~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Surge, in my absence, I entrust you with this base,” Connor informed Lt. Surge, “I know that you will keep it and the Rebels remaining here safe from the New World Order.” “I’d be honored, Connor,” Lt. Surge happily replied. “We know you will be successful in your journey across the world,” Adwale added. “Thank you… my friends,” Connor thanked Surge and Adewale as he shook hands with both of them, “Stay safe.” “You too,” Surge replied as Connor began walking away. “Pikapi!” Haymitch cried as he rushed towards Connor, climbing up to his shoulder… “Hehe, hello, Haymitch,” Connor greeted Haymitch, patting him on the head. “Pika!” Haymitch happily said as Connor patted him. The two then noticed Katniss approaching them, ready to go on the journey with them… “Hey. Ready to go?” Katniss asked. “Yes,” Connor replied, smiling as he and Katniss held hands, and began walking to the center of the base to join the others who would be journeying with them. Meanwhile, watching them from a distance were Dick and Ritchie (along with Sparky, who was on Ritchie’s shoulder)... As Dick sighed, he said, “Oh, look at Connor, all grown up, going out to save the world with his girlfriend.” “Let me guess… you’re depressed that you don’t have a girlfriend yourself?” Ritchie asked Dick. “Who, me? Nah,” Dick replied, “Can’t a guy feel happy for his best bud?” “Yeah, I suppose,” Ritchie said, grinning as he and Dick went to join the others who would be traveling. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~ As Sven and Kristoff watched the sea below, the two noticed something in the distance. “What’s that?” Kristoff wondered out loud. “Must be a ship,” Pipsqueak answered as he looked through his telescope to get a better view of what Sven and Kristoff saw. “But is it friendly?” Kristoff asked. Lowering his telescope after seeing what he needed to see, Pipsqueak replied, “No… it’s a New World Order ship...” “Oh no…” Kristoff said with a worried tone in his voice. Hearing that there was a nearby New World Order ship, Jack ordered Silver, “Silver, turn this boat around. I do not want an engagement with the New World Order!” “Aye, aye,” Silver replied as he turned his boat away from the New World Order ship, hoping to lose it as he tried going faster. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Outside Orphanage~ “This is an orphanage! How could you be so heartless as to tear it down?!” Leia scolded Cassidy and Butch after they (along with two Stormtroopers) came to Leia’s orphanage in order to give her a notice that the New World Order was forcing her and the orphans out of the orphanage so that they can tear it down to build a new facility. “Now, now, ma’am… we already told you that the New World Order will gladly take in the orphans and provide them with a new home,” Cassidy said, trying to calm Leia down. “I will never let people like you take the children!” Leia angrily retorted, while Scootaloo fearfully watched what was happening along with other orphans. “Ma’am, we’re only going to say this once… move aside,” Butch warned Leia as the Stormtroopers got their blasters ready in case they had to use force. However, before Leia could even reply, everyone noticed a smoke bomb land near Butch, Cassidy, and the Stormtroopers accompanying them. The bomb then emitted a thick smokescreen, greatly reducing visibility in the area. “What the… what’s going on?!” Cassidy cried. Amidst the confusion, Leia felt someone grab her hand in order to get her out of the area… “Come on, let’s get out of here!” Sabine told Leia as she dragged her out of the area, while Gilda was dealing with the orphans… “Come on, kids, follow me!” Gilda ordered the orphans as she carried Scootaloo while leading the other children away from the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France~ “Wow, pretty chilly today, huh, guys?” Serena commented as she, along with her Pancham and Fennekin, rode on her Rhyhorn, traversing through Shalour City as today was her turn to do patrol duty. “Fokka!” Serena’s Fennekin nodded in agreement. “Pancham!” Serena’s Pancham concurred as well. As she exhaled, Serena noticed the vapor from her breath as a result of the cold weather. “Good thing I brought my jacket from Lumiose City… I’d hate to walk around sleeveless in this cold temperature,” Serena commented. However, as her Rhyhorn continued traversing, Serena felt her Rhyhorn suddenly come to a halt, as though it noticed something. “Rhyhorn… what’s wrong?” Serena asked her Rhyhorn, who she noticed looked alert. “Fokka!” Serena’s Fennekin cried, pointing with her paw at something in the distance, just outside of the city. “Huh, what’s that?” Serena wondered aloud as she took out her binoculars to get a better look at what Fennekin pointed out. But upon looking through her binoculars, Serena gasped as her heart sank, saying, “Oh no…” As Serena lowered her binoculars, both Fennekin and Pancham grabbed it, with each looking through one of the two telescopes on the binoculars to see what Serena saw. Both were just as shocked as well, noticing the just outside the city, around six large AT-ATs were slowly marching towards Shalour City, ready to attack it. Spoiler: BGM “We gotta warn the others…” Serena said, with Pancham and Fennekin both nodding in agreement, “Come on, Rhyhorn! Back to the Tower of Mastery!” Doing as he was told, Serena’s Rhyhorn quickly turned around and charged right back to the Tower of Mastery. “THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS COMING!” Serena yelled, trying to warn the locals, “I REPEAT… THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS COMING!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Flashback: One Day Ago - Los Angeles, California: Jemma Simmons’ Apartment~ “I mean, I knew he was a gifted scientist, but you're saying he's... a gifted scientist,” Mace said as he and Jemma were having dinner while discussing Donnie Gill, a person that the New World Order seemed to have an interest in. “Gill was struck by lightning while holding the device that created the storm,” Jemma replied, recalling the freak accident that happened with Donnie about a year ago while he was a J.I.A. intern, “Perhaps the electrical surge activated the Conduit gene inside him, because after that, he seemed to have cryogenic powers all of a sudden. It's just... well, it's just speculation.” “In other words, he pretty much has the same powers as Queen Elsa,” Jeffery commented. “Yeah, pretty much,” Jemma responded, “Curious thing about her disappearance days ago. Were the Rebels involved?” “As far as I know, no,” Mace answered. “Well, anyway, they're keeping me sequestered in the downstairs lab,” Simmons said, describing her time working/infiltrating at a local New World Order facility, “I usually advance much more quickly, but they are intent on wasting my talents doing rudimentary biochem and molecular analysis on blind samples.” “It's not about your intellect,” Mace replied after drinking some water, “Have you made friends?” “Oh, sir, you don't need to worry,” Jemma replied, “I mean, it's been a tad lonely, true, but... you weren't asking out of concern of my feelings, were you?” “Undercover is all about the relationships you make,” Mace said, “If you're gonna move up in the New World Order, you need to make friends.” “Be like Alan?” Jemma questioned, remembering how someone on her J.I.A. team ended up secretly being a Crystal Order member, “I can't lie like he did.” “You don't need to,” Mace replied, “Selective truths. You're very likable. Use that.” Sighing, Jemma decided to change the topic, asking, “So, how is everyone?” “Fitz is okay,” Mace replied, knowing that Fitz was the one she cared for the most, “He's hanging in there.” “So, you think they're trying to recruit Donnie Gill as a scientist?” Jemma questioned. “That would be the best-case scenario,” Mace replied. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ “Oh, there you are, Serena,” Sammy replied as he and Rini noticed Serena and Luna, “I was actually just gonna make sure we weren't gonna forget about Luna. But, looks like she's here.” As Sammy picked up Luna, he continued, “Wouldn't wanna forget about her.” Just then, Rini and the others heard Finnick's voice on the speakers throughout the entire base, notifying those who were going on the journey that it was now time… “Attention,” Finnick Surge's voice said on the speakers, “All traveling Rebels, please join up at the center of the base for final preparations before the beginning of their journey.” After hearing the announcement, Rini and the others noticed Darien approach them… “Come on guys, let's go,” Darien said, “We don't wanna be late.” “Okay,” Rini replied, nodding as she followed Darien along with Sammy, who was still carrying Luna. “Let's go Serena,” Sammy told his sister. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~ Having arrived to the city of Sioux Falls, Cassian headed towards the main Rebel hideout in the city along with Jyn to meet with the local Rebels there in order to hopefully get some Rebels to assist his team with his upcoming mission in a facility outside the city. “Ah, you must be Cassian,” Sunburst greeted Cassian as he approached him and Jyn… “I got your message,” Sunburst continued, “Something about rescuing someone from a facility outside Sioux Falls?” “Yes,” Jyn answered, “It’s my father. He has information that could prove useful for the Rebellion.” “Huh… interesting,” Sunburst commented. “We thought we might seek the help from local Rebels in the city,” Cassian said. “Well, I can’t speak for the others, but I personally would be happy to volunteer,” Sunburst replied, “Let me bring this up with the others, and I’ll let you know if anyone else would like to help out. In the meantime, make yourselves at home.” “Thank you,” both Cassian and Jyn thanked the pony as he walked away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ After breakfast, T’Challa met up with his sister, both ready for T’Challa’s coronation ceremony. Shuri, who was dressed in a traditional Wakandan ceremonial outfit, asked her brother, “Ready?” Nodding, T’Challa responded, “Ready.” The two then proceeded to the center of the base, where everyone else would be gathered for the ceremony. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Scotland - Hotel Room~ “Wow, this is nice,” Olaf commented as he and Saphir arrived to the hotel room where they would be staying while in Scotland, “Saphir, you never did tell me, but what is this urgent business you keep talking about?” “This,” Saphir responded, taking out the device that Loki and Aveline gave him a week ago, “Now, promise to stay quiet, okay?” “Okay,” the snowman whispered back, “So… what's that doohickey you got there?” “A tracker that’ll show us where Elsa and Anna are,” Saphir answered. Gasping, Olaf quickly covered his mouth so he wouldn't scream in joy and arouse suspicion from those outside the room. “B-but how did you get this?” Olaf questioned. “Remember Loki and Aveline?” Saphir asked Olaf. “Those two Stormtroopers who put us to sleep when that Rider threatened us with a bomb? Yeah, I remember,” Olaf replied. “Well, when I woke up, they revealed to me that a very tiny tracker was placed Elsa before she was taken away,” Saphir said as he switched the device he was carrying on, “And this device shows us where she and her sister, Anna, are.” As Saphir showed Olaf the map on the device's screen, he continued, “I have been monitoring Elsa's location for the past week, and it seems she hasn't moved much. Other than that, her location indicates that she is indeed in Scotland, in an area called the Hidden Palace.” “Woow…” Olaf said in awe as he stared at the device's screen, “Wait… are we gonna tell the New World Order about this?” “Actually, no,” Saphir responded, much to Olaf's surprise, “I know Aveline and Loki asked me to report this to the New World Order, but I feel this is something I must do on my own… with some help from you of course. I don't want Stormtroopers or Cybermen to potentially ruin this plan.” “Well, if you say so,” Olaf said, shrugging, “But… how are we gonna look for Elsa and Anna without Stormtroopers and Cybermen by our side. You know they'll insist on coming along.” “Heh, leave that to me,” Saphir replied with a grin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ “You think you’ll be okay here without many of us remaining?” Hiccup asked Kevin. “Eh, don't worry about me,” Flynn replied, “Besides, I've still gotta keep working on trying to figure out a way to deal with this MCP that is controlling all these Cybermen.” “Yeah, well… good luck with that,” Hiccup said, “Hopefully when this is all over, you'll get your arcade back, and I can go back to working for you.” “Looking forward to it Hiccup,” Flynn replied. Just then, Kevin and Hiccup heard Finnick's announcement on the base's speakers. “Well, that's my cue,” Hiccup said as he shifted his attention to Toothless, “Let's go, bud.” As Toothless nodded in response, the two began walking away, with Hiccup waving goodbye to Flynn, telling him, “See ya, Mr. Flynn.” “Take care, kiddo,” Flynn replied, nodding as he waved goodbye as well.
' View attachment 50268 During the 2019 Game Developers Conference in California, Gamereactor got a chance to speak with 'Kingdom Hearts III' co-director, Tai Yasue, where he gives more details about the upcoming Critical Mode update for the game, as well as talking fan expectations and the process of integrating Disney properties into the game. Check out the full video interview here.
~Siwa, Egypt~ As Constanze safely landed her airship in Siwa with some assistance from Rebels on the ground, she and the others got out of the airship. The group then noticed the North African Rebel leader himself, Bayek, along with his wife, Aya, and a couple other Rebels ready to greet them… “Ahlan wa sahlan,” Bayek greeted Amanda and the others in Arabic before beginning to speak a language that Amanda and the others could understand, “Welcome to Siwa.” “Hey there,” Amanda replied as she shook Bayek’s hand, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Bayek.” “Are you Amanda?” Aya questioned. “Yep, that’s me,” Amanda answered before pointing Bayek and Aya to Ursula and the others, “And this here is my crew. “Wonderful,” Aya commented. “Have you brought the supplies we asked for?” Bayek asked. “We sure did,” Amanda responded. “Supplies? You mean the crates we picked up in Cyprus yesterday, right?” Akko asked. “Yep, those are the ones,” Amanda replied, “Constanze, show them the crates. Jasminka, help ‘em out carrying the crates.” Both Jasminka and Constanze nodded as they led some Rebels to the airship so they can start moving the crates. “You know, you never did tell us what was in those crates,” Diana told Amanda, “Let me guess… weapons? Or perhaps even New World Order secrets?” “Actually, they’re food and medical supplies,” Amanda retorted. “What?!” a surprised Diana wondered out loud. “She’s right,” Bayek said. “We have been running dangerously low on supplies,” Aya added, “People are starving. The sick desperately need care. What you brought us today gives us a much needed relief.” “Yeah, so once the crates have been moved, we’re gonna need to help out with distributing them to the locals,” Amanda told Akko and the others. As Akko, Lotte, and Sucy looked at each other and nodded, Lotte replied, “Sure, we can help out.” “Thank you so much for your help,” Bayek thanked Akko and the others as he and Aya joined the other Rebels in moving the crates from Constanze’s airship. As for Diana, she was still stunned to hear that this mission was actually meant to provide humanitarian aid, especially since she viewed Rebels as nothing but violent extremists. “Diana, are you okay?” Ursula asked. “Oh, umm… it’s nothing,” Diana lied as she still tried to wrap her mind around things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Moon Palace - Dungeon~ Zordon didn't say a word in response, simply staring at Zedd, Rita, and Thrax with a stoic look on his face. “Not talking, eh? Suit yourself,” Thrax commented as he pressed on a button the wall, causing Zordon to get electrocuted with bolts of electricity. As Thrax enjoyed watching Zordon cry in pain, he pressed the button again, stopping the electrocution, asking Zordon, “Sure you don't want to say anything?” “I… don't know who these Rangers are,” Zordon replied, “But know this, as long as there is evil, there will always be those who will stand up to people like you. So the appearance of new Rangers should be no surprise.” Unimpressed, Thrax pressed the button on the wall again, happily watching as Zordon was continued to be tortured by bolts of electricity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia~ As Gilda and Sabine where walking back to the Rebel hideout after having purchased groceries, they heard a commotion in the distance. “What’s that?” Gilda questioned. “I’m not sure,” Sabine replied, “Let’s check it out.” Nodding, Golda followed Sabine as they headed towards the commotion, wondering what was going on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside Shalour City, France: Forest~ “Soldiers,” Admiral Trench said as he faced the Stormtroopers and Cybermen that have gathered to listen to him, “Today, we will be sending a message to the Rebel Alliance that any attempt to go against the New World Order will be met with a severe and unforgiving response. Today, the Rebel scum will be wiped out from Shalour City and the New World Order will reaffirm its control. Our AT-ATs will rain down fire upon the city, and we will then gloriously march towards the city, finishing off what is left of them. Walk proud, and leave no survivors!” Many Stormtroopers then cheered in response, ready for battle. As for Aveline, she looked around, noticing something strange. “What’s wrong?” Loki asked her. “Wasn’t there supposed to be an Inquisitor joining us in battle?” Aveline questioned. “Good question…” Loki replied, remembering that he did hear that an Inquisitor would be arriving, but didn’t see any around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Flashback: One Day Ago - Los Angeles, California: Jemma Simmons’ Apartment~ As Jemma returned from her job at a local New World Order facility, Jemma heard a thud in her kitchen. Thinking that someone broke into her apartment, Jemma grabbed a pistol from her purse, and slowly made her way towards the kitchen. Once she arrived to her kitchen, Jemma quickly pointed her gun at the man who was there, only to notice it was none other than Jefferey Mace… “Did you think I wouldn't find out?” the North American Rebel leader asked Simmons as she lowered her gun while Mace opened the fridge, “Sriracha? Beer? That's all? What kind of diet is that?” “Well, I also have tea,” Jemma replied, smiling to see a friendly face after having infiltrated the New World Order for so long, “And if my diet's such a concern, then perhaps dead drops shouldn't involve fast food.” “We'll revisit that protocol,” Mace said, “I picked up some groceries.” Placing a grocery bag on a table, Jeffery began taking out items he bought, commenting, “We've got... steak ... grass-fed ... fingerling potatoes, kale ... organic. It's basic, but I do good basic. While I cook, you debrief.” Happily nodding, Jemma asked, “Do you know Donnie Gill?” “The J.I.A. intern who had the freak accident?” Mace questioned. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland~ “I hafta say, it’s a real surprise that yer visitin’ Scotland, Saphir,” Fergus told Saphir, who was joined by Olaf along with a couple of Stormtroopers and Cybermen. “Something urgent came up. I may have to stay in Scotland for a while,” Saphir responded, “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I require a hotel room during my stay.” “Of course,” Fergus said, “Follow me.” Nodding in response, Saphir told Olaf, “Let’s go, Olaf.” “Right behind you,” the snowman responded as he, along with the Stormtroopers and Cybermen, began following Fergus and Saphir. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~ Spoiler: BGM “The sea is all clear, Mr. Sparrow,” Pipsqueak reported as he looked for any possible New World Order ships with his telescope. “Good work Pip,” Jack replied before turning his attention to Silver, “Full speed ahead, Silver!” “Aye aye!” Silver exclaimed as he piloted his boat even faster while his Chikorita stood on his shoulder, watching. Elsewhere on deck, Kristoff and Sven were simply enjoying the view, relieved to have gotten away from Arendelle. “Hey, Jack… thanks for saving me and Sven,” Kristoff thanked Sparrow, “I don’t know how much longer Sven and I could have lasted in Arendelle given how New World Order presence over there has skyrocketed recently, what with that Rider appearing as well as Elsa and Anna disappearing.” “Think nothing of it, mate,” Jack responded, “Soon, we’ll have you in safe hands in Scotland under the watchful eye of Fergus.” “Yeah, but still… Arendelle is a lost cause at this point,” Kristoff commented. “Never say that, mate,” Sparrow replied, “It may look bad now, but in time, I am sure that the Rebels will finally gain the upper hand. And eventually, Arendelle will be free, just like the rest of the world.” “Yeah… you’re right,” Kristoff said, smiling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “You sure you don’t wanna tag along?” Darien asked Fury, Hiro, and Baymax. “Nah, I’m good. I think my skills would be better put to use here,” Nick replied. “Yeah, same with me and Baymax,” Hiro added. “It’s fine, I understand,” Darien said, “I’m just relieved to know that you guys are okay after that day we lost track of each other.” “Feeling’s mutual, Darien, feeling’s mutual,” Nick replied as he put his hand on Darien’s shoulder, “You be careful out there, alright?” As Darien nodded in response, Baymax said, “Darien, just remember to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise, and you should be fine.” “Heh, I’ll be sure to remember that, Baymax,” Darien replied. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ “Hey Rini! Got everything?” Sammy asked as he met up with Rini. “Yep,” Rini replied, “Packed up everything. What about you?” “Yeah, same,” Sammy said, “All that's left now is meeting up with Darien and Serena.” “Wait… what about Luna?” Rini asked. “Good question,” Sammy replied, “I think Serena's gonna bring her, but let me check just to be sure.” “Okay,” Rini said as Sammy left to look for Luna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ “So, how exactly are we gonna go to China?” Marco asked Connor, as he and Star were wondering how the trip was going to go. “Simple,” Connor replied, “We will be teleporting.” “Oh, just like Mewtwo teleported us here?” Star asked. “Yes,” Connor answered, “However, this time, it will be Discord teleporting us all.” “Discord?” both Star and Marco wondered out loud. “Oooh, did someone call my name?” Discord asked as he suddenly teleported himself between Star and Marco… “I must say, I’m flattered,” Discord continued. “Huh, so you’re Discord… I keep seeing you around the base, but I never really knew who you are,” Marco replied, “I guess this means we gotta introduce ourselves. Well, I’m Marco Diaz... Nintendo High School freshman who left school to join the Rebellion.” “And I’m Marco’s friend, Star Butterfly,” Star added, “A magical princess from a dimension called Mewni, who came to Earth as a foreign exchange student, and somehow found myself tangled in this conflict.” “Wonderful to meet the two of you,” Discord replied before shifting his attention to Star, “You said you’re from another dimension?” “Yeah. Long story,” Star answered. “Anyway, I will leave the three of you to get acquainted,” Connor told Marco, Discord, and Star, “Discord, once everyone is ready, get ready to teleport us all.” “Yes, sir!” Discord replied with a salute as Connor walked away.
The 'Face My Fears' EP, containing both the English and Japanese versions of 'Face My Fears' and 'Don't Think Twice', has been released on vinyl today, allowing vinyl collectors to add a piece of Kingdom Hearts music to their collection! The vinyl can be ordered from Amazon here.
One Week Later... ~The Current Day is now Tuesday, February 11, 2014~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View attachment 50254 Spoiler: Xehanort Report 2 November 21, 2013 The Keyblade Graveyard. It is a barren land located in the middle of the African Savannah, littered with Keyblades of wielders from long ago. It is here where the ancient Keyblade War was waged a thousand years, and where not too long ago, I vanquished the S-type known as Shadow Mario. But what was the Keyblade War really fought for? My discussion with Dr. Souichi Tomoe indicated that it was mainly fought over control of Earth following the death of the prince ruling the planet, while a certain faction fought for control of Kingdom Hearts. But what if both of those goals were intertwined, and all factions truly were fighting for the same reasons? Meanwhile, a Piece of Eden I acquired shortly after the Great Purge seemed to indicate that the Keyblade War was fought for the “Lost Masters”. Just who are the “Lost Masters”? There is so much more to learn about the Keyblade War, and the Keyblade itself. Upon coming back to this land to examine for possible clues, the of tip of my Keyblade began to glow, and I could feel it communicating with me, requesting I thrust it to the ground. And once I did so, the ground began to glow, with many walls rising from the ground. I would never have imagined the Keyblade Graveyard containing such a secret! The walls contained many strange writings and drawings. It would take a while to fully examine them. It seems that I may need to remain here for a little while. Yes… from this day forward, this place shall be my personal fortress… a base for me and my Inquisitors… my vessels... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sky Over Egypt - Constanze’s Airship~ As Constanze piloted her airship over the Egyptian desert, Akko, Sucy, and Lotte watched the scenery below, with Akko commenting, “Wow… so amazing. Is this really Egypt?” “It sure is,” Ursula responded. “Alright everyone, we’re slowly approaching Siwa,” Amanda announced to the others. “Siwa?” Lotte wondered out loud. “Yeah,” Amanda replied, “It’s too dangerous to go to some of the more populated areas in Egypt like Cairo or Alexandria. The New World Order has a very heavy presence in places like those. So instead, we’ll be going to Siwa, where we should be meeting up with Bayek.” “Who’s Bayek?” Sucy questioned. “He’s the leader of the Rebel Alliance in North Africa. Siwa is his hometown,” Amanda replied. Meanwhile, Diana, who has been dreading every moment of being stuck with Rebels, was looking at the scenery below as well. But instead of looking at the desert in awe, Diana scoffed, “A desert? Ugh, I don’t like sand. It’s course, rough, irritating… and it gets everywhere.” “Well too bad,” Amanda told Diana, “We’re not adjusting our itinerary just because you have a problem with deserts.” Rolling her eyes, Diana continued staring at the scenery below, while Jasminka, who was standing next to Diana and eating a bag of chips, asked Diana, “Want some chips?” “I think I’ll pass,” Diana responded as Jasminka shrugged and continued eating her chips. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Well, today’s the day, Mewtwo,” Rini told Mewtwo as she was packing her stuff while Luna-P flew around her, “We’re finally gonna go on that journey that Connor’s been talking about.” “Yes…” Mewtwo commented as he looked around the empty room where he and Rini were, “By the way, I never did ask… but now that you know Serena is your mother… has anything changed between you two?” “Hmm, not really,” Rini replied, “I mean, I know in my mind that she’s my mom. But when I look at her, I still see the same old Serena I’ve been used to since I arrived to the past. But anyway, I got used to the feeling.” “I see,” Mewtwo commented, “Yet… I sense there is still something troubling you.” Sighing, Rini replied, “Well… if Serena’s my mom… then who’s my dad? My mom always told me that she and my dad met when she was 14… and that’s how old Serena is right now.” “Hmm, do you think it’s possible Serena may have already met him by now… and that you may have met him too?” Mewtwo asked. “Maybe…” Rini replied, “But Serena meets a lot of people. It’s hard to tell which one is my dad. I just know that when she first met him, they couldn’t stand each other, but over time, they began to like each other… kinda like… nah, never mind.” “And would you like to know who your father is?” Mewtwo asked. “Well, just like how I found out Serena was my mom, it might hurt a little when I find out. But I’m sure I’ll get over it, and enjoy the fact that I’m talking to the person who’ll end up being my dad,” Rini replied as she took out her star locket, opening it to listen to its music. “Your parents’ locket,” Mewtwo commented as he felt the same locket around his neck, “I suppose once we find out who your father is, I would have to give him and Serena the locket I have so that they can give it to you in the future.” Smiling, Rini said, “Don’t worry about it. You can wait a couple years before giving it to them.” After hearing what Rini said, Mewtwo simply smiled in response as he continued listening to the music from Rini’s locket. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Shooting Range~ As Skye was practicing shooting targets with her gun, May walked in to examine how she was doing… “I imagined they were all Alan,” Skye told May as she took a break, while May was checking how accurate Skye’s shots were. “Imagine they're all targets,” May advised Skye, “Don't get cocky. This is step one. It's all about control-” “Control. I know,” Skye interrupted May. “... over your mind, your body.” May continued, “In the field, you need to maintain control. Whatever the situation... hostages, bombs about to go off.” “So, what you're saying is what I just did was puny and sad?” Skye asked. Grabbing Skye’s wrist, May tapped on the heart rate monitor wrapped around it, revealing Skye’s heart rate at 61 BPM. “61 beats per minute,” May commented, “Consistent the whole time. Not that puny.” As May went to check on a nearby sniper rifle, Skye said, “Speaking of not puny…” “Yeah, I want you to get used to this. It's a sniper rifle,” May replied. As the two were discussing with each other, Hunter and Mack arrived, moving inventory to the other side of the Rebel hideout... “Pardon me. Uh, just one quick question,” Lance told Skye, “You used to be an intern at the J.I.A., right?” “You didn't,” May told Lance before Skye could even answer, “If you did, you would have known better than to lock me and the others inside that office in Chicago last week.” “Apology number 470... I am very sorry, May,” Lance apologized for what he had done during a rebel mission in Chicago the previous week. “Don't be sorry,” May responded, “Just wait.” “Uh, we just have a little wager,” Mack spoke up as he shifted his focus to Skye, “Uh, so, were you...?” “An intern? Yeah, no,” Skye replied. “No, huh…” Mack commented as Lance sighed in disappointment due to the fact he lost the wager. “All right, well, have fun with the inventory. And remember, James likes them neat. Oh, and, uh, none of those euro sevens with the lines through them. Drives him crazy,” Mack told Lance as he walked away, leaving Hunter to deal with the inventory. “Well, good afternoon, ladies,” Hunter told Skye and May and he began moving the inventory away. “Practice. I want you to get used to the recoil,” May ordered Skye, “And for the record, experience doesn't make it any easier to cross someone off.” As Skye nodded in response, May walked away to leave Skye alone so she can continue practicing peacefully. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ “Andor!” a voice called out to Cassian as he was walking around the main Alaskan rebel base. Turning around, Cassian noticed Bogo approaching him… “Bogo? What is it?” Cassian asked. “Good news. We’ve approved of your mission to fly to South Dakota and take care of Galen Erso,” Bogo replied, “So you can gather the team you brought from South Africa and fly over there as soon as possible.” “That’s… good news,” Cassian commented, “I’ll go tell the others.” “Oh, and Cassian… just one more thing,” Bogo told Cassian. “Yes?” Cassian asked. Bending down to whisper to Cassian’s ear, Bogo quietly replied, “This is to stay between us. Galen Erso is vital to the New World Order’s superweapon program. There will be no extraction. You find him, you kill him. Then and there. Understood?” Although Cassian hesitated a bit after hearing what Bogo ordered of him, especially since it meant killing Jyn’s father, he nevertheless nodded, saying, “Understood.” “Good,” Bogo replied, “Dismissed.” Cassian then walked away to find Jyn and the others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~ After waking up, T’Challa was walking across the hallway in the Rebel base until he came across Shuri and Thorax, who were having a discussion with each other… “Ah, good morning, brother,” Shuri greeted her brother. “Ready for today’s coronation ceremony?” Thorax asked. “I am,” T’Challa, “We should start getting ready after breakfast.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~ As Sunset Shimmer and Alpha were looking over some data on a computer, the two noticed Dr. List approaching them while rolling a box on a cart… “Good morning, Dr. List,” Sunset greeted List, “What's with the box?” “Enhancements for our test subjects,” Dr. List said as he was opening the box, “All designed based on the data you recorded on our test subjects’ abilities.” Once Dr. List opened the box, Alpha and Sunset took a look at the contents of the box, with Alpha crying, “Aye-yi-yi! They've gotta wear these?” “Indeed,” Dr. List replied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~The Capital: Watterson Household~ As Darwin was sleeping, he was suddenly awoken by nearby groaning. “What’s going on?!” Darwin cried as he quickly got up with a worried tone to his voice. But as he looked around, he noticed that the groaning he heard was just Gumball practicing a death scene… “DUDE! Seriously?!” Darwin scolded Gumball, “You nearly gave me a heart attack.” “Sorry Darwin, I was just practicing my death scene for ‘The Moon Kingdom’ play today,” Gumball responded. “Oh, you were practicing?” Darwin asked, “Well, Gumball, I only say this because I’m your brother, and I care… I’ve honestly heard scam artists who were more believable than your death act.” “Pfft, everybody’s a critic,” Gumball scoffed, “And what about you, Darwin? Have you been practicing your lines as the narrator?” “Yup. I’ve been practicing with my notecards every night,” Darwin replied, “I got the entire story of ‘The Moon Kingdom’ memorized.” “Hmm, good, good,” Gumball commented, “But will you be prepared to perform in front of an entire audience.” Darwin suddenly had a horrified look on his face, just realizing that he had stage fright, and it would be difficult for him to speak in front of an audience. “Hehe, don’t worry buddy. Just imagine the audience wearing underwear, and you’ll be fine,” Gumball suggested. “Y-yeah,” Darwin replied with his voice shaking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Moon Palace - Dungeon~ “Wakey, wakey… Zordon,” Thrax said as he approached the imprisoned Zordon, who remained silent in response, “My father would like to ask you a few things about something he saw on Earth last week. You better answer him truthfully, that is if you want to make your stay here… less painful.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ “Good morning, Connor,” Darien greeted the Rebel leader as he joined him for breakfast. “Good morning to you as well, Darien,” Connor responded. “So, today’s the big day, huh?” Darien asked, “We’re finally gonna go on this journey.” “Correct,” Connor answered, “Our first destination will be the Hunan province in China. We will meet up with the local Rebels there, led by the leader of the Chinese Rebels, Ember.” “So, why China?” Darien asked. “Ember and her Rebels can provide excellent training in such a short amount for even the most novice among us,” Connor replied, “To prepare for the battles we are about to face, Ember would be a good first choice.” “Huh, good to know,” Darien commented. “Which reminds me… where are Serena, Sammy, and Rini?” Connor questioned. “Well… I know Rini’s packing her things, Sammy’s having breakfast with his friend, not sure about Serena...” Darien answered as he looked around for Serena. “That is alright,” Connor said, smiling, “Either way, I am happy that all of you will be coming on this journey together. It is important you always stay together.” “Yeah, you’re right…” Darien replied, “After all, I made a promise to their parents to keep them safe.” “Then I hope you do not mind if I assist you with that promise,” Connor said. Smiling in response, Darien replied, “Thanks.” Nodding, Connor held his glass of water high, saying, “To the Rebellion.” Doing the same with his glass of water, Darien repeated, “To the Rebellion.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Hospital: Room 616~ “How’s your arm feeling today?” Claire asked Matt, who was ready to get discharged from the hospital today after getting shot in the arm last week by Frank Castle. “Much better now,” Matt replied. “Osha…” Foggy happily said, relieved to see Matt alright. “Maybe the two of us can get a drink tonight,” Matt suggested to his nurse girlfriend. “Heh, I wish,” Claire responded, “But I’m busy all day today. Might have to postpone it for another time.” “Fair enough,” Matt said, smiling. Hearing a knock on the door, Claire and Foggy noticed Officer Jenny enter the room… “May I come in?” Officer Jenny asked. “Yeah, I’m pretty much done right now. He should be discharged by noon,” Claire responded before turning to Matt, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “I’ll see you later, okay?” As Matt happily nodded, Claire left the room, leaving Matt and Foggy with Officer Jenny. “Glad to see that you’re better,” Jenny told Matt. “Thank you,” Matt responded, “Though, I don’t think that’s why you’re here.” “Well, we don’t have any leads on the man who shot you,” Jenny told Matt, “And our eyewitness is safe at the moment, but he’s too afraid to talk. At this point, he’s more afraid of the Punisher than the New World Order.” “Umm… the Punisher?” Matt asked, confused as to who or what Jenny was referring to. “It’s a codename that the police have given to this guy,” Jenny replied, “Anyway, I’m gonna go back and try to have a little word with our eyewitness. Maybe I can convince him to finally start talking. I’ll keep you updated if anything changes.” “Thanks,” Matt thanked Jenny as she left the room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside Shalour City, France: Forest~ As it was snowing in Shalour City and areas surrounding it, Stormtroopers and Cybermen were gathering in a forest outside the city along with several large AT-ATs, preparing for an attack to take back the city for the New World Order. Among the Stormtroopers were members of the 501st Battalion, which included Loki, Aveline, Logan, Max, and Rex… Loki and Aveline were eating something for breakfast, Logan was smoking a cigar, while Max and Rex were looking over a map to plan how to infiltrate the city. However, once the Stormtroopers noticed Captain Phasma approaching them, they stopped what they were doing and stood in formation… “At ease,” Phasma greeted the Stormtroopers she was in charge of, “Follow me. Admiral Trench has a few words to say before we begin our attack.” Once Phasma’s Stormtroopers all put on their helmets, they began following her to hear what Admiral Trench had to say before the attack on Shalour City began. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again x2)~ “So, leaving today, huh?” Riley asked Sammy as the two were having breakfast together. “Yeah. It's always been a dream to go out and see the world,” Sammy replied, “You sure you don't wanna come along?” Spoiler: What's going on inside Riley's mind In the console room inside Riley's mind, Riley's emotions were each having a unique response to Sammy's suggestion. “Ooh, we should totally go on a worldwide journey, guys! It'll be loads of fun!” Joy said. “Uhh, Joy… hate to break it to you, but that is NOT a good idea at all!” Fear cried, “I mean it's bad enough that we are in a Rebel base and are now officially New World Order targets… but to go around the world in the open?! It's suicide!” “Yeah, and I'm not so keen checking out different places. Who knows what nasty stuff other parts of the world have got,” Disgust added. “And besides, if Rebels around the world need help, they're gonna have to suck it up!” Anger angrily added, “We've got our own problems with the New World Order here in Japan.” “But if Sammy leaves, then that'll be really sad…” Sadness commented. “Umm okay… how about we vote on it?” Joy suggested, “All in favor of going on this journey, say aye.” “Aye,” both Joy and Sadness said while raising their hands. “Okay…” Joy said upon noticing the other three didn't vote to leave, “All in favor of not going on a journey, say nay.” “Nay,” Fear, Disgust, and Anger all said, raising their hands. “Oh, alright,” Joy commented with a disappointed look on her face, “Guess we're staying.” “Sorry, Joy,” Sadness apologized to Joy. “It's alright. I think I'll pass,” Riley said, “I feel like I can help out best in here.” “Alright, suit yourself,” Sammy replied, “I'll be sure to get you some souvenirs by the time I'm back.” “Thanks,” Riley thanked Sammy, smiling as she continued eating.
~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Pierre Bellec's Room~ “Very well then. Best of luck, Luigi,” Bellec told Luigi. “And may your hearts be your guiding key,” Korrina added, hoping Luigi and the others are successful in what they were trying to achieve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~African Savannah - Xehanort’s Fortress~ Spoiler: BGM Gathered in Master Xehanort’s fortress, a couple Inquisitors were discussing what happened to fellow Inquisitor, Carl Creel… “What do you mean he just turned to stone?!” Rubeus questioned. “Exactly as I said,” Xigbar replied, “One minute, I’m trying to give him tips on how to survive the effects of touching the Obelisk. Next thing I know, he turns into a Michaelangelo work of art.” “Carl Creel was my sparring partner… I should’ve been the one to help him out!” Ruby cried, “Maybe then he’d still be alive AND we would’ve secured the Obelisk for the New World Order!” “Can you really be certain about that, Ruby?” Adagio Dazzle questioned Ruby as she sat on a nearby couch… “Perhaps it’s time we realize that Creel was never cut out to be an Inquisitor after all,” Adagio continued. “H-How dare you say that!” Ruby scolded Adagio. “Oh? Does it hurt because it’s true?” Adagio questioned Ruby with a snide tone as she got up to face her. “Why you-!” Ruby threatened Adagio as she took out her very sharp Ring Blade that was attached to her back, pointing it at Adagio, who simply glared in response. “Enough!” Master Xehanort ordered as he approached the group… “Master Xehanort!” Ruby said in surprise upon noticing the Grand Inquisitor arrive to the scene, putting her Ring Blade away. As she and the rest of the Inquisitors gave a bow to the Grand Inquisitor, Xehanort continued, “Ruby, the simple fact of the matter is that Creel has failed in his mission, and has paid the ultimate price for it. A failure like that has no right being honored among our ranks. Understand?” “Y-Yes, Master,” Ruby responded as she sighed, still feeling upset for what happened to her partner regardless of what Xehanort said. “Very well… now that we've gotten that taken care of…” Xehanort said as he took out a device from his pocket that displayed a hologram of a certain individual, “This is Donnie Gill. Prior to the Great Purge, he used to be an intern at the J.I.A. until a freak accident gave him powers, and was under constant surveillance by the J.I.A. till it was disintegrated after the Great Purge. Since then, his whereabouts have been unknown until recently, with New World Order spies confirming they have located him in San Diego. Also worthy of note is that he doesn't seem to be affiliated with the Rebels. Ruby, Rubeus, I need the both of you to go to San Diego, find Donnie Gill, and try recruiting him to the New World Order's cause. Who knows? He may even end up being a worthy vessel to join our ranks.” “Understood, Master Xehanort,” Rubeus replied as he and Ruby gave the Grand Inquisitor a bow before leaving. “As for you, Adagio… there have been reports of a small Rebel group forming in Ghana,” Xehanort told Adagio, “Governor Chrysalis has requested for you and your sisters to deal with this group before it becomes a bigger nuisance.” “With pleasure,” Adagio replied with a grin as she gave a bow and left. Once Xigbar and Xehanort were the only ones left, Xigbar commented, “Not gonna lie, it's a bit of a shame we weren't able to procure that Obelisk for the New World Order.” “To be honest, it is the least of my concern,” Xehanort replied, “I have other matters occupying my time.” “Oh yeah, the Tower of Mastery,” Xigbar commented. Nodding in reply, Xehanort added, “That and a particular item currently with a group of Rebels. Luckily, I’ve sent Ansem to look into it.” “I presume you’re referring to the Shiny Rod?” Xigbar questioned. Grinning, Xehanort replied, “Little do those Rebels know the true power hidden inside that rod.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Wow, that’s amazing Rei!” Clemont commended Rei after hearing her sing, “Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to add my own touch to the song. Perhaps a bit of EDM, something akin to Skrillex.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Hotel Room~ Meeting with her acquaintance, Cal Zabo, Raina placed a metallic suitcase on a table in front of him. The suitcase was the same one that Creel had been carrying around earlier that contained the Obelisk inside. But during the commotion in the downtown area of Chicago, Raina was able to grab the suitcase and get away with it without being detected by either the Rebels nor the New World Order. “You did well,” Cal commended Raina, “Open it.” Doing as she was ordered, Raina found the Obelisk inside. Grabbing it, Raina noticed the Obelisk began to glow with strange symbols on it. But unlike Carl Creel and Cassie Cage before her, touching the Obelisk didn’t turn her to stone at all, and she was perfectly fine. “Just like in Toshima,” Raina commented, grinning as she thought back to when she first touched the Obelisk back in Japan months ago. “Now, time to move on to the next phase,” Cal commented as Raina placed the Obelisk back in the suitcase, “We need to find my daughter.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Just a reminder, this is meant to be my final post for the current day, with the next post officially transitioning to the next day. Please make sure to wrap everything up with your characters so we can move on to the next day.
~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Pierre Bellec's Room~ “Oh, and where are you going?” Bellec asked. “Hopefully not to the U.K.,” Korrina added, “Or as it’s soon going to be called... Galar. ‘Cause unless you have a boat or something that could fly to get you through the English Channel without getting caught, then you’d be going through the Channel Tunnel, and security over there is WAAAY too tight.” “Either way, our supply of sonic stabilizers is limited,” Bellec said as he took out a clipboard on his table, checking a list he wrote down earlier, “During the battle today, six stabilizers were used by myself, Samus, Cynthia, Elise, Lydia, and Serena. That means you and Mario still have yours. But if you want a spare, I think I might have one here somewhere.” Taking out her sonic stabilizer, Korrinia added, “You can have mine as well if you want.” Once Bellec was able to find a spare sonic stabilizer in a drawer, both he and Korrina tossed their sonic stabilizer to Luigi. “Don’t waste them,” Korrina advised. “Also, without any Rebels around, you will be on your own,” Bellec warned. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Yeah, sure thing,” Clemont responded to Rei’s request, “I just finished uploading Connor’s inspirational speech during Rue’s funeral so that other Rebels could listen to it.” Taking out a microphone for Rei, Clemont said, “Ready when you are.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Chicago, Illinois - Rebel Hideout~ Back in the Rebel hideout in Chicago, Jeffery Mace and Lance Hunter were alone in a room, silently listening to Connor’s speech during Rue’s funeral on the Rebel Force Radio broadcast. As Hunter listened to the speech, he thought back to Cassie Cage and her sacrifice. “Just wanted to say… I am sorry about that 2 million Gil that you wanted. I can't afford to pay you that much,” Mace told Hunter. “Oh, you knew about that, eh?” Lance questioned Mace. “I'm the North American Rebel Alliance leader, information like that pertaining to those I’m in charge of, I’ll eventually find out,” Mace responded. “Well, that's just marvelous,” Hunter commented, “The New World Order won’t be paying me 2 million Gil to run with, and they want me dead. Any tips?” “Yeah. Don't run. Join the Rebel Alliance… full-time,” Jeffery suggested. “You must have hit your head pretty hard,” a surprised Lance replied, “I locked you and three other Rebels inside an empty office.” “Including May,” Mace said as he chuckled, “Not a smart move.” “She the type that holds a grudge?” Lance asked. “Savors it, actually,” Mace answered, “You’re lucky Billy saved your hide after what you did. No doubt, you've made some mistakes. So have I, like letting you take part in this mission. But I felt for you.” “Yeah, and I took advantage of that,” Lance said, “How do you know I won't do it again?” “I don't, but the reality is I don't have a fleet of Helicarriers or the ability to request additional resources whenever I want,” Mace answered, “We're lucky we still have our George Foreman grill.” “You need warm bodies, is that it?” Lance asked. “I need skilled assets in the field who are willing to step over the line, to do the right thing,” Mace replied, “I need you because I truly feel you’d be a great asset to the Rebellion.” “Yeah, well, you're better off. Trust me,” Hunter advised. “Look, it's your choice,” Mace replied, “But good people... people I respect... vouched for you. I'd like to find out why.” “Hell if I know,” Lance said, “But... I'm curious.” “Good enough,” Mace responded as he started walking away, “Oh. I just need you to do one thing.” “Oh, yeah?” Hunter asked. “Convince me,” Mace responded as he left the room, leaving Hunter to ponder to himself on whether to join the Rebellion or not. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~ “I heard that the device you drew up worked,” Mack commended as he joined Fitz, who was looking over the schematics for the device that had been used by Billy to defeat Carl Creel. “Yeah,” Fitz replied as he handed Mack the schematics, “I have to give credit Billy Cranston, along with Shelby and Kendall from the Chicago branch for managing to build it in such a short amount of time. They’re really good.” “Yeah,” Mack concurred as he continued looking at the schematics, “So, the original idea for this device, you envisioned it with this... Jemma Simmons I keep hearing about?” “Yeah,” Fitz replied, “What about Simmons?” “Oh, no, no. I heard that she was cool. Heard that you two were pretty tight,” Mack commented. “Yeah…” Fitz responded as he began thinking of his friend, Jemma Simmons. “It's tough to lose a good partner,” Mack said, “How you been holding up since she left?” “I'm okay,” Leopold said as he smiled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Streets~ “Y-yes, ma'am,” Peni replied after Gwen advised her to be more careful next time. And once Gwen left the area, Peni started walking back home as she said to herself, “Wooow… I can't believe I actually met Spider-Woman herself! Wish I could meet her again someday. I'm really curious about powers.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ “Yay!” Rini cheered upon hearing Serena agree to go on a journey with Connor. “Great, then it’s settled then,” Darien commented. “Don’t worry, I won’t get in the way,” Sammy replied to Serena’s warning, “Though, I guess you and Rini might wanna do the same as well. I’m pretty sure Darien wouldn’t want us getting in danger and distracting him while he’s off fighting Stormtroopers as Tuxedo Mask.” “Y-yeah, you’re right Sammy,” Rini told Sammy as she sweatdropped, hoping that Sammy doesn’t learn that she and Serena are really Sailor Mini Moon and Sailor Moon.
~Kyoto, Japan - Park~ As Croix led a group of Cybermen and Stormtroopers who were investigating the area and questioning people nearby about the battle that had taken place with the Rebels, one of the Stormtroopers handed her a tablet, saying, “The Rebels got away with the rod. But a nearby camera was able to catch a quick glimpse of them.” Taking a look at the tablet, Croix saw an image showing Akko and the other Rebels battling Stormtroopers and Cybermen earlier in the day. However upon examining the image, Croix raised her eyebrows once she noticed Ursula, recognizing her. ‘Could it really be…?’ Croix thought to herself as she was fixated on Ursula in the image, 'Well, well, well... how long has it been, old friend?' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Holonet News Transmission~ “This is Malva with the only news that matters, the Holonet News,” Malva stated on the only existing news channel on Earth right now, “Let’s go live to The Capital where New World Order representative, Sean Spicer, is having a town hall meeting with local citizens about current affairs.” The transmission then cut to live footage in a hall in a building somewhere in The Capital, where citizens were seated, waiting for Sean Spicer to arrive. Eventually, the representative from the New World Order arrived with two Stormtroopers by his side, getting behind his podium and facing the crowd, ready to speak... “Alright, good evening,” Spicer greeted the crowd, and began to raise his voice in anger, “Alright, SETTLE DOWN! SETTLE DOWN! SETTLE DOWN! BEFORE WE BEGIN, I KNOW THAT MYSELF AND YOU GUYS HAVE GOTTEN OFF TO A ROCKY START! IN A SENSE, WHEN I SAY ROCKY START, I MEAN IT IN THE SENSE OF ‘ROCKY’ THE MOVIE, BECAUSE I CAME OUT HERE TO PUNCH YOU! IN THE FACE! AND ALSO, I DON’T TALK SO GOOD! NOW I’D LIKE TO BEGIN TODAY BY APOLOGIZING ON BEHALF OF YOU, TO ME... FOR HOW YOU HAVE TREATED ME THE PAST COUPLE OF MEETINGS! AND THAT APOLOGY IS NOT ACCEPTED! BECAUSE I’M NOT HERE TO BE YOUR BUDDY! I’M HERE TO SWALLOW GUM, AND I’M HERE TO TAKE NAMES!” Sean Spicer then took out a bottle of Mentos Gum from his pocket, and started pouring lots of gum into his mouth, chewing them all at once. “OKAY, NOW LET ME WAVE SOMETHING SHINY IN FRONT OF YOU MONKEYS!” Spicer yelled as he chewed. Spicer then took out all the gum from his mouth, sticking it in the podium in front of him. “I’LL GET BACK TO YOU!” Spicer yelled at the gum before turning his attention back to the crowd, “As you know, Supreme Leaders Al Mualim and Harold Saxon announced that the United Kingdom will be renamed to Galar by next week. When they made the announcement, those in attendance responded with a STANDING OVATION, WHICH LASTED A FULL 15 MINUTES! AND YOU CAN CHECK THE TAPE ON THAT! EVERYONE WAS SMILING! EVERYONE WAS HAPPY! THE MEN ALL HAD ERECTIONS! AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE WOMEN WAS OVULATING LEFT AND RIGHT! And no one, no one was sad. Okay, those are the facts forever and there’s something else.” Taking out a piece of paper, Sean Spicer began reading from it, “We got something... ‘X’, 3, 4, capital ‘P’, capital ‘T’, 8, 4 - hang on, wait a minute, that’s my email password, forget that one. Alright, NOBODY WRITE THAT- STOP WRITING THAT DOWN!” As Spicer was angrily shaking his head, he put the piece of paper away, continuing, “Now, onto the Supreme Leaders’ schedule for tomorrow. At, 12:30 p.m., the Supreme Leaders will host an encore screening of ‘Finding Nemo’. Okay? The story of a clownfish trying to find his son. Okay? Everybody likes that. Then at 3:00 P.M., the Supreme Leaders will order a public execution for 500 possible Rebels that were apprehended today. BUT 'NEMO'! Good stuff. Okay, so if nobody has any questions, I’m gonna g-” The crowd then quickly began asking questions simultaneously. “Okay, we’ll do a couple questions. Go. How ‘bout... Glenn… BOO! Go ahead,” Spicer said, picking Glenn, a familiar face at these town hall meetings (and someone who constantly gets on Sean Spicer’s nerves) to ask a question. “Yeah... I wanted to ask about rumors of a town in South Africa getting vaporized from a possible New World Order superweapon being tested out,” Glenn asked. “Yeah, there was no test. It’s fake news,” Spicer instantly replied. “I’m… sorry?” Glenn questioned. “It’s not a test, assuming it even happened in the first place. The superweapon test is not a test, which makes it not a test,” Spicer replied. “But you just called it a test,” Glenn commented. “BECAUSE I’M USING YOUR WORDS!” Spicer replied with a loud voice, “YOU SAID TEST. YOU SAID TEST, NOW I’M SAYING-” “I’ve read a Tweet from a local over there say, and I quote,” Glenn interrupted Spicer as he was quoting a Tweet he read online, “‘They had a freaky superweapon, and they decided to test it out on’-” “Yeah, exactly,” Spicer interrupted Glenn, “You just said that. That guy’s Tweet is quoting you. It’s your words. He’s using your words when you used the words and he uses them back, it’s circular using of the word, and that’s from you.” Extremely confused by what Sean Spicer just said, Glen exclaimed, “... What?!” “Seriously Glenn, are you going to start with this right out of the gate, Glenn?” Spicer questioned Glenn, “I mean, what... do you want me to take my nuts out so you can get a better kick at them?” As Spicer continued berating Glenn, the two Stormtroopers that had accompanied him whispered to each other on reporting the person on Twitter that Glenn mentioned about so that New World Order forces can apprehend him in South Africa in order to prevent him from spilling any details on the New World Order’s superweapons to the public. “OKAY, UH… SIT DOWN GLENN!” Spicer ordered Glenn, “Who here, just by a show of hands, who here hates Glenn?” As Sean Spicer raised his hand, no one else did. Nevertheless, Spicer said, “Right, everybody? One, two, three, infinity. Ha, see? Let the record show that everyone raised their hands because everybody hates Glenn. Next question, go.” A woman from the crowd then asked, “Uh, yeah, I would like to ask what will the New World Order do now that Rebels have secured control of Shalour City in France.” “Yeah, that's a dumb question,” Sean Spicer scoffed, “That’s a stupid question. SIT DOWN, GLENN!” “My name is not Glenn,” the woman who just asked Spicer a question responded. “I KNOW,” Spicer said, “I’m just saying ‘Glenn’ like in a general ‘Glenn’. It’s… IT’S YOUR WORD! IT’S YOUR WORD! Next, go.” Another woman in the crowd asked, “Yeah, I’m also thinking about Shalour City. Like… is the New World Order going to do anything about the Rebels there?” “Yeah, all right, you guys…” Spicer said as he was shaking his head, close to losing his temper, “You guys still aren't getting it. Uh, you need some props? My words too big, I got to show you in pictures? Great, okay, here we go.” Spicer then took out two boxes from under the podium, placing them right next to him where the crowd could see them. “WHEN IT COMES TO THESE SITUATIONS, THE SUPREME LEADERS…” Sean Spicer yelled as he pulled out a picture of Supreme Leaders Al Mualim and Harold Saxon from one of the boxes before putting it back in, “... HAVE ABSOLUTE POWER…” Spicer continued as he took out a phone charger from a box to represent the word ‘power’, “... TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY, INCLUDING KEEPING THINGS A SECRET…” Spicer continued as he took out a piece of paper with a question mark on it to represent the word ‘secret’, “...THAT WAY, THE ENEMY WON’T KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT…” Spicer continued as he took out a picture of a surprised Pikachu to represent the Rebels not knowing to expect, “...OKAY? AND THE SUPREME LEADERS WILL NOT…” Spicer continued as he took out a rope tied in a knot from a box to represent the word ‘not’, “...BE DETERRED…” Spicer continued as he took out a plastic object that looked like actual turd from a box to represent the second syllable in the word ‘deterred’, “... IN THEIR FIGHT AGAINST THE RADICAL REBELS…” Spicer finished as he took out a bell from a box to represent the second syllable in the word ‘Rebels’. Once he was done, Spicer threw the boxes to the side, and walked back to his podium, asking, “Does anybody else have any questions?” “Yeah, umm… are you okay?” a woman from the crowd asked Sean. Angered by what the woman just asked, Spicer grabbed his podium, and walked towards her, using the podium to shove her back into her seat, and repeatedly hit her with it as he said, “TAKE IT! TAKE IT! TAKE IT! TAKE IT! YOU LIKE THAT?! YOU LIKE THAT, DORK?! YOU LIKE THAT, DORK?!” Once Spicer was done and put the podium back where it was, he continued glaring at the woman as he continued, “YOU CANNOT COME AT ME LIKE THAT! I WILL PUT YOU IN THE CORNER WITH THE GUY WHO WAS CAUGHT SPREADING FAKE NEWS!” Spicer then pointed to the corner to indicate who he was just referring to, where an old man with glasses was locked inside a cage… “Fake news?” the old man wondered out loud after hearing what Spicer said about him, “All I did was call for a taxi cab.” “EVERYBODY JUST COOL OUT, ALRIGHT?!” Spicer angrily yelled, “Uh, I’ll accept one last question. Yeah, I’ll take this loser.” A man in the crowd who was just referred to as a ‘loser’ by Spicer asked, “Yes, uh… I got a question about all these public executions that are happening… isn’t it a bit excessive?” Instead of responding, Spicer took out a water gun, squirting the man with water. “What… are you doing? What are you doing?!” the man cried as he was getting soaked. “THIS IS SOAPY WATER AND I’M WASHING THAT FILTHY LYING MOUTH OUT! THAT’S WHAT I’M DOING!” Spicer yelled, “Alright, I think that’s enough for today. Spicy’s uh, gonna go bye-bye right now, I need a big-boy nap. I will be woken up exactly one minute before tomorrow’s town hall meeting.” “Umm, actually, there’s no town hall meeting scheduled for tomorrow,” the man who was squirted corrected Spicer. Spicer then grabbed his podium, and angrily started hitting the man with it, as other members of the crowd slowly started exiting the hall, not wanting to suffer the wrath of Sean Spicer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area~ “Everybody out! Move!” Lance cried as he smashed through a glass window, landing in the lobby of a building as he turned around and saw Creel was right behind him. Gasping, Hunter noticed Creel changing the structure of his right arm to metal, ready to smash Hunter with it. Quickly jumping out of the way, Hunter avoided Creel’s attack, who smashed a piano in the lobby instead. Hunter then decided to go for a quick attack, punching Creel twice from the side. But as expected, measly punches couldn’t do much to stop Creel, as the Inquisitor simply punched Hunter with his metal arm, knocking him to the floor. Watching Carl Creel slowly approach him, Lance quickly got up, grabbing a nearby fire extinguisher, and tried to swing it at the Inquisitor. However, Creel easily grabbed the fire extinguisher with his metallic hand, tossing it aside, and then kicking Hunter, sending him flying towards a corner in the lobby. As Hunter was slowly trying to get up while thinking of a way to deal with Creel, he noticed the Inquisitor slowly approaching him. “I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, pal,” Creel warned Hunter, “This is really gonna hurt.” But before Creel could hurt Hunter, it was then that Billy surprised Creel from behind, piercing his arm with the device he built. Creel then began to groan as the device began to take effect, putting a stop to his ability to absorb different kinds of materials. However, since Creel had been using his powers to avoid turning to stone after having touched the Obelisk just like Cassie Cage from the previous day, losing his powers meant that there was no escaping this fate. And just like that, Creel completely turned to stone, becoming a lifeless statue permanently. Panting, Lance slowly got up, telling Billy, “Thanks, mate. I owe you one.” Just then, Jeffrey Mace arrived to the scene after having dealt with some Stormtroopers outside… “Sir…” Hunter greeted Mace, knowing how awkward it was for him given how he had earlier locked Mace and the others inside an empty office space. Noticing that Billy had successfully used his device to put an end to Carl Creel, Mace told Billy and Lance, “Let’s head back to the hideout before more New World Order reinforcements come.” “Okay…” Lance responded. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle~ Gasping as he quickly woke up, Saphir found himself in a different room then where he was not too long ago, lying on a couch, and noticing that the only ones who were in the room with him were Aveline and Loki… “Oh good, you're awake,” Aveline said as she and Loki approached him. “What happened?!” Saphir questioned, “Where are Elsa, Anna, and Olaf?” “Well, Olaf's still asleep after we had to stun him,” Loki replied, “We had to do the same for you. Our apologies. This wasn't how we wanted things to go.” “Wait… you did what to me?!” Saphir questioned, shocked to hear that Loki and Aveline stunned him and Olaf. “We didn't have much of a choice,” Aveline replied, “It was either letting that crazy Rider kidnap Anna and Elsa, or risk having a bomb kill us all.” “But it turns out that the Rider was just bluffing,” Loki added, “That bomb he threatened us with was just a fake.” “So Elsa and Anna… they're really gone?” Saphir asked. “Yes, but we do have some good news,” Aveline responded as she handed Saphir a small device with a screen zooming in to what appeared to be a map of an area in Scotland. “What's this?” Saphir asked. “Before the Rider took Anna and Elsa, Aveline patted Elsa on the back, placing an extremely small tracker on her,” Loki replied, “It's so small it can't be seen with the naked eye.” “And right now, they appear to be somewhere in Scotland,” Aveline added, pointing to the map on the device she gave Saphir. “So… I can find them?” Saphir wondered out loud as he stared at the map on the device's screen. “Certainly,” Loki responded, “Just let Hans and Larxene know about the tracker. Shame we won’t be able to assist.” “How come?” Saphir questioned. “We’ve been summoned by Captain Phasma,” Aveline answered, “We have an important mission in France.” “When you do find Anna and Elsa, tell them we said hi,” Loki added, “Best of luck, sir.” “T-thanks,” Saphir thanked Aveline and Loki as they left the room. Moments later, Saphir heard someone approaching his room. Looking around, Saphir quickly hid the device Aveline gave him in a nearby drawer. Once he did that, Saphir noticed Hans and Larxene enter the room, led by his brother, Demande… “Saphir! I came as soon as I heard! Thank goodness you are alright!” Demande exclaimed as he walked towards his brother, hugging him, “Did the Rebels harm you?” “N-no,” Saphir responded, “I’m fine.” “Do you know where those Rebel scum escaped to?” Hans questioned Saphir. Thinking back to the tracker that Aveline told him about, Saphir was about to tell Hans and the others about it, but as he thought about it, Saphir realized that perhaps it was best that he try finding Elsa and Anna himself rather than rely on the others. “Uh… no, I don’t know where they are,” Saphir lied to Hans. “No matter,” Larxene commented, “Wherever those Rebels are, the New World Order will find and deal with them appropriately.” As Hans and Larxene left the room, Demande asked his brother, “Is there anything you need brother?” “N-no… I just need some time alone,” Saphir responded. “Of course, take your time,” Demande said, “If you need me, I’ll be discussing important matters with Hans and the Inquisitor.” Nodding, Saphir watched as Demande left the room. Once he was sure he was all alone, Saphir took out the tracking device from the nearby drawer where he hid it. “I’ll find you, Elsa… I promise…” Saphir quietly said to himself as he stared at the device’s screen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ Sometime after Rue's funeral, Connor was back inside the base, discussing something with Lt. Surge and Adewale. Approaching them was Thor, who wanted to say something to Connor… “Umm, Connor? May I have a word?” Thor requested. Surprised to see Thor approach him, given the rocky history between the two due to Connor's father being the one responsible for permanently crippling Thor's father years ago, Connor replied, “Of course.” Nodding, Connor signaled Surge and Adewale to leave him and Thor alone for a bit, and the two nodded back, leaving the area. “So, I assume you arrived yesterday?” Connor asked Thor. “Yes, that's correct,” Thor replied, “Anyway… I just wanted to say… I'm sorry. I know I always looked at you as someone who was responsible for what happened to my father, that you were no different than Haytham Kenway. But… ever since I came here, hearing of all the good you have done, and the good you continue to do, as well as your speech during Rue's funeral... I realize that, for all these years, I have misjudged you. You truly are nothing like your father. You are a very good person, Connor, and I feel ashamed that my anger prevented me from seeing that. I hope you can forgive me.” Smiling, Connor placed his hand on Thor's shoulder, telling him, “There is no need to apologize. You had every right to feel what you felt. By coming here, I know you wish to fight for a cause we both support, and for that, I am grateful. We cannot let the past define us. Instead, we need to keep moving forward. Are you willing to do that, Thor?” Smiling as he nodded in response, Thor shook Connor's hand, replying, “Now and forever, Ratonhnhaké:ton." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ Sometime after Rue's funeral, Darien approached Sammy, Rini, and Serena, wanting to discuss something with them. “Hey Darien, what's up?” Sammy asked. “Well, I've been thinking a lot about the journey that Connor said he was going to take starting next week,” Darien replied, “And, well… after hearing what he just said at Rue's funeral… I feel like I have to help him. I can't explain it, but I have this feeling inside me that I must help him out no matter what. But, I can't do this without having you guys with me, because I made a promise to your parents that I would look after you. I know Rini said she wanted to go on this worldwide journey. But what about you, Sammy, Serena? What do you think?” “Hmm, you know, I always wanted to go out and see the world,” Sammy responded, “I'd love to tag along.” Smiling after hearing Sammy's response, Rini asked Serena, “What about you, Serena? Can we all go? Please?” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rebel Hideout~ As Nikolai and Natasha were busy planning for their next mission, the two noticed the door open, with Sabine entering from outside… “What is it?” Nikolai asked. “See for yourself,” Sabine responded as she moved aside, allowing Finn to enter the Rebel hideout… “Finn?” a surprised Natasha wondered out loud as she noticed Finn. “What are you doing here?” Nikolai asked. “What does it look like?” Finn questioned, “I’ve been thinking about it, and I thought I’d help you Rebels out a bit more.” “Really?” Natasha happily asked. “Yep,” Finn responded, “But… I’d like three thousand Gil for a mission from now on.” “Forget it,” Nikolai told Finn, “1500 Gil. No more than that.” Shrugging, Finn replied, “Fair enough. You got a deal. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m gonna call it a night. If you need me, you know where to find me.” As Finn exited the hideout, Natasha smiled, happy that Finn decided to join the Rebels for good this time. “It’s about time he realized that he should help us,” Nikolai commented, “To be honest, I feel quite relieved. Part of me was worried he would give our location to the New World Order.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Streets~ As the thief whimpered after getting webbed by Gwen, Peni was awed by the sight of Spider-Gwen herself. “I… I can’t believe it!” Peni cried, “It’s really you! I’ve read so much about you, saw some shaky cam videos of you online, but I never thought I’d ever get rescued by you! This is so awesome!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery - Pierre Bellec's Room~ As Bellec and Korrina were having a drink together while also planning on how to defend Shalour City from any future attacks, the two noticed Luigi come in, wanting to speak with Bellec. “What is it?” Bellec asked Luigi.
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This past Thursday, the 'Kingdom Hearts III' Ultimania was released in Japan, providing fans with a ton of information on the recently released entry in the series. Included in the book was an interview with series director, Tetsuya Nomura, as well as members of the staff who worked on the game. Check out the interview with Nomura below (divided into two parts), along with links to interviews with staff members: Nomura (Part 1): Nomura (Part 2): Other Interviews: Tamotsu Goto (Programmer) Masashi Nakamichi (Programmer) Kengo Naka (Programmer) Takashi Isowaki (Technical Director) Tomokazu Shibata (Battle Director) Masaru Oka (Scenario + Cutscene Director) Credit to @lunesacree for translating the first part of Nomura's interview as well as the interviews with other staff members, and credit to KHInsider's goldpanner for translating the second part of Nomura's interview
I just realized this thread didn't have the new trailer from yesterday. You're welcome
Nice! The visuals look very impressive and really give the feel of a true next-gen Pokémon game (even more than the Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee games). And I like how the setting will be based on the U.K., I always wondered if they were gonna have a region based on it ever since we got a region based on France with Kalos. Now I'm really gonna have to get a Nintendo Switch (and finally finish Pokémon Moon while I'm at it...). Hopefully there'll be a bundle with the game itself.
'Kingdom Hearts III' has officially been out for about a month now, and as with each new release in the series, fans have questions about what the future holds. Luckily, the director of the series, Tetsuya Nomura, got a chance to discuss the recently released game with Dengeki Playstation, commenting on KH3's impressive sale numbers, discussing DLC plans for the game, and confirming that Critical Mode will be coming soon. Check out the fully translated interview below (courtesy of KHInsider's goldpanner):
It has been announced today that a Kingdom Hearts themed version of the popular tabletop game "Talisman" will be released later in the year! Check out the full press release from TheOP below:
~Inside Cassian’s U-Wing~ As Jyn and the others were inside Cassian’s U-Wing, flying towards the Rebel hideout in Alaska, each was trying to process the destruction they had just seen earlier. “All of it…” Noctis commented, “An entire town obliterated in a matter of seconds.” “Unbelievable…” Ignis added. Walking towards Cassian (who was busy piloting the U-Wing), Jyn asked, “Is it true… you really know where my father is?” “I think so,” Cassian responded, “If I’m not mistaken, he should be in South Dakota, somewhere outside the city of Sioux Falls.” “So you’re Galen’s daughter?” Bodhi Rook asked Jyn. “You know him?” Jyn questioned Bodhi. Nodding, Bodhi replied, “I’m Bodhi, the pilot.” “You brought the message,” Jyn said. “Yes,” Bodhi replied, “Your father... he said I could get right by myself. He said I could make it right, if I was brave enough and listened to what was in my heart. Do something about it. Guess it was too late.” “It wasn’t too late,” Jyn said as she shook her head, trying to reassure Bodhi that he did good despite what happened to the town of Upington. “Seems pretty late to me,” Prompto scoffed. “No,” Jyn retorted, “We can beat the people who did this. My father’s message, I’ve read it. The New World Order has three S-types that they will be using as superweapons. But they have no idea there’s a really easy way to defeat them. You’re wrong about my father, Cassian.” After hearing what Jyn said to him, Cassian put the ship on auto-pilot as he got out of the cockpit, facing Jyn. “Jyn, your father is the one who enhanced those S-types,” Cassian told Jyn. “Because he knew they’d do it without him. My father made a choice. He sacrificed himself for the Rebellion. He’s rigged a weak point somewhere on those S-types,” Jyn retorted Cassian before turning to face Bodhi, “That’s why he sent you. To bring that message.” “Where is it?” Cassian asked, “Where’s the message?” “It was a letter,” Jyn replied. “You have that message, right?” Cassian asked, hoping for some good news from Jyn. But after a couple seconds of nothing but silence, Jyn shook her head with a disappointed look on her face, replying, “Everything happened so fast.” “Did you see it?” Cassian asked Bodhi, who simply shook his head in response. “You don’t believe me?” Jyn asked Cassian. “I’m not the one you’ve gotta convince,” Cassian replied. Overhearing the conversation that was happening, Noctis commented, “I believe her.” “That’s good to know,” Cassian sarcastically replied. “So, what are those weak points that your father mentioned?” Ignis asked Jyn. “I know each of these three S-type superweapons has a weak point somewhere in their body,” Jyn responded, “One blast to a weak point, and the S-type will be destroyed.” Turning to face Cassian, Jyn said, “You need to send word to the Alliance.” “I’ve done that,” Cassian responded. “They have to know there’s a way to destroy these S-types,” Jyn said, “They have to go to Scarif in the Maldives to get the plans.” “I can’t risk sending that,” Cassian responded, “That place is a New World Order military stronghold. It would be suicide.” “Then we’ll find my father,” Jyn suggested, “We bring him back, and he can tell the Alliance himself.” As he pondered Jyn’s suggestion for a bit, Cassian replied, “Okay… but first, we go back to Alaska. It may take time, but if we get approval, we’ll go find your father.” “Alright,” Jyn said as Cassian went back to the cockpit to continue piloting the U-Wing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Secured Room)~ ‘Throne?’ Aveline thought to herself after hearing Harold mention Hans wanting it, even though that was not the way things work now, ‘For a Rebel, this guy clearly doesn't know how things work here.’ As for Saphir, he willingly listened to Harold, until the moment he said he had a bomb. “What?! A bomb?!” Saphir cried. “You know, if you’re trying to prove that Rebels are the more peaceful side, threatening us all with a bomb is not exactly a good way to help your case,” Loki told Harold. Nevertheless, as Saphir, Loki, and Aveline tried to think of what to do, they noticed Elsa and Anna walking towards the chest Harold told them to go to. “Elsa, no! I can’t let you go!” Saphir cried as he grabbed her hand, “It’s too dangerous!” “Uhh, I have to agree with Saphir on this,” Olaf added, “I mean, threatening us all with a bomb, this guy is really insane… and coming from me, that’s saying something.” Meanwhile, as Aveline and Loki were trying to think of what to do, the two had the same idea. Once Loki and Aveline nodded to each other to confirm what they planned to do, Loki told Saphir, “Sir… as much as I hate to admit it, we don’t really have much choice. We have to let Elsa and Anna go with them if we are to survive.” “What?!” Saphir cried, surprised by what Loki just said. “He’s right,” Aveline concurred with Loki as she walked towards Elsa, patting her on the back, “Go. Don’t worry, we’ll look after Olaf and Saphir.” “No, you can’t let them go like this!” Saphir cried. Switching his blaster to stun mode, Loki shot Saphir, knocking him out as he lay on the floor sleeping. Switching her blaster to stun mode as well, Aveline shot Olaf, who began to feel drowsy as he said, “Wow… didn’t know that would work on a snowman…” Falling to the floor as well, Olaf was asleep as he began snoring. “You win this round, Rider,” Loki told Harold. “We hope to see you soon, Anna, Elsa,” Aveline told the two. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown: Outside~ Spoiler: Funeral Attendees Spoiler: BGM A funeral service was currently being held outside the main Rebel base, honoring Rue, who was laid in an open coffin so that those close to her can see her one last time. Among the crowd in attendance were Dick Grayson, Ritchie, and Ritchie’s Pikachu, Sparky, who all had tears rolling down their eyes, as they were very close friends with Rue. Walking towards her coffin, Katniss and Haymitch tearfully looked down at their friend, seeing her deceased yet resting peacefully. As she placed a bouquet of flowers underneath Rue’s hands, Katniss bent down and kissed Rue’s forehead, whispering, “Goodbye… Rue.” Noticing Connor walking towards her, Katniss began weeping as she and Connor hugged each other tightly, with Connor trying to comfort her while trying hard not to cry himself. As Katniss was done and joined the crowd along with Haymitch, Connor faced the crowd, ready to speak. “We stand here today to honor a fallen comrade, and a very dear friend of mine... Rue…” Connor said as his voice was breaking and tears rolled down his cheek, “Some of you may have known her, and some of you may have not. Until a couple of months ago, I was not very familiar with Rue. But as soon as I became friends with her, I saw that she was someone very special. She always offered to help others, regardless of whether she knew them or not. Always willing to see the good in strangers. When I started the Rebel Alliance, I had no intention of involving Rue. I did not want to put her in harmful situations that the Alliance was bound to face. But she insisted on joining regardless of the dangers she knew that she would face. And despite my protests, she joined nonetheless, welcoming those seeking refuge from the New World Order and those who wished to join the fight for freedom. You can say… Rue is the perfect example of what it means to be a Rebel. From the moment she joined to her sacrifice, everything Rue has done has helped the Rebel Alliance. For that, I am truly grateful for what she has done. And yet, I still feel that I have failed her. I know I cannot guarantee the safety of every Rebel around the world, but when there are Rebels close to me, I feel it is my duty to protect them from danger. Yet, after what had happened to Rue, I realize such a promise can never be guaranteed. Is this what the New World Order wants?! For us to either give away our freedoms and submit to them or die?! It has been hard at times for me personally, but never harder than today… not since the Great Purge. Am I supposed to surrender?! To end this fight?! And accept a tyrannical rule over the world that I love?! No… I will never do such a thing…” Spoiler: BGM “I know that the people wish to be free, and that people like Rue fight to make it so,” Connor continued, “Even now, faced as I am with the harshness of this war, I refuse. Because I believe things can still change! I may never succeed. The Rebel Alliance may struggle for years. But we will not stop. I refuse to let Rue and every other Rebel who have sacrificed themselves to die in vain! I realize now that it will take time, that the road ahead is long and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go, and I am not sure if I will live to see its end. But I will travel down it nonetheless. For at my side walks hope. In the face of all that insists I turn back, I carry on. The future of our land depends on those who are truly free. In the name of liberty, I will fight the enemy to my dying breath! That… that is my promise to you all.” After hearing Connor's inspirational speech, many of those in attendance cheered, pledging their support to him and the Rebel Alliance. Among those in attendance were Rini and Darien. Tears had been rolling down Rini's cheek as she had been listening to Connor's speech, while Darien, who had been holding Rini's hand the whole time, felt inspired after hearing what Connor had to say, and felt like maybe going along with him on his planned journey around the world would be good thing after all, though he realized this was something he would need to discuss with Serena and Sammy later on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area~ As Xigbar was about to grab the metallic suitcase with the Obelisk inside it, he and Creel both heard people screaming, as one person cried, “Oh my God! He’s got a gun!” Looking around, Xigbar and Creel eventually noticed Lance Hunter walking towards them, carrying a sniper… Pointing his sniper at Creel, Hunter quickly pulled the trigger. But as the bullet fired straight towards Creel, Creel quickly absorbed the metallic bench he was sitting on, turning his entire skin to metal. And because of that, once the bullet reached Creel, it ricocheted off of him, leaving him unharmed. “Oh no…” Hunter said to himself, dreading what was about to happen as he quickly turned and ran away. And just as Hunter expected, Carl Creel angrily got off his bench and ran after Hunter. Amidst all the commotion, local Stormtroopers and Cybermen arrived to the scene… “Sir, what’s going on?” one of the Stormtroopers questioned Xigbar. “Creel just ran after a Rebel who tried to kill him,” Xigbar responded, “I want that Rebel dead!” “Yes, sir!” the Stormtrooper responded as he and his fellow Stormtroopers, along with some Cybermen, rushed to see where Hunter had run off to. Meanwhile, as Xigbar looked around, he noticed that the metallic suitcase that Creel brought had vanished, indicating that someone took it. “Great… this just isn’t my day…” Xigbar complained. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area: Empty Office Space~ As Mace and the others continued trying to open the door, they heard the commotion that was happening outside. “That doesn't sound good,” May commented. “Oh great, now what do we do?” Shining Armor asked. “Use your head,” Mace responded as he and May looked at the horn on the pony's head, both getting the same idea. About a minute later, Jeffrey and Melinda were carrying Shining Armor as they charged towards the door while his horn was pointed towards it. “But I don't wanna use my head!” Shining Armor cried as May and Mace successfully used him to break the door open, finally freeing them. “Sorry about that, Shining,” May apologized to her pony friend. As he was groaning while feeling his horn, Shining Armor replied, “Don't worry, apology accepted.” “Alright guys, no time to waste,” Mace told the others, “May, Shining… the two of you along with me will deal with any Stomtroopers and Cybermen outside. Billy, take the device you worked on with Shelby and Kendall. Find Carl Creel, and stab him with device. Time to end this once and for all.” Mace then handed Billy the device he was just talking about, telling him, “Good luck.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Streets~ As Peni Kimiko was walking back home from her after-school part-time job, a thief emerged from a nearby alley, quietly following her. Once the two were near the building where Gwen Stacy was, the thief tried to snatch the backpack that Peni had on her back, even though Peni was trying to fight back. “Hey! Let it go!” Peni cried as she tried to hold on to her backpack and not let the thief steal it, “HELP! Someone help!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~English Countryside~ After getting hit and having dirt thrown into her eyes, Bellatrix screamed in anger as she rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them, noticing Dulcea was nowhere to be found. “I'll find you, you hear me?! I'LL FIND YOU!!” Bellatrix angrily yelled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Police HQ (Shooting Range)~ “Funny you should mention that,” Looker responded to Kiriko after hearing her comment on Vanitas’s age, “I could’ve sworn I remember someone going by the name of Vanitas being taken to the juvenile detention center many months ago, though my memory may be a bit hazy. Then again, it could simply have been a coincidence. Oh well…” The police chief then detransformed as he headed towards the exit… “If you’ll need me, I’ll be at my office,” Looker informed Kiriko.
Square-Enix and the Ad Council have teamed up to promote an anti-bullying campaign featuring the recently released 'Kingdom Hearts III', encouraging teens to be more inclusive and kind to others. Check out a video of the campaign below: Check out the full press release here, and be sure to check out the campaign's official website here. For more anti-bullying resources, be sure to visit the Because of You website.
~Arendelle, Norway - Castle (Secured Room)~ “I’ll contact the others outside to see if something’s wrong,” Aveline told Loki. “Alright,” Loki responded as Aveline accessed the communicator on her wrist to contact the two Stormtroopers outside the secured room, unaware that they were getting their butts kicked by Kimberly and Harold. “Status report,” Aveline spoke through her communicator, “I repeat, status report.” After a couple seconds of no response whatsoever, Loki and Aveline looked at each other with a worried look on their faces, wondering why the Stormtroopers outside didn’t even say a word. “Is everything alright?” Saphir questioned. Before either Loki or Aveline could respond, everyone heard the door unlock, but whoever was outside couldn’t open the door due to the furniture Olaf moved. “What was that?” Olaf wondered out loud. Gasping, Loki quickly grabbed Saphir and Olaf while Aveline grabbed Elsa and Anna, with both Stormtroopers crying, “Get down!” Everyone got far away from the door and took cover, hearing the door explode as debris was flying all over. As things calmed down, everyone noticed Harold and Kimberly arrive while still wearing their outfits, hiding their identities. “We’ll handle this,” Loki told Saphir and the others as he and Aveline got up, putting on their Stormtrooper helmets, and pointed their blasters at Harold and Kimberly… “We’re only going to say this once. Stand down now!” Aveline warned Harold and Kimberly as she and Loki were ready to pull the trigger at any moment. As for Saphir, while he watched the scene unfold, he felt that he needed to do something. “Wait!” Saphir cried, not wanting Aveline and Loki to start a battle with Harold and Kimberly. “Sir, don’t!” Loki pleaded as Saphir walked towards Harold and Kimberly. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” Saphir responded, “Please, let me handle this.” Facing Harold, Saphir said, “If the two of you are trying to send a message to the New World Order, then please, don’t harm Anna, Olaf, and Elsa. They are innocent in all this. Target me instead.” As Aveline and Loki both gasped upon hearing what Saphir said, Aveline pleaded, “Sir, don’t do this!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~English Countryside~ Bellatrix watched as the Gokai Galleon arrived to save Lily and the others. When the ship blasted the ice, some Cybermen covered Bellatrix to protect her from ice shards due to the blast impact. Once the ship began flying away, Bellatrix angrily ordered, “I want TIE Fighters to follow that ship and destroy it!” The Cybermen nodded in response, as one of them contacted nearby TIE Fighters to follow the Gokai Galleon. Meanwhile, after hearing a loud whistling sound, Bellatrix noticed what Dulcea was doing. Angry, Bellatrix apparated right in front of Dulcea, pointing her wand at her as she asked, “Are you a Rebel?!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area: Empty Office Space~ “Huh, some guy wearing a black cloak just sat next to Creel,” May told the others as she continued looking out the window with her binoculars, monitoring Creel in the distance. “Another Inquisitor?” Shining Armor asked. “Don’t know,” Melinda responded, “I can’t see his face. But it looks like they’re talking.” “Okay, let them keep talking,” Mace said, “Like I said, on my signal, we move in.” “Copy that, sir,” Lance replied as May and Shining Armor nodded in response. But as Mace and the others continued looking outside the window, Lance slowly backed away, grabbing a rifle near the door that was meant to be used as a last resort to kill Carl Creel in case things didn’t go as planned. Once he had the rifle, Lance exited the office space, closed the door, and tied the door knob to a nail on the wall outside with a hard to break plastic strap, thus trapping Mace and the others inside. “Sorry guys, but I have to kill Creel on my own,” Hunter said as he headed outside. “What the… ?!” Mace exclaimed as he and the others realized what Hunter just did, walking towards the door and unsuccessfully unsuccessfully trying to open it. “He trapped us inside!” Shining Armor cried. “Dammit! I knew he’d do something reckless like this!” May complained as she and the others tried to push the door open, but had no luck doing so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Chicago, Illinois - Downtown Area~ Spoiler: BGM Carl Creel was joined by fellow Inquisitor, Xigbar, who was seated next to Creel in a bench as the two were having a discussion. “You're not listening. It's spreading all over. I can barely contain it,” Creel told Xigbar, referring to how he was trying to avoid turning to stone after touching the Obelisk. “Hmm, not gonna lie Carl, that certainly sounds bad,” Xigbar responded, “And a shame really. I really had high hopes that you’d make a great vessel one day. But with your current condition, it looks like the Grand Inquisitor might just toss you out like last week’s trash.” “No… please… I can’t fail Master Xehanort. You have to help me,” Creel pleaded. Sighing, Xigbar told Creel, “Alright, alright. Just relax… I’m sure if you focus enough, you can use your powers to avoid turning to stone like that Rebel from yesterday. Take a deep breath and clear your mind.” Listening to what Xigbar suggested, Creel took a deep breath, and took out the carbyne he stole from Raina, touching it in order to absorb its properties to use with his powers. And as he focused, Creel noticed the parts of his body that were turning to stone reverted back to normal, relieving him. “See, all you had to do was relax,” Xigbar told Creel, “Now then, you got the Obelisk?” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Militia Base - Outskirts of Upington, South Africa~ Looking out his window, Saw watched as Jyn and the others flew away to safety with Cassian's U-Wing. Noticing the massive blast wave inching closer and closer to his location, Saw opened his arms wide open, ready to accept death. And soon enough, the blast wave completely obliterated the militia base, killing Saw Gerrera. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Helicarrier - Sky Above the Kalahari Desert - South Africa~ “I believe I owe you an apology, Director Krennic,” Tarkin told Orson Krennic as they and the others had watched Lavos’s destruction below, “Your work exceeds all expectations.” “And you’ll tell the Supreme Leaders as much?” Krennic asked. “I will tell them their patience with your misadventures has been rewarded with S-types that will bring a swift end to the Rebellion,” Tarkin responded. “That was only an inkling of their destructive potential,” Krennic commented. “I will tell them that effective immediately, I will be taking control over the S-types I first suggested strengthening into weapons,” Grand Moff Tarkin said. “We stand here amidst my achievement, not yours!” Krennic angrily replied after hearing that Tarkin will be taking credit for what he achieved. “I’m afraid these recent security breaches have laid bare your inadequacies as a military director,” Tarkin told Krennic. “The breaches have been filled, Upington has been silenced,” Krennic replied. “You think this pilot acted alone?” Tarkin questioned, “He was dispatched from the installation in South Dakota... Galen Erso’s facility.” Stunned by what he was told, Krennic replied, “We’ll see about this.” Director Krennic then turned to walk away to look into what Tarkin had told him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Kyoto, Japan - Abandoned Construction Zone~ After setting up campfire, Coulson was cooking dinner for everyone as he said, “Alright guys, I’m almost done with the kebabs.” “Mmm, smells good,” Amanda commented as she and the others felt their mouths water after smelling the kebabs that Coulson was cooking. Meanwhile, Ursula was seated next to Akko, who was holding on to the Shiny Rod, still shocked to find out that she was now its master. “Miss Ursula… you never did tell me, but how did you get the Shiny Rod and put it underground in that park?” Akko asked, “I thought it belonged to Shiny Chariot.” “It was hers,” Ursula responded, “She gave it to me the last time I saw her, and asked me to keep it somewhere safe. Hence why I left it right where we found it today. In the wrong hands, the Shiny Rod could cause so much harm.” “Huh, so that’s why the New World Order’s after it?” Akko asked. “I would assume so,” Ursula answered, “I… wanted to tell you that we were going to get the Shiny Rod earlier, but we were in such a hurry that… I didn’t know how to tell you without jeopardizing the mission.” “It’s okay,” Akko said, smiling, “All that matters is that the Shiny Rod is safe now. We’ll all make sure that the New World Order never gets their hands on it. And… now that I’m its master, I now have a clear goal in mind since I won’t be going back to school anytime soon.” “Hmm? What’s that?” Ursula asked, wondering what Akko’s goal was. “Returning the the rod to Shiny Chariot,” Akko responded, “I know I’ll find her. And when I do, I wanna give her back the Shiny Rod. That will be my goal.” Surprised by what she heard, Ursula remained silent for a bit before smiling and telling Akko, “I’m sure you’ll achieve your goal Akko.” “Yeah…” Akko concurred as she and Ursula looked up at the night sky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Flashback: Three Weeks Ago - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ As Finn was sitting in the Millennium Falcon’s main hold with a blanket wrapped around him, Cid brought him a cup of warm tea, handing it to Finn… “Here, drink this,” Cid told Finn, who did as he was told by taking a sip of the tea, “So, no longer a Stormtrooper, huh? Hate to say it, but it looks like takin’ you back home to Maryland would be a big risk, what the the New World Order expectin’ you to return there if you survived what happened in Nibelheim. We’re gonna have to think of another place to take you. But where?” Looking over at the table in front of him, Finn noticed all of Kanan’s belongings that he took with him before burying his friend, including his Keyblade. Noticing a photograph among Kanan’s belongings, Finn picked it up, and noticed it was of Kanan’s Russian girlfriend, Leia. ‘Leia…’ Finn thought to herself, ‘I’m so sorry…’ It was then that Finn realized what he had to do, telling Cid, “Russia.” “I beg yer pardon?” Cid questioned. “Russia, that’s where we gotta go,” Finn replied. “Russia, huh? A bit random, but okay. I guess we can go there,” Cid commented, “Any particular reason why?” Looking at the photo of Leia, Finn replied, “I’m doing a favor for Kanan.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon: Finn's Room~ As he remained in his room throughout the entire day, Finn was reminiscing about the circumstances that led him to Russia, while also pondering Natasha’s offer earlier today to continue helping out the Rebels. Looking at Kanan’s Keyblade lying to the wall next to his bed, Finn began to remember Kanan’s last words to him, how he told Finn that he was his living legacy. Taking out the photo of Leia that originally belonged to Kanan, Finn realized the real reason he came to Russia… and that was to look out for Leia now that Kanan could no longer fulfill that role. ‘I know what I have to do…’ Finn thought to himself as he got up and exited his room… As BB-8 let out a surprised electronic beep after noticing Finn exiting his room with a determined look on his face, Cid asked, “Where are you goin’?” “I’ll be back, just need to take care of something,” Finn replied as he headed towards the exit, leaving the Millennium Falcon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Police HQ (Shooting Range)~ “Good,” Vanitas responded to Looker and Kiriko, “See you next week.” As Vanitas headed towards the exit, he told the Stormtroopers who had been accompanying him, “Let's go.” Nodding the Stormtroopers followed him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Will be using some of @FancyStache 's characters in the following segment due to his extended extended absence. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown: Interrogation Room~ Both K Rool and Damien, who had arrived to the base earlier in the day, were apprehended due to the fact it was their footprints that led the Stormtroopers and Cybermen from earlier to find the location of the Rebel hideout. Connor, still upset by the death of Rue, silently leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, glaring at Damien and K Rool as the two were tied to chairs and being interrogated by Lt. Surge, his son, and Adewale. Darien, meanwhile, stood and watched, noticing that Connor was trying hard to control his emotions in order to not interfere with the interrogation. “So let me get this straight… some dog throws a can at you, and you chase him halfway across Japan, and you just happen to arrive here?” Finnick questioned Damien. “Uhh, when you put it that way, it does kinda sound outlandish,” Damien replied, “But you gotta believe me when I say that was exactly what happened.” “A harmless dog throws a can at you, and you chase it for such a long distance?” Adewale questioned, still surprised to hear the circumstances of Damien’s arrival. “What can I say, I lose my temper very easily,” Damien replied. “And what about you?” Lt. Surge question K Rool, showing him a different attitude then when he welcomed the crocodile earlier today, “Why did ya chase after him?” “Well, I am a very curious crocodile,” K Rool replied, “Curious enough to run all that distance as a matter of fact.” “Okay, but who are you really?” Finnick questioned K Rool. “Why, I am King K Rool, ruler of the Kremling Isles! I came to Japan for royal business!” K Rool responded. “Royal business? Like what?” Adewale questioned. “Easy! Like…. erm... uhh….” K Rool responded, realizing he had absolutely no idea how to respond, “You know, I never really thought that far ahead.” “You ain’t a king,” Lt. Surge told K Rool, “Yer jus’ some guy in an island who decided to put a crown on his head and declare yourself a king. Well guess what, buddy… that ain’t how da real world works. Time ya started gettin’ up ta speed on basic social studies.” “Watch your tongue,” K Rool warned Lt. Surge, “If I wasn’t tied up like this, I’d have finished you off by now.” “Heh, doubt it,” Lt. Surge scoffed, “‘Sides, I ain’t the one the two of youse gotta be scared of. Ya see Connor ova there… a very good friend of his jus’ died… and it was all because ya left footprints for Stormtroopers an’ Cybermen ta follow into our base.” “Oh, boo-hoo-hoo,” K Rool said mockingly, “So you lost a friend. I lost all my subjects to the New World Order. Beat that!” Connor couldn’t control his emotions any longer, and angrily walked towards K Rool, grabbing him by the neck as he said, “Name them…” “W-What?” K Rool questioned, not sure what Connor was requesting. “Your ‘subjects’... if you care so much about them that losing them hurt, then you should have no problem giving me their names,” Connor replied, “Name every single one of them!” Realizing he didn’t know any of the names of his subjects either, K Rool, suffocating as Connor held his neck tightly, answered, “I… I don’t know…” “Connor, please let him go,” Darien pleaded as he put his hand on Connor’s shoulder, “You’re better than that.” Hearing Darien’s words, Connor watched as K Rool continued suffocating while grabbing his neck. Sighing, Connor let go of K Rool’s neck, with the crocodile coughing as he started breathing normally again. “What was the point of that?!” K Rool questioned, “Okay, so I don’t remember the names of all my subjects. What were you trying to prove?!” “That you do not know what it feels like to lose a friend,” Connor answered, “If you truly cared for those that you lost, you would have known so much about each of them. Yet, to you, they were nothing more than faceless workers doing your bidding.” Taking out a photo of Rue from his pocket, Connor showed it to Damien and K Rool, saying, “Look at her… remember her face. This is Rue, a very dear friend of mine. I may have only known her for a couple of months, but in that short time, she became a part of my heart, just as all my other friends have. We cared for each other, helped one another without hesitation. That is what a friend is. But today, she was killed by someone who followed the two of you here. Her death is on you…” Noticing Connor taking out his tomahawk, Darien cried, “Wait, Connor… don’t!” Connor then swung his tomahawk, but much to Darien’s relief, not at K Rool or Damien, but at the rope tying the two to their chairs. Surprised they were freed by Connor, Damien and K Rool both looked at Connor with confused looks in their faces, with Connor telling them, “I do not think Rue would have wanted the two of you to be harmed. Instead, I will give the two of you one chance to prove yourselves. This is war, not a game. If you think you can actually contribute to the Rebel cause, then you may remain and fight alongside fellow Rebels. But if you feel that coming here was a mistake, and that you would rather not be involved in this war, then leave this base, and never come back. Think about what you have done, and what you plan to do. If you will excuse me, I have to speak at a funeral honoring Rue.” Connor then left the interrogation room as he was followed by Darien, Finnick, Adewale, Lt. Surge, and Lt. Surge’s Raichu. As for K Rool and Damien the two remained silent as they were alone in the room to ponder Connor's words.
Good morning Keyblade wielders! As we all continue playing 'Kingdom Hearts III', which has officially been out for a week now, Square-Enix has announced that the game has shipped over 5 million copies (both physical and digital) worldwide since its release, making it the fastest selling game in the series! Check out the official press release here.
View attachment 50221 Today, the day we never thought would come has finally arrived. The long wait has concluded. It is with extremely great pleasure that I announce that Kingdom Hearts III has FINALLY been released internationally. For 13 years (Nomura, did you do this on purpose just so we'd be mentioning that magic number?) since the release of Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts fans have been wondering when we would get the next numbered entry in the series. We have all waited (very patiently I should say), got a couple of spinoffs and remasters along the way (which were great and all, don't get me wrong), kept waiting for any new information on the game since its surprise announcement at E3 2013. And here we are, finally. To everyone who stuck with the series all these years, your patience has finally paid off. To those who are returning to the series after having not played a game in the series since KH2, welcome back (and wow, have you got a lot to catch up on)! And to those who are getting into the series for the first time with KH3, buckle up, because you're in for one very wild emotional ride. Be sure to enjoy the game once you all get it guys! Rest easy knowing that the era of waiting for Kingdom Hearts III is now in the past. May your hearts be your guiding key!
With only two days (!!!!!) to go until the long awaited release of 'Kingdom Hearts III', Square-Enix uploaded English versions of the Memory Archive videos narrated by Chirithy that recap the series and will be included in the game itself. Check out the videos by going to the official Kingdom Hearts YouTube channel.