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  1. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix has released a new trailer for the upcoming 'Kingdom Hearts III' Re:MIND DLC, featuring English-voiced scenes, as well as revealing the return of some Final Fantasy characters, playable Kairi, and more! Check out the trailer below:

    In addition to the trailer, it's been confirmed that the DLC will be released on January 23, 2020 for the PS4 and February 25, 2020 for the Xbox One!

    EDIT: It seems that Square-Enix removed the trailer, indicating that it possibly didn't intend to release the trailer yet. Once the upload is official, we will re-add the trailer to this post.

    EDIT2: Trailer has now been officially released by Square-Enix
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 6, 2019, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Meilin Lee
    During the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra performance in Osaka, the series director, Tetsuya Nomura, made an appearance, and revealed some information about the upcoming DLC for 'Kingdom Hearts III':
    First off, a new trailer will be released next month, and the DLC's release date will finally be revealed (presumably with the trailer). Also, two new difficulty modes have been announced, called Fast Pass and Black Code. Fast Pass is an extremely easy mode that allows players to defeat enemies with one hit. Black Code, on the other hand, is an extremely difficult mode, allowing players to adjust difficulty to make things as hard as possible (ex. no healing). In addition to the difficulties, Photo Mode was revealed to get some additional features, allowing players to choose a location and pose with different characters, while also providing the player with the ability to include background effects. There will also be a Slideshow Mode, allowing players to create slideshows with their photos.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 30, 2019, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Meilin Lee
    ~Siberia, Russia: Apartment~


    "Yeah, you're right… it really is," Darien replied to Serena, "On second thought… might be best to not bother Connor about this, at least for now." Smiling at Serena as he scratched his head, Darien continued, "You know Serena, I'm not sure if you feel the same, but whenever we talk with each other, it always feels soothing and comforting, and it feels right… know what I mean?"


    ~Scarif, The Maldives~


    Following the earlier explosions across Scarif, Stormtroopers were being dispersed throughout the area, with Noctis and Prompto leading the Rebels in battling them. As the Stormtroopers charged, Prompto used his gun to shoot at the incoming enemies, while Noctis used the Sword of the Wise to slash at Stormtroopers.


    ~Castelia City, New York~


    Escorting Raina outside the restaurant where she and Shining Armor were conversing, Lance told her, “You ask me, we let you off easy.” “I didn't ask,” Raina scoffed as she walked away. “Good luck out there, love,” Lance replied.


    ~Siberia, Russia - Forest (Eastern Side)~


    As the Stormtroopers they noticed earlier arrived at their location, Star, Marco, and Tom were each hiding behind a tree, wondering how to deal with the Stormtroopers. “So, what do we do?” Star quietly asked. “I’m thinking…” Marco responded quietly as well. Taking a peek at the Stormtroopers, Tom realized he could easily take on all of them at once, telling Star and Marco, “Leave it to me. One Stormtrooper shish kabob coming right up.” While Star and Marco wondered what Tom was up to, the demon nonchalantly walked towards the Stormtroopers, surprising them as he waved hello and said, “Salutations, Stormtroopers.” “Stop right there!” one of the Stormtroopers ordered Tom. “Hands where I can see ‘em!” another Stormtrooper added as he and the other Stormtroopers pointed their blasters at Tom. “Okay… you asked for it,” Tom replied, grinning as he raised his arms. But just as he did so, Tom’s eyes glowed yellow, and the demon waved his hands, summoning flames that engulfed the Stormtroopers. Marco’s and Star’s jaws dropped as they watched the Strormtroopers letting out high-pitched screams while burning to death. Once the Stormtroopers were taken care of, Tom turned around to look at Star and Marco, who still looked stunned, asking them, “So… now what?


    ~Siberia, Russia - Forest (Western Side)~


    Noticing Rey join her to deal with the Stormtroopers she was battling, Natasha grinned as she took advantage of Rey’s attacks, shooting the Stormtroopers after they were hit by Rey’s staff. “Not bad,” Natasha commended Rey. Finn, meanwhile, continuing battling with his Keyblade against the Stormtrooper with a baton, eventually summoning a Thunder attack that paralyzed the Stormtrooper, causing him to collapse. However, just then, Finn and the others noticed an AT-ST marching towards them. “Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me…” Finn complained as he held out his Keyblade, ready to battle against the AT-ST.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    "Put the red wire over there," Kevin Flynn ordered as he, Hiro, Baymax, and Finnick were busy setting up the TV equipment that Lt. Surge and his team brought. Meanwhile, Phil Coulson was getting ready to give his speech, adjusting his tie until he felt it was perfect…


    "Nervous?" Nick Fury asked Coulson as he approached him…


    "A bit," Coulson replied. "Relax," Fury advised, "You'll do fine." Smiling, Coulson replied, "Thank you, sir."


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    Walking around the Cyberman facility, a Stormtrooper wearing a traditional Wakandan mask instead of a typical Stormtrooper helmet noticed something suspicious down the hall. Hiding, the Stormtrooper took a peek, and noticed T'Challa and his group leading the Rebels they rescued. Tapping on the earpiece in his ear, the Stormtrooper contacted Adagio Dazzle, informing the Inquisitor, "We have a situation…"


    ~Calcutta, India~


    Racing towards a pair of Cybermen on her broomstick, Amanda grinned as she threw a sonic stabilizer towards them, weakening their metal. Amanda then pointed her wand at them as she cried, “Bombarda!” An explosion was then triggered that destroyed the two Cybermen. “Nice job Amanda!” Akko commended Amanda as she flew towards her on her broomstick...


    Thanks!” Amanda replied as the two came to a halt, getting off of their broomsticks and landing on the ground. Suddenly, the two heard the ground shake, with Akko questioning, “What’s going on?!” “I don’t know, but it can’t be good,” Amanda responded. The two witches then ran towards the street, where they noticed an AT-ST marching towards them. “Uh-oh…” both Amanda and Akko said simultaneously with a worried tone to their voice. Just then, Akko and Amanda noticed Ursula arrive with Dr. Banner on her broomstick…


    Looks like you were right, Dr. Banner. They really did bring in the big guns,” Ursula told Bruce as they both got off her broomstick. “Well, that’s why I’m here,” Banner replied as he slowly walked towards the AT-ST.

    Dr. Banner,” Amanda called out to Bruce, “Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.” “That’s my secret Amanda… I’m always angry,” Bruce replied as he charged towards the AT-ST, and transformed into the Hulk…


    While the AT-ST tried firing at the Hulk, he was able to dodge the incoming fire, and smash his fist right into the AT-ST, and then break it into two parts that he sent flying behind him. Ursula, Akko, and Amanda then quickly used their wands to destroy the remains of the AT-ST that the Hulk threw. The Hulk then let out a mighty roar as he was joined by Ursula, Amanda, and Akko, catching the attention of local citizens and New World Order forces alike, letting them know that the New World Order presence in the city was going to be challenged from now on.


    ~Lor Starcutter~


    "Okay, here's the deal," Kristoff told Anna, Elsa, Saphir, and Olaf as he and Sven approached them, "The ship's headed for Kentucky. Now I feel that, since we aren't really contributing much to our custodians' goal, it's probably best if we split with them and go our separate ways once we land in Kentucky. Of course, I am willing to hear other opinions on this matter, so if you feel like we should stay with the big group on this ship as they continue their journey, please say so now." Olaf and Saphir looked at each other with confused looks on their faces, not sure what to say.


    ~The Capital - New World Order Dungeon~


    As River and Moon Butterfly were still in the same cell they have been in for the past three days, River complained, "This is ridiculous! We shouldn't be chained here forever!" Grunting, River got up, trying to break free of his chains, only to go back to sitting on the ground a few seconds later, feeling exhausted as he said, "Never mind… that's not going to work." "You've said that every time you tried breaking free from these chains for the past three days," Moon responded as she sighed, "It's never going to work, River." "Ugh… it's a shame that Toffee fellow wasn't finished off. Then we wouldn't even be in this situation!" River complained, "But… I'm sure you've done your best when you confronted him all those years ago, Moon." After a couple moments of silence, Moon, with a guilty tone to her voice, said, "River… there's something I have to tell you. The truth is, when I confronted Toffee… I never intended to destroy him." "WHAT?!" a surprised River cried. "I think it's time I told you the truth…" Moon responded.


    ~The Capital - Outside Nintendo High School~


    Once school was over, Peni and Anais were walking away from the school building, both carrying umbrellas to prevent themselves from getting wet from the rain, with Peni telling Anais, "Thanks again for agreeing to help me build a mech suit." "Don't mention it," Anais replied, "By the way, did you have a specific design in mind?" Nodding in response, Peni took out a piece of paper from her pocket, handing it to Anais as she said, "Here, check it out." Looking at the piece of paper, Anais saw that Peni already designed how she wanted her mech suit to look. "Huh… pretty neat design," Anais commented, "Though, may I suggest some minor changes?" "Sure," Peni replied, "We can discuss it once we're designing the suit."


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Having arrived to a candle-lit dinner table after wearing something formal, Wanda, Pietro, and Peter (along with Ray) each took a seat at the table, with Peter asking, “So, you two have any idea why we’re having a fancy dinner?” Pietro and Wanda both shrugged, as they didn’t have an answer for Peter. “‘Cause it’s Valentine’s Day,” Sunset Shimmer said as she arrived to the table while wearing a dress, and was joined by Alpha 5 (who was wearing a chef’s hat)...


    I figured I should treat you three for being good subjects with our experiments,” Sunset continued as she took a seat, “And Alpha will be making dinner.” “Affirmative,” Alpha concurred, “I have always wondered how it would feel to cook something, seeing as how I don’t even consume food like you all do.” “Thanks, Alpha,” Wanda thanked Alpha. Nodding, Pietro added, “Good luck.” Nodding, Alpha walked away. As for Peter, he placed Ray on the floor, and then asked Sunset Shimmer, “Okay, I’m sure we appreciate the dinner Sunset… but what’s with the Stormtroopers and Cybermen constantly monitoring us?” Peter then pointed to the Cybermen and Stormtroopers he was talking about, who were monitoring the group as they were sitting in the table…


    Oh, just a precaution in case either of you should escape. You should know that by now,” Sunset responded, “Just ignore them.” “Right…” Peter said as he looked at the Stormtroopers and Cybermen, feeling a bit uneasy about them staring at the group as they had dinner.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 29, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Meilin Lee
    New TV spot released today:

    DUEL OF THE FATES!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 28, 2019 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Meilin Lee
    ~Los Angeles, California: Inside Quinjet~


    Welcome back, Miss Simmons,” Jeffrey Mace told Jemma as he was seated in the cockpit, revealing himself to be the Quinjet’s pilot. “It's so good to see you, sir,” Jemma responded, breathing heavily as she took a seat while Mace piloted the Quinjet towards higher altitude, flying away from Los Angeles. “You certainly know how to make a first impression, Miss Morse,” Jemma told Bobbi. “Please, it's just ‘Bobbi,’” Bobbi responded. “Forgive me for asking, but if you were able to infiltrate the New World Order, why even bother having me go in?” Jemma asked. “My cover gave me access to New World Order security, but none of its high-level projects,” Bobbi answered. “Then I'm afraid I came up empty-handed,” Jemma said. “Not entirely,” Bobbi replied as she took out a hard drive from her pocket. “My hard drive,” a surprised Simmons said upon noticing the hard drive that Bobbi took out. “I took it after our conversation in the bathroom. Seemed like it might provide some useful intel,” Bobbi replied. “Oh. I like you,” an impressed Jemma told Bobbi. Smiling, Bobbi walked over to the cockpit and sat next to Mace, who smiled at Bobbi as he greeted her, “Hey, you.” “Hey,” Bobbi replied back as she chuckled.


    ~Scarif, The Maldives~


    Once the Rebels that Noctis and Prompto were leading had planted explosives all across Scarif, they were hiding throughout the jungle canopies located across the islands in the area, waiting for the right moment to set off the explosives. Silently looking at one of the Rebels with him, Noctis gave a nod, signalling that now was the right time to set off the explosives. Soon enough, the Rebels triggered the explosives that they had planted. And while all that was happening, over at the Citadel Tower’s observation deck, the following happened:


    ~Siberia, Russia: Apartment~


    It’s… familiar to you?” Darien asked Serena after hearing what she said, “But… why would we both feel something familiar? And… is it possible Connor might be having similar visions as well?


    ~Siberia, Russia - Forest (Eastern Side)~


    Upon arriving to the place where they heard a twig snap, Star and Marco didn’t notice anyone around. “Eh, guess it was probably just an animal walking by,” Marco commented. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” Star replied. But just as the two turned around, they were stunned at the sight of a demon named Tom...


    Hey, Star,” Tom greeted Star, who shrieked at the sight of Tom while Marco got into a defensive position. “What are you doing here?” Star questioned. “Wait, Star… do you know this guy?” Marco asked Star. “Y-Yeah… Marco, this is Tom… my ex-boyfriend from Mewni,” Star replied, “And Tom, this is Marco, my best friend.” “Wait, he’s the demon ex-boyfriend you told me about?” Marco questioned. “Glad to hear you’re still talking about me, Star,” Tom said as he looked at Marco, “Nice to meet you, Marco.” “Uhh, the pleasure’s all mine,” Marco replied as he and Tom shook hands while Star appeared visibly upset as she crossed her arms. “Tom… just what are you doing here?” Star questioned. “I was getting worried,” Tom replied, “I heard your parents came to Earth to check on you. Problem is… that was three days ago, and no one’s heard from them since.” “Wait… what? My parents are on Earth?” a surprised Star questioned. “Well, they’re not on Mewni, that’s for certain,” Tom replied, “So I thought I’d come to the Earth dimension and see what was going on, and I gotta say… not a big fan of the dictatorship thing you got going on here.” “Oh, neither are we, trust me,” Marco said. “But, if Mom and Dad came and still haven’t returned, oh no… what if the New World Order was involved and did something bad to them…” Star said to herself as she walked back and forth. “Star, listen to me… I’m sure your parents are fine,” Tom reassured Star, “For all we know, they could be anywhere on Earth, looking for you.” “Alright, alright, alright…” Star said as she took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “Uhh, guys, hate to interrupt, but I see Stormtroopers in the distance…” Marco warned Star and Tom as he noticed a group of Stormtroopers heading in their direction…


    The three then quickly hid to avoid detection, wondering how to deal with the incoming Stormtroopers.


    ~Siberia, Russia - Forest (Western Side)~


    As Finn and the others continued on their way, the group overheard someone cry, “Over there!” Turning to to see whose voice that was, the group noticed two Stormtroopers pointing their blasters at them…


    “Fire!” one of the Stormtroopers yelled as they began firing their blasters. “Get down!” Finn ordered the others as he grabbed Rey’s hand, hiding behind a boulder with her and BB-8, while Natasha hid behind a nearby tree. Taking out two guns, Natasha told Finn, “I’ll deal with them!” “Okay,” Finn replied as Natasha took a deep breath, and then moved away from the tree where she was hiding, firing at the Stormtroopers. While Natasha was battling the two Stormtroopers, Finn noticed a third Stormtrooper approaching him, Rey, and BB-8. “Rey, BB-8… stay behind me,” Finn advised the two as he walked towards the Stormtrooper, and summoned his Keyblade. “Look… we don’t want any trouble,” the Stormtrooper told Finn as he trembled while taking out his baton, “Please, you have no idea what you’re dealing with. Stay away from the base.” Finn was visibly confused by the Stormtrooper’s mannerisms and what he said, wondering what was going on with the Stormtrooper. Nevertheless, Finn, charged towards the Stormtrooper with his Keyblade, and the Stormtrooper blocked the incoming attack with his baton, and the two began to battle.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Great!” Finnick happily said after Lita agreed to volunteer for a mission the next time there was one. “‘Ey, Finnick,” Lt. Surge called out to his son as he and his Raichu approached him…


    Dad? You’re back early,” Finnick replied, surprised to see his father back from his mission so early. “It was an easy mission. The Stormtroopers an’ Cybermen were no match for da element of surprise,” Surge informed his son. “Raichu!” Lt. Surge’s Raichu concurred with a nod. “Anyways, we gots some TV equipment dat we need help installin’, an’ I need ya ta help out,” Lt. Surge continued. “Right away, Dad,” Finnick responded, following Lt. Surge and Raichu in order to help out setting up equipment that would allow the Rebels to stream video.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility: Cell Block~


    Arriving to the facility’s cell block, where countless Rebel prisoners were being held in prison cells ready to be converted to Cybermen, T’Challa and his group dealt with the Stormtroopers guarding the area, and were now looking for a way to free the prisoners. “How much longer, Shuri?” T’Challa asked his sister as she hacked into a nearby computer, trying to see if there was a way to unlock the prison cells. “These things take time, brother,” Shuri replied as she was almost done, “And… finished!” The group then noticed the doors of the prison cells open, allowing the prisoners to step out, wondering what was happening. “What is going on?” one of the prisoners questioned. “We are freeing you,” Nakia answered. “Question is… will you fight beside us?” Okoye questioned. Kneeling down to pick up a blaster used by one of the Stormtroopers that was knocked out, the prisoner replied, “I will.” The rest of the prisoners cheered, indicating that they will fight alongside T’Challa and the others as well. “Good,” Okoye commented, “Now let us leave before the enemy finds us.


    ~Calcutta, India~


    The Stormtroopers and Cybermen in Calcutta were getting overwhelmed. As Stormtroopers were chasing after Diana after she attacked a New World Order checkpoint, they were trying to call in reinforcements, only to be told that at least six other checkpoints were also being attacked, each by a member of Akko’s group. Meanwhile, watching over the events as they were unfolding from high above were Ursula and Dr. Banner, who were both riding on Ursula’s broomstick…


    This is progressing a lot better than I thought,” Ursula commented. “Yeah,” Bruce concurred, “But although they may be overwhelmed now, we have to be ready when they bring in the big guns.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 25, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Meilin Lee
    ~Scarif, The Maldives - Citadel Tower (Observation Deck)~


    Arriving to the Citadel Tower’s observation deck, Orson Krennic heard one of the officers present asking him, “Director, what brings you to Scarif?” “Galen Erso,” Krennic answered, “I want every dispatch, every transmission he has ever sent called up for inspection.” “All of them?” the same officer asked. “Yes. All of them,” Krennic answered sternly, “Get started.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Apartment~


    'A town against a beautiful sunrise and a clock tower… why does that sound so familiar…' Darien thought to himself. "That's… interesting…" Darien told Serena, "Because, I also had a vision myself, and wasn't sure if you experienced something as well. But, my vision was a bit different. You see, in my vision, I was on the moon with the same princess I told you about from my dreams, in what looked like a castle of some sort. But the strangest thing was I also saw someone who strongly resembled Connor approaching the princess and myself. What do you think it means?"


    ~Siberia, Russia - Forest (Eastern Side)~


    Walking through a forest after leaving the village, Star and Marco were on the lookout for anything suspicious or dangerous, all while Star was dancing and singing, “Oooh, Star and Marco… on a Rebel mission… to defeat the New World Order… yeah!” “Star… what are you singing?” Marco asked Star. “Our own theme song, you silly goose,” Star playfully replied. “Heh, didn’t know I even had one,” Marco remarked. “Oh, I just made it up now, for the occasion,” Star replied. “Well, with a little bit more practice, I’m sure you’d be good enough to join Love Sentence,” Marco said. “Love… Sentence?” a confused Star asked, not sure what Marco was referring to. Gasping, Marco questioned, “You don’t know Love Sentence?!” “Uhh… guess not,” Star replied, smiling as she shrugged. “Oh, you are so missing out on a big part of Earth culture,” Marco said, “When we go back to the village, I’m gonna make sure you listen to every one of their songs.” “Alrighty then,” Star replied. Just then, the two heard the sound of a twig snapping nearby. “What’s that?” Marco wondered out loud. “Let’s check it out,” Star replied as she took out her wand, with Marco nodding as he and Star went to see if there was someone, or something, eavesdropping on them.


    ~Siberia, Russia - Forest (Western Side)~


    As Finn, Natasha, BB-8, and Rey were exploring a forest as part of their recon mission, Natasha asked, “Hey, Finn… anything in particular you think we should look out for?” “Well, unfortunately, the snowy environment will prove to be an advantage for Stormtroopers, considering the snow will help their armor blend in and become camouflaged,” Finn replied, “So be extra careful.” Nodding, Natasha whispered to Rey, “In case you’re wondering, Finn is an ex-Stormtrooper. Don’t worry, he’s on the side of the Rebels now, providing us with good tips on dealing with the New World Order.


    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility - Rooftop~


    Where are they?” Simmons wondered out loud after arriving to the rooftop as Bobbi had instructed her, expecting an extraction team, but not seeing anyone as she kept looking around, “We're trapped.” “Southwest corner! Repeat, Southwest corner!” Morse yelled while communicating with someone on a phone as she arrived to the rooftop, carrying a blaster with her…


    Just then, Bobbi and Jemma noticed a Stormtrooper had caught up to them, and began shooting at them…


    Get down!” Bobbi ordered Jemma, who took cover as instructed while Bobbi and the Stormtrooper exchanged blaster fire. Eventually, Bobbi grabbed Jemma’s arm as she cried, “Run!” Noticing that Bobbi was dragging her right towards the edge of the rooftop, Jemma’s heart sank as she cried, “There's no one there!” Without hesitation, Bobbi forced Jemma to jump with her off the rooftop, causing to Jemma to shriek. But within a second, Jemma and Bobbi both landed on what turned out to be a cloaked Quinjet that was hovering near the building. ‘A Quinjet?’ Jemma thought to herself as her heartbeat began to slow down a bit after what had happened. Bobbi and Jemma then noticed a hatch open up to allow the two of them to enter as the Quinjet began to ascend, quickly getting inside.


    ~Calcutta, India~


    While some Stormtroopers were standing at a checkpoint in the middle of a street, allowing some individuals to pass while detaining others, the Stormtroopers suddenly noticed Diana flying towards them on her broom…


    Bombarda!” Diana cried as she pointed her wand at the checkpoint, triggering an explosion that sent two Stormtroopers flying, while also damaging much of the checkpoint. As citizens went into a frenzy after seeing what happened, a Stormtrooper tried calming them down while other Stormtroopers began chasing after Diana as she was flying away.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility: Control Room~


    Noticing the security footage in front of him showing T’Challa and the others making their way inside the facility, Thorax nervously looked around to make sure no other Stormtroopers in the control room noticed the footage he was monitoring.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Much better!” Finnick commended Lita, “You’re really good at this. Maybe I should recommend you to my dad the next time he's looking for volunteers for a mission. Would you be okay with that?
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 22, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Meilin Lee
  8. Meilin Lee
    ~Scarif, The Maldives - Jungle Canopy~


    As two Stormtroopers were patrolling a jungle canopy in one of the islands surrounding the New World Order complex, one of the Stormtroopers asked the other Stormtrooper, “Hey, did you hear the rumors?” “Yeah, the T-15s have been marked obsolete,” the other Stormtrooper responded. “Oh boy, it’s about time for that,” the Stormtrooper commented. Just then, the two Stormtroopers were caught in surprise by an attack from Noctis and Prompto…


    Noctis impaled one of the Stormtroopers with the Sword of the Wise, while Prompto knocked out the other Stormtrooper with a kick to the head. Grinning, Prompto took a picture of the Stormtrooper he knocked out with his camera. Noticing that Noctis and Prompto cleared the way for them, the other Rebels that Noctis and Prompto were in charge of began planting explosives in random places. Once they were done, Noctis and Prompto would proceed to deal with other Stormtroopers to allow the other Rebels to continue planting explosives.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Apartment~


    Once Rini and Sammy left outside, Darien told Serena, “Hey, Serena… excuse me for asking this, but… back in China, when I asked if you felt something when we kissed, you said you did feel something. Would you mind telling me what it is you felt? You wouldn’t happen to have experienced a strange vision of some sort… did you?


    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility~


    We've been compromised,” Bobbi told a Stormtrooper who was standing near the stairs as she approached him, “I need you to abandon your post and follow protocol 6-8-5.” However, just then, Jemma rushed towards the two despite being told by Bobbi to remain in the hallway…


    “It's her!” the Stormtrooper cried upon noticing Jemma, pulling out his blaster, only to get knocked out by a punch by Bobbi. “I told you there was a plan,” a surprised Bobbi told Simmons. “I know. I'm sorry, but…” Jemma replied, pointing to the hallway, where Bobbi noticed Ruby and two Stormtroopers approaching them…


    Okay, go get to the roof. Go,” Bobbi ordered Jemma, who did as she was ordered, running towards the stairs. As for Bobbi, she took out her battle staves while slowly walking towards Ruby and her Stormtroopers in order to deal with them.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility: North Entrance~


    After quietly dealing with the Stormtroopers guarding the facility’s northern entrance, Okoye and Nakia noticed T’Challa, Shuri, and other Rebels approach them…


    Let’s go,” Okoye ordered the others, who nodded as they began following her into the facility.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    That’s the spirit!” Finnick replied to Lita, “So, Lita, is it? What you wanna try to focus on is making sure you lean a bit more forward when delivering your punches. That way, you could deliver an even stronger punch. Like this…” Finnick then demonstrated what he was talking about, showing Lita how he leaned a bit forward before delivering a punch. “See? Easy, right? Now you give it a try,” Finnick told Lita.


    ~Siberia, Russia~


    Waiting near the village’s entrance, Connor and the others watched as Finn’s group approached them…


    Sorry we’re late,” Natasha apologized. “So… what’s the plan?” Finn asked. “Marco, Star, the two of you will search the eastern side over there,” Connor informed Star and Marco, pointing them in the direction they should investigate. “Rey, you and your group will search the western side,” Katniss told Rey and the others in her group. “I’ll also be helping out by keeping an eye from the sky,” Hiccup said as he got on Toothless’s back, “Good luck to all of you.” Toothless then took off, flying straight towards the sky with Hiccup. Noticing an eagle in the sky, Connor assured both groups, “I too will be keeping a watch. Should either of you experience danger of any sort, I will make sure to rush and assist you.” “Thanks,” Marco and Star thanked Connor as they left to go conduct their recon mission. “Let’s go,” Natasha told Finn, Rey, and BB-8. “Right,” Finn replied, nodding as he and BB-8 followed Natasha to conduct their recon mission.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Meilin Lee
    Despite having already been released many months ago, Square-Enix is releasing a free demo of the game on both the Playstation Store and the Microsoft Store so those who still haven't got a chance to play the game can give it a try. The demo will include two sections, with one focusing on the opening sequence and Olympus, while the other will focus on Toy Box. Also, those who decide to purchase the full version of the game after trying out the demo can transfer save data from the Olympus section to the full game!

    Elsewhere in 'Kingdom Hearts III' news, the version 1.06 patch has been released, with the listed changes being:
    • Title Menu has been updated
    • Various issues have been fixed
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 14, 2019, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Meilin Lee
    In a surprise announcement, Square-Enix has revealed that both 'Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 HD ReMix' and 'Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' will be released on the Xbox One in 2020! This marks the first time that the entire series can now be experienced on the Xbox One as opposed to just the PS4.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 14, 2019, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Meilin Lee
    ~Siberia, Russia: Apartment~


    Hey, Rini… wanna play with the snow outside?” Sammy asked. “Sure,” Rini replied, “Hope Bonnie’s outside as well.” “You two be careful, okay?” Darien told Rini and Sammy as he was busy unpacking. “Yes,” both Sammy and Rini replied as they left the apartment and went outside to enjoy the snow.


    ~Calcutta, India: Abandoned Warehouse~


    Looking out a broken window, Dr. Banner and the witches watched as Stormtroopers and Cybermen were detaining countless people outside, with no end to the crackdown in sight. “Wow, I’ve never seen the New World Order this intent during a crackdown,” Banner commented, “Guess they must be really pissed by what happened earlier.” “Ugh, we can’t just stand here and do nothing!” Amanda complained. “And what do you propose?” Diana questioned, “Hopefully not the same thing you did earlier.” “Oh, there you go again, Diana,” Amanda complained, “Well, if you didn’t like what I did earlier, then what do you propose?” “Well, since you asked, I believe that a situation like this deserves proper planning,” Diana replied as she crossed her arms. “I have to agree with Diana,” Ursula said, “Unless we’re careful, one mistake could be fatal.” “Alright, have it your way,” Amanda told Diana, shrugging. Grinning, Diana asked Bruce, “Dr. Banner… how do you propose dealing with the Stormtroopers and Cybermen out there?” “Well, in this particular situation, the more the merrier,” Bruce replied. “So what you’re saying is that, since there’s a lot of us, there’s strength in numbers?” Lotte asked. “Well, you’re not wrong,” Bruce responded, “But… I was thinking more along the lines of splitting up… attacking the New World Order from different spots. The more unique spots where they are attacked, the harder it is for them to maintain control of the situation.” “That can actually work,” Ursula commented, “Jasminka, you got a map of the city?” “Yes,” Jasminka replied as she pulled out a map of Calcutta from her pocket so the group can look over the map and strategize on how to go about with the plan that Dr. Banner suggested.


    ~The Capital - Hell's Kitchen District: Matt Murdock's Apartment~


    While Foggy was on the floor enjoying some Pokemon treats, Matt was seated on the kitchen table, drinking a warm cup of herbal tea as he pondered what was found in the home of Frank Castle. Just then, Matt heard his cell phone ring, and quickly answered it, saying, “Hello?” “Matt, it’s Jenny,” Officer Jenny’s voice replied on Matt’s phone…


    Listen, I did some digging on the case tied to that x-ray of Frank Castle,” Jenny continued. “And?” Matt asked. “It was horrible,” Jenny replied, “Frank and his family seemed to be spending the day at Twinkle Park. But while they were there, two opposing gangs were there as well. It looked like a drug deal between the two gangs went sour, and a gunfight ensued. Frank and his family were caught in the crossfire, and it looked like Frank was the only survivor despite being declared officially dead.” “That… that explains everything…” Matt said, realizing why Castle does what he does, “Thanks for letting me know.” Hanging up, Matt sighed as he put his phone down while pondering what he had just learned.


    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility~


    I don't mean to sound ungrateful, because I am truly grateful,” Simmons told Bobbi as the two were running down the hallway so they can get out, “But... what the hell is going on?” “Well, like you, I too was a J.I.A. agent who survived the Great Purge. Jeffrey Mace sent me in to infiltrate the New World Order and keep an eye on you,” Bobbi replied. “Well, you did a spot-on job, really,” Jemma commended Bobbi, “You were quite intimidating.” “Sorry about that,” Bobbi apologized, “I had to assess other security issues that were in play.” “Yeah, like everyone in the building receiving an e-mail blowing my cover?” Jemma asked. “Yeah, that was a curveball,” Bobbi replied. “I'm afraid there's no way I'm walking out that front door,” Jemma commented as she and Bobbi slowed down. “Okay, don't worry. All we have to do is get to the roof. There's already an extraction team there waiting,” Bobbi replied, “Okay, just wait here. It's all part of the plan. All right?” Nodding, Jemma stopped, and waited as Bobbi went to take care of something in order to get herself and Jemma out of the building.


    ~Osaka, Japan - Television Station~


    Stay quiet and we won't have a problem,” Adewale ordered Piers Morgan as he tied his hands to his chair, just like the rest of the employees in the studio. Approaching Fury, Phil said, “Baymax and Hiro are getting everything set.” “We're good to go out here,” Fury replied, “No one's putting up a fight.” “Yes, but we will,” Piers threatened, catching the attention of the Rebels, “If you think the New World Order will let you get away with this, then you're delusional.” Rolling his eyes after hearing Piers’s threat, Lt. Surge approached him, and delivered a mighty punch to Piers’s stomach, causing him to groan in pain. “On… second thought… feel free to take whatever equipment you need,” Piers nervously told the Rebels as he was still hurt from Lt. Surge’s punch.


    ~Scarif, The Maldives - Stolen NWO Ship~


    Once the inspectors and Stormtroopers who had boarded Rogue One’s stolen ship were knocked out by surprise from the Rebels inside, Jyn put on the outfit of one of the inspectors in order to disguise herself. Cassian disguised himself with the outfit of one of the inspectors as well, while Ignis disguised himself with a Stormtrooper outfit. “Hey guys… good luck,” Noctis wished Jyn, Cassian, and Ignis with their task. “And be careful,” Prompto added. “You too,” Jyn responded as she took a deep breath. “Go! Go now, you’re clear!” Bodhi notified the others after noticing that the coast was clear outside for the Rebels to make their move. Jyn, Cassian, and Ignis then proceeded to exit the ship, maintaining their cover as they walked towards the railspeeder that would take them to the Citadel Tower. And as that was happening, Noctis and Prompto snuck out of the ship with the other Rebels, heading towards the jungle canopy near the landing pad to avoid getting detected by the New World Order


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility: Control Room~


    Stretching, one of the Stormtroopers told Thorax, “Hey, buddy… mind doing me a solid and watching over things while I go and stretch my legs?” “Uhh, sure thing,” Thorax replied. “Thanks,” the Stormtrooper thanked Thorax as he got out of his seat and headed outside. Taking the seat he was offered, Thorax realized this was the perfect opportunity to sneak T’Challa and the others into the facility. “Hey, Shuri,” Thorax whispered into his earpiece so that the other Stormtroopers in the room wouldn’t hear him. “Yes, Thorax… what is it?” Shuri’s voice asked Thorax through his earpiece…


    I’m about to open the north entrance,” Thorax whispered to Shuri. “North entrance, got it,” Shuri responded. ‘And opening the north entrance…’ Thorax thought to himself as he pressed on a button that unlocked the facility’s north entrance. “Shuri, the North entrance has been opened,” Thorax whispered. “Got it,” Shuri responded, “Thank you, Thorax.


    ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory: Outside~


    Well, you heard her,” Kristoff told Anna after hearing what C.C. told her, “Like I said, we gotta get back to the Lor Starcutter and get ready to take off.” Nodding, Olaf and Saphir followed Kristoff and Sven into the Lor Starcutter.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Not bad. Not bad at all,” Finnick complemented Lita as he watched her practicing her punches, applauding her, “Though, your form’s just... slightly off. Mind if I give you some pointers?


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant~


    BB-8 used his dome shaped head to nod in response to Rey asking him to do whatever he can to help with the recon mission. “We gotta go,” Natasha told the group, “Don’t wanna keep Katniss waiting.” “Right,” Finn responded, “Rey, BB-8, let’s go.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Meilin Lee
    ~Castelia City, New York - Restaurant~


    I can't believe you would sacrifice one of your fellow Rebels,” a horrified Raina told Shining Armor after he didn’t bother stopping her from sending the image of Jemma Simmons that revealed her allegiance to the Rebels. “We all take risks in this business,” Shining Armor responded, “In your case, it just didn't pay off.” “I had no choice,” Raina insisted. Just then, Raina and Shining Armor noticed Hunter joining the two of them in their table…


    I’m playing the world’s smallest violin,” Hunter told Raina as he was rubbing his index finger and thumb together, “But no one's listening, sweetheart.” As Hunter took a sip of wine from a glass on the table, Shining Armor asked Raina, “Who's making you do this?” “The New World Order,” Raina replied. “They want the Obelisk, but you don't have it,” Shining Armor hypothesized, “Skye's father does.” “He won't stop until he gets her,” Raina replied. “You're scared of him…” Shining Armor said, “... and you don't scare easily.” “He's a very dangerous man,” Raina replied, “You wouldn't believe the stories.” “Well, now we've established Skye's old man isn't father of the year,” Hunter commented, “What's next?” “Take me in,” Raina requested, “Please.” “Sorry. No vacancies,” Shining Armor responded. “Once I walk out that door… the New World Order will kill me,” Raina said with a fearful tone to her voice. “It's possible. Or... maybe you and I will work together after all,” Shining Armor replied. “What?” a confused Raina wondered out loud. “Tag and tail it is, then,” Hunter commented, using a gun-shaped device to inject something into Raina’s leg. Gasping after what Hunter had done to her, Raina realized what he did, figuring that she was injected with a tracker so the Rebels can monitor her. “You're gonna use me to get to the New World Order,” Raina said. “They'll be trying to find you,” Shining Armor replied, “Whether or not we're there to save you when they do, that's your call, depending on how useful you make yourself. You can start by telling us how to find Skye's father.


    ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory: Outside~


    Huh… well, okay then,” Kristoff replied after hearing Anna’s explanation, “Anyway, let’s get back to the Lor Starcutter. Seems like the ship we helped repair is about to take off.” Nodding, Olaf and Saphir followed Kristoff and Sven.


    ~Scarif, The Maldives - Stolen NWO Ship~


    Hey,” Bodhi greeted the inspectors and Stormtroopers who entered the ship to inspect it, “You’re probably looking for a manifest.” “That would be helpful,” one of the inspectors responded. “Sure… it’s just down here,” Bodhi said. Little did the inspectors and Stormtroopers know that hiding in the level under them were Bodhi’s Rebel allies, ready to take them out.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    'That was close…' Thorax thought to himself as he walked around the facility, relieved that he wasn't caught by the Inquisitors he met earlier, 'Now to find a way to get my friends in…' As he continued on his way, Thorax eventually came across the control room, where some Stromtroopers were busy monitoring security footage while making sure the building was secure…


    'Hmm, this must be it…' Thorax thought to himself, walking around the room, observing the other Stormtroopers and what they were doing.


    ~Osaka, Japan - Television Station~


    “That's very kind of you, Mr. Morgan,” a makeup artist told Piers Morgan after he flirted with her as she was getting him ready to go on the air, “But I couldn't possibly impose-” “I'm just saying, if you need to shop for furniture, I'll take you,” Piers interrupted her, “I know just the place.” Suddenly, everyone in the studio noticed a Stormtrooper flying straight through the entrance door, apparently having been hit by a Thunderbolt attack. Piers and the rest of the people in the studio were startled as they noticed Lt. Surge and his fellow Rebels storm into the studio…


    Heard you were looking for some enemies of the state,” Phil told Piers Morgan as he, Lt. Surge, Adewale, and Nick were pointing their guns at those in the studio. Just then, Hiro also joined the group, growing back to normal size, though to those in the studio, it looked as though he came out of thin air…


    So, what did I miss?” Hiro asked.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Apartment~


    Entering an apartment in one of the buildings that Connor said were available to be used for lodging, Darien and the others placed their stuff on the floor as they walked around the apartment. "Hmm, not bad," Darien commented, "There's a living room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms. Serena, Rini, you two can share that bedroom. Sammy and I can share that one." "Glad there's a heater. At least we don't have to worry about getting cold," Sammy added.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant~


    "Thank you," Katniss thanked Rey after she accepted the mission. Meanwhile, Finn turned around to look at Cid, who was seated in a nearby table while accompanied by BB-8, still drinking some vodka…


    "Hey, Cid… mind if we borrow BB-8 for a recon mission?" Finn asked. "Not at all," Cid replied as he looked at the droid, "Now you best behave yerself out there, alright?" BB-8 responded with an electronic beep, indicating that he understood, and rolled towards Natasha and Finn. "Any reason you want him joining us?" Natasha asked. "You can never have too much help with a mission like this," Finn replied. "I'll meet you guys near the village's entrance to guide you on where to go," Katniss told the others as she and Haymitch exited the restaurant, leaving Natasha, Finn, and BB-8 with Rey.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Meilin Lee
    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility~


    Running for her life after it was discovered she was secretly working with the Rebels, Jemma eventually found herself in a hallway, where Bobbi Morse was approaching her along with two Stormtroopers…


    Oh, no…” Jemma said to herself, breathing heavily as she wondered what to do. As the two Stormtroopers who were accompanying Bobbi pointed their blasters at Jemma, Bobbi did something that Jemma didn’t see coming. Taking out a pair of battle staves that she had hidden on her belt, Bobbi swung her weapons at the two Stormtroopers next to her, catching them off guard as she repeatedly smashed them with her staves and kicked them, knocking them both down. “What is happening?” a confused Jemma questioned as Bobbi smiled at her. “Don't worry,” Morse assured Simmons as she picked up a blaster belonging to one of the Stormtroopers, “Mace has a plan.


    ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory: Outside~


    "Well, that's that," Kristoff said as he, Olaf, and Saphir finished working on the engines. And as he and the others walked back to Elsa and Anna, they noticed the two sisters with their new clothes. "Hey, Anna and Elsa!" Olaf greeted the two, "We're done fixing the engines!" "Huh… did you two always have those clothes?" Kristoff asked. 'She really looks amazing with her new clothes,' Saphir thought to himself, blushing as he looked at Elsa.


    ~Scarif, The Maldives - Stolen NWO Ship~


    “Cargo shuttle SW-0608, be prepared to receive inspection team,” a voice in the cockpit told Bodhi as the ship he was piloting landed in the landing pad. “Ready?” Jyn asked Bodhi as she noticed inspectors approaching the ship along with some Stormtroopers.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    As Thorax was walking around, trying to see if there was a way to sneak T’Challa and the others into the facility, he was startled as a voice called out to him, “Hey, you there!” Turning around, Thorax noticed he was called out by the Inquisitor, Adagio Dazzle, who was also joined by her sisters who were also Inquisitors, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze...


    M-me?” Thorax asked. “Yeah, you,” Adagio replied, “My sisters and I are getting rather exhausted of walking around and monitoring this facility.” “Yeah, nothing interesting really happens here,” Sonata added. “Come on, girls… it never gets tiring watching people getting their brains ripped out in order to make Cybermen,” Aria commented. “As I was saying…” Adagio said, noticeably annoyed by her sisters talking when she was still talking to Thorax, “Make yourself useful, Stormtrooper. Fetch me an ice-cold lemonade.” “And get me ice tea. Half-and-half,” Aria added. “And I’ll have tacos,” Sonata requested, with Adagio facepalming at her sister’s request. “Uh, sure… coming right up, ladies,” Thorax replied as turned around, tripping and falling on the floor before quickly getting up and walking away. As for the three Inquisitors, they were visibly surprised by Thorax’s clumsiness, with Adagio commenting, “You know… I think Sonata may not be the least competent individual in this building.” “Agreed,” Aria concurred. “Yeah!” Sonata agreed as well before realizing what her sisters were implying about her, “Wait… what?


    ~Osaka, Japan - Television Station~


    After having his ants plant small explosives in sensitive spots on all the servers, Hiro, riding on Antony’s back as he was flying around the computer room, watched as the ants were leaving the servers in the room. “Alright, let’s fry these servers,” Hiro declared as he pressed a button on a device in his hand, triggering the explosives that were planted in the servers, causing them to let out electric charges that completely fried the servers. “Yeah!” Hiro cheered as he noticed the servers getting destroyed. “Lt. Surge…” Hiro communicated to Lt. Surge via radio, “The servers are fried. You are clear to infiltrate.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant~


    Star, Marco… can I have a word with you two?” Hiccup asked as he and Toothless approached the two while they were seated at a table. “Sure,” Marco replied, “What’s up?” “Well, Connor was just having a discussion with Mr. Orelov over there, and he was wondering if you two would be willing to do a bit of recon?” Hiccup asked. “Oooh, recon… I like the sound of that!” Star replied, “Count me in!” “Sure. I wouldn’t mind checking the scenery,” Marco added, “So, what exactly are we looking for?” “Well, there’s supposed to be a New World Order base not too far from here,” Hiccup replied, “We need you to find out whatever you can find out about the New World Order presence in the area. Besides you two, there’ll be another team out there doing some recon as well.” “Hmm, good to know,” Marco commented.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant (Again)~


    "Hey, Rey," Katniss said as she approached Rey along with Haymitch, Natasha, and Finn, "Connor has requested that you conduct some reconnaissance outside this village. There is supposed to be a New World Order base not too far from here. We need your team and another team to see what you can find out about the New World Order presence in the area. Orelov has offered to have two of his Rebels join you. This is Natasha Romanoff, and this is Finn." "Hey," both Natasha and Finn greeted Rey. "Would you be okay with taking in this mission?" Katniss asked Rey.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant (Again x2)~


    "Everyone… may I have your attention, please?" Connor called out to the Rebels in the restaurant, "Nikolai has informed me that the buildings around the restaurant can be used for lodging. They all have heaters so you can all stay warm. Make sure to get settled and take your items there." The Rebels then nodded began to leave the restaurant one by one to find a place to stay. "Come on, let's find a place to stay," Darien told Serena, Rini, and Sammy. "Okay," Sammy and Rini responded as they followed Darien to the exit.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 31, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Meilin Lee
    Hope everything's alright. The door is always open for you whenever you decide to come back.
    No objections from me. Thank you for volunteering to take control of his characters.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 31, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  15. Meilin Lee
    Updated OP with new reserves.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 27, 2019 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. Meilin Lee

    Square-Enix recently updated its job listings to include openings in Osaka related to "HD Development of the Kingdom Hearts series," with Square-Enix looking for a UI Designer, Effect Designer, and Technical Artist to join the Osaka team (the same team that has worked on every title in the series ever since Birth by Sleep). Considering the 'Kingdom Hearts III' DLC will be releasing within a few months, it is highly unlikely these positions are for the DLC, and instead feel like they will be focused on the next entry in the series.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Oct 27, 2019, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility - Lab~


    Walking back to the lab where she works, Jemma noticed everyone staring at her. Wondering why they were doing so, Jemma gasped as she noticed everyone’s computer had a photo of her sending a message to Rebels using the same flex screen that was confiscated earlier. Hyperventilating as she realized that she was now exposed, Jemma tried to think of what to do, but noticed Rubeus arrive with two Stormtroopers…


    There she is,” Rubeus told the Stormtroopers upon noticing Jemma, “Grab her!” Simmons then ran for her life, heading towards the exit as the Stormtroopers began chasing her.


    ~The Capital - Minato District: Abandoned House~


    Walking upstairs, Jenny, Foggy, and Matt found themselves in a girl’s bedroom, where they continued looking for any clues they could find on Frank Castle. “Osha?” Foggy wondered out loud as he noticed something on top of a drawer. “What is it, Foggy?” Matt asked. “Oshawott,” Foggy replied, pointing to a framed photograph. Picking it up, Jenny noticed that the photograph showed Frank, along with a woman, a boy, and a girl riding a carousel. “Jenny, what is it?” the blind demon asked Officer Jenny. “It’s Frank Castle, riding a carousel with a woman, a boy, and a girl,” Jenny answered, “I think… this is his family.” Upon hearing what Jenny said, Matt remembered his discussion with Frank, and how he suspected that he went through a loss. ‘Could he have… lost his family?’ Matt thought to himself. “Jenny, the x-ray you gave me… is it tied to a case?” Matt asked. “Yes,” Jenny replied, “But, I didn’t read it in detail. All I remember was that it was a shooting. I’ll reread it once I get back to HQ. And I’ll be sure to send you a copy.” “Thanks,” Matt replied.


    ~Calcutta, India: Abandoned Warehouse~


    After putting on the clothes that Amanda gave him, Dr. Banner walked around the warehouse he was in until he came across Amanda and the rest of her friends sitting near a bunch of empty crates…


    "Well, look who decided to show up," Amanda remarked upon noticing Bruce. "So, you're this Hulk guy that's got quite a reputation in this city?" Ursula asked. "Y-Yeah," Banner responded as he sat down, "Though, 'Hulk' is the name that the other guy uses. My name is actually Bruce. Dr. Buce Banner." "Other guy? You mean the Hulk is a completely different being than you?" Akko asked. "Ehh… yes and no… it's a bit complicated," Banner replied, "Let me put it this way… imagine a car with two drivers… my regular self, and the Hulk. Both of us have a hand on the wheel." "Huh… and have you always been like this?" Lotte asked. "No," Bruce answered, "Years ago, I used to be completely normal, with an amazing job as a scientist in the J.I.A. But after an experiment went wrong, I found myself turning into the Hulk whenever I get angry. The J.I.A. thought of me as a threat, so I escaped from Japan, and found myself here, hiding from the J.I.A. while trying to cure myself." "Looks like you still haven't been able to cure yourself," Sucy commented. "No…" Bruce replied, "After so much trial and error, I gave up. Figured I should instead focus on trying to help others instead. So, I now offer medical help to those in Calcutta who need it when they can't afford other doctors." "The J.I.A… but it was dissolved during the Great Purge," Diana commented. "So I heard," Bruce replied, "Funny thing is that when I came here, I made sure to avoid turning into the Hulk so I wouldn't be found by the J.I.A. But when the New World Order came, it's been harder to avoid getting angry. Hence why you keep hearing about these attacks against New World Order forces by a big green monster. But, enough about me… what about all of you… are you Rebels?" "Yes," Jasminka answered as she was eating some chips. "Huh, good to know," Bruce commented, "There hasn't really been a Rebel presence in Calcutta. I think you all are the first Rebels in the city." "Seriously?" Amanda questioned, "Well that's gotta change!" "And how do you propose we do that?" Diana asked Amanda, "Uhh… I'm sure I'll think of something," Amanda replied as she sweatdropped. "Well, it's going have to wait," Ursula said, "After the earlier incident, I'm sure there are countless Stormtroopers and Cybermen outside looking for us now." "I agree," Bruce replied, "Best to just stay low for now."


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant~


    How are things in Russia?” Connor asked Nikolai as they were seated together in a table along with Katniss, Dick, and Hiccup, while Toothless sat on the side with Haymitch on his head. “Well, things in Irkutsk are stable,” Nikolai responded, “My daughter is currently taking care of things over there while I am here. As for this area, the Rebels here have been having constant trouble with a nearby New World Order military base.” “Hmm, nothing out of the ordinary I see,” Dick commented. “Actually, I heard strange things have been happening recently with the base,” Nikolai replied. “‘Strange’... how?” Hiccup asked. “Well, the Stormtroopers seem to be more… nervous,” Nikolai answered as Connor and his friends looked at each other with confused faces, wondering what Nikolai meant, “And that’s not all. Some Rebels said that they saw TIE Fighters trying to attack the base, but the base’s turrets shot them down.” “Why would a New World Order base and New World Order TIE Fighters be on opposing sides?” Katniss wondered out loud. “Maybe… those TIE Fighters were captured by Rebels so they could have a better chance of attacking the base?” Dick theorized. “If it was Rebels, then I was not aware of it,” Nikolai said, “What do you think, Ratonhnhaké:ton?” “This is all puzzling,” Connor replied, “Perhaps it would be best to investigate this further. I propose sending some Rebels to conduct reconnaissance.” Nodding, Nikolai said, “No objections from me.


    ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory: Outside~


    Looking over one of the blueprints that Doc handed, Kristoff commented, "Now this definitely makes things easier. Olaf, Saphir… let's start with that engine over there." Looking at where Kristoff was pointing, Saphir and Olaf nodded as they followed Kristoff in order to fix one of the engines.


    ~Sky Over Scarif in The Maldives - Stolen NWO Ship~


    Landing track engaged,” Ignis said as he pressed some buttons while the shuttle descended towards landing pad 9. “Landing track locked,” Bodhi added as he too pressed some buttons on the cockpit. “We’re landing,” Cassian told the rest of the Rebels on the shuttle. As the Rebels prepared for landing, Jyn faced them all, telling them, “Saw Gerrera used to say, ‘One fighter with a sharp stick and nothing left to lose can take the day.’ They have no idea we’re coming. They have no reason to expect us. If we can make it to the ground, we’ll take the next chance. And the next. On and on until we win... or the chances are spent. The plans for the S-type superweapons are down there. Cassian, Ignis, and I will find them. We’ll find a way to find them.” “Noctis, Prompto… you two lead the others,” Cassian ordered Noctis and Prompto, “Move east. Find a position between here and the tower. Once you get to the best spot, light the place up. Make ten men feel like a hundred.” “Alright,” Noctis replied. “Got it!” Prompto added. “And make sure to get those troopers away from us,” Cassian said. “What should I do?” Bodhi questioned from the cockpit. “Keep the engine running,” Cassian replied, “You’re our only way out of here.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    As he was walking down a hallway after managing to get inside the Cyberman facility, Thorax asked Shuri on his earpiece, "Shuri… how did you get that ID number?" "Simple," Shuri responded on his earpiece…


    "I hacked into the building's security system in advance, and was able to pull up a list of Stormtroopers who would be working at the facility today," Shuri continued, "I picked the ID number of a Stormtrooper who appeared to be relatively new." "Huh. Good to know," Thorax remarked, "Anyway… let me see how I can get you guys inside. Thorax, out."


    ~Osaka, Japan - Television Station~


    Maneuvering inside the walls of the television station, Hiro, Antony, and the rest of the ants following them found their way into the building’s computer room through an air vent, where they found several servers. “No one’s here,” Hiro commented, “That’s good.” Taking out a few explosives from his pocket, Hiro said, “Alright, ants… time to blow up some servers and completely decimate this building’s security system.


    ~The Capital - Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling Class~


    Once Pokemon Battling class was over, Manon and her Chespin, Harry, were getting ready to leave. Just then, the Pokemon Battling instructor, Alan, said, "Manon. May I see you for a second?"


    "Uh, y-yeah," Manon replied as she and Harry walked towards Alan, both worried about what he was going to say, especially after what happened earlier in the week. “Tell me… how has your progress with trying to evolve your Chespin been?” Alan asked. “Oh, you know… just taking it one step at a time,” Manon lied as she gave an innocent smile. After a long pause, Alan said, “You’re lying.” As Manon and Harry gasped at what Alan said, Alan continued, “I am losing my patience with you, Manon… is it really that hard to try and evolve your Chespin?” “It’s just… Harry doesn’t want to evolve!” Manon replied. “Oh… so now he decides how things should work in the New World Order?!” Alan mocked, “If you aren’t able to make him evolve, maybe I should take him away from you.” “You leave him alone!” Manon cried. “Why you little brat!” Alan angrily exclaimed as he grabbed Manon’s arm. “Leemo!” Harry cried at the sight of what Alan was doing, jumping and biting the hand Alan was using to grab Manon’s arm. “Oww!” Alan cried after letting go of Manon’s arm when Harry bit it. “Leemo, Leemo!” Harry cried as he angrily stared at Alan while getting in front of Manon, as though he were trying to protect her. “Harry… it’s okay…” Manon told her Pokemon, trying to calm him down as she picked him up. “Leemo…” Harry replied as he turned to look at Manon, with the two sharing a hug. As for Alan, although he was angered, he felt something upon seeing Manon and Harry embrace each other the way they do. It was a feeling he couldn’t really explain. “I heard something from outside…” a Stormtrooper said upon entering the Pokemon battling class…


    “Is everything alright, sir?” the Stormtrooper asked Alan. Looking at Manon and Harry, who both seemed worried that Alan was going to complain about their actions, Alan replied, “No… everything’s fine.” ‘Very well,” the Stormtrooper said as he left, while Manon and Harry were visibly surprised by Alan’s actions. “Leave. Now,” Alan ordered Manon and Harry, who both silently nodded and left, while Alan was alone pondering to himself over what happened.


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant (Again)~


    Ugh, Siberia always makes me feel uneasy,” Discord commented as he and Mewtwo were seated together in a table, “Especially this village.” “Why is that?” Mewtwo asked. “Remember last July, when you and I were still part of the Crystal Order?” Discord asked. “Yes… that was when you were captured by the J.I.A.,” Mewtwo replied, “I remember… it happened in Siberia…” “Yeah…” Discord said, “I was training Crystal Order recruits to attack a village… this village… all because there were S-types in their crystalline forms here. Hard to believe how much of a bad guy I was back then. And I know I’m supposed to put the past behind me and all that… still, it’s hard for me not to feel ashamed by coming here.Doing such a thing can never be easy,” Mewtwo replied, “Simply focus on what we and the rest of the Rebels are doing here. Maybe that way, you will learn to forget the painful memory that you have associated with this place.” “Hmm… yeah, I suppose you’re right,” Discord said.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 19, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Meilin Lee
    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Upon hearing Astral say that the encounters with the Thief Rangers were so far only happening in America, a disappointed Vanitas facepalmed as he thought to himself, 'Is Astral really that clueless on how local law enforcement agencies function?' "Astral… I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I think you're asking the wrong people for help," Vanitas told the S-type, "You see… this is the Capital's police headquarters, where they deal with issues in the Capital, and ONLY in the Capital. America is way beyond their jurisdiction. You'd probably be better off asking the Grand Inquisitor to provide with you some of my fellow Inquisitors to help you out. Anyway, you mentioned Nintendo High… I could probably ask the Chief to send additional officers to patrol the school, which already has extra security added ever since the airship incident. But other than that, there's nothing the Police Rangers can do for you."


    ~Siberia, Russia: Empty Restaurant~


    As Cid was drinking a glass of vodka while Finn, Natasha, and Nikolai were discussing something, BB-8 gave out an electronic beep, indicating to Cid that a large group was entering the restaurant. Looking to see who had arrived, Cid noticed that Connor and his group of Rebels have arrived after being led to the restaurant by two Russian Rebels…


    Well, what have we got here… hey, Nikolai, look who’s decided to show up,” Cid told Nikolai. Turning his attention to Connor’s group, Nikolai smiled as walked towards the group, saying, “Welcome to Russia. It is good to finally see you in person, Ratonhnhaké:ton!” “The pleasure is all mine, Nikolai,” Connor replied as he shook hands with the Russian Rebel leader. “Please, make yourselves at home,” Nikolai advised the group, “I understand not many of you are used to this kind of weather. There is a large fireplace to the corner if anyone wants to warm themselves.” “Thank you, sir,” Clemont thanked Nikolai as he and his sister, Bonnie, walked towards the fireplace, warming themselves. “Deden!” Bonnie’s Dedenne cried as it was warming itself as well. “Mind if we join you?” Rini asked Clemont as she and Sammy walked towards the fireplace to get warm as well. “Not at all,” Clemont replied. “Yeah, we can all fit,” Bonnie added. “Thanks,” both Rini and Sammy replied as they warmed themselves as well. As for the rest of the group, most of them took a seat all around the empty restaurant to relax. “Big group,” Natasha told Finn. “Yeah, it certainly is,” Finn concurred. “Anyway, Ratonhnhaké:ton… let us talk,” Nikolai told Connor. “Of course,” Connor replied as he, Katniss, Dick, and Hiccup followed Nikolai to a table in the corner of the restaurant.


    ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory: Outside~


    Hey, Kristoff…” Saphir called out to Kristoff as he and Olaf were carrying a large toolbox together, “Olaf and I found this. It’s full of tools that I’m sure would be useful.” “Good,” Kristoff replied as Saphir and Olaf placed the toolbox next to Kristoff. “Hey there, Sven,” Kristoff greeted his reindeer as he came rushing towards him, licking Kristoff...


    Hehe, alright, that’s enough, Sven," Kristoff told his reindeer, "So, how was spying?” “Spying?” both Olaf and Saphir questioned, wondering what Kristoff was referring to. “Oh, I just had Sven spy on you while you went to get some tools from the factory,” Kristoff replied. As Olaf and Saphir looked at each other, Olaf asked Kristoff, “You really don’t trust us, do you?” “Nothing personal,” Kristoff replied, “I just have trust issues. Now grab some tools from the box and make yourselves useful.” “Yes, sir,” Saphir and Olaf both said as they both grabbed a tool from the toolbox along with Kristoff, trying to see how they can begin working on fixing the ship.


    ~Osaka, Japan - Television Station~


    Riding on Antony as he flew towards the television station, Hiro noticed a swarm of ants that he summoned with his Ant-Man powers flying towards him and Antony. “Alright, guys… through the vent!” Hiro ordered the ants as he and the ants all flew threw an air vent on the side of the building, hoping to find the building’s security system as soon as possible.


    ~Northern Nigeria - Outside New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    As two Stormtroopers were standing guard outside the Cyberman facility, Thorax walked towards them while in his Stormtrooper disguise, pretending to act like a Stormtrooper…


    "How do you do, fellow Stormtroopers," Thorax greeted the two Stormtroopers. "Huh, wait a second," one of the Stormtroopers responded as he and his partner stopped Thorax, feeling suspicious about him, "What were you doing outside the facility?" "Oh, uh, you know… just taking a break, walking outside while enjoying the fresh air," Thorax responded. "Uh-huh… what's your identification number, soldier?" the other Stormtrooper questioned. "M-my… identification number?" Thorax asked while stuttering. "Yeah," one of the Stormtroopers replied as he and his partner got their blasters ready, "What is it?" "Well, it's, uhh…" Thorax said, not sure what to say. "Thorax!" Shuri's voice communicated to Thorax through his earpiece…


    "Here's an identification number you can use… 001995TS," Shuri told Thorax. "Umm, 001995TS," Thorax told the two Stormtroopers. "001995TS? Oh, you're the new recruit, Gary!" one of the Stormtroopers replied, "No wonder you seemed so nervous." "Uhh, yup. That's me… Gary the Stormtrooper," Thorax said. "Alright, alright, sorry to give you such a scare, kid," one of the Stormtroopers replied as he opened the door to the facility for Thorax, "You're free to enter." "Alright then… thanks!" Thorax thanked the Stormtroopers as he entered the facility, wondering how Shuri was able to acquire an identification number that worked.


    ~Calcutta, India: Abandoned Warehouse~


    Slowly opening his eyes, Dr. Banner woke up, finding himself shirtless while wearing torn pants, most likely having been torn while he was the Hulk. Looking around, Banner was startled upon noticing Amanda was watching him while sitting on a chair backwards…


    H-Hey,” Banner greeted Amanda, “Did I hurt anybody?” “Just a bunch of Stormtroopers and Cybermen, which I gotta say, was pretty cool,” Amanda replied. “So… you saw me all big… and green?” Bruce asked. “The whole thing. Here you go,” Amanda replied as she tossed a shirt and a pair of pants to Bruce, “Found those nearby. Certainly beats walking around shirtless with torn pants.” “Thank you,” Bruce thanked Amanda as he was checking to make sure the clothes she gave him would fit. “So, what’s your story?” Amanda asked, “Are you an alien?” “What?” Bruce questioned, surprised by what Amanda just asked. “From outer space, an alien?” Amanda asked. “No,” Bruce answered. “Well then, sir, you've got a condition,” Amanda said as she got out of her chair, “I’ll leave you alone to put those clothes on. I’m gonna be with my friends. Come on and say hi once you’re ready.” “S-sure,” Banner replied as Amanda walked away while Bruce was putting on the clothes Amanda gave him.


    ~Castelia City, New York - Restaurant~


    I don't like being threatened,” Shining Armor sternly told Raina. “This isn't a threat,” Raina replied, “It's a gesture of goodwill. I would like nothing more than to delete that photo.” “And in return, what do you want?” Shining Armor questioned. “From you? Nothing,” Raina answered, “But I will need to take Skye with me.” “Excuse me?” a surprised Shining Armor questioned while Hunter, May, and Skye herself were stunned by Raina’s request, “What in the world is this really about? And why do you think I would ever let that happen?” “To prevent every employee at a New World Order facility in Los Angeles from receiving an automated e-mail with this photo,” Raina responded, “You see, I happened to be in Los Angeles last week, and I saw Miss Simmons trying to send messages to the Rebels. I have already left an anonymous tip to the New World Order of a possible spy within their ranks in L.A.” Tapping on her phone’s screen and sliding it towards Shining Armor, a two minute timer appeared on the phone, with Raina warning, “You have two minutes, after which, there's nothing I can do. The New World Order will soon find out that Simmons is a double-agent secretly working for the Rebels. That is, unless… you give me Skye.” “Where are you planning to take Skye?” Shining Armor questioned. “To meet her dad, of course,” Raina answered. As Skye was going through so many emotions after hearing what Raina just said, May warned her, “She's lying.” “I’m curious… have you always been working for Skye's father?” Shining Armor asked. “I'm just trying to make the best out of a difficult situation,” Raina answered. “By threatening the life of one of my friends?” Shining Armor questioned. “By allowing one to find out who she really is,” Raina retorted, “That's what Skye's been searching for her whole life. Ask her yourself, Shining Armor. She's here, isn't she... listening?” “You know… back in Toshima, I remember you said that Skye’s father loves her very much, that she was taken from him against his will, and that he's spent her entire life searching for her,” Shining Armor said, “But when we went to that clinic where you said we’d find him… he wasn’t there. Instead, we just found a bunch of dead bodies. That tells me exactly what kind of man Skye’s father is, and I’m not exactly comfortable letting her meet a man like that.” “Shining Armor... deep down, I know you're a good individual. Someone like that would never intentionally keep a daughter from her father... especially when so much is at stake,” Raina replied as she looked at her phone, with the timer currently at 35 seconds remaining, “You're running out of time. Give Skye what she's always wanted... or else Jemma Simmons dies.” Sliding Raina’s phone towards her, Shining Armor said, “No deal.” As Raina was perplexed by the pony’s decision, Skye immediately got up from her seat, only for May to rush towards her, pushing her towards the women's restroom, and restraining her on the wall. “Stand down, Skye,” May ordered Skye. “Were you not listening?” Skye questioned May, “If I don't go with Raina, Simmons is gonna die.” “Shining has a plan,” May retorted. “Okay, but maybe his judgment is not what it used to be,” Skye said as she tried to break free, only for May to restrain her harder. “I said stand down,” May ordered Skye. “Look, it's not too late. We can fix this. No one needs to get hurt,” Raina pleaded to Shining Armor, “Please.” Shining Armor, however, didn’t even respond, simply staring at Raina with a grin. Eventually, he noticed the timer on Raina’s phone reached zero, with a message appearing saying ‘Executing File Transfer’.


    ~The Capital - Minato District: Abandoned House~


    As Officer Jenny passed by some children’s drawings on the wall, she came across a portrait of a man wearing a military uniform. “Could this… be him?” Jenny asked. Wondering what Jenny was talking about, Foggy walked over to her. But upon noticing the portrait she was looking at, Foggy instantly recognized the man in the portrait as Frank (a.k.a. The Punisher), the man he and Matt encountered three days ago, gasping as he cried, “OSHA!!!” “What’s going on?” Matt questioned. “Well, based on Foggy’s reaction, I’m guessing I found a portrait of the Punisher himself,” Jenny replied, “Seems like his full name is Frank Castle. And… he was apparently a lieutenant in the Japanese army. Hmm, and if I’m reading his badge correctly… he seems to have served in Afghanistan.” “So… I guess we can be 100% sure that this was his home, and that the x-ray you provided me was of him,” Matt commented, “And his military background certainly explains his skill with firearms. Still, I feel like there’s more to the story.” “I agree,” Jenny replied, “Let’s keep looking.


    ~Sky Over Scarif in The Maldives - Stolen NWO Ship~


    “SW-0608 clear for landing pad 9. Acknowledge, please,” a flight controller said over the radio as Bodhi was flying the shuttle over Scarif. “SW-0608 proceeding to LP9 as instructed,” Bodhi responded, looking for the landing pad where the shuttle was authorized to land. “The main building down there, what is it?” Cassian asked, noticing a large tower overlooking everything else in Scarif. “That’s the Citadel Tower,” Bodhi answered, “They keep all the New World Order structure archives in there. If the plans are anywhere, they’ll be there.” “The dish at the top? What’s it for?” Cassian asked. “I guess it takes a lot of signals to send those data files out,” Bodhi replied.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 16, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Meilin Lee
    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Alright, I’ll see what my Police Rangers and I can do about it,” Vanitas replied, “One of the Police Rangers is out taking care of something, but until she gets back, please tell me more about these Thief Rangers as you call ‘em. Where in the Capital have they been causing trouble exactly? If they do have Zords, then luckily for us, we’ve got the Tigerzord, Dragonzord, and the Megazord that the Power Rangers were using prior to the Great Purge at our disposal.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    You… did?” Darien wondered out loud after Serena indicated that she did feel something after kissing him. ‘I wonder… could she have had the same vision as I did?’ Darien thought to himself. “Alrighty… everyone’s inside the circle… we are good to go,” Discord remarked. “Good. Take us there now, Discord,” Connor ordered Discord. “Yes, sir,” Discord said, “Going to Russia in 3… 2… 1…” Discord then clapped his paws, and the entire group inside the circle had teleported away...


    ~Siberia, Russia~


    And we’re here,” Discord said after the entire group teleported to a snowy forest in Russia. “Brrr… and I can feel the cold already,” Ritchie remarked as he was shivering. “Pika…” Sparky concurred, feeling just as cold. “We should be meeting with the local Rebels in a nearby village,” Katniss announced. “Would it happen to be that one over there?” Clemont questioned, pointing to an area not too far from the group where there were a couple of small buildings. “That is it,” Connor replied. “Alright everyone, let’s go!” Luna ordered the others as they walked towards the village. Upon arriving to the village’s boundary, the group of Rebels saw some armed men approaching them. “Aren’t they expecting us?” Sammy wondered out loud. “Let me talk to them,” Darien said, “I’ve studied a bit of Russian during my time in the J.I.A. Perhaps I could convince them we’re not the enemy.” Approaching the two armed men, Darien tried greeting them in Russian, saying, “Dosvedanya!” “That means ‘goodbye’,” one of the arm men responded with a thick Russian accent as he and his partner laughed at Darien failing to greet them in Russia. “Okay… maybe my Russian needs a bit of work…” Darien commented, swetdropping as he returned to the group of Rebels. “Ratonhnhaké:ton!” one of the Russian men cried upon recognizing Connor, quickly giving a bow to the Rebel leader along with his partner, “We’ve been expecting you.” “Please, there is no need for that,” Connor replied to the Russian man, not wanting him or his partner to bow to him, “Has Nikolai Orelov arrived yet?” “Yes, he has!” one of the two Russian men immediately replied, “He is waiting for you in the village’s main restaurant. Please, follow me.” Nodding, Connor and the other Rebels followed the two Russian men.


    ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory: Outside~


    Great!” Kristoff replied as he observed the damages on the ship, “Okay… where to start… Olaf, Saphir, go get some supplies. There’s bound to be a lot in the factory.” “Uhh, okay…” Olaf responded as he and Saphir walked back towards the factory, wondering if they would be able to find supplies there. “Hey, Sven… follow those two, and make sure they don’t try doing something I wouldn’t approve of,” Kristoff ordered his reindeer. Nodding, Sven ran off towards the factory, intending to spy on Olaf and Saphir.


    ~Osaka, Japan - Outside Television Station~


    As they kept waiting, Fury, Coulson, Hiro, and Baymax eventually noticed Lt. Surge from the other vehicle give a thumbs up, signalling to Hiro that it was time for him to do his job. “That’s my cue,” Hiro commented as he put on his Ant-Man helmet…


    Wish me luck,” Hiro said as he shrunk down to the size of an ant while Baymax opened the door next to him…


    Alright Antony… time to fly,” Hiro told his ant companion, climbing up his back, and holding on as Antony began flying outside the car towards the television station.


    ~Northern Nigeria - Outside New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    Noticing one of her Kimoyo beads flashing red, Okoye told Thorax, “It is time.” Nodding, Thorax transformed himself into a Stormtrooper, hoping the guise will allow him to enter the facility…


    How do I look?” Thorax asked. “Very convincing,” T’Challa replied. “Looks are one thing,” Shuri added, “But you will need to know what to say if you are asked questions. As long as I can communicate with you on your earpiece, I will make sure you know what to say so you don’t get caught.” “Got it,” Thorax acknowledged as he went down the hill, heading towards the New World Order facility. “I hope this works…” Nakia commented.


    ~Castelia City, New York - Restaurant~


    In an elegant restaurant in the middle of Castelia City, Shining Armor, wearing formal clothing, was sitting alone in a table waiting for the arrival of Raina. Elsewhere in the restaurant, Hunter, May, and Skye were each seated in separate tables, all three monitoring for any sign of Raina...


    Still nothing,” Hunter communicated through his earpiece. “Copy that,” May responded on her earpiece. “Hang on… incoming at 4 o’clock,” Skye told the others through her earpiece as she noticed Raina entering the restaurant…


    The tiny girl in the flower dress?” Hunter questioned as he noticed Raina, “That's who everyone's making such a fuss about?” As Shining Armor and Raina saw each other, Shining Armor got out of his seat while Raina approached him. “It's good to see you, Shining Armor,” Raina greeted the pony. “Raina,” Shining Armor greeted her back, pulling a chair out for Raina, allowing her to take a seat before sliding her back and then going back to his seat. “I was worried you weren't going to accept my invitation... but perhaps I wasn't the only one looking forward to our next meeting,” Raina told Shining Armor. Overhearing what Raina said, Hunter questioned, “Is she hitting on him?” “Yep,” Skye responded. “You implied there was something urgent to discuss, so here I am,” Shining Armor told Raina, “Either way, you're gonna give me what I want. Now… tell me where to find the Obelisk.” “I'm afraid it's out of my hands,” Raina replied. “That really doesn't work for me,” Shining Armor said, “I've seen what that thing can do. It's too dangerous to be out in the real world.” “You've only seen the beginning,” Raina replied, “Just because something's powerful doesn't make it dangerous.” “In this case, it's more the death and destruction,” Shining Armor remarked. “You must believe me, Shining Armor... we want the same thing,” Raina replied. “Unless it's an end to this conversation, I'm pretty sure we don't,” Shining Armor said. “You really know how to make a girl feel special,” Raina replied in a flirting manner. “Only when I suspect she has something up her sleeve,” Shining Armor said, “I should know… I’m a married stallion.” “It's in my purse, actually,” Raina replied, chuckling as she was taking something out of her purse, “Right now, the New World Order's looking for a spy within their ranks. I wonder what would happen to Jemma Simmons... if this were to fall into the wrong hands.” The hearts of Shining Armor, May, and Skye sunk upon hearing Raina’s warning regarding their friend, Jemma Simmons, with the pony stunned as Raina showed him a picture on her phone of Jemma as she is sending a message to the Rebels on her flex screen while outside in a park.


    ~The Capital - Minato District~


    Standing under the rain, Matt and Foggy were in front of an abandoned house they they believe could be the house of the Punisher, that is, if the janitor Matt spoke to earlier could be trusted. Pretty soon, the two heard a motorcycle arriving to the scene…


    So, this is it?” Officer Jenny asked as she got out of her motorcycle and approached the two. “I think so,” Murdock replied. “Alright, well… I was able to get permission, so we should be good to go in,” Jenny said. Nodding, Matt replied, “I don’t detect any signs of life inside.” “Then that makes our job a lot easier,” Jenny said as she, Matt, and Foggy walked towards the house’s front door. Using a lockpick, Jenny was able to get the door open, and the three were able to get in. “It’s very dusty, and dark,” Jenny noted as she took out a flashlight to help her and Foggy see. “Guess no one’s been living here for a while,” Matt replied as the three began walking around the living room, with Jenny and Foggy noticing magazines on the coffee table, and Matt avoiding stepping on children’s toys still scattered on the floor.


    ~Sky Over Scarif in The Maldives - Stolen NWO Ship~


    The Rogue One group finally arrived to the atmosphere above Scarif, a group of islands where a New World Order base was located. The entire area was surrounded by a deflector shield to protect it from any possible attacks, with the only way in or out would be through a shield gate located on top of the deflector shield, where two New World Order Helicarriers were hovering around it for protection. “Okay. Here goes nothing… Bissmillah,” Bodhi muttered to himself, reciting a quick Muslim prayer before clicking on a button to communicate with those in the shield gate, “Cargo shuttle SW-0608 requesting a landing pad.” “Cargo shuttle SW-0608, you’re not listed on the arrival schedule,” the voice of an officer in the shield gate responded on the cockpit’s radio. “Acknowledged, Gate Control,” Bodhi told man, “We were rerouted from Sioux Falls due to excessive damages to our station over there. Transmitting clearance code now.” “Transmitting,” Ignis commented as he pressed on some buttons in the cockpit, transmitting the shuttle’s clearance code to the shield gate. The Rebels on the shuttle then began waiting for about a minute before the officer on the radio said, “Cargo shuttle SW-0608? You are cleared for entry.” “Yes!” Bodhi cheered, happy to hear that he would be able to fly the shuttle inside Scarif. “Impressive,” Ignis commended Bodhi as he flew the shuttle through the shield gate, officially bringing Rogue One into the confines of Scarif. Smiling as she heard the good news, Jyn told the other members of Rogue One, “Alright everyone… get ready.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Meilin Lee
    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Astral? What are you doing here?” Vanitas questioned the S-type as he approached it while accompanied by two Stormtroopers, “I’m actually responsible for the Police Rangers, so if there’s anything you need from them, you can ask me.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    ‘Well… better get this over with…’ Darien thought to himself as he took a deep breath, leaning down to give Serena a quick kiss, hoping no one would tease him and Serena over this moment. But just as their lips touched, something was triggered…


    ‘Huh? What?’ Darien thought to himself, suddenly finding himself experiencing a vision of some sort, finding himself wearing the same clothes as he did during the dream he had the night he was brought into Serena’s home while wounded. Just like in the dream, Darien didn't feel any control over his body. But this time, he found himself looking at the princess that appeared in his dreams, with the two appearing to be on a balcony of some sort of palace, sharing a kiss with her. ‘What am I doing?’ Darien thought to himself, ‘This isn’t right, but… it still feels… familiar…’ Once the kiss between the two ended, Darien saw himself turn to face the sky. But what appeared in the sky shocked Darien. ‘Wait… is that… Earth?!’ a confused Darien thought to himself, seeing planet Earth in the sky, ‘Wait… if Earth’s there… then am I… in the Moon?!’ “Your highness,” a familiar voice called out, approaching Darien and the princess. ‘Wait… that voice… I know it…” Darien thought to himself. Feeling himself turn around, Darien’s heart sank as he saw the individual approaching him and the princess…


    ‘It can’t be… Connor?!’ Darien thought to himself. While there were some differences, the man Darien saw resembled Connor a lot, and even sounded like him a bit. “Yes, Ratonhnhaké:ton?” Darien heard himself greeting the man resembling Connor. ‘Wait… did I just call him Ratonhnhaké:ton? That’s the other name Connor uses…’ Darien thought to himself, feeling even more confused than before. “We must go,” the man resembling Connor responded, “Ira says it is important.” “Very well,” Darien heard himself tell the man resembling Connor. ‘Ira? Wait… I know that name… he was in my dream the last time I experienced this too,’ Darien thought to himself, ‘But… why am I having these dreams in the first place?’ “Darien?” another voice suddenly called out to Darien, “Hellooo… Darien?” ‘What the?’ Darien thought to himself as his vision suddenly ended...


    Darien? Darien?” Connor called out to Darien, whose mind appeared to be blank, placing his hand on Darien’s shoulder and shook it, trying to get him to snap out of whatever he was going through. Blinking as he shook his head, Darien asked, “Huh… what... happened?” “After the kiss, you just stood there without saying a word,” Rini replied, “Connor then arrived and tried waking you up. We were getting worried.” “Well, it wasn’t really a kiss,” Discord remarked, “It was more of a small peck. Really disappointing if you ask me.” “Discord, that is enough. No more games,” Connor ordered Discord. “Ugh, fine,” a disappointed Discord replied as he snapped his fingers, with the kiss cam monitor floating over the Rebels instantly disappearing. “So… what happened?” Connor asked. “I… I don’t know,” Darien answered, “I don’t think I could even explain it.” “Eh, it was probably just shock from experiencing a kiss for the first time,” Dick remarked. “Correction… small peck,” Discord corrected Dick, “But yeah, guess this was just a nothingburger.” “Very well,” Connor said, “Darien, Serena… if either of you feel anything, please let me know. Your well-being, as well as the well-being of every other Rebel, is my top concern. Understood?” “Y-Yeah,” Darien replied, nodding, “Thanks, Connor.” Nodding, Connor turned to face Discord, saying, “Now, let us get back to getting ready to go to Russia.” “Yes, sir,” Discord replied, giving Connor a salute as he made final preparations, drawing a large dotted circle around the group of Rebels heading towards Russia. “You sure you’re okay?” Rini asked. “Of course, Rini. I’m fine,” Darien assured Rini. “Well, alright. If you say so,” Rini replied. Looking at Serena, Darien was curious if Serena experienced the same thing he did, whispering to her, “Serena… did you feel something... weird when we kissed?


    ~Sky Over Indian Ocean - Stolen NWO Ship~


    Okay, we’re coming in,” Bodhi told the others as the Rogue One group was flying over the Indian Ocean, nearing the New World Order base located in the small group of islands known as Scarif, “There’s an area-wide defensive shield with a single main entry gate. This shuttle should be equipped with an access code that allows us through.” “Assuming, the New World Order hasn’t logged it as overdue,” Ignis commented. “Or stolen,” Cassian added. “And if they have?” Jyn questioned. “Then, they shut the gate and we’re all annihilated,” Bodhi answered. “Lovely…” Noctis sarcastically remarked.


    ~Los Angeles, California: New World Order Facility - Women’s Restroom~


    Everything will be just fine,” Simmons nervously told herself, taking a deep breath as she flushed the toilet and exited her stall. But the moment she exited her stall, Simmons was startled, gasping as she noticed Bobbi Morse approaching her…


    Don't you seem nervous?” Bobbi questioned Simmons as she crossed her arms, noticing that Jemma was exhaling sharply. “Well... maybe it has something to do with you... lurking right outside of my stall,” Jemma responded. “Rubeus informed me that you and the man we apprehended earlier were lab partners,” Bobbi told Jemma. “We'd worked together on a couple of assignments, yes,” Jemma replied. “Well, there are some who believe that he may not have been acting alone,” Bobbi told Jemma, “Were you colluding with him?” “No,” Jemma scoffed as she chuckled. “Did you plant the flex screen on his desk?” Bobbi asked. “No,” Jemma lied. Grinning, Bobbi said, “You're not a very good liar, are you? Maybe I should take a look at your hard drive, see what I find.” “Go right ahead. It's nothing but New World Order files,” Jemma replied. But as Jemma tried to leave, Bobbi butted in front of her, warning Jemma, “Oh, it better be. I want you to keep something in mind, Simmons... the New World Order is everywhere. Carry on.” Bobbi then left the women’s restroom, while Jemma was breathing deeply, worrying that sooner or later, the New World Order would find out that she was really a double agent.


    ~Calcutta, India~


    Not too long after introducing himself to Amanda, Akko, and Diana, the Hulk noticed two Stormtroopers running towards them…


    Letting out an angry roar, the Hulk noticed one of the Stormtroopers was carrying a grenade launcher, pointing at the three witches. As Akko, Amanda, and Diana gasped once the Stormtrooper fired his grenade launcher, launching a canister towards them, the Hulk quickly caught the canister with his left hand, intending to crush it in the palm of his hand. But as the Hulk crushed the canister, it let out a gas that the Hulk accidentally inhaled, causing him to cough and then feel drowsy, before collapsing to the ground, sleeping. “Hulk?” Amanda said, poking him as he slept. “That gas must’ve put him to sleep,” Diana remarked. “Uh-oh…” a worried Akko said as she, Diana, and Amanda saw the two Stormtroopers slowly approach them, pointing their blasters at them. “Hehe… no big green monster to protect you now,” one of the Stormtroopers remarked, “Now hands up!” Upon raising their arms in surrender, the three witches noticed the two Stormtroopers were struck with lightning from behind, knocking them out. Confused, the three witches looked to see who was responsible for saving them, noticing Ursula with her wand out, along with Lotte, Sucy, Constanze, and Jasminka…


    Are you girls okay?” Ursula asked Akko, Amanda, and Diana. “We sure are,” Akko responded. “Thank you,” Diana added as she nodded. “Is that…?” Sucy wondered out loud as she and the others took note of the Hulk as he was sleeping. “Yup, the big green monster in the flesh,” Amanda responded, “He saved us earlier from a bunch of Stormtroopers and Cyberman. Says he’s called ‘Hulk’.” “Incredible…” Lotte commented as the witches observed him. However, just then, the witches noticed something strange happening to the Hulk, with his body growing smaller, while also becoming less green and less muscular. “What the?!” several of the witches remarked as the Hulk transformed back into a regular human being…


    He was… just a regular man the whole time?!” Amanda wondered out loud. “I don’t know…” Ursula replied, “But we better get out of here before more New World Order reinforcements arrive.” “Right,” the others said, while Constanze indicated to Jasminka to carry the sleeping Dr. Banner. Nodding, Jasminka picked up Banner, carrying him as she followed the other witches while they looked for a place to hide.


    ~Northern Nigeria - Outside New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    So… now what?” Thorax asked as he and the others gathered on a hill overlooking a New World Order facility where captured Rebels are converted to Cybermen. “I am still waiting for the local Rebels to give us a signal that we are clear to move forward,” Okoye responded, “Once we get the signal, we will need you to disguise yourself as a Stormtrooper to let us in.” “And remember,” T’Challa reminded the others, “If possible, avoid any altercation with the New World Order forces over there. We just need to make sure we can rescue any captive Rebels there as smoothly as possible.” The others nodded in agreement as they continued waiting for the signal.


    ~Osaka, Japan - Outside Television Station~

    Arriving outside a television station used by the New World Order’s Holonet News, two vehicles parked near a tree to avoid detection from any nearby Stormtroopers or Cybermen…


    In one of the vehicles, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Hiro Hamada, and Baymax looked at the building up ahead. “There it is,” Fury said, “Once a local news station, now used by the New World Order for their propaganda.” “Security’s gotta be tight,” Coulson remarked, “How do we get in?” “Leave that to me,” Hiro responded, “I can shrink and get some ants to help me get into the building’s security system so I can break it apart.” “The same way we shrunk our vehicles to sneak past checkpoints?” Coulson asked. “Same technology,” Hiro replied. “And now, we wait on Surge,” Fury said, looking at the other vehicle, where Lt. Surge (along with his Raichu) and Adewale were monitoring the activity around the building...


    Okay, Baymax… once Surge gives the signal, you open the door,” Hiro ordered Baymax. “Affirmative, Hiro,” Baymax responded.


    ~New Mexico - Mann Co Factory: Outside~


    So, any idea how long it’ll take to fix this ship?” Kristoff asked Aoi and Kai as he and his group approached them, “If you need any sort of help, I’ll gladly volunteer. The crew of this ship saved my hide three days ago, so I feel like I owe them. And as a bonus, Olaf and Saphir here will gladly volunteer to help out as well.” Looking at each other with confused expressions on their faces before shifting their attention back to Kristoff, Saphir and Olaf asked, “We… will?”
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 6, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena