~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory~ "I don't believe it," Kristoff remarked at the sight of the Gokai Galleon. "What is it?" Olaf asked. "I know that ship," Kristoff replied, "It saved me along with Silver's crew from a New World Order ship in the North Sea hours before coming aboard the Lor Starcutter. Wonder if anyone from the crew might remember me…" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Calcutta, India~ Running for their lives, Amanda, Akko, and Diana turned to the nearest alley, though it was a dead end, with a brick wall blocking their way. "Uh-oh…" Amanda nervously remarked as she, Diana, and Akko turned around, noticing that the Stormtroopers and Cybermen they were running away from had arrived and cornered them… "Hands up," one of the Stormtroopers ordered the three witches as he and the other Stormtroopers and Cybermen pointed their weapons at the three. "What do we do?" Akko wondered out loud as she, Diana, and Amanda tried to think of a way to get out of this predicament. Suddenly, everyone heard a monstrous roar. "What the…?!" a Stormtrooper wondered out loud, startled by what he just heard. Suddenly, a large green muscular figure landed on the ground between the witches and the New World Order forces… The green monster, known as the Hulk, glared at the Stormtroopers and Cybermen, while Amanda happily exclaimed, "Hah, I knew I'd find the big green monster eventually!" "I can't believe it… he's actually real," Diana remarked. "But is he on our side?" Akko asked. "Open fire!" one of the Stormtroopers cried, as he and the other Stormtroopers and Cybermen began firing at the Hulk. However, their weapons weren't able to do much damage, if at all, to the Hulk, who simply roared as he used his fists to smash at Stormtroopers, squashing and killing many of them. "Does that answer your question?" Amanda asked Akko as she took out a sonic stabilizer from her pocket, "I'm gonna help him out!" Rushing towards the battle, Amanda threw her sonic stabilizer towards the Cybermen, with the sonic stabilizer weakening their Vibranium metal, and making them vulnerable to an attack. "Hey big guy!" Amanda called out to the Hulk, "You can now smash those Cybermen as well!" Hearing what Amanda told him, the Hulk shifted his attention to the Cybermen, hitting them with his fists, which ultimately destroyed them by shattering them into many pieces. Once the Hulk had killed (or severely injured) all of the New World Order forces who had been trying to apprehend the three witches, Amanda cheered as she exclaimed, "Way to go, big guy!" "So incredible," Diana commented as she and Akko approached Amanda and the Hulk. "Yeah… who, or what are you supposed to be?" Akko asked the Hulk. Panting as he looked at the three witches, the Hulk pointed at himself, and simply said, "Hulk." "Hulk, huh?" Amanda said to herself, "I gotta say, you sure taught those New World Order punks a lesson." Nodding, the Hulk replied, "Hulk no like New World Order." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Starbucks~ “You were with him when this was taken?” Matt asked the janitor he met earlier as they were having coffee at a local Starbucks, showing him a copy of the x-ray Officer Jenny provided him with. “Yeah,” the janitor replied as Foggy was chugging a cup of coffee, “That bullet tore through his head. Not many individuals survive that.” “Well, I'd like to know what you remember,” Matt told the janitor. “His name was Frank. No idea on the last name,” the janitor responded as he took a sip of his coffee, “Guy was a total vegetable. I guess that's why they decided he only needed one nurse.” “Any family or visitors?” Matt asked. “No,” the janitor replied, “I mean... aside from the suits.” “‘Suits’?” Matt asked, wondering what the janitor meant. “Yeah,” the janitor replied, “Uh, sometimes men, sometimes women. You can tell 'em 'cause they all wear the same ear pieces. That and the... black suits. Kind of like uh…” “Got any idea who these suits were?” Matt asked. “No,” the janitor replied, “Uh, but they had their run of the place and they were the ones that pushed for the, uh, the DNR.” “A ‘do not resuscitate’?” Matt asked, wondering if that’s what the janitor meant by ‘DNR’. “Yeah,” the janitor answered, “They had the paperwork. And I was there when the doctor pulled the plug.” “I... I'm confused,” Matt stammered as he and Foggy were confused after hearing that the man whose x-ray they had (and was supposedly of Frank Castle, the man they encountered three days ago) had died, “You're saying this guy died?” “Yeah, for about a minute,” the janitor replied, “Uhh... it's crazy, but they say it happens sometimes. You know, one minute, flatline, then boom. His heart starts back up again. On its own. He just didn't wanna die. Within ten minutes of being awake… he, he reaches up and grabs my scrubs, yanks me down, and says, real close ‘Take me home’. I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have done it. I should've known it'd get me fired.” “His home… do you have an address?” Matt asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Russia - The Ural Mountains: Luke’s Hut~ “Here. Drink up,” Luke told the others as they were gathered inside his hut, giving each of them a warm cup of herbal tea. “Thank you, Master Skywalker,” Lydia thanked Luke as she took a sip of her tea. “So this Xehanort boy, the one who calls himself the Descendant of Sauron, you all encountered him?” Luke questioned. “That’s right,” Maui replied. “And he’s got Stormtroopers and Cybermen by his side,” Moana added. “Hmm… so it seems Xehanort has the full backing of the New World Order, allowing him to capture Destiny Islands and Shalour City for this evil regime,” Luke commented, “I did sense a great evil approaching before the New World Order came to be. I never thought things could get this bad.” “If only there were more Keyblade Masters around the world,” Maui replied as he sighed. “If only…” Luke concurred as he nodded, “As the decades, centuries passed by… more and more Keyblade Masters didn’t feel a need to train Keyblade wielders to become Masters. So as our kind has died down, the world we inhabit is now filled with many Keyblade wielders who may or may not know of the power they possess, and without proper training, they can never be true Masters.” “Then… what can we do?” Moana asked. “Perhaps… we should ally ourselves with the Rebels,” Luke answered, “An apprentice of mine, Sunburst, actually joined a Rebel cell in South Dakota. I initially thought his decision was misguided, because I felt that this just wasn’t our fight. But the more I learn about what the New World Order does, and Xehanort’s connection to it, the more I feel now is the time to fight. And not just that. I feel it is also time to rectify the mistakes of our predecessors. I believe it is time to seek out Keyblade wielders wherever they may be, and train them to become Keyblade Masters sworn to defend the light.” Smiling Maui said, “I agree. It’s about time Keybalde wielders rose back to their former prominence.” Nodding, Luke looked at Lydia, telling her, “And Lydia… if it would be alright with you, I would be honored to continue your training. I know I cannot be the same teacher Korrina was, but I promise you I will do my best. So, what do you say?” Putting her cup of tea aside, Lydia got up and walked towards Luke, giving him a bow as she replied, “It would be an honor, Master.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sky Over Pacific Ocean - Stolen NWO Ship~ As Jyn and the rest of her group (now dubbed as 'Rogue One') were flying over the Pacific Ocean, Bodhi told the others, "We're slowly approaching the Indian Ocean." "And we'll soon be in Scarif," Ignis added. "Good," Jyn responded as she remained in her seat. "Hey, if you guys don't mind, could I put some music on till we get there," Prompto asked Bodhi and Ignis, "I can plug in my phone." "Sure. Go right ahead," Bodhi responded. "Thanks!" Prompto thanked Bodhi as he walked towards the cockpit, connected his phone, and chose a specific song to play. As Prompto walked back to his seat, the song he chose began playing in the speakers. Smiling as he listened, Noctis thought to himself, 'I knew you'd choose this song, Prompto.' As for Jyn and Cassian, the two enjoyed listening to the song, feeling the tone was sad yet hopeful at the same time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground: Jeffrey Mace's Office~ “Jeffrey, you have a call on line 1,” May told Jeffrey as she and Shining Armor entered his office. “Really not a good time,” Mace responded, as he was going through some files on potential new Rebels to recruit. “You're gonna want to take this call,” Shining Armor advised. Sighing, Jeffrey answered line 1 on his phone, putting it on speaker mode so May and Shining Armor could hear. “Hello?” Jeffrey spoke to whoever was calling. “I hope I'm not interrupting,” the voice on the phone replied, which Shining Armor and Jeffrey both recognized as the voice of Raina... “Somehow, I suspect that's the point,” Jeffrey told Raina, “What do you want, Raina?” “To meet,” Raina replied, “You Rebels and I have something to discuss. The matter is quite urgent." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ Spoiler: BGM “You’ll be missed, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Ember told Connor, “Without you, I don’t think we would’ve been able to capture that fortress.” “You give me too much credit, Ember,” Connor replied, “The success of that mission was thanks to you and your Rebels’ knowledge of the area. I know that the Rebels in China are in good hands. With you as leader, I am certain the Rebels in this part of the world will experience more victories.” “Thank you, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Ember thanked the Rebel leader, smiling as she gave Connor a small bow. Giving Ember a bow as well, Connor replied, “I hope to see you soon again. It has been an honor to visit your base.” “It’s always open for you or any Rebel seeking refuge,” Ember said as Connor nodded and walked away, “Farewell, Ratonhnhaké:ton!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~ Spoiler: Lots of Characters As Rini, along with Darien, Sammy, and Serena joined the rest of the Rebels getting ready to leave for Russia, Rini asked, “Is everyone here?” “Not exactly,” Mewtwo replied as he approached Rini, “Connor still hasn’t arrived. Once he does, we will leave.” “Alright,” Darien commented, “Shouldn’t take long.” “Oh, Mewtwo, here,” Rini told the Pokemon, handing him a piece of chocolate, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” “Chocolate?” Mewtwo wondered out loud. Nodding, Rini replied, “Yeah. It’s a day when someone can show someone else how much they appreciate and care for them. You never had someone give you chocolate on Valentine’s Day?” “N-no…” Mewtwo answered, as he smiled, “This is the first time someone has done something like this for me. T-Thank you, Rini.” “Don’t mention it, Mewtwo,” Rini responded, happy to see Mewtwo enjoying his first ever Valentine’s Day gift. “Alright, everyone, listen up,” Discord announced to all the Rebels who were gathered, “We’re still waiting on Connor to arrive. But in the meantime, I figured we could all do a fun little thing for Valentine’s Day.” Discord then snapped his fingers, and a monitor appeared above the Rebels, with the words ‘Kiss Cam’ flashing on the monitor. “It’s really simple. Any couple appearing on the kiss cam has gotta kiss,” Discord told the Rebels, “And what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than to have two individuals sharing their love with a kiss while they get embarrassed as everyone else watches them do so.” “Blech, that’s nasty,” Sammy commented in disgust. “Heh, wonder who’s gonna get picked,” Dick said to himself. “And our first couple is…” Discord announced as he pointed to the monitor above, which suddenly displayed Darien and Serena together, “Darien and Serena! Now go on and kiss you two lovebirds!” “What the?!” many of the Rebels cried, surprised that the kiss cam showed Darien and Serena together. “Those two are an item?” Luna questioned. “Not sure,” Thor replied. Seeing his sister in Discord’s kiss cam, Sammy burst out laughing, thinking to himself, ‘Oh man, Serena must be really embarrassed right now!’ As for Darien, seeing what Discord did not only caused him to feel embarrassed, but also caused him to fume as he looked at Discord while his eye twitched, angrily thinking to himself, ‘Discord… I’M GONNA KILL YOU FOR THIS!!’ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Malibu, California: Tony Stark’s Mansion - Basement / Workshop~ While Tony and Pepper were having a discussion in the basement, the two heard a ringtone sounding throughout the basement, indicating an incoming call. “Incoming call from… Aldrich Killian,” a robotic voice notified those in the basement. “Put him on the line,” Tony responded… “Tony… Happy Valentine’s Day,” Killian’s voice greeted Tony. “Hello… who is this again?” Tony asked. “You really don’t remember me? I’m Aldrich Killian! We met at Stark Tower, where I mentioned to you our first meeting back in Switzerland all those years ago,” Aldrich responded. “Sorry, doesn’t ring a bell,” Tony apologized. “Seriously?!” Killian complained. “So, anyway, Mr. Killian, how can I help you?” Tony questioned. “Erm, right… well, as you may, or may not remember, I am the CEO of Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M. for short,” Killian answered, “Prior to today, both of our companies were in the weapons manufacturing business. But, after the announcement you made earlier today, the New World Order is offering to cancel all their military contracts with Stark Industries and sign new ones with A.I.M. Now, my lawyers have been reading the contracts you had with the New World Order, and it is my understanding that, as the company taking over the contracts your company was in charge of until today, A.I.M. must pay a fee to Stark Industries in order to finali-” “Done,” Stark interrupted Killian. “I… beg your pardon?” a confused Killian asked. “The contracts. Done. Your company’s in charge now. No need to pay Stark Industries anything,” Tony replied, “Oh wait, I completely forgot… I’m no longer CEO. I actually made Miss Potts here the new CEO. So unless she thinks otherwise, I think we are good to go.” “I, uhh… no disagreement,” Pepper said, “What Tony just said.” “Huh, well, alright then,” Killian replied, “Pleasure doing business with you.” Once Killian hung up, Tony looked at Pepper, telling her, “Congratulations, Miss Potts. You’ve just made your first decision as CEO. Think you can get the hang of it?” “Huh, well… I suppose,” Pepper responded, still trying to wrap her mind on being the new CEO of Stark industries, "Might still need some more practice." “Good,” Tony said, “Oh, almost forgot, time for my daily Pilates routine.”
~Russia - The Ural Mountains~ After battling for some time, Luke and Lydia were both panting while still holding their weapons out. "Well done," Luke finally spoke as his Keyblade Armor dematerialized, revealing his face to the others… "You truly are an exceptional Keyblade wielder, Lydia," Luke continued, "You have passed my test." "Master Skywalker," Lydia responded as she gave Luke a bow, while Lucario, Moana, and Maui joined Lydia. "Lucario," Luke greeted the Pokemon, "Good to see you again, old friend." Lucario smiled in response as Luke patted him in the head. "Master Maui, it's been a while," Luke told Maui. "It certainly has been, Master," Maui replied with a bow, "Umm… this is Moana, Tui's daughter. She's training to be a Keyblade Master." "Moana, my you've grown quite a bit since the last time I was in Destiny Islands," Luke told Moana, "If Maui's teaching you, then you're in good hands." "Thank you, Master," Moana responded with a bow. "Master Skywalker… how did you know my name?" Lydia asked. "Korrina told me all about you, how she's been training you," Luke replied, "I could tell during our battle she's trained you well." Spoiler: BGM Upon remembering Korrina, tears began rolling down Lydia's face, telling Luke, "Master Skywalker… Korrina… she… she's gone. I'm so sorry." Sighing, Luke placed his hand on Lydia’s shoulder, replying, "I know. The stars told me the moment my granddaughter’s star blinked out. I wept and wept until I had no tears left to shed.” Hearing Lucario whimper, Luke told the Pokemon, “We all miss her, Lucario.” Looking at Moana and Maui, who both had a somber look on their faces, Luke said, “Come. Follow me. I think we’ve got a lot to talk about.” Nodding, the others began following Luke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ Looking around for a ship that can carry him and the rest of the Rebels volunteering to go to Scarif, Bodhi noted a certain shuttle outside the main hangar, which had been captured by Rebels from the New World Order some time ago. “That one,” Bodhi told Jyn, “It’s a New World Order design. Should make going to Scarif a lot easier.” Nodding, Jyn and the others headed straight towards the shuttle and entered it. Once everyone took their seats while Bodhi and Ignis headed to the cockpit, Jyn told everyone, “Good luck to us all.” Bodhi and Ignis then prepared to start the shuttle for takeoff, closing its ramp. “Cargo shuttle, read back, please,” a Rebel flight controller contacted the shuttle via radio, alarming Ignis and Bodhi, “What’s going on out there? That ship’s off limits. No one is suppose to be on board until further instructions.” “Yes, yes we are. A-Affirmative,” Bodhi responded to the flight controller. “That’s an impounded New World Order ship!” the flight controller exclaimed, “What’s your call sign, pilot?” “Umm…” Bodhi responded, not sure what to say. “We have to go,” Jyn told Bodhi, trying to get him to say something. “It… it’s umm…” Bodhi told the flight controller, struggling to think of what to say. “Say something. Come on,” Jyn told Bodhi, pressuring him to talk. “Rogue... Rogue One,” Bodhi told the flight controller, finally able to come up with something to say. “Rogue One?!” the flight controller questioned, “There is no Rogue One.” “Well, there is now,” Ignis remarked as he switched off the radio, disconnecting the flight controller. “Rogue One, pulling away,” Bodhi said. “Pulling away,” Ignis repeated as he and Bodhi both began piloting the shuttle, flying it towards the sky. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Hotel~ As a janitor was busy working on a vacant room in a hotel, he was approached by Murdock and Foggy, who seemed to be looking for him… “Hey there,” Matt greeted the janitor, “The hospital told me we might find you here.” “Are… are you one of them?” the janitor nervously questioned after hearing what Matt said. “Sorry, one of who?” Matt asked, confused by the janitor’s nervousness. “Please, just leave me alone,” the janitor pleaded. “I'm not gonna do anything to you,” Matt reassured the janitor, “If anything, I'd like to help you get your old job back. My name is Matt Murdock, I’m a lawyer. And this is Foggy.” “Osha!” Foggy greeted the janitor. “Sir, I need to understand why you were fired from the hospital in the first place,” Matt told the janitor, “I believe there’s a connection with a case I’m working on, and has to do with a man whose x-ray I was given.” As the janitor calmed down a bit, Matt was able to hear the janitor’s heartbeat, noting that he didn’t seem nervous anymore. “Want to discuss it over a cup of coffee?” the demon asked the janitor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility - Lab~ “The New World Order does not tolerate traitors,” Ruby announced as Stromtroopers were going through the desk and drawers of each employee in the lab. “Anyone caught in possession of contraband will be punished accordingly,” Rubeus added. “Dr. Jemma Simmons,” Bobbi called out Jemma as she approached her, looking over some details on Jemma in her tablet, “This is quite an impressive resume... top of your class, two PHDs in very advanced fields. It even says here you spent time in the field as a J.I.A. agent. Is that correct?” “Only a short time,” Jemma answered. “No,” Bobbi retorted, “You've only been employed by the New World Order for a short time. But it seems that you've been affiliated with the J.I.A. in one capacity or another for years.” “To be fair, aren't a lot of individuals associated with the New World Order ex-J.I.A. operatives?” Jemma questioned. “Who were working from within the J.I.A. long before it fell,” Bobbi clarified, “But there's no record of you being entrusted on the Order 66 protocol while the J.I.A. still existed. In fact, it seems you were an exemplary J.I.A. agent... perhaps there’s a part of you that still is, and are secretly helping out the Rebels…” Sighing as she sensed Bobbi was being very suspicious of her, Jemma responded, “My loyalties are with the New World Order.” “I'll be the judge of that,” Bobbi insisted as she opened Jemma’s drawer, not finding anything suspicious inside. “Madam... there's something you have to see,” a Stormtrooper told Bobbi, having found something in the drawer of a man working right next to Jemma. Taking out what looked like a plastic screen, the Stormtrooper showed it to Bobbi, who upon analyzing it, realized that this screen was an advanced piece of technology, meant to disguise itself as a fast food wrapper, while displaying sensitive information on the New World Order when activated. “Wait. Wait. That's... that's not mine. I… I've never seen that before in my life!” the man next to Jemma cried, insisting he wasn’t a traitor, “I don't even know what that is!” The man however was quickly knocked out by two other Stormtroopers, and was taken away while Bobbi, Ruby, and Rubeus left the lab. Jemma was feeling a sense of relief. The plastic screen that was confiscated was really hers, having removed it from her drawer and quickly putting it in the drawer next to her to avoid getting caught. At the same time though, she was feeling guilty that someone else was going to be punished because of something she did, even if he was associated with the New World Order. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Calcutta, India~ As Amanda was running, trying to avoid getting caught by the Stormtrooper chasing her, she heard something hard hit the Stormtrooper, knocking him out. Turning around, Amanda noticed the Stormtrooper seemed to have been hit by a wooden crate, lying on the ground unconscious. "You're welcome," Diana told Amanda as she and Akko approached her, seemingly confirming that she was responsible for saving Amanda… "What were you thinking?!" Diana questioned. "I was thinking that I saw Stormtroopers harassing a poor guy, and that I should help," Amanda responded, "What's the problem with that?" "The problem is that getting involved like that without backup is too risky!" Diana exclaimed, "You could've gotten all of us in danger!" "So what was I supposed to? Stand around and do nothing?!" Amanda questioned. "Uhh… I hate to interrupt you two… but we've got Stormtroopers AND Cybermen coming this way," Akko interrupted Diana and Amanda, pointing to the Stormtroopers and Cybermen headed their way… "Crap…" Amanda said after seeing the Stormtroopers and Cybermen. "Let's get out of here!" Diana cried as she, Amanda, and Akko made a run for it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ “All prepared to leave?” Connor asked Dick as he was going around the base to make sure all the Rebels accompanying him to Russia were getting ready to leave. “Yup,” Dick replied, “I’m gonna go check on Ritchie to see if he’s ready too.” “Thank you, Dick,” Connor said, “I will see you shortly.” Nodding in reply, Dick went to find Ritchie while Connor continued going around the base. “Connor!” Rini called out to Connor as she ran towards him… “Rini? What is wrong?” Connor asked as Rini stopped upon reaching him. “I just… wanted to give you this… before I forget,” Rini replied while panting as she handed Connor a piece of chocolate, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Connor. Thanks for everything you do.” “Rini…” Connor said as he looked at the piece of chocolate he was given, smiling at Rini as he patted her head, “Thank you so much. Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well, little one. I am proud to call you my friend.” Smiling back at Connor, Rini replied, “I’m glad you liked it. Anyway, I gotta go finish getting ready so we can leave.” “Very well, Rini,” Connor said, “I will see you and the others soon.” Nodding, Rini left to go back to the shack where Darien and the others were, while Connor continued checking on other Rebels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter~ During the entire battle with the S-types, Kristoff and Sven, along with Saphir, Olaf, Elsa, and Anna, were hidden in a room, waiting for the battle to end. “It’s quiet,” Kristoff remarked while holding a blaster in case an enemy stormed into the room. “Should we check it out?” Olaf questioned. “Alright, but stay close,” Kristoff replied as he opened the door, and slowly exited while followed by the others.
~Russia - The Ural Mountains~ Boss Battle: Luke Skywalker View attachment 50413 Spoiler: BGM Staring at each other for a moment, Luke and Lydia charged towards each other, swinging their Keyblades at each other while blocking incoming attacks. Once both Keyblade wielders had their weapons locked against each other, Luke jumped high in the air, floating a bit as he used his Keyblade to shoot five rays of light towards points on the ground encircling Lydia. Fire pillars suddenly appeared in the where the rays of light hit, and began homing in towards Lydia as Luke landed back in the ground while Lydia dodge rolled and tried avoiding the fire pillars. Once the fire pillars subsided, Luke summoned a bout a dozen magical blades around him, sending them flying straight towards Lydia. Lydia, however, managed to summon a Barrier around herself, protecting herself while deflecting the incoming projectiles. Once the projectiles were gone, Lydia charged towards Luke, but stopped upon noticing him summoning magical orbs with his Keyblade, sending them towards Lydia. Once again, Lydia summoned a Barrier around herself, protecting herself from the incoming orbs and deflecting them. This time however, once the last of the orbs was deflected, Lydia raised her Keyblade high, breaking the Barrier that was surrounding her, leading to a Counter Blast with an impact that caused Luke to back away a bit. Looking at Lydia, Luke charged towards her with a Sonic Blade attack, but Lydia barely managed to get out of the way with a dodge roll. Panting, Lydia quickly pointed her Keyblade at Luke, delivering a Triple Firaga attack, sending three fireballs towards him. Luke, however, was able to swiftly swing his Keyblade at the incoming fireballs, and then pointed his Keyblade at Lydia, sending light chains towards her and completely binding her. As Lydia struggled to break free of the chains she was bound to, Luke jumped high into the air, using his Keyblade to thrust three light light chains towards the ground, and pulling a chunk of the ground. Just as Lydia managed to break free of the chains she was bound to, she noticed Luke about to send the chunk of the ground he had just pulled straight towards her. Gasping, Lydia quickly ran away from the area of impact, managing to avoid getting hit by Luke’s massive attack. However as soon as Luke landed, he was hit by a powerful Thundaga attack by Lydia, catching him by surprise. Although weakened a bit by the Thundaga attack, Luke summoned a rotating wheel of lasers around him that were oscillating up and down. Trying hard to avoid getting hit by the beams of lasers, Lydia managed to jump towards Luke, swinging her Keyblade at him while Luke also used his Keyblade to block the incoming attack, with the two staring at each other as they tried to get the upper hand against the other. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ Walking in the hideout’s hangar and passing by a fleet of X-Wings, Jyn and Bodhi were still feeling disappointed by the meeting earlier, trying to think of what to do now. “You don’t look happy,” Prompto commented as Jyn and Bodhi walked past him along with Noctis and Ignis… “They prefer to surrender,” Jyn responded as she and Bodhi stopped. “And you?” Noctis questioned. “Isn’t it obvious, Noctis? She wants to fight,” Ignis remarked. “So do I,” Bodhi replied. “We all do,” Noctis concurred. Smiling, Jyn said, “I appreciate the support, guys. But… I’m not sure five of us is quite enough.” Noticing a group approaching them, Prompto asked, “How many do we need?” “What are you talking about?” Jyn questioned, not sure what exactly Prompto was asking. Ignis then pointed at the group that was approaching them, causing Jyn to turn around and see who was approaching them... “They were never going to help you,” Cassian told Jyn as he led a group of about ten Rebels, “But I will. We’d like to volunteer. Some of us... most of us... we’ve done terrible things in our lives before joining the Rebellion. We thought by helping free the world, we can redeem ourselves for our past sins. For a cause that was worth it. Without that, we’re lost. Everything we’ve done would have been for nothing. I couldn’t face myself if I gave up now. None of us could. It won’t be comfortable.” As Jyn smiled at the fact that she now had a group of Rebels willing to go to Scarif to capture the S-type superweapons’ plans, Bodhi commented, “It’ll be a bit cramped, but we’ll all fit if we find something that can fly us all.” “Okay,” Cassian replied, “Gear up. Grab anything that’s not nailed down. Go, go, go!” Nodding, Jyn and the rest of the group prepared themselves to go on a mission not approved by the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Police HQ~ Arriving to Officer Jenny’s desk along with Foggy, Matt said, “You called?” “I did,” Jenny replied as she pulled out a copy of an x-ray, “So, ever since your encounter with the Punisher, I tried looking up whatever I could find on someone named ‘Frank’ who matches the Punisher’s description. I’m still doing some research, but I was able to find this old x-ray. All I can say is… if this is him, then he’s lucky to be alive.” Showing the x-ray to Foggy, the Pokemon gasped at the sight of a bullet wound on a skull, crying, “Osha!” “What is it?” Matt asked. “The x-ray shows a skull with a bullet wound,” Jenny answered, “At first, I thought… maybe he shot himself. But at that close of a range…” “Yeah, he'd be dead already,” Matt said. “Obviously, I’ve gotta look into it a bit more,” Jenny replied, “But if this really is an x-ray of the Punisher, then I am curious what happened that lead to him getting shot like this, considering the x-ray is dated long before he made a name for himself.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility - Lab~ As Jemma and other scientists were working in a lab, they heard an alarm blaring, startling them all while noticing Rubeus and Ruby entering the lab along with Stormtroopers and Bobbi Morse, head of security in the building... “Everyone, listen up,” Rubeus ordered those in the lab, “I need each of you to step away from your desk and place your hands behind your back.” “Keep everyone off their phones and tablets,” Ruby suggested to Rubeus and Morse. “We have a mole, ladies and gentlemen, right here in our very facility,” Morse announced to those in the lab, causing Jemma’s heart to sink, worried that the New World Order may have discovered she was secretly aiding the Rebels, “Someone has been sending the Rebels messages right under our noses. I specialize in finding them. Rubeus and Ruby here... well, they make them suffer. Until that happens... no one leaves.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Calcutta, India~ A local street vendor was approached by two Stormtroopers, with one of them asking him, “Your identification, now.” “What’s wrong? I’m just trying to sell fruit,” the vendor responded. “All trade must be registered with the New World Order,” the other Stormtrooper replied, “And your vendor isn’t registered.” “But I have to support my family!” the vendor cried, “We don’t have much! This is the only way we can make money!” “Then you should’ve registered when you had a chance,” one of the Stormtroopers said as he detained the vendor as he was struggling to break free. Just then, the other Stormtrooper was hit in the head from behind with a jet of flames, killing him. “What the…?” the Stormtrooper who was detaining the vendor wondered out loud, turning around to see who did that. “Hey, over here!” Amanda yelled out from the distance… “Betcha can’t catch me!” Amanda continued as she began running away. Angered, the Stormtrooper let go of the vendor and began chasing after Amanda. Seeing the Stormtrooper run after Amanda, the vendor quickly grabbed his things and ran towards safety. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ "And you are sure this is what you want?" Connor asked Riku and Emma after informing him that they intended to stay in China and not continue on the journey with Connor. "Yeah," Emma replied. "We feel like this environment is perfect for us to continue training to become better fighters," Riku added. "Very well. I respect your decision," Connor said, "Be sure to stay safe during your time here." "Yes, sir," both Riku and Emma responded as they (along with Mimi) gave Connor a bow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Irkutsk, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~ "Galina, I am putting you in charge of the Rebels in Irkutsk while I go to Siberia," Nikolai told his daughter, "Make sure to let me know about everything you plan to do." "I will, Papa," Galina responded, nodding as she and her father shared a hug. "Stay safe," Nikolai told Galina as she let go of him, nodded at him once more, and headed towards the ramp leading outside. "She'll be fine, Nikolai," Natasha assured Nikolai as she approached him… "I know," Nikolai replied, "Perhaps I am being too worried." "Well, you are a father. It's your job," Natasha said. Smiling at Natasha, Nikolai walked inside the Millennium Falcon, calling out to Finn, "Finn… we are ready to leave!" "Perfect," Finn replied as he approached Nikolai… "I'll let Cid know," Finn added as he went straight to the cockpit, where Cid and BB-8 were waiting… "Cid… we're good to go for Siberia," Finn told Cid. "'Bout time," Cid replied as he got the Millennium Falcon ready, "Next stop… Siberia!"
~Russia - The Ural Mountains~ Holding the Keyblade Lydia brought to him, Luke observed it before looking at Lydia once more. Taking a deep breath, Luke tapped on a ring in his hand, which released a bright flash of light, causing Lydia and the others to look away. Once the light was gone, they noticed Luke was now covered in a Keyblade Armor, intending to battle Lydia… Spoiler: BGM Gasping, Lydia quickly summoned her Keyblade and got into a defensive position, ready to battle Luke. “What’s going on?” Moana questioned. “Don’t worry, he’s only testing her,” Maui responded, “All we can do is hope Lydia will prove herself worthy.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ After hearing a testimonial from both Jyn and Bodhi regarding the New World Order’s S-type superweapons and what happened in South Africa, the Rebel leaders began debating on what to do, with some of the arguments becoming heated. “The more I hear about this, the more I’m convinced that we are fighting an unwinnable war,” Kassandra exclaimed, “At this point, we might as well surrender.” “Are we really talking about disbanding something that we’ve worked so hard to create?” Jeffery Mace questioned. “We can’t give up jus’ like dat!” Lt. Surge added. “We joined an Alliance, not a suicide pact!” Bayek exclaimed. “We’ve managed ta gather our forces,” Fergus replied. “Gather our forces?” Nikolai wondered out loud, “Bogo’s already blown up a New World Order facility!” “A decision needed to be made,” Bogo responded. “If it’s a gung-ho war you want, you fight alone!” Ember exclaimed. “If this is the way things are, why have an Alliance at all?” Riad questioned. “If Jyn’s tellin’ da truth, we need ta act now!” Lt. Surge said. “Order! Order!” Connor exclaimed, trying to get the Rebel leaders to cool off. “It is simple, the New World Order has the means of mass destruction,” Kassandra said, “The Rebellion does not.” “S-Type superweapons, this is nonsense,” Bellec scoffed. “What reason would my father have to lie?” Jyn questioned, “What benefit would it bring him?” “Possibly to lure our forces into a final battle,” Okoye responded, “To destroy us once and for all.” “To risk everything, based on what?” Bayek questioned, “The testimony of a criminal? The dying words of her father, a New World Order scientist?” “Don’t forget the New World Order pilot,” Nikolai added as he looked at Bodhi. “My father gave his life so that we may have a chance to defeat this,” Jyn said. “So you’ve told us,” Okoye responded. “If the New World Order has this kind of power, what chance do we have?” Ember questioned. “What chance do we have?” Jyn repeated, “The question is ‘What choice?’ Run? Hide? Plead for mercy? Surrender? You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the entire world to an eternity of submission. The time to fight is now!” “Yes,” many of the Rebels in the background murmured. “Every moment you waste is another step closer to the ashes of Upington,” Jyn added. “What are you proposing?” Riad asked. “Send some of our best troops to Scarif in the Maldives. Send the whole Rebel fleet if we have to. We need to capture the S-type superweapon plans if there is any hope of destroying them,” Jyn answered. “You’re asking us to invade a New World Order installation based on nothing but hope?” Bogo questioned. “Rebellions are built on hope,” Jyn responded. “There is no hope!” Bellec exclaimed. “I say we fight,” Fergus said, disagreeing with Bellec. “Let us put it to a vote,” Connor announced, “All those in favor of attacking Scarif, say ‘Aye’.” “Aye,” Riad, Jeffery, Lt. Surge, and Fergus replied. “Those against an attack, say ‘Nay’,” Connor announced. “Nay,” Bogo, Kassandra, Nikolai, Pierre, Bayek, Okoye, and Ember responded. “It has been decided,” Connor said, “Four votes supporting an attack, versus seven voting against. We will not be attacking Scarif.” Noticing a disappointed look on Jyn’s face, Connor continued, “I am sorry, Jyn Erso. But without a majority support, the odds are too great, and I cannot approve such a dangerous mission. Thank you for your time.” “Ratonhnhaké:ton, I am getting ready to leave for Siberia,” Nikolai told Connor, “I will be waiting for you and your Rebels there.” “Thank you, Nikolai. I will see you there,” Connor replied as he looked back at everyone else, “Meeting adjourned.” As all of the holograms of every other Rebel leader in the world disappeared, effectively ending the meeting, Jyn headed straight towards the exit while being followed by Bodhi, not sure what to do now that the Rebel Alliance refuses to do as she requested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Police HQ~ “Well, yes, but the New World Order is providing Jim Carter to us free of charge,” Looker responded to Kiriko. "Look forward to working with you, Jim Carter," Looker told Jim Carter as he walked to his office. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility~ After being summoned to a meeting in a conference room, Simmons sat in front of a large oval-shaped table where other New World Order officials were also seated. Reading over sheets of paper each individual in the meeting was given, Simmons heard a man next to her comment, “Oh, my God.” “W-What is it?” Simmons asked him. “T-That's Grand Moff Rassilon,” the man replied, pointing to two men standing outside the conference room, discussing something before they made their way inside… Jemma recognized one of the men as Rubeus, one of the Inquisitors she worked with in San Diego. And the other man was Rassilon, one of the New World Order’s Grand Moffs. “We never get a Grand Moff into one of these meetings,” the man next to Jemma remarked. “Good day,” Rassilon greeted those in the conference room as he and Rubeus entered, “I've brought you here because I need your help.” “Our scientists recently attempted to reverse engineer the effects of an artifact using tissue samples from one of its victims in Chicago,” Rubeus added. “Unfortunately, the results were less than what we'd hoped for,” Rassilon told those in the conference room. “There were positives,” Rubeus added, “All of the test subjects who died were worthless Rebel scum that have been captured.” “Some of us are pleased with these small triumphs,” Rassilon said, “Others have loftier aspirations... passion, even. I am of the opinion that the New World Order must retrieve possession of the Obelisk, to harness its power.” Noticing Jemma in the room, Rassilon called out to her, “Dr. Simmons, is it?” “Yes,” Simmons answered. “Rubeus here tells me you have a passion for these kinds of things yourself,” Rassilon told Jemma, “In your opinion, where did our scientists go wrong?” “I-I'm not entirely sure that they did,” Jemma replied. “That's one among us,” Rassilon commented, “Please, clarify.” “Well, it... it's just we're dealing with unknown technology. The metal interacts with biology on a cellular level in a way that's impossible to replicate without a sample,” Jemma replied. “But if we were to acquire the Obelisk itself, would it then be possible to weaponize its effects?” Rassilon questioned. “I would think so, yes,” Jemma replied. “Excellent,” Rassilon commented, “I want everyone prepared when we do.” As Rassilon and Rubeus left the conference room, the man next to Jemma sighed as he told her, “He knows your name.” “Do you have any idea what this means?” Jemma asked the man, feeling troubled by what Rassilon said regarding weaponizing the effects of the Obelisk, “This could introduce a new kind of warfare, just like how chemical warfare was introduced in World War I. This could kill so many.” “Pretty awesome, huh?” the man replied. Although Jemma didn’t show it, she was disgusted by how the man reacted at what she just said. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Sure, I can make that work,” Coulson replied to Rei, “But of course, first thing’s first, we are going to need that equipment. I actually volunteered to take part in the mission, and they’re still open to any additional volunteers. Wish me luck.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ Whistling to himself as he walked around the base, Discord noticed Celestia approach him with a smile on her face… "Good morning, Discord," Celestia greeted Discord, using her magic to levitate a piece of chocolate towards Discord, "Happy Valentine's Day." "Celestia… thank you," Discord thanked Celestia as the chocolate Celestia brought him landed on his paw, "I haven't gotten Valentine's Day chocolate from you since… since…" Discord suddenly began remembering the last time Celestia gave him chocolate was when they were teenagers, after which Discord wouldn't see Celestia again for years due to joining the Crystal Order. "Yes, it has been a while," Celestia said, "But all that matters is that we're together again." Not knowing what to say, Discord smiled at Celestia, happy that he gets to spend Valentine's Day with her this year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Calcutta, India~ Walking around the streets of Calcutta, Akko and the others noted the many Stormtroopers and Cybermen in the area, as well as the grim sight of deceased bodies of possible Rebels hanging above the street placed by the New World Order. "Whatever you do, girls, try not to attract much attention," Ursula warned the others. Yawning as she continued walking with the others, Amanda noticed Stormtroopers berating a nearby street vendor. 'Huh… what's going on?' Amanda thought to herself, sneaking away from the group towards the street vendor. "Huh? Amanda?" Akko wondered out loud, noticing Amanda heading towards the street vendor. "What's she doing?" Sucy wondered out loud. "She'll get us into trouble!" Diana cried. "Diana, let's go after her," Akko told Diana, who nodded in response as the two followed Amanda. "Be careful you two!" Lotte warned as Ursula watched with a worried look in her face. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Malibu, California: Tony Stark’s Mansion - Basement / Workshop~ After making his shocking announcements at Stark Industries earlier, Tony returned to his mansion, looking over a few designs he’d been working on in his workshop before noticing Rhodey and Pepper arriving, both confused and with a lot of questions on what just happened… “Is this a joke?” Pepper questioned. “What?” Tony replied, pretending to not know what Pepper was asking about. “What were you thinking?” Rhodey questioned. “I’m thinking I’m busy. And you’re both angry... about something,” Tony replied, “Do either of you have the sniffles? I don’t want to get sick.” “Tony, did you seriously end weapons manufacturing in your own company?” Rhodey questioned as he, Pepper, and Tony were walking around the room. “Yes,” Stark answered. “But why would you do that?” Pepper questioned. “I just thought there’s too much negativity around the world these days. Figured I might have the company focus on things less… violent and destructive,” Tony replied, “I mean, it’s not illegal under the New World Order to do that, is it Rhodes?” “Technically, no,” Rhodes answered, “Still, a lot of people are gonna get pissed by this.” “Eh, story of my life,” Tony commented, brushing off Rhodey’s warning. “Still, Tony… Stark Industries is in complete disarray right now,” Pepper told Tony, “You understand that?” “No. Our stocks have never been higher,” Stark replied. “Yes, from a managerial standpoint,” Pepper retorted, “Let me give you an example.” “Let’s move onto another subject,” Tony insisted as he was hanging a nearby picture on the wall, "Now that is art." “No, no, no, no. We are not changing the subject, especially after you apparently made me CEO,” Pepper replied. “Look, it’s boring,” Tony told Pepper, “All this business talk. Boring. I’m giving you a boring alert. You do it. You run the company.” “Yeah, I’m already trying to run the company,” Pepper replied. “Well, stop trying to do it and do it,” Tony said, “I’m not asking you to try. I’m asking you to physically do it. I need you to do it. I’m trying to make you CEO. Why won’t you let me?” “Yeah, I remember that,” Pepper replied, “It’s just… Rhodey and I weren’t sure if you were just drunk when you made that announcement.” Rhodey nodded in agreement with Pepper as Tony looked at him. “Nope. Completely sober,” Tony said, “I, Tony Stark, hereby irrevocably appoint you, Pepper Potts, chairman and CEO of Stark Industries effective immediately.” As Pepper and Rhodes were both stunned to learn that Tony was actually serious about making Pepper a CEO, Tony continued, “Yeah, done deal. Okay? I’ve actually given this a fair amount of thought, believe it or not.” As one of the robots that Tony built brought a tray with a bottle of champagne and three glasses on it, Tony popped the bottle and began pouring some champagne into the three glasses as he continued, “Doing a bit of headhunting, so to speak, trying to figure out who a worthy successor would be. And then I realized it’s you. It’s always been you. I thought there’d be some issues, but actually I’m capable of appointing my successor easily. My successor being you.” Handing both Rhodey and then Pepper a glass of champagne, Tony told Pepper, “Congratulations.” “Wow Pepper, congratulations,” Rhodey commended Pepper, “I really think you’ve earned it.” “I don’t know what to think,” Pepper commented as she was at a loss of words. “Don’t think, drink,” Tony replied as he, Rhodey, and Pepper all tapped their glasses and drank.
~Russia - The Ural Mountains~ Spoiler: BGM After trekking for miles in the snowy mountain range, Moana noticed a figure in the distance, telling the others, “Look! I think that’s him!” “Luke…” Lydia said to herself as she rushed towards the figure. “Lydia! Wait!” Maui cried as he, Lucario, and Moana chased after Lydia. Nearing the figure, Lydia stopped once she was a few yards away, and was soon joined by the others not long after, all of them noticing a man wearing a gray hood looking out in the distance near the edge of the mountain he was standing in. Sensing the others behind him, the man slowly turned around, and removed his hood, revealing himself to be the famed Keyblade master, Luke Skywalker… “Master Skywalker…” Maui greeted Luke as he, Moana, and Lucario all bowed to show respect. Lydia however, slowly walked towards Luke. As Luke curiously looked at Lydia, she knelt and presented him with the Keyblade she retrieved from Shalour City. Luke’s eyes widened at the sight of the Keyblade he had bequeathed to his granddaughter Korrina, placing his hand over it while noticing Lydia’s eyes tearing up as she looked at him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base: Shuri’s Lab~ Visiting his sister, Shuri, in her lab to see what she has been designing, T’Challa greeted her, “Good morning.” “Good morning, brother,” Shuri replied as she got up after working on a computer, “I have a question about the mission in Nigeria. Will Nakia be coming?” “Yes,” T’Challa answered. “You sure it's a good idea to take your ex on a mission?” Shuri questioned her brother. “We'll be fine,” T’Challa responded, “Besides, you will be with us as well. Now, please show me what you have been working on.” “You’ll be excited by what I’ll show you, brother,” Shuri told T’Challa. Noticing a pair of shoe soles in a nearby table, T’Challa asked, “What are these?” “The real question is WHAT ARE THOSE?!” Shuri replied, pointing at T’Challa’s sandals, “Why do you have your toes out in my lab?” Chuckling, T’Challa asked, “What, you don't like my royal sandals?” “Yeah, I bet the elders loved those,” Shuri sarcastically replied as she rolled her eyes, handing T’Challa the pair of shoe soles he noticed earlier, “Try them on.” Removing his sandals and placing the shoe soles on the floor, T’Challa placed his feet on the soles, and was surprised when he noticed that running shoes materialized from the soles, covering his feet in a perfect fit. “Fully automated shoes, like the ones from the old movie Baba used to watch,” Shuri told T’Challa, “And I made them completely sound absorbent.” Stomping his foot down, T’Challa noticed that his shoe didn’t make a sound, commenting, “Interesting.” “Guess what I call them,” Shuri asked T’Challa, “‘Sneakers’.” As T’Challa looked at her blankly, Shuri continued, “Because you... never mind.” Shuri then walked T’Challa over to two mannequins, where one was wearing T’Challa’s Black Panther suit, while the other was just wearing a panther tooth necklace. “If you're going to take on the New World Order, you'll need the best the design group has to offer,” Shuri told T’Challa as she pointed to the mannequin wearing the Black Panther suit, “Exhibit A. Old tech.” “Old?” a surprised T’Challa questioned. “Functional, but old,” Shuri replied as she began teasing her brother by pretending to be him, “Eh, Stormtroopers are shooting at me... wait, let me put on my helmet…” “Enough,” T’Challa told his sister as he smirked a bit while she laughed. “Now, look at this,” Shuri told T’Challa as she pointed to the mannequin wearing only a necklace, “Do you like it?” “I do,” T’Challa replied as he nodded. Shuri then pointed the Kimoyo beads on her right wrist to T’Challa’s neck, with one of the beads flashing a light to her brother’s neck. “Just syncing the necklace to you,” Shuri told her brother as she pointed at the necklace, “Now in your mind, tell it to go on.” Looking at the mannequin with the necklace, T’Challa did as Shuri instructed him, and watched as millions of Vibranium nanites spilled from the necklace, forming a new Black Panther suit around the mannequin (like this). “Oooh!” Shuri cried in excitement as T’Challa watched, impressed with what he saw, “The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace. Strike it.” “Anywhere?” T’Challa asked, surprised by Shuri’s request. “Mhm,” Shuri replied as she nodded. Turning to the mannequin in a relaxed fighting stance, T’Challa delivered a spin kick to the mannequin, causing it to fly straight to a nearby wall. “Not that hard, genius!” Shuri scolded her brother as she went to retrieve the mannequin. “You told me to strike it,” T’Challa retorted, “You didn't say how hard.” “I invite you to my lab, and you just kick things around,” Shuri complained as she picked up the mannequin, dragging it back to the same spot where it was originally. “Well maybe you should make it a little stronger, eh?” T’Challa told his sister. However, as he examined the mannequin, T’Challa noticed that the part of the suit he kicked had Wakandan script glowing indigo (like this), commenting, “Wait a minute…” “The nanites absorb the kinetic energy and hold it in place for redistribution,” Shuri informed T’Challa. “Very nice,” T’Challa replied. “Now strike it again, in the same spot,” Shuri told her brother as she activated video recording on her Kimoyo beads. As T'Challa backed up for a kick, he noticed what Shuri was doing, looking at her suspiciously as he asked, “You are recording?” “For research purposes,” Shuri replied as she shrugged. Shifting his attention back to the mannequin, T’Challa delivered a kick to the indigo spot where he kicked last time. This time, however, energy was released from the spot where he kicked, sending T’Challa flying back across the room and crashing into a table full of Shuri's gadgets, while the mannequin remained in its position. Shuri began cracking up as T’Challa got up, ordering her, “Delete that footage!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ As Darien and the others heard a knock on the door while eating breakfast, Sammy asked, “Who could that be?” “I’ll get it,” Darien responded as he got up and walked towards the door. After opening the door, Darien didn’t see anyone outside, commenting, “Huh, that’s weird.” Once he closed the door, Darien turned around, and was startled to see Discord standing right behind him… “About time you answered,” Discord said while his arms were crossed, “I was starting to think no one was home.” “Discord?! What are you doing here?” Darien questioned, surprised by Discord’s appearance. “Well, I was in the main Rebel base in Japan earlier today,” Discord replied as he walked towards the others, “And it seems like I’m doing deliveries now.” As Discord snapped his fingers, a piece of chocolate appeared in front of Sammy. “For me?” Sammy asked. “Yes, from that girl, what was her name… oh yeah, Riley Anderson,” Discord answered, “She wishes you a happy Valentine’s Day. If you ask me, I think she’s got a crush on you.” “Wha-?! Er… no way, we’re just friends…” Sammy exclaimed as he blushed. “Aww… looks like someone’s being insecure about their feelings,” Discord teased Sammy, “Don’t feel bad kid. You’re not the only one. After all, a little birdie told me… well, it’s more like a little Mewtwo… but anyway, I was told Darien has a crush on Serena. So, Darien, you and Serena gonna do something special for Valentine’s?” “Wait… Darien has a crush on Serena?” a surprised Sammy asked. “I don’t know if it’s true or not,” Rini replied, “For some reason, Darien won’t tell me.” As his face turned red, Darien was trying hard not to fume at what Discord just revealed, telling him, “Discord… please leave.” “Fine… I can tell when I’m not welcome,” Discord replied as he slowly walked towards the door, “Oh, by the way, I highly recommend packing some warm clothes. Once Connor is done with his meeting, we’ll be travelling to Siberia over in Russia. And I can guarantee you it’s going to be very, very cold.” “Thanks for letting us know, Discord,” Rini thanked Discord, “Oh, and before I forget…” Getting up from her seat, Rini rushed to Discord, handing him a piece of chocolate, telling him, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Surprised to have been given chocolate by Rini, Discord smiled at her, patting her on the head, “Wow… I didn’t expect this at all. Thank you. Happy Valentine’s, kid.” Smiling back at Discord, Rini watched as Discord exited the shack, and went back to eating breakfast, while Darien went back to his seat as well, though he was still feeling embarrassed by what just happened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory~ “Aww, Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Anna!” Olaf replied as he and Anna shared a hug. “Elsa… thank you,” Saphir thanked Elsa as she gave him a chocolate with snowflake, holding her hand as he smiled at her, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” But before Saphir could say anything else, he and the others heard Star Dream’s voice saying something, but didn’t hear clearly due to no drone located in the area of the factory they were in. “What’s going on?” Olaf wondered out loud. “Sounds like an emergency to me,” Kristoff (who actually heard what Star Dream said) replied as he and Sven approached the group... “Alright. Field trip’s over. We gotta get back to the ship,” Kristoff added. “Alright. We’ll go,” Saphir replied while Olaf nodded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Castelia City, New York - Garage of an Abandoned Building~ Over in an abandoned building being used by Cal Zabo to run a clinic for those who don’t want to use a hospital, Cal was busy operating on a criminal, having came to Cal with his friend after getting shot. “If this bullet had struck even half an inch lower, we wouldn't be having this conversation,” Cal told the man he was operating on. “Guess today's my lucky day,” the man being operated on replied, glad that there was a place he could be treated without having to worry about the New World Order finding and killing him and his friend for violent crimes. “And Big Rick's last,” the patient’s friend told him as he reloaded his gun. “Please, gentlemen, not in here,” Cal told the patient and his friend, not wanting them to discuss whatever crimes they were committing. “Only 'cause you asked nicely,” the patient’s friend replied as he put his gun away. Just then, Cal noticed Raina entering, seeming to be troubled by something… “I realize this is unexpected,” Raina told Cal. “We come to you for discretion, doc,” the patient’s friend impatiently told Cal, “What the hell is this?” “My apologies,” Cal apologized, “This will only take a moment.” Approaching Raina, Cal questioned, “What did I say about interrupting me at my practice? These men value their privacy.” “I'm in trouble,” Raina replied. “And here I thought you were bringing me good news,” Cal sarcastically remarked. “I need the Obelisk back,” Raina said as she was breathing shakily, “Temporarily, just until I can make other arrangements.” “And what about ours?” Cal questioned, “After all these years, I thought you'd show more respect.” “Please, I beg you,” Raina pleaded. “Don't beg,” Cal ordered Raina, “It reminds me of what you were when I found you... hungry, in the streets, with just those fairy tales your grandmother told you.” “You said you'd make them come true,” Raina replied. “You said you'd bring me my girl,” Cal retorted. “And I did,” Raina insisted. “You brought me a picture and a promise,” Cal replied, “I still only have the picture.” Noticing Raina sigh, Cal asked, “Who wants the Obelisk? Who has made you this afraid, Raina?” “The New World Order,” Raina replied as her eyes teared up. “They scare you more than I do?” Cal questioned as his temper was rising, placing his hand on Raina’s neck. “No, please,” Raina pleaded, “You know they’re too powerful. They’ve got unlimited resources.” “They’re just butchers,” Cal remarked. “And what are you?!” Raina questioned. Pushing Raina to the wall, Cal yelled, “I'm a man trying to put my family back together!” “You're losing control again,” Raina warned as she was gasping for air while Cal held her neck tight, “You need me. You're barely holding it together. If you're not careful, you'll... you'll lose Skye forever.” “It doesn't matter,” Cal replied, “I'll never see her if you never bring her to me.” “I'm the only one who... who can,” Raina cried, still gasping for more air, “And I can't... breathe!” As he stared at her for a bit, Cal let go of Raina and smashed his fist at a nearby mirror, breaking it. Noticing Raina choking as she started breathing normally again, a calmer Cal told her, “The Obelisk is the only thing that will make her understand... understand me. I won't turn it over. I'm sorry.” “The New World Order will kill me,” Raina replied. “Yes. They will,” Cal said, “I suggest you go back to them and beg. Maybe they might make an exception for you.” As tears rolled down Raina’s face, she got up and headed for the exit, but not before stopping, and turning to face Cal, telling him, “I really wanted to bring you Skye.” “That's not her name,” Cal replied. Sighing, Raina exited the garage. “Hey, doc,” the patient's friend called out to Cal, clapping his hands, “Can we please finish up here? And for God's sake, man, try to keep it together.” Cal glared at the patient’s friend after hearing what he said, trying to ignore him as he went back to working on the patient. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nintendo Elementary School: Hallway~ "So, Penny's really an S-Type?" Darwin asked Gumball. "Yup," Gumball replied, "That's what she told me yesterday." "Wow, who would've thought Penny was part of a species that wasn't revealed to the world till a few months ago," Darwin commented, "So, you planning a luncheon with Penny's dad?" "Yup," Gumball responded, "Even sent Patrick directions so he doesn't have to use a GPS. Sorry I forced you, Mom, and Anais out of the house till the luncheon's over." "Oh, it's alright," Darwin said, "Mrs. Mom's gonna take me to the mall to get some new shoes." "Hey guys," Penny greeted Darwin and Gumball as she approached them while kissing Gumball on the cheek and giving him a piece of chocolate… "Happy Valentine's Day, Gumball," Penny told her boyfriend. "Awww… you shouldn't have," Gumball responded, "Happy Valentine's Day to you too. So is your dad ready for today's luncheon?" "Yeah, he said he can't wait," Penny answered, "Anyway, I'll see you in class." As Penny left, Gumball sighed as he asked Darwin, "Isn't she amazing, Darwin?" "Yeah, I suppose…" Darwin responded. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Hallway~ "Morning, Anais," Peni greeted Anais. "Hey, Peni," Anais greeted Peni back. "Still on for tonight?" Peni asked, "I'm gonna need all the help I need building that mech suit I've been talking to you about." "Yeah, I should be good," Anais replied, "Besides, my brother doesn't want anyone at home after school anyway since he's having a luncheon with his girlfriend's dad for Valentine's Day… though he's making an exception for Dad since he's gonna be slouched up in his bedroom anyway." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Police HQ~ “Oh, so you’re Jim Carter,” Looker commented after Jim Carter introduced himself, “I knew Vanitas said you’d be arriving soon, but I didn’t expect you this early. Either way, welcome to the Capital’s police headquarters, be sure to make yourself at home. I’m the police chief, Looker. This is Kiriko Shijima. And this here is Jenny.” “Heh, it’ll be funny having two Carters in headquarters now,” Officer Jenny remarked. Once Jim Carter showed the group the bouquet of flowers for Detective Carter, Jenny grabbed the bouquet, asking, “These are for… Detective Carter?” “Somebody call my name?” Detective Carter questioned as he entered the room… “Carter! These are for you,” Jenny told Detective Carter as she handed him the bouquet, “We don’t have any information on the sender. Just that the bouquet addressed to you.” Grinning as he looked at the bouquet, Detective Carter told the others, “Y’all know what this is? This is a Valentine’s Day bribe. Somebody’s tryin’ to influence me, and I think it might work ‘cause these are some fine flowers!” “Well, glad to see that you like your anonymous Valentine’s Day gift,” Looker replied as Detective Carter walked away. “Anyway, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my desk,” Officer Jenny said as she left, “Have a very important telephone call to make.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~ As Bogo and many other Rebels gathered inside a large room with a circular table in the middle, Jyn and Bodhi were getting ready to testify to the Rebel leaders of the world regarding the S-type superweapons that the New World Order had. “Hey, Jyn… good luck,” Cassian whispered to Jyn as he patted her shoulder… “Thanks,” Jyn replied as Cassian rejoined the rest of the Rebels in the room. “Alright everyone. Time to get this meeting started,” Bogo announced as he pressed a button on the table located in the middle of the room. Just then, holograms of every Rebel leader in the world appeared around the table, each communicating from their respective location… “Welcome everyone,” Bogo greeted the other Rebel leaders, “This is Bogo, reporting from Alaska.” “Kassandra, reporting from Brazil,” Kassandra introduced herself. “Nikolai Orelov, reporting from Russia,” Nikolai introduced himself. “Fergus, reporting from Scotland,” Fergus introduced himself. “Pierre Bellec, also reporting from Scotland,” Bellec introduced himself. “Bayek, reporting from Egypt,” Bayek introduced himself. “Riad Mousa al-Asaad, reporting from Syria,” Riad introduced himself. “Jeffrey Mace, reporting from Castelia City, New York,” Mace introduced himself. “Okoye, reporting from Africa,” Okoye introduced herself. “Lt. Surge, reportin’ from Japan,” Lt. Surge introduced himself. “Ember, reporting from China,” Ember introduced herself. “Ratonhnhaké:ton, also reporting from China,” Connor introduced himself. “Ratonhnhaké:ton,” all the Rebel leaders greeted Connor as they gave him a bow. “At ease,” Connor told the other Rebels, “As you all know, we are gathered in this meeting to hear from Jyn Erso and Bodhi Rook in Alaska, who will both be testifying regarding S-type superweapons that the New World Order appears to now have. We will now begin.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ “Hey there, Rei,” Coulson greeted Rei as he sat on the other side of the table in front of her with his breakfast tray, “Sorry I never got the chance to properly say hi to you ever since arriving to this base, considering you were one of my Biology students prior to… you know what. Anyway, I hear that Hiro has already went over the plan to attack that TV station with you, and how they plan to steal some equipment that’ll hopefully allow us to start doing livestreams. I was actually approached to give a speech on the livestream, but I was also told that you wanted to sing as well. So I thought it’d be best to just approach you so we can properly plan it. What do you think? Would you prefer to have me give the speech first so that it segues right into your part? Or would just rather have the song come up first?”
Updated OP with new reserves and the latest Xehanort Report from my recent post.
As promised, Square-Enix today has released a new trailer for the upcoming 'Kingdom III Re:MIND' DLC! Check it out below:
Three Days Later... ~The Current Day is now Friday, February 14, 2014 (Valentine’s Day)~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View attachment 50400 Spoiler: Xehanort Report 3 December 6, 2013 It has been said that my ancestor, Sauron, had the ability to control four types of creatures of darkness that he created himself. My analysis of some Pieces of Eden reveals that this claim is only half correct, having been exaggerated as the tale of the ancient Keyblade War was passed from generation to generation. The truth is, Sauron only created the creatures known as the Unversed and Dream Eaters, while the creatures known as the Heartless and Nobodies have existed long before Sauron was even born. The Heartless… living embodiments of the darkness within our hearts, and therefore the darkness that has been in the world since its inception. Although they originate in our hearts, they have no hearts of their own, hence their name. They instinctively hunt for hearts, and survive and reproduce by stealing them. They are formed when an individual's heart is separated from their body and the darkness in the heart takes physical shape. They act autonomously, and their attacks are able to corrupt even those with hearts of light, giving rise to new Heartless in turn. With the creation of Heartless come the Nobodies, the empty bodies and spirits left behind when someone loses their heart to the darkness, becoming autonomous creatures on their own. Nobodies have no hearts, but they retain their human memories, which serve as a reservoir from which to draw human emotion. Nobodies who possessed exceptionally strong hearts in life may retain their original physical appearance, a trait that is extremely rare with Heartless. As for the Unversed, one of the creatures Sauron created, they arise from powerful negative emotions, and when defeated, they return to the source of pure darkness from which they came, which would typically be who whoever summoned them. And finally, Dream Eaters, the other creatures that Sauron created. Dream Eaters are unique in that they are native to the world of sleep, but are able to cross over into our world. The Dream Eaters are also split into two types, Nightmares that eat good dreams and plant bad ones in their stead, and Spirits that eat only bad dreams. When Sauron first created the Dream Eaters, he created Spirits referred to as Chirithy to assist Keyblade wielders in their endeavors. Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Dream Eaters… Sauron was able to use all four to his advantage when he was alive, and I have that same ability now. While my Inquisitors and I are able to request Stormtroopers and Cybermen wherever we may go, I would like to know how useful the creatures of darkness can be in comparison. So I have provided Starlight Glimmer with the ability to control Nobodies, while also providing Alexios with the ability to control Heartless. As time passes, I will determine if I will provide more of my Inquisitors with the ability to control these creatures. They may indeed prove useful to my overall plan, just as they were to Sauron centuries ago. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~African Savannah - Xehanort’s Fortress~ Spoiler: BGM (start at 1:07) While he was seated in his throne, Master Xehanort noticed Shay Cormac approaching him with news on a visitor… “My lord,” Cormac greeted his superior, giving him a bow, “Director Krennic has arrived.” Taking a deep breath, Xehanort waved his hand, signalling to Shay that he can leave. Nodding, Shay left, while Xehanort got out of his seat, and walked towards the main hallway, where he expected to find his visitor… As he waited for Xehanort to arrive, Krennic noticed Master Xehanort finally arrive to meet him, slowly walking towards him. “Director Krennic,” Master Xehanort greeted Krennic. “Lord Xehanort,” Krennic greeted Xehanort back. “You seem unsettled,” Master Xehanort commented. “No. Just... pressed for time,” Krennic replied, “There are a great many things to attend to.” “My apologies. You do have a great many things to explain,” Xehanort told Krennic. “I’ve delivered the weapons the Supreme Leaders requested. I deserve an audience to make certain they understand their remarkable…” Krennic retorted, feeling a bit uneasy as Xehanort walked dangerously closer to him, “... potential.” “Their power to create problems has certainly been confirmed,” Master Xehanort scoffed, “A town in South Africa destroyed. A New World Order facility in South Dakota openly attacked.” “It was Grand Moff Tarkin that suggested the test,” Krennic replied. “You were not summoned here to grovel, Director Krennic,” Xehanort scoffed. “No,” Krennic said, trying to defend himself, “It’s-” “As far as the public is concerned, there are no S-type superweapons, and what happened in Upington was simply a mining disaster gone really bad,” Xehanort interrupted Krennic. “Yes, my lord,” Krennic responded. “I expect you to not rest until you can assure the Supreme Leaders that Galen Erso has not compromised the weapons in any way,” Xehanort informed Krennic. “So I’m still in command?” Krennic asked, “You’ll speak to the Supreme Leaders about-” Before Krennic could continue, Xehanort summoned his Keyblade and pointed it towards Krennic’s heart. Suddenly, Krennic began to feel an immense pain in his heart as he was surrounded by a dark aura, causing him to collapse to the ground. “I sense much darkness in your heart, Director,” Xehanort told Krennic, “Be careful not to let it consume and destroy you.” Master Xehanort then turned and walked back to his throne as Krennic no longer felt pain in his heart, wondering what Xehanort just did to him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ Spoiler: BGM “Morning everyone!” Rini greeted everyone as she returned to the shack where she, Darien, Sammy, and Serena were staying in after taking care of something outside. “Morning, Rini,” Darien replied as he was setting up breakfast on the table, “Breakfast is ready.” “Thanks, Darien!” Rini thanked Darien. “What were you doing outside so early in the morning anyway?” Sammy questioned. “Oh, they were giving out free chocolate for Valentine’s Day,” Rini answered as she took out two pieces of chocolate from her pocket, “Sammy, this is for you. And Darien, this one’s for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!” “Thanks, Rini,” Sammy thanked Rini as he was given a piece of chocolate. “Yeah, thank you, Rini. I really appreciate it,” Darien added as he patted Rini on her head. “Don’t mention it,” Rini replied, smiling as she sat down to eat breakfast, “I’m also gonna give some chocolate to Connor, Mewtwo, and Discord after breakfast.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Calcutta, India - Restaurant~ “So, why did we come here again?” Sucy questioned as she and the rest of Akko’s group were having breakfast in a small restaurant in Calcutta, India. “‘Cause I heard of a rumor about a big green monster, lurking around this city, who has been attacking New World Order forces at random times,” Amanda responded, “If there’s any truth to that rumor… then I have to find out more about this monster.” “A big green monster?” Diana, Ursula, and Lotte all wondered out loud. “Hang on… if this monster does exist… then who’s to say it won’t hurt us too?” Akko nervously asked. “Well, we won’t know till we find the monster,” Amanda replied, grinning as she took a sip of water. Meanwhile, near the group, Dr. Bruce Banner was having breakfast as well in the same restaurant… Overhearing what Akko’s group was discussing, Banner seemed to be troubled by what they were discussing. So Banner quickly finished his breakfast, leaving a few Gil on the table as a tip for the waiter, and rushed towards the exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Los Angeles, California: Stark Industries HQ - Conference Room~ As Stark Industries shareholders were gathered in a conference room in the company’s headquarters, expecting a major announcement from the company’s CEO, Tony Stark, Pepper and Rhodey were near the room’s entrance, where Rhodey asked, “Hey Pepper. Any idea what’s going on?” “Not really. All I know is that Tony said he had something important to tell the company’s shareholders,” Pepper responded as she showed Rhodey a Burger King take out bag, “And he also wanted a cheeseburger.” Eventually, Tony arrived to the conference room, catching the attention of everyone inside… “Cheeseburger,” Pepper told Tony as she handed him the take out bag. “Thank you,” Tony thanked Pepper as he took out the cheeseburger from the bag, unwrapping it and taking a quick bite as he walked towards the conference room’s podium. But instead of standing behind the podium, Stark sat right in front of it, surprising everyone else in the room. “Hey, would it be all right if everyone sat down?” Tony asked everyone as he continued eating his cheeseburger, “Why don't you just sit down? That way you can see me, and I can… a little less formal and…” As everyone else did as Stark requested and sat on the floor, wondering why he was requesting them to do so, Stark told everyone, “Good to see you. You know… I never got to say goodbye to my father. There's questions that I would have asked him. I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels.” Once he finished his cheeseburger, Tony got up and stood behind the podium as he continued, “Many lives are being lost to this war between the New World Order and the Rebels. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability. So, my eyes suddenly opened up. And I came to realize that I have more to offer to this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International.” Pepper gasped at Stark’s announcement as the shareholders in the room suddenly got up and started asking many different questions all at the same time. “Oh, by the way, I’m not finished yet,” Stark announced, “I am also officially relinquishing my role as CEO, and appointing my secretary, Miss Pepper Potts, as the new CEO of Stark Industries.” “Wait, what?!” Potts cried, completely caught off guard by Stark’s announcement, as the shareholders in the room turned towards her, and began asking her countless questions. “Miss Potts will now be the one to decide what the future of the company will be, what direction it should take,” Tony continued, “I have faith Ms. Potts will make the right decisions moving forward, decisions that I'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this planet as well. Thank you. And Happy Valentine’s Day everybody.” Tony then left the podium, and headed straight to the exit while Potts was being hammered with questions by the shareholders as Rhodey tried helping her towards the exit as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Long Island, New York~ Getting into her car in order to drive towards Castelia City after running some errands in Long Island, Raina was about to start the ignition when she suddenly noticed Stormtroopers and Cybermen surrounding her car… The first thought that came to Raina’s mind was to get out of the car fast. But before she could open the door, she noticed Xigbar standing outside her door, grinning as he knocked on the car window, wanting to talk to her… Realizing she didn’t have much of a choice, Raina lowered her car window, with Xigbar greeting her, “Hello, Raina. I'm Xigbar, an Inquisitor in the New World Order. I believe you took something from me back in Chicago.” “Oh, the Obelisk,” Raina replied, “I see what this is now. I can help you-” Before Raina could finish her sentence, Xigbar pointed one of his Arrowguns at Raina, warning her, “Raina, I'm not like most of the individuals with whom you interact. I'm not easily confused. I've been around longer than you can even imagine. I know when someone is trying to trick me, which I have to say is a really bad idea. Luckily for you, I’m a nice guy. So, how ‘bout this… next time we meet, you have the Obelisk ready to hand over to us. Once you give it to us, we’ll forget we even met, so you won’t have to worry about going to prison. Oh, and one more thing… don’t try running away, trying to avoid us, ‘cause we can find you wherever you are. Sound good?” Seeing Raina nervously nod in response to what he said, Xigbar said, “Alright then. We’ll be out of your hair for now. Hope our next meeting is a better one.” Seeing Xigbar leave with the Stormtroopers and Cybermen, Raina began breathing heavily, not sure on what to do with the ultimatum she was given. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ Spoiler: BGM “Hey, Rei,” Hiro greeted Rei as he and Baymax approached her, “I’ve been hearing how you wanted to do a livestream for Rebels around the world. Well, as it turns out, some of us in the base are planning an attack later today at a TV station in Osaka belonging to the New World Order’s Holonet News, where we also plan to steal some of the equipment there, which could come in use with making a livestream. So what do you think? Good idea?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Russia - The Ural Mountains~ “How much farther?” Moana questioned as she, Lydia, Lucario, and Maui were trekking through the snowy Ural Mountain range in Russia, intending to locate the legendary Keyblade Master and Korrina’s grandfather, Luke Skywalker. “Shouldn’t be too far,” Maui answered, “Don’t worry. We’ll be there soon.” As she kept walking, Lydia was holding on to the Keyblade she retrieved from Shalour City, while also taking out her Wayfinder, remembering when Korrina gave it to her. ‘Korrina… one day, I will make things right,’ Lydia thought to herself as she put her Wayfinder back into her pocket, continuing on her way with the others. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~ "Hyah! Hyah!" Riku cried as he was practicing with his Keyblade in an open field, feeling more comfortable using it than when it first appeared to him during the attack on the fortress. "Morning, Riku…" Emma greeted Riku as she and Mimi approached him… "Oh, morning, Emma," Riku replied as he stopped practicing, "What's up?" "Oh, it's nothing, just thought I'd come by, and… give you this," Emma said as she grabbed Riku's hand and placed some chocolate on his hand. "Happy Valentine's Day," Emma told Riku as she blushed. Looking at the chocolate that Emma handed him, Riku smiled as he replied, "Thanks Emma. Happy Valentine's Day to you too." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x2)~ “Morning, sweetie,” Katniss greeted Connor as she gave him a kiss and handed him a piece of chocolate, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” “Thank you, Katniss,” Connor replied while his face indicated that his mind seemed to be focused on something else. “What’s wrong?” Katniss asked, “Thinking about the meeting?” “That is correct,” Connor answered, “I was actually getting ready to join with Ember so we can attend the virtual meeting with all the other Rebel leaders in the world.” “Well, I won’t keep you waiting,” Katniss said, “Good luck. Let me know how it goes.” Nodding, Connor went to find Ember so they could attend an important virtual meeting being held with all the other Rebel leaders in the world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x3)~ As Shang was looking over the base, he was soon joined by Mulan… "Good morning, Shang," Mulan greeted Shang, "Is something on your mind?" "No… just feeling relieved," Shang replied. "Relieved?" Mulan asked. Nodding, Shang replied, "When Ratonhnhaké:ton brought over the Rebels from Japan, I was worried that we wouldn't be able to train them hard enough for what they were about to face. But after what happened with the fortress, I've never felt more relieved than I was when we captured it. I know it's been three days since we captured the fortress, but every day I fear what might've happened if we didn't prepare enough." "No offense, but you do worry a bit too much," Mulan said as she smiled, "I always had faith in Ratonhnhaké:ton's group, even before we trained them. Individuals can be more resilient than you give them credit for." Smiling, Shang replied, "Heh, I suppose you're right. Thank you, Mulan." As she nodded, Mulan suddenly remembered something. Taking out some chocolate from her pocket, Mulan handed it to Shang, telling him, "Almost forgot… Happy Valentine's Day." "Thanks. I really appreciate it, Mulan," Shang replied as he smiled at her. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~ Spoiler: BGM While Matt and Foggy were sitting alone in a pew, still thinking about what had happened three days ago, Yang approached the two, noticing how troubled they seemed… “Matthew,” Yang greeted Matt as he sat next to the demon. “Yang,” Matt greeted Yang back. “Still thinking about what happened that night I see,” Yang commented. “It wasn't my fault,” Matt replied. “What wasn't?” Yang asked. “The man’s death,” Matt answered, “The eyewitness who was supposed to be guaranteed protection by the police. I tried to save him.” “No one said it was your fault,” Yang told Matt. “Yeah,” Matt replied as he sighed, “There's a new man in town, he's, uh, killing others in cold blood.” “So I heard,” Yang commented, “Must have been a busy couple nights.” “And a man who I promised to protect is now dead,” Matt replied. “That work is done, Matthew,” Yang told the demon. “Because I failed,” Matt replied as he chuckled. “At least you tried,” Yang told Matt. “Well, as you would say for any soul, his life had value,” Matt replied, “A whole world's been lost and others are dying one after the other-” “Matthew, what are you looking for?” Yang asked as he interrupted Matt. “Forgiveness,” Matt answered. “For what?” Yang asked. “Uh... not doing more?” Matt replied. “You just said you did everything you could,” Yang told Matt, “If you're the man I understand you to be, I'm sure that's true.” “Then why do I still feel guilty?” Matt questioned. “Guilt can be a good thing,” Yang answered after thinking for a bit on what to say, “It's the soul's call to action. The indication that... something is wrong. The only way... to rid your heart of it... is to correct your mistakes and keep going... until amends are made. I don't know what you didn't do or what you should have done. But the guilt... the guilt… means your work is not yet finished.” “Thank you,” Matt thanked Yang as he nodded, “Foggy, let’s go.” “Osha,” Foggy replied, nodding as he followed Matt towards the cathedral’s exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x4)~ As Thor was on his way to get some breakfast, he was approached by Luna, who had something for him… "Thor," Luna greeted Thor. "Yes, Luna?" Thor replied, wondering what Luna wanted to talk about. "Just… wanted to give you this," Luna replied, blushing as she handed Thor a piece of chocolate, "Happy Valentine's Day." "Luna… thank you," Thor thanked Luna as he smiled at her, "This means a lot coming from you. Happy Valentine's Day." Luna simply smiled without saying a word happy to hear that Thor like her Valentine's Day chocolate gift. "Anyway, I was on my way to get some breakfast," Thor said, "Want to come?" "Sure," Luna replied as she nodded, following Thor to get some breakfast. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown (Again)~ Whistling to himself after getting some breakfast and taking a seat to eat, John Smith noticed Rose coming to sit by him while placing a piece of chocolate on his tray… “What’s this?” Smith asked. “Chocolate, of course,” Rose replied, “Don’t women give out chocolate during Valentine’s Day in this part of the world?” Smiling as took a bite out of the chocolate Rose gave him, John replied, “You’re not wrong. Thank you, Rose. Happy Valentine’s Day.” “Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well,” Rose said as she gave John a kiss on the cheek. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x5)~ Stretching as he was waking up, Marco yawned as he got up from his bed, but was surprised at the sight of chocolate all over his bed. "What the…?" Marco wondered out loud, wondering how all the chocolate ended up in his bed. "Gooood morning, Marco!" Star greeted Marco, surprising him as she appeared next to her bed while carrying lots of pieces of chocolate… "Uhh, Star… what are you doing?" Marco questioned. "Duh, it's Valentine's Day, you silly goose," Star replied, "Apparently, girls on Earth are supposed to give out chocolate on this day for no real reason. So, here ya go!" As Star dumped some more chocolate on Marco's bed, Marco said, "I… think there's a bit more to it than that, Star. Still, I appreciate the thought. Happy Valentine's Day, Star." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Flashback: 22 Years Ago (1992) - Apartment Building in Tokyo, Japan~ It was night. Kids were playing a game of basketball outside an apartment building. And in one of the apartments, a man from Africa named N’Jobu was planning something dangerous with his friend, James, who was of African descent and had known N’Jobu ever since he came to Japan... “Hey look, if we get in and out quick won't be no worries,” N’Jobu told James as the two were looking over a map with rifles to the side of it, “You in the van, come in through from the west, come around the corner, land right here.” As James nodded in response, N’Jobu continued, “Me and the twins pulling up right here, we leavin' this car behind, ok? We comi-” Suddenly, N’Jobu stopped as he suddenly heard a familiar sound, although James didn’t seem to hear anything, as he appeared to wonder what N’Jobu had heard. “Hide the straps,” N’Jobu ordered James. James and N’Jobu then quickly hid any weapons laying around, as well as any maps that would indicate what they were planning. As N’Jobu peered out the window, looking at the kids playing basketball several floors below, James asked, “Yo… is it the cops?” “No,” N’Jobu responded. Just then, the two heard a knock on the door. Walking over to the door and looking out of the peephole, James turned to face N’Jobu with a confused expression in his face, saying, “It's two bald Grace Jones looking chicks... they're holding spears.” “Open it,” N’Jobu ordered James, knowing exactly who was outside. “You serious?” James asked. “They won't knock again,” N’Jobu responded. Doing as he was told, James opened the door, and in came two members of the Dora Milaje, an elite group of female bodyguards and royal security of the king of Wakanda. The two women then looked at N’Jobu, with one of them asking N’Jobu in the Xhosa language, “Who are you?” “Prince N'Jobu, son of Azzuri,” N’Jobu answered, now speaking with an African accent as opposed to the accent he was faking when talking to James. “Prove to me you are one of us,” the same woman asked in the Xhosa language once more. N’Jobu then grabbed his bottom lip and flipped it, revealing a Vibranium threaded tattoo glowing blue with Wakandan script (like this). Both women then swiftly slammed their spears down in unison, making the sound of an EMP. All electronics in the room instantly died out. Moments later, the women hit the floor with their spears again, and the lights come back on, only this time, King T’Chaka of Wakanda appeared in the room, wearing his Black Panther outfit, but without a mask… “My King…” N’Jobu said in Xhosa upon seeing T’Chaka, immediately kneeling while also swatting James, urging him to do the same. Once James kneeled as well while gaping in awe, T’Chaka told James, “Leave us.” “This is James. I trust him with my life,” N’Jobu told T’Chaka, “He stays, with your permission, King T'Chaka.” “As you wish,” T’Chaka responded, “At ease.” Once N’Jobu got back up, the two members of the Dora Milaje exited the apartment, leaving King T’Chaka alone with N’Jobu and James. “Come, baby brother,” T’Chaka greeted N’Jobu in Xhosa, smiling as he shared a hug with his younger brother, “Let me see how you are holding up.” Once they finished hugging, T’Chaka looked around the apartment before turning his attention back to N’Jobu, telling him, “You look strong.” “Glory to Bast,” N’Jobu responded, “I am in good health. How is home?” T’Chaka’s mood suddenly darkened as he responded, “Not so good, baby brother. There has been an attack. The Crystal Order… they stole two tons of Vibranium from us and triggered a bomb at the border to escape. Many lives were lost. They knew where we hid the Vibranium, and how to strike. They had someone on the inside.” Seeming to be troubled by what T’Chaka had just said, N’Jobu asked, “Why are you here?” “Because I want you look me in the eyes... and tell me why you betrayed Wakanda,” T’Chaka answered. “I did no such thing,” N’Jobu retorted. Looking at James, T’Chaka told him in Xhosa, “Tell him who you are.” “Zuri, son of Badu,” James replied, revealing that his name was never James, but that he was in fact a Wakandan like N’Jobu as well named Zuri… “What?” a surprised N’Jobu wondered out loud as his face went ashen. As Zuri revealed his Vibranium lip tattoo just as N’Jobu did earlier, N’Jobu grabbed him, saying, “James... James you lied to me? I invite you into my home and you were Wakandan this whole time?” “Leave him,” T’Chaka ordered N’Jobu. “You betrayed Wakanda!” Zuri told N’Jobu. “How could you lie to me like that?!” N’Jobu questioned Zuri. “Stand down!” T’Chaka ordered N’Jobu as he came between him and Zuri, “N’Jobu… did you think that you were the only spy we sent here?” Walking towards the wall, Zuri removed a duffle bag containing a canister with some Vibranium metal inside, showing it to T’Chaka. Realizing that this was enough proof that his brother was a traitor, T’Chaka said, “Prince N'Jobu, you will return home at once, where you will face the council and inform them of your crimes.” A few minutes later, outside the apartment, the kids who were playing basketball were gazing up as they saw what appeared to be an aircraft with strange lights rising to the sky and speeding off.
~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ “Hey there, Clemont,” Dick greeted Clemont as he, Katniss Haymitch, and Connor approached Clemont in his workshop, where Sammy was assisting Clemont… “So, I hear you’ve got some news on that killer robot we brought back from the fortress,” Dick added. “I certainly do,” Clemont answered, “The robot is actually called a Terminator, a robot designed to terminate specific targets. In today’s case, it was targeting Connor. This particular Terminator’s model is T-800, though I suppose we can just refer to it as ‘Terminator’, if that’s easier.” “Have you worked on it?” Katniss asked. “I have,” Clemont replied as he turned to face Sammy, “Sammy, if you may?” Nodding, Sammy removed a piece of cloth covering something in a nearby table, revealing the T-800 Terminator to the others as it laid still on the table, currently disabled… “Pika!” Haymitch cried, alarmed upon noticing the Terminator. “Don’t be alarmed,” Clemont assured the others, “The Terminator’s currently disabled at the moment. But while I had him disabled, I went ahead and checked his programming. I took the liberty of making some modifications.” “And what are these modifications?” Connor asked. “Specifically, a new directive,” Clemont answered, “The Terminator will no longer target others. It’s only purpose now is to protect you Connor, and to also follow any instructions you give him. Watch this… Sammy, switch him on.” Nodding, Sammy switched the Terminator on with a button on the back of the Terminator’s head. Once he was switched on, the Terminator got up, looking at the others as Clemont walked towards him, asking, “Terminator… what is your directive?” “My directive is to ensure the safety and protection of Connor Kenway, also known as Ratonhnhaké:ton, from any danger. I am also to follow any instructions ordered by him,” the Terminator answered. “So, what do you think?” Clemont asked. Walking towards the robot that tried killing him earlier today, Connor observed the Terminator closely, while the Terminator himself also looked at Connor with an emotionless face. “Hmm, I do not see any danger in bringing you along now that your programming has been modified,” Connor said as he turned to face Clemont, “Thank you, Clemont. I feel the Terminator can be of valuable help to us.” “All in a day’s work,” Clemont happily replied. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland: Underground~ “Hmm, well I got nothing else to do for the rest of the night,” Serena replied to Namine, “I suppose I could model for your sketches. Could take my mind off of things. Fennekin could even provide feedback on your sketches if you’re okay with that.” “Fokka!” Serena’s Fennekin concurred. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter~ “History? What are you talking abou-” Kristoff asked before realizing what Anna was referring to. Turning his attention to Saphir, Kristoff questioned, “What did you tell them?” “I didn’t tell them anything,” Saphir answered. “Yeah, it was that guy with Mr. Bellec,” Olaf added, “I think his name was Jack something…” Sighing as he realized who Olaf was talking about, Kristoff muttered to himself, “Darn it, Jack…” Looking at Anna, Kristoff told her, “Look… I have no intention of discussing my past. Got it? Right now, it’s getting late, and I think we all need some rest right now. Saphir, let’s go.” “Alright,” Saphir replied as he looked at Elsa, smiling at her, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” As both Saphir and Sven followed Kristoff, Olaf looked at Anna and Elsa, telling them, “Well, it’s been a crazy week, but we’re finally together again.” After yawning, Olaf added, “And tired too. We should catch up tomorrow, okay?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Just a reminder, this is meant to be my final post for the current day, with the next post officially transitioning to the next day. Please make sure to wrap everything up with your characters so we can move on to the next day.
In addition to getting an announcement for a new trailer next week for the 'Kingdom Hearts III Re:MIND' DLC, fans were also provided with a message from the KH series director, Tetsuya Nomura, to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the release of 'Kingdom Hearts Union X[cross]' in Japan, where he details upcoming details for the game, while also hinting at the future of series. Check out Nomura's message below (translation courtesy of goldpanner from KHInsider):
With TGS 2019 fast approaching, Square-Enix has announced that a new trailer for this winter's 'Kingdom Hearts III Re:MIND' DLC will be released next week on September 9th! Specifically, the trailer will be available at 11:00 am EST / 8:00 am PST. We'll be sure to post the trailer the moment it becomes available. Source: Gematsu
~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ As he was walking around the base, Connor was having an immense headache. ‘What is… happening to me?’ Connor thought to himself as he placed his hand on his head while several images flashed in his mind. The images that were suddenly appearing in Connor’s mind included a group of five hooded individuals wearing masks representing different animals (image), a beautiful palace that appears to be situated on the moon (image), a clock tower that also appears to be a castle (image), and a red-haired evil witch (image). ‘These images… are they… memories?’ Connor thought to himself, ‘No, that is not possible… but why do they feel like memories?’ “Connor? Connor!” two voices cried out to Connor. “Huh?” Connor wondered out loud as his headache suddenly stopped, noticing that the voices he heard were from Katniss and Dick… “Are you alright?” Katniss asked as she, Haymitch, and Dick all had a worried look on their faces. “You weren’t looking so good a couple of seconds ago,” Dick added, “We were worried about you.” “Pikapi,” a worried Haymitch concurred. “I… It is nothing,” Connor replied, “I am sorry that I had you worried.” “You sure?” Katniss asked. Smiling, Connor nodded as he replied, “Do not worry. I am fine.” “Well, if you say so,” Dick said as he shrugged. “Anyway, is there something you wish to speak to me about?” Connor asked. “Actually, yes,” Katniss replied. “Has to do with that killer robot Clemont’s been working on,” Dick added, “Follow us.” Nodding, Connor followed Dick and Katniss as they led him to Clemont’s workshop in the base. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Scotland: Underground~ After leaving the Lor Starcutter and secretly making their way to Fergus’s town, Bellec and his group were following Fergus as he was carrying a lantern and leading them down a dark hallway to a secret underground area where other Rebels were hiding. “Luckily, the New World Order doesn’t know about this place,” Fergus told Bellec and the others as he led them, “An' as long as that's the case, you'll all be safe.” Eventually, the group reached a hideout, where many Rebels resided, some interacting with one another, and others relaxing. “Welcome ta Scotland's secret Rebel base,” Fergus told Bellec and the others, “I know it’s not much…” “It’ll do,” Bellec replied, “As long as I can get in touch with Grant in eastern France, as well as other Rebels around the world, I think staying here will suffice.” “Good,” Fergus said, “In that case, I'll leave ye ta get settled.” “Then that means Jack and I will need to get back to the ship,” Silver commented, “Stay safe, everyone.” “You too, guys,” Serena replied. “Best of luck,” Elise added. Nodding as he silently waved goodbye, Jack followed Silver while Pipsqueak followed him as well, with Fergus leading them back outside. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter~ “I’ll tell you what you’re going to do now,” Kristoff replied to Elsa as he and Sven walked towards Elsa and her group, “Seeing as how Bellec put me in charge of Saphir, as well as you and Anna, I decide what we do. And I say we stay on this ship. It's full of Rebels, so if Saphir here gets some funny idea of trying to escape, we'll be sure to catch him." "You don't have to worry about that. I accept being a prisoner of the Rebel Alliance, and I am willing to fully cooperate," Saphir told Kristoff. "Well, let's hope things stay that way," Kristoff responded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Holonet News Transmission~ “This is Malva with the only news that matters, the Holonet News,” Malva stated on the only existing news channel on Earth right now, “Let’s go live to The Capital where New World Order representative, Sean Spicer, is having a town hall meeting with local citizens about current affairs.” The transmission then cut to live footage in a hall in a building somewhere in The Capital, where citizens were seated, waiting for Sean Spicer to arrive. Eventually, the representative from the New World Order arrived with two Stormtroopers by his side, getting behind his podium and facing the crowd, ready to speak... “ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT, EVERYONE BE SEATED, SIT DOWN! SIT DOWN! SIT DOWN, ALRIGHT!” Sean Spicer ordered those in attendance with a loud angry tone to his voice, “FIRST OF ALL, I’D JUST LIKE TO ANNOUNCE THAT I’M CALM NOW. AND I WILL REMAIN CALM AS LONG AS YOU SONS OF-" Stopping before he could finish his insult, Spicer shook his head as he looked up and pointed his finger to the ceiling. “I’m not gonna do that, because that’s the old Spicey,” Spicer told everyone as he pointed to himself, “And this is the new Spicey. And I have been told that I’m also gonna cut back on the gum chewing, so I am now limiting myself to one slice a day.” Sean then took out a large roll of chewing gum, and began opening it as he said, “So I’m gonna enjoy my one and only, and you can just sit and watch.” Once he took out the large roll of chewing gum, Spicer took a big bite of it, and began chewing. Eventually, Spicer then took out the large piece of chewing gum and stuck it to the podium, as he told the chewing gum, “I’ll get back to you later.” Shifting his attention to those in attendance while taking out a piece of paper to read, Spicer said, “Now… I’d like to begin with the Supreme Leaders’ schedule. Tomorrow at 3pm local time, Supreme Leaders Al Mualim and Harold Saxon are going to meet with the local commander of New World Order forces in MONGOLIA, Admiral… oh boy…” Spicer suddenly stopped as he realized he was having trouble trying to pronounce the name of the admiral listed on the sheet of paper he was reading from. “Almad… Alzmabek… Attamabakeyek,” Spicer said after attempting to pronounce the admiral’s name, “Okay? To discuss the defeat of Rebel forces in Kahaga… Kahagastan.” After attempting to pronounce the name of the region in Mongolia listed on paper, Spicer continued, “Specifically in, oh God… Attabadda… Attabaddawadda… Attawaddabaddahanaabag.” Shrugging after struggling to name the city listed on the paper he was reading, Spicer continued, “And they will be joined by the admiral’s wife, uh...” Spicer stopped reading and shook his head as he realized trying to pronounce the name listed on paper was going to be impossible for him, saying, “I’m just gonna pass on that one. You know what? Let’s just call her Connie. Alright? Okay… did that… now I’m gonna open it up for questions, and I’m gonna probably FREAK IF YOU START ASKING STUPID ONES. SPEAKING OF FREAKS AND STUPID ONES… GLENN, STUPID HAT, GO.” After Spicer picked Glenn, a familiar face at these town hall meetings (and someone who constantly gets on Sean Spicer’s nerves) to ask a question, Glenn asked, “Look, I just wanted to know what the New World Order plans to do now that Shalour City’s been retaken. Is it time to offer the Rebels a chance to surrender so we can finally have peace?” Exhaling sharply, Spicer took a deep breath and pointed to the ceiling while looking up, trying hard to stay calm as he said, “YOU’RE TESTING ME, BIG GUY!” Shifting his attention back to Glenn, Spicer answered, “UH, LOOK, IT’S SIMPLE. NO, WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS! IF THE REBELS WANNA TALK, THEN THE NEW WORLD ORDER WILL SEE THEM IN COURT, SPECIFICALLY, ‘THE PEOPLE’S COURT’!” “That show isn’t real,” Glenn commented. “DURR… THAT SHOW ISN’T REAL!” Spicer mockingly imitated Glenn, “OH YEAH, UGH… I’M GLENN AND I’M NOT REALLY…” Shaking his head after he stopped mocking Glenn, Spicer yelled, “IT IS REAL, GLENN! IT SAYS THAT RIGHT BEFORE EACH CASE, GLENN! IT SAYS, ‘THE CASES ARE REAL, THE RULINGS ARE FINAL’! God… don’t eff with me Glenn. NEXT QUESTION, THIS TURKEY!” A man in the crowd who was just referred to as a ‘turkey’ by Spicer asked, “Uh, going back to the topic of Shalour City… what will be done to make sure Rebels don’t re-enter the area?” “UHH, IT’S EASY… IT’S CALLED EXTREME VETTING. EXTREME VETTING,” Spicer answered. “Uhh… but what does that mean, ‘extreme vetting’?” a woman asked. “WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! HA… IT MEANS IT’S ‘EXTREME’!” Spicer answered, seemingly surprised that no one is understanding what he’s saying, “OKAY, YOU KNOW WHAT?! SPICY’S GONNA EXPLAIN IT SO YOU DUMB BABIES CAN UNDERSTAND IT! SO I GUESS I CAN’T USE MY BIG WORDS! I’M GONNA HAVE TO USE MY DOLLIES!” Spicer then took out two boxes from under the podium, placing them right next to him where the crowd could see them. “ALRIGHT? READY FOR DOLLIES?” Spicer loudly asked the crowd, “YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT’S GOING ON? HERE’S HOW IT’S GONNA GO DOWN. YOU’VE GOT YOUR STORMTROOPER RIGHT HERE.” Spicer took out a Stormtrooper action figure from one of the boxes as he continued, “OKAY? AND FIRST, YOU GOT BARBIE COMING IN TO SHALOUR CITY.” Spicer then took out a Barbie doll from the other box, showing it to the crowd with the Stormtrooper action figure as he continued, “NICE GIRL… A MODEL CITIZEN OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER, BACK FROM A DREAM VACATION. WE KNOW SHE’S OKAY! SO SHE GETS IN!” Upon throwing the Barbie doll back into the box, Spicer continued, “EASY. WE UNDERSTAND, THEY’RE PERFECT. NOW WHO’S UP NEXT?” Reaching into one of the boxes, Spicer took out a MMPR Pink Ranger action figure as he said, “Uh-oh… UH-OH… IT’S A POWER RANGER.” Showing both the Stormtrooper and Pink Ranger action figures to the crowd, Spicer began roleplaying as the Stromtrooper talking to the Pink Ranger, saying, “WOAH… WOAH… SLOW YOUR ROLL HONEY!” Spicer then had the Stormtrooper action figure appear to be patting down the Pink Ranger as he said, “AND THEN WE’RE GONNA PAT HER DOWN. AND THEN WE’RE GONNA READ HER EMAILS. AND IF WE DON’T LIKE WHAT WE READ, WHICH WE WON’T... BOOM!” Spicer then had the Stormtrooper action figure point a blaster at the Pink Ranger action figure, pretending to shoot her, and then detached the Pink Ranger action figure’s head to illustrate the point that she would be killed on sight. Spicer then threw the Pink Ranger and Stormtrooper action figures back into a box as he said, “EXECUTED ON SIGHT!” Walking back to the podium, Spicer yelled, “ALRIGHT, LET’S GO! NEXT QUESTION! YES?” “Yes, earlier this week, you said there was a Rebel attack in Atlanta, even though there were no reports of anything happening there,” a woman from the crowd told Spicer. “AH, PFFT… UH, YEAH, I SAID THAT WRONG WHEN I SAID IT, AND… THEN YOU TALKED ABOUT IT WITH OTHERS! WHICH MAKES YOU WRONG! BECAUSE WHEN I SAY SOMETHING WRONG, YOU GUYS SHOULD KNOW WHAT IT IS I AM MEANING! WRONG OR RIGHT! YOU’RE WRONG! AND THAT’S WHY YOU’RE HERE!” Spicer replied, “OBVIOUSLY, I MEANT… ORLANDTA!” “Uh, you mean Orlando?” the same woman asked. “You know what, you stupid…” Spicer angrily said as he grabbed the large piece of gum he stuck to the podium, and threw it at the woman who was asking him a question. “OKAY? LOOK, THE PROBLEM IS ALL THESE TERRORIST INSTANCES AND INCIDENTS THAT REBELS ARE BEHIND THAT YOU’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT!” Spicer angrily yelled as he took out a piece of paper, showing it to the crowd, “OKAY? I HAVE A WHOLE LIST HERE OF THINGS THAT ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS NEVER EVEN TALK ABOUT. NEVER DISCUSSED THEM ONCE! LET’S READ FROM THE LIST, OKAY? AN ATTACK ON A RESEARCH FACILITY OUTSIDE OF SIOUX FALLS TODAY! OKAY? ALSO, AN ATTACK ON THE LOCAL NEW WORLD ORDER FACILITY IN IRKUTSK, RUSSIA! AND AN INCIDENT AT THE SAN DIEGO HARBOR! OKAY?! WE NEED INDIVIDUALS WHO WILL BRING BACK LAW AND ORDER, BECAUSE PLACES LIKE CHICAGO, FOR EXAMPLE… THEIR REBEL ATTACK RATE THERE IS OVER 80%. 80% OF THE PEOPLE IN CHICAGO HAVE BEEN MURDERED AND NOW DEAD! AND THAT’S ON YOU! YOU DID THAT!” “Yeah, okay… you know what? I’m looking at the real numbers here,” one woman in the crowd said as she was searching statistics regarding Chicago on her phone, “And they directly contradict everything that you-” Sean Spicer suddenly interrupted the woman by propelling air towards her with a leaf blower, pointing it at her face and at her skirt, briefly revealing the woman’s underwear as a result. “YOU LIKE THAT?! YOU LIKE THAT?!” Sean Spicer yelled at the woman as he returned back to his podium and threw the leaf blower to the side, facing the crowd once more, “YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WAS?! THAT WAS ME BLOWING AWAY HER DISHONESTY! ALRIGHT, ANY OTHER QUESTIONS?!” “Yeah, uh… just mentally though… are you okay?” a man in the crowd asked. “Are you kidding me?” Sean angrily questioned as he pressed on a button on his podium, allowing him to drive his podium. Sean then began driving his podium straight towards the man who asked the question as he yelled, “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING ME THAT QUESTION?!” As the man Spicer was charging towards quickly got out of the way, Spicer began driving his podium towards all the other people in the crowd, causing them to run around and panic while Spicer yelled, “YOU BETTER RUN! YOU BETTER RUN, ALL OF YOU! YOU BETTER RUN! YOU… YOU DON’T HAVE A CHANCE! SPICEY… SPICEY’S COMING!”
~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ “Perhaps… that is why I feel that particular way,” Connor commented. “How you feel what?” Rini asked. “I told Darien earlier today that I always feel like he and Serena were meant for each other whenever I see them together,” Connor replied as he took a sip of his tea, “Maybe that has something to do with why I keep trying to remember something when I see them.” “Connor… you really had to bring that up again?” Darien questioned as he blushed. Laughing in response, Connor took another sip of his tea. But as he drank his tea, Connor’s vision began to cloud. ‘What…?’ Connor thought to himself, wondering what was happening to his vision. But as Connor looked at Serena and Darien, he noticed their appearance change a bit, with Serena appearing to look like a beautiful princess wearing a white dress while Darien looked like a regal prince wearing a black suit and cape (like this). Connor had a major sense of familiarity upon seeing Darien and Serena like this, feeling as though he had met them while they were like that. But with this sense of familiarity came a feeling of pain and sadness, something Connor couldn’t understand why he was feeling, causing him to gasp and drop his teacup as tears rolled down his eyes. “Connor? Are you okay?” Rini asked. “Huh… what?” Connor replied as he snapped out of it, shaking his head and blinking his eyes, noticing his vision returned to normal, and was able to see Serena and Darien as they were. “Did something happen?” Darien asked as he got up, wanting to check on Connor. “I… I am not sure,” Connor replied as he got up, wondering what had just happened to him. “Are you… crying?” Rini asked. “What?” Connor replied as he felt his face, noticing that there were indeed tears on his face, “I… I think I have to go. Good night, friends.” “Umm, yeah, good night,” Darien responded as Connor left in a hurry. “Is he gonna be okay?” Rini asked as she picked up the teacup that Connor dropped. “I hope so Rini,” Darien replied as he sat back down, looking at Serena, “What do you think might’ve happened to him just now?” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter~ Feeling the Lor Starcutter land somewhere as Star Dream asked those onboard to go to Communications, Bellec said, “Hmm, it seems that the ship has landed near Fergus’s town. I suppose we should be getting off.” “But what about this meeting over in Communications?” Jack asked. “I’m afraid we are going to have to skip it. I’m sure it has nothing to do with us,” Bellec replied, “The important thing is that my group has arrived at our destination.” “Okay, so I guess I’ll be joining you, sir?” Kristoff asked Bellec. “Actually, Kristoff, I believe I have a mission for you,” Bellec replied. “Uh, sure thing, sir,” Kristoff said, “What is it?” "Now that Saphir is a prisoner of ours, I need you to accompany him, along with Elsa and Anna at all times wherever they go," Bellec told Kristoff. "Wait, what?!" Kristoff exclaimed, not liking the thought of having to escort Anna after what she did to him, "Sir, please, with all due respect, I request a different assignment." "Request denied," Bellec told Kristoff, "You told me yourself that you wanted to continue helping the Rebellion. Well, now this is your chance. You should be thanking me. I doubt we'll be seeing much action in Scotland. This is your chance to get back to doing something after what happened in Arendelle. You understand?" Sighing, Kristoff replied, "Yes, sir… understood. Let me just go get Sven." Nodding as Kristoff left, Bellec told Jack, "Well, Sparrow… I guess we should be getting off this ship." "Right behind you,” Jack responded. But before he left with Bellec, Jack whispered to Anna, “Just a word of advice… don’t take Kristoff’s words too personally. Poor lad lost his entire family of trolls to the New World Order. Same with all of his Rebel friends in Arendelle. He’s been through a lot. But, that’s all I have to say. Take care.” As Jack left with Bellec, he looked up as he spoke to Star Dream, saying, “Oi, Voice… Silver and I will need to be transported back to the coast where Silver’s boat is once we’re done in this town.” “So, do we go to Communications?” Olaf asked.
YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!! It's about time the adorable teenage Muslim superhero gets a live-action adaptation. I have been waiting so long for Ms. Marvel to make her debut in the MCU.
~Lor Starcutter: Room Near Communications~ “Oww!” Kristoff cried after getting hit by Anna, letting go of Saphir. "You alright, mate?" Jack asked Kristoff. "Yeah, don't worry about me. I've got a thick skull. Nothing can break it," Kristoff replied. “Saphir!” Olaf cried as he rushed to his friend, “You okay?” “Y-Yeah, I’m fine, Olaf,” Saphir responded as he slowly got up. “Hey, that hurt!” Kristoff complained to Anna, “A simple ‘No, please don’t hurt him’ would’ve been preferable than hitting me." “That’s enough you two,” Bellec told Anna and Kristoff, “Anyway, it looks like Saphir will remain alive, under the close watch of the Rebels.” “Well, that’s good, I suppose,” Olaf commented. As for Saphir, he looked at Elsa, noticing she had blushed after hearing what he said. “Elsa, I…” Saphir said as he approached her, completely at a loss for words. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ "Mmm, the tea's good," Rini said as she took a sip. "It sure is," Darien concurred, "But be careful Rini. It's hot. Drink it slowly." "Alright," Rini responded. Meanwhile, as Connor was drinking his tea, he was staring at Serena and Darien, even though he wasn't sure why he felt like doing that. "Uh, Connor… you okay?" Darien asked, "Is there something on our faces?" "Huh?" Connor replied as he snapped out of it, coming back to his senses as he shook his head, "I am sorry. My apologies for that." "What's wrong, Connor?" Rini asked. "I am not sure," Connor answered, "It is strange, but when I look at Darien and Serena together, I get the feeling that I am forgetting something important, and that I am trying to remember." "Really?" Darien asked, "So, you feel it too…” “What was that?” Connor asked, not hearing the last par of what Darien said. “Oh, nothing,” Darien responded, taking a sip of his tea. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~ "Well, don't forget, she is an old lady. Not sure she's capable of fighting back, given her old age," Ritchie replied to Rey, "And besides, she's been searched thoroughly. No tracking devices or anything like that on her. The worst we can expect is having the New World Order trying to attack and take back that fortress we took over. But from what I've heard, the fortress's defenses should be enough to repel against any New World Order attack. So, there's really no reason to worry about anything."
~Lor Starcutter~ “Umm…” Serena replied to Hermione as she shrugged while scratching her head, “I don’t think I’m the right person to ask that question. I may support Riders, but I am by no means an expert. Sorry…” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter (Again)~ “As a matter of fact, yes,” Jack responded to Elsa, “Follow me, please.” Eventually, Jack led Anna, Elsa, and Olaf to a room near communications, where Bellec and Kristoff were waiting along with Saphir… “Elsa! Anna! You’re alright!” Saphir happily cried at the sight of the two sisters. “Stay down!” Kristoff ordered Saphir, forcefully dragging him to his knees on the ground. “Ah, Elsa and Anna, the famous sisters from Arendelle,” Bellec greeted the two sisters, “I am Pierre Bellec, leader of the French-wing of the Rebel Alliance. I believe you two are already acquainted with Saphir here. Anyway, a short while ago, we have been questioning Saphir, and he claims that you two are not loyal to the New World Order. After much thought, I believe he is telling the truth about you two, so I will not treat you two as enemies.” “Even though I disagree with that assessment,” Kristoff commented. “Oh, and this here is Kristoff,” Bellec continued, “Like the two of you, he too is from Arendelle. Don’t take this personal, but he doesn’t exactly trust you two despite what I said. Anyway, while I trust you, I am at a loss at what to do with Saphir. His presence wouldn’t be much of a danger to the Rebels, if at all. But should we keep him as a prisoner, or should we just finish him off?” Kristoff then grabbed Saphir’s hair, holding him tight as he took out a pocket knife and positioned it under Saphir’s neck. As Olaf gasped while he watched his friend struggling to break free of Kristoff’s hold, crying, “Please, don’t hurt him!” “Well, snowman, that all depends on Anna and Elsa,” Bellec responded, “Because I am letting them decide what happens to Saphir. They can either let him live and remain a prisoner, or let him die by having Kristoff slit his throat. Their choice.” “Elsa! I just… wanted to say… I love you!” Saphir cried as Kristoff continued holding him tight, not knowing if he would ever get another chance to tell Elsa how he truly felt. “Well… that certainly makes things interesting,” Jack commented after hearing what Saphir said. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ Spoiler: BGM After setting up a campfire outside their shack, Darien sat next to it as he commented, “Now this is a great way to spend the night.” “Yeah,” Rini concurred as she too sat next to the fire, “I wish we had some marshmallows. I’d really love to make s’mores right now.” “Maybe when this is all over, we can go camping and make some,” Darien suggested. “I’d like that,” Rini replied. “I hope I am not interrupting,” Connor said as he approached the group while carrying a tray with cups of hot tea… “Do you mind if I joined you?” Connor asked. “Not at all,” Darien replied as he and Rini both shook their heads, “Please, join us.” Happily nodding, Connor took a seat next to the fire as he said, “They are handing out cups of hot green tea to celebrate our victory at the fortress today. I got one for each of us.” “Thanks, Connor!” Darien thanked Connor as the Rebel leader handed a cup to Darien, Serena, and Rini. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~ "Hey, Rey," Ritchie greeted Rey as he approached her while carrying two warm cups of tea while Sparky was relaxing on his shoulder, "Thought you might want some tea. They're handing them out for anyone who wants some. You okay? Is something bothering you?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x2)~ As Riku continued practicing with his Keyblade, he was approached by Emma and Mimi… “Hey, Riku,” Emma greeted Riku. “Hey,” Riku responded as he stopped practicing with his Keyblade, “What’s up?” “Oh nothing, just thought I’d check up on you after what happened at the fortress,” Emma said, “Seems like you’re getting used to your new weapon.” “Yeah,” Riku replied as he looked at his Keyblade, “Still don’t know why it appeared to me all of a sudden. I still think I need more time to properly wield it though.” “Right…” Emma said, “Listen, Riku, I was thinking, and… I’ve decided to stay here in China. I won’t be continuing on the journey around the world. I need to be a better fighter, and I feel like practicing with Shao Jun and Shang can make me the fighter I wanna be.” “Nyapa,” Mimi concurred, nodding. “You know, I was thinking of the same thing,” Riku said, “Especially now that I have this Keyblade. I definitely need more training, and I feel that the environment here is perfect.” “So, guess we’ll be staying?” Emma asked. Nodding, Riku replied, “Yeah, we’re staying.” “Well, hope our continued training here is worth it,” Emma commented. “I hope so too,” Riku agreed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x3)~ “Gotta say, you really did a number on those Stormtroopers with your hammer, Thor,” Discord commended Thor as they, along with Star, Marco, Celestia, and Luna were having tea together. “Yes, and Star’s pancake and syrup spell was certainly a unique way to stick it to those Stormtroopers… no pun intended,” Thor replied. “Oh, but we couldn’t have done all that without Discord helping out by summoning a portal on the Stormtroopers,” Star added. And as Thor, Discord, and Star continued commending each other, Marco, Celestia, and Luna simply watched the three silently while sweatdropping, not knowing what to say to contribute to their discussion. “Either one of you feel awkward?” Marco asked Celestia and Luna. “Well, yes, but I think it’s sweet those three became such good friends all thanks to today’s mission,” Celestia replied. “My thoughts exactly,” Luna added. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital: Minato District - Park~ “Penny? Penny?” Gumball called out to Penny as he walked around the dark park, trying to look for her. Eventually, Gumball spotted Penny (currently in a wolf form) looking at the sky… Noticing Gumball walking towards him, Penny quickly looked away. “You know... I… I was trying to protect you back there,” Gumball told Penny. “Yes, I know,” Penny responded. “And you know why?” Gumball asked. “Yes, I know why,” Penny answered, “But just look at me, I’m ugly. What will you think when others laugh at us?” “No offense, but you kiiinda looked like a big coconut with holes in it before,” Gumball said. “But do you really think you could love... THIS?!?” Penny questioned as she bared her teeth and growled at Gumball. “That's not what you are, it's just how you feel,” Gumball responded, “And this is how I feel…” Grabbing Penny, Gumball gave her a kiss on the lips, with Penny’s eyes widening in surprise. As they kissed, Penny began shape-shifting into all the other forms she previously shape-shifted to before reverting back to her original S-type form (like this). Once the two were done, Gumball and Penny stared at each other affectionately. Meanwhile, a couple of yards away, both Patrick Fitzgerald and Gumball’s family were watching, happy for the two lovebirds… “That is so beautiful!” Richard cried with tears of happiness in his eyes as he carried Nicole (who was still limp from getting hot with a dart earlier), “Only it didn’t have to have a sad ending like in their play!” “Yeah, I kinda think we all got that, Dad,” Anais told her father.
~Targoviste, Romania~ Fuming after Diend and the others got away, Bellatrix turned to one of the Stormtroopers, pointing her wand at him as she yelled, “Avada Kedavra!” As the Inquisitor killed one of her own Stormtroopers, the others looked at her in fear, hoping she doesn’t kill either of them as well. “This... is what happens when you fail me,” Bellatrix told the others, “I have been too forgiving to failure. But from now on, anyone under my command who fails will be punished accordingly. Do I make myself clear?” “Y-yes, ma’am,” the others all replied nervously. “Good,” Bellatrix said, “Now search the city! I don’t know if they’re still around, but if they are, kill them on sight.” Everyone else nodded as the Stormtroopers dispersed while Attila and Hun summoned Steelix and Muk back into their Pokeballs before running off as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~ Spoiler: BGM As the Rebels returned from the fortress they captured, Riku walked towards an open field, summoning his Keyblade, wondering why it appeared to him all of a sudden, why he was able to wield such a weapon, and whether there were other Keyblade wielders as Madame Gao seemed to hint. Shaking his head, Riku figured that these questions of his will have to be answered some other time, and began swinging his Keyblade around, figuring that now that he had his own weapon, he’d have to train himself to use it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~ Returning to their shack along with Serena, Darien and Rini felt a sense of relief that they were able to make it back after the tough battle earlier today. “The stars look beautiful,” Rini commented as she looked up at the night sky. “Yeah, they sure do,” Darien concurred as he looked up to the sky as well, “Let me set up a campfire.” “Okay,” Rini said. Pretty soon, the group noticed Sammy arrive to the scene… “Hey,” Sammy greeted Rini, Darien, and Serena, “Heard the Rebels were able to kick some New World Order butt. Were you part of the attack, Darien?” “Yup,” Darien replied. “Me and Serena had to stay here the whole time waiting for him to get back,” Rini added, lying to keep her and Serena’s secrets that they’re Sailor Scouts hidden from Sammy. “Right. Well, great job anyway,” Sammy told Darien, “Glad those New World Order losers got what they deserved. Anyway, I just came by to say I’m gonna be working with Clemont for the rest of the night. He taught me how to fix a generator. Now he wants me to help out taking apart a killer robot that tried to kill Connor during the battle today. Later.” “Yeah, good luck with that,” Darien replied as Sammy left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x2)~ “We’ve dispatched a number of Rebels to the fortress,” Ember reported to Connor after they returned to the base, “No doubt the New World Order will attack in order to reclaim it. Thankfully, the weapons there should be enough to repel against any New World Order attack.” “Good work, Ember,” Connor commended Ember, “For now, let us rest and celebrate. It has been a long day.” “I agree, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Ember concurred, “Might I suggest a warm cup of green tea? After an exhausting day like today, some tea can certainly relax an individual, ensuring they get a nice, peaceful sleep. We’ll be handing some out later in case you wanted some.” “Thank you, Ember,” Connor thanked Ember, “I think we all need something like that tonight.” Nodding, Ember left as Connor watched Rebels in the base returning to the places where they’d be staying. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x3)~ “Alright, get in,” Yao ordered Madame Gao, pushing her inside an empty shack, “Hope ya like solitary confinement, ‘cause you’re gonna be staying here for a long time.” “Heh, serves you right, you old hag!” Ling added as he and Yao laughed, closing the door to the shack and locking it tight. Looking around at what was now her prison, Madame Gao sighed as she took a seat on the nearby bed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital: Minato District~ As Gumball ran after Penny to a nearby park, a pest control van arrived to the scene and came to a complete stop, with the man driving the van carrying a dart gun as he opened his van window, and leaned out of the window as he said, “Pest control! Anyone seen an ugly cow on steroids?” Noticing Penny currently taking the form of a hairy creature, the pest control guy shrugged and said, “Eh, close enough.” As the pest control guy loaded his dart gun and aimed at Penny, Patrick Fitzgerald drove his car and rammed it into the pest control van, making the pest control guy miss his shot… Penny continued on her way into the park, while Patrick leaned out of his car window, telling Gumball, “Hey, kid! Go get her.” Happy to see Patrick finally come to his senses in regards to his daughter, Gumball nodded as he followed Penny. As the airbag in Patrick’s car deployed, completely covering Patrick’s face, the pest control guy got out of his van and loaded his dart gun once more to aim at Penny. However, the rest of Gumball’s family arrived to the scene on a car, blocking the pest control guy’s aim… “Stop! I command you to stop!” Nicole ordered the pest control guy as she stepped out of the driver’s seat, holding out her hand. However, the pest control guy accidentally shot a dart that hit Nicole’s hand, causing the right side of her body to become limp. “Oh, creepers! I am so sorry, madam!” the pest control guy apologized to Nicole after realizing what he did. “How dare you! You shot me!” Nicole scolded the pest control guy while slurring, turning to face Anais and Darwin, “Kids, help me teach this guy a lesson.” Nodding, both Anais and Darwin grabbed Nicole’s right arm and leg, stretching them all the way to the pest control guy, and using them to repeatedly slap him. Meanwhile, Richard stepped out of the car, and yelled to Gumball, “That's it, Gumball! Go save your love!” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~African Savannah - Xehanort’s Fortress~ “A Keyblade, you say?” Master Xehanort asked as Starlight Glimmer was reporting to him what happened in South Dakota. “Correct,” Starlight replied, “And the pony wielding it seemed very familiar to me… I can’t seem to think why.” “Hmm, this is all very interesting,” Xehanort said, “Either way, that pony and the other Rebels accompanying him indicates that there must be a Rebel presence in Sioux Falls.” “I’ll gladly volunteer to root them out, Master Xehanort,” Starlight Glimmer replied, giving the Grand Inquisitor a bow. “Very well. You may proceed, Starlight Glimmer,” Xehanort said, “The Nobodies will continue to assist you with your mission.” Nodding, Starlight Glimmer left the area, while Xehanort thought to himself, ‘Another Keyblade wielder… he may be a Rebel, but if we are careful with how we deal with him, he could become a new vessel…’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter: Main Room~ “A Rider? That’s so cool,” Serena said in awe after hearing what Hermione told her, “I’m so glad there are still some of you left considering what happened with the Great Purge. We had some Riders in France too. But, once the New World Order came along, they were killed off, with their bodies hung across Lumiose City to instill fear in us. ‘Horrific’ doesn’t even begin to describe the sight of seeing their bodies.” “Fokka,” Serena’s Fennekin concurred, nodding. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter: Main Room (Again)~ “Ah, there you are,” Jack greeted Elsa and Anna, “Allow me introduce myself. My name is Jack Sparrow of the Rebel Alliance. If you wouldn’t mind, Pierre Bellec, the highest ranking Rebel on this ship, would like to speak to you regarding certain matters. Please, follow me.” Meanwhile, as he was walking around, Olaf noticed Anna and Elsa… Gasping, Olaf ran towards the sisters, happy to see them as he cried, “Anna! Elsa! I’m so glad to see you!” As the snowman hugged the two sisters, Jack told them, “You can bring over some guests should you wish. The snowman included.”
~Targoviste, Romania~ Angered by Diend’s appearance, Bellatrix took out her wand and pointed it at the Rider that had just appeared, yelling, “Crucio!” As Bellatrix inflicted excruciating pain on Diend by using the Cruciatus Curse, Steelix and Muk, having recovered from Diend’s earlier attack, went back on the offensive, with Muk sneaking behind Ron, and hitting him hard with its arm for a Poison Jab attack while Steelix charged towards Ginny. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hunan Province, China: New World Order Fortress~ Spoiler: BGM Spoiler: Long List of Characters Reaching the flagpole he saw earlier, Connor removed the New World Order flag that was attached to it, tossing it aside. As the New World Order flag that Connor tossed landed near Mushu (who burned it with his fire breath), the Rebels watched as Connor attached a Rebel flag to the flagpole, raising it high as many of the Rebels cheered at the sight of the Rebel flag. “Rebels!” Connor called out to the Rebels below, “Today, we showed that no matter how strong the New World Order is… how much they outnumber us… they are not invincible! When we work together, we can achieve what others say is impossible! And if we continue to battle side by side towards our common goal, I know that we will succeed in the end! So without further ado, I claim this fortress in the name of the Rebel Alliance! No longer will individuals have to suffer torture and death under the wrath of Madame Gao! And I say to the New World Order, if you come back, we will be ready to fight! For the Rebellion!” “For the Rebellion!” Ember repeated after Connor while raising her fist. “For the Rebellion!” the rest of the Rebels repeated, cheering as they raised their fists as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital: Minato District~ After getting launched towards the sky, Gumball landed on Penny’s back as she continued flying while in her dragon form. “I'm not letting you leave!” Gumball cried as he held on. “Gumball, no! You'll get hurt!” Penny warned Gumball before noticing a small private jet headed their way. “Ah! Look out!” Gumball cried as Penny flew out of the jet’s direction in the nick of time, barely dodging it. However, that caused Penny to begin losing control as she descended closer to the ground, now flying slightly above houses as Gumball was now holding on to her leg. “Penny! Go up, go up, GO UP!” Gumball cried. “You're too heavy!” Penny replied while continuing to struggle flying, “Gumball, get off. Let me go!” “NO!” Gumball insisted, not wanting to let go. Eventually, Penny now found herself flying around a nearby highway, trying to dodge oncoming cars. “Why do you care about me?” Penny questioned Gumball as she continued dodging cars, “I'm nothing to you now.” Seeing a truck coming their way, Gumball quickly tried to think of a way to survive. It was then he realized that the forms that Penny shape-shifted to were based on her emotions, leading to Gumball having a light bulb moment. “Y-You know what? Maybe you're right, you're nothing to me!” Gumball lied to Penny as the incoming truck was fast approaching them, hoping his plan works, “You hear? You're nothing!” Hurt by Gumball’s remark, Penny shape-shifted into a small white spirit form. Catching her in midair, Gumball held on to Penny in his hands as he landed and ducked under the oncoming truck. Once the truck was gone, Gumball opened his hands to check on Penny. “I knew it!” Penny cried as she shape-shifted into a hairy creature and fled. “No, no, no! I just said that so you would shrink!” Gumball cried as he ran after Penny. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter: Main Room~ As she smiled, Serena asked Hermione, "So, how did you end up getting tied up in this whole Rebel business? Me personally, I was just a regular girl living in Vaniville Town in France, with dreams of getting into the fashion industry one day. But when the New World Order come to power, I saw all the bad things that they did. Many of my neighbors were dragged from their homes, either arrested or killed on the spot simply because they were suspected of working against the New World Order. Seeing all that changed me, and the way I saw the world. So, I thought, even if I am just a teenager, I have to do something. And that's when I decided to join the Rebels." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~San Diego, California - Outside Hideout~ "And we appreciate all the help you provided," Mace responded to the Oliver twins, "We'll be sure to stay in touch." "Alright guys, time to head back to Castelia City," Shining Armor told the others as the Castelia City Rebels returned to the Quinjet to get ready to fly back to their base. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility~ As Rubeus and Ruby were walking down the hall, they noticed Dr. Fennhoff waiting for them at the end of the hallway… “I heard you had a bit of trouble in San Diego,” Fennhoff said with his thick Russian accent. “Only because the Rebels interfered,” Rubeus replied, “And we were so close to making Donnie Gill a new Inquisitor.” “It’s a shame,” Fennhoff commented as he nodded his head, “But I assume my work on him was noticeable?” “Yes,” Rubeus answered, “Recited the exact same thing you said to say. Worked like a charm. The guy was completely under our control.” “Hmm, it’s good to hear when my work delivers results,” Fennhoff commented, “But, now that Mr. Gill is no longer an option for you, may I suggest Castiel.” “Absolutely not!” Ruby retorted, “You know what Master Xehanort thinks about him.” “The guy’s too unstable,” Rubeus added, “He just isn’t Inquisitor material.” “Well… I think you two are being too judgmental of Castiel,” Fennhoff said, “Tell Master Xehanort that I will personally make sure he is worthy of joining you Inquisitors just as soon as I check up on him in Siberia.” “Not gonna get my hopes up, honestly,” Rubeus replied, “But, if you are able to work charms on him, I’m sure the Grand Inquisitor will reconsider Castiel as a worthy candidate.” “Good. Then I hope to not disappoint,” Dr. Fennhoff said as he walked away, “Goodbye.” Once Fennhoff left, Ruby told Rubeus, “There is no way he is ever going to restrain Castiel.” “I agree,” Rubeus concurred, “But hey, you never know.”
~Targoviste, Romania~ After Ginny and Mew appeared, Attila asked Bellatrix, “How ‘bout now?” “Hmm, alright then,” Bellatrix replied, “Summon your Pokemon you two.” “Finally!” Attila exclaimed as he took out a Pokeball, “Muk, come on out!” “You too, Steelix!” Hun added as she threw a Pokeball. A Muk then emerged from Attila’s Pokeball while a Steelix emerged from Hun’s Pokeball… “Muk!” Attila’s Muk cried as it appeared along with Hun’s Steelix. “Alright you two, assist the Stormtroopers and attack those Rebels!” Hun ordered Muk and Steelix. “Muk!” Muk cried as it hurled a Sludge Bomb towards Ron, while Steelix swung its tail towards Mew and Ginny. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Moon Palace~ Shrugging after hearing what Psycho Blue said, Thrax commented, "Doesn't really matter as far as we are concerned. Harbinger or not, Zordon can't do a thing now that he is imprisoned here." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Capital: Minato District~ As Gumball continued to chase Penny while still in her green pig form, the two stopped in the middle of a street upon noticing a car screeching to a halt in front of them. And the driver of the car turned out to be none other than Patrick, Penny’s father, who was out looking for his daughter… “What the…?” a surprised Patrick said as he leaned out of his car window, recognizing Penny in her true S-type form, “You came out of your shell.” “I know, she looks fantastic, right?” Gumball replied while laughing nervously. “What have you done? You've turned her into a freak!” Patrick told Gumball. “A freak… ishly beautiful young lady,” Gumball replied, continuing to laugh nervously while trying to twist Patrick’s words to make them more positive for Penny. “She looks like a pig-” Patrick cried. “-ture of beauty,” Gumball interrupted Patrick, pretending to continue something Patrick was never going to say, “Ha ha, absolutely!” “You made my daughter ugly!” Patrick scolded Gumball. “Uhhh… I got nothing,” Gumball said, not knowing how to twist what Patrick just said into something more positive. Having had enough of what her father had to say, Penny shape-shifted into a dragon, and told Gumball, “Gumball. Please tell my father that I’ve gone to live alone, just like every other ugly being!” Seeing Penny fly away, Gumball turned to face Patrick with an angry expression on his face. “What?” Patrick questioned, unsure of why Gumball seemed upset with him. “Ohh, I wonder why my daughter is upset after I called her ugly!” Gumball mockingly imitated Patrick before jumping on the hood of Patrick’s car, with his tone shifting to an angry one, “NOW WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, I'M GONNA HAVE TO ASK YOU TO SHUT UP! Think about what you've done. Do you realize you were wrong?” Seeing Patrick nod in reply, Gumball continued, “Good! But don't beat yourself up about it, parenting is hard! Now pop the hood.” As Gumball turned around to face the direction where Penny was flying, Patrick popped the hood of his car as Gumball ordered him to, causing Gumball to launch up into the sky towards Penny. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Quinjet~ "Not entirely," Shining Armor answered upon hearing Yang question if this mission was a failure, "The New World Order doesn't have Donnie Gill anymore. If anything, it's probably a draw since neither us nor the New World Order gained anything from today." "Alright everyone, buckle up. We are approaching the Oliver brothers' hideout," Jeffrey Mace told the others on the Quinjet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter: Main Room~ “Ah, so you must be Vulpix’s partner,” Serena told Hermione, “Nice to meet you. I’m Serena, from the French wing of the Rebel Alliance. And this is here is my gal pal, Fennekin, or as I like to call her, Fenny.” As Hermione held out her hand to Fennekin, Fennekin slowly approached Hermione’s hand, sniffing it before cuddling Hermione’s hand as she happily said, “Fokka!” “Heh, she likes you,” Serena told Hermione, “So, what’s your name?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Lor Starcutter: Main Room (Again)~ Approaching Harold Flamel, Jack was surprised that Harold was able to guess exactly what he wanted to talk to him about without even saying one word. 'Well, guess I should just wait now,' Jack thought to himself as he waited for Harold to get Elsa and Anna. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lor Starcutter: Main Room (Again x2)~ Walking to the main room while humming to himself, Olaf walked past Sven, who noticed Olaf’s carrot nose, and wanted to eat it… As Sven rushed towards Olaf, the snowman noticed the reindeer approach him, with Olaf greeting him, “Oh, hello! My name’s Olaf. What’s your name?” As Sven was about to take a bite out of Olaf’s nose, the snowman bent down just in time to observe Sven’s fur, preventing Sven from getting his nose. “Ooh, you sure got lots of fur,” Olaf commented, “Oh, I know. Your name must be Furry! No, wait… that sounds like something to describe someone a little too obsessed with animals.” Sven tried to take another bite out of Olaf’s nose, but the snowman turned around just in time, pondering to himself, “Hmm… oh, how about Harry? Hmm, on second thought, nah…” As Sven tried to take a bite out of Olaf’s nose once more, Olaf gasped as he grabbed Sven’s muzzle tight, preventing the reindeer from biting his nose as Olaf said, “Of course. You’ve got horns, so obviously you must be called Horny! Uhhh… for some reason, I get the feeling that that name feels dirty.” Just then, upon noticing a name tag around Sven’s neck, Olaf read, “‘Sven’… wait, your name’s Sven?” As the reindeer nodded in reply, Olaf shrugged as he commented, “Huh, wouldn’t have guessed that in a million years. Oh well, nice to meet ya, Sven.” As Olaf then continued walking around, Sven kept following him, sighing as he wondered if he was ever going to eat Olaf’s carrot nose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Hunan Province, China: New World Order Fortress~ "Do not mention it," Mewtwo responded to Sailor Moon after she thanked him, "I simply suggested what I believed would help us against Xaldin." The group then noticed the rest of the Rebels arrive to the scene… Spoiler: Rebels Katniss, still in her Rider form, rushed towards Connor as the two shared a hug. "I saw parts of the battle from my position," Katniss told Connor, "I was beginning to worry." Smiling at Katniss, Connor replied, "Do not worry. Those who battled along my side were very helpful." "Pikapi!" Haymitch happily cried as he ran towards Connor and climbed up to his shoulder, cuddling the Rebel leader. As Connor patted Haymitch on the head, he noticed Ember approach him. "Ratonhnhaké:ton," Ember greeted Connor while giving him a bow, "I am happy to report that we haven't had any casualties. Madame Gao has been captured, and is in our custody. Shall we call this a success?" Looking around the fortress, Connor noticed a flagpole on a roof, and replied, "Not quite yet. Discord, hand me a Rebel flag." "Yes, sir," Discord replied as he summoned a flag with the Rebel emblem on it, handing it to Connor. Connor then began climbing up the building towards the flagpole he saw earlier. "I don't get it… what's he doing?" Sailor Mini Moon asked. Knowing exactly what Connor wanted to do, Tuxedo Mask replied, "Wait and see." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~ Nodding after hearing Rei's response, Grandpa said, "I completely understand, Rei. Which reminds me, I better go to the kitchen and check if they need my help. Let's go, Chad." "Piplup," Chad replied, nodding as he followed Grandpa to the kitchen.
Merely days after reporting on the death of Rutger Hauer, we sadly have to report on yet another death of a voice actor associated with the Kingdom Hearts series. This time, it's Russi Taylor, who has been the official voice of Minnie Mouse since 1986, while also voicing Huey Dewey, and Louie since 1987. Russi Taylor has voiced the above characters (as well as Fauna) in all of their voiced appearances in the Kingdom Hearts series up to date. Sadly, her loss will be a heavy one for both Kingdom Hearts fans, and Disney fans who have enjoyed hearing her lend her voice to Minnie Mouse and other characters over the years. Thank you for your contributions Russi Taylor. You will be missed dearly. RIP Russi Taylor Source