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  1. Meilin Lee
    I completely forgot that this game exists until recently. Glad Square-Enix is finally going to give us some information on it. I'm really curious about the roster and which characters will be included.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 30, 2019 in forum: Gaming
  2. Meilin Lee
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    The battle with the New World Order forces raged on, with Bayek charging with his Rebels towards Stormtroopers, swinging his khopesh at Stormtroopers while trying to avoid blaster fire from them. Aya, meanwhile, also charged towards the Cybermen with her group of Rebels, using her blades to destroy as many Cybermen as she can while their Vibranium metal was still weakened due to the sonic stabilizers used earlier. As for Amanda and Jasminka, the two continued flying on their broomsticks, causing the AT-STs that were chasing them to go around in circles. Luckily for the two witches, whenever they got close to an AT-ST, they’d attach a detonator to one, causing an explosion a couple of seconds later that would destroy the AT-ST. But as they continued battling the AT-STs, Amanda looked up and noticed TIE Bombers flying towards Siwa. ‘Bombers? Oh no…’ Amanda thought to herself, feeling worried because she knew the kind of damage the TIE Bombers can do to targets on land.


    ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~


    Once Jack and the others were back in Silver’s boat, on their way to Scotland as they were before being chased by a New World Order ship, Pipsqueak wondered out loud, “Is it me, or did that Captain Marvelous guy seem bothered that we didn’t want to go with him?” “Bothered? He seemed pretty okay to me,” Kristoff replied. “I agree. If anything, he seemed rather indifferent of our choice, and was respectful when we said that we would continue on our own,” Jack added. “Hmm, yeah… I guess you’re right,” Pipsqueak said. “Either way, I’m glad we didn’t have them take us to Scotland,” Silver commented as he was maneuvering his boat, “The appearance of their ship in our destination would’ve certainly complicated things between Fergus and the New World Order. The guy already has too much on his plate. Best to go there discreetly.” “Couldn’t have agreed more,” Jack concurred while Kristoff nodded in agreement.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Letting go of Simba, T’Challa patted his opponent on the back, telling him, “You were a worthy opponent, Simba. It was an honor to have battled you. Thank you.” “T’CHALLA! T’CHALLA T’CHALLA!” those in attendance cheered as T’Challa won. As T’Challa smiled at those who were cheering for him, he noticed Zuri approach him, smiling as he told the crowd, “I now present to you… T’Challa… the Black Panther!” “Zuri,” T’Challa happily told Zuri as the two shared a hug while those in attendance continued cheering. Looking at those in attendance once more, T’Challa crossed his arms diagonally over his chest, yelling, “Wakanda forever!” “Wakanda forever!” those in attendance repeated as they crossed their arms just like T’Challa.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - New World Order Facility~


    As they were walking around the facility while disguised as Stormtroopers, Natasha and Galina arrived at a room with many computers available for use, giving Galina an idea. “Hmm… Natasha… I think I can hack into one of the computers and find out where Sabine and the other prisoner are,” Galina told Natasha, “We can then let Papa and Finn know their location.” “Sure, go for it,” Natasha replied, “It’s a good thing you’re a hacker.” However, as Galina accessed one of the computers while Natasha waited for her to find something, two Stormtroopers entered the room…


    “Hey! What are you two doing here?” one of the Stormtroopers questioned Natasha and Galina. “You’re supposed to be on patrol, like the rest of us!” the other Stormtrooper added. “Hehehe… you’re right, you’re absolutely right,” Natasha replied, trying to act innocent while trying to think of a way out of this predicament, “And there is obviously a perfectly logical explanation for why we are here.” “And that is?” one of the Stormtroopers questioned. “Well, umm… the truth is… that…” Natasha replied, struggling to think of an excuse before she eventually gave up, “Ah, screw it.” Natasha then grabbed her blaster, and shot both Stormtroopers dead. “Not good…” Galina commented while still searching through the computer as Natasha locked the door to the room. “Hello? Do you copy?” Butch’s voice was asking from one of the dead Stormtrooper’s radio…


    Uh... Uh, everything's under control,” Natasha replied, hoping to avoid having to deal with more Stormtroopers, “Situation normal.” “What happened?” Butch asked. “Had a slight weapons malfunction,” Natasha lied, “But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now. Thank you. How are you?” “I’m sending a squad down there,” Butch said. “Uh, negative, negative!” Natasha replied, “We have a… a... reactor leak here, uh, now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Uh, large leak, very dangerous.” “Who is this?” Butch questioned, “What's your operating number Stormtrooper?” “Uh…” Natasha wondered out loud before blasting the radio, “Boring conversation anyway. Galina! We're gonna have company!” “I’m trying as fast as I can!” Galina responded, quickly going through the computer’s files to see if there was something that can help them on their mission.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    Walking with Rini towards a group of Rebels ready to leave for the mission to infiltrate the nearby New World Order fortress, Darien commented, “This must be it.” “Wonder when Serena will join us,” Rini replied.


    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Unknown~


    After getting spat out by the Kirby copy, Saphir and Olaf were stunned by the experience of being eaten and spit out. "Did… that just happen?" Saphir wondered out loud. "I think so…" Olaf responded. Upon hearing the voice speaking to him and Olaf, Saphir asked, "'Others'? Who are you talking about? Are you referring to Elsa and Anna?" Then, upon noticing the screen showing Astral, Saphir, recognizing the S-type, said, “Astral? What’s it doing here?” “Friend of yours?” Olaf asked. “More like an occasional acquaintance,” Saphir replied, “To put it simply, Astral is the leader of the S-types.” “Huh, good to know,” Olaf commented.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts~


    As Jyn, Noctis, Prompto, and Sunburst were hiding in the fields outside the New World Order facility, waiting for Kira and the others to attack some Stormtroopers in order to give them an opportunity to sneak into the building, Prompto complained, "Ugh, come on… what's taking them so long…" "Patience Prompto…" Noctis advised his friend.


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    Watching as the truck he sent crashed into the building where the two gangs were having negotiations, Frank Castle aimed his sniper at the scene, ready to kill off every member from both gangs. But before he could even pull the trigger, Frank felt a kick from the side, knocking him down. Getting up, he noticed Matt Murdock, Foggy, and Officer Jenny (in her Police Ranger outfit) ready to stop him…


    Hey there,” Murdock greeted Castle, “Remember us from last week?” Shaking his head, Castle said, “You guys are gettin’ on my nerves!” Frank then charged towards the three as they began fighting.


    ~Destiny Islands - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~


    Quietly sneaking from house to house, Moana watched as Stormtroopers and Cybermen seemed to be on high alert, looking for someone. ‘What is going on?’ Moana thought to herself. Regardless, she wanted to make sure she could get to the shore and rejoin Maui and her parents in order to get away from the island. But as she continued sneaking, she suddenly came face-to-face with Lydia and Lucario…


    As both gasped after being startled, Moana and Lydia each summoned their Keyblade and pointed it at the other at the same time. “Wait… you’re a Keyblade wielder?” Moana questioned Lydia. “Seems like it,” Lydia replied, “You gave me quite a scare just now.” Once Lydia and Moana both lowered their Keybalde, Moana asked, “So, I guess the Stormtroopers and Cybermen are looking for the two of you?” As Lucario nodded in reply, Lydia answered, “That seems to be the case. One of them must’ve caught a glimpse of us and alerted the rest. Is this island your home, by the way?” “Was,” Moana corrected Lydia, “Until the New World Order came. I only came here to get back something very important to me. Now that I have it, I’m trying to get to shore in order to get off this island.” “Well, I guess that makes two of us,” Lydia said, “It’s a long story, but I’m not exactly sure why Lucario and myself were sent here. But we have no intention of staying on this island much longer, so I’d like to get out of this place like you. How about we work together to reach the shore?” “Alright, deal,” Moana agreed, “Now just follow me. I know a shortcut.” Nodding, both Lucario and Lydia began following Moana.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 26, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Meilin Lee
    ~Siwa, Egypt: Shelter~


    Gathering inside a shelter were Rebels who wouldn’t be taking part in battle, including Akko, Sucy, Constanze, Lotte, Ursula, Diana, and Khemu. “Is that everyone?” Ursula asked Lotte as the two were making sure every non-fighter made it inside the shelter safely. “I think so,” Lotte answered. Meanwhile, Constanze was recording footage of the shelter with a camera, hoping to spread the footage to raise awareness on the plight of Rebels. And as those in the shelter prayed for a miracle, or were looking after their children, Khemu was looking around as if he forgot something. “Khemu, what is it?” Diana asked. “It’s Senu,” Khemu replied, “I don’t see her anywhere. And she wasn’t with my parents when they got ready for battle. I have to find her.” “Khemu, wait!” Diana cried as she saw Khemu run off, exiting the shelter to find Senu. Acting on impulse, Diana ran after Khemu, wanting to make sure he remains safe. Noticing Khemu and Diana run outside, Akko gasped as she wondered out loud, “Diana! What are you doing?!” As Akko rushed after Diana, Ursula facepalmed after noticing what had happened, realizing she was going to now have to go after three people and get them back. “Make sure no one leaves, alright?” Ursula ordered Sucy and Lotte, who nodded in response. ‘Please don’t let anything bad happen,’ Ursula thought to herself as she rushed outside.


    ~North Sea - Gokai Galleon~


    We were on our way to Scotland,” Kristoff told Marvelous, “Anyway, thanks for the offer, but I’d rather stick with Jack and Silver.” “In that case, we’d best be off,” Jack said, “It’s been a pleasure, Captain Marvelous.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Letting out a mighty battle cry, T’Challa charged once more towards Simba. This time, however, T’Challa rolled diagonally so that he would be slightly behind Simba. Quickly getting up, T’Challa dropped his shield and spear, and grabbed Simba from behind, wrapping his arm around Simba's neck to apply a chokehold. “You have fought with honor, Simba,” T’Challa told his opponent as those in attendance watched nervously, “Now yield.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - New World Order Facility~


    As Finn and the others were able to get into the local New World Order facility thanks to using Stormtrooper armor as a disguise, Finn suggested, "Let's split up." "Very well," Nikolai replied, "Galina, go with Natasha. I'll go with Finn." Everyone else nodded as they split up into two groups, hoping to find the two prisoners they intended to rescue.


    ~The Capital - Street~


    As Moon and River Butterfly continued walking through the Capital, the two found themselves surrounded by Stormtroopers, pointing their blasters at them…


    “Halt!” one of the Stormtroopers threatened Moon and River. “What is the meaning of this?!” Moon questioned. “Stand back, honey. I’ll deal with them,” River told his wife, “Now listen here you white… bucket helmet… things! I may be old, and fat, and short… but one thing I can promise you all is that you’ll absolutely regret trying to attack me and my wife.” “Thank you, dear. You REALLY struck fear into their hearts,” Moon sarcastically told her husband. Two Stormtroopers then switched their blasters to the non-fatal stun mode, and shot Moon and River, knocking them out. “Heh, is that the best you can d-” River exclaimed as he suddenly began to feel drowsy and fell to the ground unconscious.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    As he was walking to check on Ember and the other local Rebels, Connor noticed Darien and Rini outside their shack, discussing something as the two had a worried look on their faces…


    Darien… Rini… is something the matter?” Connor asked the two as he approached them. “Oh, Connor,” Darien greeted the Rebel leader, “It’s just… Serena, Rini, and myself were planning to help out. But, there is one problem.” “Sammy is gonna wonder where me and Serena would be,” Rini added, “He might start suspecting that the two of us are Sailor Scouts.” “I see,” Connor commented as he was thinking of a solution to their problem, “I may have an idea…


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~


    As Sammy was walking around the base, whistling to himself, Clemont approached him, wanting to speak to him…


    Hey, Sammy… think you can help me out with something?” Clemont asked. “Umm, sure,” Sammy responded, “What’s up?” “Well I was busy fixing a faulty generator for the local Rebels, but it’s taking me a lot longer than I anticipated,” Clemont said, “And since many of the Rebels are going off on a mission, I thought I’d ask you for help.” “Okay,” Sammy replied, “I don’t mind giving you a hand.” “Great!” Clemont happily said, “And don’t worry. Just do exactly as I say, and you should be fine.” Watching from a distance, Connor, Darien, and Rini were glad to see that Connor’s plan to keep Sammy busy while Rini and Serena went on the mission was successful…


    Heh, it worked,” Darien commented. “Thanks, Connor!” Rini thanked Connor. “Do not mention it, little one,” Connor happily replied as he patted Rini on the head.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts~


    Very well then,” Sunburst told Kira and the others, “We’ll wait for you once you’re ready. Upon distracting them, my group will sneak into the facility. Hopefully we should be done with the mission before they call in reinforcements.


    ~San Diego, California - Hideout~


    "No need to," May responded to Tommy. "We're already prepared," Shining Armor added. "Well if we don't have anything else to do, then I say we go to the harbor right now," Jessie suggested.


    ~Somewhere Between Los Angeles and San Diego, California - The I-5 Highway~


    As Jemma, Rubeus, Ruby, along with some Stormtroopers and Cybermen were in an armored vehicle on their way to San Diego, Rubeus told Jemma, “I'll be listening to everything. You run into any trouble, I'll be in your ear, talking you through it.” Once Rubeus handed Jemma an earpiece so he can communicate with her while she tried to talk to Donnie Gill, Jemma asked, “And what if he doesn't respond well?” “Then I suppose there'll be a new job opening at the L.A. facility,” Rubeus replied, grinning.


    ~Destiny Islands - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~


    As she arrived to the shack that was once her family’s home before the New World Order arrived in Destiny Islands, Moana hurried to her room, quickly opening drawers near her bed to look for a certain something. “No, no, no…” Moana said to herself as she rummaged through some clothes and other junk she left behind until she eventually found what she was looking for, “Yes, found it!” Taking out a necklace from the drawer, Moana happily stared at the item that once belonged to her grandmother before she passed away a couple of months ago. “I found it, Grandma,” Moana happily said as tears rolled down her cheeks, putting the necklace around her neck, “We’re together again.” Just then, Moana heard some commotion outside, hearing one of Stormtroopers on patrol saying, “Check the perimeter in this area. They couldn’t have gone far.” Wiping the tears from her face, Moana wondered, ‘Who is the Stormtrooper referring to? Is someone else on the island? Either way, I can’t stay here. Better get going.’ Moana then headed towards the back entrance to get out of her shack, hoping she would be able to leave Destiny Islands without any incident.


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    While Officer Jenny continued staking out with Murdock and Foggy, the three heard a truck racing towards the area. “Hmm, that truck’s driving awfully fast,” Jenny commented as she noticed the truck. However, once she realized that the truck wasn’t even slowing down, and was about to hit the building where two gangs were having negotiations, Jenny gasped, quickly contacting Looker via radio to warn him, “Chief! A truck’s about to hit the building that you’re in!” “OSHA!” Foggy cried as he and the others watched the truck slam hard into the building and overturning inside. “Jenny?” Looker’s voice spoke from Jenny’s radio…


    Chief, are you okay?” Officer Jenny asked Looker. “Don’t worry. We’re all fine,” Looker’s voice from Jenny’s radio responded, “Not sure what happened. The two gangs are checking it out right now.” “Something doesn’t seem right…” Matt wondered out loud, feeling suspicious about the whole thing.


    ~Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery: Secret Basement~


    Upon entering the secret passage, Master Xehanort found himself in a dark hallway. Using his Keyblade, Xehanort lit all of the torches in the hallway’s walls with a simple swing, allowing him to clearly see the path in front of him. After walking for a while, it had appeared that Xehanort reached the end of the hallway, with nothing but a door in front of him. ‘It must be inside…’ Xehanort thought to himself. Opening the door, Xehanort swung his Keyblade once again to light the torches inside the room he entered. Once inside, Xehanort realized that he was in a tomb, with a sarcophagus located in the center. Walking towards the sarcophagus, Xehanort realized whose final resting place this was, kneeling next to it as he placed his hand and forehead on the sarcophagus. “Sauron… my ancestor… I finally found you…” Xehanort said, feeling really emotional over having located his ancestor’s tomb, “All my life, I have never known any family but you. Please… provide me with your wisdom…” Noticing something in the tomb glowing, Xehanort got up, and noticed a Keyblade appear on top of the sarcophagus. “Could this be…?” Xehanort wondered out loud as picked up the Keyblade that had appeared. But just as he picked it up, Xehanort had a vision in his head…

    After witnessing the vision, Xehanort stared at the Keyblade he was carrying, saying, “No Name, huh? What is this Book of Prophecies? And what was with that black box? Sauron… what are you trying to tell me?


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Hallway~


    So, wanna visit Thor’s and Loki’s parents after school?” Vanellope asked Xion as they were heading to their last class for the day. “Sure, wouldn’t mind visiting them again,” Xion replied. “Sorry I couldn’t join you yesterday to check up on them. I had to study for a Biology quiz,” Vanellope said, “But anyway… how are they faring?” “They’re still very welcoming,” Xion answered, “But whenever I look at their faces, I can tell that they are still sad.” Sighing, Vanellope said, “First Loki, and then Thor… both on opposite sides by the way… I can’t imagine how tough it must be on their parents.” “I just wish all this can be over,” Xion replied, “No more fighting, no more war… just the five of us again. You, me, Luna, Loki, and Thor, eating sea-salt ice-cream while watching the sunset.” “I’m sure we’ll be together again one day. I just know it,” Vanellope said, with Xion smiling in response. Once the two reached Xion’s classroom, Xion told Vanellope, “Well, I’ll see you after class.” “Alrighty,” Vanellope replied as she walked away while Xion entered her classroom.


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Hallway (Again)~


    ... then she swoops down, and the thief is too scared to even fight back!” Peni told Anais as the two were heading to their Gym class while Peni recalled how Spider-Gwen saved her the previous week, “Isn’t she cool?!” “So, you must really like Spider-Woman,” Anais replied. “Heh, is it that obvious?” Peni asked while blushing. “Well, after repeating the same story everyday for the past week, yeah, it’s kinda obvious,” Anais replied. “Oh, sorry,” Peni apologized as she scratched her head, “But I really wanna see her again. I’m thinking of trying to look for her between buildings after school. Wanna come?” “Sorry. My brothers are performing a school play based on ‘The Moon Kingdom’ after school,” Anais said, “My parents will be picking me up to go to Nintendo Elementary.” “Oh, that’s nice,” Peni replied, “‘The Moon Kingdom’ has always been a favorite story of mine when I was little. What characters will your brothers be playing?” “Darwin’s gonna be the narrator, while Gumball will be the Earth Prince,” Anais answered, “And get this, the Moon Princess will be played by a girl that Gumball has a crush on. Ugh, I’m never gonna understand love.” Peni simply giggled after hearing Anais’s comment on love.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 23, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Meilin Lee
  5. Meilin Lee
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    As Stormtroopers and Cybermen were marching towards Siwa, they were met with an explosion caused by a grenade thrown by a Rebel…


    Attack!” Bayek ordered some Rebels as they began firing their weapons while Bayek used his bow to shoot arrows at some of the Stormtroopers, who were firing back. As for the Cybermen, they were distracted by an attack from the opposite side, where Aya and other Rebels threw sonic stabilizers at them, weakening their Vibranium metal temporarily and allowing them to be damaged…


    Attack!” Aya ordered the Rebels under her command, who all began firing their weapons at the Cybermen, destroying several of them as the Cybermen were also firing back. But as the battle ensued, three AT-STs were heading towards the battle to assist the Stormtroopers and Cybermen. Before they could arrive, however, Amanda and Jasminka flew past the AT-STs on their broomsticks, catching their attention…


    Heh, betcha can’t catch us!” Amanda mockingly remarked as the AT-STs began following Amanda and Jasminka.


    ~North Sea - Gokai Galleon~


    Not really, no,” Kristoff answered Captain Marvelous’s question. “He’s right,” Sparrow concurred, “I believe the only reason they were following us was because we were purposely trying to avoid them.” “With us being Rebels and all, we couldn’t risk being ordered for an inspection of my boat by the New World Order if we had sailed past them,” Silver added, “We would’ve been killed on the spot.” “So the best alternative was to avoid them at all costs,” Sparrow continued, “But when they noticed, they decided to chase us.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    After Simba rolled out of the way to avoid his flying kick, T’Challa quickly got back up on his feet, charging once more towards his opponent while swinging his spear and using his shield to protect himself.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Near New World Order Facility~


    As four Stormtroopers were heading to the local New World Order facility in order to take over guard duty after several Stormtroopers there began chasing after Gilda, they heard someone whistling to them from an alley. “What the…?” one of the Stormtroopers wondered out loud as they curiously went into the alley. Moments later, the four Stormtroopers were knocked out by Finn and his Rebel friends, who stole their armor and helmets so they can infiltrate the New World Order facility…


    Alright, let’s go,” Finn said as he and the others put on the Stormtrooper armor and helmets they stole, and headed towards the local New World Order facility.


    ~The Capital - New World Order Comm Center~


    Over at the local comm center in the Capital, where the New World Order monitors citizen activity, calls, and any other form of communication, two Stormtroopers were staring at security footage of Moon and River Butterfly, with the two confused as to who they were and why facial recognition couldn’t detect them. “I don’t get it,” one of the Stormtroopers commented. “It’s like they don’t even exist in any of our records,” the other Stormtrooper added. “What’s going on here?” Grand Moff Toffee questioned after overhearing the two Stormtroopers ponder out loud…


    “Oh, Grand Moff Toffee, sir!” one of the two Stormtroopers greeted the Grand Moff as he and the other Stormtrooper got up, bowing to Toffee, “W-we were just looking over some security footage. Some couple apparently dressed in royal attire were seen walking around the Capital, but we were not able to identify them.” “Is that so?” Toffee asked. “Yes,” the other Stormtrooper replied, “Facial recognition can’t match them with anyone in our records. There’s just nothing on them. It’s like they never existed, and just appeared all of a sudden.” Walking towards the computer to see the security footage himself, Toffee was surprised to see who was in the security footage. ‘Moon? Well, well, well…’ Toffee thought to himself as he grinned, seemingly recognizing Moon Butterfly. “I want those two apprehended,” Toffee ordered the Stormtroopers, “But I want them alive. And they can be dangerous, so I suggest taking necessary precautions.” “Yes, sir!” both Stormtroopers responded as they were going to inform local Stormtroopers and Cybermen in the area regarding Moon and River Butterfly.


    ~Shalour City, France - Tower of Mastery~


    As he entered the Tower of Mastery, Master Xehanort noticed the tip of his Keyblade begin to glow. ‘It must be here…’ Xehanort thought to himself as he aimed his Keyblade at the floor in front of him. A ray of light then shot from the Keyblade, and once it hit the floor, part of the floor began to glow in the shape of a keyhole. The floor then opened up in a shape of a keyhole, revealing a hidden passage leading to a secret area beneath the Tower of Mastery. Grinning, Master Xehanort walked towards the hidden passage, heading down the stairs where Xehanort hoped to find what he had been looking for.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    Settle down, everyone,” Ember ordered the Rebels as they gathered near the base’s entrance, “Ratonhnhaké:ton has something important to discuss.” Stepping forward to face the Rebels in attendance, Connor said, “My fellow Rebels… upon arriving here today, it has been brought to my attention that to the north of here, there is a fortress where a grave injustice is being committed by a ruthless member of the New World Order named Madame Gao. Captured Rebels are taken there to be tortured to death. And it is not just Rebels. Even ordinary citizens across China that the New World Order suspects of simply voicing support for the Rebel Alliance are taken to that fortress and suffer the same fate as the Rebels taken there. This is an evil that must be dealt with as soon as possible. Which is why Ember and I will be leading a mission to infiltrate that fortress, and put an end to the actions of Madame Gao.” “Listen up,” Ember spoke up, “I know many of you took part in training earlier, and I am glad to have seen much progress in such a short amount of time. But now is the time to put your training to the test. I ask each Rebel with the ability to battle the New World Order to join Ratonhnhaké:ton and myself as we deal a mighty blow to the enemy. Who’s with us?” Many of the Rebels raised their arms, signifying that they were ready to battle by yelling, “Yeah!” “We will leave in an hour,” Connor announced, “Make all necessary preparations.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts~


    You’re going alone?!” a surprised Prompto questioned as he and everyone else inside the U-Wing saw Jyn getting ready to leave. “I have to find my father before Cassian kills him. The longer I wait, the less chance I have of being able to rescue my father,” Jyn replied. “Well, you’re not going alone,” Noctis told Jyn, “That facility has a high number of Stormtroopers. And there could even be Cybermen there. Going alone would mean suicide. Whether you like it or not, you need help.” “Alright then,” Jyn replied, conceding that she did need help, “What’s the plan then?” “We split up,” Sunburst suggested, “Jyn, let Noctis, Prompto, and myself assist you. Bodhi and Ignis can stay behind in case we need air support from the U-Wing. As for Kira, you and your friends can cause a distraction by attacking Stormtroopers near the entrance, allowing Jyn’s and my group to sneak into the facility. Think you guys are up to the challenge?


    ~San Diego, California - Hideout~


    "That won't be necessary," May responded to Thomas after he asked if anyone wanted to use the computer. "We have to get to the Maribel del Mar ship over at the harbor," Shining Armor added as Skye showed Tommy and Thomas aerial images on her tablet showing the Maribel del Mar ship frozen. "Did you guys hear anything about this?" Skye questioned the brothers.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’~


    Upon entering the ‘Maribel del Mar’ ship after freezing it in place, Donnie Gill killed almost every crew member on board after realizing that the ship was associated with the New World Order. Once he approached the last remaining crew member, the crew member told Donnie, “You have no idea what you are bringing down on yourself. We will find you.” “I know,” Donnie threateningly replied, “I want to be left alone, but you people won't stop coming after me! So I'm done hiding. It's time the New World Order learned once and for all... I'm not interested. I'm not afraid.” Donnie then grabbed the crew member by the neck, freezing him to death. “I'm pissed off. And everyone who is sent by the New World Order to come after me is going to feel it,” Donnie angrily continued as he stared at the frozen corpse of the crew member he just froze to death.


    ~Destiny Islands - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~


    As Lydia and Lucario made their way to the center of the island, the two found what appeared to be a deserted town, with no one but Cybermen and Stormtroopers walking around. “What happened to this place?” Lydia quietly wondered out loud as she and Lucario hid behind a house, making sure there were no nearby Cybermen or Stormtroopers to catch them as they tried moving across town. Just then, Lucario noticed something, and nudged Lydia to let her know what he saw. “What is it, Lucario?” Lydia asked. Lucario then pointed to another house not too far from where they were. As she looked at the house Lucario was pointing at, Lydia’s eyes widened, surprised to see a teenage girl hiding behind that house to avoid detection from Cybermen and Stormtroopers…


    Hmm, guess we’re not alone here after all,” Lydia whispered to Lucario, “Could she be a local?” But as Lydia watched Moana, she noticed that she was also carrying a Keyblade. “She’s a Keyblade wielder too?!” Lydia exclaimed while trying to be quiet, “Maybe this is why Korrina sent us here.” Noticing Moana running away to another part of town, Lydia said, “Let’s follow her, Lucario!” Nodding in agreement, Lydia and Lucario made their way between different houses as they tried to follow Moana, wondering where she was heading.


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling Class~


    Once Pokemon Battling class was over, Manon and her Chespin, Harry, were getting ready to leave, the Pokemon Battling instructor, Alan, said, "Manon. May I see you for a second?"


    "Uh, y-yeah," Manon replied as she and Harry walked towards Alan, both worried about what he was going to say. "I told you before that you were to work on evolving your Chespin, but it seems like you made no progress whatsoever," Alan sternly told Manon, "The New World Order has no use for Pokemon still in their weak beginning stages like your Chespin." "Don't talk about Harry like that!" Manon angrily replied as she snapped, only to go back to her senses upon realizing what she did, while Harry was worried what Alan was going to do. "I don't like your attitude, missy," Alan told Manon as he glared at her. "I-I'm sorry," Manon apologized as she lowered her head in shame. "You're lucky I'm more forgiving than the rest of the New World Order," Alan replied, "But don't expect me to forget about this. Sooner or later, you will have to evolve your Chespin. Otherwise, you will end up facing the consequences of not following the New World Order's guidelines on Pokemon ownership. Now get out of my sight." "Y-yes, sir," Manon replied as she and Harry walked away, going to the hallway outside. "Leemo?" Harry asked, wondering if Manon was okay. "It's alright Harry, I'm fine," Manon replied, "We'll figure all of this out. Don't you worry."


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    As Officer Jenny was staking out at the rooftop of a building while it rained, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Startled, Jenny quickly grabbed her gun and turned around, pointing her gun at whoever tapped her, only to realize it was Matt Murdock (currently in his demon form) and Foggy…


    OSHA!” Foggy cried, shocked to see Jenny point a gun at him and Matt. “Easy,” Matt said as he raised his arms, “It’s just me.” Sighing as she put her gun away, Jenny replied, “You nearly gave me a heart attack.” “I apologize for that,” Murdock apologized. “So, I take it you were discharged from the hospital?” Jenny asked. “Yeah. Thought I’d help out with locating the Punisher,” Matt asked, “That is what you’re doing, isn’t it?” “Hmm, clever,” Jenny replied, “Anyway, that’s right. Our eyewitness revealed that two local gangs will be having negotiations in that building over there. We anticipate this meeting will draw out the Punisher. So, while our eyewitness is inside, watching the meeting, I will be conducting a stakeout with other officers, as well as an Inquisitor.” “An Inquisitor’s involved?” a surprised Matt questioned. “Long story,” Jenny replied, “Still, Matt… you were almost killed the last time you came face-to-face with the Punisher. Are you sure you wanna do this?” “Don’t worry. I’ll be more careful this time,” Matt said. Sighing, Jenny replied, “Alright, if you say so.


    ~Hidden Palace Zone~


    After entering the temple and taking some stairs down, Saphir and Olaf arrived in a vast underground cavern, noticing a picnic table with some leftover breakfast items. “Hmm, looks like someone had breakfast not too long ago,” Olaf commented. “And by the looks of it, it was quite a large group,” Saphir replied, “I wonder if Elsa and Anna were part of this group.” “Hope so,” Olaf said as he sat on top of a suitcase, not knowing that it was where Anna and Elsa were, “Oh, it feels good to finally sit down. That was a lot of walking.” “I’m sorry I dragged you into this, Olaf,” Saphir apologized as he sat next to the snowman on top of the suitcase. “Aww, don’t worry about it,” Olaf responded, “Besides, if we find Anna and Elsa, then it would’ve been worth it.” “Yeah, you’re right," Saphir concurred, "I’d walk all over the world for Elsa.” “You really care for her, don’t you?” Olaf asked Saphir. Nodding, Saphir replied, “I do, Olaf. I just wish… I could’ve been more honest with her about my feelings. But it’s been hard, ever since the Great Purge and what happened in Castelia City. However, when she started smiling at me again, and talking to me like we used to… I felt things were finally going back to the way they were between us… maybe even better. But then, that annoying Rider came out of nowhere and whisked Elsa away. It was then that I realized what my biggest regret has been in all this.” “W-What is it?” Olaf asked, wondering what Saphir’s biggest regret was. “That I never told Elsa that I love her,” Saphir replied, “And that I always have from the moment I first laid eyes on her. I keep wishing that I could’ve told her this sooner. I just hope if we find her, I could at least have the courage to tell her.” Smiling, Olaf patted Saphir on the back, telling him, “I’m positive you already have the courage inside you, Saphir. I have faith in you.” Smiling as well, Saphir replied, “Thanks, Olaf. You’re a good friend.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Meilin Lee
  7. Meilin Lee
  8. Meilin Lee
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    As Amanda, Bayek, and Aya joined up, Amanda questioned, “How bad is it?” “Dozens of Stormtroopers and Cybermen are on their way,” Aya replied. “They also have AT-ST walkers with them,” Bayek added. “Ugh… this just isn’t our day!” Amanda complained, “Okay… how are we on sonic stabilizers?” “We have plenty. More than enough to deal with the incoming Cybermen,” Bayek replied. “Good. Best strategy would be to try and split the enemy into several smaller groups. Hopefully, we should be able to handle them a lot better that way,” Amanda said. “I agree,” Bayek concurred. “I will gather our fighters and make sure to follow that plan,” Aya commented. “Then let us get ready for battle,” Bayek said. Nodding, Amanda said, “Stay safe.


    ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~


    Pirate? Captain? I’m sorry, but I think you’re terribly mistaken,” Jack replied to Marvelous, “I’m not a pirate, and I’m not even a captain… though admittedly, I very much like the thought of being a captain.” “He’s right,” Silver said as he stepped forward, “If you want to talk to the captain, that’s me. The name’s Silver, and that small boat down there is mine.” “Chika!” Silver’s Chikorita concurred. “Exactly,” Jack added, “I’m simply Silver’s navigator slash guide… a position I gladly took given my years of experience as a lieutenant in the Japanese Navy.” “Either way, Mister, er… Captain Marvelous… we all really appreciate you helping us out,” Kristoff told Marvelous, “Is there anything we can do to repay you for saving us?


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Alright, Mr. Parker, last as usual,” Sunset told Peter, who, like the Maximoff twins earlier during their test, had a shock bracelet wrapped around his ankle to shock him should he try escaping, while also donning a black outfit that was meant to enhance his powers. “Eh, the way I see it, you guys are just saving the best for last,” Parker replied, “Don’t tell Wanda or Pietro I said that.” “My lips are sealed,” Sunset Shimmer said as she was scribbling down notes on her clipboard, “Now then, your powers will be tested exactly like last time. You need to stay above the ground, and shoot as many drones as you can with your webs while trying to avoid their non-lethal but stinging blast. Understand?” “Yup,” Peter responded, “Just wish I could’ve given some input on the outfit. I mean, it’s great and all. I love the eyepieces. I also think the ability to now do many different kinds of web combos to be pretty cool… even if it’s a bit excessive. But… I really would’ve liked a different color than black.” “Worry about that later. For now, get ready,” Sunset told Peter. Nodding, Peter shot a web from his hand towards the ceiling, and started hanging upside-down above the ground, waiting for the drones to appear. “You were able to shoot nine drones last time, let’s see how you fare this time,” Sunset Shimmer said as she turned to face Alpha, who was carrying a laptop, “Send the drones.” “You got it,” Alpha responded as he began typing on the laptop and pressed the <Enter> key. Peter then noticed as drones were flying towards the area where he and the others were. Only this time, his outfit’s eyepieces were embedded with a targeting mechanism, allowing Peter to see the drones labelled as targets. “Targeting mechanism? Sweet!” Peter exclaimed as he jumped from the web he was hanging on to, shooting another web from his hand as he swung around a pillar, avoiding getting blasted by the drones as they began firing their non-lethal blasts. Letting go of the web he was swinging on, Peter used both of his hands to shoot webs at four drones, knocking them down before shooting another web to keep swinging around the facility as he commented, “I can shoot multiple webs from a single hand now? Nice!” But as he kept swinging, a drone came up behind him, ready to shoot Peter. “Spider-senses are tingling…” Peter said to himself, sensing the drone behind him as he shot another web from his hand towards the ceiling. Peter then zipped towards the ceiling, clinging over there as he watched the drone that was about to blast him right below, having missed him. Peter then webbed the drone from above, causing it to fall down and crash into a second drone. “Okay Pete, four more to break the record,” Parker said to himself as he watched more drones arrive. Taking a deep breath, Peter let go of the ceiling and shot a web to swing towards the drones. “Take this!” Peter cried, shooting webs at four of the drones before shooting another web to continue swinging, “YES! Broke my record!” More drones kept coming, and Peter once again let go of the web he was swinging with to shoot webs at the drones, managing to hit four more of them. “I’m on a roll!” Peter cheered. Peter continued to dodge, swing, and web at drones until he reached twenty five, the maximum drones that were available for this test. “Aye-yi-yi!” Alpha cried as Peter landed and walked towards him and Sunset Shimmer, “Every single drone!” “Heh, was there ever any doubt?” Peter replied. “Congratulations,” Sunset Shimmer congratulated Peter as she turned to face Alpha, “Tell Dr. List that the enhancements we provided the test subjects worked like a charm.” “Oh, and also tell him that my outfit seriously needs a new color scheme,” Parker told Alpha. “Uhh, sure. I’ll go right ahead,” Alpha said as he walked away.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    T’Challa quickly used his shield to block Simba’s attack, but the impact was so strong that he was knocked down, causing those who were cheering for him to gasp. “Come on, T’Challa! Get up!” Shuri cheered for her brother. Slowly getting up, T’Challa held his spear high, showing that he was determined to keep battling and wasn’t giving up just yet. T’Challa then charged towards Simba, attempting to hit him with a flying kick.


    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility~


    Where are you taking me?” Simmons questioned the two Stormtroopers who were escorting her. But when she didn’t get a response from either Stormtrooper, Jemma sarcastically said, “Thank you. Thanks very much.” Eventually, Jemma and the Stormtroopers accompanying her arrived to a room, where the two Inquisitors, Ruby and Rubeus, along with several Stormtroopers and Cybermen, were preparing for a mission…


    Ms. Simmons... do you have anything warmer?” Rubeus asked Jemma upon noticing her, “Don’t worry, I'll grab you something before we leave.” “Leave? Where to?” a surprised Jemma questioned. “We've found Donnie Gill,” Ruby answered, “We’re getting ready to leave for San Diego.” “We're going to try and bring him into the fold,” Rubeus continued, “And with you Jemma, we may have a chance. With you... a friendly, honest face. Maybe we won’t have to use force to bring him in.” “Is Donnie really that dangerous?” Jemma questioned, noting how many Stormtroopers and Cybermen were preparing to capture one person. “Don't worry. We'll have your back every step of the way,” Rubeus replied. “Suit up. It's going to get cold,” Ruby advised Jemma, handing her a sweater.




    As the Quinjet was nearing the destination, Skye was reading reports on her tablet about a cargo ship being frozen in the port of San Diego. “‘Maribel del Mar,’” Skye said as she showed fellow passengers what she was reading on her tablet, “Anchored in the port of San Diego. It's a privately owned cargo ship. Supposed to cast off about an hour ago but didn't. It's frozen in ice.” “Iceberg in San Diego?” James wondered out loud. “This Donnie Gill guy isn’t so subtle,” Jessie commented. “Then it’s a good thing we’re arriving just in time,” Shining Armor commented from the cockpit. “Excuse me, but Gill wasn't hard to track,” Lance said, “If the New World Order is looking, they'll find him.” “Which is why we gotta beat ‘em to it,” Meowth replied. “Meowth’s right,” May said, “We’re approaching our destination, guys.” The Quinjet then began to descend, and gently landed in an area outside San Diego, where Tommy and Thomas were waiting. May then switched off the plane’s cloaking technology, and opened up the ramp to allow everyone to exit the Quinjet.


    ~The Capital - Street~


    As Moon and River were walking down the street, both covering themselves from the rain with an umbrella, they couldn’t help but notice the drastic changes Earth has experience since they were last here. “My… it seems rather… dreary…” River commented, “Don’t you think so, honey?” “Y-yes…” Moon concurred as she and her husband noticed several deceased bodies hanging from a noose attached to a crane, “I know Star mentioned how Earth had a new regime… but she never mentioned things were this bad… I really hope she’s alright.” While Moon and River continued on their way, they passed by two Stormtroopers…


    Noticing Moon and River, the two Stormtroopers looked at each other, both confused as they simultaneously said, “Huh?”


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rooftop~


    As Finn and the others waited, wondering what Gilda was going to do, they heard a commotion near the facility they were planning to infiltrate…


    Come and get me, bucketheads!” Gilda mocked some Stormtroopers as she was flying away from the facility while some of the Stormtroopers who were guarding began to follow her. “Guess that’s the signal,” Natasha commented, with the others nodding in response. “Let’s go,” Nikolai said as they prepared to infiltrate the facility.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts~


    So… how do we get in?” Sunburst wondered out loud. “Actually, what I need you guys to do is stay behind,” Cassian replied. “What?” a surprised Jyn wondered out loud after hearing what Cassian said. “I just need to do a bit of recon,” Cassian replied, “Once I’m done, I’ll have a plan on how to get in.” “I’m coming with you,” Jyn said. “No, your father’s message, we can’t risk it. You’re the messenger,” Cassian replied. “That’s ridiculous. Everyone we picked up from South Africa knows it,” Jyn said. “‘One blast to a weak point, and the S-type will be destroyed’... that was the message, wasn’t it?” Ignis asked Jyn. “Okay, that’s it!” Cassian declared with his voice slightly rising in anger, “All I want to do right now is get a handle on what we’re up against. So, I’m going to go very small and very carefully near the facility and see what’s what. Now get back to the ship… all of you.” As Cassian went to look for a place where he could watch the New World Order facility alone without being detected, Jyn and the others walked back to Cassian’s U-Wing, wondering why Cassian got so upset all of a sudden. Noctis however, began to feel suspicious, thinking that there was something Cassian was hiding from the group. Once they reached the U-Wing, Sunburst told Kira and the others, “Looks like we may have to wait here for a bit, guys. Cassian went to do some recon, and he’ll come back once he has a plan to infiltrate the facility and rescue Jyn’s father.” “Question… does Cassian look like a killer?” Noctis asked the others. “N-No. He has the face of a friend,” Bodhi replied, wondering why Noctis brought that up all of a sudden. “Why do you ask that? What do you mean, does he look like a killer?” Jyn asked Noctis. “There’s just something about him that tells me he’s out for blood… like he was getting ready to kill someone specific,” Noctis replied. “Uhh… you know… now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure I noticed his weapon was in the sniper configuration when he left to do recon,” Prompto commented. “Wait… you don’t think… he’s going to kill my father… do you?” Jyn wondered out loud, while everyone else remained silent, not knowing what to say, “Oh no…


    ~Outside Hidden Palace Zone~


    After walking for miles, Saphir and Olaf finally arrived to the old temple leading to the Hidden Palace Zone. “Is this… it?” Olaf asked, panting from exhaustion. Looking at his tracker, Saphir answered, “Yes. Elsa and Anna should be inside this temple somewhere.” “Well, then we better start looking for them,” Olaf suggested. Nodding in agreement, Saphir proceeded to enter the temple while followed by Olaf.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    Wow, you did good, Riku!” Emma commended Riku after they both took part in Shang’s training. “Heh, you too,” Riku replied, giving Emma a high five. “Riku is correct. I watched you train,” Shao Jun commented as she approached the group…


    And from what I saw, I think you might be ready for me to train you on knife throwing,” Shao Jun continued. “Really?!” an excited Emma questioned, with Shao Jun happily nodding in reply. “Heh, you heard that, Mimi?” Emma questioned her Pokemon with a big smile on her face. “Nyapah!” Mimi happily responded to Emma.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~


    Pika!” Sparky happily said as Rey rubbed his fur. “You did great, Rey,” Ritchie commended Rey, “I think we all did.” “Guys…” Mulan said as she approached Ritchie and Rey…


    Ratonhnhaké:ton will be making an announcement near the base’s entrance to everyone soon. Gather near over there as soon as possible,” Mulan continued. “Understood,” Ritchie replied as Mulan walked away, “Wonder what Connor has to say. Let’s go.” Sparky then climbed up to Ritchie’s shoulder as he began walking towards the base’s entrance.


    ~Shalour City, France - Outside the Tower of Mastery~


    You don’t need to introduce yourself. I already know who you are,” Master Xehanort responded to Evolt, “I’ve read your files. And as for her, she sealed her fate the moment she tried to prevent me from entering the Tower of Mastery. If it’s information on the Rebels you’re worried about, then don’t. There’ll be plenty more opportunities to get useful information on the enemy. But for now, I have some… personal matters to attend to.” As Xehanort walked towards the Tower of Mastery, elsewhere in Shalour City, Captain Phasma and her Stormtroopers and Cybermen were following Admiral Trench, marching through the city victoriously…


    Ah, what a glorious victory,” Trench commented, “And with very little resistance I might add.” “The Rebels must’ve scurried away out of fear for their lives,” Phasma added, “The cowards… couldn’t even bother to put up a fight.” “Indeed,” Trench concurred with Phasma, “But for now, I believe we should fully re-establish complete New World Order control over the city. Then, we’ll worry about the Rebels that escaped.


    ~Destiny Islands - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~

    As a portal appeared in the middle of an island, Lydia and Korrina’s Lucario came right out of the portal, landing on the ground…


    Wait, Korrina!” Lydia cried as she rushed towards the portal, only to see it disappear right before she could reach it, “No…” Whimpering, Lucario walked towards Lydia, trying to comfort her as he noticed Lydia looked sad, worried that something bad has happened to Korrina. “I should’ve been there with her, Lucario,” Lydia tearfully told Lucario, “Why wouldn’t she want me to battle with her against that mysterious boy?” Just then, the two heard footsteps, and immediately hid behind some bushes. As Lydia and Lucario waited, they noticed some Stormtroopers pass by…


    Stormtroopers?” Lydia quietly wondered out loud, “What is this place… and why would Korrina send us here?” Once the coast was clear, Lydia and Lucario got out of the bushes. The two noticed several small buildings in the center of the island. “Perhaps we can find some clues over there,” Lydia told Lucario, “Certainly beats hiding and doing nothing.” Nodding, Lucario followed Lydia as they headed towards the center of the island, while also remaining cautious in order to not get detected by the New World Order.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Meilin Lee

    Both the Dawn Till Dusk and Phantom Green Keyblades, which were previously only available as KH3 pre-order bonuses, will be available for purchase as DLC tomorrow, May 8th! The Dawn Till Dusk Keyblade is currently available on the Australian PSN and Xbox Live store for $4.55 AUD, while Phantom Green is also available in the Australian Xbox Live store for $4.65 AUD.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, May 7, 2019, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Meilin Lee
    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    After Yao, Ling, and Chien Po also failed to climb up the pole, Shang facepalmed as he said, “We've got a long way to go…” Grabbing a bunch of nearby staffs, Lee gave one to Shang and tossed the rest of them to the Rebels who were training. As each Rebel caught a staff, Yao caught the staff meant for Ritchie, using it to trip Ritchie. As Ritchie gave Yao a dirty look, Yao tossed Ritchie’s staff next to him while acting innocent. And then, Shang began to sing the most inspirational song in history...

    Let's get down to business!

    *Shang uses his staff to send two pots flying into the air, and then breaks them before they land*

    To rescue... the world!
    Did they send me weaklings... ready to... be hurled?

    *As Ling placed an insect inside Ritchie’s shirt from behind, Ritchie began to feel itchy from the insect crawling in his back, causing him to unintentionally swing his staff, knocking down every other Rebel, while Sparky facepalmed*

    You're the saddest bunch I ever met!

    *Shang jumps right in front of Ritchie to try and grab his staff, but is accidentally hit in the belly. After that, Shang finally grabs Ritchie’s staff, staring at him with a look of disapproval while Sparky wasn’t happy with how Shang was treating Ritchie.*

    But you can bet before we're through...
    Mister, I'll make a man out of you!


    *Next up, Mulan was demonstrating archery for the Rebel trainees, perfectly shooting arrows through pieces of fruits as they hit targets on a tree.*

    Tranquil as a forest...

    *As Rebels were failing to do what Mulan did, Mimi placed a fruit through an arrow, giving to Emma so she can cheat. But once Mulan noticed what was happening and gave Emma a stern look, Emma simply smiled innocently in response.*

    But on fire within.

    *Shang was now balancing a bucket of water on his head while using his staff to deflect pebbles that Rebels were throwing at him.*

    Once you find your center...

    *As Star placed a bucket on her head, trying hard to balance it while carrying her staff, Yao and Ling were a bit too excited to start throwing pebbles at Star.*

    You are sure... to win!

    *As Yao and Ling threw pebbles at Star, she unsuccessfully tried deflecting the pebbles, with the bucket on top of her head flipping and covering her head. Star eventually able to deflect one pebble with her head covered, which bounced off of Chien Po’s belly. But Shang was anything but impressed.*

    You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot!
    And you haven't got a clue.


    *Over in a creek, Mulan was demonstrating how to quickly catch fish with one hand. But as Thor was practicing with Yao while Luna watched, Thor caught Yao’s foot instead of a fish, causing Yao to be submerged underwater. While Thor slowly let go of Yao’s foot, Luna used her magic to levitate a fish for Thor.*

    Somehow I'll... make a man... out of you!

    *Marco and Yao were later running while trying to avoid flaming arrows*

    I'm never gonna catch my breath!

    Say good-bye to those who knew me!

    *Ling tries unsuccessfully to break a piece of concrete with his head, breaking some teeth in the process*

    Boy I was a fool in school for cutting gym!


    *Mushu was watching as Thor was practicing hand-to-hand combat with Shang, only to get punched in the face*

    This guy's got 'em scared to death!

    Never thought he could even punch me!

    *Leading the Rebels across a bridge over a river, Chien Po stopped at the sight of the water below out of fear*

    [Chien Po]
    Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!

    Be a man!

    *The Rebels were now practicing using rocket launchers to launch rockets at a target...*

    We must be swift as a coursing river!

    *... however, none of the Rebels were able to shoot a rocket at the target, hitting spots around it instead*

    Be a man!

    *As Riku was setting up his rocket launcher, Ling knocked the stand supporting Riku’s launcher while whistling innocently, causing Riku to quickly grab hold of the rocket launcher. However, when he did so, it was now pointing up...*

    With all the force of a great typhoon!


    *A rocket launched from Riku’s rocket launcher, flying high and then landing and exploding near Ember.*

    Be a man!

    *Ember then had an annoyed look in her face as wiped away the debris from her face.*

    With all the strength of a raging fire
    Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!

    *As Shang led the Rebels for a jog around the base while each of them carried very heavy backpacks, Shang noticed Emma struggling until she eventually fell to the ground.*

    Time is racing toward us...
    Till it’s time... to fight!

    *As Mimi tried to help Emma get back up, she and Emma noticed Shang arrive, picking up Emma’s backpack with a disappointed look on his face as he continued jogging with the others, leaving Emma upset.*

    Heed my every order...
    Or you’ll feel... contrite!

    *After all that training, Shang faced the trainees to voice his disappointment, while the trainees each felt ashamed for failing.*

    You're unsuited for the rage of war
    So pack up, go home
    You're through!

    *Turning around, Star Butterfly noticed the pole with the arrow on top, and had an idea, running towards it while grabbing the medallions from before, tying them around her hands.*

    How could I... make a man... out of you?

    *As she tried climbing the pole and fell down, Star was still determined to keep trying. So she used the medallions to help her slowly climb up the pole, while her fellow trainees watched, rooting for her.*

    Be a man!

    [Shang / Chorus]
    We must be swift as a coursing river!

    Be a man!

    [Shang / Chorus]
    With all the force of a great typhoon!

    Be a man!

    [Shang / Chorus]
    With all the strength of a raging fire!

    *Star was finally able to reach the top of the pole, grabbing the arrow and tossing it down, leading to her fellow trainees to cheer for her while Shang, Mulan, and Lee were impressed*

    Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!

    *Inspired by Star, all the trainees were able to overcome their weaknesses, each succeeding where they failed before, and even changing the attitudes of Yao and Ling, with the two now being much more friendly with their fellow trainees than before.*

    Be a man!

    [Shang / Chorus]
    We must be swift as a coursing river!

    Be a man!

    [Shang / Chorus]
    With all the force of a great typhoon!

    Be a man!

    [Shang / Chorus]
    With all the strength of a raging fire...
    Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~


    Huh… so all it took… was a song?” Darien wondered out loud after he and the others watched Shang successfully train the Rebels in such a short amount of time. “I told you Shang has a special way to train them,” Connor told Darien while smiling. "Hmm, gotta say, the song was pretty catchy," Discord said as he continued eating popcorn. “Gotta admit, it kinda looked fun,” Sammy commented. “I’m just happy that they all can fight better now,” Rini said.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    T'Challa ducked and rolled out of harm's way after Simba swung his weapon, holding his shield firmly in his left hand while swinging his spear with the other hand, charging towards his opponent.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground (Inside Quinjet)~


    "San Diego, we are on our way," May communicated to Tommy and Thomas through the speaker on her headset as she made final preparations, and the Rebels were strapped in to their seats. Once ready, the platform holding the Quinjet began to descend slowly until the opening above it closed. Then, a hatch in front of the Quinjet opened, and water came rushing in as the Quinjet (currently in submarine mode) was now underwater. May then piloted the Quinjet out of the hatch, and turned on the Quinjet's cloaking mechanism as it ascended fast towards the surface. Once reaching the surface, the Quinjet now switched to its airplane mode as it flew straight towards the sky, on its way to California.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor~


    Arriving to the San Diego harbor, Donnie found a private ship named ‘Maribel del Mar’, remembering how he overheard Stormtroopers in the bar from earlier discuss bringing him here should they capture him. Touching a bollard where one of the ship’s ropes was attached to, Donnie used his powers to freeze it, spreading ice towards the rope and into the ship and the water beneath it. Once Donnie was certain that the Maribel del Mar was frozen in place, he decided to get on the ship to do some investigating.


    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    As both Diana and Khemu were eating orange slices while seated at a bench, Khemu asked, “So, are they good?” “They are,” Diana replied, smiling, “Thanks for getting some for me.” “You’re welcome,” Khemu said as he continued eating his orange slices…


    Khemu!” Bayek called out his son in the distance. “Oh, I guess my father wants me to do something,” Khemu commented, “I’ll see you later, Diana.” “Alright. See you, Khemu,” Diana replied to her new friend as he left to go to his father…


    Walking past Diana, Akko noticed that, for the first time since she and Diana joined Amanda, Diana was actually smiling. “Hey Diana. You look… different,” Akko told Diana, “Is it something about this place?” “You could say that…” Diana replied, “Let’s just say I have a different perspective of things now.” “Huh, I see…” Akko commented, not exactly sure by what Diana was trying to say, “Well, in any case, I was hea-” Akko was suddenly interrupted by the sound of sirens, startling both her and Diana. “What’s going on?!” Diana cried as she and Akko noticed Amanda...


    The New World Order’s coming!” Amanda cried as she rushed past Akko and Diana, “Unless you plan on fighting, take cover!” Akko and Diana then quickly rushed to find a shelter where they can hide from incoming attacks.


    ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~


    Noticing the ladder and hearing Gai telling them to climb up, Jack commented, “Oh, a ladder. I suppose we’ll be meeting them after all. Drop the anchor, Silver. It’s time to meet our rescuers.” “Aye-aye,” Silver responded, doing as Jack instructed. “Come on, Pip,” Jack told Pipsqueak, lowering his arm to allow Pipsqueak to climb up to Jack’s shoulder. "Yes, sir!" Pipsqueak replied, climbing up Jack's arm, reaching his shoulder. As Jack and Silver headed towards the ladder and began climbing up, Kristoff walked towards the ladder as well, but noticed that Sven was following him. “No Sven, I need you to stay on the boat,” Kristoff told his reindeer. Noticing the disappointed look on Sven’s face, Kristoff voiced Sven's thoughts in a gruff, goofy, exaggerated tone, saying, “But I don’t wanna stay on the boat.” “Really, even for a carrot?” Kristoff asked Sven, taking out a piece of carrot from his pocket, which excited Sven, “Hehe, here you go, buddy.” After feeding Sven the carrot, Kristoff began climbing up the ladder, joining Jack, Pipsqueak, Silver (and his Chikorita) as they arrived to the Gokai Galleon. “Hmm, this is lovely,” Jack commented, “So… to whom do I owe the pleasure of rescuing us?


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Next up is you, Wanda,” Sunset told Wanda, who, like her brother earlier, had a shock bracelet wrapped around her ankle to shock her should she try escaping, while also wearing wrist bracelets that would supposedly enhance her powers, “Just like last time, we’ll be testing your psionic and telekinetic powers by having you levitate as many crates as can, and then you’ll destroy the crates you levitate. The last time you did this test, you were able to levitate 16 crates at the same time. Let's see how you do this time.” “As you can see, we have placed 25 crates for your test,” Alpha told Wanda, “Try to levitate as many of them as you can. Ready?” “Yes,” Wanda responded. “Alright then, show us what you can do,” Sunset Shimmer ordered Wanda. Concentrating on the crates in front of the group, Wanda held out her hands as they began glowing with a misty red aura, slowly levitating one crate at a time. Once Wanda was levitating 19 crates, Sunset Shimmer said, “That’s it. Keep going, you’ve already broken your record. Now let’s see how far you can go.” Upon reaching all 25 crates, Wanda felt she hit her limit, so she had some of the levitating crates shatter in the air, while sending red energy bolts at other levitating crates, destroying all of them. As Wanda was panting from exhaustion, Sunset Shimmer jotted notes on her clipboard, commenting, “All 25 crates… that’s amazing!” “Aye-yi-yi! That’s a 56.25% increase from the last test,” Alpha commented, “Congratulations, Wanda!” “Thanks,” Wanda thanked Alpha and Sunset Shimmer, smiling at the two.


    ~The Dimension of Mewni~


    "Are you sure you have to go?" Omnitraxus Prime asked the king and queen of Mewni as they were leaving their castle. "Star hasn't contacted me for more than a week. It's not like her to do so," Moon replied, "We just need to see if she's alright." "And until we return, you three will be in charge," River added. "Well don't you two worry. Omni, Lekmet, and myself can take care of things while you're gone. Take all the time you need," Rhombulus told King and Queen Butterfly. Lekmet bleated worryingly over the fact that Rhombulus, given his immature attitude, may lead to some issues while being in charge of Mewni with him and Omnitraxus Prime. "Thank you, High Commission," Moon thanked the three, "We'll be back as soon as we can." Carrying a pair of scissors, River pointed it forward, and with the scissors shooting a ray of light that summoned a portal. "Onwards to Earth, my love," River told Moon as the two walked towards the portal, with the portal disappearing once they had entered it.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rooftop~


    Gathered at the rooftop of a building, Finn and his Rebel allies were monitoring a heavily fortified building that, according to Gilda, is the facility where Sabine and Leia were taken to. "How do we get in?" Finn wondered out loud. "We'll need a distraction," Galina replied. Just then, Gilda had an idea, telling Galina, "I can take care of that!" As Gilda extended her wings and flew away, Natasha commented, "Hope she knows what she's doing."


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts~


    Flying his U-Wing and landing it behind a butte, Cassian commented, “The facility should be nearby. I’m going to take a look.” “Right behind ya!” Sunburst replied as he, Bodhi, Jyn, Noctis, Prompto, and Ignis followed him outside. Once the group walked around the butte, they were able to see the New World Order facility that they were looking for in the distance, heavily guarded as expected. “There it is…” Bodhi commented.


    ~Hunan Province, China: New World Order Fortress~


    As two Stormtroopers were torturing a prisoner with waterboarding, the leader of the fortress, Madame Gao, and the Inquisitor known as Xaldin were silently watching. Once the Stormtroopers stopped pouring water over the prisoner’s face, Madame Gao walked towards him, saying, “You know how this will end if you keep resisting. All you have to do is tell us where the Rebels are concentrated in this part of China, and you will live.” Panting, the prisoner replied, “I will die before turning against the Rebels!” Grinning, Madame Gao said, “Brave… but foolish.” Looking at the Stormtroopers, Gao said, “We have no use for this Rebel. Finish him off.” Nodding, the Stormtroopers went back to waterboarding the prisoner as he began to scream, with the intent to keep pouring water over his face until he dies. As for Gao, she and Xaldin left the area to discuss a rumor they heard. “I suppose you’ve heard of the rumor going around?” Xaldin asked Madame Gao. “The rumor about Ratonhnhaké:ton himself appearing in China? Yes, I have heard of it,” Gao replied. “If it’s true… then perhaps this could be our chance to strike a mighty blow against the Rebel Alliance… by killing the Rebel leader himself,” Xaldin commented. “Perhaps…” Madame Gao replied, “But do not underestimate Ratonhnhaké:ton… he is very capable of defending himself, and has some very strong allies. I would advise even an Inquisitor such as yourself should be cautious if trying to deal with him. In times like this, we would need special help… like him…” As Xaldin and Madam Gao both stopped, Gao pointed with her cane to a dark corner of the hallway they were in, where a figure emerged from the shadows to reveal himself…



    ~Shalour City, France - Outside the Tower of Mastery~


    Boss Battle: Master Xehanort


    Prepare yourself!” Korrina yelled as she summoned spheres of light energy with her Keyblades, and sent them flying towards Master Xehanort. Xehanort, however, was able to easily deflect the spheres with his Keyblade as they flew towards him. Korrina then charged towards Xehanort, using both of her Keyblades to land a hit, while Xehanort masterfully used his Keyblade to defend himself, blocking incoming attacks (no matter how fast Korrina was), and going for attacks himself. After pushing Korrina back, Xehanort sent dark projectiles from his Keyblade towards Korrina, who was able able to summon a barrier around herself, protecting her from the incoming projectiles as she commented, “Weak!” Korrina then cartwheeled around Xehanort, creating light clones of herself along the way that began firing projectiles at Xehanort, who warped out of harm’s way, reappearing above Korrina as he tried to land a hit. But Korrina was quickly able to block the attack with her Keyblades, jumping back as Xehanort landed. “Let the darkness die!” Korrina cried as her whole body was clad in light, generating three blades of light around her as she jumped and hammered them into the ground while floating in the sky. Eventually, Korrina raised gigantic pillars of fire from the blades she drove to the ground, with the pillars moving towards Xehanort. Grinning, Xehanort swung his Keyblade, and used powerful Aero magic to blow the fire pillars away. Gasping, Korrina wasn’t ready to give up yet, using one of her Keyblades to summon a tall pillar. Getting up on top of the pillar, Korrina summoned a large sphere of light above her with her Keyblades, and the sphere began firing projectiles at Xehanort below. But Xehanort was quick, able to evade the projectiles as he ran around the pillar before eventually running up the pillar towards Korrina. Noticing Xehanort run up towards her, Korrina quickly blocked an incoming attack from Xehanort, but the impact sent her falling down to the ground. As Xehanort also landed on the ground after the pillar dematerialized, he summoned dark energy in the shape of a large hand, which grabbed Korrina and tossed her towards a nearby building. Although she was hurt, Korrina was determined to keep on fighting, using her Keyblades to help her get up. As Xehanort and Korrina stared at each other, trying to figure out the other’s next move, Xehanort and Korrina eventually charged towards each other, each swinging their Keyblade at the other with high speed. After about a minute of trying to land an attack against the other, Xehanort teleported behind Korrina, sending dark projectiles once again. Turning around, Korrina began to deflect the dark projectiles. However, as she continued deflecting, her heart sank as she noticed Xehanort charge towards her. Korrina tried to block the incoming attack. However she didn’t react quick enough, and suffered a deadly slash from Xehanort’s Keybalde. Gasping, Korrina dropped both of her Keyblades on the ground, and was struggling to stand. “Grasshopper… Lucario… Grandfather… I’ve failed you all…” Korrina said with her weak voice as tears rolled down her face, “Forgive… me…” Korrina then collapsed to the ground, and was now dead. Slowly walking towards Korrina’s corpse, Xehanort silently looked down, noticing that the second Keyblade that Korrina summoned earlier began to disintegrate and fade away, while the other Keyblade she used remained intact. Master Xehanort then looked up and noticed the barrier that Korrina and Lydia had summoned begin to vanish, with the AT-ATs resuming their march towards Shalour City.


    ~Scotland - Road to Hidden Palace Zone~


    As Saphir and Olaf kept walking, with Saphir fixated on his tracker, Olaf began to feel exhausted. “Ugh… how much longer is this gonna take?” Olaf questioned as he stopped to shake his feet a bit before rejoining Saphir, “I don’t think my feet can take much more walking.” “We’re getting close, don’t worry,” Saphir replied, trying to reassure Olaf as the two pressed on.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Meilin Lee
    Updated OP with new reserves. Also, reserving the following...

    Description: The leader of the Mewni Royal High Commission in the Mewni dimension, the organization that is the de facto second-in command ruling party of Mewni (behind the King and Queen). A healer, Lekmet can only speak with goat sounds, but can be understood by those close to him.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Star vs. the Forces of Evil

    Name: Omnitraxus Prime
    Description: A member of the Mewni Royal High Commission in the Mewni dimension, the organization that is the de facto second-in command ruling party of Mewni (behind the King and Queen). Omni (as he likes to be called) has the ability to bend space to his will, and can go from goofy to serious depending on the situation he's in.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Star vs. the Forces of Evil

    Name: Talos
    Description: ???
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Yonn-Rogg
    Description: ???
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Wendy Lawson
    Description: ???
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Goose
    Description: ???
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Marvel
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 1, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. Meilin Lee
    At the Tokyo performance of KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World of Tres-, series director Tetsuya Nomura came out to give out initial details on the planned DLC for 'Kingdom Hearts III':
    The DLC is, for the time being, referred to as 'Kingdom Hearts III ReMIND', and will include:
    • New Scenario called "ReMIND"
    • Limit Cut Episode + Boss(es?)
    • Secret Episode + Boss
    • English VA option (Japanese version only)
    • New Keyblade and Form (Free)
    Nomura also mentioned that more details would be revealed sometime around June.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Apr 27, 2019, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    As Ember and Mulan were walking to check out how training was going, the two heard a familiar voice tell Ember, “Hey baby, what's shakin’?” “Oh great…” Ember commented with a disappointed look on her face, knowing exactly whose voice she heard as she and Mulan tilted their heads and looked down…


    Man, I haven't seen you all day today!” Mushu continued, “It's like you're trying to avoid me.” “Maybe because I am,” Ember replied. “Ooh, sassy… hehe, I like that in a woman,” Mushu commented. “Ugh…” Ember said in disgust as she picked up Mushu to look him in the eye, “How many times do I have to tell you… it's never going to work out between us. First of all, there's a big size difference between us. And second… I don't even like you. Mulan, please do me a favor and keep him out of my sights.” “Yes, Ember,” Mulan replied as Ember gave her Mushu and walked away. “Mushu, please… show some respect,” Mulan sternly told Mushu. “Aww, come on Mulan, it's love girl. I just can't get over her,” Mushu responded. Rolling her eyes, Mulan walked back to her shack while still carrying Mushu.


    ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery: Emergency Exit~


    Rushing to the exit located beneath the Tower of Mastery, Bellec and those following him found themselves outside, where several motorboats were docked, ready to be used to travel across the English Channel. “Let's go!” Bellec announced, with the others nodding in reply as he, Elise, and Serena along with her Fennekin got on one boat, allowing the others to board on a different boat. Bellec immediately started his boat, maneuvering it towards the English Channel, expecting the others to follow him.


    ~Shalour City, France - Outside the Tower of Mastery~


    As Korrina, Lydia, and Korrina’s Lucario watched the barrier protecting the city from the AT-ATs’ blasters, they noticed a Corridor of Darkness appear near them, startling the three. Stepping out of the Corridor of Darkness was the Grand Inquisitor himself, Master Xehanort…


    Who are you?” Lydia questioned. Grinning, Xehanort replied, “I’ve come to see the Tower of Mastery. I believe it holds some very dark secrets I wish to uncover.” “Well as the guardian of the Tower of Mastery, neither you nor the New World Order are welcome here. Get lost!” Korrina threatened Xehanort, “Besides, you didn’t answer my apprentice. Who the heck are you?” “My name is Xehanort,” Xehanort answered, “Descendant of Sauron… the original Seeker of Darkness.” Gasping upon realizing who Xehanort was, Korrina knew that she had to do whatever it takes to prevent Xehanort from entering the Tower of Mastery.

    Lucario… I want you to take Lydia and get out of here!” Korrina ordered her Pokemon. “What?!” Lydia cried, “I’m not leaving you!” “Grasshopper… that is an order!” Korrina replied as she pointed her Keyblade towards her right side, summoning a portal, “Now go!” “B-but…” Lydia said before Lucario grabbed her hand, dragging her to the portal. But before taking Lydia to the portal, Lucario looked at Korrina with a sad look on his face, feeling that something bad was going to happen. Korrina looked at Lucario and Lydia as well with a somber look on her face, also having a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. Eventually, Lucario went into the portal with Lydia, who was crying, “Wait, Korrina!” Once Lydia and Lucario disappeared into the portal, the portal itself disappeared. “Do you really think sending them away will protect them from me?” Xehanort questioned as he summoned his Keyblade. “No. I just don’t think they can handle watching what I’m gonna do to you!” Korrina replied as she summoned a second Keyblade in her left hand, ready to battle Master Xehanort.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~


    Attention!” Shang announced as he was standing with Lee, facing a group of Rebels who wished to train, “Some of you are you here because you know that you need more training. Others... you think you may be ready and want to prove yourselves. Well, I am here to tell you that I alone will decide if you all are already to face the New World Order. For starters…” Taking out a bow and arrow, Shang aimed at the top of a high pole, shooting an arrow that pierced the top of the pole. “I want you all to try and retrieve that arrow. However, there’s a catch. If any of you have powers, you are not allowed to use them at all. Also,” Shang continued as he grabbed two giant medallions nearby, “One medallion represents discipline. The other one represents strength. You need both to reach the arrow.” And so, all those who wanted to try and reach the arrow tied a medallion on each wrist, attempting to use them to climb up the pole and reach the arrow. But they soon found out that it wasn’t as easy as they thought. One by one, each Rebel that tried to climb up the pole ended up failing, only managing to reach a couple of inches above the ground. ‘Never thought climbing up like this would be this difficult,’ Thor thought to himself after falling to the ground when trying to climb the pole, as he would typically fly to get something that was high above the ground, but wasn’t able to do so due to the no-powers rule Shang discussed earlier. “Oh, if only could use my wand,” Star said to herself after falling from the pole herself.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x2)~


    As Connor arrived with Darien, Rini, and Sammy to watch Rebels train from a distance, he watched as one by one, they were failing to climb up the pole to get the arrow on top. “Bwahaha… this is funnier than Epic Fail videos on YouTube,” Discord commented as he and Mewtwo joined Connor and the others…


    As Discord was enjoying the sight, he snapped his fingers, and a popcorn bucket appeared in his arms. “Want some?” Discord asked Connor and the others as he ate some of the popcorn. “No thank you,” Connor replied while Rini and Sammy nodded, each grabbing a handful of popcorn to eat. As for Darien, he simply stared suspiciously at Mewtwo and Discord. Despite the fact he knew Connor trusted those two, the fact they were former Crystal Order members still didn’t sit well with Darien despite having known them for around a week now. “Mewtwo, here… have some popcorn,” Rini told Mewtwo, handing him some of her popcorn. “Uh… thank you, Rini…” Mewtwo replied, blushing as he levitated some popcorn into his mouth. ‘Why’s Rini so nice to Mewtwo?’ Darien thought to himself, ‘Am I… being too harsh on Mewtwo and Discord? If Connor trusts them… why can’t I do the same?’ “So… are they gonna get better?” Sammy asked as he ate some popcorn, “‘Cause… no offense to any of them… but they kinda stink if they can’t climb up one pole and get that arrow.” “Do not worry,” Connor replied, “Ember has assured me that Shang has a special way to train them in such a short time.” “Really? What is this ‘special way’?” Darien asked. Smiling, Connor responded, “You will see.


    ~Outside Siwa, Egypt~


    Looking through her binoculars as she was seated on her levitating broomstick, Croix could see a group of Rebels in Siwa, and among them was Akko, carrying around the Shiny Rod. Putting her binoculars down, Croix tapped on a button located on a device around her wrist, signalling New World Order forces to attack the Rebels in Siwa.


    ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~


    As Silver continued piloting his boat, he and everyone else on his boat were hearing a loud noise. “Chika?” Silver’s Chikorita wondered out loud, curious as to what was causing the noise. “Yeah, I hear it too, Chikorita,” Silver replied to his Pokemon. “What in blazes is causing all that noise?!” Jack questioned. Looking up, Pipsqueak saw the Gokai Galleon, crying, “Up there!” “Well, I’ll be…” Kristoff commented in awe at the sight of the ship that saved them. “Oh… so it’s a flying ship,” Jack said as he looked up. “What do you think we should do, Jack?” Silver asked Sparrow. “Well, I suppose we do owe them a bit of gratitude for helping us,” Jack replied, “Steer the boat off to the side. We will not welcome any of them here.” “How come?” Kristoff asked, wondering why Jack didn’t want anyone from the Gokai Galleon to come to Silver’s boat. “Well, in case you haven’t noticed, we are nearly at full capacity right about now. One more soul stepping into this boat, and we’ll be sent to the bottom of the sea. Savvy?” Jack replied. “Hmm, I suppose,” Kristoff commented, noting how small Silver’s boat was. “In any case, if they truly wish to greet us, all they have to do is let us board their ship… unless their ship is at full capacity as well… in which case, we can simply silently wave to the other and go our separate ways,” Jack said as Silver steered his boat off to the side.


    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility~


    After arriving to work, Jemma Simmons was escorted by two Stormtroopers to a conference room in order to be interrogated based on suspicions that she is spying for the Rebel Alliance. Upon arriving, Simmons noticed the Inquisitor known as Rubeus waiting for her inside…


    Ms. Simmons. Have a seat,” Rubeus told Jemma. Once she took a seat at the conference table, Rubeus told the Stormtroopers, “Leave us. But stay close... in case there are consequences.” Nodding in response, the two Stormtroopers exited the conference room, waiting outside in case they were needed. “You've been lying to us, Ms. Simmons,” Rubeus told Jemma, “Not long ago, you were a level 5 J.I.A. agent.” “Yes, before the J.I.A.'s disintegration after the Great Purge,” Jemma replied, “I was candid about my work history.” “You left things out,” Rubeus said. “If I did, it wasn't intentional,” Jemma retorted. “Stop... lying,” Rubeus threatened Jemma, “It’s been brought to our attention that you were familiar with a former J.I.A. intern named Donnie Gill, a person of interest that the New World Order is currently searching for.” “I didn't realize the New World Order was searching for Gill until yesterday,” Jemma replied “I-I would have said something-” “Yet you didn't,” Rubeus interrupted, “What else... are you hiding?” “Look… I-I barely knew Donnie,” Jemma responded. “You saved his life after his freak accident,” Rubeus said. “Only because I happened there at the time giving a pre... a presentation,” Jemma answered, with her voice shaking. “You seem nervous,” Rubeus commented. “Because I am,” Jemma scoffed, “I was escorted here by Stormtroopers. I'm well aware of who I work for.” “Hmm... let's discuss your previous employer,” Rubeus said, “Why did you join the J.I.A. in the first place?” “I was a 17-year-old girl with two PhD’s and a million questions. The J.I.A. had the resources to help me answer them,” Jemma answered, “Now they don't, and the New World Order does.” “So your loyalties are with us?” Rubeus asked. “My loyalties are with science,” Jemma answered, trying hard not to appear she is lying, “So long as the New World Order allows me to do the work I want to be doing, then, yes, my loyalties are with the New World Order.” “Well, loyalties can be tested,” Rubeus commented, grinning.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground (Inside Quinjet)~


    As the Castelia City Rebels gathered in the Quinjet's interior, each took one of the seats located on either side of the plane, while Melinda May and Shining Armor were in the cockpit, making final preparations as they were preparing to fly to San Diego.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outside Rebel Hideout~


    Whatever…” Noctis said in response to what Noah said about changing clothes, getting inside Cassian’s U-Wing. “I do apologize for Noctis’s attitude,” Ignis apologized to Noah. “Anyway, we really should get going,” Jyn commented. “I agree,” Cassian concurred, “Everyone inside.” “Right behind ya!” Sunburst responded as he stepped inside the U-Wing.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Once Simba chose a weapon, Zuri announced, “Both T’Challa and Simba have chosen weapons. The time for ritual combat has begun!” As Zuri rejoined the crowd, ready to watch the battle between T’Challa and Simba, T’Challa got his spear and shield ready, slowly walking around Simba, wondering if he was going to make the first move, or if he should do it himself.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Okay, Pietro, just like last time, you're first,” Sunset told Pietro, who had a shock bracelet wrapped around his ankle to shock him should he try escaping, and was now wearing new clothes that should supposedly enhance his superspeed, “Your last record was at 0.51 seconds. Let's see how you do this time.” As Alpha placed a brass pole near Pietro, Sunset Shimmer said, “Same rules apply. Place your hand on the pole, which’ll trigger the stopwatch once you let go of it. You'll run towards the other side of the facility, touch the wall there, then run back here and touch the pole, which'll trigger the stopwatch timing you to stop. Ready?” “Yes,” Pietro said as he held onto the pole while admiring his new outfit. “On your mark, get set… go!” Alpha declared, with Pietro appearing to have disappeared then reappeared with the blink of an eye, when in reality, he ran with his superspeed across the facility and back. “How'd he do, Alpha?” Sunset asked Alpha. “Aye-yi-yi! 0.23 seconds!” Alpha cried after checking the stopwatch that timed Pietro, “More than a quarter of a second faster!” “Heh, you didn't see that coming?” Pietro jokingly asked Alpha. “Nice!” Sunset Shimmer commented as she jotted down notes on her clipboard.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Ah, Officer Jenny,” Looker greeted Jenny as he was accompanied by Vanitas along with two Stormtroopers, “Allow me to introduce you to the Inquisitor I told you about who is in charge of the Police Ran-” “You?!” Jenny interrupted Looker, surprised to see that Vanitas was the Inquisitor Looker has been talking about. “Well, well, well… if it isn’t Officer Jenny,” Vanitas replied, “Been a while, hasn’t it? Not a big fan of your new hairstyle, but whatever.” “Wait… you two know each other?” a confused Looker questioned. “Yeah…” Jenny replied, “Several months ago, Vanitas’s ex-girlfriend disappeared, and I interrogated him on the subject… given that he has a history of being sent to juvie.” “Oh, Jenny… still clinging to the past?” Vanitas questioned Jenny, “Wasn’t that case closed?” “Yeah… your ex-girlfriend was found… and you were innocent, because you were apparently with your school principal the whole time,” Jenny replied with an unimpressed tone in her voice. “There, see… I wasn’t the person you thought I was when you interrogated me back then, and I’m sure not that person now. After all, I’m an Inquisitor now. I fight for justice and the rule of law… just like you,” Vanitas said. “Yeah… looks like it,” Jenny replied. “Well, anyway… Looker here is gonna tell me all about this Punisher guy you guys need help apprehending. Can’t wait to work with ya, Officer Jenny,” Vanitas said, grinning as he winked at her and started walking away with his Stormtroopers. “Well… I didn’t expect that…” Looker told Jenny, “Anyway, I should really explain the situation with him.” “Right,” Jenny replied, nodding as Looker walked away and rejoined Vanitas. As for Jenny, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something very suspicious about Vanitas.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Apr 25, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Meilin Lee
    Updated OP with some additional information on this update.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Apr 23, 2019 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Meilin Lee
    After much teasing on a Critical Mode difficulty for 'Kingdom Hearts III', it has been announced that the much desired difficulty will finally be available tomorrow as a free update:
    EDIT: More info has arisen on what to expect from the updates (1.04 & 1.05) in addition to Critical Mode:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Apr 22, 2019, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Meilin Lee
    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Rebel Hideout~


    As Finn and the other Rebels were waiting for Sabine and Gilda to return, they noticed Gilda storm in, panting as she was accompanied by the orphans she rescued earlier…


    Gilda… what’s wrong?” Natasha questioned with a look of concern on her face. “Sabine… they took her…” an exhausted Gilda responded. “Who? The New World Order?” Galina questioned. Nodding, Gilda replied, “The New World Order were arguing with this woman in charge of an orphanage, as they wanted the building, but the woman wasn’t budging. So when it looked like the New World Order was going to use force to take the building away, Sabine and I caused a distraction to get the woman and the orphans away from the area. Unfortunately, the New World Order cornered Sabine and the woman, taking them to that New World Order facility in the city.” Alarmed from the moment he heard the word ‘orphanage’, Finn was hoping the woman Gilda mentioned wasn’t who he thought it was. “This woman from the orphanage… what was her name?” Finn asked. “Leia,” Scootaloo answered, “Will you guys save her?” Finn’s heart sank upon hearing Scootaloo’s answer, worried what the New World Order might do to Leia. “D-don’t worry, kid… I’ll save her,” Finn replied as he headed towards the door. “Where do you think you’re going?” Nikolai questioned Finn. Stopping, Finn turned to face Nikolai, telling him, “Don’t worry Nikolai, I don’t need to get paid for this one. I’ll make sure to free Sabine as well.” “It’s not that,” Nikolai said, “Going to that facility alone would be suicide!” “Well then, care to help?” Finn questioned. Looking at the other Rebels, Nikolai said, “Get ready. We are going on a rescue mission.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    As Marco and Star were walking around the Rebel base, Marco asked, “So, what do you wanna do?” Looking around, Star noticed some Rebels in a line for food. “Hmm, well I am kinda hungry,” Star replied, “Breakfast was kinda small this morning.” “Agreed. Let's get in line,” Marco suggested as he and Star got in line…


    'Bout time we got some grub,” Yao said as he pushed Marco aside, cutting in front of him and Star. “Hey, no cutting!” Marco scolded Yao. “Yeah, get back in line,” Star added. Turning around, Yao punched Marco in the face. “Oh no, you didn't,” Star angrily said as she lunged towards Yao, punching him repeatedly. “Back off!” Yao cried, pushing back Star as he got up, with the two continuing to fight…


    Meanwhile, as Ritchie and Sparky were walking around the base, they noticed the fight that was happening, wondering what was going on…


    Hey, a space in line!” Ling happily exclaimed as he and Chien Po got in line, taking Yao's spot. “I wonder what they're serving for lunch today,” Chien Po added. “Knuckle sandwiches!” Yao replied, as he went to attack Ling for taking his spot in the line. Eventually, Star and Marco joined in the fight together, both fighting against Ling and Yao, while Chien Po watched innocently, not knowing what to do. “Uhh, guys… please stop,” Ritchie requested, wanting the four to stop fighting. But once they heard Ritchie, the four stopped instantly, with Ling mockingly repeating, “Please!” “What a wimp!” Yao mocked Ritchie. “Uh… knock it off!” Ritchie said, trying to sound tougher. “Knock what off?” Yao questioned. “You punched me!” Marco scolded Yao. “Cutting in line!” Star added. “What a shrimp!” Ling said, mocking Marco. “J-just get back in line, okay, guys?” Ritchie suggested to the others. “Whose side are you on?” Marco questioned Ritchie, “I just got slugged!” “Want some more?” Yao threateningly questioned Marco. “Everyone! Get back in line!” Inspector (or rather, formerly Inspector) Lee sternly ordered the Rebels as he approached the group…


    The others did as Lee instructed them to, although Marco was annoyed that Yao was now a couple of spots ahead of him.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~


    So, what has been happening?” Connor asked Ember. “It’s absolutely horrible,” Ember replied, “To the north from here is a New World Order fortress, under the ruthless command of Madame Gao.” “Madame... Gao?” Dick wondered out loud. “Yes,” Mulan replied, “For weeks, we have heard rumors that she would torture captured Rebels to death as opposed to having them converted to Cybermen.” “We only found out that this was true when a survivor managed to escape and arrive to the base here,” Shang added, “And it’s not just Rebels… anyone throughout China suspected of simply voicing support for the Rebels are taken in to her fortress, and never seen again.” “Man, this Madame Gao lady sounds like bad news,” Hiccup commented. “For someone who enjoys torturing others, she really is,” Ember replied. “And she’s not alone,” Mulan added, “Apart from the usual Stormtroopers and Cybermen, Gao has an Inquisitor aiding her by the name of Xaldin.” “So we’ve also got an Inquisitor problem. Fabulous…” Katniss commented, sighing. “We were hoping to storm the fortress, and deal with Madame Gao while also freeing whoever is there,” Ember said, “What do you think, Ratonhnhaké:ton?” Pondering Ember’s suggestion for a bit, Connor nodded as he replied, “I agree. The terror of Madame Gao must end. However, if we are to storm a fortress, we must be careful, and make sure that we have Rebels who are well-trained.” “Understood,” Ember said, “Guess we better get started.


    ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~


    As Silver continued steering his ship away from the New World Order ship, he and everyone else on the boat heard the sound of cannons, indicating a battle took place between the New World Order ship and the other ship they noticed. “Huh, so that other ship may have been a friendly after all,” Kristoff commented. “Too bad we can’t see what happened because of the thick fog,” Pipsqueak added. “Either way, from the sound of the cannons we heard, I can only surmise that the other ship valiantly battled with the New World Order ship and paid the ultimate price, with its crew sacrificing themselves to provide us safe passage on our journey. Let us have a moment of silence in honor of their brave sacrifice,” Jack said as he took out his hat, placing over his chest for a mere two seconds before putting it back on, “Right then! Onwards to Scotland, Silver!” “Aye-aye!” Silver replied.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Perfect!” Sunburst happily exclaimed after Kira and the others agreed to go along, “In that case, let’s meet up with Cassian and his team outside.” Sunburst then led the others outside to meet with their allies in this mission.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outside Rebel Hideout~


    As Cassian and the others were waiting on Sunburst outside near Cassian’s U-Wing, Prompto was enjoying taking pictures of the area with his camera. “I always wondered, but why do you like taking so many photos?” Bodhi asked Prompto. “It’s always been a hobby of mine,” Prompto responded, “And it’s always been my dream to become a professional photographer.” “Huh, alright then,” Bodhi commented. Eventually, the group noticed Sunburst arrive with the other Rebels of Sioux Falls…


    Hey Cassian,” Sunburst greeted Cassian, “Guess you got yourself a couple extra volunteers for your rescue mission.” “That’s… good news,” Cassian replied, “Now then, Sunburst... you already met Jyn here, whose father is the person that we need to rescue. Over here is Bodhi Rook, a former New World Order pilot who defected to the Rebel Alliance.” “I see… well, I’m glad you decided to switch sides,” Sunburst told Bodhi. “Trust me, my conscience feels much better after defecting,” Rook replied. As Sunburst nodded, Cassian continued, “And these three helped us fight the New World Order in South Africa. This is Ignis, Prompto, and Noctis.” “Wait… you mean THE Prince Noctis?!” Sunburst wondered out loud, surprised to see a targeted leader who survived the Great Purge. “Not anymore,” Noctis replied, “It’s just Noctis.” “Oh, I see,” Sunburst commented, “Sorry about that.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    This, is Donnie Gill,” Jefferey Mace informed those in attendance while displaying a photo of Donnie Gill on a screen for everyone to see, “He was an intern at the J.I.A., working closely with Fitz and his partner, Jemma Simmons. However, about a year ago, he had a freak accident with an experiment of his, granting him cryogenic powers. Since then, he was under surveillance of the J.I.A. until it was disintegrated during the Great Purge. After that, his whereabouts have been unknown, until recently, the New World Order discovered him in San Diego. We’re not really sure what the New World Order wants with Gill, but I want us to bring Gill in before the New World Order gets their hands on him.” “Fitz, you know him better than any of us. Got anything to help us narrow the search?” Shining Armor asked Fitz, knowing that he and Jemma had actually interacted with Donnie Gill a lot while he was interning at the J.I.A. “Um... well... the last time that I saw him, he was, friendly. But... he had trouble making friends,” Fitz replied. “Anything else?” May asked. “I don't know,” Fitz replied, “Jemma might probably know more.” “Okay,” Mace said, “And if you think of anything that might help…” “Yeah, I'll let you know,” Fitz replied, knowing what Mace was going to ask of him. Nodding, Mace told Shining Armor and May, “May, Shining Armor, the two of you will lead the search to find Gill. We’ve got two Rebel contacts in San Diego. They are two brothers named Tommy and Thomas Oliver, who are surviving Power Rangers from the Great Purge.” “Understood, sir,” Shining Armor responded. “Alright then… Fitz, Mack… the two of you stay here. Everyone else, get ready to fly to San Diego. We meet at the Quinjet in ten minutes,” May told the group. “Yes, ma’am,” everyone replied as they left.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x2)~


    As Riku, Emma, and Mimi were walking around the base, Emma stretched as she commented, “It’s nice to be in an outdoor base. Wouldn’t you agree?” “Yeah,” Riku concurred. “Nyapah!” Mimi concurred as well. Eventually, the three passed by Shao Jun, who caught their attention as she was practicing with her throwing knives, using them on a wooden target…


    Hey, you’re pretty good,” Emma commended Shao Jun. “Thank you,” Shao Jun thanked Emma. “Is it easy to learn to do that?” Emma asked. “I wish I can say that… but it requires much practice to perfect,” Shao Jun responded, “One mistake can mean the difference between striking the correct target and the wrong one.” “Huh, I see,” Emma commented. “But if you’re interested, I wouldn’t mind teaching you,” Shao Jun replied. “Really?!” an excited Emma questioned. “Sure,” Shao Jun replied. “Heh, thanks!” Emma thanked Shao Jun, “Oh… the name’s Emma by the way. This is Mimi. And that’s Riku.” “Hey,” Riku greeted Shao Jun. “And I am Shao Jun,” Shao Jun introduced herself, “Nice to meet you.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x3)~


    After walking around for a while, Darien found a shack where he, Rini, Sammy, Serena, and Luna would be able to stay in during their time in China. As Rini and Sammy were unpacking and checking out the shack, Darien was busy sweeping the floor with a broom. While sweeping in the shack’s front porch, Darien noticed Connor passing by the shack…


    Hey, Connor!” Darien greeted Connor, waving towards him. As he stopped, Connor noticed Darien calling to him. Smiling, the Rebel leader walked towards Darien, saying, “I see you have found a place to stay.” “Yeah. A little dusty, but it’ll do,” Darien responded, “Is… something troubling you?” Sighing, Connor said, “I spoke with Ember, and she told me about something terrible that has been happening nearby.” Connor then began to explain to Darien about Madame Gao, and what was going on in her fortress. “Wow… that sounds awful,” Darien commented. “It is,” Connor concurred, “And we must do something about it.” “I see,” Darien commented, “Well, I’ll gladly volunteer if the Rebels plan to do something about this Madame Gao.” “Thank you, Darien,” Connor thanked Darien as he smiled, “But… first comes training.” “Yeah… I’d like to see how that goes,” Darien commented.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    After Simba stepped forward, Zuri announced, “T’Challa will be challenged by Simba! Now, both of you, please choose your weapon.” Zuri pointed Simba and T'Challa towards weapons placed on tables near the crowd. Walking toward the weapons, T'Challa noticed that, per tradition, the weapons were traditional Wakandan weapons, consisting of things like a knobkerrie, a mambele, and even simple swords and daggers. Looking over the weapons, T'Challa chose a shield and a spear, and wondered what Simba would choose.


    ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~


    As Bellec nodded once C.C. said that she and the others would be joining him and his group, he gasped at the sight of Astral, remarking, “You… you’re Astral!” He and the others were horrified as they witnessed how Astral killed Sammy and Amy. “Y-you monster!” Elise cried after witnessing the deaths of Amy and Sammy. “You’re going to regret that!” Serena angrily added. Once C.C. volunteered to battle Astral (along with a few others) while telling Kai and anyone who wasn’t battling Astral to join Bellec, Bellec himself told Kai, “We must go, now.” Just then, the group felt the ground shake, realizing it was due to the AT-ATs outside beginning to blast the city. “We have to stop them,” Korrina said before turning her attention to Lydia, “Let’s go, Grasshopper!” “Right!” Lydia concurred as she, Korrina, and Korrina’s Lucario all jumped outside, hopping between rooftops before landing on the ground. It was then that Korrina and Lydia took out their Keyblades, pointing them to the sky as they summoned a barrier to protect Shalour City from the AT-ATs’ blaster fire temporarily. As for Bellec, he and the ones following him rushed away from the area where Astral was, heading towards the boats that would get them out of Shalour City.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Apr 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Meilin Lee
    Updated OP with new reserves. Also, time for some reserves for me...

    Chien Po
    Description: A member of the Chinese wing of the Rebel Alliance who used to be in the Chinese army, and survived the Great Purge after it decimated the entire Chinese army (along with the rest of the world's armies). Calm and naïve, Chien Po is a good-natured individual who is only willing to fight to defend the weak.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Disney / Mulan

    Name: Ling
    Description: A member of the Chinese wing of the Rebel Alliance who used to be in the Chinese army, and survived the Great Purge after it decimated the entire Chinese army (along with the rest of the world's armies). Ling is friendly and enthusiastic, and possesses a passion for telling jokes, though he can get an obnoxious exterior when seeking acknowledgment for his jokes.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Disney / Mulan

    Name: Yao
    Description: A member of the Chinese wing of the Rebel Alliance who, like his friends Ling and Chien Po, used to be in the Chinese army, and survived the Great Purge after it decimated the entire Chinese army (along with the rest of the world's armies). Yao is very arrogant, aggressive, and short-tempered, often found yelling and degrading others, but is kind to those he respects.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Disney / Mulan

    Name: Rock Titan
    Description: ???
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): ???
    Series Character is from: Disney / Hercules

    Name: Mina Loveberry
    Description: A warrior who once battled under the command of Star Butterfly's mother, Queen Moon Butterfly, during her younger years. Although she has long retired, with her current whereabouts unknown, her legacy has left quite an impression on Star Butterfly, who looks up to her despite having never met her (and the fact that she and Star's friend, Serena Tsukino, share a similar hairstyle could be a factor as to why Star likes Serena so much).
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Star vs. the Forces of Evil
    Name: Rhombulus
    Description: A member of the Mewni Royal High Commission in the Mewni dimension, the organization that is the de facto second-in command ruling party of Mewni (behind the King and Queen). Rhombulus can summon crystals and trap others in them, yet is very immature, explaining why he often has a very short temper and will quickly engage those he thinks have insulted him.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Star vs. the Forces of Evil
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Apr 18, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  18. Meilin Lee
    ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~


    Uhh, that New World Order ship is still catching up to us!” Pipsqueak cried as he was looking through his telescope, “And… it looks like there’s another ship… but it doesn’t look like it’s with the New World Order.” “What could it be?” Kristoff asked, wondering about the other ship. “Regardless of the other ship’s nature, our goal is to lose the New World Order ship following us,” Jack replied, “And with the ship still catching up to us despite going faster, we’ll need to try another method. Silver, deploy the fog barrels!” “Yes, sir!” Silver said as he pulled a lever that opened up hatches on both sides of his boat, with barrels coming out of them. Eventually, the barrels began emitting a mist, creating a thick fog behind Silver's boat. “Hopefully that should make them lose sight of us,” Sparrow commented. “Yeah, though… you really should consider adding weapons to this boat,” Kristoff replied. “I'm working on it,” Silver told Kristoff as he continued maneuvering the boat.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Hey guys,” Sunburst greeted Kia and the others as he joined them, “So that guy I told you all about from the Alaskan branch of the Rebel Alliance just arrived. Cassian’s his name. He and a fellow Rebel are trying to free someone from a New World Order facility located just outside the city. Now I already volunteered to help out, but if any of you would like to join in, I’m sure Cassian wouldn’t mind having more help.


    ~San Diego, California - Bar~


    As he was sitting in a bar, Donnie Gill was busy repairing an old radio belonging to the bar owner. Once he was able to repair it, the bar owner brought Gill a cup of coffee, telling him, “I thought that thing was broken for good. You clearly have a gift.” “A degree,” Donnie responded, “I used to study engineering.” As the bar owner walked over to another table to clean it, Donnie used his ice powers to freeze his cup of coffee, remembering how he suddenly gained these powers after a freak accident during his time interning at the J.I.A. in Japan. “You know, I could help out around here,” Donnie told the bar owner, “Fix things in exchange for room and board. It's been a while since I've liked being somewhere.” “Well, San Diego has a long history of giving shelter to travelers hiding from their past,” the bar owner responded. Donnie’s smile suddenly faded after hearing what the bar owner said. “Why would you think I'm hiding?” Gill questioned as he got up from his seat, glaring at the bar owner, “Who were you speaking to? Huh?” “They threatened me!” the bar owner fearfully responded, “They said you were dangerous and-” Before the bar owner could continue, Gill grabbed his neck, and used his powers to freeze him to death. Hearing someone enter the bar, Donnie rushed to the restroom, hiding while peeking through the door to see who it was. A couple of moments later, Donnie noticed two Stormtroopers arrive to the scene…


    “Whoa… what happened here?” one of the Stormtroopers wondered out loud as he and the other Stormtrooper noticed the bar owner’s body completely frozen. “Let’s check for anything that might lead us to Gill,” the other Stormtrooper replied as they began searching the premises, “Once we find him, we need to deliver him to Maribel del Mar.” ‘Maribel del Mar?’ Donnie thought to himself as he turned around, noticing a window in the restroom that was small and near the ceiling. Donnie however noticed that he would still be able to fit through it so long as he can climb up to it. Quietly climbing up to it, Donnie successfully managed to climb out. Once outside, Donnie was now focused on trying to find out what ‘Maribel del Mar’ was.


    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    As Diana was seated in a bench, watching Akko and the others pass food and medical supplies to the locals, she was wondering out loud, “I don't get it…” “What don't you get?” a boy's voice asked Diana. Turning around, Diana saw a boy approach her, apparently having heard what she said to herself…


    I'm sorry, did I scare you?” the little boy asked. “Oh, not at all,” Diana replied as she scooched over to give some space on the bench for the boy to sit. “Thank you,” the boy thanked Diana as he sat next to her, “My name is Khemu. My father is Bayek, leader of the Rebels in Egypt and all of North Africa.” “I see,” Diana responded, “My name's Diana. Nice to meet you Khemu.” “You came with the other witches on that airship, right?” Khemu asked. “That’s right,” Diana answered. “Thank you for bringing the food and medicine,” Khemu thanked Diana, “Our people really needed it.” “Right…” Diana responded, “Hey, Khemu… wouldn't your people be better off if the New World Order was in charge? You wouldn't have to worry about things like food and medicine.” “If we do that, then we give up on one of the most important things ever… freedom,” Khemu answered. “Freedom? But… is all this suffering really worth it?” Diana questioned. “My father says that a world without any freedom is no world worth living in,” Khemu replied, “Even if we get hungry and get sick, we will keep fighting, because freedom is one of the most important things ever, and that is something we can't get as long as the New World Order is still around.” As Diana listened to Khemu, she realized that, for the first time, she finally could see things from a Rebel's perspective. While she still considered herself a New World Order supporter, she felt like she was finally beginning to see why this conflict was happening. ‘Maybe… there really is more to Rebels than I originally thought,’ Diana thought to herself. Smiling at Khemu, Diana pat his head, telling him, “You're a good kid, Khemu.” Smiling back at Diana, Khemu heard the cries of his family’s Pidgeotto, Senu, as she flew towards him…


    Senu!” Khemu happily greeted the Pokemon, extending his arm so that Senu can land on it. “This is Senu,” Khemu told Diana, “Go ahead, pet her.” “Umm, okay,” Diana replied, slowly extending her hand towards Senu's head. Once her hand touched Senu's head, Diana began petting her, with Senu happily cooing in response. “Heh, she likes you,” Khemu told Diana, who was smiling as she enjoyed petting Senu.


    ~Scotland - Outside Saphir’s and Olaf’s Hotel Room~


    As two Stormtroopers were standing guard outside the hotel room where Saphir and Olaf were staying, they began to hear what appeared to be Olaf snoring loudly inside the room. Looking at each other, the Stormtroopers simply shrugged and shifted their focus back to guarding the room. Little did the Stormtroopers know that inside the room, the snoring they were hearing was actually just a recording on Saphir’s phone playing on repeat in order to give them the idea that Saphir and Olaf were still inside the room. In reality Saphir and Olaf had tied several bedsheets together, using them as an escape rope to climb down to the ground outside the hotel…


    Heh, made it,” Olaf commented as he and Saphir successfully got out of the room and were able to climb down from their room’s window. “Good,” Saphir replied, “Now follow me. It’s going to be a long walk, but as long as we keep a low profile and avoid Stormtroopers and Cybermen, we should be able to reach Anna and Elsa without any incident.” “Sounds good to me!” Olaf said as he followed Saphir, with the two trying to make sure to avoid detection by Stormtroopers or Cybermen.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia~


    W-What are you doing?!” Leia questioned as she kept running while Sabine was dragging her across the streets of Irkutsk. “Saving your life!” Sabine responded as she and Leia headed towards an alleyway, “Don’t worry, a fellow Rebel will get the orphans to safety.” “Wait… you’re a Rebel?!” a surprised Leia questioned. Before Sabine could even respond, a group of Cybermen landed around her and Leia, completely surrounding them as they pointed their weapons at the two…


    Moments after taking out her blasters, Sabine realized that there was no blasting her way out of this situation, and instead lowered her weapons. “Heheheheheh… did you really think you could get away from us?” Cassidy questioned as she, Butch, and the two Stormtroopers accompanying them had approached Leia, Sabine and the Cybermen…


    Oh, and look… you got yourself a Rebel friend as well. This should be fun,” Cassidy continued. “Take ‘em away,” Butch ordered the Cybermen. Two of the Cybermen then detained Sabine and Leia, taking them into custody. “Oh no…” a worried Gilda said to herself as she saw what was happening from a distance…


    Leia!” Scootaloo cried as she saw what was happening as well, “What do we do?!” “Remain calm, kids,” Gilda told Scootaloo and the other orphans she rescued, “Follow me. I’ll get you somewhere safe.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Arriving to the center of the base with his sister, T’Challa noticed almost all of the base’s occupants gathered, ready for the ceremony as they chanted a traditional Wakandan song


    As Shuri went to join the crowd, T’Challa noticed Nakia in the crowd, wearing a traditional Wakandan ceremonial outfit just like his sister. And as the shaman Zuri left the crowd in order to speak to them while carrying a vessel containing a strange concoction, T’Challa removed his shirt to get ready for the ceremonial battle, walking towards Zuri and standing next to him. “I, Zuri, son of Badu… give to you… T’Challa… the Black Panther!” Zuri told the crowd, who cheered in response as T’Challa knelt. “T’Challa… will now have the strength of the Black Panther… stripped away,” Zuri added as he poured the solution from the vessel he was carrying into T’Challa’s mouth. After drinking the solution, T’Challa began to react violently as he choked on the fluid, and then began to spasm, with his veins expanding and his muscles contracting. Soon after though, T’Challa stopped shaking, feeling better as he got up, feeling normal now the process of removing his Black Panther powers was a success. “Damaku!” Zuri preached, which translates to ‘Praise the ancestors’. “Damaku,” much of the crowd repeated. “The victor in ritual combat… will be chosen to become the next Black Panther,” Zuri announced, “Will the challenger please step forward?


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Alright everyone, please get inside the large dotted circle on the floor,” Discord ordered everyone who was ready to begin the journey while hovering above them. “Huh, reminds me of an anti-seabear circle,” Dick commented. “Uh… you realize seabears aren’t even real, right?” Ritchie questioned Dick. “Uhhh… of course I knew that,” Dick lied, as he had assumed that seabears were in fact real, “I was just joking.” “Made it,” Darien commented as he, Rini, Sammy, Luna, and Serena arrived. “Alright, is that everyone?” Discord asked. “I think so,” Connor replied as he looked around, “Time to go.” “Yes, sir,” Discord said as he landed inside the circle, “Going to China in 3… 2… 1…” Discord then clapped his paws, and the entire group inside the circle had teleported away...


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base - Abandoned Warehouse~


    And we’re here,” Discord said after the entire group teleported to an empty warehouse. “Huh, that was quick,” Thor commented after realizing that they arrived to their destination literally one second after Discord clapped his paws. “Is this really it though?” Marco wondered out loud, “This place is so dark and empty.” “Oh, this is just where we’re supposed to teleport to,” Discord replied to Marco as he walked towards the warehouse’s doors, “But outside is our real destination.” Once Discord opened the doors, the group, led by Connor, walked outside, with many awed by the sight.

    The group found themselves in an outdoor base where the local Rebels were walking around, some of whom took notice of Connor and the others. “Wow… we’re really in China…” Sammy commented. “Amazing…” Rini added. “Ratonhnhaké:ton!” Ember, the Chinese Rebel Alliance leader greeted Connor as she approached him while accompanied by fellow Rebels Fa Mulan and Li Shang…


    It’s an honor to finally have you visit my base,” Ember continued as she shook hands with Connor. “The privilege is all mine, Ember,” Connor replied, smiling. “And I see you brought some help, along. Perfect,” Ember said as she looked at the large group, “You see, we’ve been having some trouble as of late, and you couldn’t have come at a more perfect time to help out.” “Trouble?” Connor wondered out loud. “Yes… I think you better be briefed on what’s been happening,” Ember replied. “Very well. In the meantime, I was hoping to come here to train many of the Rebels who have accompanied me,” Connor said. “Oh, no problem at all,” Ember responded, “Fa Mulan and Li Shang here can certainly assist with that.” “It would be an honor to do so, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Shang told Connor as he bowed to him. “We will do our best to help in any way we can,” Mulan added, bowing to Connor as well. “Thank you,” Connor thanked Shang and Mulan, bowing back. “But first thing’s first… I’m pretty sure all the Rebels you brought along need to get acquainted to this new place,” Ember suggested. “Indeed,” Connor replied as he turned to face the group, “Make yourselves at home, everyone. This may be a different part of the world, but everyone here is a Rebel, just like each one of us. Think of it no differently than the base in Japan. Go out. Make new friends and forge alliances. Remember, only by being united will we be able to overcome our enemy.” Many in the group nodded and dispersed, wanting to check out the place they’ll be staying for the time being. “Let’s find a place to stay,” Darien told Sammy, Serena, Rini, and Luna. “Okay,” Rini replied as she and Sammy followed Darien. Meanwhile, Katniss (along with Haymitch), Dick, Hiccup, and Toothless followed Connor as he was walking with Ember, Mulan, and Shang, being told on what’s been happening with the Rebels in this part of the world.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Good morning, guys!” Sunset Shimmer greeted Pietro, Wanda, and Peter (along with his Salandit, Ray) as they were being escorted by Stormtroopers towards her and Alpha, “We’ll be testing out your abilities again today. Only this time, you’ll be doing so with enhancements.” “Enhancements?” Peter questioned. “I’m curious…” Pietro commented. “Heh, take a look,” Sunset replied as Alpha opened up the box that Dr. List brought to Sunset Shimmer. As Pietro, Wanda, and Peter all looked at what was inside the box, Peter cried, “Woah!” “We have to wear these?” Wanda asked. “Yep,” Sunset replied, “You’ll feel a difference with your powers once you do. Go ahead, try ‘em on. We should start testing soon.


    ~Shalour City, France - The Tower of Mastery~


    As Bellec and the other Rebels stood in horror at the sight of the AT-ATs slowly approaching Shalour City, Bellec commented, “I should’ve known those New World Order pisspots were being too quiet. It wasn’t like them to leave us alone for a week. They were preparing for a massive surprise attack, and this is it!” “What do we do?” Elise questioned. “Well, we don’t have anything that can take these things down,” Serena replied. Sighing, Bellec said, “We must evacuate. Onward to Scotland. It's the safest place we can get to at this point.” After pondering a bit, Korrina walked over to Bellec, placing her hand on his shoulder, telling him, “I can summon a barrier with my Keyblade to protect the city temporarily. Use that time to get out. And don’t worry about me. I vowed to defend the Tower of Mastery to the death.” “I’ll help too,” Lydia told Korrina. Korrina’s Lucario growled as well to indicate he wanted to stay and help Korrina as well. “Thanks guys,” Korrina said, smiling at Lydia and Lucario before shifting her attention back to Bellec, “You guys can use those boats that the Spanish Rebels provided us with days ago to get out.” Nodding, Bellec responded, “You’re right. We should get ready.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    As Officer Jenny was doing some work on her computer while drinking some coffee, Looker approached her to discuss something important…


    Morning Jenny,” Looker greeted her, “Got a minute?” “Sure,” Jenny replied, “What is it, Chief?” “Well, before you came in, there's been some progress with our eyewitness,” Looker said, “He revealed that two local gangs will be having negotiations later today. It is highly likely that the Punisher will be involved.” “If that's true… we may finally have a chance of catching him!” Jenny commented. “Indeed,” Looker replied, “And since this'll be a dangerous job, I think it might be a good idea to take care of things as Police Rangers. And with the Inquisitor in charge of the Police Rangers coming in later in the day, he could provide us with much needed support.” “Hmm, sounds good,” Jenny commented while drinking coffee, “I've been practicing being a Police Ranger since you gave me that device. Would be nice to use it out on the field.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Apr 15, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Meilin Lee
    I feel like I really have to get this off my chest... but honestly, I haven't really been enjoying these new Star Wars movies that have been coming out for the past four years as much as I would've liked to. I still think they're decent and worth watching. But none of them have really stuck with me emotionally as the original six movies have (these days, the MCU is what's filling the Star Wars void in my heart). To me, they feel like nothing more than fan fictions with big budgets.

    But now I hear how Episode IX is apparently supposed to tie together the entire saga and conclude it, so admittedly, I am curious. Then this trailer came out today. While it was nice to see Leia and Lando, the whole thing didn't really offer much that was different from the recent movies. But then... the cackle at the end... completely changed my mind...

    One of my favorite Star Wars characters ever... Palpatine/The Emperor/Darth Sidious/The Phantom Menace/The Senate/The Chancellor/Sheev himself is coming back! And Ian McDiarmid will be reprising his role!!! His return alone has completely hyped me up for this Star Wars movie in a way I haven't felt since 2005. While I am still cautiously optimistic, if this is what is meant by tying the entire 9 chapter saga together, then I am pleasantly intrigued! If they're bringing back Palpatine... could they also bring back Obi-Wan and Anakin/Vader? And what's this about a Skywalker rising (Is it Luke? Leia? Kylo? Anakin? Umm... Shmi?)? I've got so many questions, but I honestly can't wait for this movie!
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Apr 12, 2019 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Meilin Lee
    After much teasing by Tetsuya Nomura that a new world would be introduced in the mobile game, Kingdom Hearts Union X[cross], the latest update to the Japanese version of the game has confirmed that the new world will be based on Wreck-it Ralph, marking the first time that a new Disney world was introduced in the game. Check out a screenshot showing Game Central Station from 'Wreck-it Ralph' below:

    As of now, there is no word on when this particular story update will be available internationally.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Apr 11, 2019, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates