I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you...
-Holds- Not from everyone...
Yeah... -Kisses- I wish I was strong enough to protect you.
I better not tell Shawn about people picking on you... he'll probably kill them.
Aww.. i'm sorry...
-Kisses back- How are you? ^^
No. I made it myself.
Hi !
YAY~ -Kisses-
Awesome. :3333
^^ *Snuggles* Can you scan the manga when it's done?
-Snuggles- Well... maybe you could... damn, I got nothing.
I said IF! D:
The sexy friend of the hero? xD And if the hero is a girl, the sexy boyfriend of the hero? xD
-Kisses- Okay. I love you.
She can't seperate us... we'll always be together... -kisses-
Aww... that's stupid... -Kisses-
-Hugs tight-
-Kisses- I missed you...
-Huggles back- Sorry I haven't been on...