swiftly.” “Okay,” Darien said as Finnick rushed off, “Rini, you stay here with Serena. I’m gonna go help out.” “B-but…” Rini replied, watching as Darien left in a hurry. Turning to face Serena, Rini had a determined look on her face as she said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna go help out too.” Rini then rushed off as well, hoping to help out the Rebels.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (again)~


    Why would we be mad?” Rue questioned Rey. “I guess we didn't tell you yet, but we're going with Connor as well,” Ritchie added. “Can't wait to travel with you,” Rue told Rey. “PIKA!” Sparky cried after an alarm sounded throughout the base, startling him as well as Ritchie and Rue. “Sounds like trouble,” Ritchie commented. Nodding in response, Rue told Rey, “Ritchie and I are gonna go check out what's going on. We'll be back soon.” Rue and Ritchie then ran off while followed by Sparky, wanting to see what had caused the alarm to go off.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Jeffrey Mace's Office~


    As he and Shining Armor were getting ready to leave for Chicago to rejoin May and the local Rebels there, Mace told Shining Armor and Skye, “Assuming we can trust Raina, I’d wanna make sure we take advantage of the frequency she’s sending us so we can track Creel and grab the Obelisk before he hands it off to one of his superiors in the New World Order.” “What if Creel melts down again?” Skye questioned. “Luckily, Fitz was able figure out a way to halt his powers. Temporarily at least,” Mace responded. “It was a little side project of his ever since that day in Toshima,” Shining Armor added. “Huh, I had no idea,” Skye commented. “Yeah,” Shining Armor responded, “Our encounter with Creel yesterday reignited Fitz’s interest in the project, and he was able to design some schematics for a device that should tamper with Creel’s powers.” “He sent the schematics to Billy Cranston in Chicago so that he could build the device,” Mace continued, “That way, the device should be ready for use by the time we arrive there.” “Okay… but if the device doesn’t work, is there some sort of backup plan?” Skye asked. “Absolutely,” Shining Armor responded. “Really? What kind of backup plan?” Skye asked. “The heavy-duty kind with armor-piercing rounds,” Shining Armor responded. “Will that work?” Skye questioned. “Get close enough to him, catch him off guard… it’s possible,” Lance Hunter replied as he entered the office…


    Sorry, I overheard you guys. Thought I’d join in,” Hunter continued. “Hopefully, we won't have to resort to using the backup plan,” Jeffery commented. “Can I join you guys?” Lance asked Shining Armor and Jeffery Mace. “That depends,” Mace responded, “Can you follow an order?” “Absolutely, sir,” Lance answered. “Because part of me wants you here running back-end. The other part feels you deserve a spot in this mission,” Mace told Hunter. “I'll be good. Scout's honor,” Hunter answered with a salute, “Please, sir. I owe this to Cassie.” “Okay. Suit up,” Mace told Hunter, “We leave for Chicago in five minutes.


    ~Several Miles Outside of Upington, South Africa~


    After being summoned, the massive S-type known as Lavos (nicknamed the “Death Star”) crawled from under the ground, creating a small earthquake in the area. The S-type then opened its gigantic mouth, and sent a mighty blast towards the town of Upington, instantly destroying it with a mighty explosion. But that was not the end of it, as the shockwave from the explosion was so powerful, a blast wave was spreading for miles, with its magnitude so high that the wave was completely obliterating everything in its path.


    ~Militia Base Prison Cell - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~


    As the ground was shaking violently due to the incoming blast wave, Cassian and the others noticed that the militia members who had imprisoned them began to panic and run outside. Wanting to get out as well, Cassian reached out with his hand to a control panel near his cell, quickly hotwiring it so that the metal bars keeping him inside would open up. Once the metal bars opened, Cassian, Noctis, Ignis, and Prompto quickly got out of the prison cell, with Cassian grabbing his backpack that was confiscated by the militia members. Opening his backpack, Cassian took out a device, pressing a button on it that would program his U-Wing to arrive to his location automatically. Andor then headed in the direction where he last saw Jyn being taken, with Ignis asking, “Where are you going?” “I gotta find Jyn. Get the pilot. We need him,” Cassian replied as he left to find Jyn. “Alright. Prompto… get the pilot,” Noctis ordered Prompto. “Aye aye,” Prompto replied as he grabbed his confiscated gun from a nearby table, aiming his blaster at Bodhi, “Hey, pilot…” “No, no, no!” Bodhi cried, thinking Prompto was going to shoot him. Instead, Prompto shot the control panel next to Bodhi’s prison cell, opening the metal bars of Bodhi’s cell, freeing him. “Let’s go,” Prompto told a surprised Bodhi.


    ~The Capital - Hospital (Rooftop)~


    After Doctor Hu got his patient into a car and began driving off toward safety, Frank Castle decided to instead finish off his target using a sniper rifle from a rooftop. As he looked through the rifle’s telescopic sight, Castle caught sight of his target, who was in a car with Doctor Hu. But as Castle was about to pull the trigger to finish off his target, he was kicked on the side by Matt Murdock (who was in his demon form)...


    Quickly getting up, Castle tried to shoot Matt with his sniper rifle, but Matt was able to grab the rifle before he was able to do so, and the two grappled with the weapon. Coming to Matt’s aid, Foggy jumped towards Castle’s head, using his arms to hit his face…


    Osha! Osha!” Foggy cried as he kept hitting Frank’s face. Eventually, Frank was able land a punch to Matt’s face, knocking him out. Castle then grabbed Foggy, throwing him right next to Matt, knocking out the Pokemon as well. Pointing his rifle at the two, Frank was about to pull the trigger when Officer Jenny arrived just in time, grabbing the rifle and throwing it to the side while delivering a kick to Frank’s chest…


    Jenny proceeded to try and land a punch to Frank, but he dodged it, and tried to punch Jenny himself, though she was able to block the incoming attack. The two continued trying to land punches and kicks to the other, until eventually, Frank grabbed Jenny’s head, and delivered a headbutt, knocking her out. Exhausted, Castle began walking away while panting. Little did he know that Matt was slowly getting up, wanting to get to him before he escaped.


    ~Kyoto, Japan - Park~


    As Akko, Sucy, and Lotte were flying on their broomsticks, trying to lose the two TIE Fighters chasing them while Jasminka and Diana watched from the ground, Sucy decided to do something about one of the TIE Fighters, slowing down and turning around to fly above one of them. Reaching into her pocket, Sucy took out a vial containing a concoction that she had been working on. Opening the vial, Sucy grinned as she dropped the contents of the vial onto the TIE Fighter below her. The concoction then began to melt through the TIE Fighter’s exterior, seemingly killing the pilot inside as the TIE Fighter crashed into the ground. “Nice job Sucy!” Akko commended Sucy, “Now just do the same thing to the other TIE Fighter!” “Uhhh… sorry, that was the only vial I had with me,” Sucy responded. “What?!” Akko cried after hearing what Sucy said, “Oh, COME ON!” The lone TIE Fighter then began firing its cannons, trying to hit one of the girls. “Careful Lotte!” Akko warned Lotte, who was struggling as she tried to maneuver her broomstick while avoiding getting hit by the TIE Fighter’s cannon, and making sure she doesn’t drop the Shiny Rod. Meanwhile, down below, Coulson, Amanda, Constanze, and Ursula arrived to the scene after dealing with the Stormtroopers and Cybermen on the other side of the park, joining Diana and Jasminka…


    Oh man. They’re sitting ducks,” Amanda said as she and the others were watching. Once one of the TIE Fighter’s cannon fire got too close to Lotte, she fell from her broomstick, screaming as those who were watching on the ground gasped. “LOTTE!” Akko cried as she dove down, catching her friend as well as the Shiny Rod. “Oh, thank goodness,” a relieved Coulson said to himself, breathing a sigh of relief. “Akko… you saved me… thank you,” Lotte thanked Akko, hugging her as she was seated behind her. “Don’t mention it, Lotte. After all, it’s what friends do, right?” Akko replied to Lotte. Looking at the TIE Fighter as it was flying towards them, Akko was very angry with it after what had happened to Lotte. “Hey, TIE Fighter!” Akko called out the TIE Fighter as she balanced herself so she can stand straight on her broomstick, “I don’t care if you’re with the New World Order! When you harm my friends, you make it personal! No matter what… I will always protect my friends! Always!

    Just then, the seven crystal orbs on the Shiny Rod that Akko was holding on to began glowing green. Gasping as she saw what was happening with the Shiny Rod, Akko wondered what was going on. ‘The Shiny Rod is… activating?’ Ursula thought to herself, ‘Perhaps this might be the only way she gets rid of the TIE Fighter.’ “Akko, listen to me!” Ursula called out to Akko, “Recite the following spell… Note Orfei Auden Frotorei!” Hearing what Ursula suggested, Akko recognized the spell, remembering it as one of the spells Shiny Chariot recited with the Shiny Rod many years ago. “Right…” Akko said to herself as she held onto the Shiny Rod tightly, “Note Orfei Auden Frotorei!" Once Akko recited the spell, one of the seven crystal orbs on the Shiny Rod began to glow yellow, and the Shiny Rod transformed into a large bow (like this). “Shiny Arc!” Akko cried, summoning an arrow with the bow. Pointing the weapon at the TIE Fighter, Akko sent the arrow flying straight into the TIE Fighter, instantly destroying it in a sparkling explosion. “Woah…” Coulson, Amanda, and Sucy all said in unison as they watched what had happened.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (again)~


    Hmm, well alright then,” Discord replied after Spike confirmed that the duck was his friend, “So, Duck… you want me to give you a name just like I did with Spike?” But before the Duck could answer, an alarm sounded throughout the base, causing Celestia to gasp. “Uh-oh…” Discord commented with a worried tone in his voice, placing Spoke and the Duck near Celestia, “Celestia, look after them. I’ll be back.” “Okay. Please be careful,” Celestia replied, with Discord nodding in response as he teleported away.




    Fergus quietly stepped out of the way after Astral appeared, listening to and watching its conversation with Demande. “What?!” Demande exclaimed after hearing Astral mention that the Rebels took control of Shalour City. After hearing Astral’s plan, Demande nodded in response, replying, “Very well. You have my approval, Astral. I'll discuss additional details with you soon.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown: Outside~


    Hiding behind a large boulder outside the Rebel base, trying to avoid the blaster fire coming from the Stormtroopers and Cybermen that had appeared, Dick along with Lt. Surge and his Raichu were waiting for an opportunity to go for an attack, but it never seemed to arrive. “Ugh, they’re never gonna stop!” Grayson complained. The three then noticed as Connor rushed towards them while avoiding enemy fire…


    What happened?” the leader of the Rebels questioned. “I don’t know,” Lt. Surge replied, “Dick was doin’ some patrollin’ outside when he spotted them Stormtroopers an’ Cybermen. Then one thing led to anotha. An’ now here we are.” “Raichu,” Surge’s Raichu concurred, nodding. “I wonder how they were able to find the base,” Connor wondered out loud, “Either way, we cannot do anything without an opening.” Just then, the group noticed two objects flying above the battle. Looking up, they noticed that it was actually Toothless (with Hiccup riding on his back) and Baymax (with Hiro riding on his back) who were actually flying…


    Toothless began firing plasma blasts on the ground near the Stormtroopers and Cybermen in order to create a distraction, with Hiccup exclaiming, “Hey, losers! Bet you can’t shoot at us!” As the Stormtroopers and Cybermen began focusing their fire on Toothless and Hiccup, Baymax flew near the Cybermen dropping a sonic stabilizer near them, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable for an attack. “Now’s your chance guys!” Hiro yelled out to Connor and the others as he jumped out of Baymax, and activated his Ant-Man suit’s shrinking abilities to shrink to the size of an ant, and jumping between the Cybermen and Stormtroopers, knocking a couple of them down. “Heh, now’s our chance!” Dick announced as he, Lt. Surge, and Surge’s Raichu began to charge towards the enemy. As for Connor, he was charging towards a Cyberman that was weakened by the sonic stabilizer from earlier, ready to attack it with his tomahawk before noticing a rose with a sharp stem had pierced the Cyberman’s neck, damaging its circuits and causing it to collapse. Having a good idea who would have been behind the attack on that Cyberman, Connor turned around, noticing Darien in his Tuxedo Mask outfit approach him…


    Mind if I help out?” Tuxedo Mask asked. Smiling, Connor replied, “Not at all.” The two then noticed as a Stormtrooper appeared behind them, pointing his blaster at the two. But before either Connor or Tuxedo Mask could do a thing, they noticed what looked like a spinning tiara pierce the Stormtrooper from behind, killing him. As the deceased Stormtrooper collapsed, Tuxedo Mask and Connor noticed the spinning tiara return to its owner, Sailor Mini Moon…


    Sailor Mini Moon?” Connor wondered out loud. “What are you doing here?” Darien questioned the young Sailor Scout, “I told you to stay with Serena.” “But I wanna help,” Sailor Mini Moon responded, “Besides, I can fight. You saw yesterday how I can fight.” “She does have a point,” Connor told Tuxedo Mask. Sighing, Tuxedo Mask replied to Sailor Mini Moon, “Alright, but stay close to us.” Nodding, Sailor Mini Moon joined Connor and Tuxedo Mask as they rushed into battle.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix decided to surprise Kingdom Hearts fans a bit early today, providing us with the Jump Festa trailer (dubbed the "Final Battle Traiker") a day early. The trailer shows us more gameplay, more scenes, and the confirmation of a new original world called Scala ad Caelum. Check it out below:


    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 17, 2018, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Meilin Lee
    Just as movie theaters in the West have been showing a 'Kingdom Hearts III' commercial in recent weeks, Japanese movie theaters will now be showing a commercial of their own. Check out the 30 second commercial out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 16, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Meilin Lee
    I wouldn't necessarily categorize the Ultimania books as strategy guides. They're much more than that. They provide a plethora of information on the game (such as additional plot info by Nomura himself and rejected concepts).
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 15, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
  18. Meilin Lee

    The Kingdom Hearts III Limited Edition PS4 Pro Bundle, initially announced back at E3, has been announced to be a GameStop exclusive in the United States (for $399.99), and an EB Games exclusive in Canada ($499.99). While the bundle will also be releasing in Europe, no details on an exclusive retailer there have been made. As for the bundle itself, it'll include:
    • Kingdom Hearts themed PS4 Pro system with a one terabyte hard drive
    • Kingdom Hearts themed DualShock 4 controller
    • A physical copy of Kingdom Hearts III
    • A Kingdom Hearts III PS4 theme
    • The Midnight Blue Keyblade
    The North American version will include the Standard Edition of Kingdom Hearts III, while the European one will include the Deluxe Edition.

    Source: Gematsu
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 14, 2018, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Meilin Lee

    As with past entries in the series, 'Kingdom Hearts III' will have an accompanying Ultimania guidebook releasing on February 28, 2019, a month after the game's release! For those unaware, the Ultimania books in the past typically contained additional information on a Kingdom Hearts game (such as enemy stats and revelations from Tetsuya Nomura himself) along with some artwork. The 'Kingdom Hearts III' Ultimania can now be pre-ordered at the Japanese Square-Enix e-store for ¥2700 (roughly $23.79).
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 13, 2018, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix released a new trailer this morning giving us our first look at the opening of 'Kingdom Hearts III', as well revealing what the opening song ('Face My Fears') sounds like! Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 9, 2018, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates